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AIAC Times [Volume 6]

ŠAncient Indian Astrology Classes

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AIAC Times [Volume 6]

Contents Editorial ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 We complete one year! ............................................................................................................................ 4 We do party! ............................................................................................................................................ 4 We do exist in flesh and blood! .............................................................................................................. 4 Jupiter’s column ........................................................................................................................................... 5 Vishnu’s Ten Incarnations by Surasa, edited by Amarnath ................................................................. 5 Sun’s column ............................................................................................................................................... 14 Chart Reading Basics by Kavali, edited by Amarnath ......................................................................... 14 Michelangelo Buonarotti ........................................................................................................................ 14 The Lagna and the Lagna Lord .......................................................................................................... 15 The Sun ............................................................................................................................................... 15 The Moon............................................................................................................................................ 15 Ammachi ................................................................................................................................................. 16 The Lagna and the Lagna Lord .......................................................................................................... 16 The Moon............................................................................................................................................ 17 The Sun ............................................................................................................................................... 17 Charlie Chaplin ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Lagna Point and Moon ....................................................................................................................... 18 The Sun ............................................................................................................................................... 19 Adolph Hitler .......................................................................................................................................... 19 Moon ................................................................................................................................................... 19 Lagna ................................................................................................................................................... 19 Moon’s column .......................................................................................................................................... 20 Lunar Calendar by Surasa ..................................................................................................................... 20 Venus’ column ............................................................................................................................................ 22 Bhrigu by Amarnath ............................................................................................................................... 22 Sri Krishna and Bhrigu ....................................................................................................................... 22 Bhrigu’s Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 23 ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Bhrigu’s great visit to the Trinity ...................................................................................................... 23 The inner meaning of the story of Bhrigu ....................................................................................... 28 Mercury’s column .......................................................................................................................................29 The Puzzle of Vimshottari Dasa- I by Amarnath ................................................................................29 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................29 The Puzzle...........................................................................................................................................29 The Different Opinions .....................................................................................................................30 Dr. Pt. K. R. Kar..................................................................................................................................30 Shri K.K. Pathak ................................................................................................................................. 31 Pt. Sanjay Rath.................................................................................................................................... 32 Shri Krushna Jugal Kalani .................................................................................................................. 33 Mars’ column ..............................................................................................................................................34 Reflection of Light and Pada of Grahas by Amarnath .........................................................................34 Saturn’s column ..........................................................................................................................................38 Penguins and Polar Bears by Ishana, edited by Amarnath ..................................................................38 The Introduction ................................................................................................................................38 The Facts .............................................................................................................................................38 The Reason .......................................................................................................................................... 41 What does Parasara do about this? ....................................................................................................43 Conclusion ..........................................................................................................................................43 Rahu’s column ............................................................................................................................................ 44 Solar Progression and Manu Chakra Paddhati by Amarnath ............................................................. 44 Solar arc progression.......................................................................................................................... 44 Introducing Manu Chakra Paddhati (MCP) ................................................................................... 46 Application of Manu Chakra Paddhati ............................................................................................ 46 Ketu’s column .............................................................................................................................................50 Lokas III by Surasa, Kavali, edited by Amarnath.................................................................................50 State of Soul Immediately Before Birth (Jataka Chakra) ................................................................50 State of Soul After Death (Punya Chakra) ....................................................................................... 52 Something about us .................................................................................................................................... 61 ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Editorial We complete one year! AIAC started on May 12, 2009 on a Chaturthi. This year on May 1, 2010, AIAC completed one solilunar year. In this one year, AIAC has achieved a lot. Today AIAC has students across the globe. This humbles us and we are thankful to all our well-wishers and guides who have stood by us from our very inception. Please do visit our website to see the latest changes in our course structure and tenures and start dates of Level 1.

We do party! party! On the occasion of the Anniversary of AIAC, the Guru hosted a party for the AIAC Team Chicago on May 8, 2010. The venue was Viceroy of India, 2520 West Devon Avenue, Chicago, IL 60659. Some students couldn’t make it due to their schedules but some could make it. Students outside Chicago could not make it to the celebration for obvious reasons. However, we missed them very much. It was a wonderful time at lunch with students and friends of AIAC and we hope to have many more such gatherings in near future.

We do exist in flesh and blood! We have always used our pen-names and often hid our identities. This is done to remove the ego build up that comes with good karma. However, it is important for the world to know that we do exist in flesh and blood and are real people. Below are a few moments from our gathering on the Anniversary celebration of AIAC.

ŠAncient Indian Astrology Classes

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Jupiter’s column Vishnu’s Ten Incarnations by Surasa, edited by Amarnath Invocation: Aum Namo Narayanaya, Aum Namo Narayanaya, Aum Namo Narayanaya The word Naryanaya is composed of two words in Sanskrit – Nara and Ayanaya. Nara means Man and Ayana means Goal or Destination. Narayanaya is the goal of every being, to unite with the Supreme Being, since He is the one who attracts and we are the ones who get attracted. This column cannot begin without humbly bowing to the Supreme Being, who is the desire (or final goal) of every soul – Narayanaya. Ancient scriptures are full of symbolism, some cryptic and coded, waiting to be deciphered by the best of brains to gain insight into the divine within us. The great mystic poet of India, Sant Kabir mentions in one of his famous songs the following – Moko kahan dhundhere bande Mein toh tere paas mein Na teerath mein, na moorat mein

Where do you search me dear one? I am right beside (in) you Neither am I in a pilgrimage nor in an idol

This is just a snippet of one of the most beautiful mystic poems (songs) written by the great poet which strengthens the age old ancient concept of Sanatan Dharma, that the divine spark is in each of us, neither is it in a temple nor a mosque. This same concept is iterated in our classics through indepth symbolism. The birth story of Brahma from the navel of Narayana (Vishnu) is symbolic of the birth of a child from the womb of the mother. Similarly, the ancient texts are full of such symbolic representations of mundane facts colored in divine tales to better understand and comprehend the Divine in us. In this article Surasa tries to unveil some of such cryptic messages in our ancient texts in the light of jyotish. Sri Vishnu, Sri Vishnu, Sri Vishnu! Aum Tat Sat! ~ Amarnath

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In Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, the sage Parasara says: There are many incarnations of the unborn Lord. Vishnu has incarnated as the navagrahas or planets to bestow on the living beings the results of their Karmas or actions. He assumed the auspicious form of grahas to destroy the strength of the demons (evil forces), to sustain the strength of the devas (the Vishnu Dasavataara or 10 Great Incarnations of the Lord divine beings) and to establish dharma (religion or faith). ~Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, Volume I, Translation, Commentary and Annotation by G. C. Sharma. Today, the word “Avatar” is often used to refer to a computer user’s alter ego and has been the subject of popular fiction such as the James Cameron film “Avatar.” The word “Avatar” is the anglicized version of the Sanskrit noun avatāra which is derived from “ava” or “avataran” which means “off, away, or down” and a root word which means "to cross over." Basically, it means that a being or a God goes down to a lower realm from a higher realm by taking on a form or incarnating in a body in the lower ream. Avatāra was originally in regard to various deities, but around the 6th century CE it came to be primarily used to describe the forms of Vishnu. Other deities have avatars, for example, the 11 Rudras of Shiva. Vishnu avatars have a special purpose for humankind. There are many manifestations of Vishnu but as avatar, there are ten. Some sects have different names for the Vishnu avatars, but the number is always ten. The reason for the number 10 is that each avatar relates to one of the nine planets plus Lagna, which is essentially the 10th planet. Regarding Vishnu as a God, in Hinduism there is only one God but that God has many forms. One form is a trinity consisting of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (the “Trimurti”). Vishnu is the preserver, Brahma is the creator, and Shiva is the destroyer. Brahma and Shiva can be thought of as representing one-time events, since we are born and we die. However, Vishnu’s job of preserving takes a lot more work. For example, just to preserve ourselves, we have to continually buy and prepare food for ourselves and our families, clean house, go to work, sleep, educate and discipline our children, meet deadlines, pay bills, etc. In other words, we are constantly balancing the things in our life. Putting this in terms of the Gunas (the qualities of nature or “praktriti”), we can equate Satwa Guna with balance. Raja Guna is heating activity and Tama Guna is inertia. Since sustaining creates balance, Vishnu is considered to be the God of Satwa Guna. Brahma is associated with Raja Guna since he is the creator. Raja is heat and creation generates heat. Shiva the destroyer is associated with Tama guna. Tama is cold and so is death. (See Venus’ column in this issue for the story and explanation regarding the Trimurti and the Gunas.)

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Vishnu created Brahma in the story that shows us that water is necessary for life. As Vishnu lay in a bed of snakes, the baby Brahma emerged from his navel (the Vishnu nabhi), the center around which our solar system revolves. The snakes are the umbilical cord connecting the Brahma child to the primordial waters (womb) necessary for creation. Vishnu later asked Brahma to create the world.

As stated above, Vishnu periodically takes the form of an avatar to increase dharma (righteousness) and to restore the social and cosmic order. This work cannot be done from the heavens; the God must come down into this realm by taking on a physical form on earth. Here is the famous quote from the Bhagavata Purana: Whenever righteousness wanes and unrighteousness increases I send myself forth. In order to protect the good and punish the wicked, In order to make a firm foundation for righteousness, I come into being age after age. (4.7–8) Time is cyclic and God (Vishnu) in physical form appears in every yuga or age. The first four avatars appeared during Satya yuga: Matsya (fish avatar), Kurma (tortoise avatar), Varaha (boar avatar) and Narasimha (half man, half lion avatar). The next three avatars appeared in Treta yuga and this time the avatars have human form: Vamana (dwarf avatar), Parashurama (sage with an axe) and Rama (king and hero of the Ramayana). It is significant that there is only one avatar in Dwapara yuga. At the end of Dwapara yuga, Vishnu only appeared as sublime Krishna, the blue goat herder and the preceptor of Arjuna in the Bhavagad Gita. Many consider Krishna to be the highest avatar and equate him with Vishnu. In the earlier part of Kali yuga (the present age), Buddha avatar appeared and reformed the Vedic teachings that developed into Buddhism. At the end of Kali yuga, Kalki will appear to defeat the wicked, liberate the virtuous, and initiate a new Satya yuga, and the cycle begins again. It is interesting to note that J.B.S. Haldane, the famous British-born geneticist and evolutionary biologist who became an Indian citizen in the 1950s, observed a parallel between Vishnu’s ten avatars and Darwin’s theory of evolution—life began in water (Matsya avatar) and became amphibian (Kurma), walked as an animal on land (Varaha), half-man half-beast (Narasimha), proto human (Vamana), small-brained man (Parasurama) and then fully developed man (Rama, Balarama, Krishna and Kalki).

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The sage Parasara says: Rama is the incarnation of the Sun, Krishna of the moon, Narasimha that of Mars, Buddha that of Mercury, Vamana that of Jupiter, Parashurama that of Venus, Koorma that of Saturn, Varaha that of Rahu and Meena (fish) that of Ketu. ~Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, Volume I, Translation, Commentary and Annotation by G. C. Sharma The first avatar of Satya yuga was Matsaya (the fish). He warned King Satyavat “truth speaker” (who was to become Manu, the progenitor of mankind) of the coming great deluge and instructed him to collect all forms of life and put them on a boat. As in similar stories found in spiritual traditions around the world, the king did as he was told. Matsaya is the avatar of Ketu. He was a little fish when he begged Manu to bring him home, but outgrew every container he was placed, until Manu finally put him in the ocean. Ketu goes beyond boundaries, just as when we die, we expand beyond our physical body. Matsaya, like the Greek god Charon on the river Styx, comes for each one of us when we die and takes us across the river of death. To follow Ketu, we must leave behind our conscious mind. Only our deepest emotional feelings remain with us.

