AIAC Times [Volume 7]
ŠAncient Indian Astrology Classes
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AIAC Times [Volume 7]
Contents Editorial ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 Jupiter’s column ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Tithyamsa by Amarnath ............................................................................................................................ 4 Sun’s column ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Vara Principles by Amarnath .................................................................................................................... 7 Moon’s column ........................................................................................................................................... 16 Chandra Yogas by Kavali ....................................................................................................................... 16 Warren Buffett .................................................................................................................................... 17 Leona Helmsley .................................................................................................................................. 18 Bill Gates ............................................................................................................................................ 19 Venus’ column ............................................................................................................................................ 20 Janma Tithi by Anjali Devi ..................................................................................................................... 20 Mercury’s column ....................................................................................................................................... 26 Gold Eggs by Amarnath.......................................................................................................................... 26 Mars’ column .............................................................................................................................................. 28 The role of Karakas by Amarnath ........................................................................................................... 28 Saturn’s column .......................................................................................................................................... 32 Yogas and Viyogas by Kavali................................................................................................................. 32 Rahu’s column ............................................................................................................................................ 37 Rakshashi Vidya by Amarnath ............................................................................................................... 37 Ketu’s column ............................................................................................................................................. 40 Lokas IV by Amarnath............................................................................................................................ 40 Case 1: Shanti Devi ............................................................................................................................. 40 Case II: Ram Pratap Singh (RPS) ....................................................................................................... 41 Something about us ..................................................................................................................................... 42
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Editorial It is tough to produce quality articles but it is also important that we do write. I wish even you, the reader of the Times, also write on jyotish. The more we share, the more we grow as a community. This is the 21st. century where we have great tools to share our ideas and knowledge, Scribd being one of those places. Thanks to Tripp and his idea, today the world can share their writings freely around the globe. I wanted to share some dos and don’ts to you all. These are my views and you can very well differ but this advice is primarily for sincere students of jyotish. Don’t waste time on cyber forums! Cyber forums are great places if you have loads of leisure time but please note they cannot be places where you can learn jyotish. You will enter into arguments and ego fights and the outcome of which will be everything else other than jyotish. Why should you waste time on arguments when we have not even sipped a drop of the immortal nectar of jyotish? If you have time to spare, pick-up Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra or any other classic and while reading try to contemplate on the verses. Don’t reinvent the wheel! A major issue in today’s jyotish world is ego and unawareness. Some of us also go to the extent of publishing works to be sold in the market as “new theories” in jyotish without quoting classical references. Not only do we do serious damage to our image once exposed, we end up confusing the beginners in jyotish to limits unimaginable. A jyotish work today is sold only because of its modern interpretation ability of classics with case studies not because of any innovation of theory. The latter doesn’t even stand a chance since this super-science is not born of this age and time, but is as old as the Vedas themselves. Also, it is extremely important that we get some guidance in our lives in jyotish. Again, everyone wouldn’t need it, one whose resolve to learn is as that of Bhagirath himself can surely bring down the knowledge of jyotish as the flowing Ganga from the matted hair of Shiva. However, not everyone is Bhagirath and thus some guidance may be required. In that case what do you do? No, I am not asking you to join my institute or my course, that you will do only if you are destined to be here but I am going to give you some tips by which you can surely start this journey by having access to the works of great Gurus. Read the Astrological Magazine historic issues What does Dr. BV Raman, Gayatri Devi Vasudev, KN Rao, PS Sastri, Sanjay Rath, Iranganti Rangacharya and many other stalwarts of jyotish of past and present have in common? They all wrote in The Astrological Magazine. From 1936 to 1998, The Astrological Magazine has acted like an umbrella to bring various jyotishis around the globe under one big banner. One man, Dr. BV Raman, had achieved that no Indian jyotish could have ever dreamt about, bringing all jyotishis under one banner. Thus, articles hidden in time are present in the issues of the Astrological Magazine. Specially look at the issues of 1960s, 70s and 80s. Most critical and technical articles came out in the magazine in these 3 decades. Read them, preserve them, research on them and share it with the world. The best thing about these articles is that they are written in English with quotes from original Sanskrit texts. This will be your doorway to understand the works of your predecessors in jyotish and only when you know the historic works can you move ahead into the future with a clear goal as that of Arjuna in Mahabharata.
