AIAC Times Vol 4

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AIAC Times [Volume 4]

ŠAncient Indian Astrology Classes

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AIAC Times [Volume 4]

Contents Editorial .........................................................................................................................................................3 AIAC Scholarship Program .....................................................................................................................3 Eligibility criteria ..................................................................................................................................3 Selection criteria ...................................................................................................................................3 Jupiter’s column ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Graha Sambandha ................................................................................................................................... 4 Sun’s column ................................................................................................................................................ 8 Numbers and Grahas ............................................................................................................................... 8 Moon’s column ........................................................................................................................................... 10 Koorma Chakra and Kolkata Fire .......................................................................................................... 10 Venus’ column ............................................................................................................................................ 12 Abhishekha Nakshatra ........................................................................................................................... 12 Mercury’s column ....................................................................................................................................... 13 The New Year [2010-2011] ...................................................................................................................... 13 Mars’ column .............................................................................................................................................. 14 Dimbha Chakra (as in Garuda Purana) ................................................................................................ 14 Saturn’s column .......................................................................................................................................... 17 Rohini Sakata Vedha .............................................................................................................................. 17 Saturn .................................................................................................................................................. 18 Rahu’s column ............................................................................................................................................. 21 Retrogression........................................................................................................................................... 21 Ketu’s column ............................................................................................................................................. 25 Lokas ........................................................................................................................................................ 25 Something about us ................................................................................................................................... 26

©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Editorial AIAC Times Volume 3 was a paid volume. The volume was made paid on a purpose. It was a social experiment the AIAC team wanted to conduct to see the genuine readership of AIAC Times. Neither did we ever have any intention of keeping a price on this e-zine nor do we have any such plans in the near future. Whenever someone contributes for some knowledge or information, Prithvi Tattwa (Mercury) gets associated with Akash Tattwa (Jupiter) and the learning process reaches its final conclusion. We at AIAC wanted to see this as a social experiment and this is why we had put a very nominal price on the issue. We are extremely happy with the results of the experiment and our goal of acquiring the statistics that we had initially planned to acquire has been achieved. In forth coming issues of the AIAC Times, we will share our analysis on this in form of an article. However, for now AIAC Times remains free of cost, aiming to quench your astrological knowledge thirst. However, we have decided not to turn AIAC Times Volume 3 as free since it will not be fair for the many individuals who have bought the issue. So, AIAC Times Volume 3 will continue to be at sale but AIAC Times Volume 4 and onwards will be continue to be free of cost.

AIAC Scholarship Program Students who are interested to learn Jyotish from AIAC but are unable to pay the fees have an option to avail the AIAC Scholarship program. The eligibility criteria and selection criteria is mentioned below. Please do read them carefully before applying. All applications with the required information should be sent to Eligibility criteria • Students who are proficient in English • Students who are proficient in any/all of the following Indian languages – Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, Oriya, Marathi [In the current context proficiency would mean written, spoken and verbal skills in the language] All such applicants would have to sit for a skill set test and based on their grades, they will be selected for the program. Such students would have to, in return of the scholarship, work with senior students and other AIAC team members to transliterate and translate ancient classics of jyotish. Only on basis of this agreement will the students be finally selected for the scholarship program. Selection criteria • Students will be selected on the basis of their grades in the entrance test. • Students will be selected on the basis of their personal horoscopes. At any point of time, such a scholarship can be terminated on the basis of lack of productivity by the students. Please apply for the scholarship only if jyotish is a passion in your life and you want to contribute in turn to the jyotish community.

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Jupiter’s column Graha Sambandha Friendship among planets has been a very popular subject in astrology. What is exactly the basis behind the relationship between planets and how do we derive it? Why certain planets are termed friends and some termed enemies to a planet? The Sanskrit word for relationship is termed – “Sambandha” and in this column we will look at the relationships between Grahas. Graha Sambandha can be of two types – 1) Naisargik Sambandha [Permanent/Default Relationship] This is the relationship between Grahas as Nature/God has destined it to be. There is a verse in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra which gives us a clue into this relationship.

trikonaT swaaT- sukha- swantyadhidharmayuH swatungapaH | suhrudo ripavasrvanve samahachalakshanaH || 55 The below explanation is found in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra’s Translation by GC Sharma, Vol 1

Based on the above mentioned rules we arrive at the below table of planetary relationship.

