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AIAC Times [Volume 5]

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AIAC Times [Volume 5]

Contents Editorial ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 Jupiter’s column ........................................................................................................................................... 7 Creation .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Sun’s column ............................................................................................................................................... 10 Swearing-in charts by Surasa ................................................................................................................. 10 Moon’s column ........................................................................................................................................... 19 The story of Lomasa Samhita ................................................................................................................ 19 The backdrop of Lomasa Samhita ..................................................................................................... 19 The table of contents of Lomasa Samhita ......................................................................................... 21 Venus’ column ............................................................................................................................................ 22 Khonar Bochon (Gochar Bichar) ........................................................................................................... 22 Influence of Transit Planets............................................................................................................... 22 Transit timeframe of planets ............................................................................................................. 22 Result of the transit of Sun in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign ....................................... 23 Result of the transit of Moon in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign ................................... 24 Result of the transit of Mars in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign ..................................... 25 Result of the transit of Mercury in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign ............................... 25 Result of the transit of Jupiter in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign.................................. 26 Result of the transit of Venus in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign ...................................27 Result of the transit of Saturn in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign...................................27 Result of the transit of Rahu in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign .................................... 28 Result of the transit of Ketu in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign ..................................... 28 Comparative study of Planetary Transits (Graha Gochar Vichar).................................................29 Mercury’s column ....................................................................................................................................... 37 Atharvavediyajyotisham SaptadinadhipaH by Maharshi Abhay Katyana (translated by AIAC) ... 37 Mars’ column ..............................................................................................................................................38 Ravana Samhita - II ................................................................................................................................38 Saturn’s column .......................................................................................................................................... 41

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Rohini Sakata Vedha - Mars .................................................................................................................. 41 Rahu’s column ............................................................................................................................................ 42 Cyril Fagan and Western Sidereal Astrology ...................................................................................... 42 Life story in short .............................................................................................................................. 42 Cuneiform script .................................................................................................................................43 The birth of the western sidereal system ......................................................................................... 44 Works of Fagan.................................................................................................................................. 44 Ketu’s column .............................................................................................................................................45 Lokas – II by Surasa ...............................................................................................................................45 Something about us ................................................................................................................................... 48

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Editorial I was searching the net for something when a news article struck me and I thought I should comment on this in this issue of AIAC Times. The news article is from August 17, 2003 and appeared in Washington Times:

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To answer this test result, I would like to put forth some facts based on medical science. Below are the symptoms of normal seasonal flu. The results are from a UK based medical website – Seasonal flu can give you any of these symptoms: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

sudden fever (a temperature of 38°C/100.4°F or above), dry, chesty cough, headache, tiredness, chills, aching muscles, limb or joint pain, diarrhea or stomach upset, sore throat, runny or blocked nose, sneezing, loss of appetite, and difficulty in sleeping.

Babies and small children with flu may also appear drowsy, unresponsive and floppy. Your symptoms will usually peak after two to three days and you should begin to feel much better within five to eight days. A cough and general tiredness may last for two to three weeks. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Below are the symptoms of Swine Flu. The website reference is – Symptoms of H1N1 swine flu are like regular flu symptoms and include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Many people with swine flu have had diarrhea and vomiting. Nearly everyone with flu has at least two of these symptoms. But these symptoms can also be caused by many other conditions. That means that you and your doctor can't know, just based on your symptoms, if you've got swine flu. Health care professionals may offer a rapid flu test, although a negative result doesn't mean you don't have the flu. The accuracy of the test depends on the quality of the manufacturer’s test, the sample collection method, and how much viral sample a person is shedding at the time of testing. Although the symptoms of both flu and swine flu are the same, we cannot conclude that they are the same disease. On the very same grounds, just because two people are born in the same time it doesn’t mean that they will have exactly same life styles. Jyotish has never claimed this and this is why the factors of Sthana, Kala and Patra come in about which I have written about in AIAC Times Vol 1. However, this very experiment proves the success of jyotish and not its failure. What compelled these researchers to conduct an experiment on 2,000 babies born in early March 1958? The very fact that each of these babies (born in 1958 early March) were kept under a research supervision all their life itself talks about something common in all their charts. It is stated that these babies were born minutes away from each other. Let us see their charts – I have assumed that the date of birth is March 10, 1958, time of birth is 20:12:29 hours, and place of birth is London, UK (below):

We see a strong influence of two malefics on the Lagna, Rahu and Saturn. The Lagna lord is influenced by Saturn very strongly and shows the influence of cold research from the fourth house. There are numerous other combinations in this chart that show how unfortunate these kids were to be tracked all their life as mere guinea pigs of an experiment. Did the researchers ever think once that by keeping track of all their (the children’s) lives they themselves were playing their role in establishing the truth in jyotish. When will people really see the light?

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Jupiter’s column Creation In the first chapter of Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, Parasara answers the question of “Creation” put by his student Maitreya. A few verses from it with my commentary are being produced below. The whole chapter will be a book by itself, sometime in the future. The way these few verses are explained should be a motivation to the modern scientific minded jyotishis to delve deeper into the realm of jyotish and relate it to science as we know it today.

eko-avyakta-aatmako viSHNuH-anaadiH prabhuH-IshwaraH shuddhasatwo jagat-swaamI nirguNaH-triguNa-anwitaH (9) Eko- one avyakta- one who is beyond comprehension aatmako- sprit/ soul viSHNuH- lord Vishnu anaadiH – without a beginning prabhuH-IshwaraH – lord shuddha– pure satwo- entity jagat-swaamI – lord of the cosmos nirguNaH-triguNa-anwitaH - one who is above and beyond the three gunas – Satwa, Rajas and Tamas [Amarnath’s Commentary – Parasara rishi reiterates the belief in Sanatan Dharma that God is one. He can be called MahaVishnu or Sada Shiva or any other name. This principle monotheistic belief is reiterated by Parasara rishi when he says “eko-avyakta-aatmako” which means one all pervading Almighty. God is indescribable since he is beyond human comprehension. The three Gunas with which creation functions are Satwa, Raja and Tama Gunas. God is beyond the three Gunas and has transcended creation. This has to be the case since He is the creator of the Universe. A little note on the three Gunas seems relevant to mention here. The word “Guna” means attribute. Satwa Guna is a state of perfect balance. It is often equated with balanced light and a result of Satwo is happiness and joy. Tamo (or Tama) Guna is a state of darkness and thus the result of the guna is ignorance. Rajo (or Raja) is the state between darkness and balanced light. Too little or excessive light is also Rajo Guna. Rajo Guna is a dynamic attribute and results in dissatisfaction. According to physics, matter and energy are the two components of the physical universe. Matter can be equated to Tamo Guna and Energy to Satwo and Rajo Guna. Dynamic Energy is Rajo Guna and Static Energy is Satwo Guna.] ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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samsaara-kaarakaH shrImaan-nimitta-aatmaa prattapawaan ekaamShena jagat-sarvam srijatyavati LIlayaa (10) samsaara-kaarakaH – Creator of cosmos shrImaan – glorious nimitta- cause aatmaa – soul (One who causes the existence of the soul) prattapawaan – one having valor ekaamShena –by a part jagat-sarvam – all the cosmos srijati- create avati – destroy LIlayaa – as a play, divine game [Amarnath’s Commentary – By just a part of Himself, the Lord creates, maintains and destroys the physical universe as per his divine play. It is a deep rooted belief in Sanatan Dharma that God is in every one and everyone is born with a portion of the God. God also exists everywhere and in everything, living or non-living. The whole culture of the Sanatan Dhrama (popularly known as Hinduism) is based on this principle. A Hindu is greeted not by a handshake but by folded hands and by the utterance of the word Namaskara (or the modern short form of it called Namaste), which literally means “I bow to the God in you” (Namah – bow in form of reverence, Ish- God, kara-I do).] Is there a deeper significance to why only a part of God is “used” in the creation of the dynamic physical universe we live in? Did Parasara rishi just make this up on a random basis? To search for the answer, let us visit the NASA website – It turns out that roughly 70% of the Universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 25%. The rest everything on Earth, everything observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds up to less than 5% of the Universe. Come to think of it, maybe it shouldn't be called "normal" matter at all, since it is such a small fraction of the Universe. Thus it seems that Parasara rishi was in tune with modern science when we wrote the above verses. Only a part “ekaamShena” of the Lord is used to create, maintain and destroy the universe which is the play of matter and its counterpart energy, in other words the play area of His divine game. This is the area where matter and energy plays its game and this is the area where Purusha and Prakriti dominates, Purusha being matter, Prakriti being energy.