The second avatar is Kurma, the tortoise. In the story of Samudra manthan (the churning of the ocean), Kurma sank to the depths of the ocean to bear the weight of the mountain the Gods and Demons used as a churning staff to obtain the nectar of immortality. The tortoise shell is symbolic of sin and karma which needs to be churned or worked to extract the nectar of immortality. Thus Kurma is the avatar of Saturn, Saturn the taskmaster and disciplinarian and natural ruler of the 10th house of karma. In the churning of the ocean story, the nectar was preceded by poison. The poison is the obstruction that we must work through in order to get the nectar. In many situations, such as a health crisis, the emergence of poison (toxins from the body) is a sign that we are on the right path toward our goal of balance.

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The third avatar is Varaha or Sukara “wild boar.” Brahma had granted boons to two demon brothers for their devotion to him. One of them kidnapped the earth goddess, Bhu devi, and hid her in the bottom of the cosmic ocean. Vishnu needed to incarnate from Brahma since Brahma had created the problem, and Sukara meaning “one who breaths”, a boar’s head on a man’s body, was born from Brahma’s left nostril. Sukar gored the demon, carried the earth on his tusks and put her back in her correct place in the universe. This act is synonymous with birth. A baby must emerge from the painful constriction of his mother’s womb (water or ocean) and learn to breathe air in his new cycle of life. Women pray to Varaha avatar for easy childbirth. Sukara is the avatar of Rahu. Rahu rules desire Rahu including the desire to live. Likewise, Rahu rules Aquarius and the natural 11th house and is very comfortable in air signs. The sage Varaha Mihira takes his name from this avatar.

The fourth avatar is Narasimha, the half man-half lion. The demon king Hiranyakashipu had been granted a boon that he could not be killed by a human, deva or animal, during the day or night, indoors or out, in earth or space, or by animate nor inanimate weapons. He was enraged that his son Prahlada was a Vishnu devotee who refused to worship him. The demon asked his son if Vishnu was in a pillar and smashed it. Narasimha emerged from the pillar and killed the demon since he is neither human nor animal (part man, part lion avatar). He defeated the demon at twilight (neither day nor night), on the threshold of a courtyard (neither indoors nor out), put the demon on his thighs (neither earth nor space), and disemboweled the demon using his sharp fingernails (neither animate nor inanimate) as weapons. Narasimha is the avatar of Mars, Mars the upholder of justice. So when ethics and morals are lost (Jupiter is negative), the positive side of Mars saves us. With Mars there is no hedging in gray areas when it comes to morals and ethics. We cannot escape the claws of Narasimha. Justice will be done.

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The fifth avatar and first in Treta yuga is Vamana, the dwarf. In revenge for the killing of his father by Indra, the king of the gods, the demon king Bali helped by his guru Shukra (Venus) took over all the three worlds, Bhu, Bhuva and Swarga (earth, solar system and heaven). The gods prayed to Vishnu for deliverance and Vishnu was born as a dwarf from Aditi, the mother of the gods. Vamana visited Bali during a yajna ceremony and requested as much land that could be covered three of his footsteps. Despite Shukra’s efforts to stop it, Bali happily granted Vamana’s request. Immediately the dwarf became gigantic and covered the earth, sky and heavens in two steps and the third step he put Bali’s bowed head. This is same posture in which the disciple submits to the guru. Bali died as a king and was reborn as Vamana’s disciple. Thus, Vamana is the avatar of Jupiter and represents the guru-disciple relationship.

The sixth avatar is Parashurama which means “Ramawith-the-axe” was a warrior Brahman. His axe was blessed by Shiva and he had many conquests. He killed his mother at his father’s request for consorting with the inferior Haihaya-Kshatriyas. He killed a thousand armed king and 21 generations of the inferior HaihayaKshatriyas, restoring territories to the Ganesha worshipping Brahmins from the irreligious and corrupt Kshatriyas. Parashurama is the avatar of Venus. Venus Venus tests relationships and demands a pure lineage (as opposed to the Moon which only cares about life) as well as creativity. He invented the wheel and chariot. In his later life, he became an ascetic and practiced penances. In some traditions, he not worshipped as a warrior but only as an ascetic.

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Rama, the seventh avatar and the final avatar in Treta yuga, is famous as the hero of the Ramayana. Rama is the avatar of the Sun. For his father’s honor, he abandons his claim to the throne to serve an exile of fourteen years in the forest. His devoted wife Sita could not live without him and joined him in the forest. She was kidnapped by Ravana. Rama managed to rescue Sita and reclaim his throne only after arduous feats testing his strength and virtue. Sun people make great kings and fathers but not very good husbands since they put righteousness and their kingdom first. As avatar of the Sun, he followed his duty to his father and kingdom, but his wife suffered. The Sun is not friends with Venus and Rama sacrificed his personal life to his duty as a King.

The eighth and only avatar in Dwapara yuga is Krishna. Krishna is the avatar of the Moon. Moon His main purpose was to teach humanity how to surpass the limitations of the mind. He was one of the main characters in the Bhagavata Purana, and Mahabharata and the spiritual guide and counselor to Arjuna in the Bhavagad Gita. In the Gita, he teaches Arjuna how to master his mind (thoughts, urges and perceptions), and to see reality so that he could fulfill his duty. Krishna had 16,108 wives representing mastery over the creations of the mind. Reportedly, he could be in 16,108 bedrooms at once. Similarly, many people going to the temple at the same time can at once be with God. We all want to go beyond the boundaries of this world and become one with God. The name Krishna comes from akarshan which means “someone who attracts.” Radha and Krishna are lovers. Radha means aradhika, the “worshipper.”

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Gautama Buddha, the ninth avatar, is the first to appear in Kali yuga. When he was born, the astrologers predicted that he would be either a great king or saint. Until age 21, his father carefully guarded him from the harsh realities of life. Going out of the palace for the first time, he saw three things he had never seen before: an old person, a sick person and a dead person. This revelation caused him to leave the palace to wonder for seven years meditating and searching for truth. Buddha is the avatar of Mercury, the eternal learner, whose receptive mind takes in what it sees, questions everything and applies what it observes, even if the person is extremely physically disabled (Steven Hawking, for example). Buddha had no guru but himself and nature. As a result of his contemplation, Buddha concluded that the root cause of sorrow is desire. Some traditions omit Buddha, replacing him with Balarama, the elder brother of Krishna.

Kalki ("Eternity", "time", or "The Destroyer of foulness"), the 10th avatar, is expected at the end of Kali yuga which using the 3102 BCE beginning date, puts Kalki’s arrival in about 426,800 years. Parasara did not directly attribute any astrological significance to Kalki. However, there is an indication that he links Kalki with the ascendant, thus Kalki is the avatar of Lagna. Specific details about Kalki and his future life are given in Bhavishya (“future”) Purana. The white horse allows Kalki to ride over the mud of destruction and his sword to cut what must be stricken down so we can be ready for the next eon. Kalki will take humanity to the next cycle. However, the link of Kalki with the ascendant indicates that we are ultimately responsible for our own problems since the ascendant is us, our intelligence.

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The sage Parasara says: After completing their mission on the earth the incarnations: Rama, Krishna etc merge in their respective “Grahas�' again. The jeevatma [mortal living] portions from the grahas take births as human beings etc and live their lives according to their karmas and again merge in the grahas. O Brahmin, I told you of this. At the time of the Great Destruction the grahas as well merge in Lord Vishnu. One who knows of all these will become versed in the knowledge of the past, present and future. No one can know these things without the knowledge of astrology. Hence everyone must study this science, and particularly the Brahmins. One who is devoid of the knowledge of this science, blames it will go to the hell called Raurva, and will be reborn blind. ~ Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, Volume I, Translation, Commentary and Annotation by G. C. Sharma Avatara


Lesson Learnt



Death, At the time of death (our life is drowned), only our trust in God can take us to the dawn of a new beginning.



Sin, Karma by default has two sides and our aim should be to do karma and remain immortal in this world. Karma alone can bring Amrita (the nectar of immortality).



Birth/Re-birth, Desire is the cause of birth and re-birth (and life with its share of sorrow), be it the first breath or the first toy we want. We should be thankful for this human life and make maximum use of it to do good karma.



Strength, Mars (Rudra, Death, Mrityu) will hit us on this plane. That is an inevitable truth. The best thing to do is not to fight it but to devote ourselves to the service of Narayana like Prahlad.



Wisdom, Knowledge will pass by us like a small page of a book or a little lecture we overhear, but slowly the wisdom will grow and encompass our complete life and we have to take rebirth again as an elated (wise) being.



Purity of relation, Relationship and lineage should be pure. Impurity of body and mind will require cleansing and only then can devotion set in our hearts.



Ethics, Responsibility should be taken and should be fulfilled without any attachment to results. Be it as a father, as a boss, as a guardian or as a political leader of a country, responsibility and duties should be put before self and one should not hesitate to sacrifice him/her for a cause of greater good.



Mind control, Mind should be controlled and even when surrounded by pleasure, one needs to be detached to both joy and sorrow.


Mercury Learning throughout life, If the mind is receptive, knowledge can be gathered from any source.



Strength of intelligence, Intellect alone can conquer all evil.

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Sun’s column Chart Reading Basics by Kavali, edited by Amarnath There can be no formula to read a chart. A natal chart is a human life and just as varied can be a human life so can be the natal chart. If one reads Chapter 3 of Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, one will see so many things have been assigned to the Nava Grahas and as much numerous other things can be assigned to the Nava Grahas and it is totally dependent on the context as to which attribute of the Graha is to be considered. Similarly, in a natal chart, numerous factors come to play. However, there are two things cannot can never be ignored. These two factors and its variation is the back-bone of jytoish and at a very basic step can reveal tons of information about the native. Jyotish comes of the word Jyoth (light) and ish (God) and thus the source of light in this world becomes of utmost importance. Light it is most physical sense is something that removes darkness and on the same lines in a more philosophical sense is something can removes ignorance. In a chart, the Moon stands symbolic of one’s mind and the Sun stands symbolic of one’s spirit. These two factors can never be ignored in a chart. One’s personal Sun is called the Lagna or the Ascendant and forms the backbone of a chart. Thus, Sun, Moon and the Ascendant form the basis of chart reading. If ever there can be formula for the Basics of Chart reading, it has to be to study the Sun, the Moon and the Lagna in a chart and its varied combinations with the other Grahas. Let us see how we can apply this knowledge.

Michelangelo Buonarotti

We begin with the Lagna and Lagna Lord (ruling planet) in order to understand the chart as a whole. The lagna is 7 degrees Sagittarius, making the chart ruler Jupiter in Capricorn in House 2.