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Jupiter’s column Tithyamsa by Amarnath
ukta lagnadi-bhavanam diptamsasithisammitah|| tasmad bhavatpurah prsthei tithyamsaistatphalam smritam || 10
~ Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra, Visheshlagnadhyaya, Chapter 6, verse 10, GC Sharma edition, page 93 There is a huge debate and disagreement over jyotishis on a very touchy subject of “whole sign Houses”. Let me detail the subject, if someone is born with 2 degrees of Leo as Lagna and another child is born with 20 degrees of Leo as Lagna, the question would be “What should be taken as the first Bhava”, this is the puzzle astrologers are often faced with. Some scholars believe it is should be the sign Leo (0-30 degrees of Leo) in both of the mentioned cases, thereby believing in “whole sign Houses (Bhavas)”. However, in the chapter of Vishesha Lagna, Parasara rishi introduces a concept of Tithyamsa while teaching about ways to predict Bhava, Hora and Ghati Lagna. This concept is the key point of discussion in this article. To prove a point I can cite references from classical texts and there will surely be counter arguments by scholars by citing yet other ancient texts. Such debates are often time consuming and nothing of pragmatic value arises from such arguments by which a learner in jyotish can benefit. I hate to beat around the bush so I will write less theory and more cases in this article. Two cases were presented by an extremely respected jyotish of today’s age and time, Dr. KS Charak at a conference in May 2010 at the Arsha Vidya Gurkulam, PA, USA. I will start by those two cases as my first example. Case 1 - Date: August 25, 1987; Time: 12:05:00 am; Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT); Place: 77 E 12' 00", 28 N 36' 00"; New Delhi, India; Altitude: 0.00 meters Case 2 - Date: August 25, 1987; Time: 12:40:00 am; Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT); Place: 77 E 12' 00", 28 N 36' 00"; New Delhi, India; Altitude: 0.00 meters ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes
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Charts of Case 1 & Case 2
Case 1
Case 2 Case 1 is that of a girl child who died in a week after birth. Lagna is 19 degrees Taurus Case 2 is that of a boy who is living and is 23 + years of age. Lagna is 27 degrees Taurus The question arises how a jyotish can explain that a child born 35 minutes later than another child is living while the former dies in a week’s time. Please do note that both children are Taurus rising. I don’t deny the fact that higher divisions can be looked at by some scholars. However, yet there are other scholars who don’t even believe in divisional charts and then it becomes very tricky a situation. I also don’t deny that other methods of Nakshatra chakras can be used but again if one uses the Tithyamsa defined by Maharshi Parasara, the picture gets clear very easily and much quicker. Tithyamsa chart is constructed with a frame of reference (Lagna, Bhava Lagna, Hora Lagna, Ghati Lagna) which acts like a mid-point for the chart. The chart seemingly hangs on this point and Bhavas are defined based on this point. For both of these cases, I would use the reference frame as Lagna point. In Case 1, Moon is afflicted by two malefics Mars (by conjunction) and Saturn (by 10th aspect) in the 4th Bhava.
