Sukar Nadi ‐ 4 Mercury In Different Houses

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Sukar Nadi ‐ 4 Mercury In Different Houses By Saptarishis Astrology Team Copy Editor: Renay Oshop, USA. æ‹ ÿ ñý£ èíðî«ò ïñý! æ‹ ÿ ꣌ó£‹! æó£IìˆF™ ¹î¡ Þ¼‚°‹ ðô¡ ¹‰F«ò£ÂFˆî ô‚Aù‹ î¡Q™ ªð£¼‰F«ò F¼‰Fì£ù£A™ ñ‰î‹ ¹ˆFñ£ ùõªù¿ˆ¶ bó£Eñù‹ ñ‰Fóõ£F õ‰F¼I¼ ð£¬ûèœ èŸð¡ õ…Cò˜Š ¹î«ñò£AŸ ¹‰F«òòöè¡ º¬ùõªù¡ªø‡E ñ¡ùõ¬óˆî¶I¶«õ

Mercury in I house If strong Mercury is in lagna, the native will be intelligent, have proficiency in writing, a magician mind, will know two languages, will be handsome and attractive to females. (123) («õÁ) ªêŠð‚«èœ ô‚AùˆF™ ¹îQ¼‚è bóù£‹ ióQõ¡ ð‰¶Iˆó¡ îŠð«õ GIûˆF™ «è£Hò£°‹ þíñ£Á‹ ªõOò£˜‚° Ü¡ðù£°‹ îŠð£ñ™ CŸÁ‡®Š HKòù£°‹ Ìô «ïòù£‹ Üóê˜ ªñ„ê åŠð«õ õ£›‰F´õ¡ èóƒè£™ c†C àò˜êô£‹ ñJ¼¬ì«ò£¡ Üè‡ì ñ£˜«ð£¡ ñ£˜«ð£ù£‰ î‰îñ¶ õK¬ê»‡´ ñèˆî£ù ªïŸP»‹ Mê£ôºœ÷£¡

Brave and Courageous, friendly with relatives, short tempered, good to outsiders, fond of good food and pan, will live a life praised by all, long hand and legs with dense hair, broad chest, proper teeth line and broad forehead. (124)

áó£˜èœ ªð£¼¬÷«ò èõ¼‹ ¹ˆF àò˜‰F†ì Ü¡Qòð£¬û «î˜„C«ðó£¡ «ðó£ù âF˜ˆ«î£¬óˆ Š«ð£ù£‹ «ðêPò ðôñ£¶ èõùºœ÷£¡ Åó£ù ¹ˆFó˜«ñ™ õ£…¬êªñˆî ¹Qîºì¡ ÜHñ£Q ¹è›«õ£ù£«ñ

Will have intentions to take away the things of others, will attain proficiency with one foreign language, will punish those who oppose him, and have many friends of the opposite sex, will be fond of his brave children with whom he will show extra love and (125) 277

affection. Þ󇮙 ¹î¡ Þ¼‚°‹ ðô¡ ¹î«ñ Jó‡ì£IìˆFQ L¼‰î£™ ¹ˆFó ð£‚Aò ºœ«÷£¡ Mîºì¡ ê£vFó º¬ìòõ¡ò£¬ù «òÁõ ùõ«ñ îùõ£¡ ¹¬îªð£¼ Àœ«÷£¡ «ð£è ð£‚Aòõ£¡ ðŸðô ¹‡Eò ¹¼û¡ ²ˆîºì¡ õ£›õ¡ êñ˜ˆî ñõ«ù êîó£F õíƒAì„ ªêŒõ£¡

Publisher: Mercury is the significator (karaka) for intelligence, mastery over communications and language. The reason is in the Kala Chakra Kundali (Natural Zodiac) Mercury rules the sign Gemini & it is in the 3H which symbolizes writing, language, communication and brings in the intelligence of the male and female energy (Gemini) into the Ascendant (Lagna). 3H is the house of hands and if its lord comes in Asc which is the body, it brings in those qualities of broad chest and long hands to the 1H.

American‐British poet, playwright, literary critic and editor; he was a leader of the modernistic movement in poetry. Eliot was awarded both the British Order of Merit and the Nobel Prize for Literature. From 1911 to 1914 he studied Sanskrit and read Indian philosophy back at Harvard. Probably one of the most erudite English poets of his time, his first important published work and the first masterpiece of modernism in English was "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." You can see that Mer is in the Asc with Asc lord making this Mercury very strong thereby. Mercury is also 9H lord, and he had learnt Sanskrit too. Sukar Rishi says Mer in 1H can give mastery over two languages and one of them could be a foreign language (Sanskrit in this case). There is a small but ignored and yet unrevealed method of seeing a chart. Take the above chart for example. The Asc is 7 in number. Go to 7th house of the chart. This will become key. 7H is house of public and relationship, so when he activated this house by his work, called ‘Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock’, his Asc got activated, that is, his Mercury. The Lord of his 7H is mars which is conjoined with his 3L of writing, Jupiter, and placed in the 2H of status – which he is what he got and he earned from it too, as it is 2H of vocation.


