disABILITY Services Disability Services (DS) exists to ensure all students are able to participate in the full range of college experiences and to even the playing field. We strive to promote an environment that is free of physical and attitudinal barriers while fostering independence and self-advocacy.
What is a Disability?
According to the ADA, a disability is something that interferes with the daily function of life. This can include physical, cognitive, mental illness, hearing and vision as well as learning disabilities. A person with a disability is a person who: • Has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities; • Has a record of such an impairment; or • Is regarded as having such an impairment. A qualified person with a disability is defined as a person who meets the academic and technical standards requisite to admission or participation in the postsecondary institution’s programs and activities.
Student Accommodations The purpose of providing reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities is to equal the playing field and to ensure equal access to an education and all facets of college life. Accommodations provided are unique to each individual and are based on the nature and functional limitations of each student’s disability. Accommodations are granted to the student according to the medical documentation provided by the student. This documentation must state the student’s disability and if possible, the student’s limitations and suggested classroom accommodations. UTPA is not required to provide a student’s first choice of accommodation as long as the accommodation is effective. Accommodations are not retroactive.
The University of Texas-Pan American and Disability Services does not provide personal aids and services, such as help with bathing, dressing, or other personal care. Students are responsible for providing their own personal attendants and individually prescribed devices. Disability Services will work closely with the students to identify the nature of the accommodations needed. Students are encouraged to discuss academic needs with their professors early in the semester. Achieving reasonable accommodations requires students to maintain open lines of communication with their professors and to express their specific needs. Disability Services is available to both students and faculty to assist in the effort to provide information and disability verification. If the student and professor cannot come to an agreement, consultation with Disability Services is advised.
Services and Academic Equipment Provided The University of Texas-Pan American has a variety of adaptive equipment available for use, free of charge, by students with hearing, visual, learning or mobility disabilities. The DS Office provides services that enable students to participate fully in the learning experience and be evaluated on the basis of their abilities, not their disabilities. These services include, but are not limited to: • Extended testing time. • Quiet, distraction free testing site.* • Note taker services. • Computers with magnification and braille output.* • Adjustable tables and lumbar support chairs.* • Digital audio recorders. • Amplification devices. • Sign language interpreter services.* • Referrals to on- or -off campus resources. *available with advance notice from student Testing Accommodations The Disability Services Office has set procedures that must be followed to ensure quality service for those students who are registered with Disability Services and request arrangements to be allowed extended testing time, or a separate testing area or will be taking their exams in the Disability Services Testing Center. All students taking exams in the testing center will be video recorded. This video recording is for academic integrity purposes only and will not be distributed to other departments for any other reason. Students that do not wish to be video recorded will need to make arrangements with his/her professor for a separate testing area in their respective departments. Students are responsible for being aware of and complying with all testing procedures. NOTE: Students should provide the accommodation letters to their professor(s) before requests to test in the DS Testing Center are made.
Specialized Services Specialized services require additional planning on the part of the student and Disability Services. These services are more time consuming and require additional time to enable Disability Services to provide the needed assistance. Many times specialized services require working with outside agencies to assist with providing the services. Interpreter Services Students who are deaf or hard of hearing and require sign language interpreters must complete the interpreter request form. It is recommended that the request be submitted at least two months in advance of the semester enrolled to provide adequate time for planning and scheduling of this service. Interpreter services are available during classroom lectures, university provided tutoring sessions, club meetings, campus events, for appointments with professors, counselors, advisers or other staff personnel. Alternative Format Services Qualified students with disabilities may be eligible to receive alternative formats, as stated in the student’s accommodation letters, for their textbook(s) from the DS Office. Students must have submitted documentation and been approved for services before any alternative formats will be created. If a student is requiring an alternative format other than the stated format in the accommodation letters the student will need to submit a request. The student may be asked to provide documentation supporting the new request. All materials will be processed in the order in which they were received. Students are responsible for being aware of and complying with all alternative format procedures. Common alternative formats include enlarged texts, recorded texts, electronic texts or braille course materials. DS works with the student to provide an appropriate format for the student. Textbook/print conversion is a time intensive process, especially for technical subject matter, and can require several weeks or even months to complete. The office offers resources necessary for students to convert their own materials. In addition, the DS Office maintains an Assistive Technology Lab that is available to students registered with the Disability Services Office.
Other Services
DS works closely with the university to ensure the student’s needs are met. If students need services not mentioned and if the service is within the bounds of reasonable accommodations, DS will make every effort to provide that service or make appropriate referrals. It is the student’s responsibility to make his/her needs known, providing appropriate documentation, submitting requests in a timely manner, and following DS policies and procedures. NOTE: Policies and procedures are subject to change without notice.
