A Complete Guide On Yellow Sapphire Gemstone

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Table Of Contents

About the Book




Yellow Sapphire Gemstone


Physical Properties of Yellow sapphire


Chemical Properties of Yellow Sapphire


Heating Properties of Yellow Sapphire


Origins Of Yellow sapphire Gemstone


How Jupiter is related to Yellow Sapphire


Methods Of Wearing Yellow Sapphire


Procedure Of wearing Pukhraj stone


Benefits of Yellow Sapphire


How To Identify Real Yellow Sapphire


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About The Book

Yellow Sapphire gemstone is one of the most fascinating gemstone that is getting immense popularity among people. Yellow Sapphire gemstone also known as pukhraj in Hindi can be used in both jewelry and astrological purpose. Many of us often hear about this yellow sapphire stone, but we do not know about this stone in details. Even people who are wearing this stone, fails to tell the characteristics and meaning of this stone confidently. This E-book will clear your doubts and will tell you about yellow sapphire gemstone in detail. Yellowsapphire.org.in is one of the yellow sapphire gemstone suppliers in India and the world that supplies natural certified Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) gemstones to Jewelers, distributors, fashion designers and astrologers. Yellowsapphire.org.in is a venture of Venus Enterprises that was established in the year 2003. Each gemstone is certified by Gem Lab and are high quality stones. Shop.Yellowsapphire.org.in is an online store that offers an easy and a different buying experience for its users.

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Author Kanwal Kaur Editor Mr Sanjeev Kumar Copyright

2017 [YellowSapphire.org.in]

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Yellow Sapphire Gemstone

Yellow sapphire stone is an attractive stone and is really mesmerizing due to its wide range of colors and cuts. The various color shades and cuts of yellow sapphire stone draws the attention of others towards it. These days yellow sapphire gemstone is in great trend, especially among women and they love to embed this stone in their jewelry. Apart from this according to Vedic AStrology, yellow sapphire gemstone belongs to one of the dominating and powerful planet Jupiter. Yellow sapphire gemstone is considered as one of the most auspicious stones among all available gemstones. The planet Jupiter is a symbol of luck, wisdom, marital bliss and financial strength.

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Physical Properties Of Yellow Sapphire The physical properties of yellow sapphire can be defined by the 4C's grading. This 4C's include cut, color, clarity and carat. These are the essential components of yellow sapphire stone. Color: Yellow sapphire is found in a range of hues between greenish yellow and orange yellow. Deep golden yellow without any tinge of orange is considered the best color of a yellow sapphire. Sometimes the yellow color of the stone can be so pale that it can fall into the category of white sapphire. Cut: Yellow sapphire is commonly discovered in oval cut to retain maximum weight. But it is also cut and faceted into a lot of frequent and fancy shapes like cushion cut, round, octagonal, square and so on. Carat: Yellow sapphires are usually located in all sizes up to 815cts. But clean large size gems with high quality bright golden yellow color are uncommon and really priced. Clarity: Prominently visible or even faint natural inclusions for example, feathers, color zoning, crystals and so on are typically discovered in pukhraj or yellow sapphires. This gem contains black inclusions, feathers and natural fissures. Page 5

Chemical Properties Of Yellow Sapphire

Yellow Sapphire gemstone belongs to corundum family that is found in many colors such as yellow, golden and is even available in colorless variety, white sapphire. After analyzing it is proved that the yellow sapphire gemstone is an aluminium oxide (Al203) and has a hardness of 9 on Mohs Scale. This gemstone is the second hardest mineral after diamond. Chemical Composition




Specific Gravity

3.99 to 4.00

Refractive Index

1.760-1.768 to 1.770-1.779



Yellow sapphire (Pukhraj) is solely pure stone without any impurity, but very hard to find a pure stone without any impurity. Although, colorless yellow sapphire stone is contemplated being the purest stone.

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Heating Properties Of Yellow Sapphire

It is very rare to find a yellow sapphire stone without any inclusion. However, inclusion is not considered to be harmful if it is performed to nurture the quality of a gemstone. Yellow Sapphire is a colored gemstone so in order to preserve the color property of yellow sapphire, it is heated at high temperature of 1500 c to 1800 c to enhance beauty and color brilliance of these stone While heating these gemstones a proper care must be taken otherwise, all the positive properties of stone will wash away. Heating treatment performs on the stone with diffusing beryllium and irradiation to enhance appearance of the stone.

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Origins Of Yellow Sapphire The yellow sapphire gemstone is found in various parts of the world. Let's have a look at some of the famous yellow sapphire origins: Russia: Russia is considered to be one of the major suppliers of yellow sapphire stone in world. In Russia there are many mines from where this compelling yellow sapphire stone is found or originated. Brazil: The stones which are spotted from the mines of Brazil are light yellow in color. Due to its compelling features the stones that are spotted from this region of the world is considered being best looking yellow sapphire stone. Rhodesia: In Rhodesia the yellow sapphire stone is occupied which is colorless and the quality of the stones is not quite encouraging. Best Source of Yellow Sapphire is Sri Lankan Sapphires Sri Lanka: The Ceylon or Sri Lankan yellow sapphire stone is most popularly demanded all over the world. The stone extracted from the mines of Sri Lanka is light yellow and flexible. Other sources of yellow sapphire stones are Japan, Mexico, England, Thailand, Australia, USA (Montana), Burma, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Tanzania and Kenya. Page 8

How Jupiter is Related To Yellow Sapphire Yellow Sapphire is connected with Planet Jupiter that is the most auspicious planet. The Benevolent planet Jupiter as similar to other planet’s emits beam of light and prosperously yellow sapphire stone possesses the skills to capture the major portion of this beam of light which altogether makes this stone being the birthstone or the most significant stone of Jupiter.