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This is what is accepted and all students of astrology accept this table as is. However, the motto of AIAC Times has always been to delve into the root of every dictum and extract out the principle of a dictum given by Parasara rishi. Why did Parasara rishi select the Mooltrikona signs of the grahas to determine the relationships between the grahas? Why are the 2, 4, 5, 9, 12 signs from the sign in question considered for friendship among their lord? What is the underlying reason behind this dictum? To understand this theory and go to its very root we have to understand the concept of “Upachaya” houses. The houses 3,6,10 and 11 are called Upachaya houses. These are the houses where one’s own desire and will makes the maximum impact. Many astrologers call these houses the Houses of Free-will. However, why are Upachaya houses considered houses of Free will? Let us see each house with respect to the first house – House


Natural Rasi / Lord

Gender Gender Lord

of Meaning





Family, wealth





Courage, Siblings





Mother, assets



























Saturn/Mercury/Sun/Jupiter Capricorn/Saturn













We see that in the natural order of the zodiac sign, the houses indicated by the lord of the signs which are Neutral in gender become Upachaya houses. Mercury is too flexible to have a gender and Saturn is too old and rigid to have one. However, does this have a deeper significance? Courage and labor can be shown in area of life. Similarly, profession and gains are based on our decisions and require hard work and persistence. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Neutral genders of planets indicate that God [or Nature] has given us the ability to modify those areas of life based on our desire and will. Thus, while determining “natural” friends, we should not look at the people who can be influenced. We should look at those grahas which are destined to be a graha’s friend. This is the reason why all sign Lords with the exception of the Upachaya lords are considered friends while determining Naisargik Sambandha. However, the question remains as to why one should select the Mooltrikona sign of the planet as the reference point for this relationship calculation. Mooltrikona sign is like the office of the grahas. Exaltation is like a function where the graha is the chief guest. Own sign is like own house of the graha. Now, someone is truly a friend who helps us when we need them. We need help most when we try to achieve something, when there is a question of proving oneself. In workplace, in our own respective karma we face real struggles of life and friends who stick with us then are truly our friends. This fulfils the condition – “A Friend in need is a friend in deed”. Astrologically, grahas except Sun and Moon and the nodes, all rule two signs each and thus taking sign based on rulership only will lead to confusing results [as the sign which is left out may yield contradictory result compared to the one taken into account]. If we consider exaltation, we become biased towards the strength of the planet; in that case we should also consider the negation as debilitated state. Thus a neutral zone of Mooltrikona is selected for this purpose. Thus all rasi lords except the Upachaya lords and the Lord of the 7th rasi [Maraka] are considered friends to the rasi lord [Mooltrikona sign]. This is the basis of the Naisargik Sambandha. 2) Tatkalin Sambandha [Temporary/Natal Relationship]. This kind of relationship is based on a particular natal chart. Grahas placed in a chart become friends or enemies based on their respective positions. There is a verse in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra which gives us a clue into this relationship.

dashavavandvaya sahaja swantayasthaste parasparaM | tatkale mitratam yanti ripavoyanyatra sanstitahaH || The below explanation is found in Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra’s Translation by GC Sharma, Vol 1

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Why did Parasara rishi mention that the planet placed in the 1st house will be friends to the planets placed in the houses 2, 3, 4 and 10, 11, 12? What is the underlying reason behind this dictum?

To understand Parasara’s dictum we need to understand the revolution of the Earth around the Sun. The day of the sidereal winter solstice is a very important date called “Uttarayan” in the Vedic times. It denotes the “upward” movement of the Sun with reference to the Earth. Similarly the sidereal summer solstice is called “Dakshinayan” or “downward” movement of the Sun with respect to the Earth. It is believed that during Uttarayan i.e. between Uttarayan to Dakshinayan, the Gods are awake and bestow their blessings on humanity. However during Dakshinayan i.e. between Dakshinayan to Uttarayan, Gods sleep and thus are inactive. Since Lagna is dependent on time of birth on a day, which in turn is dependent on Earth’s movement, the arc between 10th house to the 4th house can be imagined as personal version of Uttarayan and Dakshinayan. Here, the 10th house is equated to the position of winter solstice and 4th house to the position of summer solstice. Planets placed in the houses 10th to the 4th would thus act as temporary friends to planets in Lagna. Extending the same logic, this can be applied to all the houses. The below figure shows the Tatkalin Sambandha between planet placed in the Lagna and the planets placed in the other houses. Arc of Tatkalin friends to planet(s) in Lagna