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The Lagna and the Lagna Lord The Ascendant receives an aspect from Rahu in Virgo, Mars, Ketu and Sun in Pisces by rasi dristi. The Ascendant Lord Jupiter receives an aspect from Rahu by graham drishti. “His nature was so rough and uncouth that his domestic habits were incredibly squalid, and deprived posterity of any pupils who might have followed him.” -Paolo Gioviio, biographer, quoted in Wikipedia article on Michelangelo Moon (the mind) is in Aquarius having an aspect from its lord Saturn (Rx). Michelangelo lost his mother by the time he was six years old. Jupiter receives another aspect from Saturn Rx in Cancer by graha dristi. Saturn’s aspect had a sober, melancholy effect on the mind. “Michelangelo’s childhood had been grim and lacking in affection and he was always to retain a taciturn disposition.” -from In addition we see from portraits of the artist that a broken nose from a fistfight permanently disfigured him – Jupiter debilitated in the 2nd house. This is also the result of the aspect of malefic like Ketu, Mars, Sun and Rahu on Lagna. A debilitated benefic as Lagna Lord having no aspect to the Lagna indicates the absence of beneficence on Lagna. Jupiter removed itself and Mars’ strength rushed forward to fill in. This planet of energy carried enormous power through this 5th house attribute and from the energy of the sign itself, a sign of creativity and procreation. Venus in Aries, 5th house, freely gave of its artistic talent to him as well. Mars conjuncts Sun and Ketu in Pisces. Michelangelo drew from his soul (the Sun) to create magnificent expressions of divinity. Mars/Sun are on his nodal axis. This was Michelangelo’s destiny. It is requisite to study aspects to Lagna, Moon, and Sun. The three Piscean grahas, Mars, Sun, and Ketu, aspect lagna as well as Rahu in Virgo, all by rasi dristi. Mars essentially becomes exalted due to Jupiter’s debilitation, and along with previous things noted, with Rahu added an argumentative nature. Ketu from the 4th houe made Michelangelo detached in his heart. The Sun Sun aspecting the Lagna first gives genius. Sun is karaka of Lagna and its aspect on Lagna gives brilliance and light. Sun also represents the father, the popes, and the Medici, all authority figures who had a significant effect on Michelangelo’s life. Rahu is doubly armed by its graha and rasi dristi from Mars. With its similar aspects on the Sun, Rahu shows the artist’s difficult relationship with these people. The popes themselves were aggressive and arrogant, all in the name of God. The Moon Finally, we address the Moon. Moon and Mercury sit together in Shatabisha nakshatra in Aquarius, 3rd house. Mind and communication work together. He thought – he expressed himself with his hands. Mercury as 10th house ruler indicates prominence through his courage and use of hands and arms. Venus in Aries, 5th house, aspects by rasi dristi, and the full impact of the creativity pouring ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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forth from this house flooded into his expression. Saturn in Cancer Rx as Moon’s ruler reinforced its melancholic effect on his mind and deprived him of home and family. Michelangelo was focused, driven, contentious. Nakshatras have their place here as well. Lagna nakshatra is Mula, a nakshatra that causes pain to push the individual in the direction he needs to travel. Shravana (Jupiter’s nakshatra) gives him the life of an outcast. Moon is in Shatabhisha. Per Bepin Behari, “In Shatabhishak the flower represents the achievement of the purpose for which the manifestation came into existence. It represents the summit of creation.” Through a number of repeated indicators in the chart we see that Michelangelo did indeed experience a great deal of personal pain, then left Florence forever to find his destiny at the Vatican, and therein fulfilled the purpose for which he was born.


The Lagna and the Lagna Lord Ammachi’s lagna is a powerhouse. Three raj yogas involving the first house have had a significant effect on her life. First, Saturn and Mars aspect each other by rasi dristi; because of this she had to endure great enmity from family and community members who tested her repeatedly and roughly. But Saturn, being in Libra, brought her through. This yoga ties in ruler of the 5th house with ruler of the 7th house in 1st and 11th houses. Being both malefic, there will be some difficult as well as beneficial effects. A good malefic brings the native to God. Another effect has been that through Ammachi receiving the yoga, community partners entrust her foundation with resources to administer hospitals, food programs, and educational programs. The chart ruler, Venus in Leo, represents Ammachi. She is an affectionate and exuberant person. With Saturn in Libra in mutual aspect to Venus by rasi dristi, Ammachi has charisma and intelligence in dealing with people. She makes them feel at home. She possesses humility and the common touch.

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This second yoga combines houses 1, 4, 5, and 8, through houses 1 and 11. Note that the special nature of Ammachi’s 11th house group association actually has to do with the 8th house inclusion in the raj yoga. It isn’t always simple to delineate house by house, planet by planet, when in real life the energies do not operate separately. Planets, signs, houses, yogas, all blend I synchronicity to make a life. Ammachi has drawn a worldwide group of all ages and all races to her because of the most important of the three raj yogas previously mentioned. The Moon Saturn and Moon mutually aspect each other by rasi dristi. They are in mulitrikona signs and as rulers of houses 5 and 10 respectively, give natural enlightened leadership that will give her prominence. Analysis of Moon really gets to the most striking part of Ammachi’s story. This is the key to the chart and where it all begins. Moon in Taurus sits in house 8 in moolatrikona. Ammachi’s darshan has been hugging people, sometimes thousands a day, for many years. There is great spiritual power in her simple act of human kindness. Moon and Saturn mutually aspect each other, as discussed earlier. Moon is aspected by Rahu in 4th house Capricorn by rasi and graha dristi both. This made her turn away from parents’ and society’s expectation for a woman to settle into anonymous married life. Ketu, by rasi dristi, gives her detachment and through its 10th house placement elevates her to a spiritual leadership position. In addition to the yogas above, Jupiter in Gemini, house 9, aspects Lagna and people naturally view her as their spiritual preceptor. And she appears jovial, playful, happy, a benefactress. The Sun Sun in 12th house Virgo is a soul who sublimates ego. Its placement here with Mercury in its own sign strengthens the 12th house and adds to spiritual power. Jupiter in Gemini aspects by rasi dristi and uplifts the soul and the 12th house also. The 12th house is another strong area of the chart, and remains hidden behind the powerful persona that has been described. The soul wants liberation when the Sun inhabits here. It’s very likely she’s gotten it or came into this life already in possession of her freedom. Sun takes a secondary position to the memorable, charismatic, even-minded Moon. There is a connection to the outwardly directed planets through Sun’s mutual aspects with Jupiter and Mercury by rasi dristi, Jupiter in turn aspects lagna. There is a strong element of teaching about responsibility and hard work through this configuration. Moksha for this saint is in aiding desperately poor people meet their mundane, day to day needs.

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Charlie Chaplin

Lagna Point and Moon Aspects to the Moon are doubly strong, as Moon and Lagna point are conjunct. Note the number of malefic aspects from a Kendra hitting this crucial point. A Graha within 3 20’ of the Lagna point becomes more influential on the life than the chart ruler, something like having the Lagna lord in the 1st house. Charlie Chaplin thought for himself. He had his own mind and accomplished what he wanted. His very survival can be credited to this somewhat, after being left on his own from the age of ten. There is a strong undercurrent of relationship, as Libra represents the natural 7th house. It gave him a mothering, nurturing instinct, which shows through in his famous creation the Tramp and in the fact that he took care of friends and family. Edna Purveyance, his early costar, had a job with him until she died. Also Moon is ruler of the 10th. Its Lagna placement means that he would become known for his own personal qualities and talents. Take the analysis, graha by graha, on the Moon and the Lagna. Venus Rx on the Moon and Lagna by graha dristi cannot give its normally expected results. This may have shown his tendency to rob the cradle. Chaplin, by his own admission, liked to shock people – Rahu in Gemini from 9th by graha dristi. So the Venus Rx scenario affected his reputation and the FBI got involved (Mars aspecting Lagna by graha dristi). On a personal level, Sun and Mars energized his Lagna and Moon. Sun is karaka of the 1st house. When Sun aspects Lagna, the native has great genius. Moon and Sun work in tandem. Here is another chart full of the intensity of Aries creativity. Moon rules motion. The body is a flexible tool for him, being ruled by Swati and Vayu, the Air deity. With great genius in expression he created the Tramp, a little man with a distinctive waddle and a twirling cane. The Tramp expresses the full range of human emotion and no soundtrack was ever needed in Charlie Chaplin’s films. They survive the test of time. Were it not for the strong Moon, Sun, and Mars in mutual graha dristi, Charlie Chaplin’s life might have taken a different turn. The Moon magnetized the powerful 7th house energies in an outward manner. Venus Rx in Aries’ role is more or less engulfed by the other three grahas. Note the

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differences between Chaplin’s chart and Adolf Hitler’s chart. The men were born only a few days apart. The Sun Charlie Chaplin’s exalted Sun in the 7th indicates big ego, a strong soul, and a strong bone structure. Its combination with Mars and Venus tends to balance its sattvic qualities with rajasic ones. The three planets almost operate as a unit, adding to the Sun’s light. This is all reflected outward through Libra Moon. Through Saturn in Cancer graha dristi, at his soul level Charlie Chaplin remembered his humble roots in London. Yet Jupiter in Sagittarius gives upliftment. He portrayed in films, lives full of disappointments, hardships, and separations, yet at the very end of every show, the Tramp walks into the sunset optimistically going to meet his next set of circumstances.

Adolph Hitler Notice the shifts in Moon and Mercury in Hitler’s chart as compared to ‘Charlie Chaplin’s. The energy changes drastically. Lagna Since Hitler’s Moon has moved into house 3, the retrograde Venus in Aries in 7th regains its importance as chart ruler. Here Venus is engulfed by the exalted Sun and Mars in its own sign and the identity is lost.

This is a good example of the ‘grasp’ of a graha. Hitler then personifies the state and the police arm and it well known for his mesmerizing communication style. The four “Aries” grahas aspect Lagna, including the ruler. Venus’s aspect on Lagna strengthens the first house. Moon Moon moves into the 3rd, a place of courage, energy, arms and hands. Moon as ruling 10th is here, giving strong speaking ability as his karma. Jupiter in Sagittarius represents highest wisdom and knowledge; Ketu is very spiritual, very strong in Sagittarius, blindly following the guru. This should, at first glance, be a wonderful placement. Why is there a problem? Keep digging in the chart. The only other aspect on the Moon is Gemini Rahu, 9th house, through rasi and graha dristi. It is disposited by Mercury in Aries. Mercury as a neutral takes on the characteristics of the surrounding grahas. Therefore Mercury becomes engulfed in the Martian current, just like Venus. In Chaplin’s horoscope Mercury is debilitated in 6th house Pisces. Chaplin’s use of the energy was to poke fun at himself in the guise of the Tramp. Rahu, in Hitler’s case, was obviously a more severe malefic influence. The nodal axis becomes critical because Moon is placed o it.

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Moon’s column Lunar Calendar by Surasa There are two types of lunar calendars used in India today. These are actually lunisolar calendars, meaning they incorporate both the moon phase (lunar day or tithi) and the solar month (sign sign or rasi). In Southern India, the Amanta or new moon calendar is generally used and in Northern India, the Shuklanta or full moon calendar is used. Amanta comes from Amavasya, meaning new moon in Sanskrit. The Amanta calendar has the month beginning and ending at the new moon. Shuklanta is from Shukla, meaning bright and shining, full moon (also called Purnimant). The Shuklanta calendar has the month beginning and ending at the full moon. Other than this significant difference, the time divisions are basically the same: i.e., the lunar months, days, hours, solar months (sun signs), as well as the religious festivals, although they have different names in the various Indian languages and dialects. The difference between the two calendars is depending on when the full or new moon falls, the starting dates for the months are about 15 days (one paksha) apart. For example, the month of Jyestha starts on June 13, 2010 in the Amanta calendar while the month of Jyestha starts on May 28, 2010 in the Shuklanta or Purnimant calendar. Needless to say, this causes confusion as to when religious festivals and other events should take place in regions where the different calendars co-exist. Why two different calendars? History and lunar mechanics provide the answers.