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tripaadam tasya devatwa hi amritam tattwadarshinaH vidanti tatpramaaNam cha sapradhaanam tathaa-ekapaat (11) tripaadam - three quarter tasya - his devatwa – Godliness hi - indeed amritam – nectar tattwadarshinaH - knowing the true nature of the ultimate reality/ philosopher vidanti – know tat- that pramaaNam- validity of knowledge/evidence/proof cha -and sapradhaanam- with prominent tathaa- in that manner ekapaat –happening continuously [Amarnath’s Commentary – Only a “Tattwa Darshina” will be able to know and get the evidence of 75% of the God which is pure nectar (or ether). Tattwa means the elements and Darshan is philosophy. Only one who is a philosopher on the elements or in modern terms a quantum physicist. Perhaps 70 % of Dark Energy is approximated to 75% by Parasara rishi for easy remembrance. In the next sentence Parasara says that “know that the evidence of this is present anytime and is happening continuously”. What this means is that the % of dark energy in the universe is constant and can be verified at any time.] In the next few verses, Parasara rishi goes on to explain the created universe with beautiful analogy from Krishna’s life which has been so misunderstood till today. I will write about this and do plan to publish this in a more organized book sometime in the future. I again appeal to the growing intelligence of young and modern jyotishis not to waste time on useless arguments in cyber forums but to shut down the computer, pick-up a classic and read. Then try to comprehend the classic in terms of the time and period in which it was written and see its validity in the modern era. BVB and K.N. Rao have done a wonderful job in statistical research but have failed terribly explain the “why” behind the theory. SJC and Sanjay Rath have a done a splendid job in explaining some of the very important “why”s but have failed terribly in expressing and interpreting the facts without religious annotations or in terms of modern scientific facts. However, they have showed us the path and it is now up to us to walk it and take jyotish to the next step.

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Sun’s column SwearingSwearing-in charts by Surasa The original premise of this month’s Sun’s column was to examine the effect of the Sun’s position at the inauguration of U.S. Presidents on their presidential terms. There are many factors in mundane astrology relating to the time for oath taking ceremonies. Of particular importance is lagna, planets in lagna, Moon, planets in Kendra and trikona, panchang, and of course, the Sun, since it represents the country’s head of state, its soul and expression. Below is a recommendation from Daivagya Acharya Shri Ram’s Muhurta Chintamani, translated by G.C. Sharma, Sagar Publications: The auspicious Muhurta for the Coronation of a king is when the Sun is in Uttaryana (moving towards the North and is in the signs from Capricorn to Gemini), Jupiter, the Moon and Venus are not combust, Mars, the Sun, the Lord of the Natal Ascendant, the Lord of the Present Dasha of the would-be-king and the Lord of the Janama Rasi or sign are endowed with strength. Also Chapter 18 of Time Tested Techniques of Mundane Astrology, M.S Mehta and A. Radhika, Vani Publications contains a thorough discussion of the various factors with examples. Regarding U.S. presidents, there is a limitation regarding the day of the inauguration. Since 1789 until the passage of the 20th Amendment, presidential inaugurations were held on March 4 with some exceptions (i.e. March 4 falling on a Sunday (4 times) and the deaths of Harrison, Taylor, Lincoln (assassination), Garfield (assassination), McKinley (assassination) and Harding). No time was legislated for taking the oath of office on March 4, however, it was traditionally done at noon or close to noon on inauguration day. The 20th Amendment of 1933 set noon on January 20 (6 degrees Capricorn) as the beginning of the presidential term and the ending of the prior term, and changed the inauguration day from March 4 (19 degrees Aquarius), ostensibly to shorten the “lame duck” period between the outgoing and incoming administrations. January 20 is five or six days after the Sun’s entry into Capricorn which is the beginning of uttarayana or the upward movement of the Sun. As cited above, Jyotish classics prescribe that coronations should take place during uttarayana, when the Sun is in the rasis from Capricorn to Gemini (roughly from mid-January to mid-July). The source of the noon inauguration tradition is likely English history which is based on even earlier tradition. For example, the coronation of William the Conqueror took place on Christmas day in 1066 at noon in London. About two and half centuries earlier, Charlemagne was crowned in 800 on Christmas day, also at noon, the time chosen by the court's astrologer. Interestingly, Christmas Day was about 9 degrees Capricorn in the tropical zodiac. Abhijit muhurta (8th muhurta of the day) is consideration one of the best muhurtas for oaths and coronations of heads of state, the Sun’s particular province. It begins about 1 ghati (24 minutes) before Local Noon Time (LNT) and ends 24 minutes thereafter (total 48 minutes) or approximately 11:25 am to 12:25 pm local time. When the Sun first enters Capricorn, particularly if LNT is used, the Abhijit muhurta guarantees placement of the Sun in the 10th house where it gets directional strength.

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In addition to the above astrological criteria, the Sun’s relationship with Saturn (both are karakas of the 10th house of royalty) is important. The Sun rules the Kshatriya class (politicians and rulers). For both dates, March 4 and January 20, the Sun’s dispositor is Saturn but for the March 4 dates, we have to also look at Rahu, the co-ruler of Aquarius, keeping in mind that that Saturn’s caste is Sudra (workers) and Rahu’s caste is Chandala (the opposition). Unfortunately, I was unable to locate inauguration times for any presidents prior to Franklin Roosevelt except for George Washington. (The inauguration times I have are courtesy of Astrologers Weekly.) However, it turns out that these two presidents, Washington and Roosevelt, happen to be the most significant in regard to the length of their presidential terms. George Washington is important because he was the first president (1789-1797), and served two four year terms, setting a precedent that was followed by all succeeding presidents until Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd president (1933-1945) who served the longest of any president (over three complete terms) causing passage of the 22nd Amendment limiting presidents to two 8 year terms. For a more modern comparison, the inaugurations of the most recent presidents, George W. Bush and Barak Obama are also discussed. The question has been raised whether changing the U.S. inauguration day from March 4 to January 20 at noon changed the country’s destiny from the original purpose of the founding fathers. An American astrologer and occultist, Dan Sewell Ward, lamented moving the swear-in day from March 4 to January 20. He says “Originally the dating of major events of the Republic was based on: July 4 (Independence Day), approximately November 4 (Election Day), and March 4 for the presidential inauguration. The November day was varied slightly in that Tuesday (ruled by Mars’ assertiveness) needed to be election day.The 4th day of these three months (exactly one-third of a year apart) represents a grand trine, one of the most delightful and beneficial aspects in astrology. It was good news for the nation as a whole....The change destroyed the grand trine...It is noteworthy that the powers that be deemed it important to change the inauguration date. Apparently they had more respect for astrology than one might have thought.” An opposing argument could be made that the January 20 date is far better suited to the world power that the U.S. would become. Compare the Sun’s position on March 4 at noon (in Aquarius in the 9th house where it is a karaka) to the Sun’s position on January 20 at noon (in Capricorn in the 10th house where it gets dig bala). The country grew from an isolationist agricultural-industrial power into the world’s greatest military power during Franklin Roosevelt’s administration. Roosevelt’s first inauguration was on March 4, 1933. His second inauguration was on January 20, 1937, when the 20th Amendment first went into effect.

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Although set for March 4, 1789 as prescribed by the Confederation Congress, George Washington’s first inauguration was delayed until Thursday, April 30, 1789 1:48:30 pm, New York City: Left: George Washington Swearing the Presidential Oath on the Masonic Bible in 1789. Below: George Washington Inaugural Bible.

The chart has Leo rising, one of the recommended lagnas for oaths. Lagna is ruled by exalted Sun in Aries which is with Venus and Mercury in the 9th. The Sun is very strong in the chart followed by exalted Jupiter (8th house ruler). This follows Mehta et al.’s recommendation that the 8th house have benefic aspects and the lagna lord be stronger than the 8th lord. The Sun is in uttarayana and the week day was Thursday, both positive. Saturn in its own sign of Aquarius gets dig bala in the 7th and provides ballast to the shining 1st house that we think of from that time in history. Mars in the 8th in Pisces rules both the Sun and debilitated Rahu in the 4th in Scorpio. Rahu has graha drishti on both ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Mars and exalted Jupiter and the once-rebels must deal with the shock of letting go of England and forging their new country’s identity. Saturn aspects the Sun by both rasi and graha drishti (3rd aspect) and aspects Rahu by 10th graha aspect indicating a dry but stable beginning for the new government and its relationship with its President. Washington wanted to serve without payment but finally accepted payment to avoid making the presidency possible only for the wealthy. He turned out to be a skilled and fair administrator and only reluctantly agreed to serve a second term. George Washington’s second inauguration took place on the prescribed day, March 4, 1793, a Monday, this time in Philadelphia, and reportedly he took the oath precisely at noon:

Sun is with lagna lord Mercury in the 9th in Aquarius and on the Rahu/Ketu axis. The Sun’s lord is Saturn (karaka of the 8th) debilitated in Aries and Saturn aspects the Sun by rasi drishti. Washington limited himself to serving two four year terms. The Sun’s co-lord Rahu (the opposition) opposes the Sun by graha drishti. In 1794, Washington ably took up military command again to enforce a whisky tax (Sun rules Rahu in the 3rd, Mars in 10th in Pisces is aspected by Jupiter in Scorpio in the 6th). Moon and Jupiter are together in the 6th house of service but Moon is debilitated. By limiting himself to two terms, Washington set a precedent followed by every president until war-time President Franklin Roosevelt. At the end of his last term, he was very happy to return to farming.