This Mer in 1H is shared in the charts of celebrity communicators like George Lucas, British actor writer David Benson and so on.

Mercury in II house If Mercury is in second house, will have children (Putra Bhagyam), knowledge in sciences (shastras), wealthy (dhanavaan) like king, will get hidden treasures, will enjoy all types of comforts (bhog), doer of good deeds, will live clean life, smart enough to make even enemies bow to him (126) («õÁ)

Ý«ñ ªó‡ìF«ô ¹îQ¼‚è Ü¡ð£ù ïòõ£‚«è£¡ Mˆ¬î ÜŸð‹ î£ñîƒè O™ô£ñ™ õ£˜ˆ¬î »œ÷£¡ îù‰«î´‹ ñJ«ô ¹ˆF ªñˆî è£ñˆF¡ Þ„¬êò£™ Côªð£¼¬÷‚ è£CQJ™ Móòñ¶ ªêŒ»‰bó¡ ÌIîQ™ î¬ôªò´ˆ¶ «õíªê£ˆ¶Š ¹è›„Cò£Œˆ «î´õ£ Q‰îŠð£ô¡

Pleasant and Sweet talker, less education, prolific speaker, more interested in search of wealth, will spend or will lose some wealth due to lust, will create wealth independently. ð£ôQõ¡ êèôó¶ °íñPõ£¡ ꣶ‚èœ î¬ù‚è‡ì£™ «ð£ŸÁ‰ bó¡ ë£ôñF™ Ü¿ˆîªï…ê‹ âñ‚è…꣡ ï£î£‰î êƒWî‚ «èœM»œ÷£¡ «è£ôºì¡ ªõOò£˜‚° ô£ù£°‹ «è£¬îò˜«ñ™ ÜFèñ£‹ HKòƒªè£œõ£¡ ãô«õ àôA¡I¬ê ðô«ð˜ «ð£Ÿø Þ¡ùõ‹ õ£›‰F¼Šð¡ ÞQŠðî£è


Ability to know others behavior, will praise the saints (sadhu’s), not afraid of death (not afraid of lord of death), strong will, self developed knowledge in music, nice to outsiders, excessive affection over woman folks, will live a life praised by others (128) Publisher: If we take the words self developed knowledge in music to mean in a loose manner those who are in effect in the music business, we get 151 charts of celebs who are in the music business in some form or the other. See chart below of a composer.


Scottish poet, composer and folk singer. Henderson was awarded the Somerset Maugham Award in 1948 for his poetic work, "Ninth Elegy for the Dead in Cyrenaica." One may observe that his Mer is in the 2nd house, as per Sukar Rishi, giving him music ability but it is with Rahu (dead ones) and incidentally his work is titled ‘9th Elegy for the Dead….’ ¹î¡ Í¡ø£IìˆF™ Þ¼‚°‹ ðô¡ õù£¼‹ àFˆFì Í¡P™ ¶ì˜‰¶«ñ J¼‰Fì£ù£A™ î£î£¾ñõ«ù ªê÷¾‚Aò ªù¡ð£Œ ê«è£îó M¼ˆF» ñ£°‹ «ð£î«õ «þˆFó M˜ˆF J¡ùõ‹ ªð£¼‰Fì õ£›‰Fì ô£°‹ «è£¬îò£œ ô‚°I èì£þº ºœ«÷£¡ «è£M¡ 𣽜÷õ ùõ«ù

Mercury in III house Comfortable, will have brothers, growth in the house, wife will have divine blessings of Goddess of Wealth (mother Lakshmi) and have comforts of keeping and growing cow at home (129) («õÁ)

Ýè«õ Í¡øF«ô ¹îQ¼‚è ÜAôñF™ êèôMî Mˆ¬î «î˜õ£¡ õ£°œ÷ CŸðºî™ «ü£Fûƒèœ õ½M«ô õ‰î¬ñ»‹ ð‚Fñ£ù£‹ «ð£èñF™ ºî™è£ô‹ ÜFè Þ„¬ê ¹Qîù£ J¼‰F´õ¡ H¡ð£ô£è «îèñF™ ñˆFòˆF™ õ£»«ó£è‹ ªêŠH«ù¡ Þ¼‰¶«ñ Gõ˜ˆFñ¡ù£

