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AIESEC CHANDIGARH Every time in the last 15 days, I sat back and thought of what was next for us, where did we come from and where do we deserve to go. I always went back to the past, our glorious and fulfilling past, and I saw, an AIESEC Chandigarh which once dreamt to achieve what many then said, was impossible. But as time passed, we turned our dream in to a reality and achieved the impossible. In 2010, we rose to a new level, gaining strength at every step and now the time has arrived, for us rise up beyond this level and take a leap, a leap in to the future, a leap which would define the next 5 years of this wonderful entity. My Dear AIESEC in Chandigarh, I have dreamt of a state which defines AIESEC, I have dreamt of state which has no boundaries but is surrounded by passion, ambition, commitment, togetherness and purity. Since the day I joined AIESEC, I was told, AIESEC is a place where dreams turn into a reality and today I believe its time for us to unite and ignite our dreams, its time to live every bit of them, its time to turn them in to reality. But someone rightly said “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”

And thus It’s time to dream as one It’s time to share our dreams It’s time to turn them in to a reality. And with this I welcome you to a world where dreams would turn into a reality A world where AIESEC in Chandigarh would became the First Choice Organization for Youth Leadership and Entrepreneurship A world where AIESEC Chandigarh stand as one in everything it does and defines the road towards 2015 A World where Impossible is nothing A World where AIESEC Chandigarh together aspired to achieve 2015 With this I welcome you to 2011 as I see it As “AIESEC Chandigarh, Together We Will”

Sanyam Abhilashi Tayal AIESEC Chandigarh “Together We Will”



Section B Personal Information Full Name

Sanyam Abhilashi Tayal

Date of Birth

25th June, 1990


#201, Sector: 35-A, Chandigarh






Academic Information: Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) Mechanical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala| 6th Semester| Aggregate - 6.3 C.G.P.A ( Scale 10 ) Class XII S.D.Public School, Sector 32, Chandigarh Aggregate – 76% Class X St. Johns High School, Sector 26, Chandigarh Aggregate – 84% Achievements An integral part of the school cricket team which went on to win numerous Loral’s for the school. An follower and an active member school table tennis team. Won 2nd prize for face painting on World’s AIDS Day.(2003) Participated in various declamations and was later on inducted in the school declamation team. Participated in various conferences/ sessions by organizations such as Dale Carnegie. A yellow belt in judo. Skills Software Skill Level Package MS Office Excellent MS Office 2007 Internet Excellent IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari Programming Languages Good C, C++, Visual Basic, HTML Animation Good Photoshop 7, Windows movie maker Interests

Love chatting on the phone and surfing net

Business and current affairs:- Always updated

Table tennis and football are my life:Pool is a new found interest :P

Love listening to music:- Old but melodious

Love gaming:- Call of duty, Fifa 2010



Section C | AIESEC Experience Q1) List all positions held in AIESEC along with duration of the role. Also briefly elaborate on your contribution/performance, as well as the main learning you derived from each role.

Exchange Participant:Turkey

Taking Responsibility: Exchange Coordinator Project ASK

1st Leadership Position : OCP Project Genesis

2nd Leadership Position : Vice President Development Sector

MY Journey in AIESEC

| Exchange Participant – Turkey, Dec’08 –Jan’09 „The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live.” It was one chilly winter when I came across an organization I had heard alot about and within a few days I was set to experience what many said was a life changing experience. 25th December 2008, was the date when a new life took birth and I was on my way to the land known as Turkey with 7 more individuals from Chandigarh. With this, I started a journey through time – 35 days, which not only challenged me to the core but taught me, how to win even when odds are set against you and hence became one of the most cherish-able days of life. It was the first time when I went all alone, completely independent yet i found a family, a family that brought me closer to a new world known as AIESEC. I was soon a part of this new world and this made me what I am today. I wanted to know more about this organization and i finally ended up taking a CEED in AIESEC Kocaeli. Someone rightly said ,”Choices, not chances, determines one's destiny”

Key learning’s: Became a stronger individual Engraved a new perspective on life and people Lived one of the 6 AIESEC Values – Living Diversity Honed my communication skills | DT Team Member – Project A.S.K, Jan’09-Sept’09

„Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

2009, Started with the same vision for everyone in the Hubris, we wanted to do what no one had every thought of, we wanted to strive harder to achieve what many said was impossible. I still date back to 29th January’09, when I landed in India and attended my first department meet in the Development Sector, and from there on it was all about AIESEC, AIESEC Chandigarh and the Hubris. Even though my way through RMR was comparatively easy with my first match realizing in March 2009 (WOW: What a feeling) but at that very moment I realized how difficult was it to manage clients, sort trainee issue and organize workshops. There were also certain instances when we all had our backs to the wall but then we learnt to find a way out, to strive harder and to never give up hope. It was also the first time when I was a part of a team in AIESEC and this was when I learnt how to compete yet celebrate each others success, be an Individual yet be a team player. During this period the


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Development Sector was leading the charts Nationally as well as Internationally with my individual contribution of than 30 matches to the tally.

Key Learning’s: Understood the core processes of the organization Learnt to be a part of the team Learnt crisis management, event management Discovered my urge to succeed and my passion for the organization |DT Organizing Committee President-Project Genesis, Oct’09-Dec’09

“Success is focusing the full power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve.”

It was October’09 and after more than 9 months I was ready to lead a team in AIESEC. The thought of actually leading, managing and fulfilling promises was challenging at first but later on it became one of the most cherish-able times I experienced in AIESEC. The position also forced me to be on top of everything which made me more responsible and proactive during the period. By the end, I was able to lead a project team which not only respected each other for there contribution but at the same time we always stood as a team, and by the end of 2009 we delivered the Best Delivered Project of 2009 with an absolute growth of more than 150% and 100% Member Retention.

Key Learning’s: Situational leadership Team management Meeting deadlines Leadership Skills | Vice President-Development Sector, Jan’10-Dec’10

“Dreams are like may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.”

Sometimes you dream of being something and then one day that dream comes true. After starting my AIESEC journey in the Development Sector, where I witnessed enormous growth in 2009, I always dreamt of taking forward this department to heights which were still beyond measure for many in 2010. I dreamt of a department which had a Fire, a Belief and at the same time understood and celebrated AIESEC together. In Jan 2010, I was living my dream even though I knew that it was the most challenging yet fulfilling experiences I could ever ask for in my life. Through the course of the year I personally had a lot of highs and lows, there were times when I had to make some of the most controversial through required decisions, there were time when I literally broke down but came back up with a New Belief and a New Vision, there were also times when not everything went as it should have but then, as they say a dark cloud always has a silver-lining, I found mine. 2010 was a year in which I realized the importance of priorities and ambition in life but at the same time how being positive really makes things easy for you. In 2010, The Development Sector not only expanded geographically but also left a mark on the local territory by capturing more than 70% of the available market. It was a year which started with a lot Crisis Management and Delivery Problems but later on came up to being one of memorable years of AIESEC Chandigarh, with Excellent Quality and fascinating member/trainee experiences. I started the year with a dream of ending the debate regarding Quality v/s Quantity, and today I can safely say AIESEC won and The Legacy Continues.

300 200




0 Raises (DT)

Matches (DT) Realizations (DT)


AIESEC CHANDIGARH In 2009, The Development Sector did 196 exchanges which included DT Clients and LC run projects, but in 2010 the Development Sector was divided into two departments: DT Clients and LC Run projects (PIR). And this year the Development Sector Clients has seen a growth of almost 100%.

Key Learning’s: Goal oriented approach towards team management Enhanced my understanding of all sub systems of AIESEC Innovations and strategic planning Market capitalization and exchange development (120+ clients, 150+ realizations, 200+ matches) Q2) What have been your main achievements and non achievements in AIESEC in the past? (Mention a max of three each) As I look back today, I feel, I am standing on the top of Mount Everest and looking down at an Ocean, which is completely blue from the top but as you go down the green colour sinks inn. This is very similar to My story, where in I learnt, experienced and lived some of the most challenging yet memorable years of my life in the Organization and in this Local Committee but at the same time I also saw some of the biggest lows of my life during this period. Regardless of the outcome of my actions, I gained a new perspective to life and became more practical in my approach and sided with the saying, "Our greatest

glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail”.

Some dreams which I feel I have done justice to the best of my capability are: Best Delivered Project – 2009:It started with one of the roughest and longest interviews where I was questioned on my leadership, my ability to lead people and at the same time fulfil targets proposed by me. But after a spam of 3 months which marked the end of my term as an Organizing Committee President , I was able to achieve 150% of my proposed targets with 100% member retention and was awarded with the Best Project Delivered in 2009 at January LCong. Sustainable Growth in DT’10: In 2009, The Development Sector saw enormous growth but in our pursuit to achieve high numbers Our Impact, Our out Reach and Our Quality was compromised to a certain extent. In 2010, we started of with a vision to increase Our Impact, Our out Reach and still achieved the required numbers for the LC to grow and sustain. And through the course of 2010, we almost exhausted the local market, maintaining both quality and quantity at the same time. At present AIESEC Chandigarh is ranked amongst the Best LC in India for quality and quantity. Our Client to Exchange ratio is one of the best in the Country with new initiatives to increase our reach to new geographical locations such as Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. Also new financial policies were implemented to make our projects which cater to various social issues financially sustainable. International Relations and Branding Since the time I joined AIESEC I have firmly believed in the fact that International expose was our USP and that was one of my bottom-line this year. I wanted my members to have an international exposure through International conferences, CEEDs or internships. This was also crucial when we entered Q1, as AIESEC Chandigarh’s branding in the AIESEC network had taken a beating as a result of the enormous growth in 2009. It was only through conferences like APXLDS, MENXLDS and CEEDs that we could let the global network know then, about our Initiatives and Innovations to improve quality and that the debate concerning quality v/s quantity was finally put to rest in AIESEC Chandigarh. As a result of these conferences and our various initiatives, We successfully restored the image of AIESEC Chandigarh which later on helped in generating various partnerships and also helped in creating a strong brand of the LC in the Network. I finally ended up assisting 3 international conferences and 1 MC CEED and a number of LC-LC partnership. There were also some processes which I feel I could or should have done alot better in AIESEC, which are: Member empowerment-Feb’10 At the time when the February recruitments came to an end and members were allotted departments, I had to leave for APXLDS, which primarily hampered there growth and understanding of AIESEC which resulted in non performance in the early stages and low member retention eventually. Financial tracking


AIESEC CHANDIGARH There have been certain clients with whom a large number of exchanges have taken place and still the money for the exchanges have not been received for a period of over 3 months. This lead to a financial instability in the functioning of the LC and reduction in the investment centres. Q3) List the Local/ National/ International conferences you have attended and in what capacity. Conference




Local Leadership Development




































Exchange Summit









Q4) Describe the experience of being a part of the Executive Body of AIESEC Chandigarh. How do you think other members on the team would evaluate your contribution to the team & LCs organizational direction?