Arc of Tatkalin enemies to planet(s) in Lagna ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Sun’s column Numbers and Grahas Numbers surround us. From our home address to our office cube number as well as our wedding date, we cannot live without numbers. However, many believe that these numbers have something to tell us, and are thus often related to one of the 9 Grahas [planets] used in Astrology. Today we will try to see what the exact reasoning behind this assignment is. This article is influenced by Sanjay Rath’s book “A Course on Jamini Maharshi’s Upadesha Sutra”








Ascendant or Lagna is all about one self. Any number when multiplied by o yields o. However, on a positive note, since it is without any particular guna, any number when added zero yields the number itself or in other words the influence of any planet on Lagna renders that guna to the Lagna. Multiplication is the result of the work done and thus relates to Kama. Addition is gradual progression and thus relates to Artha. Subtraction is deduction and thus relates to Moksha. The number itself with no operation is its dharma and thus denotes Dharma.




Sun is selfless and thus works with hope of no return. Its Kama (X) yields the same result. Any number multiplied by 1 yields the number itself.




The mind is a very mysterious thing; it jumps after Kama and thereby delves into the life of want. 2X2 yields 4 which is Rahu’s number. Even Artha yields the same result and when added 3 times, it yields sorrow [8 for Saturn and thus sorrow]. It is only Moksha that can yield it clean and open its path to reflection of other gunas.




It is very easy to find out if a number is divisible by 3 or not. A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digit is

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divisible by 3. This meaning is very deep. This links the Kama and the Artha for Jupiter. Jupiter is the karaka for both the 10th and 11th house of the horoscope. The sum of the digits of number represents the means of work or Artha and divisibility is a factor of Kama. Purity comes from Work and Means of Income. This is the message from Jupiter 4



The first number which bridges the gap between Satwa and Rajas is this number. It shows desire to achieve all the four corners of life and thus the geometric shape it forms is a square where the mind keeps revolving between the four sides of life. Mind’s deepest desire yields this number [2X2, 2+2].




We know that the birth of Mercury is the story between Moon and Jupiter and thus when we add 2 to 3; we get 5, the number for Mercury. When the mind [2] wishes to gain [X] wealth [5] and works towards it, the result is 10 [1+0=Sun + Lagna] power or position.




Moon abducted Jupiter’s wife. We can see this clearly by the desire or kama of Moon [2] with respect to Jupiter [3] yields Tara [Venus, wife of Jupiter], indicated by the number 6. 2*3=6




Ketu bridges the gap between Rajas and Tamas guna. When we want to move forward [+] beyond Venus [which is symbolized by enjoyment], the threshold is reached and man moves to a headless state [Ketu] and starts making mistakes and the realization of this turns man to spirituality. [6+1=7] 7 is a divine number and indicate the number of stars in the Saptarishis.




Mistakes committed results in sorrow and gives man an opportunity to correct the action or become closed and cold. Saturn is the result of all karma. [7+1=8]




Any number added to 9 yields the number itself [sum of its digit]. Any number when multiplied by 9 yields the number 9 [sum of its digits]. This has a very deep meaning. The results [X] of aggression will only result in aggression. However, gradual flow [+] of energy achieves the goal for which the work was intended.

I will surely write ore on this in subsequent issues of AIAC Times. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Moon’s column Koorma Chakra and Kolkata Fire To determine which part of a country will suffer, we use a chakra given to us by our ancient seers called Koorma Chakra. Koorma or Tortoise avatar of Vishnu helped the churning of the ocean to extract the nectar of immortality. Koorma chakra is a chakra or diagram in the form of a Tortoise, resembling that of the avatar of Vishnu. Koorma chakra is mentioned in a number of classics like Narapatijayacryasvarodayah. Under KN Rao’s guidance a recent book called “Time Tested Techniques of Mundane Astrology -M.S.Mehta & A. Radhika” also covers Koorma chakra. It is very detailed topic and requires a book to be written on it instead of just an article so I will just stick to the very basics of the chakra for this article and its usage to predict the very recent Kolkata, India. On March 23, 2010 fire burnt one of the most important heritage buildings of Kolkata. Till now 24 people have died and few are still missing. The damage to property both residential and commercial is beyond imagination. I personally have very fond memories of this place and this article is a tribute to all souls lost.

