How to encourage children to play outdoor games If you are happy with your children playing video games or spending most of their time in front of mobile/computers screen, then don’t feel guilty and skip this article. As a parent, most of us are worried as to how to encourage children to play outdoor games. With increasing exposure to internet and electronic medium, children today are spending most of their time either playing video games or on social networking sites. Days are not far when we will scantly find children playing in parks. Is playing really necessary? According to many scientific researches (including American Academy of pediatrics) “play is essential for cognitive, physical and social well-being of children & youths”. So as a parent we can take certain steps that can encourage children to play outdoor games. These are simple yet effective tips. I, along with one of my neighbor, have used these simple tips to successfully persuade our kids to choose outdoors games. Gradually other concerned parents joined us to support our efforts. 1.
Play with them
The best way to encourage children to play outdoor games is to play with them. They share a very special bonding with you, so playing with them will be a fun for you also. I know it’s difficult to squeeze out time for games from your busy schedule but you have to do it. Spending some time to play with them after office hours (even 10 minutes) is a great way to bond with them and also for encouraging them for play.
Most importantly for your child you are his/her role model. They usually try to follow your activities. So if you play with them, they will feel motivated enough to enthusiastically involve in play. This is very powerful, effective and underrated motivation tip. 2.
Collaborate with other parents
Children form habits both from home and outside. Peer pressure is the real thing that can stimulate them to form habits; both good and bad. Children usually want to do what their peers are doing. At young age it is difficult for them to distinguish what habits are good for them and what are bad. So in order to encourage children to play outdoor game it’s important that other children’s should also do the same. This way if their friends are playing they will also want to play with them. This is a contagious behavior present in most of the children. That’s why it’s important that parents should collaborate among themselves to motivate children.
Plan weekend trips
We all should spend some time to visit different places. Weekend trips are a great way to recharge ourselves. Children especially enjoy weekend trips. But with increasing work pressure family outing are decreasing day by day. I am not saying that we should be out of town on every weekend. But yes visiting park and playing with children on Saturday evening instead of watching moving in mall is a great way to encourage children to play outdoor games.
Even if we do this every once in a while, kids will enjoy these outings more than playing video games till late nights.
Ask interesting questions
It’s important as a parent that we should motivate our children to ask interesting question and think creatively. If they question things then their cognitive abilities will improve. Asking interesting things about the game they are playing increases their interest in the game. Pretend in front of them that you don’t know how to throw that volley ball or how to hit a baseball. Once they start to explain things to you, their excitement can be sensed through their voice and body posture. This is an ingenious way to raise their interest in games.
Sometimes follow their lead
Sometimes children discover their own new games. We should not force them to play a particular kind of game as per our interest. Let them play what they like. Sometimes just running in the park behind a squirrel is a perfect game for them. I remember how my daughter enjoyed a simple activity of touching as a game. She would hide behind the door and when I was typing on my laptop she would touch my laptop and run back to her mother. She enjoyed this activity so much that she keep on doing this for more than 10 times. I just played my part by acting as if I will run after her to catch her.
So sometimes it’s ok if you follow their lead and play with them what according to them is a fun activity or play.
Take care of your gifts
Every child enjoys a gift. Many a times they show their gifts proudly to their friends. I have seen many parents giving video games or game console as gifts to their children and others. I am not saying they should not play video games but we should take care not to flood their room with games. If children like video games and everyone gift them video games only than it would become difficult to persuade them to play outside. So you should take care what you are gifting to your and others children. That why I emphasis on second point above that to encourage children to play outdoor games, “collaborate� with other parents.
Set regular playing time
By regular playing time I mean encourage them to play on a daily basis. This will help them to strike a meaningful balance between different activities throughout the day. By having regular playing hours they will not only get disciplined but also collaborate play time with their friends. Playing with friends on a daily basis form a habit that encourage children to play outdoor games .
Limit exposure to social sites
This is a no brainer. We all know how social networking sites are affecting young minds. Today instead of playing outside with friends, children are enjoying chatting on various social sites. We all know that anything in excess is poison and I also know children won’t shun social sites entirely. So it’s better if we limit their exposure to screens. If we do this from young age it would be easy to encourage children to play outdoor games.
Sports movies
Sometimes, things are better understood when seen rather than talked about. There are many great sport movies available that can motivate children to play outdoors. Not only this, sports movie can also show them various benefits of playing and life lessons that play can teach us. Go and grab DVD’s of Rocky, Hoosiers,the karate kid etc.
So these are some of the tips that we have used in neighborhood and I can say we succeeded in motivating children to play outdoor games. Hope you can implement many of these wonderful tips with your children as well. For our combined success…
What picture overeating bring to your mind? For me it’s a fat person eating a big, really big burger at McDonald food court. I know most of us don’t want to be that fat person of our imagination. This is possible if we avoid overeating. But how to avoid overeating? If you search on internet you will find number of tips to avoid overeating. Some are simple and others difficult and expensive. Some involves doing exercising or going for a walk. Most of you must be following many of these tips to avoid overeating. Since my interest is seeing the things from a different perspective, I asked one of my doctor friends what daily tricks he does to avoid overeating. He gave me some of the most innovative, simple yet effective tips to avoid overeating. He has used it personally and also suggested these tips to many of his patients and friends. Most importantly these tips don’t involve any pills and has no side effects. So get ready with your notebook to embrace these simple tips to avoid overeating. 6 tips to avoid overeating
Drink full glass of water before food I am sure most of you already must have heard this concept before. We all should drink 8 glass of water daily. Agreed? But the timing of drinking water is also important. What is meant above is that you should drink one full glass of water half an hour before taking food. You should follow this ritual every time you take your main meal i.e. half an hour before lunch and dinner.
Reason being water before lunch and dinner will serve you two purpose. First it will help in better digestion of your food & second it will help to subdue your hunger pang. So starting today, whether you like it or not, you should take one full glass of water before lunch and dinner. Period.
Eat heavy breakfast In ancient Vedic times there is a very famous saying “you should have breakfast like a king, lunch like a king’s minister and dinner like a beggar. This saying still hold true. It has multiple benefits. Eating a heavy breakfast will help you to avoid overeating during lunch which in effect will help you to avoid overeating during dinner. According to ancient literature and also scientifically, our digestive system work with varying efficiency throughout the day. It work best during morning hours and metabolism is very slow during night. That’s why emphasis is given on having heavy breakfast. This fact is being recognized now and you must have heard many doctors recommending you to never miss your breakfast for one reason or 0thers.
Use smaller plates This has a psychological basis. My friend has recommended this thing to many of his clients. It’s all about forming the habits. The key here is to use smaller plates for serving your food. We usually avoid asking for food again and again. So we tend to stuff our plate with excessive food. That’s why if we use smaller plates we can cut down the quantity of food.
This is especially relevant if you are going to dine out or partying. Try this tip for one month I am sure you will start noticing the change in your eating habits.
Have fruits daily before & after office hours This one is my favorite. You have to take fruits just before you are leaving for office and one after you return home from office. You can use any kind of fruit you like apple, banana, pears, kiwi etc. I use apples. But remember whatever fruit you are taking have it in sufficient quantity. You should feel contented that you have eaten something. One grape fruit before leaving home and after returning from office don’t count. At least have a bunch of grapes. Be truthful to self in your endeavor to avoid overeating.
Have snacks during evening tea Today it’s very difficult to have a cup of tea in the evening peacefully. Many of us avoid tea altogether from our daily schedule. But if you are going for an evening tea break then don’t have tea alone. Have some snacks along with tea. It has its own benefits. For one, you will have something to eat as snacks will provide you with benefit of a light meal. This will also help you to subdue your appetite to some extent. Go grab that cookie or butter biscuits with your tea.