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Jumping to the first inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd president: Franklin Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover on inauguration day, March 4 1933 during the procession to the Capitol.

The Sun (president) is in Aquarius in the 9th house with Venus and its lord Rahu (the opposition) all of which are aspected by graha drishti by Jupiter (R) and Mars (R) in the 3rd. Saturn (karaka of the 8th – longevity) is lord of the 8th and in its own house and aspects Lagna lord Mercury in the 10th. The country was in the midst of the Great Depression, fighting for survival. A lot of things are about to happen and bold steps will be taken (Sun is lord of the 3rd, the house of courage). Immediately upon taking office, Roosevelt worked on relief programs eventually creating the FDIC, initiating budget reform, and the first and second New Deals. By the second half of his first term, due to the success of ŠAncient Indian Astrology Classes

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his programs, he gained much greater support from Congress. Needless to say, he also had many enemies (6th house ruler Mars (R) with Jupiter (R) in the 3rd house) including the war veterans in a dispute over benefits and people opposed to the confiscation of privately owned gold. Though he suffered from polio, he managed to keep his disability from public knowledge throughout his political career. Franklin Roosevelt’s second inauguration, the first under the 22nd Amendment, took place on Wednesday, January 20, 1937, 12:29 pm, U.S. Capitol, Washington DC:

The Sun is in Capricorn in the 10th where it gets directional strength, one of the classical positions for oaths. The Sun is aspected by Mars by 4th graha drishti, its only aspect. The challenges facing him included the growing threat of Hitler and the isolationist attitude of the nation (Moon in the 1st in Aries, opposed by Mars in the 7th and aspected by Rahu and Jupiter in the 9th as well as Saturn in the 7th). He secretly developed the country’s military arsenal (8th house Scorpio) and forged a close relationship with Winston Churchill (Mars in the 7th). Finally, in 1940 he openly opposed the Neutrality Acts by giving destroyers to Great Britain. He ran for an unprecedented third term and won by appealing to popular isolationist sentiment promising to do everything he could to keep the country out of the war. His third inauguration (not shown) took place on January 20, 1941, 12:03 EWT, U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC. By December of that year, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the country was at war with Japan and Nazi Germany. For Roosevelt’s fourth and final inauguration, I could not find a recorded time, so the chart below uses the “legal” time, January 20, 1945, noon, White House, Washington DC:

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Sun’s ruler Saturn (R) is in the 3rd with Rahu aspected by Mars, Mercury and Ketu by graha drishti 7th aspect. Mars is both lagna ruler and ruler of the 8th (likely not recommended for oaths since you want the ruler of the chart to be stronger than the 8th house ruler). In addition, by shad bala, Mars is the weakest planet in the chart, and creates a lot of havoc. The Sun in the 10th in Capricorn only has 5th graha drishti from Jupiter (R) and no other aspects. Roosevelt died of a massive brain hemorrhage on April 12, 1945 during his natal Ketu/Rahu/Jupiter Vimsottari dasha, just shy of three months into his 4th term. Jupiter in this case provided the escape route afforded by death. For application of these concepts to modern presidents, inauguration charts and short descriptions are provided below for George W. Bush and Obama.

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Sun’s lord Saturn (R) is in the 2nd with Jupiter (R) in Taurus and is aspected by Rahu (12th aspect). Ketu in the 9th is only aspected by Rahu. Defense is weak (i.e. events of 9-11). Jupiter and Sun aspect the Sun by graha drishti indicating initial money and popular support. 4th lord Moon in Scorpio in the 8th is MKS and debilitated, not good for the happiness of the country.

Sun’s lord Saturn (R) in the 3rd. Communication mishaps, torture scandals hit the news. Rahu (opposition) is strong in the 1st and Ketu (the defender) is now much stronger in the 7th. Mars is ruler of the 1st and 8th and is in the 8th in Scorpio. Something is going to die – Hurricane Katrina in August 2005. 9th lord Jupiter in the 6th, religious fundamentalism and its enemies.

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The ruler of the 10th in the 5th and the ruler of the 5th in the 10th shows a strong start for the incoming administration, harmonious relationship between 5th house karma (splendor, intellect, creative energy) and the 10th house (karma, authority, honor, government). 10th house contains Sun, Jupiter (debilitated), Mercury (R) and Rahu. Lagna lord Mars in the 9th in Sagittarius is aspected by Rahu (12th graha aspect), assassination attempts likely and have been reported. Again, as in George W’s first inauguration, 4th lord Moon is in Scorpio in the 8th is MKS and debilitated. This time Ketu is in the 4th indicating a more detached attitude. The country is still suffering from the housing and financial crises of 2007.

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Moon’s column The story of Lomasa Samhita

It is mentioned in many classics that the eighteen sages (named above) has been recognized as the original creators of Jyotish or astrology. One of the sages mentioned there is Lomasa rishi. Recently a hunt has begun to find works or manuscripts or translations of Lomasa rishis’s work called Lomasa Samhita. Lomasa Samhita translation is very much in print and there is no apparent reason to mark this classic as lost knowledge. I have a copy of Lomsasa Samhita with me in Chicago and anyone interested can contact me. Those in India or in any part of the world can purchase a copy of the book (original Sanskrit text with translation into English) from the Publisher details given below: Lomasa Samhita Translated in Hindi with original Sanskrit text by Dr. Girijashankar Girijashankar Shastri Publisher – Vibhuti Mishra, Hindi Sahitya Sammelan, Prayag Address – 12, Sammelan Marg, Allahabad – 3, India I am holding the book in my hands now and I can assure you that it is very readable, authentic and the translation done by Shastri is great. There is absolutely no need to break heads over the original Sanskrit manuscript for this classic when it is printed and published as a book. I have read Lomasa Samhita and as evidence I am going to do two things in this article. I am going to provide the Table of Contents for the book and I am going to summarize the backdrop of the story in Lomasa Samhita. The backdrop of Lomasa Samhita Lomasa Samhita has a wonderful backdrop story before the astrological concepts are discussed in the classic. The jyotish concepts discussed in the classic are put in the form of a dialogue between Sujanma and Lomasa rishi, Sujnama rishi being the disciple and Lomasa rishi being the Guru. Before

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I go to the details of the backdrop story of Lomasa Samhita, it should be mentioned that the name Lomasa means one who is hairy in appearance with excess body hair. The Samhita begins with an introduction by Lomasa rishi himself. Lomasa rishi states that once all sages including Shounak were present in a forest called “Naimisharanya”. All the sages asked the most illustrious rishi Suta about the knowledge which gives the result of all Karma. Suta rishi states this knowledge is the most secret and sacred. This question about Karma and Jyotish was first asked by Devi Parvati to Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva, in response to Devi Parvati, first mentioned the importance of the name of Rama (avatar of Vishnu). He then added that the root of all knowledge is He Himself, but the one who spread it to humanity is Lomasa rishi. Lord Shiva went on to say that Lomasa rishi is the son of Brahma. The sages Bhrigu, Vashishtha, Narad and many other rishis learned astrology from Lomasa rishi. Lord Shiva even specifies how and when each rishi (including Parasara, Garga etc. sages) got the knowledge of Lomasa samhita from the disciples of Lomasa rishi. There are many details mentioned in the classic such as the planetary configuration under which Lomasa Samhita began. Devi Parvati inquired as to why this Samhita was studied and written in the first place. To answer this Lord Shiva mentions the backdrop of Lomasa Samhita below. Once upon a time in Krita Yuga, there was an extremely powerful and honest king who ruled the present West Bengal (India) and Bangladesh region (Vanga desha) called Krittidhwaja. His first wife Kamala had twins. They were born to the same parents, in the same year, month, tithi (phase of the moon), same day of the week, with the same Yoga, Lagna (Ascendant), Kala (time). However, their appearance and nature were completely different. One child was fair, the other one was dark, one was tall and the other short. As time went on, one grew up to be extremely kind natured and the other very cruel and scheming. The king got extremely worried about this phenomenon and invited all the great sages of the time. Vashishtha, Kashyap, Bhrigu, Garga and many other prominent sages and learned men arrived in the king’s kingdom. After taking care of their well-being, the king showed them the natal chart of his two sons and inquired about this diametrically contradictory nature and appearance of his twin kids. The chart details are clearly mentioned in the classic and it is as given below: Both the kids (princes) had the same Rasi (house) and Graha (planetary) positions and identical Navamsas. The natal chart had Pisces rising in the natal chart with Jupiter and Moon in Pisces. Mars was was in Aries in the second house, Rahu was in the fourth house in Gemini, Sun was in the sixth house in Leo, Mercury in Virgo in the seventh, and Venus in the eighth house in Libra, Ketu in the ninth house in Sagittarius and Saturn in the twelfth house in Aquarius. Aquarius. Seeing this chart, all sages present made some predictions. They are given below – The kids will be extremely kind, skilled in warfare, destroyer of their enemies. They will be fair in complexion, righteous, tall and muscular. In the 8th year they will begin their education. In the 12th year they will get married. In the 28th year, they will have kids. In the 32rd year there will be a great war in the kingdom in which they will die and achieve the heavenly abode. Their death date will be Magha month (Sun in Aquarius, February – March), Shukla Paksha (bright half of the Moon), Dwadashi (12th. day of the bright moon), Sunday at sunrise facing the northern direction. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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On hearing the predictions, the king mentioned that all the predictions made were true for one of the twins but not true for the other one. The other twin was evil, cruel, cowardly, and illiterate, with an awful temper, dark complexioned, short in stature and very poor. The king requested the sages to analyze the situation and let him know as to why one child was so different from the other when both were born around the same time with the same Rasi and Navamsa chart. The sages then replied to the king saying that he should ask this question to his priest Sumati who was from the family of rishi Bhrigu. They assured him that Sumati rishi would know the answer to the question posed by the king of Bengal Krittidhwaja. The king immediately asked for Sumati and sent his messenger to Sumati’s home. Sumati rishi used to live in Anga desha (the present day Bihar, India). To cut the long story short, Sumati had passed away and instead his son Sujanma came to the king’s court. Sujanma was well received and after the initial discourse was asked to look at the puzzle of the twin princes. Sujanma replied that he had studied everything from his father except jyotish and was incapable of replying to the king. All the sages then explained the importance of jyotish and how one can never be called a true Brahmin without the knowledge of jyotish. Sujanma mentioned that he wanted to learn it and asked the sages for the name of a teacher he could learn it from. They gave him the name of Lomasa rishi who lived in Badrinarayan. Sujanam went to Lomasa rishi and requested the knowledge of jyotish from him. The discourse between Lomasa rishi and Sujanma is recorded as Lomasa Samhita. The table of contents of Lomasa Samhita