Note taker Services Disability Services will request for the professor to solicit students to serve as note takers for students with motor or processing disabilities or for students that are hard of hearing or deaf. It is the responsibility of the student to notify Disability Services if a note taker has not been found. Students are recommended to take a recorder to class until a note taker can be found. Students in need of a note taker are asked to recruit within the classroom; however, it may be necessary for Disability Services to recruit note takers from outside the classroom. Note takers are provided with carbon paper for note taking and will be given a gift card or recommendation letter for their services at the end of the semester. Advocacy The DS Office serves as a liaison between students, faculty and staff in order to promote positive and effective communication. In addition, the office serves as a resource and consult for students, faculty and staff on Section 504 and ADA in order to ensure that reasonable accommodations are met for students registered with Disability Services. Support Letters Disability Services will provide support letters for students at the discretion of the director. A copy of the support letter is placed in the student’s file. Support letters may be written for the following: financial aid, testing services, admissions/ records, professors, substitutions/waivers, etc. Dining Accommodations For students with food allergies, dining accommodations can also be provided. Students requesting dining
assistance must register with Disability Services and complete the intake process. Students are required to provide documentation of food allergies. Once completed, DS will inform dining services and initiate the process for reasonable accommodations. Referrals Disability Services refers students to on- and/or offcampus resources if needed. Many times students can benefit from other resources in addition to utilizing services through Disability Services. Students with disabilities are encouraged to utilize the services available on campus as well as off campus in order to maximize the benefits and programs available to them. For more information on the resources available, visit the Disability Services website at www.utpa.edu/disability. Service Animals In compliance with the ADA, service animals are welcome in all buildings on campus and may attend any class, meeting, or other event. A service animal is a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability. Service animals are allowed in all areas where the public is normally allowed to go and must be under control at all times.
Applying for Services In order to provide proper accommodations, the Disability Services Office has set procedures that must be followed to ensure quality service. To begin our evaluation process we require proper documentation from credited professionals that are rendering diagnosis. Requirements are as follows: An evaluation of the disability by a credited medical professional. Documentation should include a description of functional limitations as well as the current impact of the disability on daily activities.
Documentation must be on letterhead and contain the professional’s signature and license number (prescription pads are not acceptable). Some disabilities may require ongoing documentation, please contact the office to discuss your specific documentation requirement.
Once these requirements have been met, students may then contact the DS Office for an appointment.
Returning Student Process Once a student is registered with the DS Office they must continue, each semester, to fill out the required forms. The semester registration form can be filled out in person or online. If the student wishes to keep the same accommodations as the previous semester and all documentation is up to date, letters will be generated at the beginning of the semester and sent to the student’s UTPA email. Students who do not register with the DS Office for one long semester (i.e. fall or spring semester), must schedule an appointment with a DS staff member to review his/her file and review accommodations. All of the forms for Disability Services can be found on the departmental website at www.utpa.edu/disability as well as in person at the DS Office. If assistance is needed in completing the forms, please come by the DS Office and assistance will be provided.
Grievance Procedure For any complaint, related to accommodations, students can file an informal grievance through Disability Services by speaking with the director of Disability Services and shall submit the claim in writing with any and all pertinent information concerning the grievance. The director will investigate the claim and will attempt to resolve the complaint informally. Students that are not appeased with the resolution may at any time continue with the formal complaint process and may refer to the UTPA complaint procedure concerning accommodations for individuals with disabilities in the Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP). Report at: utpa.edu/reportit.
Confidentiality Any and all personnel involved in providing services at The University of Texas-Pan American Disability Services shall embrace, as a primary obligation, the duty of protecting the privacy of all clients as per the Handbook of Operating Procedures 2.2.3 and 5.2.3. Disability Services staff regards student health records, student files, documentation of disability and anything related to his/her seeking or receiving disability services as strictly confidential. Records will not be released to anyone (including other disciplines from the university campus) without a dated written consent by the client that is witnessed by staff. The only exception is in an emergency; in that case records will be released only to appropriate professional personnel.
Family Educational Right to Privacy Act (FERPA) This law recognizes students as adults once they enter the college setting, regardless of age. As adults, information pertaining to their records can not be shared with others unless the student signs a release form or the parent demonstrates that the student is listed as a dependent on their income tax. For more information, please visit the UTPA Handbook of Operating Procedures, section 5.2.3.
Disability Laws Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended: “No otherwise qualified person with a disability in the United States shall, solely by reason of a disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal assistance.” Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2010 (ADA and ADAAA): The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is a civil rights law that extends the anti-discrimination legislation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act to all institutions of higher education whether or not they receive federal financial assistance. Title II of the ADA prohibits state and local governments from discriminating on the basis of disability. The purpose of this act is to provide a clear and comprehensive mandate for the elimination of discrimination against individuals with disabilities. It provides comprehensive civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities in the areas of employment, state and local governments, public accommodations, and telecommunications. The Department of Education Office for Civil Rights enforces Title II in public colleges, universities and graduate and professional schools.
Disability Services Checklist Register for classes Bring documentation of disability Schedule an appointment for an initial interview • Call to schedule your appointment or stop by our office • Bring available documentation to your first appointment Set up a follow-up appointment to review accommodations granted by the Documentation Review Committee (DRC) • This may be done in person or over the phone Provide letters of accommodation to professors
Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Office: (956) 665-7005 | Fax: (956) 665-3840 disabilityservices@utpa.edu 1201 West University Drive, University Center 108, Edinburg, Texas 78539-2999