"We were always dreaming of how it was going to be." George Lucas

It started as a dream when I joined AIESEC of being on the executive board of the organization and on 11th January 2010, I was living my Dream. I started out as a person who always believed in balancing life but during the last one year I actually understood the meaning of Balancing life. I understood how important Priorities, Values and Ambition were in life. How easy it was to drift along the path you never decided to take but at the same time I learnt to come back, stronger and much more Focussed. It was also an experience that pushed me to the limit and taught me things the hard way. I learnt how important it was to motivate and lead by example even if there were 100 things going haywire in your mind; how difficult it was to balance personal and professional lives both at the same time. It was one year when I truly understood the meaning of a team because when the odds were stacked against me I knew where to look for Help, Support and Guidance. Also at this point I was living my dream, I was doing things my way, I was living AIESEC for what it was and for what it meant to me. I valued every minute of everyone’s devotion to the organization, I understood the fundamentals of our values and how crucial it was to live by them and finally I learnt how valuable people around me were and that nothing could be more precious than them. Through the course of the year, I feel I have done justice to my role, my contribution to most of the decisions taken in the year 2010 were valid and required both at the same time. At a point I was driven by my Own Department but never did I not share what I felt was opt for any other strategic decision which would affect the LC in any possible way. I feel I was a Team Player and was always there for everyone whenever the need arose and was in complete agreement to all strategic decision taken in the year 2010. Evaluation by the Dream Team: I feel I have done justice to my role in the Executive Body of AIESEC Chandigarh both as a team member and a VP Exchanger. Even though at a point, I was majorly driven by my passion and my commitment towards my department which my Executive body gracefully accepted and respected, barring the fact that my contribution in all major strategic decisions was completely pure and unbiased with the sole intention taking this Local Committee to greater heights.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Q5) What are your three basic Learning’s/Values for life, which you have derived through your AIESEC experience? (Answer objectively)

Striving for Excellence

Demonstrate Integrity


Over the last two years I realized that these were certain values which always stood by me and made me a stronger and a much more complete individual who could face the world. Striving for Excellence: In life when you really, really want something to happen and you are willing to put in efforts to the best of your capability only then, the universe conspires to help you achieve it. This makes the effort and the result much more valuable and memorable. Demonstrate Integrity: I always stood by the saying” All For One, One For All”, and I feel its completely justified in today’s world, because when you are in a team, individual efforts can bring you Loral’s but would never win you championships. Respect: Respect is one of the most crucial yet under rated values present in today’s world. We all work to gain respect but somewhere down the line we forget to give respect in re-turn as well. Section D | Motivation Q1) why did you decide to run for LCP of AIESEC Chandigarh? What are the qualities required for this role & what makes you best suited for this role?

WHERE the mind is without fear and the head is held high Where knowledge is free Where the world has not been broken up into fragments By narrow domestic walls Where words come out from the depth of truth Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit Where the mind is led forward by thee Into ever-widening thought and action Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake. Rabindranath Tagore

Two crucial years of my life; living, understanding and celebrating AIESEC which has completely transformed me as an individual who believes in practicality, knowledge, reason and values today. I have lived some of the best times of my life in this organization, I have meet some of the most inspirational yet practical people in this organization and I have given my heart and soul to this organization over the last 2 years to take this Local committee where it truly belongs. And today I feel proud quoting Shri Rabindranath Tagore, for I have dreamt of a utopian state for this Local Committee keeping every word he said in mind for this local committee deserves nothing but the best. Three words which best describe my way in AIESEC are:






Today, when I think of AIESEC Chandigarh, I find the reason for me being who I am today, for I see AIESEC Chandigarh as the most inspirational yet value driven LC in the entire network. One local committee which strives to provide its members with a reason to do what they do, to empower them such that tomorrow the real world doesn’t surprises them and finally earns respect and devotion for what it provides to each member, each day. And the thought of leading this LC overwhelms me as it gives me a chance to take AIESEC Chandigarh to a level where it truly belongs. To imbibe and drive AIESEC Chandigarh with purity, ambition and respect in 2011 and achieve what many would say is impossible. Qualities required: Local Committee President of AIESEC Chandigarh is one of the toughest jobs in today’s time, the person would have to be extremely patient, understanding and at the same time inspirational and goal oriented. He/She would be a visionary who would drive down growth keeping the best interest of all stakeholders in mind and would lead by example when ever required. A situational leader who could any day be called the face of AIESEC Chandigarh, for the term LCP itself marks all the qualities that person would posses.

Leadership – „Leadership is influencing situations through people, bettering both in the process.” Commitment: “Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the "right stuff" to turn our dreams into reality.” Passion: “The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfilment.” What makes me suited:My AIESEC Experience: Since the time I joined AIESEC I have been on different positions, where I experienced various challenges at different point of time which taught me the true meaning of the word Leadership and at the same time, made me more aware of the world around me. Through the course of 2 years, I have experienced; being alone in a foreign land, working in a team, leading a team and finally Achieving goals. It wasn’t the smoothest journeys as it may seem and over this period I have imbibed the qualities required to lead this Local Committee along with the optimal knowledge of AIESEC and the World around me. I have Vision, Oh I believe: My love for this Local Committee is beyond measure and for everyone associated with it. I dream of a state where AIESEC Chandigarh is the first choice organization for youth leadership and entrepreneurship. Where everyone celebrates and understands AIESEC for what it is and strives to have a positive impact on society. A state where AIESEC Chandigarh sets bench marks for everyone, in everything it does and leads the road to AIESEC 2015.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Q2) Describe your future short-term and long-term career and personal goals. How do you expect an LCP term to help you achieve these goals and why now? Career Short term: Graduate as a Mechanical Engineer with a C.G.P.A. of above 7( Scale of 10) Join my family business and plan my own venture( Of my interest) Long Term: To be a successful social entrepreneur To expand my family business across the entire northern region.

Personal Short Term: Be LCP of AIESEC Chandigarh Spend quality time with my family and friends. A CEED in China/Germany Long term: To have a balance life with my family and friends To buy my Dad an Audi To travel to countries like Greece, China, Poland etc.

Being LCP of AIESEC Chandigarh would provide me a real time experience of strategising, planning and executing operations which would be beneficial in my long term goals. Being LCP would provide me a dynamic environment of dealing with various situations and people, while trying to better both in the process. It would challenge my capability, imagination and perseverance over a period of 1 year which would eventually make me a stronger individual. It would be one process which would help me re-discover the meaning of the wordsLeadership, Commitment and Passion. Lastly it would provide me with an opportunity to lead my team and everyone associated with AIESEC Chandigarh in 2011 to have a positive impact on society for it is my future goal as wellď Š. Q3) Highlight your time commitment throughout the whole of next year (till Dec 2011; Academic or otherwise). Ideally, how much time should an LCP give to his role? Academic Commitment: - 3rd Year Mechanical Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala. I believe my academics can be balanced well with AIESEC as I have been successful in doing so in the last 2 years with decent scores and attendance. Hence my college and my academics would not be a major time commitment in 2011. Time available for AIESEC:- While I was taking the decision of applying for the post of Local Committee President this was the only concern that was bothering me, but eventually my commitment towards the Local Committee was far greater than the pressure of managing everything which I have successfully done till date. LCP of AIESEC Chandigarh – Would push me to the edge but I would not let any commitment other than mine to the Local committee affect my work or my actions in the year 2011. I believe I have as much time required for AIESEC Chandigarh in the year 2011 as no amount can be calculated or estimated considering the dynamics of AIESEC as an organization.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Q4) What is your vision for AIESEC in Chandigarh for the year ahead? What legacy would you want to leave behind

AIESEC Chandigarh has been one of the most humble, value driven yet ambitious and passionate LCs in the world. I believe these are the traits which are visible through most of our actions, be it doing events or dreaming of being the best in the world. I envision an AIESEC Chandigarh which in 2011 is known for living and celebrating AIESEC as an entity and strives to be the first choice organization through a collective effort of all its stake holders but at the same time doesn’t loose its core value of being humble and value driven. Q5) What are your three most substantial personal accomplishments (non-AIESEC), and why do you view them as such? Provide a candid assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. My First Team: It was when I was in 5th grade that I had made the cut in my school cricket team. Thereafter I represented my school for more than 3 years in various competitions being an integral part of the team. This was my first team experience playing for something as big as the pride of your school. The Show must go on: As I went through the classes I found out I had a craving for declamation competitions which was evident whenever I representing my house for the same. Soon I was a part of the school declamation team. Even though I always had the courage to go up and speak, I always stuttered at some point in time during the competition. But this never stopped me from continuing what I loved and I continued to be a part of the team and continued representing my house for the same. Fought the Clock: I am one person who believes in perfection, perfection in anything that I do. But this was hard to maintain considering I had a college 2 hours from Chandigarh with a strict attendance criterion but over the last 2 years, I have balanced my personal and professional life alongside AIESEC. Even though I believe I could have done better in both but these 2 years have made me realize the importance of every minute of my life and others at the same time. I believe if you respect time, it will make life so much easy and sorted that you’ll be able to do things that you always thought were impossible.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH These are 3 parts of my life which I believe are my biggest achievement for the courage, the effort and the dedication. These 3 achievements required was way more commitment, passion and dedication than any medal, belt or certificate I earned, till date. Some areas which I believe are my strengths as an individual. I am a person who believes in perfection. I believe if you are doing even the smallest thing, work on it down to the last piece because at the end of the day if you doing something, do it in the best possible way or don’t do it at all. ” It’s best to do one thing really, really well.”Google I am passionate about things I believe in and would give in my best to achieve/deliver whatever I have promised. I am practical and logical in every step I take in my life and usually have a sound reasoning for everything I do. But at the same time I am understanding and open to everyone’s views and opinions. Some areas I believe I can work upon: Being a perfectionist I am very impatient. I always believe that if you have to do something then there is no point in delaying it, because the more you delay an action the more it losses its value. Short-tempered: This is something which I still recon as my weakness but over the last 1 year, I have learned to control my temper to a huge extent. But there are times when I get irritated / agitated at pity issues but I have learn the art of being flexible to an extent during the course of the year. Q6) Describe your leadership style? Explain how your style will be suitable for AIESEC Chandigarh in it’s current state.