The full moon cycle is the original calendar used in the Vedic culture. The full moon is deemed auspicious for spiritual matters. It is at this time that the Earth basks in the light of the luminaries, and the energies are more balanced since the Earth is in line between them, like a child holding hands with its mother and father and getting all of their attention. It’s a good time for spiritual pursuits and worship. On the other hand, the new moon is considered more auspicious for material matters and wealth. Obviously, one reason is that it starts from nothing and grows. Another reason is that the Sun and Moon are together giving each other their full attention leaving the Earth alone in the dark. Feeling neglected, the Earth feels feeds its desires in order to fill the void and this manifests as material growth. A picture of the tides illustrates this point:

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Spring tide with the Moon between the Sun and the Earth – the Earth’s oceans bulge on both sides but more toward the Moon/Sun side. The Moon has a greater effect than the Sun on the tides because it is closer. Spring tide with the Earth between the Sun and the Moon. The tides bulge out toward both bodies and are more evenly distributed. Since we and other living creatures are mostly water, our bodies and minds know the difference between the Full Moon and New Moon tides. The Greeks (the Yavanas) had a strong influence on Indian thought since the time Alexander the Great invaded the subcontinent in 326 BCE. The New Moon was the more important time to the Greek conquerors because it obviously manifested material growth and they were proof. When the great jyotisha and mathematician Varahamira collected his Pancha-Siddhantika, "The Five Astronomical Canons" in 575 CE, he incorporated mathematical and calendric ideas of the Babylonians by way of the Greek sages. Since we need to spiritually and materially sustain ourselves, we can say these two cycles serve us equally. In fact, they are essentially the same yet two ways of looking at the night sky. If we strictly follow the sages and see the reasoning behind the month names, we will see that the ancient sages meant us to use the Shuklanta calendar. However, the Yavanas (Greeks) preferred Amanta calendar. In our lives today, we see this working in the Hindu festival days. All Gurus are worshipped on Full Moons. The Goddess of wealth and prosperity, Lakshmi, is worshipped on the New Moon in Libra. New Moons are associated with material growth and Full Moons are associated spiritual growth.

The image above is of light on Diwali and celebration of Buddha Purnima. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Venus’ column Bhrigu by Amarnath Sri Krishna and Bhrigu

maharsinam bhrgur aham ~ Bhagavad Gita, Of the great sages I am Bhrigu

ahaM prajaaH sisRkSus tu tapas taptvaa su-duzcaram | patiin prajaanaam asRjaM maharSiin aadito daza | Then I, desiring to produce created beings, performed very difficult austerities, and (thereby) called into existence ten great sages, lords of created beings, ~ Manu Smriti, 1.34

mariicim atri.aGgirasau pulastyaM pulahaM kratum | pracetasaM vasiSThaM ca bhRguM naaradam eva ca || Marichi, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu, Prachetasam, Vasishtha, Bhrigu and Narada. ~ Manu Smriti, 1.35 In the holiest of books of the Hindus, Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna says to Arjuna that He is Bhrigu among the Maharshis. In Manu Smriti, the book of Law by Manu, we find a reference to the Maharshis. Manu mentions that Brahma created the ten Maharshis who were made Prajapatis (or the forefathers of the human race). Why did Sri Krishna mention that out of all the ten Maharshis, He was the best among them, the great Bhrigu?

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Bhrigu’s Introduction Bhrigu was a mind-born son of Brahma. He was married to Khyati, the daughter of Daksha. He had two sons by her, named Dhata and Vidhata. His daughter Shri, was married Lord Vishnu. He had one more son, who is better known than Bhrigu himself – Shukra or Shukracharya. Bhrigu’s great visit to the Trinity Trinity Maharshi Bhrigu’s most important life story is his visit to the Trinity – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, to test the most superior out of them for worship in the present Yuga. Below is the story as it is known with some great illustrations. After the story, the true and much deeper interpretation is given with concepts of jyotish.

Once Devarshi Narada was passing by rishi Kashyap’s ashram where all reputed sages had gathered to perform a Yajna (a fire sacrifice) for the peace and prosperity of the planet. Devarshi Narada who is famous for creating karma and conflicts among the Gods and men alike posed the question as to who among the Trinities should be made the offering of such an important sacrifice. Who should be the receiver of the Yajna? This question created a lot of turmoil among the renowned sages. Some claimed Brahma, the creator to be the one should be offered the fruits of this sacrifice, some claimed it should be Shiva, the Guru of all Gurus and yet others claimed it should be Vishnu, the preserver of the Universe. Since no agreement could be reached, it was decided that the Gods themselves should be put to test and this impossible task was given to Maharshi Bhrigu. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Bhrigu knew it was a very tough job that was assigned to him but nevertheless he agreed to do it. He first visited Brahma Loka (the abode of Brahma) to test Brahma. He went directly inside the Brahma loka and saw Brahma completely immersed in the ragas of Saraswati. They were discussing the Vedas and the Vedangas. Bhrigu payed his salutations to Brahma, yet Brahma remained immersed in knowledge sharing with Saraswati. Being ignored thus, Bhrigu took a seat in front of Brahma and waited. Brahma having realized that Bhrigu took a seat in his inner chamber without his permission grew furious. He rebuked Bhrigu by saying that how could a sage with so much knowledge not have decency to wait and seek permission before taking the seat in front of his creator. Brahma went on to say how the greatest among the sages were his creation and sages like Goutama, Atri and others would have never dared to do such a thing. Bhrigu listened to all Brahma’s discourse and then spoke calmly. He said that even though Brahma was the creator, he was filled with Rajas Guna, which is an essential element in someone who wishes to create. He arrived at the conclusion that such Rajas should not be worshipped or adored by humanity as it would lead people to arrogance and pride. He cursed Brahma that he would not be worshipped in regular households in Kali Yuga and is not fit to receive the fruits of any Yajna or sacrifice. Saying Bhrigu walked away from Brahma Loka and headed towards Shiva Loka.

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When Bhrigu reached Shiva Loka (the abode of Shiva), he say all beings engrossed in dance, music and merry-making. Without paying any heed to the warnings of the guards at the door of Shiva’s inner chambers, Bhrigu walked right into the inner chamber of Shiva. Shiva was in deep union with Parvati and with this intrusion of Bhrigu, he was furious. Shiva picked up his Trident (Trishoola) to finish off Bhrigu when Parvati intervened and asked the Lord to cool down. Shiva rebuked Bhrigu by saying that how can a sage of his calbre not have the decency to wait and seek permission before entering the inner chambers of Shiva. Bhrigu said calmly that Shiva although you are the Guru of the Gurus, you are always in union with your Shakti Parvati and such representation will create a message of Tamas Guna in humanity if you are worshipped. However, I curse you that you shall always be worshipped as a linga in Kali Yuga and in that way the message of Tamas will be limited to non-human form. Saying thus, Bhrigu walked away from Shiva loka to Vishnu loka.

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Bhrigu went to Vishnu loka to meet Vishnu. He again went directly into the inner sanctum of Vishnu loka and saw Vishnu meditating on the bed of Shesh naga and Sri massaging the Lord’s feet. Bhrigu at this point of time was extremely furious with his past two episodes with the Trinities and thus went directly upto Vishnu and kicked Vishnu on the chest. Sri who was massaging Vishnu’s feet was shocked by this gesture of his father. Vishnu who was in deep sleep suddenly woke up and having realized what happened stood up. Vishnu went and took the feet of Bhrigu and started massaging it. Bhrigu was so surprised that he was speechless. Vishnu then slowly started saying to Bhrigu, Maharshi I hope you didn’t get hurt after kicking me on my hard chest. Bhrigu realized his error and bowed down to the Lord. He said that Vishnu you are the one who has set an example of humility and Satwa Guna. Yours is an example that should be followed and which is most suitable in Kali Yuga. Thus, the fruits of all sacrifices should go to you and you will dwell in the hearts of all in the dark age of Kali Yuga.

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However, Sri’s permanent residence is in Vishnu’s chest and she felt very insulted with this behavior of her father. She cursed her father saying, Maharshi Bhrigu, my father, by doing an act such as this, you have completely lost my respect. I will never bless your lineage with wealth and your lineage shall always remain devoid of the luxuries of life (Sri is the goddess of wealth and prosperity). Bhrigu realized his mistake and explained to her daughter the whole purpose of his trip to the Trinities. Her daughter, Sri also realized that this impossible task which was rejected by all sages was accepted by her father for a purpose of greater good. She then mentioned to her father that – Dear father, I cannot take back the curse I have given. However, I will give you the knowledge of past, present and future of all beings (humans) that will be born in Bhu loka in Kali yuga. This knowledge will always stay in your linage and with this knowledge of jyotish; your lineage shall earn their living. This knowledge of jyotish was the birth of Naadi jyotish. However, even after forgiving his father, Sri was very disappointed with her husband Vishnu for massaging the feet of the man who had showed disrespect to Him and his wife and she left Vishnu loka. This was the inception of the story of Sri Sri Vekanteshwara Tirupati Balaji.

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The inner meaning of the story of Bhrigu Why was Bhrigu selected as the sage to test the Trinities? In Kali Yuga, most people will be deceiving and hypocrites. However, it is only when confronted by their very basic instincts that the true color of their character will be seen. Bhrigu is the father of Shukracharya and thus is the representation of Venus. The true color of any being can only be understood when they are confronted by the Venus in them. Many great Gods, sages and kings have fallen in front of this Venus – Indra, Vishwamitra, Pururavas, Santanu are a just few names. The decision of the sages to send Bhrigu is symbolic of the fact that it is only Venus which can truly depict a personality with clothes and completely nude. Why did Bhrigu enter the private chambers of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva? Bhrigu is representation of Venus. Venus rules the private chambers of any home. Venus also rules one’s spouse. The Trinities were present with their respective spouses when Bhrigu visited them. This is symbolic of the test of one’s reaction to an intrusion in to his private space in presence of his spouse/partner. This is the reason only Bhrigu could have done it. The reaction that Bhrigu received from the Trinities is also based on Bhrigu’s own reflection in the domain of the Trinities. This is explained in the below answers. What is the meaning of Bhrigu’s episode with Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu? The dhrama Trikona are Brahma sthanas in a chart. 9th house is the house of our creation. Just as Brahma was born from Vishnu’s nabhi, we are born from the womb of our mother and thus are Brahma ourselves. The 1st house is our intellect, our personality or in short it is we as individuals. The 5th house is our creation. It is only in this house we become Brahma and create our creation and thus it is also the house for power. When Venus is placed in Dharma trines, it becomes a very Rajas graham. It creates, it is arrogant and it is totally devoted to its mission. Bhrigu’s view of Brahma was his reflection and thus his interpretation of creation. The kama Trikona are Shiva sthanas in a chart. It is place where Venus rejoices in joy. It was this very reflection that Bhrigu saw in Shiva Loka. Libra is the mool-trikona sign for Venus and relates to the natural 7th house. 3rd house is the house of urges and the 11th is the house of friendship and companionship. When Venus is placed in these houses, Venus is involved in sense gratification and this is exactly what Bhrigu saw in Shiva loka and is reflection of his own personality. The moksha Trikona is all about giving away and are Vishnu sthanas. Venus gets digbala in the 4th house, it creates sainthood in the 8th house and it gives away everything in the 12th house. In the natural 12th house of Pisces, Venus gets exalted. Also one cannot help but notice the repeated symbolism of chest (4th house), meditation (8th house) and feet/sleeping (12th house) in the story of Bhrigu and Vishnu. The boon from Sri shows that Venus in Artha Trikona gives precious and priceless things e.g. Naddi jyotish knowledge in this case. We should interpret such tales in similar lines to better appreciate the wisdom of the sages. More stories like this on future issues of AIAC Times.