All astrologers should work out the Koorma chakra in their region and try to predict and prevent as much loss as possible. This will be the greatest gift that astrologers can give humanity and their city, state and country. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Kurma (tortoise) Chakra is used to find the places and directions of malefic or benefic events with in a country. Central: Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Haryana. E: Bihar, Orissa, Bengal, Assam. S-E: Tripura, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh. S: Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh. S-W: Goa, Maharashtra, Gujarat W: Maharashtra, Rajasthan.



N-W: Kashmir, Himachal Uttaranchal Pradesh


N: Kashmir, (Nepal), Uttaranchal Pradesh. N-E: Sikkim, (Bhutan), Assam, Arunachal.

The places and the nakshatra correspondence are given in the classics based on their ancient names in India and this classification is also not arbitrary but based on an order which I will write about in some other issue. Modern astrologers have tried their best to correlate the ancient names of the geographic locations to the modern states and union territories of India. However, one should note that the Koorma chakra is generic in nature and can be used in any country. However, for that country a mapping of the nakshatra and the geographic locations has to be done for which the fundamental reason behind this mapping has to be known. Perhaps this research can be taken up by the generation next of astrologers. In Koorma chakra, the vedha of Saturn is the most important factor to be considered. Malefic [Mars, Rahu, Ketu] vedhas on the regions indicate problem in that geographic region. We know that the Eastern Indian nakshtras are Ardra, Punarvasu and Pushya. Ketu was in Pushya from January, 2009. It entered Punarvasu on October 2009 and has been in Punarvasu ever since. In end January, Mars (retro) entered Pushya and on March 11, 2010 it turned direct in Pushya. On February 12th 2010 Saturn (retro) entered UPhalguni nakshatra causing vedha to Punarvasu. For a mishap of this scale to happen, Moon has to be involved. Moon entered Ardra on March 23, 2010 @ 12:47 hrs. This is exactly around when the mishap began. Please note all the three Eastern nakshtras are involved in this mishap. ŠAncient Indian Astrology Classes

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Venus’ column Abhishekha Nakshatra Nakshatra The 27th /28th nakshatra from the janma nakshatra [or birth star] is called Abhishekha nakshatra. It is a very crucial and important nakshatra. It denotes freedom, fame and happiness. The word “Abhisheka” itself has the meaning of this nakshatra hidden in it. Abhisheka means coronation to the power or rise to the throne. Some even claim that a benefic planet present in the Abhisheka nakshatra can rule out the ill-effects of called malefic planets present in any other place in the chart. Similarly, if at birth or during transits, a malefic planet causes Vedha or is in the Abhisheka nakshatra, it can cause major restriction to the native and in some dire cases death can also occur. Why is the last nakshatra before Janma nakshatra so important? To find the answer to the question “Why” has always been the motto of AIAC Times and even in this case we delve a little deeper than the apparently available literature on Abhisheka nakshtra. As per the Nakshtra Purusha, the Abhishekha nakshatra would fall in the feet of the Purusha. So, is there any connection between the human feet and the control of all other body parts? Below is the famous depiction of Vishnu pada or the Feet of Vishnu who is imagined as the ultimate Purusha. Alongside is the diagram of the human feet from the Modern Institute of Reflexology.

It is customary Hindu practice to touch the feet of the elders as mark of respect. What is generally touched is the area of the feet that controls the brain and an impulse in the brain is triggered in the elder and in turn blesses the younger. A spiritual initiation not complete until the Guru places his right foot on the top of the disciple’s head thereby mimicking the episode of Vamana avataara of Vishnu. The human feet has links all body parts and takes the role of the controller. Due to lack of time and space, we will continue this series in the next issue of AIAC Times. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Mercury’s column The New Year [20102010-2011] On March 16, 2010 2:32:00 hrs IST New Delhi, India, the world entered into the new era for this year. This same time can be converted for different geographic locations around the world taking into consideration their time difference with respect to the Indian Standard Time. For example, On March 15, 2010 16:02:00 hrs CST Chicago, USA, the new year began. In this article, I will attempt to answer the question – “Why Chaitra Shukla Pratipad is considered to the start of the New Year”? For the western readers who are not familiar with the Hindu time-keeping system, Chaitra Shukla Pratipad is the first day after the new moon in Sidereal Pisces sign. The oldest reference of start of the New Year is found in Yajur Veda. Yajur Veda states that New Year begins with the “Vasanta Ritu”. “Vasanta Ritu” is the spring season. Spring begins when Sun and Moon enters Pisces. The day after the New Moon clearly indicates the start of the Spring Season. However, why the season spring was selected for this should be interesting to note. More often than not, during the new moon in Pisces, Venus would be exalted in Pisces and Mercury would be debilitated in Pisces. However, it is in this month in which we see the activity in human beings increasing after the cold winter is over. Leaves sprouting on trees and green starting to show up around brings in the message of a new beginning in our lives. Let us now see how to predict the major world events this year. Considering Pisces to be the first house, we should judge the world events by a progression scheme of a month a sign. Month span (approx.)