If you fail to honour your people, They will fail to honour you; It is said of a good leader that When the work is done, the aim fulfilled, The people will say, "We did this ourselves”. Situational Leader: I am one person, if you put me on the spot I will come up with some logical way out. Also I am one who believes in leading from the back but is always there to lead by example whenever the need may arise. Connective Leadership: This is one of the qualities that comes naturally to me as I love being with my team which also helps me in understanding, connecting and focussing on all my members which in turn gives me a chance to build there potential to be a better individual and a team player. Goal Oriented Leadership: I as a person believe in walking the talk, I believe if something was promised at a certain point in time, it must be delivered. I have always believed in achieving goals but only if there is reason behind them being there. And I have always guided my team with belief and reason towards what was then our goal keeping there strengths, weaknesses and expectations in mind. Today AIESEC Chandigarh has reached the edge and has elevated to a level where the dreams of the Local Committee must become a reality. We must move towards our vision as a unit, as an entity and not as individuals, valuing every opportunity, striving for excellence, achieving enormous amount of Impact, celebrating and stabilizing our growth, all at the same time. I believe I have led the Development Sector to all of these in the year 2010 and now I am ready to lead this Local committee to where it truly belongs in the year 2011. Section E | General Questionnaire Q1) Compare AIESEC with a Global organization (from its start - till date). Also point out areas where AIESEC is not capitalizing as much as the organization. Cadbury entered the Indian market in 1948 and AIESEC was given shape in Belgium in the same year. Both organizations have well defined products and are goal oriented in there approach. Cadbury entered the Indian market with a vision to be the biggest and the best confectionery company in


AIESEC CHANDIGARH the world. AIESEC started with a vision for peace and fulfilment of humankind’s potential but today it also aims to be first choice organization for youth leadership and entrepreneurship. Today Cadbury has its operations in more than 70 countries with approximately 140,000 employs. AIESEC today has its reach in 108 countries with a membership of over 50,000. The working ethics and the culture of both AIESEC and Cadbury are similar as both organizations are value driven and are also striving for excellence. Cadbury has been extremely aggressive in its sales, marketing, and brand development but at the same time it has managed to maintain quantity and quality, which has made it possible for Cadbury to dominate most of the Local, National and International markets. Today AIESEC and especially AIESEC India needs to follow the footsteps on Cadbury and needs to imbibe there aggression and quality assurance which is essential for us to achieve our 2015 vision. Q2) Make an analysis of AIESEC’s key competitors in the region (Local Chapter Geographical region) and what challenges they present to AIESEC and what can we learn from them. Our Major Competitors in the Local Region are: Rotaract club: Rotaract club is the youth segment of Rotaract International which has its reach in various regions of India and abroad similar to AIESEC. Also over the last few years Rotaract has started offering similar leadership and management opportunities to its membership. This divides the target audience and at the same time dilutes the brand of AIESEC as an International Youth run organizations which provides a platform for young people to explore and develop their leadership potential. Global Environmental Concern: GEC works on very similar grounds as AIESEC considering it was started by an AIESECer a few years ago. It pronounces itself as an international organization which works on environmental issues to have an impact on society and create positive change agents. It also aims to provide its members with an integrated development experience comprising of Management, Leadership, International exposure and participation in a global learning environment, which is very similar to the experience we offer to our target audience. Youth United: Youth United is a social reform and youth revolution, being carried out by the young generation of the nation for the betterment of society and the nation as a whole by launching various projects aimed at different social and national issues. Youth United creates opportunities and forums for individuals and conglomerates to mobilize their skills and resources for various social issues through its various undertakings, which sincerely attempts to work for Universal Primary Education, Gender Equity, Child Health, Maternal Health, Environmental Sustainability, and to fight against Poverty and Hunger. At present they cater to a large number of social organizations/foundations in our local geographical region. Challenges they present to AIESEC: Dilute the brand of AIESEC in the Tri-City by offering similar experience to the members. Some of these organizations are extremely well connected which in turn helps them financially, logistically and intellectually. They divide the target audience in both membership and exchange. They pose a threat for the prospective TN market in the Tri-city as well. All these organizations pose a threat to AIESEC in different capacities but there is no organization amongst these that provides all services and opportunities at an extremely large scale as AIESEC.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Section F | LC Administration Q1) List down the different aspects of the job role of an LCP.

The Local Committee President of AIESEC in Chandigarh is directly responsible for all Stakeholder Experiences and for Driving down National and Local strategies through the Executive Board to the membership, in order to guide the Local Committee towards its 2011 visions and subsequently towards the 2015 vision. The LCP is also accountable for Local, National and International representation inside and outside the AIESEC Network. .

National Representation and Strategy Governance and Accountability

LC Management

External Representation


EB Management

LC Management: It deals with the management and the initiatives taken in regard to the membership

of the Local Committee. It includes forums such as GBMs, Sports evening, Cultural lunches. It also includes creating opportunities such as leadership roles, CEEDS, ILCEPS, International conferences and introducing RNRs. Performance management is also a part of LC Management which includes empowerment of members of the Local Committee on grounds of there knowledge and understanding of AIESEC. Overall LC management is creating and maintaining the culture of the Local Committee at the same time creating opportunities to deliver high volumes of enhanced AIESEC Experiences. Governance and Accountability: It deals with designing and implementing strong processes to make the Local Committee externally and internally sound. It involves all hierarchical structures, synergies between various teams and initiatives to prevent the Local Committee from any legal obligation. At the same time Accountability deals with the achievement of targets and gives a chance for the Local Committee permanent members to suggest a new direction for the Local Committee at the appropriate forums. National Representation and Strategy: This involves the say of the Local Committee President of AIESEC in Chandigarh in the Focus Commission at the National Level, through which he/she protects the interest of the Local Committee and drives down National Strategies at the Local level. It also includes active participation in various decisions with regard to the compendium, legislations at the National level through the Focus Commission and various National task forces. External Representation: The Local Committee President is also the figure head of the organization and is expected to represent the organization in front of the board, LC forums, external forums and the media. The LCP is also responsible for the management of the same. EB Management: The Local Committee President is responsible for training and driving down local strategies through the Executive Body through various forums, team days and by creating support systems at various levels to guide the Executive Body members. The LCP is also responsible for creating a healthy leadership pipeline for the subsequent year so as to sustain the processes of the Local Committee.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Q2) Analyze the trends of the past three years (including 2010) of AIESEC Chandigarh's strategic direction (include performance & culture). How do you see the organization direction of AIESEC Chandigarh shaping up in the coming two years? 2008- “Aspire to Achieve” 2008- Was a landmark year for AIESEC Chandigarh, It was the very first time that emphasis was laid on all processes catering to operational efficiency. CIM was introduced in 2008 which improved the brand of the organization and helped in an excellent February and August recruitment, with AIESEC Chandigarh being the best delegation at NLDS 2008. DT traineeships were evolving and a platform was laid for LC Projects for the years to come. TN and OGX also grew as a result of brand visibility through newspaper articles and social media presence. The overall capacity of the Local Committee grew enormously and a healthy culture was maintained due to efficient TM processes through Mentorship, Membership tracking, LDS and other Local Conferences. 2009- “Living AIESEC-Undiluted Passion” 2009-Started with a dream, a dream to be the best Local Chapter in the AIESEC Network. It was a year when the role of Vice Presidents, OCPs and Members completely diversified. Excellent February recruitments were followed up by an inspirational LDS. The year saw boost in all exchange portfolios with all portfolios in the top two with respect to state of national association. ICX and OGX were initiated in LPU during the course of the year with contributions in both by the end of the year. Communication saw an all time low in 2009 with negligible media coverage and initiatives to increase brand visibility. August recruitments brought a new essence of freshness to the energy and the culture of the Local Committee which had drastically gone down after catering to more than 200 realizations in the summer cycle. TM processes also evolved and became more goals oriented with nationally defined processes. ER did exceedingly well with all events in the green zone and a national conference in June brought a lot of liquidity in the Local Committee. 2010-“Elevating to Greatness” 2010- Was the most awaited year ever since NSC 2006 where the 2010 targets were laid down. It was a year when we worked on various aspects all at the same time. Various processes were laid stress upon, quality was the key focus area for a large part of the year and in doing so growth was stabilised and sustainability was achieved. New initiatives such as Global Newsletters, Office R&Rs, MC CEEDs, International conferences were promoted and a diverse member experience was delivered. February saw some inspirational individual’s join the organization but by May the need for more members was felt and AIESEC Chandigarh did its first pocket recruitments in May. At JNC all AIESEC Chandigarh portfolios found themselves in the top 2 in the state of national association with a growth in most of the exchange and non exchange portfolio’s. In August the need for expansions was felt which eventually lead AIESEC Chandigarh to recruit from various colleges from Punjab and at the same time explore other markets. TM processes were balanced and assisted through member reviews, appraisals and R&Rs. ER did exceeding well in 2010, with the addition of a new board member to the Local BOA. At the same time, all events were carried with a profit of almost 50% and enhanced engagement of the board was witnessed in all AIESEC activities.CIM was on a all time high with a fully functional AIESEC Chandigarh website and new initiatives for knowledge management. The Culture of the Local Committee was positive and ambitious both at the same time. Some Key Trends:Exchange boosted in all portfolios. Membership, OGX and ICX spread across new markets delivering higher volumes of AIESEC Experience. OS evolution with second level management taking more responsibility. Member retention and LC Capacity both had increased at the same time. Peak realizations saw member exhaustion and caused member retention to go down considerably. Ambition and passion where the main driving forces behind the increase in exchange numbers and LC Processes.




350 300


250 200



150 2008 2009



50 0

GB Member






Year 2011, 2012:“I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” 2011 would be the year when the organization takes its first step on a new path with new goals and with a completely new approach towards various trends and processes. It would be about challenging our conventional processes and mindsets to doing things which are required by the organization at that point in time.2011 would be a year in which a great amount of stress would be laid on membership and there experience along with the reallocation of resources, development of the Organization structure with the growing trends of the external world and AIESEC International in order to make AIESEC more relevant and move towards our 2015 vision. All these processes would be later carry forwarded in 2012 with respect to the local realities at that point in time and would be worked upon to an extent that we soon see our 2015 vision becoming a reality. Q3) Mention three main priorities for the year 2011. Support each with strategies. 2011 is the year when AIESEC Chandigarh steps in a new direction after 2005 towards a new goal, a new vision carrying forward all that has been done in the last 20 years, towards a goal which would redefine how everyone looks at AIESEC and AIESEC Chandigarh in specific. My three priorities are long term goals for the organization, but these are priorities which would act as support pillars and would guide the organization towards the 2015 vision.

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.”

Connecting High Potential People Around The World

First Choice Organization For Activating Youth Leadership

An Increasing Volume Of Complete and Diversified AIESEC Experiences


AIESEC CHANDIGARH An increasing volume of complete and Diversified AIESEC Experiences An increase in number of members on Exchange and Leadership, would eventually increase the number of X+L An increase in membership and leadership opportunities. Non Exchange teams and managers, to provide a diverse experience. TM auditing and appraisals in every quarter. Expanding the target audience through focused market capitalization by creating numerous entities. Focus areas: X + L: In 2011, numerous strategies would be implemented to increase X + L, which would include numerous EPICs, High investment on membership and exchange, an increase in the number of leadership opportunities, CEEDs, International conferences both AIESEC and Non AIESEC followed up with an internship and raising TN which provide an International Leadership Experience. Entities: In 2011, AIESEC Chandigarh would be reaching out and creating as many as 5 entities in different geographical regions, which would enhance our out reach as well as provide a platform to boost exchange.

First Choice Organization for Activating Youth Leadership Diversifying the type of AIESEC experience provided by enabling every leader to understand his Leadership style and improve on his downfalls through an online web portal (National initiative). Increasing the value of an AIESEC leadership experience by providing a Certificate of Recognition approved by our Board of directors or an existing TN Client. Effective Branding through national partnerships, cafe partnerships, AIESEC Beta and online web presence, which would help us establish a brand of AIESEC as a global youth organization which provides challenging and diversified leadership opportunities. Working on the AIESEC Cycle and making the H4TF stage better in the process by involving external organizations to help us with the same. Focus Areas: H4TF: The final stage in AIESEC has been a red area for a long time but this year new initiatives will be taken to involve external organizations to whom AIESEC members would be offered as interns and would be provided with work certificates from those organizations. This will be one key focus area in 2011.