Will learn many types of skills, fine arts like sculpture, including jyotish will come to him voluntarily (say automatically), interested in enjoying pursuits of pleasure in the initial part of life and in later part, will be interested in doing good deeds and will live as such. During middle age, will get gastric illness which will be cured later. (130) ñ¡ù«ù «ê£îóƒèœ Hø‰¶ ï£vF ñ‚èOì «ðK«ô ÜFè Ü¡¹ à¡Qîñ£Œˆ î‰¬î ªê£ˆF™ô£ù£°‹ àœÀ‚°œ ªîŒõð‚F à¬ì«ò£ù£°‹ ï£Kò˜ «ñ™ M¼Šðºœ÷£¡ ªõOò£˜‚è¡ð¡ ¹‡Eòƒèœ ªêŒF´õ£¡ ‹ î‰¬î ¹Qîºì¡ Üõ˜ õ£˜ˆ¬î îœ÷£«ïò¡

Brother will take birth and then die. There is excess love and affection over his children. He will not inherit or get father’s property. There is deep religious belief, he is interested in woman folk, loved by outsiders, and will do lot of punya deeds (good deeds), be obedient to his parents and will never ignore their words. (131) Publisher: Our database search revealed around 229 charts for astrologers & predictors. You can see


that Sage Sukar mentions Jyotish will come automatically and wife will have blessings of the goddess of wealth – Mother Lakshmi. Lets take the chart of the Varahamihira of the West, the one they called William Lilly

The author of "Christian Astrology", 1647, "A Guide for Astrologers", 1676, and an autobiography in 1715. Lilly acquired a fortune by marriage which allowed him the leisure to study and follow his bent. His Amk (Career) is in the 8H and that too planet Jupiter, in our earlier articles also we had mentioned about this Jupiter in 8H quality, but let’s come to Sage Sukar pointing out that Jyotish will come naturally to a person with Mer in the 3H and this can be seen by his books, which still remains the Bible of Astrology in the West. 3L of Upadesha (advice) of an astrologer is the fiery planet Mars in the fiery sign of Leo in the 7H of public and pada prapti (position gain). So if he predicts on fire (Mars) what will happen? Lilly caused much controversy in 1666 for allegedly predicting the Great Fire of London some 14 years before it happened. For this reason many people believed that he might have started the fire, but there is no evidence to support these claims. He was tried for the offence in Parliament but was found to be innocent. Till this date his most memorable prediction remains the Great Fire of London, we are told. è£IìˆF™ ¹î¡ Þ¼‚°‹ ðô¡ ñFñè¡ ï£ô£IìˆFQ L¼‰î£™ ò£õŸÁ ð£ˆFò º‡´ ÜFèñ£‹ C¼wì ðLˆF´ ñõ«ù Üþóˆ ¶Kò«ù â¡ð£Œ

Mercury in IV house Note: This sloka text is not clear and hence the translation is not full. Will have rights but for what is not given clearly stated, will speak quickly, or otherwise also can indicate a quick nature. The word “ aadigaamam shirushta balitthudu” can also mean excessive adherence to idealism, say a perfect character. «ïòù£‹ ï£ôF«ô ¹îQ¼‚è



«ï˜ˆF»ì¡ Þ™ôºî™ ÌIªè£œõ£¡ è£òñ¶ ÜN‰î£½‹ î˜ñ‹ °¡ø£ 輬íóê êƒWîŠ HKòù£°‹ ë£òñ¶ 致¬ó‚°‹ °íº ºœ÷£¡ ï™°ðô Mˆ¬îèO™ «î˜„C»œ÷£¡ õ£òF«ô õ¼A¡ø õ£˜ˆ¬î ªð£Œò£‹ õ¿ˆF«ù¡ ⃰«ñ ‰bó¡

Will acquire lands and building, will keep doing charity even at the cost his health, kind and fond of good passionate music, will decipher and say justice, proficiency in many skills, liar, ability to make all believe. bóù£‹ è¡Á è£L à¬ì«ò£ù£°‹ Fùèó¬ùŠ «ð£ªô£ˆî «ò£è‹ õ£Œ‚°‹ ð£K¡I¬ê ªð¼ƒW˜ˆF à¬ì«ò£ù£°‹ ðôõ¬èJ™ îù‹ «ê¼‹ ñƒ¬è «ñ£ý¡ ê£óêŠ HKòù£‹ âõ¼‹ «ð£Ÿø îóEI¬ê õ£›‰F´õ¡ Ý»œñ†´‹ ÃP«ù¡ åŒò£ó ªè‹dóˆî£¡ °íñP‰¶ à¬ó‚A¡ø ê‚F»œ÷£¡