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Mercury’s column The Puzzle of Vimshottari DasaDasa- I by Amarnath “Yes, I have finally decided to burn my hands in jyotish.” Introduction There were my first thoughts when I decided to write about Vimshottari Dasa in this column. The king of Dasas, which almost 90% of jyotishis use across the globe, is still the biggest mystery for all. The complete reasoning behind the technicalities of this Dasa is yet to be revealed and completely understood by the complete jyotish community. I have been planning to write on this for the last one year but I wanted to gather all information and literature available on this before I started writing on this Dasa. It took me a while and I finally came across one obscure piece of writing of an unknown jyotish which shook the very foundation of my understanding of Vimshottari Dasa. I will be very honest with you, dear reader. I am still not sure if I want to share this knowledge completely on the Times or for that matter to anyone other than my students, since it is revolutionary idea and is extremely technical. It will create controversy among jyotish heads and will be surely discussed in circles because it is not a figment of my imagination; it is a very ancient work but lost in time. If I do finally write about it, I will provide reference, page number, and publication details with phone numbers and screen prints – I have always done it in all articles of the Times but I am still not sure if I will do it. However, part 1 of this issue is not about the revolutionary view. This is like a teaser episode of Ekta Kapoor (The Queen of Indian soaps and serials) soaps shown on Thursday evening throwing the women of the house (general audience of the Ekta Kapoor soaps) in a fit and waiting for Monday evening to arrive to see the plot reaching its climax. In part 1 of the issue, I will introduce the question which has bothered jyotishis for decades, if not centuries and most popular views or attempts to solve the puzzle. The Puzzle dashasamaH kramadeshaM shaD dashashva gajendavaH| Nrupala navachandrashcha nagachandra naga nakhaH||

~ Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, Dasadhyaya, Verse 15 The puzzle is why did Parasara rishi assign unequal division years to the Grahas in their Dasas? What is the basis behind this unequal assignment of years to Grahas in their Dasas? ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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The Different Opinions Jyotishis did not sit quietly for these many years on this. Some very intelligent theories have been put forth to explain the logic behind the unequal assignment of division of years to various Grahas. I will put forth four independent views of four great jyotishis in this article. Dr. Pt. K. R. Kar Dr. Kar on July 12th. 2003 wrote on an astrological journal on his views on the basis behind this unequal division of years in Vimshottari Dasa in an article titled – “In Quest of Origin of Parasara’s Vimshottary Dasa – Period”. He is a well-renowned K.P. astrologer. The basis of his theory is that the Moon is the ruler of the naskshtras so Moon’s natural sign is considered to be the center of all calculation. He also mentions that Moon’s phases are due to its relative motion with the Sun, so Sun being the father also needs to be considered in the calculation of the Dasas. Thus he sums up the numbers 4 (natural number of sign Cancer) and 5 (natural number of Leo) to produce the below mentioned analysis. Sun’s Dasa – Natural sign of Cancer = 4 Number of signs from Cancer to Sun’s moolatrikona sign = 1 (Leo counted from Cancer) Number of constellations owned by Sun [Krittika] = 1 (He consideres only 120 degree of the zodiac) Sum = 6 and thus Sun’s Dasa will be 6 years Moon’s Dasa – Natural sign of Leo = 5 Number of signs from Cancer to Moon’s moolatrikona sign = 3 (Taurus counted from Cancer, westward) Number of Moon’s own sign = 1 Number of constellations owned by Moon [Rohini] = 1 Sum = 10 and thus Moon’s Dasa will be 10 years. I need not go any further since the complete logic of finding the Dasa periods in the above method seems to be a desperate measure to somehow arrive at the numbers. Why will the signs and the constellations finally boil down to years of Human life? Why will we sometimes take the Sun sign and sometimes take the Moon sign to suite our own needs of proving something? My rational mind rejected this theory and I moved on to find clearer explanations. However, my disagreement with his theory doesn’t mean at all that I disrespect the author’s works and research. I humbly bow to the great man and to the Guru in Pt. Kar and seek his blessings to further the cause of this research which he attempted to resolve.

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Shri K.K. Pathak Jyotish Bhanu K.K. Pathak is a successful astrologer and prolific writer for thirty two years. His books are primarily published by Nishkaam Peeth Prakashan. He has written more than 20 astrological books and is very famous in circles of jyotish in India and worldwide. The reference of his work given in this article is a book called “Hindu Dasha System (Volume 1)”. Whenever I see any book with the words “Principles” or “Rationale” in its title, I generally end up buying the book. More often than not, I am disappointed. What I comprehend as principle is a law which will be true if change its parameters to suite any condition. What I understand as a principle is what I wrote in this issue in Mar’s column as “Reflection and Graha Padas”. The way I see things, I don’t understand principles as a set rules of Graha X, Y, Z placed in Rasi/House A, B, C will give results P,Q, R. Such theory can be derivation of a principle and not the principle itself. However, I have now come to realize that in the most popular jyotish vernacular principles means the jyotish dictums given in classics which by themselves are derivation results from a mother principle which the sages have not stated, ever. However, I looked upon the book by K.K. Pathak and was delighted to see three full chapters devoted to the Rationale of Hindu Dasha System. In Chapter III, K K Pathak quotes B V Raman – “From a scientific point of view, we cannot say with any sort of definiteness, upon what basis each planet is allotted a certain number of years as its term of Dasha. But in actual practice the Dasha System yields very satisfactory results” ~ B V Raman, Hindu Predictive Astrology. Pathak again quotes Raman as given below – “Unfortunately, the great Rishis did not give the reasons. They might have had their own reasons, though they are not recorded in any of their writings.” ~ B V Raman, A Catechism of Astrology, Volume II

BV Raman needs no introduction in the world of jyotish. There is hardly a single soul in the jyotish community who wouldn’t have heard his name or read his works. The above two quotes from two different works of Raman’s clearly indicates his honesty in admitting the fact that the rationale of unequal division of time for the Grahas in the Vimshottari system is unknown to all. I salute such

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honesty, especially in a man like Raman who could have easily kept silent like numerous other popular figures in jytoish on this issue. K K Pathak’s book (and Chapter 3) is an encyclopedia of references on earlier works done on this subject of Vimshottari Dasa. He has so wonderfully combined various references into a concise single chapter that it indeed becomes a must read for students of jyotish who were born decades later to these works. Pathak mentions an article by R. Jagannathan named “Bode’s Law and Dasha System” published in the Astrological Magazine in October 1965. In this article Jagannathan tried to show the Dasa distribution as a factor of well-known astrological law called Bode’s Law. Grace Inglis in her book “Hindu Dasha System” agreed with Jagannathan’s observation. I personally don’t have access to this issue of the Astrological Magazine, so cannot comment on Jagannathan’s article. Dr. V. G. Rele in his book “Directional astrology of the Hindus” gives his own reasoning behind the Dasa distribution. Sun – Ashwini is the original nakshatra of the Sun. It is only at the end of the 6th year that Sun is seen again in Ashwini on the western horizon. For this reason Sun is allotted 6 years in Vimshottari Dasa. The problem with arguments like the ones given above is that it doesn’t answer a fundamental question as to how Sun being above or below the horizon of Ashwini relates to the lives of every soul living on this planet. If let us say someone is born in Bharani or Purva Phalguni or Purva Ashad nakshatra, the second Dasa in all their lives will be 6 years of Sun. How would Sun being above or below Ashwini relate to the time period of their personal Sun Dasas? If thought logically and without bias (this is important), the above theory cannot be accepted by a rational mind. KK Pathak ends the chapter with views of Inglis that pretty much sums up the fact – No one knows why (the Dasas have un-equal distribution). Pt. Sanjay Rath Pandit Sanjay Rath comes from a traditional family of astrologers from Bira Balabhadrapur Sasan village in Puri, Orissa, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Sri Acyutananda). He is the writer of eight books on jyotish and is the founder of SJC. In his book, “Vimshottari and Udu Dasa’s”, Sanjay Rath attempts to give the rationale of Vimshottari Dasa. He uses Metonic and Eclipse cycles to allot periods to Saturn and Rahu. Then he uses the scheme of lend and borrow between Grahas to compensate for the un-equal distribution of years among the 10 Grahas (yes 10, since he considers Lagna as the “Governor” of the Graha). Again, Pandit Rath has given us great concepts in the past but with great humility and reverence for him, I have to admit that his reasoning did not convince me on the distribution of un-equal Graha Dasas.

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Shri Krushna Jugal Kalani Shri Krushna Jugal Kalani received jytoish knowledge from his Guru (Shree Brij Gopal Shastri). He gained his Guru’s trust and was given the secret knowledge of a special Ashtakvarga system which Shri Krishna ji’s students called KAS – Krushna’s Ashtakvarga System to honor his name. Professionally, he is a Mechanical engineer and has kept jyotish only as a passion. Only recently I was introduced to another rationale on Vimshottari Dasa by a student of Shri Krushna Jugal Kalani, Prabha Acharya. First of all I would like to pay my utmost respect to the great man, Shri Krushna ji. According to his teaching: Each planet is allotted years as per the Uccha Rasi [Exaltaion Sign] or own Rashi Charan [Pada] of the Nakshatra and the relationship with the sign lord, as shown below: Venus is allotted the maximum number years in Vimshottari Dasha as it is friend to many Signs and Nakshatra – Krittika 4, Rohini 2, Mrigashira 3, Aaridra 4, Punarvasu 2, Purva 3, Chitra 3, Swati 4, Mula 2, Punarvasu 3, Uttarashadha 4, Shravan 2, Dhanishta 3, Shatbhisha 4, Punarvasu 2, Uttara bhadrapada 3, Revati 4, and 2 years due to its two signs Taurus and Libra. Like this, Venus gets 20 years. To understand why Venus gets these points, let us try to understand the division that Shri Krushna has suggested. Each Nakshatra has 4 padas, thus starting from the first pada of Ashwini, the padas are assigned a pseudo sign or Rasi. e.g. Ashwini – 1 is Aries, Ashwini – 2 is Taurus etc. In this manner we get sequentially, Krittika 4 to be Pisces and since Venus gets exalted there, Venus gets 1 point for it. Now, one may question that Ashwini – 2 is also Taurus then why doesn’t Venus get a point for that. The answer to that is the lord of the Sign Mars is not a friend of Venus. Although this system makes a lot of sense to the points gained for a Graha in a mode of Nakshtra Padas, it doesn’t seem to appeal to the idea why these points are suddenly converted to human life years. The Moon changes a nakshatra a day which means that it changes nakshatra pada every 6 hours. Then why would relate these points to human year in a linear time line? Moreover, even in the mode that Shri Krushna ji has taught, I find some anomalies – Mercury gets one year each from Ashvini 2, Ashvini 3, Bharani 3, Mrigshira 4, Makha 3, Uttara 4, Hasta 1, Chitra 1, Chitra 4, Swati 1, Vishakha 1, Purvashadha 2, Shravan 3, Dhanishta 4, Revati 2 and two years due to own sign – Mercury. Total 17 years. Ashwini 2,3 are Taurus and Gemini but the lord is Mars who is an enimical Graha to Mercury then why is Ashwini 2,3 taken as points for Mercury. Bharani-2 is Vrigo, the exaltation of Mercury then why is that left out? I have seen such discrepancies in his theory and thus it did not convince me as the rationale behind the Vimshottari un-equal division of time. So, the question remains – Is there a correct rationale behind the Vimshottari Dasha system? Is yes, will we be able to find it ever? Please wait for the nest volume of the Times for the answer to this. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Mars’ column Reflection of Light and Pada of Grahas by Amarnath Hero (or Heron) of Alexandria (c. 10–70 AD) was an ancient Greek mathematician who was a resident of a Roman province (Ptolemaic Egypt); he was also an engineer who was active in his native city of Alexandria. He is considered the greatest experimenter of antiquity and his work is representative of the Hellenistic scientific tradition. It was this Hero of Alexandria who is credited for discovering the laws of reflection by through careful observation and measurement. However, almost 3000-4000 years before Hero, the application of this law of reflection was known in ancient India and used extensively in jyotish.

In the diagram at left, a light ray PO strikes a vertical mirror at point O, and the reflected ray is OQ. OQ By projecting an imaginary line through point O perpendicular to the mirror, known as the normal, we can measure the angle of incidence, θi and the angle of reflection, θr. The law of reflection states that θi = θr, or in other words, the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.

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Jyotish means the light of God [Jyoth-light, Ish – God]. The physical source of light in our world (solar system as well as on our planet Earth) is the Sun. The phenomenon of reflection also occurs in our world and we do see it regularly in the night sky as the God of the night, the Moon.

Sun light falls on the Moon, which is turn is reflected to Earth. Based on the relative motion of the Moon, Earth and the Sun, the phase of the Moon is seen from the Earth. Reflection of light from the Moon is a very fundamental concept to the phases of the Moon.