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By Jamini rishis Bhava dasas, we know that 4th and the 2nd Bhavas are the post important Bhavas for children and yogas in these Bhavas fructify first or very early in life. Also, just by having a look at the Panchanga we see that the varesha is Moon and thus the affliction of Moon by Saturn would be extremely detrimental to health of the child. The Tithi at birth is Shukla Pratipat and as per Paksha bala (and Shadbala) Saturn is strong in the chart, in the maraka Bhava and is the greatest malefic in the chart. Also to note is the fact that Saturn aspects the Lagna Lord, Sun, Mars along with Moon and Mercury. Thus, although Moon has digbala, the aspect of Saturn is dangerous to the health of the native. Mars cannot be ignored in the chart as well. On the contrary, all other factors remaining the same, the aspect of Saturn doesn’t fall in either of the grahas. Lagna Lord in the 3rd Bhava with Mars will give tremendous courage to the native. The illassociation of Mars and Moon cannot be ignored but it will not cause balarishtha in anyway. Also to note is that Guru now aspects Saturn by graha drishti. The native lives. We thus see that a Tithyamsa chakra can give us an additional tool to analyze a chart. Adolf Hitler
Hitler’s chart is the most often discussed chart in any astrological discussion. However, in my opinion, without studying the Maharshi Parasara prescribed Tithyamsa chakra, we cannot fully understand the mind of Hitler. Saturn in the 10th Bhava makes someone very slow at work. Hitler wasn’t slow, he was aggressive and greedy. How can Hitler’s rasi chakra justify his coldness? However, a mere look at Hitler’s Tithyamsa can say tons about the inner workings of Hitler’s mind. Ketu in the 4th Bhava makes a person have a heart of steel, emotionless and headless. Rahu in the 4th Bhava totally justifies his Karma. The fact that most clearly emerges out in the Tithyamsa chakra of Hitler is Mars and Venus (Retro) in his 8th Bhava – he died the day he married. This Mar is swarasi but Venus is his Lagna Lord with this Mars clearly indicates the death related to spouse as well as his tremendous warrior like stature in any war. I have not touched any theory on the “Why” of Tithyamsa chakra and what Parasara rishi is actually trying to say in this verse. The deeper philosophy of Tithyamsa chakra can give insights in to chart reading which can be startling and overwhelming. I will surely write more on this topic in the future issues of the Times.
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Sun’s column Vara Principles by Amarnath It is a well-known fact that the Varas (Weekdays) are seven in number. However, a few questions always trouble beginners in jyotish about this topic. I will try to address these questions in this topic. 1) 2) 3) 4)
Why are the weekdays seven in number? Why are they ordered the way we know them? How to use Vara in Muhurta? How to use Vara in Jataka?
I have faced these questions myself and thus my attempt to answer them for my fellow jyotish learners. Why are the weekdays seven in number? adityaschandrama bhaumo bhudhaschatha brihaspatih | shukrah shaneyshcharashchauva vasarah parikottitwa || ~ Muhurta Ganapatih Chapter 3, verse 1 Aditya, Chandrama, Bhauma, Budha, Brihaspati, Shukra, Shanishcharah are the Vasaras and they repeat in this cycle. Among the Pancha (five) Angas (parts) of Jyotish, Vara stands to present the Agni aspect of Time. In fact the term Vara is an abbreviation of the word Vasara (Vasa (to sit) – Ra (Agni); the residence of Ra, Agni). However, physical Grahas are seven in number and any entity without a physical existence cannot hold Agni in it. We can see a recurring theme of the number seven in numerous representations of Jyotish with respect to Agni. Agni is “Saptajihva” [Sapta- seven, jihva- tongue] which literally translates to “The seven tongued one”. Surya, the representation of Agni, is said to ride a chariot of seven horses. In more mundane terms, as part of our solar system, we consider Sapta (Seven) Grahas. In a Heliocentric view, the Sapta Grahas are – Soma, Budha, Shukra, Bhu, Mangal, Guru, Shani. In a Geocentric view, the Sapta Grahas are – Soma, Budha, Shukra, Ravi, Mangal, Guru, Shani. Why are they ordered the way we know them? kritwa kramena horesha ukta varodayo graha | yasyadinadhya horesha vasaradhipatikshya sa || ~ Muhurta Mala Chapter 1, verse 4 Whichever weekday is to be considered, the weekday is assigned its Lord based on the first Hora of that day. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes
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In other words, Sunday’s first hora is that of Sun’s, Monday’s first hora is that of the Moon and so on. Hora is derived from the word – aHO and RAtri, meaning Day and Night. Thus it is something (a unit of measurement) that is equally applicable to the day as well as in the night. Many scholars have also extended this concept to say that the English word – “hour” is derived from hora. A true searcher of knowledge always gets what he/she seeks for. In my personal quest to get more information and validation of the knowledge I already had in this matter I searched various classics and ancient works. One such book that I came across was Alberuni’s India by Dr. Edward C Sachau. It is a remarkable work and for some English speaking jyotishis will open a new doorway to the world of jyotish. In the Chapter XIX of the Book (Volume 1), I found the definition of weekdays which tallies with the definition found in Muhurta Mala.