Will possess lands, animals like cow, etc., will acquire yoga like surya, will have great name and fame, wealth will come in many ways, too much attraction to woman, fond of sensual pleasures, will live a life praised by others during entire life term, good personality, excellent diplomatic qualities, as he knows when to speak what. (134) ä‰F™ ¹î¡ Þ¼‚°‹ ðô¡ MFˆF´‹ ä‰î£IìˆF L¼‰î£™ Mò£Fèœ d¬ìè À‡ì£‹ Hˆ¼¾‚° è‡ì‹ ¹ˆFñ£ ùõ«ù ¹è›‰Fì õ£ö«õ õ£›õ£¡ àœ÷£ù£‹ ð…êñˆF™ ¹îQ¼‚è àŸøªî£¼ ¹î™õ˜èÀ‹ Hø‰¶ï£vF èœ÷ºœ÷£¡ H®õ£î¡ Ü¿ˆîªï…ê¡ è£CQJ™ ðôMî õ£Eðƒèœ ªêŒõ£¡

Mercury in V house Sick and illness, danger to pitru’s (ancestors), intelligent, will live praised life, children (sons) will take birth and then die, cheating intentions, adamant, strong will, will do many business (135) («õÁ)

ªîœ÷Kò ñ¬ùM¬ò«ò ï‹ð£ù£°‹ CŸÁ‡® «ïò¡ èœ÷ºœ÷£¡ ªõO«ò£˜‚° Ü¡ðù£°‹ è£CQJ™ Þ¼ŠH숬î M†´ ñ£P ñ£P«ò å¼õ‚°Š Hœ¬÷ò£°‹ ñ£GF à¬ì«ò£ù£°‹ ªê™õI…C ÃP«ù¡ ñ¬ùò£œ Þó‡´è†® °ñóQõ¡ õ£›‰F´õ¡ Ý»œñ†´‹


«îP«ò ¹î™õK„¬ê à¬ì«ò£ù£°‹ «î¡«ð£¡ø õ£˜ˆ¬î»œ÷£¡ àˆF¬ñ‰î£

Will not believe his spouse, fond of food and snacks, will keep on changing places and will be adopted by somebody, will possess huge wealth, will marry two wives and live entire life term, fond of son, a sweet talker. (136) Publisher: 5H is the house of one’s intelligence/mind and Mer the intelligent planet placed in 5h can give intelligence as stated by Sage Sukar. Mercury is a neutral gender planet and it being placed in the 5h of children is not conducive for child birth. Hence Rishi (sage) mentions children will take birth and die. Also in the Kala Chakra Kundali Mer owns the 3H – death & 6H of diseases, hence it being placed in the 5H of children can make them die very early. Often during our early years of astrology we take a dictum from a classic of a sage and when it does not work in 100% of the charts we ignore it or blame that sage’s rules for not working, in the process forgetting that if a rule has been it is just for a basic understanding, and we forget that the other 8 planets must also contribute to the event to happen. Records search shows 18 cases of parents who had Mer in 5H and one of their children have died either instantly or even as late as the age of 30 whereas the above verse means infant mortality and not death of child in 20s, 30s. For example, the case of Bill Cosby (note daylight savings is applicable in this chart) the American comedian actor famous for his show ‘The Cosby Show’.

On 1/17/1996 his only son, Ennis, was shot to death while changing a flat tire on a freeway off‐ramp, in Bel Air, CA. His son Ennis was born on 04/15/1969. The sage mentions children will take birth and then die, but that is to be taken to be reflected in the case of charts of parents. Let’s twist it and see in charts of children who were born and died if this rule applies keeping in the backdrop that Mer is 3L of death & 6L of obstacles in Naisargik Chart. Now, generally we take 1H for the entry of the soul, but there are traditions which take 5H for entry of the soul and 9H for exit of the soul. Some take 5h for previous birth and 9H for future births hence this window of 5H entry and 9H exit is taken by those traditions in India. Let us for the sake of Mercury in 5H study how many charts one gets of cases of infant mortality: we get 29 cases of infant mortality from our limited database. Examples aren’t proven if a rule given by a sage can be twisted, but for the sake of freedom of expression let’s take an example below


Australian Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. The baby died on 11/18/1977, two months old. Here Mer is in the 5H & the baby died. One can notice that the lordship of Mer is 6L & 3L conjoined with Saturn Sun. The jeeva (life) Jupiter is in marana karaka stana (not happy position) with Asc Lord (self) Mars. Noteworthy for Jupiter in Marana Karaka Position, it is a night birth. Attempt is not being made to twist the words of the sage but to make us think differently and see in light the characteristics of Mercury when we relate its energies to Kala Chakra Kundali which normally astrologers avoid to see that it is a 3L of death and 6L of obstacles and disease and we normally just think of Mer as communications….