It is this very concept of reflection that stands as the basis behind the Pada of Grahas.

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Atha PadadhyayaH kathayamyatha bhavanang khetanang cha padam dwija tadwisheshaphalam gyatum yathoktam prang maharishibhihi- 1 lagnaD yavatithe rashau tishtetalagneshwaraH kramaT tatastavatithe rashau lagnasya padamuchyate- 2 sarvesham api bhavanam gyeyam evam padam dwija Tanubhavapadam tatra budha mukhyapadam vidhuhu- 3 Parashara rishi mentions in his classic Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra writes in PadadhyayaH about a special pada. Parasara rishi introduces the concept of Lagna Pada (popularly called Arudha Lagna) based on the principle of reflection. It is for this reason only that modern authors of Jyotish have equated Arudha Lagna with image, illusion, maya etc. The truth is that it is the reflection of the Graha and thus called Graha Pada (Pada means step). Let us see why, how and when this concept can be applied in jyotish. The reference point of the Solar system is the Sun. In our own natal chart, when we try to find the reference point for anything, we treat it like the Sun. It is a very important concept. Sun is the representation of the Purusha principle and the Moon is the Prakriti principle. The Sun is the static principle; the Moon is the dynamic principle. Numerous things in jyotish are derived from this principle. Match Making, Rasi Kuta, Synastry, Relationships, Sambandha, Bhavat Bhavam and numerous other principles of jyotish lies on this simple concept.

The very fact that the Lagna is nothing but our personal natal chart’s Sun is a derivation from this principle itself. If this was not the case, then why would Parasara rishi advice using the Zodiac rising ŠAncient Indian Astrology Classes

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in the Eastern Horizon as the Ascendant. Why didn’t he select the Zodiac sign setting at the Western Horizon as the Lagna? The reason was that just as Sun rises in the East and stands for the Soul, the rising point in the East at the time of our birth will stand for our personal existence and will be the essence of our lives. In the Graha Pada concept, Parasara rishi mentions that we should count the same number of houses that the Lagna Lord is placed far from the Lagna and there arrive at the Lagna Pada, also known as Ardhua Lagna. The Lagna is our personal Sun, the Lagna Lord is acting like the Moon and by laws of reflection, the same number of rasis from the Lagna Lord will receive the rays from the Lagna Lord as emitted by the Lagna and reflected by the Lagna Lord. That place of reflection is called Lagna Pada or Arudha Lagna. This is the principle and it for this reason that the Arudhas are called houses of “image” or “Maya” or “illusion”. Based on this Parasara rishi goes on to state all the other Graha Padas and this can be read in any book. My motive is not to translate the classics or to give theories from the books. For all that you already have numerous books in the market. The motto of AIAC Times is to answer the question “Why”. To finish this article, let us see this theory working in a chart.

Light of our personal Sun (Lagna)

Reflected light of the Moon like Lagna Lord

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Saturn’s column Penguins and Polar Bears Bears by Ishana, edited by Amarnath The Introduction Can we take moment and think why the natural habitat of the Polar Bear is the North Pole and that of the Penguin is the South Pole? I tried to look for the answer, on Google, visited many WebPages but did not get any convincing answer. May be what I am going to write will add some clue to it. I am Ishana, Level 2 student of AIAC. I am no astrologer but have been reading jyotish from books for a while and have been part of AIAC from last year. This article, I wanted to share something which I found very interesting. I will start with some demographical facts and will build up what I want to share with you. The Facts At the present moment world population is just under 7 billion (As of May 4, 2010, the Earth's population is estimated by the United States Census Bureau to be 6,818,700,000). Over 90% of world’s population lives in northern hemisphere.

The Arctic Circle is the name given to the land which is between the latitude 66°32′ or 66.5º north of the Equator to North Pole, which is the equivalent of 23.5º from the North Pole. As we move north from the Equator the population increases till about 35º north (Zone one) and then there is steady decline till 55º (Zone two) and then there is rapid decline (Zone three). The decline is so rapid that there are less one million people living within Arctic Circle.

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Zone one covers Most of India, China, Africa and other Asian countries. Zone two covers most of Europe, Russia, and United States. Zone three covers the rest mainly northern parts of Russia, Canada, Scandinavia and Alaska. In a similar representation in southern hemisphere can be that most of people living in zone one and two mainly consisting of southern Africa, South America, Australia and New Zealand. And there is no permanent inhabitants in zone three definitely nobody is born in Zone three. If one looks at the frequency of births it is clear that there is no difference in rate of birth between different months of year or local mean time over a period of time. There may be short term fluctuations. In short it means number of people born at 6 am or pm or 12 noon or mid night are equal in every month of the year and same number of people are born in any given hour of a year. From the census it is clear far more people are born in northern hemisphere than southern hemisphere. At equator duration of each ascending sign is more or less equal i.e. 2 hours for every sign. As we move north of equator length of signs from Cancer to Sagittarius increase more than 2 hours. The more the north you go longer it gets. Delhi (29 degree North Latitude) Libra is 2 hours 19 minute and Pisces 1 hour 25 minutes, London (51 degree North Latitude) Libra becomes 2 hr 50 minute Pisces is 50 minutes In Oslo, Norway (60 degree North Latitude) Libra 3 hours 15 minutes Pisces is 27 minutes only.

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Geographic Location

Libra duration

Aries duration

New Delhi 29N

2 hours 19 minutes

1 hour 25 minutes

London 51N

2 hours 50 minutes

50 minute

Oslo 60N

3 hours 15 minutes

27 minutes

Geographic Location



La Paz 12 S

1 hour 48 minutes

2 hours 6 minute

Sydney 33S

1 hour 18 minutes

2 hours 25 minutes

Puerto Santa Cruz 50 S

54 minutes

2 hours 47 minutes

This does not change with time of year (No difference during June or December, March or September). If you want to cross this data, you verify the above using any jyotish software. The tables above show places with Latitudes in Northern and Southern Hemispheres. It also shows the duration of two diametrical opposite Ascendant signs (Libra and Aries) in those places. Surface area of land is about 30 % of the Earth’s surface and roughly 20 % falls in northern hemisphere and 10 % in southern hemisphere. Though there is difference in size of land between northern and southern hemisphere and one would expect twice the number of people living in northern hemisphere as compared to southern, but in reality there difference is 9 times. Is climate to be blamed for? Except for minor differences there is not much difference. However, seasons do occur at different times in the northern hemisphere compared to the southern hemisphere. Now, the question is how can we explain this phenomenon astronomically? Is it due to the way the Earth is exposed to the zodiac? Is there a reason for this anomaly in the two hemispheres? ŠAncient Indian Astrology Classes

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The Reason To understand this better, let us consider a few facts. 1) The tilt of the Earth – The Horizon or better known as Celestial Equator makes an angle to the Ecliptic of about 21 degrees. As a result of this some rasis appear above the horizon and some appear below the horizon

2) The length of the Zodiac signs. Although we assume each zodiac sign to be of equal length of 30 Degrees, as an astronomical reality, it is not so. Some rasis in the sky take more celestial space than other.

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3) The actual position of the Zodiac sign along the ecliptic. We can see that some signs are slightly above the Ecliptic and some below. Also from the Horizon, some signs appear above the horizon and some below.

4) Plotting the Ascendant on Earth. If we plot the path of rising sign on Earth, we can arrive at a map for a given day and see how the Ascendant moves across the globe.

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Let us accept the fact that based on geographic location, the probability of having certain Ascendant is more than the rest. Or in other words, the ascendant of people in north is more likely to be Virgo, Libra and Scorpio while in south are more likely to be Pisces, Aries and Taurus. The qualities of people born in these signs are definitely very different. Is this the basis of divide in the socio-cultural structure in all political boundaries as well? In India, we have the divide between North Indian and South Indian states. In USA, we have the divide between the North and South (often called the Bible belt). Not only is this divide in culture seen in countries, it is also seen in cities. North Chicago and South Chicago, North Kolkata and South Kolkata, North London and South London, almost all major places has this divide in them which is not only geographic in nature but also carries a sociocultural divide between them. Since there are nine times more people living in Northern hemisphere, the probability of someone having rising sign as Virgo, Libra or Scorpio is more than Pisces, Aries or Taurus. Together these six zodiac signs add to form only one-half of the world population. Rest of the signs will be on an average 1/12 both in Northern and Southern hemisphere. Coming to the first question why more people live in north. Does some (Virgo, Libra and Scorpio) ascendant has better survival instincts than the others like Pisces, Aries and Taurus? Or is it the factor of the Yuga we are in? Would the precession have any role to play in this? What does Parasara do about this? Parasara rishi knew about this anomaly and it is for this very reason he introduced the concept of Bhava Lagna. Taking the sunrise time at a place, he asked us to progress the zodiac sign after every 2 hours or at a rate of 15 degrees an hour. By this method, Parasara rishi took care of this anomaly of Northern and Southern Hemisphere. Conclusion Individuals with different ascendants have predisposition to different illness (depending on lordship of 6th house). Medical science has known for many years that different patterns of diseases are there in different parts of the world. Some time doctors do have a reason for this but most often science can’t answer this question. Does the answer lie in the relation of our ascendant to the latitude where we are born? The astrology is not for humans alone. Jyotish rules and karakas for animals may different but they are surely applicable. On this note I am sure some days some very clever astrologer may have an answer for the anomaly of having Polar Bears in North Pole and Penguins in South Pole alone.

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Rahu’s column Solar Progression and Manu Chakra Paddhati by Amarnath In the West, Astrologers use solar arc progressions coupled with secondary and tertiary progression methods. I found a definition in Wikipedia on Solar arc progressions. Solar arc progression Solar arc progression, also called A-degree-for-a-year progression, and solar arc direction. This form of progression involves the whole natal chart being moved forward one degree for each year. So, for 2007, a person born on April 2, 1982 would have a progressed chart drawn up based on the position of the planets moved forward 25 degrees from their position on that birth date (it is important to note that this creates a chart of planetary positions that never existed in real life). The name 'solar arc progression' derives from the fact that the sun moves about one degree a day, so the rest of the planets in this method are in a sense 'made to follow' the sun. In other words, the planets are made to move the same distance as was travelled by the sun in secondary progression. Those astrologers who use solar arc progression usually regard it as an additional source of information, to be used in combination with secondary progression. However, this progression is not an alien concept to Jyotish. I had already written about this in AIAC Times Volume 1 (Jupiter’s column) but for ready reference will repeat it here. daive raatri-ahanii varSaM pravibhaagas tayoH punaH | A year of humans is a day and a night of the gods. ~ Manu Smriti (I.67) Daive is a Sanskrit word derived from deva. Deva means a giver of light. For humans on this planet, the only giver of light for all practical purposes is the Sun. Since a human year is equivalent to a solar day, we also reach the same conclusion of solar arc progression of a degree a year of the Sun. However, there are a few issues with this degree/arc progression. Maximum human expectancy as reported by the sages is 120 years 5 days (human time on Earth). If we see modern scientific statistics, we get the below list from Wikipedia. The ones highlighted are disputed cases. However, on an average we do see the validity of Parasara’s statement of maximum human life expectancy of 120 years.