March 15 – 1 (aspect of April 15 Rah/Ketu and retro Saturn)


Although aspects of Rahu and Ketu would indicate the continuation of earthquake like events, the aspect of retro Saturn is excellent and indicates improvement of economy and hope for people.

In this way, one can predict the events for a year in general for the world. I had mentioned in AIAC Times Volume III that I will write on how to predict on events from the Shukla Chaitra Pratipad chart. The above method can used to predict on global events. I will discuss finer methods on this in subsequent issues of AIAC Times.

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Mars’ column Dimbha Chakra (as (as in Garuda Purana) In AIAC Times Volume 1, I introduced Graha Chakra. In this Volume, I will go into the details of the chakra with references from astrological classics.

The above verses are from Garuda Purana, Chapter 60, verses 18-23 References of this Chakra are found in Jatakabharanam, Hota Ratnam. Taking the reference point of the nakshatra of Sun, the nakshatra of the Moon would fall in a body part of the Nara (human) image. The best way to understand this concept and its application is to tabulate the results of this chakra. Let us take an example to see this work. Let us assume that in someone’s chart Sun is in Ashwini nakshatra and Moon is in Purva Phalguni nakshatra. In the person’s chart Moon is in the 12th. Nakshatra from the Sun and based on the chart in the next page would fall in the Lower Arms region of the human figure [Nara chitra]. Based on this region, the results would be predicted for the person. Please do refer to the table in the next page of the results of the Dimbha Chakra.

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Body part


Garuda Purana

Hora Ratna


3 (3)

Will wear silk clothes

Will be endowed with (diamonds, good clothes etc.)


3 (6)

Will have sweet food

Will have sweet food and furniture


2 (8)

Will be valorous

Will be valorous and act as a protector of family

Upper Arms

2 (10)

Will lose his position

Will be in foreign lands

Lower Arms

2 (12)

Will be a thief

Will be examiner of commodities and untruthful


5 (17)

Will be virtuous

Will be equal to a ruler and famous


1 (18)

Will be satisfied by little

Will be timid and patient


1 (19)

Will be an adulterer

Will be extremely sexual and interested in fine arts


6 (25)

Will travel far and wide

Will be a wanderer


2 (27)

Will not live long

Will be servitude






Now, let us see some case studies – Name



# (Body (Body part) part)





23 (Knees)





24 (Knees)





20 (Knees)





26 (Feet)





12 (Lower Arms)

Deals with commodities




20 (Knees)





21 (Knees)


Mother Teresa



20 (Knees)


Clint Eastwood



4 (Face)

Good looks

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Till now whatever I have written is the derivation from the classics (rather blindly) without understanding the whole purpose of this Chakra. Some questions that I would ask if I was a student learning this, would be – 1) This classification is too generic. How can we use this Chakra if this is so generic? 2) Jatakabharanam translated by GC Sharma doesn’t mention Dimbha Chakra, rather it gives Shanishchara [Saturn] Chakra. How can we account for that? 3) The examples are not sufficient and neither conclusive so what is the whole purpose of this chakra? Well, such questions would arise if we don’t go deeper into the meanings of these verses given by the sages. As I have kept saying from AIAC Times Volume 1, ancient sages only wrote the rules but explained the reasoning to only a few fortunate ones. Yes, it is true that the Chakra is too generic and it is also true that Shani Chakra can be used in a similar fashion. However, there would be separate rules for Shani Chakra. In the same way we could use and devise chakras of other planets as well. However, even if we do that and find some ancient literature in which the meanings of these chakras are given, we would still not understand the purpose of this chakra. This lack of understanding was what caused David Pingree to ridicule this chakra when we read it in Narapati’s works. We have to remember that the fundamentals of jyotish don’t change even when we are studying any special rules. When the Dimbha chakra is used with Sun as the reference point and the janma nakshatra is counted from the Sun’s nakshatra position, what exactly are we doing? We are finding the Parts of Fortune [please refer to AIAC Times Volume 1, Rahu’s column] in terms of Nakshtra. When we find Parts of Fortune in terms of 12 degree difference we call it Tihi. Advancement of Moon from Sun = Longitude of Moon – Longitude of Sun = Part of Fortune Advancement of Moon from Sun in terms of Nakshatra = (Longitude of Moon – Longitude of Sun)/13degree 20 minutes to the next whole number. In other words, a particular body part of the Dimbha Chakra. Now, Sun is the soul, its purpose being fixed. Moon is the mind; it is controller of all activities. When we see how much the mind has progressed from the Sun, we see the synchronization of the mind and the soul or in other words get an approximate idea of the karma in this life. What Dimbha Chakra is trying to portray is the same difference of lunar and solar longitude in terms of nakshatra on a nara [human] image to better understand and interpret the purpose of the human life. The same chakra can be used for other planets e.g. the progression of Saturn from natal Moon will show the body part of the Dimbha chakra and indicate the quality of karma [and sorrow, Saturn] one would do in this life driven by his/her mind [Moon]. This is the way to interpret Dimbha Chakra.