Therefore, the yellow sapphire stone encompasses the enriches powers of the planet Jupiter on earth and derive its power to aid in the favor of a person who adopts this stone. Hence, by virtue of above fact an individual who crave to extort the benevolent features of Jupiter in their lives can wear this yellow color stone

Just like the teacher sharpens our intellect and imparts knowledge to us, the planet Jupiter governs the wisdom and knowledge of the native. Being the teacher or the educator gives this planet a position superior to the rest of the planets and also places yellow sapphire among the most valuable gemstones.

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Methods Of Wearing Yellow Sapphire It is often said that the particular gemstone will show its positive effects only if it is worn with correct wearing methods. Similarly, yellow sapphire gemstone will bless its wearer if the person wears this stone with proper method and procedure. Which Is The Most Auspicious Day To Wear Yellow Sapphire Stone? This stone should be worn on Thursday morning during (Shukla Paksha) to gain the incalculable number of benefits. In Which Finger Yellow Sapphire Stone Should Be Worn? The yellow sapphire the gemstone of planet Jupiter should be worn on the ring finger of the right hand to invite the surplus number of benefits that is being offered by this stone Which Is The Most Ideal Metal To Embed Yellow Sapphire Stone In? The stunning yellow sapphire stone should be worn with either gold or diamond ring What Is The Wearing Mantra Of Yellow Sapphire? “Aum Brim Brahaspataye Namah Aum� Page 10

Procedure Of Wearing Yellow Sapphire

Step 1: The first and foremost thing a person need to do is to have a word with a competent astrologer in order to know whether yellow sapphire suits him/her or not. Since, wearing yellow sapphire if Jupiter is set in the wrong houses of the birth chart would instead of bringing favorable results backfire. Step 2: Always buy natural certified yellow sapphire or Pukhraj stone from a well established and reputable gem dealer because wearing a synthetic yellow sapphire will bring inauspicious result for its wearer. Step 3: After buying a certified yellow sapphire, choose the perfect metal to embed or fix it in. Mostly, gold or silver is considered to be the best metals to fix yellow sapphire. The stone should be fixed in gold or silver ring in such a manner so that it touches the human skin to channelize its positive energy in the life of its wearer. Step 4: The ideal weight of the yellow sapphire ring should be of two carats or more than it. It is believed that the power or effect of stone enhances as per the weight increases. Step 5: Jupiter blessed yellow sapphire or Pukhraj stone should be worn on Thursday morning most probably during the Shukla Paksha.

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Step 6: Upon the arrival of Thursday morning, sit facing the north or northeast direction on yellow color asana. Keep the ring drenched in either holy water or milk to remove all harmful and redundant energies from the stone. Step 7: After keeping out the ring from milk, place it over the yellow color cloth on which Jupiter Yantra is drawn to the Roli. Now burn 5 incense sticks and offer flowers to Jupiter blessed yellow sapphire ring while chanting this mantra for 108 times. “Aum Brim Brahaspataye Namah Aum� Step 8: Now adopt the ring on the index finger of the right hand. Note: yellow sapphire ring should be activated till a confine period of time. Generally, a yellow sapphire ring serves its purpose around 3 years and then it loses its charm. Hence, after three or four year ring should be changed. Step 9 A proper care should be taken of yellow sapphire ring by clearing it on the regular basis with water and other useful chemicals to remove toxic materials and keep it rejuvenated.

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Benefits Of Yellow Sapphire Yellow Sapphire gemstone has numerous benefits because of its association with the felicitous planet Jupiter. Below are some of the main benefits of yellow sapphire gemstone:  The yellow sapphire stone derives quick wealth for its wearer.  This stone brings luck and fortune in the life of its wearer. And, open sea of opportunity for their wearer.  The yellow sapphire stone is known to be the most benevolent or auspicious stone for unmarried girls as per holy books and scriptures. Thus, girls who are not getting married or not finding a perfect life partner can wear this stone.  This gemstone is also enormously benevolent for those individuals who are in depression and full of negativity.  Wearing this stone inject happiness and joy in your married life and family.  Individuals who are in government field or working in the field of accounting, writing, and acting can wear this stone since yellow sapphire stone help them to achieve great heights in their respective careers.

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How To Identify Real Yellow Sapphire A real yellow sapphire stone encompasses the following characteristics or properties.  The real yellow sapphire stone seems heavy when it is kept on hand for a while. The real yellow stone appears crystal clear and the piece of the stone is large and without layers.  The real yellow sapphire stone is soft and glib. And, the color of the stone appears like the yellow oleander.  The color of fine quality yellow sapphire stone improves when it is being scrubbed against a wall or touchstone.  The stone which reflects two colors and contain a black smudge or colorless is regarded to be fake or synthetic yellow sapphire stone.  The high quality yellow sapphire encompasses extreme characteristics. It is being famously said about the real yellow sapphire that if this stone is scrubbed for a definite period of time may generate or lit up the fire.  Other identification of yellow sapphire stone is that if it is being suppressed from the thumb and index finger of the right hand the real yellow sapphire stone will slip away from the hand. It actually happens due to the smoothness of the stone.  A fine quality yellow sapphire stone resembles the shape of setting Sun when it is being warmed up in fire.

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