Things You Need To Know Before You Buy Yellow Sapphire stone
Yellow sapphire birthstone comes in different shades . These days, the stone is readily available online. H owever, you should consider a few points before you buy yellow sapphire stone online.
Clarity of the stone
The sapphire should be 100% c lear to the eyes with very lit tle inclusions. Also, check f or blemishes and scratches.
Cut of the stone
The splendor and luster of a y ellow sapphire gemstone are ba sed on its cut. It should allow light and color to shine thro ugh. It is important to check the capability to stone to ref lect light.
Heat treatment
Youshould inquireaboutthe stores to buy original pukhraj about the heating method use d. Find out if the stone is u ntreated or unheated.
Check out the authenticity of the website
It is very important to know t hat you buy certified gemston e online from a reliable and reputed lab.
Look for real and synthetic
Notallyellowlookingstonesare yellow sapphir theymaybe Topazore, Citrin or syntheti c. Make sur e the originali certification from the ty e you store.
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