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Saturn’s column Rohini Sakata Vedha In AIAC Times Volume 2, Saturn’s column, I had mentioned one of the points raised by the scientific community against astrologers and astrology. The point mentioned was lack of Statistical Astrological results and proper analysis and tabulation of these results. In the present generation, the school that has done maximum work in this area in jyotish is Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan. KN Rao and his students have published quality books with numerous case studies and results of statistical analysis on varied sections of jyotish. In his online interview with Vaughn Paul Manley, KN Rao has stressed on the statistical analysis and modern approach to jyotish. In this volume of AIAC Times, I would like to do such a cold detached Saturian analysis of a dictum of the great Varahamihira in his classic Brihat Samhita called Rohini Sakata Vedha.

When Saturn, Mars or the lunar nodes cuts the Wain of Rohini, what shall I say, alas, for the whole world will perish being plunged in the ocean of misery? In other words, Rohini-Sakata-Vheda (RSV) is referred to in the most ancient of Indian astrological literature as an event of great significance. RSV is said to occur when Saturn, Mars or Lunar Nodes pass through the triangle formed by α, ε and γ stars of the Taurus Constellation. Shown alongside is the nakshatra Rohini. The wain of Rohini is formed by Aldebaran and its adjoining stars.

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RSV as a dictum finds mention in the following jyotish texts.

Saturn Saturn transits a sign almost every 30 years [approx]. So, we will do a statistical study of Saturn position in Rohini for the period of time starting 1900 CE. Saturn’s position at 17 degrees Taurus is taken in considered in the first column. June 13, 1913

# June 13 – A International Railway (New York – Ontario) trolley and passengers are buried under the contents of an overhead garbage chute, that breaks in Niagara Falls, New York. # June 15 – Bud Bagsak Massacre: U.S. troops under General John 'Black Jack' Pershing kill at least 2,000 civilians in Bud Bagsak, the Philippines.

August 1, 1942

# August 7 – WWII: Battle of Guadalcanal begins – The U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps begin the first American offensive of the war with an amphibious landing on the island of Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands. # August 8 * WWII: In Washington, DC, six Germans would-be saboteurs are executed (Two others were cooperative and received sentences of life imprisonment instead. One was spared because of his quite young age: execution was considered to be too harsh for such a young man. The imprisoned ones were freed a few years after the end of the war.) * Quit India resolution is passed by the Bombay session of the All India Congress Committee (AICC), which led to the start of

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a historical civil disobedience movement across India. April 19, 1943

# April 21 – Worst Bombing of Aberdeen in WW2.

June 3, 1972

# June 8 – Seven men and 3 women hijack a plane from West Germany to Czechoslovakia. # June 9 – The Black Hills flood kills 238 in South Dakota. # June 14–23 – Hurricane Agnes kills 117 on the U.S. East Coast. # June 15 - Ulrike Meinhof and Gerhard Müller of the Red Army Faction are arrested in a teacher's apartment in Langenhagen, West Germany. # June 16 – 108 die as two passenger trains hit the debris of a collapsed railway tunnel near Soissons, France. # June 18 - Staines air disaster: 118 die when a Trident 1 jet airliner crashes 2 minutes after takeoff from London Heathrow Airport.