Jeanne Calment




21 February 1875

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4 August 1997


122 years, 164 days

Country of death


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21 February 1986

120 years, 237 days[7]


Shigechiyo Izumi

M 29 June 1865


Sarah Knauss


24 September 1880 30 December 1999 119 years, 97 days

United States


Lucy Hannah


16 July 1875

21 March 1993

117 years, 248 days

United States


Marie-Louise Meilleur


29 August 1880

16 April 1998

117 years, 230 days



María Capovilla


14 September 1889 27 August 2006

116 years, 347 days



Tane Ikai


18 January 1879

12 July 1995

116 years, 175 days



Elizabeth Bolden


15 August 1890

11 December 2006 116 years, 118 days


Carrie C. White


18 November 1874 14 February 1991

116 years, 88 days[8]

United States


Kamato Hongo


16 September 1887 31 October 2003

116 years, 45 days[9]



United States

In such a case, if we have to use this progressed method in a “real” chart, for any average person, we will never be able to cross 240 degrees from the natal Sun position. In that case, progressed Sun will never cross 1/3rd of the horoscope or natal chart ever during the lifespan of the native. To handle this situation, the 120 degree span of a trine is interpolated to 360 degrees of the horoscope, thereby progressing the Sun every 3 degrees (instead of 1) per solar year. Thanks to Divisional charts in the Vedic System of jyotish, 3 degrees of a Rasi chart can be equated to one house of Dasamsa chart. Thus, in the Dasamsa chart, Sun can be progressed by one house a year to see the effects of karma on the soul. Again, 3 degrees 20 minutes is equated to one pada of a nakshatra in a Rasi chart, which in turn is one Navamsa in the Navamsa chart. Please note that 3 degrees of progression is approximated to 3 degrees 20 minutes for this progression in Navamsa. Sun is the representation of the soul in humans and thus progressed Sun in every houses of the horoscope indicates the experiences the Soul will go through in this life. This progression is very ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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similar to the progression that Maharshi Bhrigu suggested for Lagna and which is popularly called BCP or Bhrigu Chakra Paddhati. If Lagna progression can be called BCP, then this Solar Progression should be named MCP or Manu Chakra Paddhati. Introducing Manu Chakra Paddhati (MCP) Let again re-state the derivation and the theory for Manu Smriti. The theory is that every year (solar year), one should progress his natal Sun by 3 degrees in the natal chart. The same progression can be restated as, every solar year, Sun can be progressed by one Dasamsa in the Dasamsa chart. The same progression can be restated as, every solar year; Sun can be progressed by one Navamsa in the Navamsa chart. Application of Manu Chakra Paddhati Let us test the application of this theory. Case I: Marriage of Mahatma Gandhi

Sun’s progression in Rasi chart is 3 degrees per year. In 10 years, Sun will progress 30 degrees i.e. 16 Libra. In next year, it will move to 19 Libra. In the year after that it will move to 21 Libra In the year after that it will move to 24 Libra This is the exact conjunction of Venus in the chart. Gandhi did get married at the early age of 13 years to his wife.

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Case II: Assassination of Gandhi Gandhi was assassinated on 30th January 1948. He was 78 years old. Progressed Sun will move 30 degrees every 10 years, so on his 70th birthday, progressed Sun will be at 16 Aries. On his 78th birthday, the progressed Sun will be 10 Taurus. Taurus is the 8th house from Lagna aspected strongly by Rahu, Ketu, Mercury [Rasi drishti] and also by Moon, Venus, Mars [Rasi drishti]. Saturn aspects Taurus by Graha drishti. Taurus also holds Arudha of the 6th house [A6]. Venus is the Rudra for Gandhi. Most important point is that Prana Sphuta and Mrityu Sphuta both are in Taurus and almost exact conjunction to the progressed Sun.

By Navamsa Progression, we see that the 78th year of the progressed Sun coincides with the 6th house of D-9 conjunct Ketu in Aries. Ketu eclipses the soul and thus leads to death. Ketu also shows death by a mistake or clouded in fanaticism (since the rasi is Aries). Gandhi was assassinated by a religious extremist group member. Case III: Death of Adolf Hitler

Hitler died on April 30 1945. Hitler was 56 years old when he died. His progressed Sun was in 26 Virgo. As in the case Gandhi, here too we see the natural Rudras, Rahu and Ketu aspecting the progressed Sun. Virgo holds A3 and is 7th from the Mrityu Sphupta.

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In the Navamsa Progression, we see that progressed Sun in Capricorn with Saturn aspected again by the nodes (Rahu, Ketu) as well as the Rudra and Maheshwara Mars, Venus (Retro) and Mercury, as well as Jupiter and Moon. Out of all the aspects, Ketu, Mars and Rahu are strongest since they are in own house. Case III: Death of Swami Vivekananda

I used the birth time as 6:50:30 hrs. Swamiji died on July 4 1902. Swamiji was 39 years old when he died. His progressed Sun was approximately 0 degrees Taurus. (27Aries to 0 Taurus). As in the case Gandhi, here too we see the natural Rudras, Again, we have Ketu aspecting the progressed Sun.

We see that progressed Sun is in trines to Mrityu Sphuta. As per Navamsa Progression, 39 year maps to Aquarius. Progressed Sun was aspected by Ketu, Mercury [Rasi drishti] and Saturn [by Graha Drishti].

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Case III: Political career of Barack Hussein Obama

Obama’s progressed Sun was between 10 Sag and 13 Sag when he was elected as the President of US. The progressed Sun is aspected by the 9L Venus with no malefic influence. In the Dasamsa chart, progressed Sun is conjunct natal Sun, Rahu and Saturn (retro) aspected by Mercury, Ketu. Rahu is very powerful, Mercury is in own house, Ketu is very powerful. Progressed Sun on Dasamsa Sun shows sure shot combination of power. January, 1997 – Obama was elected to Illinois Senate. His age was 35 + years. From Dasamsa, we see progressed Sun in Leo, on Venus aspected by Moon. January, 1999 – Obama was re-elcted to Illinois Senate. His age was 37 + years. Libra is aspected by Mars [Rasi drishti] and Moon [Graha drishti]. November, 2000 – Obama lost the election for the Senate seat. His age was 38 + years. Scorpio was the sign with Jupiter retrograde which denied him success, even though Mars [Graha drishti] and Moon [Rasi drishti] did show chances of success. November, 2002 – His age was 40 + years. Capricorn aspected by Mars and Venus guaranteed success to him.

In future issues of AIAC Times, we will use this progression method to fine tune occurrences in other divisional charts in terms of months and even days.

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Ketu’s column Lokas III by Surasa, Kavali, edited by Amarnath “Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.” ~ Albert Einstein Before reading this article, I, Amarnath, along with my students Surasa and Kavali, pray to souls of all individuals who departed this planet and whose references we have used in this article for forgiveness if we have wronged in anyway. I, along with and on behalf of my students, seek forgiveness with folded hands to all readers who might not agree and may get offended with this sensitive issue discussed in this article and would ask them to excuse our ignorance and shower their mercy on us. I, also pray to the Almighty, who is all pervading to grant us divine light and to show us the right path so that we can cleanse our Karma and receive his divine mercy. Aum Shanti! Aum Shanti! Aum Shanti! In the last Ketu column, we discussed the lokas and a passing mention was made of the Punya Chakra (or death chart). Punya means “good deeds.” There is only a brief mention in a handful of texts the indications for determining the whereabouts and state of the soul either before birth or after death, and these texts refer only to the natal chart--not the death chart. Applying these principles to the Punya Chakra is only hinted at. We can speculate on the vital importance of guarding the specific techniques used, for example, by the Tibetan Lamas to select and locate the next Dali Lama. State of Soul Immediately Before Birth (Jataka Chakra) The following is from Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, Volume I, Translation, Commentary and Annotation by G. C. Sharma: 41-42. PRENATAL ABODE: 0 excellent of the Brahmins, if the Sun and the Moon are strong and they are in the decanate of Jupiter, then the native has come upon this earth from the abode of gods and his descent in this world should be known respectively from the world of the Manes, of the dead (of Yama) and from the hell if they (the luminaries) are in the decanates of Venus and the Moon, in those of the Sun or Mars and in those of Mercury or Saturn. Very similar language is found in Brihat Jataka by Varahamihira and Jataka Parijata by Vaidyanatha Dikshit. In fact, the author of the latter work admits to copying Varahamihira. The following is from Brihat Jataka by Varahamihira, Chapter 26, verses 14-15, translation and notes by N. Chidambaram Iyer: 14. If the lord of the Drekkana occupied by the Sun or the Moon, whichever is powerful, be Jupiter, the person has come from Devaloka; if such lord be either the Moon or Venus, the person has come from Pitriloka; if such lord be the Sun or Mars, the person has come from the world of lower animals; and if such lord be either Saturn or Mercury, the person has come from the region of hell. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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If the lord of the Drekkana occupied by the Sun or the Moon, whichever is powerful, be in his exaltation sign, [the immediate state of soul before birth] of the person will be of an exalted character; if such lord occupy a place between the exaltation and depression signs, the last of will be one of middle importance; and if such lord occupy his depression sign, the last life of the person will be one of low character. In regard to the prenatal abode, Parasara is talking about the immediate location of the soul prior to birth, rather than past lives which are seen from the Shashtyamsa (D-60) divisional chart. For information on the lokas or planes, we refer to Srimad Bhagavatam ("The story of the fortunate one"). Loka

Life Forms


Tattwa Indicator for Soul’s Desire


Lord Brahma and the most advanced sages


Akash (soul in realm of God, non-physical plane – enlightened with truth)


more advanced sages

Jupiter – Saturn

Akash (soul in realm of God, non-physical plane - sadhu)


advanced sages

Jupiter – Moon

Akash (soul in realm of God, non-physical plane – saints)



Jupiter - Mercury

Akash (soul in realm of God, non-physical plane – intellectuals, thinkers)


Devas and Manes (Pitris)


Jala (soul wants to stay with Manes and cries tears when it must come down to lower lokas, also ability to control instincts)


lesser devas, ghosts


Agni (soul wants to conquer and rise – kings, rulers, fathers)




Agni (soul wants to conquer and rise – conquerors, i.e. “Alexander the Great”)




Vayu (soul wants to rise like hot air)


Lord Shiva and Bhavani with their associates


Vayu (soul wants to rise like hot air)


Lord Vamanadeva with Bali Maharaja and other demons


Vayu (soul wants to rise like hot air)


Maya Danava and other demons


Vayu (soul wants to rise like hot air)




Vayu (soul wants to rise like hot air)

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Vayu (soul wants to rise like hot air)




Prithvi (soul is hunting for ground or earth in bottomless pit of Patalah)

The caste and strength of the decanate lord is important for indicating the state of the soul immediately before birth, i.e. planets in water signs signify Brahmin (teachers, priests, consultants), fire signs signify Kshatriya (politicians, guards), earth signs are Vaishya (businessmen, accountants) and air signs are Sudras (workers, servants). For day births, the natural karaka of the father is the Sun and the natural karaka of the mother is Venus. For night births, the natural karaka of the father is Saturn and the natural karaka of the mother is the Moon. There are two types of people. They either manifest by themselves (Sun is stronger) or by reflection (Moon is stronger). State of Soul After Death (Punya Chakra) Although not indicated in the texts, the techniques for looking at the Jataka Chakra for the state of the soul after death can be adapted for the Punya Chakra. Since we are dealing with the soul without the body certain factors need to be kept mind. Some of those are mentioned below. The following is from Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, Volume I, Translation, Commentary and Annotation by G. C. Sharma: 43-45. ASCENT AFTER DEATH: If Jupiter, the Moon and Venus the Sun and Mars, Mercury and Saturn are there in the 12,6,7,8 Houses respectively the native will respectively be taken after death into the Devaloka, Chandraloka, Mritayu loka and Adholoka (World of the gods, World of the Moon, World of Yama and the World of Satan [Saturn]). If there is no planet in the said 4 Houses the native will go after death in the world of the stronger Lord of decanates of the 6th and the 8th House. In that loka or world also the native after death will get high, medium and low status relative to the planets' exaltation etc. The following is from Brihat Jataka by Varahamihira, Chapter 26, verses 14-15, translation and notes by N. Chidambaram Iyer: 15. If the 6th and the 8th houses be unoccupied, the person will, after death, go to the world of the planet most powerful of the lords of the Drekkanas of such 6th and 8th houses; or the person will go to the world of the planet occupying the 6th, 7th or the 8th house. Again, if Jupiter occupy the 6th house or one of the Kendra houses or the 8th house and be at the same time in his exaltation sign or if the rising sign be Pisces and Jupiter occupy it and be in the Navamsa of a benefic planet while the other planets are weak, the person will obtain Salvation after death. Notes: For the world of the several planets, Vide last stanza. If two or more planets occupy the 6th 7th, and 8th houses, the person will go to the world of the most powerful of them. ŠAncient Indian Astrology Classes