In the following paragraphs, the author goes on to describe the Horas and its formation that yields the Varas. Based on the spheres (distance, speed of Grahas) from Earth, we find the order of the cyclic Horas – Shani, Guru, Mangal, Ravi (apparent from Earth), Shukra, Budha, Soma Selecting Surya as the start and following the dictum given in Muhurta Mala, we get that the weekday for which the Hora of the Sun is the first Hora should be called the Sunday or Ravi vasara (in short Ravivara). Now, we have two more definitions to ascertain. What time frame is of one Hora? What is meant by the first Hora? Hora is nothing but an hour. The beginning of a hora is from the sunrise as sunrise alone forms the definition of a day and night (aHO-RAtri).
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However, unlike modern jyotish scholars, orthodox classical jyotish practitioners wouldn’t say or believe in anything unless proper citation from classical work is provided to support a theory. This is a practice that Late Shri CS Patel followed and wanted all jyotish writers to stick to. varapravrittey ghatika dineshaktalakhyehorapatayah kramen| sadhyerna nadidwiteyen shashtha shashtharashcha punah punahascha || ~ Vashishtha Samhita, Chapter 13, verse 12 From the Sun, at the rate of every 2.5 Ghatika (Ghatika is 24 minutes; thus every 2.5 Ghatika is 1 hour or 60 minutes) all Grahas starting from the Sun rule a Hora. Every Ahoratri (one day) will have each Graha’s Hora repeated after every 6 horas. This pattern will repeat. The above verse answers both the above questions without doubt. Thus, a table can be formed using this concept – first hora of Sunday is ruled by the Sun, second by Venus, third by Budha, forth by Soma, fifth by Shani (cyclic), sixth by Guru, seventh by Mangal and eight again by Ravi and this continues until the next sunrise. At the moment of next sunrise, the 25th hora which is that of the Moon will be active and thus the next day would be called Somavara. We thus have the hora sequence for Monday as first hora ruled by the Soma, next one by Shani and so on.
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Table reproduced above is from the book Classical Muhurta by Ernst Wilhelm, page 97. How to use Vara in Muhurta? balapradasya grahavasare yachchodhishtakaryo samupaiti sidhim | sudurbalasya grahavasre tattaorayetnapurvam twapi nauva sadhyam || ~ Vashishtha Samhita, Chapter 13, verse 15 The tasks specified (earlier) for each weekday if done when the weekday lord is in strength will reap success. However, if the lord of the weekday is weak, it will surely result in failure. varoktwa tasya horaswapi balin utanshokraindrau cha karyam | ~ Muhurta Tattwam, Chapter 12, verse 9 Whatever tasks have been ascribed to specific weekdays, the same can be achieved on the hora of the lord of the weekday (or any other weekday) provided the hora lord is strong in the hora. Also, the same task can be achieved in the Hora Lord is the Lord of the Navamsa of the Sun or the Moon. My aim in this article is not to repeat the subject that is already extensively covered in numerous classics. What to do on a particular Vara and what not to do is a subject that is widely available in printed material. Jataka Sara Deepa by Nrusimha Daivagya is one such widely available classic. Other less popular classics where this subject is dealt with in detail are Narada Samhita and Vashishtha Samhita. However, some points I feel that I should mention on this aspect of Vara, repeatedly mentioned in classics, which we tend to forget. The strength of the Vara Lord is on utmost importance and is the factor that promises or denies the generic results ascribed to a particular Vara. During my research on this aspect of Panchang, I found a very interesting quote in a classic called Muhurta Ganapati.
If the Vara Lord (or Hora Lord) is in upachaya from the Lagna, tasks yield auspicious results. If the Lagna is in upachaya from the Vara Lord (or Hora Lord), tasks done on such a day (as denoted by the Vara Lord) will prove futile (or inauspicious). In other words, Vara Lord in 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th from Lagna it is good to start tasks on such a day. However, if the Vara Lord is in 11th, 8th, 4th and 3rd from Lagna it will yield futile results on such a day. The overlap is between 3rd and 11th and in such a case the results of the positive Vara should prevail.