Use varieties of food/vegetables
I like lady-fingers and whenever I have it I will usually eat one extra chapatti. This happens with all of us. If we keep on eating only those meals that we like we usually tend to overeat. That’s why it’s better if we keep on having different vegetables on our plates. Be prudent with what you are eating. Go with different colors vegetable for a wholesome and healthy diet. For example I don’t like bitter gourd but I know about its health benefits. So I have it in my diet on a weekly basis. This way I can have benefits of bitter gourd and also I usually eat one chapatti less. This is ingenious way to avoid overeating. You also plan your diet accordingly and soon you will be reaping the benefits. These are the practical tips that you can use to avoid overeating effectively. If you adopt these healthy tips then you will definitely see the change in yourselves, provided you adopt these tips regularly. For our combined success… Top 5 essential leadership traits Do you think leaders have inbuilt leadership traits? We still are struggling with age old controversial question whether leaders are born or created? And we still are not sure of right answer because, as with everything, there are number of factors contributing collectively to form a successful leader. But there are certain common behaviors among world leaders that separate them from rest of the crowd. These distinctive behaviors can be considered safely as essential leadership traits. During my recent industrial visit to some of top industries of our time, I have noticed certain distinctive
characteristics in top official of these companies. They may be having many more leadership traits but these are the dominant ones that clearly pop-out from their personality. Before we look at these leadership traits, I want to make it clear that leaders don’t exist only in industries but they are everywhere around us in every walk of daily life. What I like most about these top 5 essential leadership traits is there simplicity and effectiveness. So without further delay let’s look at these leadership traits… 1.
Creativity The first of these top leadership traits is creativity. “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.” General Colin Powell
We all are creative in one way or the other. But these top leaders are much more creative in coming up with the appropriate solution in quick time. To solve any problem it’s essential to look at it from every possible perspective. Sometimes solution is quiet obvious and always in front of us but we miss the observation skill to arrive at solution. These leaders can think of number of solution to a problem and think of possible result of each solution. So quantity is their strength, you may think? But wait, not so fast. It’s not only the number of solutions but applicability of those solutions that separate them from others. They not only think of
different solutions fast but also combine wider range of topics to arrive to a solution. Just now you can try one exercise to check how creative you are. Can you think of 10 practical uses of paper pin in 20 sec. if your answer ranges from practical tools to art, you are a creative leader.
Optimism The second of essential top leadership traits is Optimism. "An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity." --Winston Churchill
Great leaders are naturally more optimistic than others. You may have heard of many rags to riches stories from different fields. What are these stories? These are the stories of leaders who have turned their adversity into opportunity. They are the ones who have looked at the silver lining in dark clouds. It’s not that they have not endured the dark nights of frustration like others, but they are the one who persisted longer than others. And why they were persistent while others succumb to pressure? Because they were much more optimistic about the situation and their own ability to cope with it. It’s more or less like seeing the glass half full then empty.
Or the latest “Glass is always full, half with water and half with air.”
Ability to select right team The third of top leadership traits is ability to select right team.
You must have heard that behind every successful leader there is an awesome team. Leaders do have the knack of choosing the right team for doing the commendable work. Right team is essential for leader because it’s the team that does the actual groundwork. So how do leaders select a team? These influential leaders are great learner of human behavior and most importantly they can ask the right question. If any time you talk with these leaders you will notice that they ask most relevant question to judge your abilities. Asking the right question help to get the relevant information and assist in selecting the best team. So next time if you have to select the team try to find out the strength of each candidate and ask relevant questions.
You can experience the benefit of this leadership trait by asking questions to your friends that require elaborative explanation rather than simple yes or no.
Sincerity The fourth of top leadership traits is sincerity.
Leaders are very sincere in the work that they are doing. They are naturally more interested & involved fully in their work. They enjoy doing their job. Their enthusiasm is contagious. One can sense their sincerity with their natural demeanor and by the way they carry themselves. To give you an example an experiment is performed involving two salespersons. Naturally one felt positive about the product he is selling and other felt otherwise. They have no difference in their other personal characteristic like persuasion skill, personality etc. Who do you think performed better? Obviously it’s the one who felt sincerely felt positive about his product. On analysis it was found that when you are sincere it shows in your social interaction. Your body language and other physical gesture give away your true feelings. So next time when you talk to somebody, have a genuine smile on your face.
Modesty The fifth of top leadership traits is modesty.
True leader, contrary to popular belief, are modest. They feel good about themselves but they never consider others as inferior. When they are with others they do control the situations but they never show their bossiness attitude. They are natural motivators who can go beyond limits to care for person they care about. They command respect but never ask for it. You can truly feel safe when you are with a true leader. So next times don’t act like an autocrat, just lead the project and get out of way. These are top 5 essential leadership traits that you can find in leaders from various fields. This is not an exhaustive list and there are still many more leadership traits. But these are the ones that I find most easy to recognize in almost all the true leaders. Practice & implement these essential leadership traits in your life For our combined success‌ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Top 10 quotes for daily motivation
So you are searching top quotes for daily motivation. Do you think quotes can motivate you to achieve what you want to achieve in your life? I asked the above question because you have reached this page in your search for motivation that can last. Now back to question that I asked, I would say yes! Quotes can motivate us to survive tough times and take inspired action. But why quotes have power to motivate us? I will tell you. It’s because these quotes are not ordinary words but they are much more than that. They are the essence of life through the seasoned eyes of great mans. These quotes are dipped in the feelings of expresser. These quotes for daily motivation tells us the inspiring story of someone struggle, the story about the rising of mortals or fighters against all odds. These quotes are full of wisdom of all great human beings that have inhabited earth before or during our times. That’s why whenever we read these quotes we found ourselves filled with enthusiasm and inspiration. Since nobody can escape from the daily struggle of life we can use these inspirational quotes for daily motivation. In fact we keep on communicating with ourselves throughout our life. Our success and failure depend upon what message we are feeding constantly to our mind, because our thoughts determine our destiny. That’s why it’s so important that we should use these inspirational quotes for daily motivation. As we eat and take bath daily, we also need to motivate ourselves daily. Here is the list of top 10 quotes for daily motivation. 1.
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
-Nelson Mandela This quote contains lot of wisdom in 7 simple words. Many of life greatest achievements seem impossible when they are just thoughts in creator mind. These people were laughed at when ideas were told. People were reprimanded for imaging things or day dreaming. But by dint of their hard work and persistence they have achieved the impossible. So the task which seems impossible at one time suddenly seems possible. So if you have a mind boggling idea and you believe in it, start working on it and what’s seems impossible today will be a reality tomorrow. This is one of the best quotes for daily motivation to work on your idea enthusiastically.
2. “Patience is bitter, but its fruit are sweet.” - Jean Rousseau This is the quote worth reading every day to motivate yourself to strive in your life with persistence. Keep reminding yourself that you will get the success in your chosen endeavor if not immediately but soon. Patience is the key here, that’s why it is said that patience is virtue.
3. “There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” –Aristotle You may be getting criticized for your present work. But if you are right and believe in yourself then you don’t have to worry about criticism from others. Just concentrate on your good work.
This is one of the tremendous quotes for daily motivation to persist in spite of all the opposition.
4. “The future is always beginning now.” -Mark Strand This is one of the quotes for daily motivation if you are worrying excessively about the future. A lot of time we spend lot of time thinking about all the future imagined problems instead of concentrating our effort in present time. So daily just remember these words by mark strand that seed of future is planted only in present time.