Connecting High Potential People around the World Absolute growth in Exchange through initiatives such as CEEDS, International Conferences and Numerous forms to improve the brand of AIESEC Chandigarh in the national and international network. Engagement of all our stakeholders including Alumni, Boards of directors and Board of Advisers through various forums across the year. Engagement of External organizations for various TM processes. Using our virtual forum to enhance our brand, membership across the country and internationally as well. Focus Areas: International Relations: During the course of 2010, AIESEC Chandigarh once again had established its image of being a Local Committee which had very strong internal processes and concentrated on both Quality and Quantity. But still at this point, looking at the global scenario, a huge amount of IR would be required to meet the gigantic goals of 2011 and subsequently 2015. Hence, investments would be made in CEEDS, International conferences, Newsletters and sending out LC Ambassadors. Involvement of Alumni and Board of Directors: Our legacy has been one of the pillars which have guided us through difficult times. Various forums would be held in every Quarter to enhance the engagement of our Alumni and BOD which would provide us with a useful external prospective on AIESEC and life.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Q4) Please mention strategies & goals for driving down the National Growth Drivers defined at NSC 2010 for the year 2011.

„The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious� The National Strategic Conference output was on lines of AIESEC Internationals defined 2015 goals but was also concentrating on the areas of non achievements in our 2010 goals.

Focus Areas: OS Evolution for Capacity Building in 2011: # Entities Initiating 5 new entities in 2011 which would directly lead to a Growth in Exchange and market Capitalization and would also help in enhancing the brand of AIESEC. AIESEC Chandigarh in 2011 would have two fully functional corporate offices, One in Chandigarh and the other one in Panchkula. The offices would be situated in key sectors of the local territory with the basic motive to increase functional(operational) efficiency of the Local Chapter. Organization Structure: New leadership opportunities and initiation of AIESEC in various universities. Non exchange members to increase exchange support and increase operational efficiency. Increasing the capacity of the department by providing more opportunities and eventually diversifying the job role of everyone in the process. **Please refer to Q6-Section-F Exponential Growth in OGX in 2011: OGX would be treated as the growth centre for 2011, where in OGX would be initiated in all entities and branding initiative would be deployed to tap the local market. Also investments on Ambassador System, International Conferences, CEEDs and International Relations would be made on grounds of Exchange Development. Exchange participant selection would be intensive and through interviews and EPICs; EPs would be involved in teams before being sent on Exchange. Re-Integration of EPs would also be conceptualized and be inducted as members in various departments. International conferences (both AIESEC and Non AIESEC) along with exchange would be promoted and monetary benefits would be provided. OGX events would be conceptualized during the year in order to create a brand of global internships in the Tri-city and to materialize a large number of raises at the same time.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Effective Resource Management and Development in 2011: Members: Membership would be one of the key focus areas for it is the biggest resource available in AIESEC. New organization structures would be implemented to give members more opportunities in AIESEC in a short span of time. CEEDS, International conferences, ILCEPS and exchange would be promoted and invested upon. External perspective would be taken on our selection process and skill building. Information Systems: Information management would be a focus area in which software’s such as dropbox, and structural changes would contribute to the same. Various methods to enhance the use of would be designed and implemented. AIESEC Chandigarh’s Wiki, Blogs, Website, Fan Pages would be used for IR and Branding purposes. Quarterly Newsletters for the AIESEC Network would be released embracing all our achievements and innovations. Infra-structure: Two working corporate offices of AIESEC Chandigarh would be maintained at all times in the Tri-city (5 work stations in each office along with basic amenities.) TL Delivery’s alongside the Finance Manager would be responsible for trainee houses and logistics. This structure had worked amazing well for us in 2010 and would be carry forwarded to 2011. Finance: Financial budget would be made at beginning of the year and would be reviewed quarterly by the VP F and the LCP. A 3 month working budget would be made at the beginning of each quarter. Financial tracking would be a key focus area in 2011. Investments on Exchange in the form of CEEDs, International conferences, Ambassador System would be made in Q1 and Q3 as a form of Exchange Development. Investment on membership in the form of R&R’s and X+L initiative would be made in Q2 and Q4. External Positioning in Student and Corporate Sector in 2011: Students: AIESEC Beta would be taken forward in various schools to build a brand and measures would be taken to initiate AIESEC clubs in those schools. School Ambassadors would be appointed who would be responsible for AIESEC Chandigarh’s branding, information managements and activities in there respective schools. Class 12th students would also be approached for exchange and virtual membership. Forums to empower school ambassadors in an Global Learning Environment would be held at different points in time. Corporate Sector: A corporate event would be held in the beginning of Q2, so as to build a pipeline for Q2 matches and Q3 realizations. The AIESEC Chandigarh website, advertisements/case studies in newspapers and cafe partnerships all would be used to raise in the corporate sector in 201, through. Use of social media would be optimized and LinkedIn would be used for information on all local and national events and direct TN Raising. I am AIESEC Clients Case studies, advertisements and Endorsements would also be used for extensive raising. Operational efficiency in 2011: Operation efficiency is the backbone to all above mentioned processes, Even if one process in not carried out in the most effective manner, operational efficiency would be affected. In 2011, the main focus areas of operational efficiency would include. Efficient Delivery. Effective Branding and Information Management. Impactful IR and X+L growth strategies. Financial Stability and External Relations Talent Management Processes. All of the mentioned above are key focus areas for 2011 and would be essential for operational efficiency to be at its peak.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Q5) How do you see AIESEC Chandigarh 2011 contributing towards AIESEC 2015. AIESEC Chandigarh has been one of the most Ambitious and Value Driven LCs in the AIESEC Network. It has always strived to achieve the next level in AIESEC which for every AIESEC entity today is AIESEC 2015. Our 2011 vision is in agreement with AIESEC 2015 and through various Innovations and Strategies; AIESEC Chandigarh is going to evolve to a new and much more challenging level in 2011 which would guide us on the path of 2015.

“AIESEC Chandigarh is the First Choice Youth Organization for delivering high volume of excellent stakeholder experiences through its physical and virtual reach, which makes it the most credible global youth voice. AIESEC Chandigarh is known for engaging and developing socially responsible, culturally sensitive, entrepreneurial leaders, who have a cross generational impact on society . ” Our 2011 vision stress upon the fact that in 2011, AIESEC Chandigarh would strive to become the first choice organization which would not only deliver high numbers in exchange but would work towards providing all its stakeholders a diverse and meaningful AIESEC experience. AIESEC Chandigarh would spread its reach through both physical and virtual presence as a credible global youth organizations through its representation in external forums both nationally and internationally. AIESEC 2011 is AIESEC Chandigarh’s first step on a road not taken towards AIESEC 2015 and AIESEC 2011 would define in many ways the coming years for AIESEC Chandigarh and our road to what I may say is that Utopian state of this Local Committee. Q6) Propose the organizational structure that you plan to follow for the next year including the second level management, non-exchange roles & LC Entities. Executive Body of AIESEC Chandigarh 2011:



 

  

VP DT (Projects)










The Executive body would be directly under the LCP. A new position that of a VP OGX and Expansions has been created keeping in mind the initiation of new entities in the year 2011, which would be acting predominantly as OGX Satellites. This would boost exchange at the same time engage members with diverse AIESEC Experiences and exponentially increase X+L There are 2 VPs in the Development sector considering the market and the type of project, i.e. the development sector has been divided into DT Clients and DT Project such that quality and quantity both are maintained simultaneously. TN has been divided in terms of projects rather than markets in order to expand the reach and at the same time create a focus on a certain issue. VP Task force would be created in order to maintain synergy but at the same time support and guide VPs in there respective portfolios.







Market research Demand and supply analysis RMR International relations





OCP Exchange Management

Exchange Development

TL CIM and Delivery

Knowledge management Branding Preperation, Induction and Integration of Eps. Experience evaluation of Eps/TNs

Second Level Management Exchange:

VP ICX-DT(Clients) OCP Cluster 1( Child rights, women empowerment and adhoc)

OCP Cluster 2 ( HIV/AIDS, Blood transfusion)

OCP Cluster 3 ( Outstation and Expansions)

TL Delivery & CIM






TL Delivery & CIM

VP ICX-ET OCP Worldview

OCP School of languages

OCP Akshar

TL Delivery & CIM

VP ICX-TN TL Eureka and Phoenix ( Mohali and Chandigarh IT Park)

TL Eureka and Phoenix ( Chandigarh and Panchkula)

TL Hospitality

TL Delivery and CIM

VP ICX-TN TL Tourism

TL Build your future


TL Delivery and CIM

TL Punjab University

TL Delivery and CIM

VP OGX TL Inbound

TL Outbound

VP OGX & Expansions TL Chitkara University

TL Chitkara University, Rajpura

TL Dehradun

TL Thapar University

TL Delivery and CIM

Non Exchange Structure

VP ER/BD Events Manager

Events Manager

Project manager

Alumni Relations

VP CIM Media Manager

IM & IR Manager

AIESEC Beta and Partnership Manager

Social media manager


AIESEC CHANDIGARH TL CIM and Delivery has been introduced to all exchange departments in order to boost virtual presence, KM and delivery. VP ER has been provided with 4 managers which are concentrating on various events and projects at the same time such that servicing and fund raising isn’t a bottleneck for any events/project in 2011.Also ER would be engaged in tracking and connecting the Alumni of the organization and celebrating 30 years of AIESEC India’s existence.


LCC Dehradun/ Thapar University/ Chitkara Univerity, Rajpura OCP OGX


TL Branding and logistics

LCC Chitkara University,Baddi/ St. Bede's OCP OGX


TL Branding and Logistics

Q7) Give a detailed plan of all possible LC Entities with Organizational structure & timelines. In 2011, AIESEC would expand to 5 new geographical regions/universities. (Organization structure:Refer to previous question) Entities Chitkara University, Baddi

Timelines January-February

Reasons An internal structure is required in Chitkara University considering both the numbers being catered too and the administrative demands. Provides sufficient time to establish a brand of AIESEC Chandigarh and raise for the summer cycle. This would also provide sufficient time to induct and equip the EPs with sufficient AIESEC Knowledge and engage them in the core work of AIESEC. Dehradun would be initiating during the February recruitments considering the summer cycle as the key focus area for exchange in Dehradun in 2011 It would be targeted for both ICX and OGX considering we already have a couple of EPs/TNs present in Dehradun.