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Thus, it is clear that Vara Lord in 4th and 8th from Lagna is considered inauspicious and not conducive of positive results. The above points are often forgotten while studying the Vara results. How to use Vara in Jataka? Many jyotishis have wondered if there is ever any classical reference which deals this aspect of jyotish in natal charts. A wonderful example of the application of this knowledge can be found in Vriddha Yavana Jataka. Karotibhanu swadinaswa viyati narah pragalbham shubhagyam shukantyam | Prabhutavitrang priyampradhushyam vidyoshirang kirtiharang nitantyam || ~ Vriddha Yavana Jatakam, Chapter 16, verse 40 If Sun is associated with Deenabala (i.e. Sunday born with Sun strong in the chart), the native is a great speaker, philosophical, has great looks, has great wealth, liked by people, dweller in foreign lands, usurper of one’s name and fame. Swavarvirogyam vivarjitokram karoti martya satatam kuchailam | Vidharmakatam bahukutabhajam mahadgururan prasabham sudhushtam || ~ Vriddha Yavana Jatakam, Chapter 16, verse 64 If a Sun is not associated with Deenbala (i.e. Sunday born with Sun weak in the chart), the native wears shabby clothes, irreligious, deceiving, will quarrel with friends and teachers and have a kicked disposition. Also, the classic has details of every Graha’s effect based on Horabala (strength of the Hora lord in the chart). It is indeed a very interesting study. My physics teacher always taught me in school that any theory without ample examples is useless. This too is applicable to jyotish and its dictums.
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Mundane Cases – Case 1 (WTC)
Vara Lord was Mars and Hora Lord was Sun. Mars afflicts the 4th house with Ketu and Sun is in Leo in the 12th house. There is an interesting quote on this combination from Vriddha Vashishtha Samhita – suryarayoravasoravargakaalohorasu jannirmitomandiram tatt | api prabrishttam grihamagnina tadrak daghdhatey pabokatarakasu || ~ Vashishtha Samhita, Chapter 13, verse 20 In the varga or in the Kalahora of Sun and Mars (Sunday and Tuesday), if someone makes a home or enters a home, such a person causes fire which burns down his/her home. Agni Tattwa in the 4H causes affliction to the Jala Tattwa and thus causes destruction unless used for a spiritual purpose. Thus, we can say that Vara Lord in the Moksha Trikona can cause damage in mundane affairs. Case 2 (NASA Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster)
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The Vara Lord is Saturn, it is retrograde in the 4H. The Hora Lord is retrograde and exalted in the 6H. In this case too we see the Vara Lord in the 4H which is extremely bad for entry into a home (or homeland). Case 3 (Tsunami – 2004)
The Vara Lord Sun is in the 12th house and the Hora Lord Venus is in Scorpio in the 11th House. Again, we see Vara Lord in Moksha Trikona. Case 4 (Sumatra Tsunami – 2007)
The Vara Lord is Mercury placed in the 8H in Moksha Trikona. The Hora Lord is Mars placed in the 4H denoting the purely destructive force while entering home or homeland.
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Jataka Cases Case 1 - Adolf Hitler
Vara Lord is Saturn and is well-placed in an Upachaya house indicating very high energy. The Sign is Cancer indicating that the energy is devoted to his home (or homeland) and it is in the 10th Rasi and 11th Bhava indicating that the main drive for the energy is the throne of power, position and gains. Hora Lord is Moon and is again well placed in an Upachaya house indicating the direction that his energy takes will be determined by the 3H. 3H is the house of courage, communication and urges (parakrama) and Moon rules the mind of all living beings. The sign is Sagittarius which signifies religion or dharma and holds Jupiter and Ketu. Ketu shows defense or military organization, especially at the levels of terrorism since it is headless. Jupiter shows great knowledge and expansiveness. If one notes the life of Hitler carefully, his energy was totally driven by his sense of sorrow for his country after the humiliating defeat of Germany in World War I. He used his courage and speech (Moon) as his weapon (3H) and used ruthless (Ketu) expansive (Jup) techniques to achieve his goal. Barack Obama
Vara Lord Venus is in 6th rasi in upachaya again holding the dictum of Muhurta Ganapati to be true. Agni in upachaya causes growth. Here, Vara Lord in the 6th is indicative of defeat of over enemies and thus success in competition. The Vara Lord is in Gemini which is the natural 3H signifying communication ŠAncient Indian Astrology Classes
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and contacts. The lord of Gemini is Mercury and leads with finance. The Agni in his life will take full swing and will be motivated by this combination. The Hora Lord is the Sun in the 7H in Cancer. Cancer is the sign for home (and home land). 7H is the sign of “others” or “world” (in contrast to 1H which is self). Thus the direction his Agni will take will be determined by the Cancer Sun in the 7H. 7H also denotes marriage and spouse. Marriage was a very important turn in Obama’s life. His political career took shape after this marriage. His rise to power was because of the failed financial situation of the government and because of his powerful speech to make a difference in politics. He defeated all his opponents by using words and logic. His Agni shows clear indications of victory over enemies by virtue of being in the 6H. There is much more to the concept of Vara lord and Hora Lord and I believe if a sincere mind dwells on these concepts, more pearls of wisdom will emerge from his concept.