5. “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” - C.S Lewis This is one of the best quotes from C S Lewis for enduring the hardships of life. Many a time we think that we are ordinary people facing extra ordinary hardship in life. We get bogged down so much by hardship that we simply miss to see the big picture and start to hate the hardship itself instead of overcoming it. We simply forget that no man can avoid hardship in life and it’s a god way to prepare ourselves for extraordinary life ahead. So repeat this quote, if you think only your life is extra hard than others.
6. “This too shall pass.” - Unknown
There is lot of confusion about the origin of this quote but it is one of the most potent quotes to survive through tough time. In fact this is my favorite quote. If you are having a tough time remember that this tough time will not be forever and will pass. And if you are having good time then also remember that this moment too will pass so be fully involved with the moment.
7. “When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." — Harriet Beecher Stowe Another great quote to motivate one to survive through tough times. It is one of the great quotes for daily motivation to have never-saydie spirit.
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8. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Tzu Another great quote to motivate one to take action. Many a times we keep on postponing new projects or task, seeing the enormity of work. Today become next day, next day becomes day after next day and so on and our project never get started. Since every day is a new beginning we should include this quote for daily motivation to take action.
9. “Life is like riding a bicycle, in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.” - Albert Einstein Great quote from our daily life by one of the brilliant scientist of our time Einstein. He has very well summed up the essence of life in simple quote that life is all about action. Whatever happens in life doesn’t lose hope and keep on working. Failure to take action will result in sinking in life.
10. “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.” -Henry Ford The last in my list include great quote about power of belief by none other than Henry Ford. This quote shows you are what deep down you believe you are. If you think you have what it take to succeed then you will definitely succeed. This quote emphasis the importance of positive thinking to achieve great things in life. So these are the top 10 powerful quotes for daily motivation list. Try to look at these quotes daily to motivate yourself to achieve your goal in life. These quotes will definitely help one to keep oneself on track when going get tough. These quote will remind us that people in the past has excelled in life in spite of problems and not in absence of problems. So what you are waiting for? Best time is now. Include these quotes for daily motivation in your schedule and achieve what you are striving for. For our combined success… ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
How to motivate yourself to organize your room I am sure most of you would have also thought of often how to motivate yourself to organize your room. Unorganized, untidy and unseemly are the words that used to come to my mind whenever I entered my room few days back. I loved my house but hated my room as it was always disorganized. There were clothes lying on bed, my study table used to have all sort of things more than paper and books. My closet was full of things which I was never able to find out at times, when actually I needed it most. I thought about organizing my room many a time as it will save time I used to spend on searching socks, pen, DVD or shirts. But enormity of task always prevented me to take action or even to start the work. My problem was similar to all i.e “how to motivate yourself to organize your room.� Since then I have taken some steps that you can also use to motivate yourself to organize your room.
Start with something doable and simple Pick up something that you are sure you can do and do it. Accomplishing something that is within your limited scope can give you a lift. It fires you for more ambitious undertaking next day. Pick a small project according to these requirements. It should be something simple like cleaning the room mirror, cleaning that poster or watch on the wall. But whatever you choose it should give immediate result. Getting immediate and seeable result is the basic here. It will help you to build the momentum for other important task. It’s like breaking big task into smaller projects.
It’s like a starter and helps you to motivate yourself to organize your room.
Use kaizen approach You must be knowing about kaizen concept. It has taken the manufacturing world with storm. Kaizen is a simple concept of cleaning and organizing the workplace. This concept can be used to organize your room as well. It includes sorting, straightening, shine, standardize and sustain. The basic here is to separate the useful items and trash. This technique will also speed up your organizing ability.
Organize your desk first Now to start with attack your desk first. I know we all have all sort of things lying on desk. I started with selecting the things I required and throwing others that I don’t require on trash box. I then organize the stuff on top of desk into neat piles. Next I organized the material inside the desk drawer. And lo in 15 minutes my desk was organized and looks neat and tidy. All these time I was imagining that it will take at least 45 min to organize my desk. I stopped after arranging task and called it a day. As a reward for good work I had an ice-cream. Caution: don’t try to do more work in a day it will defeat the whole purpose. Just take baby steps.
Attack your attic next
After 2 days I attacked my closet. Here again I used 5S principle of kaizen. I started with separating the thing I used regularly and those that I have not used for years. Then I labeled my closet shelf with clearly defined small visual indicators of papers. For ex one shelf for party wears, one for uniform & formal wear, one for bed sheets & blankets etc. It took me 30 min to arrange my closet completely. Most important, clearly defined labels not only look neat but also act as big time saver. I felt motivated but decided to arrange my wall racks next day. This is surely a effective way to motivate yourself to organize your room.
Racks are easy to organize one at a time Next day I attacked wall racks. Here again i used the kaizen concepts. I started with one rack at a time. On first day I did the top rack. Next day I did middle racks and lastly on third day I did last rack. Usually we avoid racks because it will take lot of time if you do all racks on same day. So I followed simple concept of 10 min daily work for three days and suddenly what seems impossible becomes an easy task.
Laptop/mobiles We usually throw our mobiles on bed and use laptops normally sitting on bed. Many a time I have searched for mobile because there is no fixed place for mobiles in my room.
So what I did? Simple. I bought a mobile stand and moved my desk close to my bed. I know this sound too simple, but I challenge you to try it and you will thank me for this simple thing.
Reinforce habit by celebrating Now it’s not only important to organize your room but still of greater importance is sustaining what you have done. Doing and succeeding in small projects can be made into habit and subsequently used to achieve greater goals. So whenever you achieve small victory, make it a habit to celebrate it. I am not saying to throw a party every time but yes you can treat yourself by doing something you like or eating something that you like. This will help to repeat the good work again.
So these are the ways to accomplish the task and motivate yourself to organize your room. These small tricks can be used for other field of personal life as well. For our combined success‌people experience %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Top 9 experiences on my day without internet I think you may have read other people experiences of their day without internet. I read none. I just heard about this concept from one of my friend who tried it for some time. As with everything, I thought of trying to have this
experience first-hand. What I experienced with my day without internet is worth its weight in gold. After a hectic Saturday evening I decided that on next day i.e. Sunday I will have “my day without internet�. What I felt was a beautiful experience and worth sharing with others. Before I share with you my experience let me clarify certain things. First, I do felt or missed use of internet but I was persistent enough to not use it. Second, my experience may be different from others if you have read other experiences. This is because I enjoy little things in life so my point of view may be different than yours. Lastly, I am not saying internet is bad. But we should try different things in life occasionally. Since I like my day without internet I may try it again on some Sunday. So here is my list of top 9 things I did on my day without internet. 1.
Mental harmony I first and most important thing that I felt was a feeling of mental peace and harmony. This feeling, I think I have because of no rush attitude. I don’t have to check e-mails and I was not worried about my status or messages from different social networking websites. In fact I felt that I should do meditation or should go for a morning walk. I decided to take a morning walk. I think walking in morning fresh air had done the trick. Whatever it was, but I felt calmness and a kind of stillness in my heart.
Read a book Since I was not surfing internet I decided to look into my collection of books on my book-shelf. I have not looked into my book-shelf for quite a long time.
I can say I used to have an awesome collection of books. My collection includes books by Ayn Rand, victor Hugo, Hermann Hesse, discourses of osho, Khalil Gibran etc. I read Khalil Gibran’s “The Prophet” and I am thankful that I did it. 3.
Introspection One of the good things that we all should do regularly and we don’t do is introspection. I spend some time alone and got ample opportunity to think about all the things that are going on in my life. It helped me to do an objective review of all aspect of my life including professional, personal and spiritual. During those 30 min whatever internal dialogue I had with myself, helped me immensely to look at my life with renewed perspective. This was one of the best feelings that I had on “my day without internet.”