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Venus’ column Khonar Bochon (Gochar Bichar) Abhishekha and Saptarishi’s Astrology did a wonderful job (and are doing a great job) in bringing to our notice the rare ancient jyotish works lost in time. To read an introduction on Khona, I would request readers to download and read Abhishekha’s article on Saptarishi’s Astrology. Below is a translation (and Bengali transcribed Sanskrit text and Bengali translation by Pandit Ramapada Bhattacharya) of the chapter on Gochar Bichar (Transit Results) of the text Khonar Bochon (the Sayings of Khona). The text of this book was provided to me by Saptarishi’s Astrology Group and I am thankful to them for providing me the same. Influence of Transit Planets

Transit timeframe of planets Sun stays in a zodiac sign for 1 month. Similarly, Moon stays in a sign for 2.5 days, Mars for 45 days, Mercury for 18 days, Jupiter for 1 year, Venus for 28 days, Saturn for 2.5 years, Rahu for 1.5 years. Under normal circumstances, each planet stays in a zodiac sign for the above mentioned time frames and influences the sign. However due to the alternating direct and retrograde motion of the five planets (viz. Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn), the length of time they stay in a sign varies and sometimes can be less than the times mentioned above.

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Result of the transit of Sun in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign If Sun transits the natal Moon sign, then the native goes astray in life. If Sun transits the second house from the natal Moon sign, then the native experiences fear. Transit into the third house (from the natal Moon sign) causes gain in fortune, into the fourth causes disrespect or embarrassment, into the fifth causes poverty, into the sixth causes victory over foes, into the seventh causes destruction of wealth, into the eight causes pain and suffering, into the ninth causes loss of charm, into the tenth causes growth in profession, into the eleventh causes growth in property, into the twelfth causes destruction of property, wealth and causes serious harm to the native. [Amarnath’s Commentary – The transit of Sun into the signs is an indication of solar months. The above mentioned verses indicate favorable months for the native. Let us take an example. If someone has a natal Moon sign of Leo, then according to the above verse, Sun’s transit in Libra, Capricorn, Taurus and Gemini would give favorable results. If we map this according to the Hindu calendar, then the time period between Tula Sankranti (the solar day when Sun enters sidereal Libra sign) to Vrishchik Sankranti, Makar Sankranti to Kumbha Sankranti, Vrishabha Sankranti to Karka Sankranti (Vrishabha to Mithuna would be 10th house and Mithuna to Karka would be 11th house and hence they are grouped together as positive results) will be favorable to the native. If we further go by the Gregorian calendar dates, we would see that approximately 14 October to 14 November, 14 January to 14 February, 14 May to 14 June, 14 June to 14 July will be favorable to the native every year. However, as a personal observation I add that the exact degree of the natal Moon sign holds special significance. Let me explain with an example. Let us assume that two natives are born with Moon in Leo. One has Moon in 2 degrees Leo (native 1) and the other in 23 degrees Leo (native 2). When the Sun transits 2 degrees Gemini, that time will hold special significance for native 1 and when Sun transits 23 degrees Gemini, native 2 will experience special significance as per the rules laid down by the great Khana. This transit result of the Sun based on the exact degree of the natal Moon would hold true for transit results of other planets too. This transit result is based on a solar year.]

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Result of the transit of Moon in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign If Moon transits the natal Moon sign, then the native gains wealth. If Moon transits the second house from the natal Moon sign, then the native loses property and wealth. Transit into the third house (from the natal Moon sign) makes one receive gifts, into the fourth causes pain in the stomach region, into fifth causes loss in professional life, into sixth causes gain in property and wealth, into seventh causes gain in terms of gifts and women (partner), into the eight causes death to the native, into the ninth causes fear from government or those in power, into the tenth causes great happiness and joy, into the eleventh causes growth in wealth, into the twelfth causes sickness and loss in wealth to the native. [Amarnath’s Commentary – Transit of the Moon through each sign occurs almost every 3 days. Thus the phenomenon is very common and the native may not experience the above results on a continued and on-going basis. However, based on other parameters of operating Dasas and coupled with transit effects of other planets, the transit effect of the Moon can be a very effective predictive tool.]

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Result of the transit of Mars in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign If Mars transits the natal Moon sign, then the native experiences fear from enemies. If Mars transits the second house from the natal Moon sign, then the native loses wealth. Transit into the third house (from the natal Moon sign) makes one gain wealth, into the fourth causes fear from enemies, into fifth causes death (or fear of death), into sixth causes gain in property and wealth, into seventh causes grief, into the eight causes danger from sharp weapons, into the ninth causes loss in professional life, into the tenth causes is considered auspicious, into the eleventh causes gain in land, into the twelfth causes sickness and loss in wealth and is considered inauspicious to the native. [Amarnath’s Commentary – Transiting Mars being a natural malefic has been given a lot of importance. Varahamihira in his book Brihat Samhita mentions a number of verses dealing with the transit of Mars (and other natural malefics). One such verse deals with Rohini Sakata Vedha. Although this doesn’t strictly deal with transiting Mars with respect to natal Moon, but such verses do throw a lot of light on the importance on the transit of natural malefics.]

Result of the transit of Mercury in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign If Mercury transits the natal Moon sign, then the native experiences association with people. If Mercury transits the second house from the natal Moon sign, then the native gains wealth. Transit into the third house (from the natal Moon sign) makes one fear from enemies, into the fourth causes gain of money, into fifth causes scarcity of wealth (or poverty), into sixth causes gain in land and causes recognition, into seventh causes various kinds of illness, into the eight causes gain in money, into the ninth causes great physical sickness, into the tenth causes happiness and joy, into the eleventh causes monetary gain, into the twelfth causes prosperity (in terms of wealth and property) to the native.

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Result of the transit of Jupiter in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign If Jupiter transits the natal Moon sign, then the native experiences fear. If Jupiter transits the second house from the natal Moon sign, then the native gains tremendous name, fame and wealth. Transit into the third house (from the natal Moon sign) makes one suffer from physical pain, into the fourth causes lose of money, into fifth gives auspicious results, into the sixth gives inauspicious results, into seventh causes worship of royal deity, into the eight causes loss of money, into the ninth causes gain in wealth, into the tenth causes loss in love or relationship, into the eleventh causes gain in land and wealth, into the twelfth causes physical and mental pain to the native.

[Additional Notes – Transiting Jupiter when in first or eighth from natal Moon causes separation from friends (or loss of friends), when in fourth and twelfth causes loss of wealth, when in sixth causes illness, when in third causes unnecessary argument and when in tenth causes complete loss of all possessions of native.]

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Result of the transit transit of Venus in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign If Venus transits the natal Moon sign, then the native wins over enemies. If Venus transits the second house from the natal Moon sign, then the native gains wealth. Transit into the third house (from the natal Moon sign) brings happiness and joy, into the fourth causes gain of money, into fifth indicates child birth, into sixth indicates rise in enemies, into seventh causes sorrow, into the eight causes monetary gain, into the ninth causes gain in various types of fine garments, into the tenth causes inauspicious results, into the eleventh causes tremendous gain in wealth, into the twelfth indicates incoming wealth to the native.