Dehradun (Geographical Expansion)


Thapar University


Thapar University would be initiated during February recruitments along with a couple of returned EPs and existing membership. The main focus area would be on the summer cycle for both ICX and OGX

St Bede’s

July- August

St Bede’s would be initiated during the August recruitments. As a college in Himachal, St Bede’s is closed till late February and has examinations till May. St. Bede’s would be targeted for December OGX realizations.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Chitkara University, Rajpura

February- March

Chitkara University, Rajpura would be taken as an official entity in February recruiting mostly returned EPs of the University. Administrative reasons-Same as Chitkara University, Baddi. Summer Cycle would be the key focus. Q8) What role does AIESEC Chandigarh play in the national association presently? How should this role evolve in 2011? AIESEC Chandigarh has been one of those LCs which has been recognised as one of the most value driven, loud yet humble LCs in the AIESEC India plenary. It has been a trendsetter over the last 3 years, contributing immensely to national growth both in numbers and knowledge. AIESEC Chandigarh has always been one of those LCs which has readily shared its BCP’s, Innovations and Strategies with the AIESEC Network. In 2011, AIESEC Chandigarh would strive to be one LC which not only defines new strategies and direction but also leads by example towards 2015, be it through Virtual membership, AIESEC Beta or any other strategic input which may lead to the betterment of the defined processes. It would be one year when we shall strive to be leaders nationally and internationally in all portfolios collectively, and at the same time share our knowledge through common forums such LCongs, ILCEPS, National conferences, International Conferences etc. AIESEC Chandigarh would be one LC which would be always ready to support and eager to undertake challenges and nationally defined processes. Q9) Layout a synergy plan & accountability structure between different portfolios in the LC. How will you as LCP ensure you track common bottom-lines of two VPs? (Also consider LC Entities into account) LCP ICX OGX F CIM ER TM ICX Exchange Budgeting Project Branding Product Man power development and Project through virtual development planning, through IR feasibility platform. and Fund R&R’s, Raising CEEDS, ILCEPS OGX Exchange Budgeting, Brand building Event Funding, X+L Development EP tracking and promotion, Exchange initiatives, through IR module, X+L cafe partnerships Experience Man power Subsidies Certification planning and CEEDs Finance Project Investments Promotional and In kind raising, R&R, X+L feasibility, on CEEDS, publication budget Deficit Initiative Logistical X+L, partnerships and CEED management Investment investments and receivable tracking CIM Publications, Knowledge Investments Promotional Newsletters Media management on virtual and , AIESEC coverage and platforms Publication XP diary external and partnerships communication publications ER Project University Budgeting of Brand External Funding and relations, CRM development and sessions learning Promotional Investments proposal partners event and standardization, talent web space, promotion annual newsletter TM R&R and X+L, R&R, R&R, CEEDs, RecruitmentAIESEC XP personal goal Team X+L promotion, certification, setting, Team management investments membership eternal management and personal mailers and sessions for goal setting updates through skill building virtual platforms


AIESEC CHANDIGARH The LCP is directly responsible for overlooking the functioning of the Executive Body and ensuring that synergy is maintained at all points in time. Initially the Vice Presidents would be trusted upon their maturity to maintain a synergy within the organizational structure and within themselves as a team and if the need may arise, in which one portfolio is suffering because of the lack of synergy between 2 vice presidents/ portfolios, the LCP would intervene and a new direction which would be in the best interest of the organization, would be advised. Q10) List down all the events AIESEC Chandigarh should host in 2011-12 along with objectives, financial implications & a time-line (including conferences – Local & National). Considering the current state of AIESEC Chandigarh and our 2011 vision, events would mark a very important part in both branding and exchange development. It would also help build a surplus, which would in turn be used to boost exchange and member efficiency.

Event Empower

Timelines February last week

Create a brand of AIESEC amongst the youth. Promote OGX and enhance promotions in recruitment

Local Leadership Development Seminar Youth 2 Business

First week of March

May Lcong

May First Week

Induction conference for all new recruits. Important for defining the culture for the year. Branding of AIESEC as a global youth organization. Reaching out to the youth of the tri-city and connecting them to various companies through skill building sessions, panel discussions etc. The reach of the event would be massive and most of it would be catered by the use of virtual platforms in the form of live streaming. It would also be an initiative for raises for both OGX and TN for the summer cycle. Last lap before mid year review Check point for R&R’s Local review and motivation

Grey Matter


May First week


This is one event that would help establish the brand of AIESEC as a professional organization. It would help in August recruitments and would cater to both the youth and the corporate sector. It can bring in numerous OGX

Financial Implications Fund raiser if packaged well with recruitments as it provides all concerned companies with promotion all through the recruitment. Funding can also be generated through OGX Raises Financial Implications aren’t many; most of the finances are covered through the delegation fee. This event can be a massive fund raiser for the year considering the market being catered to and the scale of the event. Selling external sessions to various colleges, immigration companies etc would a viable option.

Financial Implications aren’t many; most of the finances are covered through the delegation fee. Sessions from LEAD are a possibility and Selling some External sessions may also be viable. One event which has never been done before but has possibilities of raising a huge amount of money, considering the agenda and the length of the event as well as the target audience. It would also lead to a positive branding of AIESEC


AIESEC CHANDIGARH and TN raises as well


Last week of September

Branding and Client servicing initiative. Corporate social responsibility

Oct. Lcong

First week of October

Last sprint for the year. Celebrating/Reflection of the year Introduction of new recruits into their respective departments.

Global Entrepreneurs Event

Mid October

OGX raising for the winter cycle AIESEC branding amongst the youth

Annual Partners Dinner

November end

Recognition to clients/BOA/Alumni Networking with Clients Building a brand in the Corporate Sector

Jan Lcong

First week of Jan.

Membership recognition Celebration New EB 

amongst the youth and the corporate Sector Balakalakar is one event which raised a lot in 2010, considering the social aspect it. Hence it can be an event which could give us room for experimentation with DT Projects. Financial Implications aren’t many, most of the finances are covered through the delegation fee

The event is highly sellable and would be organized on a very large scale. GEE as a product can be combined with Grey matter in August as well. Can be a major ER product for 2011 with a profit of as big as 2-3 Lac.

Financial Implications aren’t many, most of the finances are covered through the delegation fee

There are certain small scale events which are portfolio specific and would be taken care of by the Vice President of the respective portfolio. Principal Summit- Principal Summit can also take place alongside Y2B in May. The main objective of the event is the positioning of AIESEC in the Education sector of Chandigarh and boost raises for WorldView for the summer cycle. Global Village- There would be numerous global villages throughout the year considering that there are 5 expansion initiatives. The basic objective of a global village is to brand AIESEC as a global youth organization. Alumni Dinner/Summit- There would be multiple forums which would be held in 2011 to interact with our prestigious Alumni and get intellectual support from them on various issues relevant in AIESEC and the External world. These could also be a forum to boost TN raises. 1st December AIDs Day Event – A social event which helps in branding and creating awareness on HIV/AIDs. The Basic objectives of this event would be service all our existing DT Clients and raise funds for LC Projects. National Events: We would bid for a National Conference (JNC) to boost our finances but at the same time have a contribution in the National Direction of AIESEC India and be a part of it in this first step of AIESEC India towards 2015. 2011, Would be the year when AIESEC India completes 30 years of existence and it would a moment to join in the celebration through successive events such as global village, Chandigarh freeze, Alumni Dinner etc.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Q11) Critically analyse the culture of AIESEC in Chandigarh. What aspects of the current culture will you retain and what aspects will you change in the coming year? How do you plan to do the same? AIESEC Chandigarh in 2010 saw a mixed culture from time to time. There were times when the LC completely ran of Reason, Ambition and purity but there were also times when complacency had set in and this affected both the culture and performance of the Local Committee. Overall the culture of the Local committee was extraordinary, it was like AIESEC Chandigarh in a national plenary, you could see both ambition and passion which was carried forward in a competitive spirit through various R&R’s and inter department competitions. At Lcong’s you saw an AIESEC Chandigarh that valued and celebrated each other’s success and at the same time wanted to prove a point to the world by being the best there is. Some Aspects of this year’s cultures I would like to retain: Trainee Involvement: In 2010, most of the LC forums had some sort of trainee involvement which gave us an external perspective and at the same time brought about the interaction of LC members with the trainees. There were certain forums which became a BCP for us, such as: a Cultural lunch, sports evening, trainees as faci at Local conferences. EP Integration: Since 2010 we again started inducting returned EPs in to the organization which resulted in members who had experiences a different of AIESEC and hence helped in shaping the culture and at the same time brought a new perspective to various portfolios on the functioning and implementation of various processes. Lcongs: In 2010, we only had two local conferences but the sight in both the conferences was spectacular. The entire Local chapter just came together putting anything and everything behind them and stood as one in the middle of the plenary. It was one sight which truly signified AIESEC and its relevance in our lives and its place within our hearts. Strong Department Bonding and ownership was one of the major contributing factors to the competitive spirit since especially at local forums such as Lcongs and GBMs. Some Aspects of this year culture I would want to better: Alumni Involvement: AIESEC Chandigarh has been blessed with a number of highly intellectual and experienced alumni who have not been in touch with AIESEC for long time. It would be highly beneficial to engage our prestigious Alumni in AIESEC Activities and at the same time opt for new perspectives from there side. Celebrating AIESEC: Sometimes in the mist of targets we stop enjoying/celebrating/living AIESEC in the purest form. This affects our culture, the way we perceive AIESEC and everything that we do in AIESEC. External sessions for skill development: In 2011 numerous processes that we follow in AIESEC would be outsourced and specific skill development sessions would be delivered by externals bettering both AIESEC and its members in the process. Respect and Recognition: In 2011, I would want to introduce a new phenomenon in this Local Committee of Respect and Recognition. Being rude, disrespecting anyone, unethical act would not be tolerated. A culture of enjoying each others company at the same time recognising everyone for their work would prevail. The culture of the Local Committee is the predominant factor which decides whether a local committee achieves its goals or not, it decides how everyone around perceives AIESEC and it will also decide whether we achieve our 2015 vision or not. In 2011, the Culture of this Local Committee would be my key focus area. Q12) Describe the role a VP will play in the LC (around performance & attitude) in 2011.

“Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are.”