Meet my best buddy Since I have decided that I won’t use my smart phone also, so I paid a visit to my best buddy place. It was a pleasant surprise for both my friend and his family as I visited them after a long time. I had a long heart to heart talk with him and we relived the moments that we had from our childhood. I really enjoyed talking to him and first time I realized that how & what we talk over phone is entirely different to talking face to face. I recommend you to do pay visit to your friends occasionally. The experience of all will be different but it will be worth it.
Got chance to Spent more time with family
Because of “my day without internet”, I got ample time to spend with my family. I played hide and seek with my daughter and she told me how birds fly in the sky. I got amazed at today’s children imagination. Then I had a wonderful time with my wife. She taught me her secret recipe for egg curry. I loved to cook for family for the first time and in fact I think I have developed a little bit of taste for cooking. 6.
Talked to neighbor after a long time I do know who all lives in my neighborhood. But that’s the only information I had of them. I saw one of my neighbors working in his garden and had a talk with him. It helped me to learn more about him and his family and their interests. It’s actually good to have a talk with neighbors often as they are great source of information for your locality news.
Scanned local daily newspaper & got a deal Instead of surfing news online as I regularly do, I decided to read local newspaper and got many interesting news about my city. Also I got information about all the sales going on neighborhood malls.
Met a local business pro in the market Since it was “my day without internet” I decided to visit local bakery shop instead of having bread & milk home delivered. There I met one of our old neighbor and heard his inspiring success story. He told me how from living in one small rented room he became a local business pro and now possesses two bungalows & 3 luxury cars.
With his limited education his story was very inspiring and it was a bonus for “my day without internet.” 9.
Saw a little act of kindness at home Lastly I also saw one small act of kindness in my house that my wife was following on insistence of my mother. This small act of kindness you may have heard from your grandmothers or in stories from your parent childhood time. It’s simply putting little amount of water in small earthen pot for birds. My wife was doing this small ritual for quite a long time but I didn’t notice it as I was always surfing internet or watching TV. You can learn about daily small act of kindness here.
So these are some of the experiences I had on my day without internet. I recommend you also to try it and you will learn so many new things about yourself as I did. Do tell me your experience about your “my day without internet”. For our combined success.
Best tips to get Google AdSense account approved To get Google AdSense account approved is getting tougher day by day. This is more so if you are from Asian subcontinent. Google AdSense is the most preferred way to earn money online through internet. The main purpose of most blogs is to earn money. Since bloggers want to earn money quickly, they take steps knowingly or
unknowingly that invite penalty from Google and result in rejection of their AdSense account for one reason or other. So what are the best tips to get Google AdSense account approved? Before I start with my tips I want to share my experience with AdSense account. I applied for AdSense account after publishing 15 articles on my blog. As expected my application got rejected for insufficient content. But I have heard that in U.S blog having just 10-12 post got Google AdSense approval. This we have to except and we can’t do anything about it. So I did extensive research and after 15 days I applied again for my AdSense account. Within a month (& after 32 posts on my blog) I got my account approved. During all this time I also thought of buying AdSense account & came across many blogs offering unethical means to get your AdSense account approved. But I persisted to go by rules. So you can see I have been there and done that. I will be including here only practical and time tested tips to get Google AdSense account approved the Google policy way. I have given you information about my AdSense account rejection for two reasons •
I was also in same boat once as you are now and
Take these tips seriously to get Google AdSense account approved first time itself.
So get ready with a pen & your notebook… 1.
Get enough content before applying I know the anxiety of receiving money online for our masterpiece blog or website. But success comes before work only in dictionary. In real life you have to work hard to get enough content in your blog before you apply for your AdSense account.
Don’t apply for your AdSense account after posting 10 or 15 posts. Your application will be rejected and next time when you apply again your application will be in a long queue. So rule of thumb is apply only after having more than 26 posts on your blog and keep on posting regularly till your account get approved. 2.
Quality & uniqueness is the key Most applications are rejected either due to copyright issues or inferior quality content. Google is strict about these two issues and hence they need special attention. How your blog can make money for you? Of course by attracting more traffic to your blog. And traffic will come to your blog if you write quality content that is both useful and unique. So in a way Google want to help you earn money by having quality content in your website and hence indirectly help you to attract more traffic. Quality & uniqueness is essential key to get Google AdSense account approved.
Be content specific in your niche The third important trick to get Google AdSense account approved fast is to post content in your niche area. Suppose if your blog is about healthy living then 80 % of your content should be related to healthy living only. I have seen many people posting on number of different topics from the word go. Google don’t like this as this can complicate navigation of your site. Even if you want to write about different topics clearly categorize them as different page within your blog.
I am not mentioning here “About” or “Contact us” pages as you already may be knowing about their importance. 4.
Get webmaster tool to index your posts & submit XML sitemap Most of newbie bloggers forget to index their blogs. I recommend you to create a webmaster account and submit your blog for indexing. Also submit your XML sitemap to webmaster tool for clear navigation. This will not only help you to get your site indexed with search engine but also help you to attract more traffic. Follow same with Bing webmaster tool to attract traffic from competitor search engine.
Optimize your website for speed I know most blogger optimize their website pages for SEO but don’t pay much attention to speed. But remember Google like to crawl websites that load fast. It will not only improve your website traffic engagement time but also highlight your website as user friendly to Google. Rule of thumb is that your site should load in less than 1.6 sec.
Remove or limit your Ads During initial period of your blogging your complete focus should be on posting useful and quality content rather than getting ads. Google don’t like website filled with Ads and may reject your application. So if you are applying for AdSense limit other affiliate Ads or if possible don’t use any. When I applied for AdSense account I removed ads from two other affiliates temporarily. Follow quality, money will follow soon.
Be consistent
This is one of the most important points to remember to get Google AdSense account approved. Don’t let your motivation down. I remember john chow said somewhere that for” first 8 months of his blog he earned nothing but consistently keep on posting articles.” So don’t get frustrated and keep on posting regularly. By consistency I don’t mean posting 2 articles per day for your blog. But if you are posting 3-4 times in a week keep doing it throughout the month. Google don’t like blog that get dead often. 8.
Avoid black hat SEO techniques The best way to get Google AdSense account approved is to work hard. In desperation to build traffic don’t adopt black hat SEO techniques like unnatural link building, buying traffic etc. Google don’t like it. If they find it (they are as smart as you are) your AdSense account application may get rejected permanently.
So these are the best practical and relevant tricks to get Google AdSense account approved. If you follow these simple & legitimate tips your Google AdSense account will get approved fast and easy. Good luck with your AdSense account and its earning. For our combined success…
5 best way to relieve stress
When we come to this world, it was never promised that our life would be stress-free. But yes it would be worth living was the real message. Since we are living in a dynamic world we are bound to face different situations in our life. Some situations will give us the desired results while others may result in lot of heart break and stress. In short we can’t avoid stress in life but yes we can deal with it in a much more meaningful way. So what is the best way to relieve stress in life? Situations do keep on changing in our life but there are rock solid ways to relieve stress that have their implication in every stressful situation. These are time tested tricks that give you positive and quick result almost instantly. So here is the list of my 5 best way to relieve stress in life.
My first way to relieve stress: Walk 200 steps Whenever I am faced with stressful situation in my life, I feel excessive pressure on my mind. Negative and Adrenaline pumping thoughts start to race through my mind. Can you imagine the above situation and does it sound familiar? I think this is what happens to most of us when we are in stress. So instead of reacting to situation I do my “200 step exercise”. It’s a simple exercise. Just walk 200 steps within the room. Simple enough isn’t it. But wait there is a catch.