Result of the transit of Saturn in the natal chart from the natal Moon Moon sign If Saturn transits the natal Moon sign, then the native suffers from depression and loss of interest in things. If Saturn transits the second house from the natal Moon sign, then the native mental anxiety and sorrow. Transit into the third house (from the natal Moon sign) causes defeat of enemies and increase in wealth and prosperity, into the fourth causes increase in animosity, into fifth indicates child birth, servants and loss of wealth, into sixth causes indicates monetary gain, into seventh causes various types of ills to the native, into the eight causes physical pain, into the ninth causes loss in

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wealth, into the tenth causes mental tension and anxiety, into the eleventh causes gain in wealth, into the twelfth indicates tremendous inauspicious results to the native. [Amarnath’s Commentary – The time period between the entry of transiting Saturn in the 12H from natal Moon sign until Saturn’s exit from the 2H from the natal Moon sign is called the dreaded SadeSati (sade sath means 7.5, Saturn takes 2.5 years to transit a zodiac sign).]

Result of the transit of Rahu in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign Transiting Rahu when in first, twelfth, fifth, eighth, ninth, fourth, second and seventh from natal Moon causes loss of wealth, fear from enemies, obstruction in work, illness, journey to foreign land, death and fear from fire.

Result of the transit of Ketu in the natal chart from the natal Moon sign The transit of Ketu in eleventh, third, tenth and sixth from natal Moon causes good name in society, ability to enjoy life, recognition from government (those in power), happiness and gain in wealth. It should also be noted that the transit in Ketu in the above mentioned houses from the Moon sign of the native also causes divine blessings and joy from obedient men and women who work for the native. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Comparative study of Planetary Transits (Graha Gochar Vichar) I have provided below a comparative study of a few classics with result to planetary transit results. The classical references are Brihat Samhita, Varahamihira, author - N.C.Iyer (Chapter 104) Brihat Samhita, Varahamihira, author – Dr. Sureshchandra Mishra (Volume 2) (Chapter 100) Something noteworthy in the book is Verse 3 where Varahamihira extols Mandavya. He mentions that one who has read the works of Mandavya on planetary transits will not feel the need to read his works. Sareen een (Adhyaya 11 – Chara Phala Prakaranm) Jataka Desh Marga, Podumanai Chomadiri, author S.S. Sar Muhurta Chintamani, Daivagya Acharya Shri Ram, author G C Sharma (Chapter 4 – Gochara Prakarnam)

Sun Planet













Podum anai Chomad iri

not specifi ed but stated as inauspi cious Inauspi cious

loss of money

improv ement of position , gain and honor Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 9H

fear and misery

fear and misery


succe ss in any busin ess

Inauspi cious

not specifi ed but stated as inauspi cious Inauspi cious

great sorrow

Inauspici ous

improv ement of position , gain and honor Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 12H

Inauspi cious

not specifi ed but stated as inauspi cious Inauspi cious

Varaha mihira

fatigue , loss of wealth, chest pain and foot journe y

loss of wealth, discom fort, eye disease and deceit

return to his place, rich, happy and free from disease and will destroy his enemie s

disease, will be devoid of company of wife

suffer from disease and enemie s

freed from disease, enemie s and grief

fatigue from foot journey , chest pain, suffer from humilit y and consum ption

straine d relatio n with wife

suffer from accide nts, humilit y, disease , mental pain and opposi tion

Auspi cious if does not receiv e Vedha from 4H achiev e great succe ss and will achiev e his goal

improv ement of position , gain and honor Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 5H

gain his object only by just means and not otherw ise


goes astray in life

experie nces fear

Gain in fortune

Disrespe ct or embarras sment

povert y

Victory over foes

Destruc tion of wealth

Pain and sufferi ng

Loss of charm

achieve success, will return to his place, will be respect ed, will be prosper ous, will be freed from disease Growth in propert y

Daivagy a Acharya Shri Ram

Inauspi cious

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Inauspi cious

Growt h in profes sion

Destru ction of proper ty

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Mon Planet













Podum anai Choma diri Daivag ya Achary a Shri Ram

good fortune

loss of wealth


fear and danger

sorrow and grief

happine ss

unfortu nate events

ailment s

expen diture

Inauspi cious

Inausp icious

Inauspi cious

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 2H

Inauspic ious

Inauspic ious

meals, excellen t bed and clothes

suffer loss of wealth, respect ability and from obstacl es

humilit y, disease , pain of mind and obstacl es

loses propert y and wealth

receive s gifts

loss in profess ional life

impriso nment, pain of mind and fatigue of body and chest pain fear from those in power

in comman d and success in work

gains wealth

enjoy a carriage , respect ability, good bed, meals and wealth gains in terms of gifts and women (partne r)

live in fear of evils


no liking for mount ains and cruel as a serpen t pain in stoma ch

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 8H enjoy prospe rity, get new friends and wealth

Inausp icious

Varaha mihira

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 9H get clothes , women and wealth in abunda nce

fulfillme nt of ambition s Auspicio us if does not receive Vedha from 4H


Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 5H

defeat of enemie s Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 12H enjoy wealth, comfor t, ruin of enemie s and freed from disease gain in propert y and wealth

great happine ss and joy

growth in wealth

sickne ss and loss in wealth













not specifie d but stated as inauspic ious Inauspic ious

loss of money

improv ement of positio n, gain and honor Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 12H

fear and misery

fear and misery


disappoi ntment

Inauspi cious

not specifie d but stated as inauspic ious Inauspic ious

great sorrow

Inausp icious

Inauspic ious

Inauspici ous

will suffer from authori ty, enemie s and disgrac e

suffer from fever, bellyache, blood discha rge and miseri es throug

suffer from enemie s, disease s, fears, trouble some childre n and less

will be bloodsh ed, loss of wealth and of respect ability

will suffer disgrace , loss of wealth and the like; his gait will be slow and he will become

will obtain much wealth

improv ement of positio n, gain and honor Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 5H will obtain success and renow n and will rule over a provinc e

not specifi ed but stated as inausp icious Inausp icious

will suffer from troubles

improv ement of positio n, gain and honor Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 9H freed from enemie s and quarrel s, will obtain gold, corals and copper and


suffer from injurie s receiv ed from a bulloc k

Mar Podum anai Choma diri

Daivag ya Achary a Shri Ram

Varaha mihira

Inauspi cious

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Inauspic ious

will suffer from a quarrels ome wife, from disease s of the eye and bellyache

will suffer from variou s expen ses, troubl es, diseas es of eye,

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h associ ation with wicked men

bright appear ance.

lead an indepe ndent life


from an angry wife and from bilious compl aints

fear from enemie s

loses wealth

gain wealth

fear from enemi es

death or fear of death

gain in propert y and wealth


danger from sharp weapon s

loss in professi onal life

auspicio us

gain in land

sickne ss and loss of wealth

Mer I












Podum anai Choma diri

loss of wealth

financi al gain

challen ge from enemie s

afflue nce of money


oppositi on

birth of children and gain of wealth

obstacl es

allround happine ss

sound health

fear and humili ation

Daivag ya Achary a Shri Ram

Inauspic ious

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 5H

Inauspi cious

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 9H

Inauspic ious

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 1H

Inauspic ious

Auspicio us if does not receive Vedha from 8H

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 12H

Inausp icious

Varaha mihira

will suffer loss of wealth caused by the advice of wicked men, by tale bearers, by impriso nment and quarrels , will receive disagre eable intellige nce when in journey

will suffer disgrac e and success and wealth

will get friends and will be afraid of trouble s from the king and from his enemie s and will quit his place from his own wicked deeds

Auspic ious if does not receiv e Vedha from 3H the native' s kinsm en and family will increa se and there will be much gain

dispute with wife and childre n Inauspi cious

the person will quarrel with his wife and sons and will not enjoy the compa ny of an excelle nt wife

the person will be liked by all and will gain renow n

the person' s appeara nce will become less bright and there will be quarrels

the native will get sons, clothes, success and wealth and will become happy and powerf ul

the person will meet obstacl es in his work

the person's enemies will meet with ruin and the person will get wealth, will enjoy the compan y of his wife and will be dressed in flannel

the person will get wealth, comfor t, sons, women , friends and convey ance, will be happy and will receive good intellig ence

the person will suffer disgra ce from his enemi es, will suffer from diseas es and will not enjoy the compa ny of a good wife

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the native will experie nce associat ion with people

the native will gain wealth

makes one fear from enemie s

the native will gain money

causes scarcit y of wealth

causes gain in land and causes recogni tion

causes various kinds of illness

causes gain in money

causes great physical sickness

causes happine ss and joy

causes monet ary gin

causes prospe rity (in terms of wealth and proper ty )