July 17, 2001

# July 3 – A Vladivostokavia Tupolev Tu-154 jetliner crashes on approach to landing at Irkutsk, Russia, killing 145. # July 18 – In Baltimore, Maryland, a 60-car train derailment occurs in a tunnel, sparking a fire that lasts days and virtually shuts down downtown Baltimore. # July 20–22 – The 27th G8 summit takes place in Genoa, Italy. Massive demonstrations are held against the meeting by antiglobalisation groups. One demonstrator, Carlo Giuliani, is shot dead by a carabiniere. Several others are badly injured during a police attack on a school used by the protesters as their headquarters. # July 24 – Tamil Tigers attack Bandaranaika International Airport in Sri Lanka, causing an estimated $500 million of damages.

April 4, 2002

# March 27 – A suicide bomber kills 28 in Netanya, Israel. # April 2 – Israeli forces besiege the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, when militants take shelter there. # April 11 – April 14 – A military coup d'état against the leftist Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez fails. # April 15 – An Air China Boeing 767-200 crashes into a hillside

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during heavy rain and fog near Pusan, South Korea, killing 128. # April 17 – Four Canadian infantrymen are killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire from 2 US F-16s. # April 27 – The Laughlin, Nevada River Run Riot kills 3. On 9/11, we had the below celestial configuration –

In the future issues of AIAC Times, we will introduce many such case studies.

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Rahu’s column Retrogression

Retrogression is a concept that often confuses the most seasoned astrologers while predicting events in a chart. However, to understand retrogression we must refer to an ancient Hindu mythological tale. The story is about the churning of the ocean that finally leads to the generation of the Amrita [the nectar of immortality]. Rahu dressed up as a Deva [God] sits with the Gods to consume the Amrita distributed by Mohini as he suspected foul play. When Rahu was about to drink the nectar, the Sun god [Surya] and Moon god [Chandra] reported this to Mohini, who was none other than the form of Vishnu and Sri Vishnu used Sudarshan chakra to cut off Rahu’s head. From that day Rahu vouched to take revenge on Surya and Chandra and caused solar and lunar eclipse. This is an extremely short commentary on this whole episode but my intention is to dig deeper into the symbolism of this tale. In AIAC Times Volume 2, I discussed the social caste system [society ruled by Moon] and have showed that Rahu and Ketu operate beyond the norms of society. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Sun is the ruler of the solar system and every planet follows the rules set by the Sun. However, Rahu opposes the Sun every time. He is the revolt, the force of opposition. Now, let us see what exactly happens in retrogression. During retrogression, it appears as if that certain planets move in the opposite direction to their normal course of movement. This actually happens due to the apparent movement of the planet with respect to the Earth. However, there are four exceptions to this. The Sun is never retrograde. The Moon is never retrograde. Rahu is always retrograde. Ketu is always retrograde. Thus the planets which are “direct” [non-retrograde] always follow the luminaries [sources of light]. The planets which are retrograde follow the nodes [eclipse causing]. There are certain phrases we see astrologers using very often – 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Retrograde planets cause delays Retrograde planets show karmic debts Exalted retrograde planets is as good as debilitated planets Debilitated retrograde planets is as good as exalted planets Retrograde planets show strong “unfulfilled” desires

In this article, we will study retrograde planets with examples and case studies along with logical reasoning behind the “Why”s of each of the above mentioned five statements and then we will finally disapprove or approve of the above statements. Among the Grahas, only five grahas can be retrograde. What does it tell us? It tells us that retrogression is a state of human beings since we are composed of the 5 elements signified by the five planets. The social & normal path in which we are born into is shown by the Moon and the Sun and the path which opposes this is shown by the nodes. When a planet turns retrograde, it follows Rahu, the revolt and challenges the norms of the society and tries to bring revolution in that aspect of life as is signified by the planet which is retrograde. Examples will help and in this case we will typically look at the first house which will indicate the way the intelligence of the native will work. Person

Planet Retrograde Explanation in the 1H

Barack Obama

Jup, Sat retro in Jupiter represents economy, Saturn the masses. He used the Capricorn very concept of “Change” in every aspect of policies prevalent in the US politics and brought the idea of a revolution against typical politics which worked wonders.

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Sri Mercury retro in Aquarius is a philosophical sign. Mercury gets influenced by Ramakrishna Aquarius [with Sun the planet it is with. It is closer to the Moon. His views of Paramhamsa and Moon] social system, worship, rituals etc. were revolutionary. He didn’t believe in ritualistic worship. His ideals were extremely broad and he saw oneness in every religion. JeanJean-Charles Houzea

Saturn retro in Famous for his outspoken political views, he believed in the Pisces with Rahu abolition of slavery and so aided the escape of some notable unionists from San Antonio.