While walking you have to count your steps (that’s why it is called 200 step exercise) and you have to walk slightly slower than your normal walking speed. This is an effective way to deviate your mind from taking any reactive steps. That’s why this technique is such an effective way to relieve stress. Caution: when you walk your 200 steps instead of looking down look straight ahead. 2.
Second way to relieve stress: Detailed self-talk You all know about self-talk. In fact we keep on doing it unconsciously throughout the day. But do you know that it can be an effective way to relieve stress if combined with another popular industrial tool? Yes, self-talk combined with “why-why” concept can do wonders for you. So what is this technique? Why-why is a concept where if some snag occurs in factory or office you do detailed analysis by asking why’s stepwise. You start with “why this situation occurs?” followed by other “why” questions until you reached last why. This way you can reach to root of the problem. To give you an example, while doing self-talk keep on asking, “why I am feeling stress?” “Why this situation has occurred?” “Why I was not able to avoid it?” “Why this thing happens to me?” With each answer to your “why’s” you will move closer to better understanding of the situation. It is an effective way to relieve stress because this kind of self-talk will convert negative situation to constructive one.
My third way to relieve stress: move-sideway on bed This trick I have learned by chance. Once I was overstressed and doing self-talk while sitting on bed. While sitting on bed I kept my hand on my knees and start to sway sideways just like we rock back & forth in a rocker (Try not to fall on your bed and keep your CG centered along your spine). I don’t know why but I started to felt light and enjoyed the activity. It’s just like sitting in rocking chair from our grandfather time. From there on I had made this fun fill activity my quick way to relieve stress. Don’t take this trick is a very effective way to deviate your mind attention from stressful thoughts. In fact why don’t you try it just now…
Fourth way to relieve stress: Search one good thing about the situation It’s like searching for silver lining. You may have heard many times that “even a dead clock is right twice in a day”. So it’s all about your attitude and how you look at the situation. Taking any amount of stress is not going to change the past situations in life. But we can learn something from them always. Next time when things goes wrong just ask yourself what is one good thing about the present stressful situation. Believe me there is no perfectly bad situation. Just learn to ask right questions. This reminds me of one famous quote... “Every problem is impregnated with a solution”. This exercise will help to overcome stressful experience fast.
Fifth way to relieve stress: Read motivational quotes
During our bad times we all require motivation to overcome stressful situation. Most people ignore it but quotes are practical way to relieve stresses that have instant effect. You may also like to read: Top 10 motivational quotes So I have placed some of my preferred quotes in my study room. This way I don’t have to search them when I am stressed. My favorite quotes are… •
“This too shall pass.”
“Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” - C.S Lewis
I read them daily. When I am stressed, I keep on reading them many times throughout the day. You also prepare your own list of motivational quotes. Caution: have these quotes fixed at some place so that you can visit them often.
So these are my top 5 way to relieve stress. What I like about these tricks is that they are simple and give instant result. Try them today itself to check their authenticity. For our combined success… $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$44
Top 10 things you can do to be happy One of my friends has asked me recently what things you can do to be happy?
This is an eternal question for which yogi’s, pope, and others masters are searching for right answer from time unknown. But many enlightened masters has emphasized that “what you are searching outside is actually inside you.” “What you seek is seeking you.” -
There is an opportunity for happiness in our everyday life if we search for it. Happiness can be found in small things around us if we have the eyes to search for it. To be happy, we don’t have to wait for that big day when we have enough money or big house. We can be happy just now with whatever we are having at present. So here is the list of top 10 things you can do to be happy… 1.
Take a walk on grass barefoot In early hour of morning with sun rays just start to lighten the blade of brass, walk on your lawn barefoot. This is an awesome experience that everyone should have daily. The soft tingling sensation at the sole of your feet will give you immense pleasure. This is one of the simplest yet effective things you can do to be happy in the morning.
Observe a small beautiful flower This is a technique that emphasis the full use of your observation skill. Whether you are at your home or in the wild, you can find small beautiful flowers easily. Just observe these flowers closely noting it all details and I am sure you will be mesmerized by its beauty. This simple trick will force you to admire the beauty of this wonderful creation of god. You couldn’t stop yourself from becoming spiritual about the whole experience. Try it you will never stop thanking me for the happiness you will experience.
Talk to kids Children have wonderful world of their own. Their imagination when they are young is incredible. You never know when and what they are going to do next. If you are a parent then it’s well & good otherwise talk to children in your neighborhoods. Be involved in their talk and actively listen to them. Their enthusiasm is contagious & before you know you will be smiling from ear to ear.
Read your favorite comic book When we were kids we used to enjoy reading comic books. I love to read Archie’s and tin-tin comics when I was young. With age we usually leave all these things and busy ourselves with other serious things. But do you know that reading these comics often transport us to wonderful imaginary world and help us to relieve stress. I know this idea may seem silly to you but it’s an effective way to bring back little happiness in our life.
Play with puppies/pets Next on my list of things you can do to be happy is playing with your pets like puppies, kittens or birds. I know many of you must have tried this. We all love to play with cute puppies or kittens. Playing with these animals can give immense sense of pleasure not only to kids but to adults as well. Just be like a kid when you play with these animals. This activity will give you immense pleasure as you will forget all your worries for some time.
Read jokes daily We all love jokes. Jokes will help us to look at the lighter side of life. You can’t laugh and be sad at the same time. And jokes that make us laugh from bottom of our heart without any inhibition can rejuvenate our whole psyche.
You can search on Google for your daily dose of hilarious pictures and jokes. This is one of the funniest things you can do to be happy. Now read here one for today… “Once mullah nasruddin was caught in a legal case. He looked in the court: twelve woman jurists. And he said to the judge, “I confess!... Because I cannot deceive one woman at home, so twelve in the jury—impossible! I have committed this sin, simply give me the punishment.” 7.
Osho Discourse
Smile at yourself in the mirror This concept is used by many to build self-image. But have you ever tried to smile at yourself while looking yourself in the mirror. If you haven’t I recommend you to stop reading and try this trick now. We all look at mirror daily so we can easily use this small trick as many times & bring more happiness in our life.
Search and look at beautiful landscape photos Now a day many of us have presence in multiple social networking sites. We can find a number of beautiful natural landscape photos and enjoy them. Nature has always remained a great healer for us. Just spending some time in natural environment gives us immense pleasure. I guarantee you it will give you deep feeling of inner peace and harmony. These two feeling will result in profound peace in your life. This is one of those things you can do to be happy instantly.
Gratitude I have heard often that there is always something in our life for which we can be thankful. Whatever mess we are in and however deep it is, there are still things in our life for which we should feel deep gratitude.
To give you an example one thing for which we all should feel gratitude every day is being alive in this beautiful world. Every morning feeling gratitude towards god for being alive is one of the best things you can do to be happy and prosper in life. 10.