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The next world may also be determined from the position of the planets at the time of death as at the time of birth of a person. [Emphasis added – this note seems to be the only indication of a reference to a death chart or Punya Chakra in these texts] In regard to the ascent after death, Parasara refers to the placement of the grahas in the 12, 6, 7, 8 houses. Saturn is the karaka for the 6th, 8th and 12th houses (and exalted in the 7th). We take our first breath when we are born and our last breath when we die. Therefore, Saturn as the ruler of Vayu tattwa (air element) is the reason for our birth and death. We need to look at the 12, 6, 7, 8 houses in the context of the soul without a body for the Punya Chakra. For example, the 6th house in jataka (natal chart) means enemies. However, in terms of the soul, we are own worst enemy, i.e., the 6th house is our weaknesses. In terms of the 7th house, the meaning is no longer our desires for partnership; rather it becomes the reasons for our rebirth. In terms of the 8th house, we are no longer talking about longevity, rather our sins based on our karma. In terms of the 12th house and the soul, we are talking about Moksha or the final liberation. House

Jataka Chakra

Punya Chakra





Partner, Desires

Cause of rebirth







The 6th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses are the houses where we must look for the six weaknesses (shad-ripus) by way of the indicating graha. Graha

Weakness (Sanskrit)

Weakness (English)



intoxication of power (vanity, ego)



extreme, blind affection, attachment









lust (sexuality)




There is no rasi drishti in the Punya Chakra since there is no destiny left. The rasis are ruled by the Sun and in order to have rasi drishti, one must have a body. While the Jataka Chakra shows destiny and is a blank slate as far as the karma of this life, in the Punya Chakra, the opposite is true as destiny is extinguished on death and only karma is left. For example, in the Punya Chakra, Moksha can only be granted by graha drishti by Jupiter which has no weakness and shows forgiveness by God. Jupiter

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must either aspect or be placed in the 12th house which means that Jupiter must be in the 4th, 6th and 8th or 12th houses. In the epic Mahabarata, Yudhisthira, the king of Kuru, had tried to uphold dharma his entire life. Because he told only one lie, he had to go to Patalah loka (hell) before he went to heaven (Devaloka). There he saw all four of his brothers in boiling oil and his wife eaten by wolves. In heaven, he sees the biggest villain enjoying himself. Dharmaraja (Saturn, the lord of Karma) explains to Yudhisthira that if the totality of the karma is good, you will first go to the lower planes and suffer before going to the higher planes. Then, based on the final karma calculation, you will eventually gain Moksha or take rebirth. If the totality of the karma is bad, however, then based on the little good you have, you will first enjoy heaven before being put in hell until the time of rebirth comes. Moksha is not an option. We should look at the Lagna the moment of death for strong planets to indicate fame or ill fame of name at death. We should look at the houses that planet rules for the works that will be remembered by the person. Sri Acharya Mahaprajya’s Jataka Chakra

Sri Acharya Mahaprajya is a Moon person. His Moon is exalted in Kendra house and with its ruler Venus. He came from Pitri (Swarga) Loka, land of the ancestors. This wonderful soul state was with him in his early years, through a strong family environment and a saintly and affectionate mother. Ancestors no doubt took birth with him to help him manifest his destiny. This atmosphere carried right into monkhood at age 10.

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Sri Acharya Mahaprajya’s Punya Chakra Above is Punya Chakra for Sri Acharya Mahaprajya. He was very strong in 2 areas – first as a leader in promoting nonviolence, self sustenance, so the soul could have attainted Bhu Loka. However, the equation totally changes by the presence of Jupiter in Pisces in the 8th House. Sixth house empty shows no probable weaknesses, 8th house strong Jupiter shows the blessings of God and all sins forgiven. A Piscean Jupiter aspect the 12th.House containing the debilitated Mars surely indicates Deva Loka (Higher planes) attainment of the soul. Re-birth is assured by the presence of Moon in the 7th house. Adolph Hitler’s Jataka Chakra

Hitler’s exalted Sun in Aries in the 7th is stronger than his 3rd house Moon. The decanate lord is Mars indicating that he came from Bhu loka, the planes of the conquerors. The exaltation of his Sun and the decanate lord Mars in its own sign, a Kshatriya sign, indicates that he was probably a king in that locale, and due in part to his retrograde combust lagna lord Venus, unhappy until he became a king in this one. Spiritually, being a supreme ruler in Bhu is not a good thing due to the heavy accumulation of karma, and we know of the results of his becoming a conqueror in this world.

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Adolph Hitler’s Punya Chakra Hitler’s Punya Chakra shows three planets in the 8th house, the most powerful of which is exalted retrograde Venus in Pisces (conjuncting Mercury). Since Venus is Jala tattwa, he may go to Swarga loka but only temporarily. He has to atone for debilitated Mercury which puts him in Patala, the land of the jeweled serpents, as well as Mars (Sins against Brahmins, religious people, in Pisces), thus bringing him back to Bhu. Planets in Lagna show the nature of fame after death. Jupiter retrograde indicates long lasting fame since it is aspected by Saturn by 3rd graha drishti (Saturn is with Rahu in the 11th in Gemini – the dark forces supporting him – which in turn are aspected by graha drishti from Mars). Jupiter aspects Ketu in the 5th indicating his defenders that remain to this day in foreign lands. Padre Pio’s Jataka Chakra

When judging the luminaries in Padre Pio’s chart, we see that Moon is the stronger of the two. Moon sits in 7th house and rules the 10th. In his Drekkana Moon is in Libra, and so Padre s soul descended from Pitri Loka or Swarga Loka, plain of the ancestors. His soul had a hard time parting with them when it was time to descend. And take note of the multiple yogas in the Jataka chart that Moon and chart ruler Venus take part in. Moon, Venus, and Saturn conjoin as 10th lord, 1st lord, and 5th lord in the 9th house of dharma and spirituality. In addition Venus is in an exchange of signs with 9th lord Mercury. Mercury is with the ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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Sun and 7th lord Mars in the 8th house of occult and siddhis. It comes as no surprise then that this man lived with the stigmata for 50 years. Padre Pio’s Punya Chakra When analyzing Punya Chakra, Jupiter should aspect or be in the 12th house to show the soul moving to a higher plane. Also look at houses 6, 7, 8, and Lagna.

These houses are all empty in Padre’s Punya Chakra. There is no sin or weakness indicated and Jupiter does not aspect the 12th house. The next step in analysis is to look at the 10th house lord. Jupiter in effect serves as the 10th house lord , the karma lord, in the chart. Here we see that 10th lord Mars is in the 2nd house with Jupiter. The karma of his ministry in the rural countryside of Italy growing into a worldwide spiritual center was the grace of his soul. Pope Paul VI said of him, “Look what fame he had, what a worldwide following gathered around him. But why? Because he said Mass humbly, heard confessions from dawn to dusk and was…one who bore the wounds of our Lord. He was a man of prayer and suffering.”~ Padre Pio is certainly a good candidate for Tapah Loka (Saturn having Graha Drishti on 12 House).

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Albert Einstein’s Jataka Chakra

Sun is strong in the 10th House where it gets dig bala while Moon is in the 6th House. Sun is also with exalted Pisces, Saturn, Mercury and the Sun. Decanate lord is Jupiter indicating that the soul came from the highest planes, Deva loka. Jupiter is in the 9th House in Aquarius ruled by Saturn in Pisces in the 10th House and Rahu in the 8th House. The knowledge that he came in with was of the highest order. He had direct access to the structure of God and creation, and believed that God was far greater than any theology or religion. He saw science as a way to reach God and help mankind. It is said that Pisces is the sign of maharishis, the yogis that reach the highest philosophical level, possible only with Venus in Pisces, it becomes a selfless Pisces. The other lord of Jupiter, Rahu in Capricorn in the 8th House, indicates a desire for occult knowledge which he definitely gained because it is with exalted Mars. Albert Einstein’s Punya Chakra Sixth house contains Mars, an indication of the sin of Krodha (anger). Since the 6th House lord is ruled by Venus in the 3rd House with Moon, it may be a result of his first marriage that ended in divorce or separation. There are indications that his first wife may have helped him in his early work

but this is unsubstantiated and she remains unaccredited. There are also allegations of unaccredited works of colleagues. The ruler of the 6th House is Venus in the 3rd House which is with Moon. Mars is the karaka of the 3rd House indicating that something may have been taken from Venus, the karaka ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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of the 7th House. The 7th House in the Punya Chakra contains Jupiter and Ketu in Gemini, both very positive for liberation. However, the 7th House also indicates the causes of rebirth. Jupiter aspects retrograde Saturn in the 11th House which is also ruled by Venus. He would likely have to take rebirth to detach from his great intellect in order to know God. Jupiter here indicates forgiveness of any relationship issues but he still has a debt to Venus, the goddess of life and of science. Jupiter also rules the 1st House containing Rahu indicating desire. Desire for God is still desire. There are no planets in the 8th House indicating that there is no sin. Although Jupiter is in strong Kendra, it is in the enemy sign of Gemini and it does not aspect the 12th House, a requirement for liberation. This great soul may go to a high loka such as Tapah loka (Jupiter in the decanate of Aquarius ruled by Saturn). But the indication is that he will eventually come back to Bhu, the domain of Mars. Paramahansa Yogananda’s Jataka Chakra

Moon is strong in the 1st in Leo having the decanate lord of Sun which means he came from Bhuva loka, the land of kings, rulers and lesser gods. The placement of Rahu in the 9th aspecting 1st house Moon and 5th house Sun gave him the desire to become a spiritual guru rather than a king. Moon is in trikona with Sun/Mercury in the 5th and Rahu in the 9th, the creation points which enabled his spiritual rebirth in this life. He had to overcome attitudes of entitlement and privilege but destiny gave him initiatory instructions for liberation from his guru which he followed and taught (Moon rasi drishti with the nodes). However, the point is that just before taking birth on Bhu Loka, the soul came from Bhuva Loka. Paramahansa Yogananda’s Punya Chakra The sixth House contains Jupiter in Pisces which totally forgives the debilitated Mercury (jealousy). Jupiter also aspects the 12th House by graha drishti indicating a very high loka. No planets in the 8th indicate that no sins were committed, an indication of a saint. Saturn retrograde in the 12th ruling the 4th and 5th Houses combined with the graha drishti on the 12th from Jupiter, indicates he could have gone to Tapah or even Satwa loka for a very long time. Tapah is more likely because of the placement of Saturn in the 12th. Moksha cannot be seen from reading a chart but its possibility can be indicated.

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Where Soul Came From

Where Soul Went

Paramhansa Yogananda

Bhuva Loka

Deva Loka

Sri Acharya Mahaprajya

Swarga Loka

Deva Loka

Adolph Hitler

Bhu Loka


Albert Einstein

Deva Loka

Bhu Loka

Padre Pio

Swarga Loka

Swarga Loka and Higher

The point of this article is to emphasize on the concept of Karma in this life time. In case of Paramhansa Yogananda we see that the soul came from Mrityu Loka [Bhuva Loka] and reached Deva Loka [Tapah or Satya] by sheer karma in this life. Such is the power of Karma and God’s divine will that no man can escape. It is indeed true that all our actions get recorded and we are judged for every act we do.

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See you next Full Moon! Moon!

AIAC Team Ancient Indian Astrology Classes Chicago, IL May 27, 21:00 hrs CST Full Moon [Sun in Taurus, Moon in Scorpio]

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