ÝP™ ¹î¡ Þ¼‚°‹ ðô¡ ÝP«ô ¹‰F ÜμA«ò J¼‰î£™ Ü¡ùº‹ ¶«õûº ñ£°‹ è£K´‹ °¡ñ‹ °¬ôõL «ñ¾‹ î«ò Íôºƒ °ô£¾‹ ñ£Pì£ õ¬è»‹ õ‰¶«ñ õ¬î‚°‹ õJˆFò ñîQ™ ñ£ø£F¼‚°‹ ê£K«ô ¬è裙 êgóº‹ î÷˜‰¶ êLŠð¶ ñ£ŸP«ò êLŠð£¡

Mercury in VI house Aversion to food, diseases of lower abdomen (kunma roga), pain in the lower abdomen, piles, these three incurable diseases will keep on harassing or hurting. The person will lose weight and will become lazy and become master in complaining about everything. (137) («õÁ) ¬ñ‰î«ù ÝøF«ô ¹îQ¼‚è ªð¼¬ñ»ì¡ ð£õ˜èÀ‹ 𣘈î£ó£A™ ²‰îóŸ° Ü‹ñ£Â‹ i´‹ ï£vF


²ð˜ 𣘂è M¼ˆF»œ«÷£¡ Þ¡«ù£Â‚°Š ð‰îºœ÷ ¼í‹ õ‰¶ Gõ˜ˆFò£°‹ ð£ôQõ¡ îù‚°«ñ H¡ù£™«ò£è‹ M‰¬î»ì¡ G¬ùò£î ªð£¼À‹ CˆF Mˆî蟰 ñù‚èõ¬ô »‡ªì¡ð£«ó

Loss of uncle and house, if aspected by malefics. If aspected by benefics, then growth, some kind of illness (must be hereditary) will appear but later get cured, good life in later part, will get all things like magic, lifelong will be mentally worried. (138) Ý«ñî£Qõ‚A¬÷«ò£¡ W˜ˆFñ£ù£‹ ÜAôñF™ ðôñ£¬î„ «ê˜‰î «ó£è‹ b¬ñ»œ÷ M¬óîQ«ô õ‰¶«ê¼‹ «îM²è‹ ÜŸðù£‹ ðóˆ¬î«ñ£è¡ ÌIèÀ‹ «î®´õ£¡ ªð£¼À‹ «î®Š ªð£™ô£Š¹ õ£ó£ñ™ ïì‚èõ™ô£¡ «êñºì¡ Þ¼‰¶«ñ Ý»œñ†´‹ ªê™õQõ¡ °¡ø£¶ õ£‚°ñ¡ù£

Younger brother is very famous, disease due to sexual affairs with many woman will catch his testicles, marital bliss with wife is less, attracted to prostitutes, will accumulate wealth including lands, will live dominant life during entire life term without any hassles. (139) Publisher: Chart of 36 year old Mozart – World Renowned Composer

Sage Sukar suggests that Mer in the 6H gives abdominal diseases that could be incurable. Of course, we all know that things cannot be taken in solitude and that the whole chart needs to be studied. His time of birth is as per his father's letter in a biography by J.G. Prodhomme. Astro data bank gives source of death as kidney disease & poor health. Note Mer in 6H for abdominal diseases and observe that he died in the 36th year which means 12th House as per BCP method. Now 12th lord of death/exit is Moon who is placed in the 4H with Pluto (Yama) and this moon is in Jyestha Nakshatra whose lord Mer (Sukar Rishi’s verse) is placed in the 6H of abdominal disease. Coming back to the 12H of 36th year of exit, it has Neptune over there, which means something mysterious/non traceable, so his death can be of a kind which would never be traced.


1 Wikipedia says ‘The cause of Mozart's death cannot be determined with certainty. Dozens of theories have been proposed, including trichinosis, influenza, mercury poisoning, and a rare kidney ailment.’ Once again let’s see his 36th year = 12H over there Neptune is placed and the 12L is Moon so these two planets can give some events. 12th lord Moon is 27.20 which when converted to days is 332.78 days. Added to his last birth day, we get the date as 20th Dec 1791, whereas his date of death was 5th Dec 1791.

Other Charts with Mer in 6H & Stomach Problems Name: ATGET, JEAN EUGENE, Date: 2/12/1857, Time: 18:00 LMT (+0:01), Place: Libourne, France Lat: 44 N 55 Lng: 00 W 14 Details: French photographer, renowned for the wide variety of his work that ranged from shrubs and flowers to street musicians and architecture, to indoors and outdoors shots that earned him a reputation by some of being one of the greatest photographers that ever lived. Mer in 6H: Plagued by a stomach ulcer in his 50’s, he drank nothing but boiled water and ate nothing but a form of pancake. His diet consisted of bread, milk and lump sugar. Name: ANGELINI, ANNAGEMMA, Date: 12/30/1933, Time: 17:50 MET (‐1:00), Place: Zucchi, Italy Lat: 44 N 29, Lng: 11 E 26 Details: Italian journalist and musical critic. Mer in 6H: Died of cancer of pancreas 6/15/1986. Name: JOFFREY, ANVER, Date: 12/24/1928, Time: 18:43 PST (+8:00), Place: Seattle, WA, Lat: 47 N 36 Lng: 122 W 20 Details: American dancer and choreographer who held dance as his dream from the age of seven Mer in 6H: He suffered from asthma and died of a treatment for an ailment that caused a liver condition, on 3/25/1988, New York. ãN«ô ¹î¡ Þ¼‚°‹ ðô¡ b˜‚èñ£Œ èí‚è¡ ãöQL¼‰î£™ Yîè¡ Mˆîè¡ (ë£Q) Aò£Q . . . . .