Watch stars at night Whenever I feel low in life and things seems to go wrong, I run to my home terrace. With gentle breeze blowing, occasional sound of birds and night silence spread throughout; watching moon and stars in such an environment is an unexplainable experience. Looking at these celestial bodies give us the feeling that our problems are just a dot in scheme of this vast universe. It also reminds us that tomorrow is yet another day with new opportunities. It is really a magical experience. If you are reading this article late in the evening then I recommend you to go out and just look at moon & stars. You will be speechless. You will then understand the meaning of proverb: “Best feelings are those that are difficult to express…” I hope you have enjoyed the article about the 10 things you can do to be happy in life. If you will sincerely try to search small happy moments in your life reading this article my purpose will be solved. For our combined success…
Live healthy without paying for gym Are you worried about your lack of exercise routine due to expensive gym fee? My friend! Then you do have reasons to worry about…
Do you think only those who go to gym can lead a healthy life? Well not necessarily… there are options!!! If you are thinking you can’t lead a healthy life without paying for gym; then it’s time to change this thinking. You can also live healthy without paying for gym. I know you are excited to know the secret. Don’t you? My friend the secret is that there is no secret. (Shocked!!) In today’s information age, “anything is hardly secret.” There are some innovative steps that you can take at your home itself to live healthy without paying for gym. Did you notice that I have emphasized home here. Yes you can do it at your home itself. You may say, “at home I lack seriousness or where are the equipment’s and expert trainer?” Bear with me and I just want you to think honestly about my one question. Why do you think your grandparents or may be your parents never went to gym but still lived a very healthy life? You inherently know that it’s because of lifestyle. There is hell lot of difference in todays and 60’s lifestyle. They spend most of their time moving or working hard manually, whereas today we spent maximum time in front of computer or doing sedentary work. But with little tweaking of some daily habits we can live healthy without paying for gym. These habits are so simple I am sure you may wonder why you haven’t thought about it before. So get ready to be awestruck… Here is the list of top 5 habits to live healthy without paying for gym.
Living room exercise Today everybody spent most of their time at home in the living room. We can use living room as a better substitute of gym at home. Most importantly it doesn’t involve any money. To exercise at home I utilize my living room space and dining room space for my quick walk. I walk in it with slightly increased pace just like we do in treadmills at gym. It’s simple and easy to do twice or multiple time in a day depending upon your time. Just 10 minutes of walk in the morning and 10 minutes of walk in the evening are sufficient for noticeable health benefits. There is also a hidden benefit of this trick. Since we are at home you can count your steps (in your mind) while walking. It is said that counting steps while walking help to increase the focus of your mind. So it is like hitting three birds with single stone. Three birds? Yes… •
Physical exercise
Mental exercise
Saving expensive gym fees
Walking & jogging are the best form of exercises. It’s always better to go for jogging or walk in the morning. But if you are short on time you can do this simple living room exercise. This is the first habit that will help you to live healthy without paying for gym. 2.
House staircase exercise Second exercise on my list includes the use of house staircase. We daily use staircase either at our home or at work. It’s always better to use staircase for smaller distances like travelling to 2nd or 3rd
floor. But we all know we never do this when we are in rush during our office time. So here is the solution available at home. Always use climbing staircase at home as a workout. So instead of using stairs sparingly make it a habit to use them regularly for your health. You can use stairs 2-3 times in the morning and 2-3 times in the evening. Using stairs will help you to burn energy fast and to exercise your legs. It will also help you to increase your stamina. With time you can increase the frequency as per your requirement. Most importantly it cost you nothing and also helps to build your muscles. Good way to sweat at home, isn’t it? 3.
My backyard garden exercise Hobbies have their own benefits. I love doing gardening. It’s a kind of spiritual experience for me. You can read about it here:
I have planted number of flowers and vegetables in my garden. Gardens are a great way to do exercise at home. You may wonder how? In garden I have to do all kind of activities that involve squatting, bending, stretching etc. I have to pick up weeds and water the plants. Spending 15 minutes in the garden doing manual work is similar to 10 minute workout in the gym. I know it’s not similar to working in field but we don’t have that much time either. We are talking here about small workout to counter our sedentary lifestyle. Here spending only 10-15 minutes we are reaping the benefit of two activities i.e gardening and exercising. Best thing is that beauty of your garden will be worth
every sweat dropped on garden while working. Isn’t it great and much more satisfying experience? I know this is a great way to live healthy without paying for gym. 4.
House roof exercise This exercise is the combination of gardening and staircase exercises. But it is much more hectic and energy consuming. I have planted beautiful flowers on number of earthen vase at our house terrace. There are in fact 15 flower pots on my roof terrace. Since they need water daily I have to take water from downstairs bathroom in buckets. So I use this as an opportunity to exercise my muscles. I usually take two buckets, half full of water through staircase and then water the plant. So climbing stairs with water buckets on either hand is a very good exercise for building muscles of hands and leg. I usually climb 19 stairs twice daily carrying water in buckets. You may say it will require lot of effort. Yes it requires lot of effort. But that’s the way it is. We have to do it only for 5 minutes. It is such an ingenious way to live healthy without paying for gym. Caution: Don’t take too much water on stairs, start small and do it till you feel comfortable. Don’t put excessive exertion on your body.
My bathroom exercise Your house bathroom is a very good exercise playground. We spend some time daily in our bathroom for bathing and cleaning clothes. Most of us uses machine for washing clothes. But if you wash clothes by hand then it will provide very good exercise to your body. You can watch video of people washing clothes on internet. Washing clothes involve the use of whole body including hand and
leg muscles. I ditched my washing machine for daily use. I use it only on Sundays for bed sheets, couch covers and blinds. Every day I spent some time for washing my clothes by hand and in 10 minutes I have all the benefits of gym. This is simple but really effective exercise for your whole body workout. Just for one day try to wash your clothes by hand and you will understand what kind of workout you will get. These are the few simple habits that you can adopt to live healthy without paying for gym. These simple habits are sufficient for our daily exercise need. As best things in life (like air, water) are free so are these exercises. Please share these tips as much as possible. Sharing this post is also free. For our combined success… ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Blogging secret: untold truth Caution: this is dangerous stuff; please caution restraint in your reactions. Many of you must have searched for blogging secret on Google often. In search result you must have got millions of posts sharing their blogging secret. You must have also searched for top bloggers on internet to learn about their blogging secret. How many of us have succeeded? You know the answer. With plethora of articles sharing “blogging secrets” why do only a few succeeded and rest all failed? Even the secret tips from successful bloggers have not helped us to replicate one fourth of their success.
I started blogging recently and for past 3 months i am searching internet extensively to learn the blogging secret of these top notch guys. Many of these guys are even claiming that if you follow their “secret” you can earn six figure monthly income. Is it that so many people are missing the secret ingredient repeatedly? In fact I am wondering whether any secret ingredient is involved here. Or is it that we are actually being kept away from blogging secret? I really don’t know the answer. But there are certain points that are revisiting my mind time and again these days. That’s why I thought of writing this article. I am interested in knowing your thoughts on above points. The basic question that this article is provoking can apply to a number of fields as well like business secret, sports secret, study secrets etc. 1.
Nobody is sharing “blogging secret” if there is any Whenever we hear the word secret our ear gets pricked. Even before anything is said we already start to anticipate that we are going to learn something extra ordinary. We feel that these things are unknown or hidden from ordinary mortals and we are the chosen ones to whom these secret are being reveled. Such is the power of simple word “secret”. I have read 100 of blogs that talk about the blogging secret that are actually a no secret. They will talk about content quality, SEO, building backlink, social media promotion, blog comments etc that you me and million others are already doing. We have already read about this stuff many times before in many different forms but the charm of word secret make us believe that we are actually reading something new for the first time. So where is this secret that all the gurus talk about?
I think “secret” word has now become such a cliché. 2.
Nobody talks about their USP As you know that anything that sell fast has some unique selling point. USP is the thing that separates something from its competitors. Many of bloggers talk about producing unique content but they never talk about their blog USP. They never tell you what different they have done from their competitors that separated them from the rest. These gurus who are teaching “blogging secret” will never tell you whether they have got their USP through trial & errors or what was their thinking behind it.
Nobody gives the complete picture “Only thing that is constant in this world is change.” You must have heard this proverb many a time before. There is no fit all formula that can work in every situation. Things that were life saver yesterday may not be even relevant today. Things keep on changing. So most important thing is to actually understand the situations. These “blogging secret” posts never give you information about the actual situation of the time when things started to change for them. What may be the cause of certain blog success 5 year back may not be relevant today. So when these gurus give their tips they forget to tell about the time frame and never clarify whether their technique still works or not. Knowingly or unknowingly they miss the whole context.