The above saying just said it all, In 2011 the role of a Vice President of AIESEC Chandigarh would be extremely dynamic and challenging, which would not only push an individual to the edge, but in doing so, it would help in rediscovering his/her true identity. The role of a VP has evolved in AIESEC Chandigarh due to the increase in capacity of the organization. In 2011, the role of a VP would unlock various characteristics which would be required for the smooth running of processes.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Role on the basis of performance: Maintaining Synergy: A Vice President of AIESEC Chandigarh is expected to maintain accountability and synergy with the rest of the Executive body, at the same time ensure that communication flows and hierarchy is being followed. Portfolio: A VP must have utmost dedication and ownership towards his/her portfolio and should act as a mentor for all members below him/her. It is also of vital importance for the Local Committee as the overall performance of the Local Committee is dependent on the performance of each in their portfolio. Strategy and Direction: A VP of AIESEC Chandigarh should be able to successfully drive down national and local strategies in their respective portfolios and should be able to predict and implement the next step for the betterment of the same. CRM-Stakeholder Management: A VP of AIESEC Chandigarh is accountable to all his/her stakeholders who may be members, clients, EPs, parents and the local BOA. (For all AIESEC Purposes, there would be processes defined for every stakeholder but overall responsibility is of the Vice President of the portfolio followed by the LCP.) Talent Management: A VP is expected to be the talent mastermind for his/her department and cater to their requirements through processes, forums and guide them to the goals of the portfolio and the organization. He/she is responsible for member empowerment, retention, motivation, efficiency and offering diverse opportunities in AIESEC to them. Living a Diverse AIESEC XP: A Vice President of AIESEC Chandigarh in 2011 is expected to take up opportunities like international conferences, CEEDs, MC workdays, ILCEPs and finally exchange in order to have a complete and diverse AIESEC experience. Dimensions Catering to attitude: „Lead by Example”, the role of a VP in 2011 would be one of the most dynamic and challenging roles present in AIESEC today. There are bound to be highs and lows in everyone’s term but in difficult times, in 2011 it is expected of a VP that he/she would lead by example and turn things around for himself/herself, the portfolio and the AIESEC Chandigarh. Contribution in Strategic Decisions: A VP of 2011 is expected to give valid and justifiable inputs in local and national forums such as EBMs / GBMs/ commissions, so that decisions can be taken after validating all inputs and keeping the best interest of the LC in mind. Commitment and Maturity: A VP of 2011 is expected to be completely committed to his/her portfolio and AIESEC Chandigarh. He/She is expected to say/do the right things at the right time as this contributes a lot to the culture and direction of the Local Committee. 2011, as I may say, would be the best and the most exciting time to lead this organization for it would be a time which would challenge an individual at all points in time, question his/her perception on life and eventually present a platform for self development and reflection. It would also be a landmark year, for 2011 would decide the road ahead for AIESEC Chandigarh, its members and its legacy and eventually it would decide our fate for AIESEC 2015.

“Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory :) ”

Q13) What is the role of the Focus Commission? The Focus is the Leadership body of AIESEC India Comprising of LCPs of all local committees and the MCP of AIESEC India. This body is responsible for sharing key information amongst LC’s, taking decisions which effect national direction, passing legislations on the existence of new Local committees and the membership of the existing local committees. It is also a forum in which the Local Committee representatives can hold the Member committee accountable for there service plan and budgeting.

The Focus Commission

Facilitating National Direction

Defining structures and innovations


Amendments in the Compendium

Member committee accountabilityservice plan and budgeting


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Q14) What ideal role will AIESEC play as an International youth organization in Chandigarh in 2011?

“AIESEC Chandigarh is the first choice youth organization for delivering high volume of excellent stakeholder experiences through its physical and virtual reach, which makes it the most credible global youth voice. AIESEC Chandigarh is known for engaging and developing socially responsible, culturally sensitive and entrepreneurial leaders, who have a cross generational impact on society .” Above stated is AIESEC in Chandigarh’s vision for 2011 which would eventually be the ideal role AIESEC/AIESEC Chandigarh should play as an International Youth Organization in Chandigarh considering the dynamics of AIESEC as an Organization and the External world. Refer to Q3-Section F- For priorities Section G | Exchange Q1) Please give your (probable) targets for the next year. Please justify the same, especially along the lines of: Membership Volume & Experience Logistical Management Stakeholders Experience Delivery International Relations

Sector Development Sector

Year 2011- Target Split

Source Cluster 1 (CSWB, Child rights and women empowerment, Rural development) Cluster 2 (Genesis, HIV/AIDs and blood transfusion) Cluster 3 ( Project DAVES, Expansions in Himachal Pradesh and Punjab) ASK Conserve Worldview-Outstations Total Education Sector Source School of Languages World view Akshar Total Corporate Sector Source Eureka & Phoenix Hospitality Build your future Tourism TN ET Total Outgoing Exchange Source Chitkara University, Baddi Chitkara University, Rajpura Thapar University St. Bede’s Dehradun Inbound – Chandigarh Outbound Punjab University Total Overall LC Target for the year 2011 :- 900 Exchanges 

Target 80 40 80 30 70 30 330 Target 10 35 25 70 Target 60 20 30 20 40 170 Target 80 50 40 40 30 30 35 25 330


AIESEC CHANDIGARH “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me.” AIESEC Chandigarh today stands at the edge of what was its glorious past to a point where AIESEC Chandigarh must strive to do what no one has ever done before. Today we are powerful beyond measure and the time is right to make history rather than being made by one. AIESEC Chandigarh today has evolved both in capacity and its processes with an excellent pipeline of leaders who are both goal oriented and passionate. Its time for us to take the first step towards AIESEC 2015 and hence turn 2011 vision in to a reality.

“Great lives are the culmination of great thoughts followed by great actions." Membership Experience and Volume:

An exponential increase in the capacity of the organization would take place in 2011 with more than 30 leadership opportunities in the second level management excluding events and entities. This would also require an active membership of more than 200 at all times in the year. Diverse member experience would be implemented in project teams with members not only catering to RMR but also actively participating in events and external forums. The implementation of the Learning environment and personal goal setting would also be a bottomline of the Vice President of the department. Skill building and member tracking would be one of key focus areas of 2011. Both opportunities in AIESEC and outside would be encouraged and due investments on CEEDs, International Conferences, ILCEPS and Exchange would take place. Forums such as Lcongs, GBMs, and sports evenings would be frequently held in order to reduce the stress and pressure of an AIESEC Chandigarh’s member. AIESEC Chandigarh in 2011 is realistically going to achieve a membership of more than 250 for which multiple AIESEC Offices would be looked into. Office culture would also be stressed up on in 2011.

Logistical Management:

Every exchange department has been provided with a Team Leader Delivery and Communication Information management, who would be responsible for carrying out all induction and integration processes while maintaining a record of all department activities and exchanges. Eventually huge numbers would be catered to in a planned manner. The TL Delivery and CIM would also be directly accountable to VP F who along with the Finance Manager who cater to all trainee-house needs, contacts and logistics. AIESEC Chandigarh website would also be extensively used in tracking and planning logistical investments through its trainee column. Two fully functional AIESEC Chandigarh offices would be operational after February which would be situated in Panchkula and Chandigarh.

Stakeholder Experience Delivery:

Parents: There would be forums for parents of the new and old recruits to enhance their understanding of AIESEC and its relevance in today’s world. Quarterly newsletters would be published and given to all stakeholders concerned. Trainees: Trainee forums would be held throughout Q2 & Q3 alongside participation/involvement of trainees in all AIESEC forums. TL Delivery & CIM would be responsible for tracking and carrying out all induction and integration processes. Frequent feedback implemented through our web portal and Discover India would be promoted to maintain quality. Clients: In the year 2011, CRM would be a key focus. Client’s feedback system would be implemented and account managers would be responsible for the same along side TL Delivery & CIM. External forums held by our clients would also be attended for networking and servicing. In November, An Annual Partners Dinner would be hosted in order to recognize and appreciate all AIESEC Chandigarh clients for their support and trust. BOA: Our local Board of Advisers were extremely active in 2010. In 2011, efforts would be made for the enhancement and engagement of our local BOA in various AIESEC activities through frequent BOA meetings and quarterly newsletters at the same time explaining the relevance of all our activities in AIESEC in the External world. Alumni: In 2011, there would be a number of forums catering to our alumni in order to update them on local realities as well as gain from their experience in AIESEC. A half yearly newsletter would also be sent to the Alumni updating them about all processes and upcoming events/forums.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH International Relations:

An IR manager will be appointed in the communication team who will be also the IM manager for the LC. He/she would be responsible for creating all IR content from wiki, blogs, classifieds, contracts and search tools which would be flowed through the network by VP Exchangers. The IR manager would also be responsible for creating Google groups and virtual platforms to ensure the delivery of all partnerships. Vice Presidents would be overall responsible for Demand and supply analysis for their respective portfolios. International conferences both AIESEC and Non AIESEC would be promoted in 2011 and CEEDs in those respective countries would be sorted for anyone attending these conferences. The Ambassador system would be worked upon which would enable us to strengthen ties with numerous LCs through our Exchange Participants. X+L Would be promoted which would also contribute to both exchange and International Relations.

Q2)How will you ensure Delivery will be a part of the basic Exchange process? Also, mention any new initiatives around Delivery. CRM and Communication

Right Expectation setting

Induction & Integration

Feedback –TN/EP

Logistical Management Innovations

Account manager system would be introduced and divided amongst the project team members in order to have effective and regular communication with the client. TL Delivery and CIM would play a vital role in Information management and updating KYC’s and accordingly the promotional materials. They would also be responsible for tracking all matched and realized EPs along with the project teams. A clear and precise expectation setting would be done by the project team before matching. Well defined job roles with all permutations and combinations would be uploaded on the TN form along with the project proposal. Various links would be sent along with the TN AN, which would include Trainee house rent contract, survival kit, Contact sheet etc. Recorded case studies of interns with there references would also be offered in order to have a clear expectation setting through our web portal. Discover India forums would also be promoted. TL Delivery along with the project team would be responsible for carrying out proper induction of EPs in a day or two of their arrival. There would be Trainee forums which would be held from time to time in order to integrate the EP’s in AIESEC Chandigarh and at the same time know them better. Returned EPs would also be inducted in to teams after clearing a general selection process and would work as AIESEC Chandigarh’s members. Forums such as EPIC would also be held in order to enhance their understanding of AIESEC before going for an internship. TL Delivery & CIM would also be responsible for the implementation of the general feedback system and creating ‘I am an AIESEC Client case studies’. Feedback would be asked for after every 2 weeks of providing an intern to the client. EPs would be asked to provide a detailed feedback half way through their internship and in the end in the trainee column on the AIESEC Chandigarh web portal. Refer to Section G-Q1 TL Delivery and CIM would be not only be responsible for exchange processes catering to induction, integration and feedback, they would be also involved in processes such as knowledge management, Creating case studies, virtual platform for the department and Drafting proposals along side the project teams. This would help in IM and at the same time it would help us in projecting our impact better.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Q3) Mention the major reasons for the imbalance in OGX and ICX. How do you plan to bridge the gap and also grow ICX at the same time. There are various reasons for the imbalance in OGX and ICX considering all issues are not local, national but are international concerns as well. Coming from a country like India where OGX should easily out run ICX there were various issues which affected the number of exchanges and the growth of the portfolio. Reasons for Imbalance: OGXIn 2008, AIESEC India realized the importance of OGX and since then it’s been a national focus area. And at that point a lot of new processes had to be developed to boost exchange which today have evolved and would pay dividend in the coming years. Since a large number of processes where still in pipeline, OGX faced a crisis in capitalizing on the existing market as the AIESEC Brand was not as it should have been. CIM and OGX synergy was also a point of concern which has lately been worked upon and would be extremely useful in creating a brand of global AIESEC Internships and striking College partnerships. College attendance and examination cycles were one of the major factors affecting OGX, considering our outreach was limited initially. Till 2009, The AIESEC Network was predominantly OGX dominated with AIESEC India being one of biggest TN suppliers which boosted our ICX but this was also a concern for our EPs as there were very few TNs available for them in the AIESEC Network. Hence delivery was a concern which not only affected the EP but our brand as well. The quality of EPs available was not up to the mark which lead to a lot of unmatched EPs on the system and eventually created a bad brand in the tri-city. Reasons for Growth in ICX:AIESEC Chandigarh and AIESEC India capitalized on PBOXs on the road to 2010, which created a brand of AIESEC India as the biggest TN country in the AIESEC Network. Hence various countries started raising EPs especially for India which was one reason we saw enormous growth in ICX. A large number of DT projects were initiated in which the Local Committee was the TN taker which led to an increase in the impact we created and eventually building a brand of AIESEC in the local domain and which helped in market capitalization. There were some TN Takers who wanted bulk realizations throughout the year and which boosted ICX exchange (In all exchange departments). Over the last 1 year, OGX has completely evolved and has taken to new growth strategies to bridge the gap between and ICX and OGX. Growth Strategies:-OGX CIM and OGX synergy is of utmost importance in 2011, to create a brand of AIESEC in the northern region of India. Also college and cafe partnerships are extremely important for growth in exchange. University based Entities in 2011 would play a vital role in boosting exchange as that focused market capitalization was a red area in the previous years which would be negated by initiating university based entities. Strong IR through CEEDs, International Conferences (Both AIESEC & Non AIESEC), Ambassador

System would be required to match and successfully receive documents vital for visa and other processes.

