Future Prediction From Palmistry

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Future Prediction From Palmistry By T. Stokes, U.K. T Stokes

is regarded as one of the finest palmists in the west, T Stokes is known

worldwide as the “Consultant Palmist” & is regarded as one of the finest palmists in the West. He has many years of combined practise and blending from an array of diagnostic skills coupled to 10 years training in the Harry Edwards school of spirit mediumship and guidance, and accessing the wisdom of the multimedical and multispiritual arenas of the Indo/Pak subcontinental energy flow disciplines such as Hasthricka and Il‐Mul‐Kaff, have meant a sharpening and honing of clairvoyant skill ranges which can take a subject from pre‐birth through the main events of the life, to the present day. Palms read by post or email at palmist@fsmail.net www. t-stokes.co.uk


rwin Shroedinger’s book “What is life?” claimed that one of life’s urgent criteria is the storage and transmission of information, e.g., a code that transfers this information from parent to child, and is both complex and compact enough to fit inside a single cell, and this code had to be at molecular level. Scientists believed Shroedinger’s genetic code was carried by the D.N.A. Insurance companies claim that by an examination of the D.N.A, they can tell not only which diseases a person will suffer, but, even claiming to know pretty closely the length of life. They would do this, primarily to know whom to accept for life insurance and whom not to. This information would also benefit employers, preparatory documents exploring this have been discussed by the C.B. I. (Confederation of British industry). The scientific establishment accepts and supports these findings quite readily, yet has baulked over the centuries when palmists have ventured into the same territory. It is actually quite amusing for serious research palmists to have had their research vindicated by something as dubious as insurance companies, and under the counter back street Dr. Mengele type genetics laboratories. A recent edition of the British Medical Journal ran the headline,” no one can predict the future”, but each day the weather forecaster does just that, the stock exchange does it daily, the futures market sells produce years before it has been grown. International money dealers do it months in advance and sales projection graphs in companies are built on it. Remember Nick Leason, gambling millions of pounds of monies not yet even earned? The old Soviet Union ran university courses on it, and the Soviet K.G. B. used it as a departmental tool, so why is it impossible to predict the future? A specialized knowledge in any field must give prior knowledge. Albert Einstein, a believer in prediction, said, ‘’Random systems eventually produce predictable patterns”.


Theoretically, an expert studies his material until he sees this pattern, and it is upon this pattern that he builds his estimation of future trends. Such old establishment names as the B.B.C., Proctor & Gamble, Marks and Spencer, and the Society of Cosmetic Scientists, subscribe vast financial sums to what are termed “futurologists” for future prediction. In fact the Soviets took so seriously such predictive organisations as the “Henley forecasting centre,” “British future planning Centre” and the “European planning federation”, that they spied on them continually. For several years the most popular programme on British T V was “Tomorrows World” Strangely, mediums have an exceptional record in contacting the dead, but not too good in pinpointing future events. A wise old Greek philosopher once said, “the improbable but possible, is always preferable to the probable but impossible”. Many of today’s Astrologers and Palmists have qualifications in Psychology and counseling, and the current trend of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) lends itself very favorably, particularly as many people are turning away from pills and tablets to more natural methods, but these current trends have brought with it a politically correct disinclination to discuss futures, many practitioners shy away from, and many do not have this important aspect within their skills range. Certainly, the palmer lines do change, but let us examine just one of the other methods available to palmists to answer what the future may hold. This as taught by the great master Chin Li Po is an essential part of Tibetan palmistry and healing, and takes many years of practice to make perfect.


irst while feeling your way into the person being read ( querent ) and empathizing, place your thumb into the palmer chakra at the plain of Mars in the central hollow, pulse work is important with ancient oriental healing, and remember the thumb has its own pulse, the aura fluctuates between positive and negative, inward and outward flows of energy, but while reading the conscious awareness of passivity is important for incoming info to be absorbed, so feel and coincide both your pulse/heartbeat and breathing rhythm to that or the person being read. The auric strength and vivid colouration between the fingers give added detailing and Spiritualists use psychometry, where a medium will feel the vibes of a ring or a watch, and Gypsies call the art “Dukkering” from the ancient east, and this in pure form is still practised in Sri Lanka, as spoken of by the late great palmists, Cyrus Abayakoon and Mir Bashir. Tibetan palmistry shows that the chi energy is easiest read in the palmer hollow and it is from here we tune in to the querent, and while also touching the lines, and using psychometry or “soul feeling “ we assess the life energies and the realms of what the future may hold. Both Edgar Cayce and Emanuel Swedenborg, demonstrated what Universities now call Futurism, but ethical dilemmas remain, no one sees the whole picture, and how much should you tell ? there must always be times when you remain silent, with moderation, support and positive encouragement being the uppermost priorities. The authors on Tibet Evans Wentz and Lobsang Rampa, have both described the novice monks arriving at the lamaseries, being read in the fashion described, and over 45 years of reading hands at charitable fundraising functions, I have heard 305

many times from vicars and priests, the past, health, relationships, career, psychological profile all O K but please do not read futures. Surely, if a reader can date and time all the major events of your life, up to now and assess accurately where you stand currently on the ladder of life then why not some advice of the future also ? my postbag over many years tells me that the pitfalls are that in the past, some people have used this information badly, and left spouses, jobs even countries, but no responsible reader will ever tell a person what to do, our job is to define the picture for them to assess themselves. The late churchman Chad Varah, said from boyhood he always had a vision that. he would one day save many lives, and one day awakening from a dream he knew he had to start the world wide listening group the Samaritans.


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