Nobody discuss about their trigger point
If you have read Malcolm gladwell book then you would be familiar with concept of trigger point. Let me ask you a question, “how many of you have read any blogger talking about their blog trigger point?” Trigger point for any blog is a point when blog reaches a stage where minimum effort gives maximum effect. I have heard many bloggers that initially they have worked really hard and afterward everything seems to fall in its place. But they will never talk about what is that trigger point that has suddenly lifted their blog to top. They will never reveal that one “special post” that “special backlink” or association that resulted in avalanche of traffic to their blog. This “blogging secret” will always remain intact with them. 5.
Do they really follow “blogging secret” that they preach I am forced to write this thing from my personal experiences with some of the top blogs on internet. One of the “blogging secret” that is preached by almost all the gurus is commenting on your niche influencer blogs. It is one of the fastest ways to get backlink to your blog and improve your blog ranking and traffic flow. I have tried it with 3 different top blogging website by commenting on their blogs exactly as they have told. But none of these 3 blogs have responded back. In fact one of the blogger has given the exact commenting forget in which you can comment to get backlink. I copied that format and commented to his blog itself word by word. Till now I have got no response. Definitely this incident has raised serious doubt in my mind whether they actually do what they preach? Or is it that they have come up with these concepts after success. I am sure you would have heard… “Success has many fathers but failure is an orphan.”
These are some of the points that I feel we all should be aware of when searching for “blogging secret” next time. I have learned all this from mistakes that I am committing with my blog and also from mistakes of others blog. But don’t take this article in a negative note. There are really some gems of bloggers out there. I feel “the secret is that there is no secret”. There are only learning’s from mistakes. Keep making mistakes and keep learning. You may never know what may click tomorrow. For our combined success… $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ top 9 motivating life lessons from roger federer Roger Federer is the greatest tennis player of our time who has set standard for consistence excellence. The winner of 17 grand slams is inspiration for not only young tennis players but other athletes as well. He is not only a great ambassador to sports but is a good human being to. We can learn so many motivating life lessons from roger federer. The 33 year old Swiss maestro is not only humble but has a plethora of grace and social presence as well. Watching him play tennis is a real delight to his millions of fans. For past 10 years he has single handedly dominated the tennis world in spite of having great players like Rafa Nadal and Novak. With his life full of extra ordinary achievement we can learn many motivating life lessons from roger federer. Here is the list of top 10 motivating life lessons from roger federer which we all can apply in our life. 1.
Positive thinking “I am a very positive thinker, and I think that is what helps me the most in difficult moments.” -Roger federer Above quote from federer shows the power of positive thinking. We all should adopt positive thinking in difficult time to overcome obstacles.
Life is full of opportunities and obstacles, so we can’t avoid it. But we can certainly change the way we handle them with positive thinking. We have seen the live example of positive thinking in difficult moments during the games of federer. Many a times he has come up as a winner from very difficult situations. So first of motivating life lessons from roger federer is Positive thinking. 2.
Flexibilty As in sports, flexibility in life too is very important to achieve success. Federer is known for his flexibility in both on and off the field. Many a time he has to adjust to tiring unprecedented schedule for his practice session. But to be best at his game he has to do it. Similarly we all should be flexible in life to adjust to any situation. If we will remain rigid and adamant especially in today’s fast changing world then success will always allude us. “It doesn’t need to be the same every day, doesn’t need to be the same shower I use, the same restaurant I go to, the same hour I go to sleep. I have always been very flexible. I don’t care if I practice at nine in the morning or 10 p.m.” So second of top motivating life lessons from roger federer is Flexibility.
Love what you do All the top performer of any field has one thing in common they all loved what they do. Roger federer knows all the Nitty & gritty of tennis and that’s why he is the best. He loves his job which in this case is playing tennis. What else can explain his dedication to play the game consistently when others have hung up the boots? Similarly we all should love what we do. If we love what we are doing then it will never remain a work. It becomes a fun activity. The love of it will wake up us in the morning and drive us to achieve great thing in our chosen field. If you love your job then nobody can stop you from becoming success and achieve great positions in your life just like roger federer. “When you do something best in life, you don't really want to give that up - and for me it's tennis.”
So third of motivating life lessons from roger federer is love what you do. 4.
Never give up till last moment Roger Federer is known to come up successfully from impossible positions in his games. Many a times, when it seems that he will lose the match he will just hang on and come out as a winner in the end. He has this incredible ability to push till the end. Many of his opponents have been pushed to their limits before they tasted success against roger. Similarly in life when conditions are against us we should not give up easily. We have to hang in there more and fight till the end. This is the secret ingredient for success in any chosen field. This is applicable in all walk of life. So in the game of life, from now onwards, simply refuse to give up till you succeed. “Hang in there, keep playing, and see what happens.” So fourth of motivating life lessons from roger Federer is never give up till last moment.
Tame the challenges Life will keep on throwing challenges on us. It’s on us to decide what we goanna do about it, whether we face it and thrive or buckle under it and perish. Roger has survived the every kind of challenges in all kind of court in his life. Winning grand slams on all the four courts is living example of his achievement. He has successfully defended his number one ranking for record no of weeks against all kind of challengers in tennis. Similarly in life we have to face all the situation courageously against all kind of odds. We have to win in life in spite of all problems and not in absence of problem. As problem will be always present in life. “What I think I’ve been able to do well over the years is play with pain, play with problems, play in all sorts of conditions.” -
Roger federer
Learn to say no All these top players have learned to say no to many things to reach their goal in life. To perform at it optimum best roger has to sacrifice so many things in
life. Every time we say no to things that distract us from our goal will take us one step closer to our goal. In life many a times, we will face situations where we have to say no in order to reach our ultimate goal. So if I use Federer quote… “We can't always agree on everything.” So sixth of motivating life lessons from roger federer is learning to say no. 7.
Humility Another thing that separate roger Federer from his contemporaries is his humility. He has never lost his cool on court and acted gracefully in and outside the court. You can see his humility even more when he lost the match. There always seems to be a kind of easiness in his gesture. This motivating life lesson from roger Federer is worth emulating in every walk of our life.
“I enjoyed the position I was in as a tennis player. I was to blame when I lost. I was to blame when I won. And I really like that, because I played soccer a lot too, and I couldn't stand it when I had to blame it on the goalkeeper.” - Roger federer So seventh of motivating life lessons from roger Federer is Humility. 8.
Patience We all know that patience is a virtue. You must have read occasionally it is written that roger Federer career is over. But every time he has come up stronger than before. Time and again he has proven many of his critiques wrong and they have to eat their own words. He has patiently kept on working to improve his game instead of listening to all the negative comments. Many a times in life we have to face criticism from the authoritative figures. But instead of reacting to the situation we should wait patiently. Our hard work is a fitting response to their criticism then our words. So be patient and work relentlessly to achieve your goal. “I have learnt to be even more patient.”
- roger federer
So eighth of motivating life lessons from roger federer is patience. 9.