Branding of both AIESEC internships and AIESEC membership is vital during recruitments and its promotional events. Events targeting the youth would be held in 2011 which would help in the branding of AIESEC and Our global Internship programme. Since 2010- The TN pool in the Global AIESEC network has increased enormously with OGX dominant countries also creating ICX opportunities. Also, as a result of the enormous growth in 2009 by AIESEC India, our image on grounds of Quality v/s Quantity had been depleted considerably. This forced AIESEC India to take immediate steps to improve the quality in 2010. This is also a reason why the number of exchanges dipped in 2010. Sustainable Growth Strategies: - ICX Well defined TN job roles with intern case studies to be spread across the AIESEC Network Key focus on IR through International conferences, CEEDs, Ambassador System and Boosting



AIESEC CHANDIGARH Frequent matching mania and live forums for EPs to interact with project teams and in town EPs. Quarterly newsletter on grounds of ‘Sab Theek hai’ to be spread across the AIESEC Network. Complete usage of and other matching techniques for matching and branding purposes. Following all exchange processes and maintaining quality at all times throughout the year. If all processes and steps mentioned above are taken at the right time in the right capacity, 2011 would be an ideal year for an exponential increase in Exchange and Impact. Q4) Analyze the underutilization of OGX in the last 2 years with respect to potential market and give strategies to increase the same. Also mention what role Entities will play in this. In 2008- OGX was identified as a focus area by AIESEC India and there were various processes and strategies designed to boost exchange. But over the last two years all processes and strategies were scrutinized and new processes and focus areas were identified as there were various problems faced by OGX in those years which not only affected AIESEC India but AIESEC Chandigarh’s growth in OGX as well. OGX – Reasons for under-utilization Q3, section G In 2008- AIESEC Chandigarh started OGX with ad hoc raises from Chandigarh through the word of mouth and branding through recruitments. By the end of the year the Chandigarh was though untapped but we ended up doing 30 exchanges and were awarded the best OGX at Natcong. 2009 started with a GEE event in the beginning of the year which eventually led to a lot of raises and a brand of AIESEC in the tri-city. But eventually ad-hoc raising was again a road block as the market was enormous and focusing on only one segment of the market was not delivering the desired results. In 2009 the value of AIESEC in Universities was also realized through LPU, which contributed as many as 30 exchanges to a total 72 exchanges in 2009.Chitkara University was also initiated during this period and contributed in the later half of the year. In 2010, the focus shifted from ad-hoc raising in Chandigarh to establishing AIESEC in various universities and exploring the existing ones. Chitkara University was the highlight of the year with more than 40 quality exchanges. Also branding initiatives such as the GEE, Global village were hosted to build a brand of AIESEC and its Global internships. Virtual forums were also explored with blogs, EP Case studies, Facebook Fan pages etc. Also, by the end of 2010, new strategies for exploring untapped markets in Chandigarh were designed and AIESEC in universities was defined as the next step for OGX in 2011. In 2011, AIESEC Chandigarh would initiate 4 University based entities and 1 geographical expansion to boost exchange through a focused market capitalization strategy and would also cater to the Local market again by identifying and focussing on specific colleges and universities. Growth strategies in Q3-Section E Q5) Describe the experience of a member in an Exchange Team. A member in an exchange team would go through a diverse experience which would not only enhance his soft skills but would also break his/her mind set on various cultures and global issues. It would be one journey which would include all exchange processes starting from raising, matching to finally realizing an EP. They would also be involved in CRM and facilitating various forums for trainees and clients and at the same time attending various external forums for networking and exposure. A member of an exchange team would also be responsible for growing the project through various innovations along with the OCP/TL both in geographical reach and efficiency. In 2011, Members would be treated as the most precious resource AIESEC Chandigarh has and would be allocated with a well defined and diverse job role. There performance would be tracked at all points in time by VP Exchange and VP TM.

“It’s the best-It’s the best: - It’s the best to be a member  “



Q6) List down any innovation(s) that you intend to bring in exchange/exchange departments. OS Structure

International Relations

School Of Languages

The introductions of TL Delivery & CIM in all exchange portfolios who not only increase quality but would also help in better CRM and Impact through knowledge management and virtual platforms. This would also help in increasing IR for exchange and to build a stronger brand of AIESEC. AIESEC Chandigarh web portal would also be used to promote and raise traineeships/EPs. IR would be the biggest focus in 2011 in exchange with investments on CEEDs, International Conferences, and Ambassador System. There would be at least 3 CEED opportunities in all quarters for members to avail. Reception kits and CDs would also be given to all ICX trainees. After one cycle of AIESEC Beta in February, a new project on teaching various languages would be initiated. This project would be an initiative to boost exchange and ET raises from schools at the same create a long lasting brand of AIESEC in the tri-city.

Section H | Non-Exchange External Relations Q1) Critically analyze the External Relations portfolio this year & list down the roles & responsibilities of VP ER in 2011. External relations in 2010 started with a bang with the signing of a year long partnership with Chitkara Education trust and a huge profit in Balakalakar which not only boosted exchange but also brought a lot of liquidity in the LC. But as August approached there were a series of events with the same target audience and a similar market. This was a time when the inflow of cash was low and even though all events made a respectable profit, the raising targets were affected. During this period AIESEC Chandigarh also saw extremely high board involvement and engagement in all AIESEC activities. There was also a Joint Board meeting held during this period and new initiatives towards the board were proposed. In November, VP ER was also the EBC of the final event of the year and at this point the cash in hand was extremely low. But Y2B and CC raised a handsome amount of money to end the year on a high. Some achievements of ER in 2010 Absolute Growth in funds raised during the year 2010 - 12 Lac ( approximately) 2 Long term MDPs were signed with were catering to both Exchange and Funding. 2010 Saw very healthy client retention of over 90 % due to excellent delivery and CRM, This also leaves a healthy pipeline for next years raising. 1 new member was added to the Local Board of Advisers. Also 2010, saw an extremely proactive and well informed board which contributed directly or indirectly in all AIESEC activities. Some of the notable clients who contributed in large amounts were Kings 11 Punjab, ABC Papers, Chitkara Education trust and Royal Empires. 2010 Also saw a great amount of in-kind raising also most of the events had printing, beverage and promotional partners. Most of the forums such as GBM’s had raised venues. Roles and Responsibilities of VP ER A VP ER would be expected to raise funds in order to meet the deficit in the budget after all exchange income and expenditures have been budgeted. A VP ER would be responsible for the Enhancement and Engagement of the Local Board of Advisers. There needs to be at least two Joint Board Meetings in a year.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH The VP ER would also be responsible for striking multidimensional partnerships which not only contribute to exchange and raise funds but also provide the LC with branding initiatives such has cafe partnerships, printing and other type of promotional material. A VP ER would be also expected to raise for all LC events such that enough funding is available for successfully carrying off the event and at the same time liquidity is maintained in the LC. A VP ER would be responsible for delivering all partnerships in synergy with the rest of the executive body while servicing and retaining majority of the clients. A VP ER would be responsible for knowledge management and would be expected to give vital input on decisions related to the finances of the Local Committee. A VP ER would also be responsible for tracking and engaging the Alumni of AIESEC Chandigarh in a possible ways in 2011. Q2) Give your (probable) ER target for the next year. Justify the same. Products LC Platinum Partner

Target ` 3,00,000

LC Gold Partners


Recruitments (both)


Event Partners (Empower, Y2B, Grey Matter, APD, BKK, GEE and Global villages)


Project ASK and School Of Languages


Ad hoc Projects



`21,50,000 In Kind Support Beverages Office Infrastructure GBM Venue

Intellectual support/ Mentorship T- Shirts Printing

Details Year long partnerships offering branding in all Events, Newsletters, Annual Report and virtual promotion through our web portal. Year long partnership offering branding in some Events, Newsletters and Virtual promotion through our web portal. Promotion in all schools and colleges. Also promotional space on all banners and posters. All the mentioned events have a different segment of market catering to All NGOs, Corporate, Schools and colleges. Hence through MDPs and proper product packaging, this amount is achievable These are projects which cater to youth mainly students studying in schools and colleges of the tri-city. This can be the main target audience for various companies and could help in sustaining these exchanges. External sessions, Newsletter Ads, Alumni, Student Database etc.

Corporate office

Financial Management Q3) Describe your understanding of the role of Vice-President Finance in the LC.