Mercury in VII house Guru with different approach, scholar and jnani (very knowledgeable), saint like. . . .


(«õÁ) ñ¡ù«ù ãöF«ô ¹îQ¼‚è ñ¬ùMªê£ˆ¶ à¬ìòõù£‹ ñ¬ø«ò£˜«ïò¡ ï¡ùòñ£ŒŠ ðôñƒ¬è õLò„«ê˜õ£¡ ï£î£‰î êƒWî‚ «èœMªñˆî ¹‡Eòƒèœ «õí„ ªêŒòõ™ô£¡ ̬õò˜èœ «ó£èñ¶ ñˆFòºœ÷£¡ M¡ùƒè ÷¬ìò£ñ™ õ£öõ™ô£¡ i‹¹ì«ù «ð²A¡ø °íˆî£ù£«ñ

Will get wife’s property, loved by Vedic scholars, will have sexual affairs voluntarily with many woman, critic knowledge in music, will do many punya deeds, will have an illness (141) 1


due to woman, egoistic talker and will live without any loss. Ý«ñ ñƒ¬èî¬ù„ ²‹ðùƒèœ Üõ¬÷„ ªêŒò„ ªê£™L»«ñ ݬêb˜õ£¡ ÌIò¶ Þ™ôñ¶ 膮 õ£›õ£¡ ªð£¼Àœ÷£¡ ªè‹dó¡ àî£ó õ£‚«è£¡ b¬ñè¬÷„ ªêŒF죡 ¹ó£í‚«èœM ªê™õQõ¡ «è†´«ñ ÜP»‹¹ˆF ï£ñèO¡ ªêò½œ÷£¡ êƒWîƒèœ ïôñ£è ÜPA¡ø ¹ˆF»‡«ì

Will satisfy his sexual pleasure by asking woman to do/perform, will build a house with land, wealthy, good personality, charitable talker, will not do any harm or bad, will learn ancient texts by asking questions, blessings of vak devi saraswathi, will be able to understand the nuances of various types of music. (142) Publisher: Kindly note that Rishi Sukar mentions ‘Blessings of Vak Devi Saraswathi’ & ‘Knowledge of Ancient Texts’, for an astrologer in India the most desired thing is Vak Siddhi, which means whatever he says comes true and this is attributed since Ancient times to Goddess Saraswathi’. Shri B. V. Raman the late renowned astrologer also had Mer in 7H and his knowledge of ancient texts is well known.

↮™ ¹î¡ Þ¼‚°‹ ðô¡ F¼è¾‹ ↮™ Þ¼‰Fìõò¶ «þˆFó M¼ˆF»ñ£°‹ ð¼A«ò ðò¡ è¬ìJ´õ¶ ï¡ø£ŒŠ ðLˆ¶‹ ð£™òº‡ì£‹ ªð¼A«ò õ£›õ¡ Hóðôñ£è J¼‰¶«ñ «ðªó´Šð£«ù

Mercury in VIII house With long life and house, will flourish, become fatty and childish, will grow manifold, and earn popularity (143) 287

(«õÁ) à‡ì£°‹ â†ìF«ô ¹îQ¼‚è àœðè´ ªõOˆîù‚°ˆ «î£¡ø£õ‡í‹ è‡ìPò£ «õîºî™ «ü£Fûƒèœ 裬÷Jõ¡ ÜPA¡ø ê‚F àœ÷£¡ õ‡´I°‹ ̬ù¬òŠ«ð£ L¼‚èõ™ô£¡ õ£ò£®ˆ ñJ«ô ÜF躜÷£¡ ꇴº¬ô ñ£î˜«ñ™ «ñ£è‹ ªè£‡´ C‰¬îîQ™ G¬ù‰F´õ¡ ªõO‚°ˆ «î£¡ø£

Deceptive, ability to know / understand even undiscovered Vedas including Jyotish, can remain like cat which attracts lot of bees, excessive talker, say argumentative, excessive attraction to and thinking about woman with big breasts. (144) «î£¡ø£¶ àì¡«è£ð‹ þí«ñ bó‹ «î£¬èò˜«ñ™ ñùªõÁŠ¹ àì«ù ñ£Á‹ ꣡«ø£¬ó‚ è‡ì£«ô ïòñ£ŒŠ«ðC îù‚°è‰î ꃬèè¬÷ ÜP»‹ bó¡ °¡ø£ñ™ âñ‚° ñ…꣊ Hœ¬÷ «è£¬îòõœ 弈F»«ñ õLò„«ê˜õ£œ ï¡Áªè£À‹ ÌI»ì¡ è£EJ™ô‹ ïôñ£è ܲõºî™ ¬õˆ¶õ£›õ£¡