Jup I












Podum anai Choma diri

a lot of miseries

increas e of wealth

loss of positio n

quarre ls with relativ es

ailment s

gain of positio n and status

grief and fear

Inauspi cious

Inausp icious

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 3H

Inauspic ious

Inauspici ous

the person will lose his wealth and intellige nce, will quit his place and will suffer from many quarrels

the person will quit his place and meet with obstacl es in his work

will be in solitud e

the person will enjoy marital happine ss, will gain in speech and intellige nce

will suffer from impriso nment, disease s, heavy grief, the fatigue of journey and serious illness


the native experie nces fear

the native will gain tremen dous name, fame and wealth

makes one suffer from physica l pain

the person will suffer from troubl e caused by his kinsm en, will becom e patien t and resign ed and will delight nothin g causes loss of money

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 8H the person will return to his country and he will recover his health and wealth

Inausp icious

Varaha mihira

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 12H the person will have no enemie s, and will enjoy wealth and women

influx of wealth and happine ss Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 10H will be efficient at work life, influent ial and he will get sons, wealth and grain

loss of property

Inauspic ious

trouble throug h enemie s Inauspi cious

pleasur e and entertai nment

Daivag ya Achary a Shri Ram

acquisi tion of childre n and wealth Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 4H will prospe r in assets

gives to the native an auspici ous result

gives inauspi cious result

causes worship of royal deity

loss of money

causes gain in wealth

causes loss in love or relations hip

causes gain in land and wealth

causes physic al or menta l pain to the native

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the person quit his place suffer from health and wealth

will suffer grief in his return journe y

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Ven I












Podum anai Choma diri

a variety of enjoym ents

financi al gain

prospe rity

friends and prospe rity

childre n

acciden t

trouble through young women



securit y

financi al gain

Daivag ya Achary a Shri Ram

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 8H

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 7H

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 1H

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 9H

Inauspi cious

Inauspic ious

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 5H

Inauspici ous

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 3H

Varaha mihira

will enjoy fine things in life(wo men, perfum e etc.)

will get recogni tion from superio r, will enjoy pleasur able life and will be of bright appear ance

will get kinsme n, wealth, sons and friends, will becom e happy and undefe atable

will suffer from disease s and disgrac e, and will be expose d to danger

will suffer injuries through women

will get houses, articles of luxury and beautif ul women

will become virtuous , happy, wealthy and will get cloths

will suffer from disgrace and quarrels

will get the wealth of his friends and will also get perfum es and cloths

Auspic ious if does not receiv e Vedha from 6H will get very few cloths


the native wins over enemie s

the native gains wealth

will be influen tial, wealth y, respect able and will get cloths and his enemie s will meet with ruin brings happin ess and joy to the native

Auspic ious if does not receiv e Vedha from 10H will get friends and will becom e greatly power ful

gain and happine ss through wife Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 11H

causes gain of money

indicat es child birth

indicat es rise in enemie s

causes sorrow

causes moneta ry gain

causes gain in various types of fine garmen ts

causes inauspici ous results

causes tremen dous gain in wealth

indicat es incomi ng gain to the native

Sat I












Podum anai Choma diri

grief from many ailment s

devoid of wealth and happin ess

loss of wife, relatio n, wealth and happin ess

liquida tion of wealth and loss of happin ess

defeat of enemie s

promot es travellin g and journey s

a chain of miseries , ailment s etc.

disease, ill-name

extreme poverty

acquisi tion of wealth

loss of wealth

Daivag ya Achary a Shri Ram

Inauspic ious

Inauspi cious

rise in status, positio n or employ ment, servant s and money Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 12H

Inausp icious

Inauspi cious

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 9H

Inauspic ious

Inauspic ious

Inauspic ious

Inauspici ous

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 5H

Inausp icious

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will suffer from poison, fire, kinsme n, impriso nment, torture, miseries , loss of wealth, sons, humiliat ion, will travel to foreign lands

loss of beauty, comfor t, will becom e weak, will get wealth from other men and will not enjoy wealth long

will get wealth, servant s, houses, assets. Will becom e influen tial, happy, free from disease s and will becom e greatly powerf ul and will defeat his enemie s causes defeat of enemie s and increas e in wealth and propert y

will be separa ted from his friends , wealth and wife and will be suspec ting evil in everyt hing

will be separat ed from his sons, wealth and will suffer from quarrel s

will be freed from enemie s, disease s and will enjoy compa ny of women

will be separat ed from his wife and sons and will travel on foot in a pitiable conditio n

will be separat ed from his wife and sons and will travel on foot in a pitiable conditio n

will suffer from hatred, chestpain, impriso nment and will not observe daily duties. This should be read in addition to the result of Saturn in the 8th. House

will get work and will suffer from loss of wealth, learning and fame

will becom e cruel and will get women and wealth

will suffer from grief


the native suffers from depress ion and loss of interest in things

the native will suffer from mental anxiety and sorrow

causes increa se in animo sity

indicat es child birth, servant s and loss of wealth

indicat es monet ary gain

causes various types of ills to the native

causes physical pain

causes loss in wealth

cause mental tension and anxiety

gain in wealth

indicat es treme ndous inausp icious result to the native













Podum anai Choma diri Daivag ya Achary a Shri Ram

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not menti oned

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not mention ed

Not mentio ned

Not menti oned

Inauspic ious

Inauspi cious

Inausp icious

Inauspi cious

Inauspic ious

Inauspic ious

Inauspici ous

Not menti oned

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not mention ed

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 5H Not mentio ned

Inausp icious

Not mentio ned

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 9H Not mentio ned

Inauspic ious

Not mentio ned

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 12H Not mentio ned

Varaha mihira


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Not menti oned

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causes loss of wealth, fear from enemie s, obstruc tion in work, illness, journey to foreign land, death and fear from fire

Not mentio ned

causes loss of wealth , fear from enemi es, obstru ction in work, illness, journe y to foreig n land, death and fear from fire

causes loss of wealth, fear from enemie s, obstru ction in work, illness, journe y to foreign land, death and fear from fire

Not mentio ned

causes loss of wealth, fear from enemie s, obstruc tion in work, illness, journey to foreign land, death and fear from fire

causes loss of wealth, fear from enemie s, obstruc tion in work, illness, journey to foreign land, death and fear from fire

causes loss of wealth, fear from enemie s, obstruc tion in work, illness, journey to foreign land, death and fear from fire

Not mention ed

Not mentio ned

causes loss of wealth , fear from enemi es, obstru ction in work, illness, journe y to foreig n land, death and fear from fire













Podum anai Choma diri Daivag ya Achary a Shri Ram

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not menti oned

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned

Not mention ed

Not mentio ned

Not menti oned

Inauspic ious

Inauspi cious

Inausp icious

Inauspi cious

Inauspic ious

Inauspic ious

Inauspici ous

Not mentio ned Not mentio ned

Not menti oned Not menti oned

Not mentio ned Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned Not mentio ned

Not mentio ned Not mentio ned

Not mention ed causes good name in society, ability to enjoy life, recogniti on in governm ent (those in power), happine ss and gain in wealth and causes divine blessings and joy from obedien

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 5H Not mentio ned causes good name in society, ability to enjoy life, recogni tion in govern ment (those in power) , happin ess and gain in wealth and causes divine

Inausp icious

Not mentio ned Not mentio ned

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 9H Not mentio ned causes good name in society, ability to enjoy life, recogni tion in govern ment (those in power) , happin ess and gain in wealth and causes divine

Inauspic ious

Varaha mihira

Auspici ous if does not receive Vedha from 12H Not mentio ned causes good name in society, ability to enjoy life, recogni tion in govern ment (those in power) , happin ess and gain in wealth and causes divine




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Not menti oned Not menti oned

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AIAC Times [Volume 5] blessin gs and joy from obedie nt man and woman who will work for them

blessin gs and joy from obedie nt man and woman who will work for them

t man and woman who will work for them

blessin gs and joy from obedie nt man and woman who will work for them

[Amarnath’s Commentary – I have made some observations based on the transit results detailed in the classics. – Adolf Hitler had Moon in Sagittarius. Occupation of Rhineland [March, 1936] – Sun in Aquarius (3H from natal Moon position) Occupation of Austria [March, 1938] - Sun in Aquarius (3H from natal Moon position) Occupation of Sudetenland [October, 1938] – Sun in Virgo (10H from natal Moon position) - Napoleon Bonaparte had Moon in Capricorn Invasion of Italy [March, 1796] – Sun was in the third house of Pisces (from natal Moon) Invasion/Victory of Poland [October, 1939] – Sun in Virgo (10H from natal Moon position) When coupled with appropriate Dasas and natal chart analysis, planetary transit analysis can be a very effective tool. Daivagya Acharya Shri Ram mentions the concept of Vedha from planets when dealing with transit results. The literal translation of “Vedha” in English would mean to pierce through something. In astrological terms, it would mean that some planets (in transit) would cause obstruction (Vedha) to other planets (in transit) in certain houses when placed in a relative position to the planet it is causing Vedha too.]

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Mercury’s column Atharvavediyajyotisham SaptadinadhipaH by Maharshi Abhay Katyana (translated by AIAC) The most detailed work on Vedanga Jyotish that I found is Atharvana Jyotish (Jyotish part of Atharva Veda). Below is a translation of one verse of the text. This is one article where I take no credit for interpretation of the verses. The work done by Maharshi Abhay Katyana is remarkable and in a class by itself. I am merely being an English translator for this article.