Accept the things you can’t change The last of motivating life lessons from roger Federer is Acceptance. We keep on complaining throughout our life about small things in our life. What we fail to understand is that certain things in life cannot be changed. We have to adjust ourselves according to the situations. Complaining about these pity things will sap our energy and take us away from our goal. Accepting things in life can in fact refine our vision & give us the tools we require to change the situation. I will let you contemplate about this point in the words of Federer himself…
“Obviously, matches and all that stuff takes its toll on your body and so forth. But as you get sort of a bit older, a bit wiser, and a bit more experienced, you know also how to handle it.” So these are the top 9 motivating life lessons from roger Federer which we can implant in our life. How the life of Roger Federer motivates you? Let us know in the comment section below. For our combined success…
Avoid following others:It rocks to be yourself Why it rocks to be yourself? It is a basic human nature to follow others. There are more number of followers and imitators than the leaders. Our ancestors from prehistoric times consider safety in numbers and hence this nature has inbuilt in us from generations. If somebody does things differently they are labeled as rule breaker or rebellious. We all want success in our life. In search of it we look into the life of successful peoples. And we do it hoping that we will find a step by step process of achieving success in life. What we don’t know is that these successful people themselves have at times reflected upon their own experiences and attempted to find some sort of formula. Unfortunately there is none.
We always forget that what works for them yesterday may not work for us today. Time and situations keep on changing. So in hope of replicating success of others we start to follow their life style, their dreams and gradually we lose our identity. In the process we merely become the clones. This is the recipe of failure and bring along with it stress, depression and anxiety. When you stop mindlessly following the life of others success follows naturally. That’s why I say it rocks to be yourself. Since I am a list freak here is the list of top 6 reasons of why it rocks to be yourself. 1.
Creativity To excel in something we have to gain basic knowledge about that thing first. Once we have acquired basic knowledge then our success will depend upon how intelligently we use this knowledge. When you start to be yourself you will stop to search for that magic formula. You will be thinking more creatively and start to generate more ideas. More ideas mean you have more than one way to achieve success. You may ask how being yourself help you to become more creative? Well when you stop pretending to be someone else and start to behave naturally it reduces the chattering of your mind. It helps your mind to shun junk and improves concentration. Your mind becomes free of predefined ideas. I am sure you must have heard many a times that best creative ideas are generated when your mind is free and at peace with surrounding. That’s why I say it rocks to be yourself.
Reduced stress Do you know that one of the top reasons for stress in life is living to impress others? In order to impress others many times we do things that we regret later on. Every day we keep on striving to match with our neighbors, colleagues, relatives and friends. This results in living an artificial life devoid of natural happiness.
We unnecessarily take stress to follow someone who in turn is following someone else. The things keep on going in circle like this. So when you are living life on your own terms than you don’t have to worry about others. You care least about impressing others. You will act yourself and this will help you to reduce stress in your life. Why? Because when you stop following others you will be at peace with your surroundings. That’s why it rocks to be yourself as it reduces stress. 3.
Save money We need very little money for our basic need. But sometimes situation can change drastically in our life and hence money is very important. It is very good to earn millions of dollars and who don’t want to do that. Money is certainly needed to live happy life and enjoy beautiful things in life. Until you earn million it would be a good idea to save more. You can save a lot of money when you stop living to impress others. You don’t have to purchase that next iPhones or car or home to impress every tom , dick and harry. This little thing can save you a lot of money and you can spend that money to visit all the beautiful places in the world. After all life is beautiful You can save a lot of money for so many important things and that’s why it rocks to be yourself.
Better time management When you are yourself it helps to save you a lot of time. You can better do the time management. In today’s fast paced world time is a precious commodity. You can’t waste it if you want to achieve success in your life. When you don’t follow others then you don’t have to worry about the things that earlier you were doing for the sake of others. This will help you to prioritize your activities. This will also help you to reduce time spent on unproductive activities. When you reduce the wasteful activities from your schedule you can do better time management. Also few but targeted number of activities will help you to allocate sufficient amount of time to each activity.
Better time management will help you to simplify your life and that’s why it rocks to be yourself. 5.
Shun procrastination Do you know what the real reason of procrastination is? Its enormity of task and lack of love of job you are doing. When we think of starting a job we get discouraged seeing the enormity of task. Since we lack interest in job we keep on delaying the start of job and subsequently it never get started. But once we start to live our life for ourselves it helps us to organize our activities. Our priorities get clear in our head and we can plan better. Since we reduce the number of wasteful activities task look simpler. We get more focused with adopting simpler life style devoid of any show off. This helps us to cut out the waste and avoid procrastination.
Better risk management To achieve success in life one has to take a number of calculated risks. You cannot get pearls sitting at the shore. You have to jump. But taking risk is a risky business that’s why many people avoid taking it at any cost. But when you become one with yourself and stop mindlessly following others you become more creative. Creativity helps us to take calculated risk. You may ask how? Well with increase in your creativity you get more ideas. With more ideas you get more alternatives and hence you can better assess the situations. You can better calculate the risk associated with each alternative and hence manage it efficiently. That’s why it rocks to be yourself. So these are some of the many reasons of why it rocks to be yourself. These are simple things but their effects are tremendous in our life. If you care to improve the life of someone then please do share this post with them (you never know what you can achieve) and do share in comment section below your life changing experience of why it rocks to be yourself. For our combined success… @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Best comment plugin for unlimited traffic
Do you know which is the best comment plugin that can attract tons of traffic to your blog? My friend there is none… But wait there is a way… We should understand that crowd of every blog is different and so do their behavior. Nobody can give you a secret. A secret once told never remain a secret. I was searching for best comment plugin for last 2-3 months. During this time I have committed a number of mistakes as I experiment a lot. From all those mistakes I got the lead what best comment plugin strategy I can use and also which plugin to use. We all know that we learn best from our mistakes. So here I am sharing my learning from mistakes that I have committed during my relentless pursuit for best comment plugin. Before we start let me remind you that I have written this keeping in mind word press blogs. My mistakes during search for best comment plugin 1. Take efforts to understand your visitors Before you search for your best comment plugin take efforts to know your customers. Not everyone visiting your blog is going to leave comments on your blog. Understand that some niche blog always attract more comments then others. Also one time visitors to blog rarely leave comments. So first try to build a community of loyal followers. Period. 2. Always pay attention to plugin settings When I updated my jetpack plugin I thought I will start getting a lot of comments. But I just updated it and never bothered to check for its settings. Later on when I received mails from some visitors that to leave a comment on my blog they have to login to word press which irritate them. Actually I have in my blog settings left the box “for comments you have to login” checked. So always check settings after installing plugin. 3. People hate to login
From point number 2 above I learned that people hate to login specially if they have to do so for comments. In my search for best comment plugin I installed free word press comment evolve plugin. I thought it will attract more comments to my blog. But people don’t like to comment even if they have to login using their other accounts such as Facebook, Google+, disqus etc. So my learning: make it damn simple for people to leave comments on your blog. 4. Check compatibility of plugins While searching for my best comment plugin I find out that comment luv is very popular with some of the best bloggers. So immediately I installed free comment luv plugin on word press. Only later did I notice that my commenting system is still not working as comment luv plugin is not compatible with jetpack plugin. Learning: - always check compatibility of plugins after you install them. 5. There is a secret Believe me friends the secret of best comment plugin is that there is no secret plugin that will increase traffic to your blog overnight after you install it. Even if there is one nobody is going to share it with world. People are writing blogs to earn money and they can give you the direction but you yourself have to work hard. Be innovative and don’t follow others. What works for them might not work for you. Stop searching for quick fixes on internet and look only for directions and leads from others. So now back to our eternal question “which is the best comment plugin?” In my opinion and also according to some of the top bloggers word press
native comment system is the best. Some of its benefits are:•
Easy to use
No login required
No issue of compatibility
You don’t have to install any new plugin and hence you don’t have to worry about your website loading speed
Only few days back I have changed my word press native comment system setting and uninstalled comment luv plugin. To sum up, learning’s from my mistakes are:1.
Ease of commenting, quality content and quality content are the three things that attracts lot of traffics and comments to your blog.
Word press Native comment system is the best.
Why don’t you try to leave a comment on my blog and check for yourself? For our combined success…