Short tempered, will change his hatred over woman quickly, will talk sweetly with learned people to know suitable works for him, not afraid of lord of death, one woman will have affair with him voluntarily, will live life happily in own house with land, animals, and other comforts. (145) å¡ðî£IìˆF™ ¹î¡ Þ¼‚°‹ ðô¡ æF´‹ ¹î‹ å¡ðF™ Þ¼‰î£™ åOM½‹ àò˜‰î«î£˜‚ è‡í¡ õ£îº‹ Hˆîº‹ «è£êº‹ è£êº‹ õ£˜ªî™ô£‹ õ‰¶«ñ õöƒ°‹

Mercury in IX house As bright as light of Krishna, affected with sickness caused by vata, pitta, and kapha disorders . (146) («õÁ) õ£›°õ£¡ å¡ðF«ô ¹îQ¼‚è õ¿ˆF«ù¡ M«êûñ£Œ„ ªê£ˆ¶ºœ÷£¡ Åö«õ Ý÷®¬ñŠ ðEF»œ÷£¡ ªî£™¹MJ™ «õí«î£˜ W˜ˆF»œ÷£¡ Mô£Š ðôõv¶Š HKòù£°‹ îò¶ ªê£ˆ¶ºœ÷£¡ â‚è£ôˆ¶‹ Ý›‰F†ì 輈¶œ÷£¡ â‚è£ôˆ¶‹ Ü¡ð‚°‚ èEîˆF™ ÜFè‹ «î˜„C


Will have special property, have comforts of servant maids, have fame life long, be fond of many things, have father’s property, have strong opinions and expertise in mathematics. (147) «î˜„Cò£‹ ôþ‹ªð£¡ «îìõ™ô£¡ Fùèó¬ùŠ «ð£ô«õ Hóè£ê„ Y˜ Ý„Cîñ£Œ ∪î£N½‹ ªêŒòõ™ô£¡ Üôƒè£ó¡ ªè‹dó¡ àî£óõ£‚«è£¡ ñ£V¬ñò£Œ Üóê˜ºî™ ñF‚°‹ «è£ñ£¡ ñèˆî£ù ªè‹dó¡ ïòõ£‚«è£ù£‹ Ⅎî L™ô£ñ«ô õ£öõ™ô£¡ ⡪꣙«õ¡ ñì˜îô£‹ «ò£è‹è£†´‹

With specific focus, will accumulate a lot of wealth, say 100,000 sovereigns, glows as bright as the Sun, interested in decorating himself, have a good personality and charitable words. Everybody including the king will respect him, be a sweet talker, will live without any fear. His touch on things will show yogam, say gains. (148) ðˆî£IìˆF™ ¹î¡ Þ¼‚°‹ ðô¡ «ð£î«õðˆF™ ¹î«ñ J¼‰î£™ ¹‡Eò¡ î˜ñõ£¡ «ð£è¡ eFQL¼‰¶ MN‚° «ï£Œè£†´‹ I°‰F´ ñõ‚° ñ£°‹

Mercury in X house One who performed punya deeds, dharma deeds, enjoyer of comforts, will cause eye illness which will trouble him a lot. (149) («õÁ) 裆´ñ£‹ ðˆF«ô ¹îQ¼‚è 裬÷‚° Üóê˜ºî™ õ탰‹ W˜ˆF ˉè¡ àî£ó °í¡ ªè‹dóƒèœ êèôꃬè ÜP‰¶«ñ à¬ö‚°‰bó¡ ݆®¬õ‚°‹ ð‹ðó‹«ð£™ ¹ˆFجñ ÜAôñF™ ðôè¬ô»‹ ÜP»‰bó¡ õ£†ìIô£ ñù¶¬ì«ò£¡ ªõOò£˜‚è¡ð¡ õ¿ˆF«ù¡ ²Ÿøˆî£˜‚ è£è£¡ ñ¡ù£

His fame is such that even a king will respect and bow. He is fatty, of a charitable nature, good personality and build, will first understand the work and then s/he works hard, can make people work like revolving wheel with his brilliance, will learn many skill sets, does not worry at all (takes it easy), is nice to outsiders, not good with relatives. (150) ñ¡ù«ù ðôMîñ£Œ õEè‹ ªêŒõ£¡ ñèˆî£ù ÜõQ¡ø ê£ó裬ô à¡Qîñ£Œ‚ 致«ñ ðô¬óŠð£Œ àŸø à„ê‹ ²èI™¬ô ðôÂI™¬ô ï¡ùòñ£Œ ê£óˆî£™ Mðó‹ «î£¡Á‹ ïM¡P†«ì¡ îõø£¶ àˆF¬ñ‰î£ ¹‡EòŸ° Ý»œñ†´‹ èõ¬ô»Ÿ«ø£¡