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Moon’s column Chandra Yogas by Kavali Per Parasara, any graha other than the Sun in the 2nd house from the Moon forms Sunapha Yoga. Any graha other than the Sun 12th from the Moon forms Anapha Yoga, and grahas other than the Sun in both the 2nd house and the 12th house from the Moon gives Duradhara Yoga. The sage calls these yogas combinations for wealth. Adhi Yogas, grahas other than the Sun in houses 6, 7, or 8 from the Moon are considered combinations of tremendous wealth. On the face of it these appear to be somewhat puzzling statements, until you consider several factors. First, remember that the Moon represents the mind, sustenance, health, and wealth. These designations are derived from its Moolatrikona sign, Taurus. It is impossible to overstate the Moon’s importance as graha of the mind. There are thousands of people born on the same day all over the world; and each person’s life experience is unique. Chandra Yogas actually give a snapshot of the native’s own perception. Therefore, to judge Chandra Yogas, Bhavas should be judged from the individual’s Chandra Bhava Lagna and not Chandra Rasi. Second, where the Moon sits in the rasi, that house and its kendras are houses of high tides: that is, high energy, high emotions, high activity. When the tide rolls in, the native receives a substantial amount of sustenance, in whatever form; and when the tide goes out, the sustenance goes quickly. Any graha with the Moon in the 1st house draws greater wealth and sustenance in. Likewise, grahas in the 2nd and 12th houses from the Moon in the Chandra Bhava Lagna pull the tide in, but at a much slower rate; tides recede from these houses much slower. The sustenance granted by these houses lasts much longer; as they sustain themselves coming in at a slower pace, and leave much slower, hence lasting longer. Grahas 2nd from the Moon represent how we feel about our wealth and how we make that wealth. Grahas 12th from the Moon represent our desire to give away. It is very important to remember that if the native desires to give then he must earn to give; and so, the 12th house represents gaining wealth in order to give it. It also represents how the native feels about spending. Adhi Yogas--grahas in houses 6, 7, and 8 from the Moon--are extreme wealth giving combinations. If the Moon is in the 1st house, the 7th house represents the partner; and grahas in 6 and 8 are the partner’s feelings about earning and spending. The native is the beneficiary of the partner’s wealth when these yogas are formed. Sometimes, partner can also mean society at large, or wealth that is not the native’s own but is at his or her disposal. Generally, it is observed that Sunapha, Anapha, and Durdhura Yogas make the native earn his/her wealth with his/her own effort; and Adhi yogas gives wealth to the native by association, or by other sources like partners, inheritance, etc. Let us see a few charts to get a clearer picture of how these yogas really function in life.