AdityaH Somo BhaumaschaH Tatha Budha BruhaspatiH | Bhargavo Shanaishcharaschauva Ete Sapta DinadhipaH || [Amarnath’s translation of Maharshi Abhay Katyana’s notes (in Hindi) – For this issue, I am just translating the origin of the word Sunday as written by Maharshi. Maharshi Abhay Katyana writes that many are of the opinion that the 7-day week concept is foreign to the Vedic culture and is incorporated in it after foreign influence (Greek, Arabs etc.). He mentions that some scholars believe this to be true since the 7-day week is not mentioned in Rig Veda. Maharshi disagrees with the above and mentions that it is not necessary that Rig Veda mentions all ancient philosophies since it is a primary text. However, in the above mentioned verses, the 7-days of the week are explicitly mentioned and these verses do form the most important Vedic [Vedanga] astrology [jyotish] text – Jyotish of Atharva Veda. He states that Burgress clearly mentions that according to the Greek philosopher Herodotus (5th century BCE), the weekdays and the lords of the days were borrowed by the Greeks from the Egyptians. The Egyptians adopted the weekdays from the Babylonians and the Babylonians borrowed it from India. Maharshi then goes on to explain the socio-geographic background of the Babylonians and that they inhabited present day Iraq, Iran and parts of Syria. Maharshi mentions that he is certain that the weekday names evolved in all languages from Sanskrit, which is the mother of all world languages. He further goes on to explain the root words relating to the weekdays and their derivation in various languages all over the world. Adityavar – Sanskrit for this is ‘Sanadivas’, the corruption of which in English is ‘Sandai’ or as we know it today ‘Sunday’. The meaning of the root word ‘San’ in Sanskrit is ‘one which is obtained by request or pleading’. The Sun is a blessing for all of humanity and thus is a result of our grace and pleading to the Almighty and as a blessing from Him. Surya, the Sanskrit name for Sun, got corrupted to Sulia and finally to Suli or Soli. The Aramaic name for Sun is ‘Sulia’ and the Latin name for Sun is Dies Soli. The Greeks called the Sun (Solar diety) as ‘Apollo’ which is a corruption of the Sanskrit word ‘Atmalok’. Although this may sound a little farfetched, a corruption makes perfect sense when we see the names of the Sun in the languages Pali and Prakrit which were languages spoken by the common man in India and derived from Sanskrit. Sun is Atma Loka (Atma meaning Soul and Loka meaning place), thus Sun is the primary significator of the soul. In Pali, the Sun is called ‘Attolok’ and in Prakrit, he is called ‘Appolok’. Maharshi then goes to explain the origin of Sun and Sunday in many other languages like French, Russian and German. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Mars’ column Ravana Samhita - II In AIAC Times Volume 3, I introduced the underlying concept of Ravana Samhita. The principles based on which the planetary results are deduced in Ravana Samhita were previously discussed in the earlier issue. However, recently there has been a lot of controversy over the availability of the book and where could one get a copy of the book. I have a copy of Ravana Samhita and it is very easily available in the market.

Asli Prachin Ravana Samhita Publisher Manoj Pocket Books 761, Main Road, Buradi Delhi – 110084 Phone – 7225025, 7220430, 7220745 In this article I will attempt to translate a small portion of the book [Chapter 6] called Arka Prakash which primarily deals with medical remedies and recipes of medicine. However, at the very end of this chapter I found a very interesting and astrologically relevant subject. I want to share it with all the readers of AIAC Times.

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Translation: Based on the above mentioned rules (previously mentioned in the book), Arka should be given to ill. Also, the words of the messenger (from the ill person’s home) should be closely noted by the doctor.

[Ravana then refers to the above table to determine a specific number from the words in the message of the messenger to the doctor and, in the latter verses, he mentions how to use the table.]

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Translation: The translation of the above verses basically boils down to the rules based on which the above table was constructed. Ravana also associates the diseases with the numbers below: Rasa = 6, Bhaya = 3, Hada = 2, Veda = 4, Parvat = 8, Shrit = 6, Krita = 4, Buddhi = 3, Prithvi = 1, Shunya =0, Chandrama = 1 He mentions that the words of the messenger should be carefully studied and associated with the Swaras (alphabets).

Translation: Ravana mentions at this time that the doctor should add the numbers of the phrases from the messenger’s message and also do the same word to number translation for the patient’s name (based on name letters). He should then divide the two distinct sums by 8 and keep a note of the two remainders (after division by 8). Let us call the remainder from the messenger’s message to be R1 (a number) and the remainder obtained from the patient’s name to be R2 (a number). If R2 > R1, the patient health will recover.

If R1=R2, the illness will grow. If R1 > R2, the patient will invariably die. Ravana mentions that doctors should select a medicine for treatment only after studying this chakra.

Ravana mentions that those doctors who follow this closely will be able to give the correct medicine to the patients. Ravana further goes on to mention that those doctors who follow this chakra can even cure nearly dead patients and thereby gain tremendous respect in society. More on Ravana Samhita in future issues of AIAC Times.

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Saturn’s column Rohini Sakata Vedha - Mars In AIAC Times last issue, I gave test cases for Rohini Sakata Vedha by Saturn. In this issue I will give test cases for RSV by Mars. To read about the introduction to RSV, please read the previous issue. Date


MarchMarch-April 1972

Vietnam War (16 April Mars 20 Ta Rohi)

April 12, 1861

US Civil War (Mars 14 Ta 24' 58.31" Rohi)

July 28, 1945 9:40:00 am

Empire State Building Crash, New York (Mars 10 Ta 33' 49.67" Rohi)

August 6, 1945 8:15 AM

Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing

August 9, 1945 11:01 AM

The important thing to point out is that Mars makes a full 360 degree transit across the zodiac in 45 days X 12 = 540 days (1.5 years) approx. So, the probability of Mars being at around 17 degrees Taurus is once every 1.5 years or 2 times in 3 years. However, this cannot be the only condition for a disaster of magnitude, and thus there are more criteria that need to be fit into this equation of RSV. We will cover these in future issues of AIAC Times.

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Rahu’s column Cyril Fagan and Western Sidereal Astrology This article is influenced by an article written by Kenneth Bowser. Cyril Fagan was born on May 22, 1869 at around noon in Dublin, Ireland.

Photograph from Bill Sheeran’s website – Radical Astrology I personally feel that Cyril should have had a Vargottam Lagna. I have used his birth time as 12:15:30 PM GMT. Life story in in short Fagan suffered from near deafness resulting from scarlet fever. This prevented him from entering the medical profession, which was his father’s profession. He was educated at Belvedere and Castlenock Colleges, and took up astrology in 1916 near the close of his formal education. Knowledge and its pursuit was a driving force in his life. Yet in stark contrast to his studious nature and insatiable intellectual curiosity, Fagan was a flamboyant personality in speech and dress. He had a brilliant and unpredictable sense of humor heard by anyone in earshot because he had to shout in order to hear his own voice in conversation (until good hearing aids were developed), dressed fashionably well dressed as he could afford, and enjoyed night life. He married an Irish beauty