ÌîôˆF™ «ð˜ªè£œõ£¡ ¹Qî¡«ðó£

Will do much business, before predicting consider the nakshatra padas on which the mercury is placed in this house, has no use or benefit of position attained, and will reveal, only when depressed, lifelong worries but earns name and fame in life. (151) ðFªù£¡P™ ¹î¡ Þ¼‚°‹ ðô¡ ð£èù£‹ ¹î‹ ðFªù£¡PL¼‰î£™ ð¿Fô£ ô£ð«ñ ðL‚°‹ Ýè«õªñŒò£Œ Þ¼‚辋 Ü™ô¡

Mercury in XI house Unfettered profits and gains, will be loyal and truthful. («õÁ)


«ðó«ù ðFªù£¡P™ ¹îQ¼‚èŠ «ðC«ù¡ ô£ðˆF™ ÜFè Þ„¬ê bó«ù Þ¡ùõŸ° ͈«î£¼‡´ «îM²èñŸðù£‹ ðóˆ¬î «ñ£è¡ ÃP«ù¡ ðôMîˆF™ ªð£¼¬÷ˆ«î® «è£¬îò˜‚° ÜO‚A¡ø °íº‹ àœ÷£¡ Ìóíñ£Œ„ ²èñ£ù ï숬îè£«í¡ ¹è¡P†«ì¡ îõø£¶ ¹Qî‹ Ýƒ°

More interest in profits and gains, have elder siblings, less marital bliss with wife, attracted to prostitutes, have the nature of accumulating things in many ways for giving it to woman folk, not so much clean character. (153) ð¡Qó‡ì£IìˆF™ ¹î¡ Þ¼‚°‹ ðô¡ ܶªõ™ô£‹ ð¡Qó‡® L¼‰î£™ ê£èóñ¶«õ êƒè™ð Cˆî¡ êñ˜ˆîù£‹ îJKò ºœ«÷£¡ õ£ù«ñ˜ ñ¡ùó£™ ðôº‹ õ‰¶ ¬èôîô£«ñ

Mercury in XII house Wants to do immediately everything, but he thinks or plans or wants, smart, courageous, will be supported by kings (say, superiors or higher ups). (154) («õÁ) ݃裰‹ Þ¡ùõ˜‚° ßó£Áî¡Q™ Ü¡¹œ÷ ñ£L¼‚èŠ ðô¬ù‚ «èÀ‹ bƒ°œ÷ ܉FòˆF™ õ£î«ó£è‹ ªêŠH«ù¡ A‡´«ñ ñóíñ£î™ 𣃰œ÷ ñÁü¡ñ‹ à¬ì«ò£ù£°‹ ð蘉F†«ì¡ îõø£¶ ðgVˆ¶ñ¡ù£ ꣃ«è£ðñ£è«õ Þ¼‰¶ õ£›‰¶ îùò‚°‚ 裇ìˆF¡ ð°Fªê£¡«ù¡


In later part of the life, he will have illness caused by vata disorder which may lead to his death. Also, has rebirth, (Rishi says he has only revealed part of mercury in 12th.) (155) Thus ends the results of Mercury in 12 houses as per Sukar Nadi, in the next chapter we will see results of Jupiter in 12 houses.

Bhrighu Samhita By Shankar Adewal ü Between the age of 12 and 24, if Jupiter is in the house of Venus and has Venus opposite to it, one could be sure that the native would have a relationship or marriage during this period. ü If Saturn is being transited by Mars and its dispositor is placed 8th in any sign one cold be sure that there will be reversal in his or her professional career ü If Saturn is in Taurus and the next planet is Ketu in Libra for example and there are no planets between Saturn and Ketu, it would show that a person would take a long time to settle down and instead struggle. ü Ketu is the unknown portion of karma and the planet ruling the sign of Ketu is the incoming or past life, whereas Rahu controls the Karma distribution in this life ü Yogas combination made by Ketu will make a person great, but will destroy him whereas combinations made by Rahu will make the native enjoy powers lifelong, till his death. ü It will be seen that a debilitated Mars having Rahu ahead of it with no other planet in between and Moon 12th to Mars and if it is horoscope of a lady, it can be predicted that she will be deceived by a person which will have a great impact on her destiny. ü Retrograde planets can mean many things, for example if one has a retrograde Jupiter it is indicative that the native was probably a drunkard in his past life, a very biased and prejudiced individual and this tendency would come in this life time too. This would be the inner trait and the character which would drive the native. ü Retrograde planets in the house and sign placed will signify negativity and non fulfillment of matters related to that sign. On the other hand, if they are well aspected or have powerful planets in conjunction or on either side of them, it will energize these planets and give the person energy to work positively and scale greater heights.


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