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Warren Buffett
The chart’s ruler, Jupiter, sits in the 7th house with Mars. This brings house rulers 1, 4, and 5 together in a friendly sign and has given Warren Buffett outstanding teachers, energetic partners, and wealthy clients. These grahas also aspect the Lagna and its occupant, Saturn Rx by both Rasi and Graha Dristi. In addition Mercury is in Mooltrikona and Venus aspects the Lagna from the 10th house by Graha Dristi, as does Rahu from the 5th house. Mercury is the working Graha of money and Prithvi Tattwa accompanied by Venus, ruler of house 6. Rahu signifies the inborn ability to go against the norm and think outside the box. Warren Buffett’s vocation couldn’t be spelled out in a more plain fashion. The Sun in Leo only receives aspects from the Nodes and Moon in Scorpio has only one aspect, Rahu in Aries by Rasi Dristi. The lights in the chart operate nearly independently. The Chandra Bhava chart gives clues to his thinking when this perception might otherwise be hidden in the 12th house. Rahu aspects Sun, Moon, and the Lagna and is the only Graha to do so. One of the main advantages he gained from his parents is his ability to think differently. This has also turned him away from Wall Street through parental and mentor influence and kept him squarely grounded in Omaha. Saturn Rx in the Lagna slows the intense energy down. It slows down his decision making and with Lagna in Mula, he wants to dig deeply into things. Saturn gives Sunapha Yoga for Warren Buffett. Per Saravali, “Should Saturn be in the 2nd of the Moon causing Sunapha Yoga, the nature will be skillful, be worshipped by the people in his village and city and he will have wealth galore. He will be devoted to his work and be brave.” Saturn Rx carries all of the Raj Yoga influence given in the Rasi chart and the Saravali results increase by manifold. Saturn is the planet of the people and his renown and personal popularity have increased over the years. Wealth has increased at a steady pace, making his mantra of patience in investing a reality for the world to learn from.
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With his Anapha Yoga he wants to give in the way that he relates, Mercurially, and is detached in whether he receives acclaim for this or not. Warren Buffett had received criticism a few years back for his lack of giving when people like Bill Gates are giving now in the prime of their lives. So Buffett announced that he was giving 85% of his fortune to Bill Gates’ foundation upon his death. His Adhi Yoga of Mars and Jupiter in house 8 is simple to interpret; society earns well from his skills. Rahu in the 6th house indicates the public's great desire for wealth. Leona Helmsley
Leona Helmsley has double indicators of an overbearing nature, humor, and glamor, with Sun located with Venus in Lagna. The chart ruler is Mercury in the sign of the home, Cancer, with exalted Jupiter, in the 2nd house. There will be fabulous wealth due to real estate. Sun rules 3rd, giving the key to her energy to the Lagna, and only 9th house ruler Rahu aspects. To her, going the opposite direction is the dharmic, right thing to do. Her 2nd house is also aspected by its ruler, Moon, and brings rulers of 1, 4, 7, and 10 together here. She would acquire wealth in real estate, through partnership, and be very prominent in this endeavor. Helmsley's Chandra Yogas are outstanding wealth indicators. Society wants to spend on pleasure (Venus in 6) but earns its money through much hard work (Saturn in 8). Possibly this represents her employees and contractors. With such a terrible reputation as Queen of Mean that has never left her, where would this come from? Interpretation of Chandra Yogas is addressed in the classics as using the 5 Tattwa Grahas. Parasara makes no mention of the nodes. And Sun and Moon are to be considered as one unit through their mutual inclusion in calculation of the tithis. But we feel the nodes are there; they do not pull tides, as they are not physical bodies. Nevertheless there is an effect. Note the nodes in Leona Helmsley's 4th and 10th houses. Ketu is complete detachment in her mind from family. This certainly has a ring of truth to it. ŠAncient Indian Astrology Classes
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Bill Gates
Aspects to his Lagna are 5th house Rahu by Rasi Dristi and Graha Dristi. Ketu (the co-ruler of the 5th house and dispositor of Rahu) also aspects the Lagna. This increases the potency of the Rahu energy. No change can occur without Rahu, and Bill has Rahu in a trine. He brings this potent Rahu quality with him naturally. Exalted Saturn aspects the Lagna from the 4th house by Graha Dristi. Exalted planets can give great wealth. Also he first worked on his product in his home, it is sold not only for businesses but for homes, and the public has taken to it right away. Microsoft is revolutionary. Sun (the 2nd Lord of wealth) though in its debilitation (Debilitation cancelled by Neecha Bhanga of Sun) is outstanding in house 4 in conjunction with Venus (in Moolatrikona) and exalted Saturn. This configuration occurs in Libra, which is a sign of business and trading. These planets receive the aspect of Jupiter and Ketu (the 5th Lord). Moon is in the 9th house Pisces. Its ruler is Jupiter in house 2. Exalted Mercury aspects Moon by Rasi and Graha Dristi, as does 5th and 10th house ruler Mars. This energizes the mind for Mercury's many capabilities. The Moon has no conjunctions, thus no strong desires. However, his Adhi Yogas show Jupiter in 6th house as the public or partners loving the revolutionary products, his own efforts producing great wealth with exalted Mercury with Mars in 7th house, and exalted Saturn, Moolatrikona Venus and Sun shows the public in the form of companies increasing productivity and bottom line gains due to his products.