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seventeen years his junior with whom he produced two children. His wife, Pauline, was a woman from the old school, fiercely devoted to her husband. They were together until his death. Fagan was a world traveler and acquiring knowledge was the primary inspiration for his tours. He lived in Wales, London, Morocco, Spain and several places in the United States, travelling extensively from these base camps du jour, when he could. Fagan was the president and founder of the Irish Astrological Society, a Fellow of the American Federation of Astrologers, a Fellow of the Federation of British Astrologers, and a Komandoro of the Universal Order of Antares (Trieste). Fagan began to publish articles extensively in the 1930's. Fagan believed that for an astrologer to present his/her work with authority, he/she needed to be competent in history, languages, geography, mathematics and astronomy, especially the latter because in the ancient world astrology and astronomy were bound up together. One of these subjects was the astrology of ancient Mesopotamia and Babylon. Cuneiform script Cuneiform script, the earliest known writing system in the world, emerged in the Sumerian civilization of southern Iraq around the 34th century BCE during the middle Uruk period, and began as a pictographic system of writing. Cuneiform was the most widespread and historically significant writing system in the Ancient Near East. The development of cuneiform writing was an evolution of an earlier Mesopotamian accounting system that had been used for five thousand years before. Clay tokens had been used for some form of record-keeping in Mesopotamia since as early as 8,000 BC. The original Sumerian script was adapted for the writing of the Akkadian, Eblaite, Elamite, Hittite, Luwian, Hattic, Hurrian, and Urartian languages, and it inspired the Ugaritic and Old Persian alphabets. Cuneiform writing was gradually replaced by the Aramaic alphabet during the NeoAssyrian Empire, and by the second century of the Common Era, the script had become extinct. In 1836, the eminent French scholar, Eugène Burnouf discovered that the first of the inscriptions published by Niebuhr contained a list of the satrapies of Darius. With this clue in his hand, he identified and published an alphabet of thirty letters, most of which he had correctly deciphered. In 1835 Henry Rawlinson, a British East India Company army officer, visited the Behistun inscriptions in Persia. Carved in the reign of King Darius of Persia (522–486 BC), these inscriptions consisted of identical texts in the three official languages of the empire: Old Persian, Babylonian, and Elamite. The Behistun inscriptions were to the decipherment of cuneiform what the Rosetta Stone was to the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs. By 1851, Hincks and Rawlinson could read 200 Babylonian signs. They were soon joined by two other decipherers: young German-born scholar Julius Oppert, and versatile British Orientalist William Henry Fox Talbot. By late nineteenth century (1857 onwards), the script could be completely deciphered. When the cuneiform script was deciphered in the nineteenth century, Babylonian astronomical/astrological materials became available to scholars who laboriously translated and published them beginning in the 1880's. Early on it was recognized by three German Jesuit scholars, Joseph Epping (1835-1894), Franz Xaver Kugler (1862-1929) and Johann Nepomuk Strassmaier (18461920), that the longitudes in Babylonian ephemerides were reckoned from stars, not the equinoxes or solstices. The bulk of the Babylonian astronomical/astrological translations and commentary ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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appeared in the irregular but massive journal begun by Kugler, "Sternkunde Und Sterndienst In Babel" (Starlore and Starwork in Babylon) from 1907 until completed in 1935 by Joseph Schaumberger S.J. The birth of the western sidereal system Almost surely Fagan had read at least some of this Babylonian work, but it is not known exactly when he began to investigate this sort of material. However, his study of it must have been well underway by the 1940's, because by 1944 he was confident that the entire Babylonian tradition was sidereal, not simply the Hellenistic period material. He has subsequently been borne out, although there is not enough evidence extant to tell just when the transition to a twelve-fold equal division occurred. It is established that during the second millenium B.C., the Babylonians used seventeen unequal sidereal constellations: the twelve we use now but with Pisces split into two as the eastern and western fishes, as well as Orion, Auriga, Perseus and the Pleides. The earliest horoscope for an individual dates only to 410 B.C. It is twelve-fold, sidereal and Babylonian. There are no tropical horoscopes extant until the first century B.C., and very few of those until the first century of the Christian Era. Conversely, there were no sidereal astrologers in the West before Fagan's apostasy, which was compelled by evidence. When Fagan began to write about sidereal astrology in the late 1940's, he encountered intense, vituperative reaction from almost the entire astrological community, although a few bright lights among the English ranks were won over such as Cecil Nixon, Rupert Gleadow and Roy Firebrace. Since then the sidereal school has been manned mostly by intellectuals in the field who because of their grasp of the technical arguments, found it easier to commit heresy against the tropical school. Works of Fagan Fagan was a researcher and historian and prolific writer for the magazines of his time. His Solunars feature, based on sidereal astrology, was published regularly by the Clancys in American Astrology from 1954-1970. His books included Astrological Origins, Zodiacs Old and New, The Fixed Zodiac Ephemeris, and A Primer of the Sidereal Zodiac, which he coauthored with Brigadeer R.C. Firebrace. Some of these are available at AstroAmerica. AIAC salutes this man for digging into the ancient scripts and deciphering the use of sidereal system in the ancient world as well as writing about it in the West against the tide of the already existent, strong and profound tropical system.

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Ketu’s column Lokas – II by Surasa This article is a continuation from Lokas written in the earlier issue of AIAC Times. For Ketu’s column this month, we will examine the Lokas. There are fourteen planes, seven lokas (upper planes) and seven talas (lower planes). First of all, there is some confusion people might have regarding Lokas and Tattwas. For example: Mars rules Agni, Mercury rules Prithvi and yet Mars is the ruler of the Bhu loka (Earth). This can be a source of puzzlement. On one hand, we can look at the eternal conflict between Mercury and Mars. Mercury rules earth. Mars rules boundaries and the guards that patrol the boundaries. So Mars cuts up the earth (Mercury) into pieces of land, countries, states, etc. that people feel the need to possess and fight over. Mercury wants to unify or put back together what Mars cuts up. So what do we see more of? On the other hand, when we talk about lokas or planes, we classify them based on the qualities or attributes of the planets, not the other way around. Also, there is a vertical dimension we must consider. Mercury rules earth, and the five elements (Pancha Tattwa) as we know them likewise operate in Bhu loka--this is horizontal. But when we view the lokas, we are looking at a vertical scheme and the relation of the planets to the lokas is a classification not a rulership. This explanation may be helpful regarding how the planets get linked with the lokas. We take the planets in the order of their speed of movement (with respect to the Earth) from fastest to slowest: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. If we consider the planets to be a string of beads and break the string between Mars and Jupiter, Mars goes to the lowest loka, Bhu, and Jupiter to the highest loka, Satya.















Where does Ketu fit in? Ketu is co-ruler of Scorpio and exalted in Pisces, thus a factor in death or liberation from the cycle of rebirth and death (moksha). In a Punya Chakra chart cast for the moment of death, the loka can be determined where the soul ends up. We can find connections between the lokas to the seven chakras and the lower lokas (talas) to the seven deadly sins. In the chart below, we see that Ketu fills the gap between Bhuva and Sawrga. This is in accordance to the theory of Ashtadala Padma (Eight Petaled Lotus), the keystone system for coordinating time ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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and space. That theory (not discussed here) talks about the upward (vertical) direction of Ketu and Rahu in relation to the horizontal plane of the earth. In the known astrological realm, Bhu is the lagna, the span from Bhu to Bhuva loka is comprises the Rasis, and the span from Bhuva to Swarga comprises the Nakshatras.


Planetary Planetary Chakra Corresp. Manifestation Petals To Loka




Sahasra Pure Truth 1000 Ajna Tapah


Sadhu 2



Saints of Society (eg Mother Theresa)



Intellectuals, Thinkers



Controller of Instincts



Kings, Rulers, Fathers



Conquerors (eg Alexander the Great)





Pancha Tattwa Sattwa for Satwa Pancha Tattwa Sattwa for Tapah Raja

Visudha 16

Anahata 12 Manipura 10 Swadhistana 6 Muladhara 4

Pancha Tattwa Sattwa for Jana Raja

Pancha Tattwa Sattwa for Mahar Raja Sattwa Pancha Tattwa Raja for Swarga Tama

Fixed Stars (Nakshatras)

Sattwa Pancha Tattwa Raja for Bhuva Tama

Solar System (Rasis)

Pancha for Bhu


Sattwa Raja Tama

Ketu fills gap between Bhuva and Swarga

Rahu fills gap Earth (Lagna from Bhu to and Rasis) Bhuva

The seven talas in descending order below the earth are Atalah, Vitalah, Sutalah, Talatalah, Mahathalah, Rasatalah and Patalah. Interestingly, there are seven deadly sins in the Christian tradition: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and gluttony. In regard to the talas, here is a cautionary tale from the puranas. Essentially, it tells us that we should not seek to engage the talas worlds as they can come up and take us over in our world. It tells the story of Vishnu’s vamana (dwarf) incarnation and King Vali, the able king of the demons who had taken over the world and heaven. Indra and the gods prayed to Vishnu for deliverance. At the ŠAncient Indian Astrology Classes

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request of Aditi, the mother of the gods, Vishnu incarnated as her son to take care of Vali. Vishnu as the dwarf visited Vali during a yajna (sacrificial ceremony) whereupon Vali asked what he could do for him. “Grant me as much of land as can be covered in three of my footsteps,” said the dwarf. Vali happily granted this boon whereupon the dwarf immediately assumed a gigantic form. With one footstep, Vishnu covered the entire earth. With a second, he covered the sky. And with the third and final footstep, he covered heaven. Vishnu’s foot cracked the shell of the universe (the cosmic egg) causing the water outside poured in. This water began to flow through the sky and became the heavenly Ganga (which is another story). After having traversed all the land that was available, Vishnu resumed his form of a dwarf. “You have now donated to me all the three worlds,” he told Vali. “Where will you stay?” “I seek refuge with you,” was Vali’s answer. Vishnu then instructed Vali to go and live in the underworld. As for heaven, it was restored to Indra. Vali became the ruler of Patala.

Vishnu taking his big steps to restore the heavens and earth.

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Something about us For this issue, articles are written & edited by Amarnath & Surasa. AIAC Times Volume V is a free Volume. We will really appreciate your feedback. Please email us at You are most welcome to join our group - You can follow us on twitter - You can follow our updates on scribd - You can follow us on tribe - You can keep yourself posted on our activities our blog - If you are in Chicago and would like to meet us on our free events, you are most welcome to join our Chicago Meetup group - If you are interested in our classes (online or contact), you can get the details from our website:

See you next Full Moon! Moon!

AIAC Team Ancient Indian Astrology Classes Chicago, IL April 27, 21:00 hrs CST Full Moon [Sun in Aries, Moon in Libra]

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