“With great power comes Great Responsibility� - VPF

Finance is one of the most important and under-rated portfolio of the organization. It is one portfolio on which the entire functioning of the LC depends. The role of the Vice President Finance comprises of the following points. Preparation of the annual budget taking into account the total number of exchanges and planned activities in the year. Book Keeping and tracking all expenses through bills and expense vouchers. Allocating member subsidies and reimbursements. Planning various forms of investment on exchange or membership in the FTF and with the concerned Vice President. Educating members on Finance and its Implications in Exchange.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Only link between the external auditor and the accountant. Responsible for logistical management of the LC (Trainee houses, GBMs, Office etc.). The VP F is also responsible for all cost cutting initiatives in the LC. Creating financial policies and investment planning for the Local Chapter. Monitoring events and projects budgets and creating best case and worst case plans for the same. Q4) Define a financially sustainable LC. How do you envision AIESEC Chandigarh in 2011 with respect to financial sustainability? A Financially Sustainable LC is one which has the appropriate investments in all its Investment centres while maintaining a fixed deposit big enough to help the Local Committee overcome any financial crisis and resume to a state of positive inflow. Vision for AIESEC Chandigarh 2011- Finances Creating a Fixed Deposit of above 10 Lacs. Bank Balance of more than 6 Lacs. Optimum investments in membership, exchange and administration 2 fully operational corporate offices with a minimum of 5 workstations each. (Extremely fast Wi-Fi, water dispensing machines, coffee machines, hot plates, a fax machine, a printer and a scanner). No pending recon to the MC Minimum amount of receivables New pricing structures for various exchanges (Esp. ET). Q5) Analyse the investments made this year and mention the major investments that you shall be focussing upon for next year. Also, mention any areas for cost cutting and how? 2010 saw a lot of high amount of Inflow due to various Events, MDPs and Exchange but still there were times when there was very low liquidity in the Local Committee. The root cause for this was that the Local Committee had huge volumes of pending receivables which had been delayed by over 2 months. The major Investment Centres in 2010 were: Membership: R&Rs, Subsidies, investment on CEEDs and International Conferences. Traineeships: Trainee houses were a major cost centre as quality was of utmost important for AIESEC Chandigarh. Administration: Office was a major cost centre as Office culture was a key focus area for 2010. These were the 3 main cost centres/focus areas in 2010 and huge chunks on money were invested in all the three focus areas. 2011 would be a year in which the capacity of the local committee would increase enormously considering the targets and structural changes. Hence major investments in 2011 would take place in the following investment centres. Membership: Through R&Rs, CEEDs, International conferences and promoting X+L. Traineeships: Trainee houses would once again be a focus area with a shared focus on virtual and promotional initiatives. Administration: 2 fully functional AIESEC offices with semi-luxurious amenities, One in Chandigarh and the other one in Panchkula. Fixed Deposits would also be a big investment centre considering that scale of operations of AIESEC Chandigarh bigger FD’s would be required to have financial stability. Talent Management Q6) Describe your understanding of the role of Vice-President Talent Management in the LC. Give tangibles as far as possible. The Role of a Vice President Talent Management is extremely crucial with respect to member tracking, capacity building and member development of the LC. Some aspects of a VP TM role in the LC are: Capacity Building: A VP TM is responsible for building a greater capacity for the LC which can be measured in terms of Leadership Opportunities, Exchange/Member ratio, X+L, Retention rate and through the implementation of all 14 TM Processes.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Training: The VP TM is responsible for ensuring that all members having an understanding of at least the basic processes of the organization. The VP TM ensures member education through forums such as GBMs, Lcongs and at the same time plans the agenda for the same. A Local Trainers Team may be introduced if new concepts, processes are to be driven down to the whole LC in order to increase efficiency. Recruitment Process: The VP TM plans the HR of the organization and thereafter along with the EB runs the selection process, which is defined by the VP TM after consultation with the LCP. The VP TM is also responsible for induction process of the new recruits. A VP TM overlooks the creation and Implementation of the Learning Environment in the LC. A VP TM tracks the performance of every member through R&R’s and carries our reviews and appraisals of all members individually. A VP TM is also responsible for striking partnerships to improve the H4TF stage. And thus a VP TM has the most diverse yet challenging role in the Local committee and the future of the Local Committee rests on the strategies and innovations designed by the VP TM and his/her vision for the LC in the coming years. Q7) Analyze the recruitment’s conducted this year. What innovations do you propose in the existing processes to make them even more effective for next year? 2010, Was a landmark year in AIESEC Chandigarh’s history with AIESEC Chandigarh going ahead and pulling of a pocket recruitment in May. This year we had recruited one of the most balanced yet extremely committed individuals who added numerous dimensions to the outlook the organization. Feb-2010-“Suited Bastards”: Promotions were done in 6 major colleges with a total number of 1300 forms sold. More than 200 online Applicants were registered in Feb 2010. The promotion had been well promoted through the virtual platform but newspaper and radio coverage could have been better. The recruitments were well executed in terms of the selling pitch and the youth catered too. Team bonding could have been better but due to the lack of time, team days and chill outs were avoided. LDS in 2010 was replaced by RLDS which was hosted by Jaipur and yielded fabulous results as far as the motivation and understanding of the new recruits was concerned but somewhere down the line there ownership towards there departments was compromised upon. May-2010-Pocket Recruitment: This was promoted virtually through our virtual platform and there were no college promotions. More than 150 applicants applied, out of which 18 were selected and inducted directly in to the departments after their ice breakers. An Onside OC was selected on the spot for these recruitments and they lasted at a stretch of 5 days. August – 2010- “Tabaahi”:August recruitments were the most intense and challenging recruitments of 2010 and lasted for more than 2 months at a stretch. More than 2100 forms were sold excluding numerous online applicants. The OC structure had evolved with separate OC ‘s taking care of Promotions and Selections. CIM was extremely active during this time with newspaper articles, bookmarks and virtual promotions at full throttle. The OC was extremely well bonded as a team during these recruitments. Excellent manpower planning and talent requirement documents helped in refining the selection process. Promotion was extremely effective as class room Information seminars were delivered which attracted the right audiences in August. Also the data base was extremely well managed and SMS channels were used to reconfirm timings and turn up. Empower was extremely smooth and well planned but could have been better with a slightly larger turn up. Some Innovations for 2011: OC Structure with two different OCs taking care of promotions and selections.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH External perspective in bettering the selection process according to the need of the organization. Building year long communication and network partnerships for various events including recruitments. Q8) How to increase external value of our Membership? Creating an External value for an individual; AIESEC experience has been AIESEC India’s focus area this year. It includes: Certification of AIESEC experience through various TN clients/ BOA embracing the fact that an individual has gone through a concrete leadership experience in AIESEC. By out sourcing various processes to externals and involving them in skill building sessions for AIESECer’s and certifying them for the same. Improving the H4TF process through partnerships with talent sourcing companies/TN Clients/ BOA. These are some steps which would be taken in 2011 to increase the value of the members AIESEC experiences in the external world

Communications & IM Q9) Describe your understanding of the role of Vice-President Communications & IM in the LC. A Vice President Communication is responsible for the overall branding and information management of the Local Committee. CIM has been divided on 5 verticals which are as follows.

A Vice president CIM would be expected to deliver in all the above mentioned spheres alongside AIESEC Beta and Virtual membership which would be initiated this year. Q 10) How would you assess the role of Communications in 2010? How can this portfolio tangibly contribute to the achievement of the LC’s goals (Exchange, Leadership, Membership, X+L) & objectives in 2011? How will this be tracked? 2010:- CIM 2010 saw an enhanced use of Google applications such as Google SMS, Google groups, Documents etc. AIESEC Chandigarh created its every own fully functional website which catered to all its stakeholders and played an important role in recruitments and promotion of events. Knowledge management processes took shape in the later part of the year with the introduction of Drop box and creation of virtual sessions which were later uploaded on AIESEC Chandigarh’s YouTube channel. Newsletters such as “Sab Theek Hai” were created and distributed throughout the entire AIESEC Network. Leadership seminars- AIESEC Beta were delivered in a number of schools and surveys were collected. This helped in creating a healthy brand of AIESEC amongst the students of the Tri-city.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH The use of Social Media was optimized with almost 6,500 fans on AIESEC Chandigarh’s Facebook page. Numerous blogs for various projects were also created and promoted through the AIESEC Chandigarh website and facebook/twitter fan pages. There were more than 56 print articles, 30 radio bytes and nearly 10 TV Appearances in 2010. Promotional material in the form of CD and brochures were also designed for all TN Clients. CIMs contribution towards achievement of LC Goals and objectives in 2011:CIM would be vital in creating a strong brand of AIESEC as a global youth organization in the entire northern region through our website and virtual presence in the form of blogs, social media sites and live streaming/virtual sessions. This would help in market capitalization and would increase the visibility of our Impact. Effective knowledge management would lead to better stakeholder communication resulting in client retention and delivery. CIM this year would directly contribute in exchange through IR and IM. Promotions in 2011 would be the bottom-line of a Vice President CIM during recruitments. This would help in the appropriate branding of AIESEC and Our Global Internship Programme. Cafe Partnerships and Network Partnerships would again increase the visibility and awareness regarding AIESEC and could turn in to possible raises for all exchange departments. AIESEC Beta would also help in increasing Exchange (ET) and add to the future leadership pipeline of AIESEC Chandigarh. Virtual Membership would be a new initiative which would not only help in increasing our capacity for the years to come but would also lead the way to our 2011 vision. Tracking in CIM is difficult as it is an exchange support process but a VP CIM can be tracked on various grounds which define how strong is the brand in the city and its contribution to all exchange processes.  No of raises through promotion on social media and AIESEC Chandigarh website.  State of knowledge management processes in the Local Committee.  No of websites advertising AIESEC on there homepage.  AIESEC updates in college websites.  Member Education regarding the AIESEC Brand Experience.  No of Print, Radio articles and TV appearances.  NO of website, blog updates.  Newsletter frequency (quarterly) and designing of CDs, posters and other promotional material.  No of fans on AIESEC Chandigarh Facebook Fan page.  No of online registrations on the AIESEC Chandigarh website.  No of surveys filled as a result of AIESEC Beta.  No of printing and Cafe partnerships. These are some of the tangible ways in which a VP CIM can be tracked on his performance through the course of the year. Q11) What are the various spheres in the LC in which Information Management plays a huge role or can a play a huge role?

Information Management

Knowledge Management Information Systems

Knowledge Management and Information system: Extensive and efficient use of which is one of the best KM. tool available in AIESEC. Extensive use of applications such as Dropbox and online websites which act as private servers and publishers respectively.


AIESEC CHANDIGARH Creating Member logs/ diaries for tracking and connecting the GB through various Google applications. Outputs and virtual sessions to be recorded and uploaded in AIESEC Chandigarh’s dropbox. Creating Newsletters and Tools which serve for External/Internal communication such as Google SMS, Google groups etc. Regular updates of both AIESEC Chandigarh websites and Blogs. Impact of IM in 2011:IM can be extremely useful in tracking and delivering clients which have been ignored for unknown reasons considering the dynamics of the Organization. Efficient use of and websites such would not only increase IR but would also boost exchange. Standardized messages would be flown down through Google SMS’s and AIESEC Chandigarh website to the General Body considering the enormous size of the organization in 2011. Virtual platforms such as live streaming and virtual sessions would be extremely useful in defining processes and making AIESEC the first choice organization for youth leadership. AIESEC Beta would directly contribute to the branding and pipeline management of the organization. Q12) What are the possible ways for a VP CIM to make AIESEC the first choice Youth Organization in the city? Communication is one portfolio which immensely depends upon on the content, the presentation and the target audience. Hence CIM in 2011 would cater to all three which would create a strong brand of AIESEC in the Tri-City and would initiate our first step towards 2015 and 2011. Partnerships and Events: A large part of AIESEC’s Branding is catered to by events, cafe and networking partnerships carried throughout the year. Events and promotional partnerships contribute immensely in reaching out to the right audience though a series of media/virtual appearances which in turn helps in creating awareness about AIESEC and the opportunities offered by AIESEC. Impact stories: CIM also takes the initiate to brand the experiences of interns and EPs and hence increases the credibility of the organization. IS: AIESEC Beta and College partnerships help in creating a strong brand of AIESEC in schools and colleges and also builds a pipeline of perspective stakeholders for the future. Virtual membership and AIESEC Clubs in schools and colleges would also contribute to the same and at the same time promote the external value to AIESEC through there activities being a part of the global learning environment through there actions. Eventually the bottom-line of a VP CIM is to create a very strong brand in the local market which creates an anxiety amongst the masses about AIESEC and its activities. This would eventually lead the way for AIESEC to become the first choice Youth run Organization in the tri-city.

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