Thus we see that in the Lagna a retrograde planet would drive the person’s intelligence against the normal norms of order. Similarly, based on the position of the retrograde planet in the chart, the aspects signified by that house of the native would act reverse of its natural order. Retrograde planets follow Rahu and like Rahu they don’t interpret time very well. Time follows the Sun and direct motion and as a result retrograde planets tend to cause delay in giving results to natives. However, once in transit a retrograde planet transits a natal retrograde planet, results promised by the planet is said to fructify. Retrograde planets show karmic debt in the area as signified by the planet turned retrograde since it follows the planet which causes rebirth – Rahu. Retrograde Saturn can show unfulfilled work, retrograde Venus can show unfulfilled desires, retrograde Jupiter can show unfulfilled knowledge, retrograde Mercury can show tremendous desire for wealth, retrograde Mars can show desire for power and strength. Exalted planets are like chief guests at a function. Retrograde exalted planets are like chief guests of the function driven out of the function. Such planets are very unhappy because they are being moved from their power position. This indicates tremendous desire to achieve or fight back for its state of exaltation. This is sometimes equated to the state of debilitation. Debilitated planets when retrograde reflect a state which can be equated to someone escaping from an enemy camp. Such planets are extremely strong and indicate the spirit of joy of freedom from its state of debility. Let us see a few case studies Person



Mother Teresa

Saturn (R ) in Aries in 5H with The retrograde Saturn made her Moon determined on helping the have nots (debilitated).

Eva Brown (Hitler’s niece and Saturn in Aries in 5H with Her love was a hated man bride for one day) Rahu (Saturn debilitated) and the relationship was a perverse (Rahu) one (incest).

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Lucille Ball

Saturn in Aries in 5H with She had several miscarriages Rahu and Mars and then had two children who were not in good terms with her.

Bruce Lee

Saturn (R ) in Aries in 6H with A retro planet behaves like Jupiter (R ) Rahu and thus aspects the 12th house from itself. Jupiter and Saturn aspects the 5H and thus his strive to bring the knowledge (Jupiter) of Kung Fu to the masses (Saturn)

Even in advanced concepts of jyotish, retrograde planets have a completely different meaning. Kota Chakra of the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, ex-Prime Minister of India on May 21, 1991.

On May 17, 1991 Saturn turned retrograde and Saturn which was on its exit path turned retrograde showing reverse influence on the native. Thus even the normal norms of prediction changes when planets turn retrograde. More on this will be discussed on subsequent issues of AIAC Times. ŠAncient Indian Astrology Classes

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Ketu’s column Lokas Bhu, Bhuva and Swarga are the three observable lokas. Bhu loka is the plane of the Earth, Bhuva is the plane of the Sun [Solar system], Swarga is the plane of the Stars [Galaxy]. However, what needs to be understood is that which Grahas operate in which loka. Loka

Signifying Planet

Loka Lord





The point that is on the rise on Earth’s Eastern horizon is completely dependent on Earth.

Bhu to Bhuva



Rahu is the point of eclipse [lunar] and thus dependent on Earth and the Moon.


Sun to Saturn [including the Moon]


The ruler of this plane is the Sun. All physical planets fall in this plane.

Bhuva to Swarga



Ketu is the point of eclipse [solar] and thus eclipses the king of the Bhuva loka, the Sun. This is the reason why Ketu is associated to upwards direction.




The realm of the fixed stars is our link to other solar systems and stars.

If we understand the grahas with respect to the lokas, we can very easily interpret chakras like the Dik Chakra and understand the directions of the Ashtadala Padma. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Something about us For this issue, articles are written & edited by Amarnath & Surasa. AIAC Times Volume IV is a free Volume. We will really appreciate your feedback. Please email us at You are most welcome to join our group - You can follow us on twitter - You can follow our updates on scribd - You can follow us on tribe - You can keep yourself posted on our activities our blog - If you are in Chicago and would like to meet us on our free events, you are most welcome to join our Chicago Meetup group - If you are interested in our classes (online or contact), you can get the details from our website:

See you next Full Moon! Moon!

AIAC Team Ancient Indian Astrology Classes Chicago, IL March 29, 11:45 hrs CST Full Moon [Sun in Pisces, Moon in Virgo]

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