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Montlure Camp

Montlure is looking forward to another incredible summer with their campers and can’t wait to meet new ones. Montlure offers a summer camp experience where campers can unplug from both technology and stress/ anxiety and connect with nature, their peers, their counselors, and their faith. All while having an incredible amount of fun! Details at montlure.org


Overnight Camps

(children entering 4th -12th grade):

Sr High Camp: June 20 - 25

Jr High Camp: June 27 - July 2

Juniors Camp: July 5-9

Traveling Day Camps

(children entering 1st - 6th grade):

Casa Grande: June 5-9

Mesa: June 12-16

Tucson: June 19-23

Tempe: June 26-30

There are also leadership development opportunities for older youth, giving them hands-on opportunity to grow and learn alongside Montlure’s summer staff. Montlure Camp is the outdoor ministry of the Presbyteries of Grand Canyon and de Cristo. They seek to support our presbyteries by helping to raise up the leaders of this generation. For more info visit montlure.org/volunteer, email Montlure at camp@montlure.org, or call (520) 369-2199.

Montlure is also looking for help. Their summer camps are looking for seasonal staff and volunteers for their overnight camp programs. In particular, they are looking for 18-24 year old males (camp counselors) and worship/music leaders. More information can be found at montlure.org/employment or monture.org/volunteer

There are also work camps posted and ready for sign ups! For more information go to Montlure.org/greer.


Good News Community Church (GNCC) has been the Partner Church of St. Andrew’s since 2013 and is our May Moment for Mission Partner.

GNCC serves the inner city, impoverished and spiritually starved Miracle Manor neighborhood of Tucson, including the homeless, addicted, and residents of halfway houses. Many of their regularly-attending members are new believers from the community.

St. Andrew’s has assisted GNCC with volunteers and funding for community outreach projects and with providing some financial support for the Pastor’s salary.

Pastor Jeff Markland has stated: ‘We are called to go into the Harvest Field that is the Miracle Manor neighborhood, to represent Jesus’ love and Grace, to bring people in need into a right relationship with Jesus, and to make disciples in the image of Christ.’

Contact Information:

Pastor Jeff Markland


Good News Community Church

701 W. Glenn St. Tucson, AZ 85705

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