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Venus’ column Janma Tithi by Anjali Devi This article is influenced by an article written by Sita Ram Singh in The Astrological Magazine published in the December 2006 issue. The word Janma means ‘birth’. In this article I will be discussing how the Tithi (lunar phase) in which one is born affects and influences a person’s life. The journey of the Moon around the Zodiac takes 28 days. This journey is comprised of two parts. The waning phase (from New moon to Full moon) is called Krishna Paksha and the waxing phase (from Full Moon to New Moon) is called Shukla Paksha. The word Paksha means half. Krishna Paksha is the dark half and Shukla is the bright half of the 28 day lunar month. The Full Moon is Pournima and the New Moon is Amavasya. Number
Each Paksha is made up of 15 Tithis. A Tithi is time that it takes for the Moon to travel 12 degrees away from the Sun. For example, on Amavasya Tithi the Sun and Moon have the same longitude. From this place up to 12 degrees is the 1st Tithi (Pratipada) of Shukla Paksha. When the Moon reaches 24 degrees away from the Sun it is the end of the 2nd Tithi (Dvitiya) and so on. The Tithi is an indicator of the SunMoon disposition and depicts lunar strength. The moon is regarded as weak in Paksha Bala when he is within 72 degrees on either side of the Sun. The Tithis are important when fixing a Subha or an auspicious Murhurta for beginning a new project or business and being assured of its success.
Another useful way to use Tithis is in the divination of Krishna Chaturdashi 29 Shukla Chaturdashi future events. The addition of 14 the longitudes of the Lagna and Krishna Amavasya 30 Shukla Tithi counted from Aries 0 15 Purnima degrees gives a precise point which can either improve or damage the matters signified by the bhava in which it is located. For one who is born close to a New ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes
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Moon day this point is found in the Lagna. For Shukla Tritiya it will be found in the 2nd bhava, for Shukla Panchami in the 3rd bhava and for Shukla Saptami in the 4th bhava and so on. For a person born on the Full Moon day, it will be in the 7th bhava. For one being born during Shukla Paksha it will be found from the 1st to 7th bhavas. In a birth occurs during Krishna Paksha it will be located from the 7th to 12th bhavas. The Rishis of ancient times were amazing visionaries and through their supernatural seeing (Divya Drishti) they could gaze beyond the Moon’s position in a Rasi to denote specific characteristics for those born under each Tithi, as well as the important fact that the life pattern of the individual follows the phases of the moon. Even though the basic characteristics of those born on identical Tithis in both Shukla and Krishna Pakshas are much alike (except for Amavasya and Pournima Tithis) those born during Shukla Paksha have the capability to rise in life and develop their full potential. According to Manasagari: “A person born in Shukla Paksha is elegant like the Full Moon, wealthy, industrious, well read in the Shastras, efficient and learned.” On the contrary, “an individual born in Krishna Paksha is cruel, harsh in speech, hates women, is dull-witted, earns livelihood with the help of others and had a big family.” The cumulative progress of a person’s life is directly related to the Tithi on which they were born in Shukla Paksha from the New Moon to the Full Moon. On the other hand, those born in Krishna Paksha have problems adjusting to their environment and depending on other indications in the natal chart are not as successful. Unless there is strongly positive yogas to help one endure, Krishna Paksha people who are born into wealthy families may end up poverty stricken and without power or authority. Furthermore, someone born on a New Moon (Shukla Pratipadi) to a family who is poor has the ability to move slowly through life to an elevated position. This rise would progress during his entire life and by the time that life was over he would have reached a higher position than at any other time. The pinnacle of one’s life born halfway between Shukla Pratipadi and Pournima would be middle age. Decline would occur from then to the end of his life. A person born at Full Moon or a few Tithis before is quite likely to be born into a wealthy family with much promise and opportunity. Then as life goes on they experience decline and might even become unimportant. Just the opposite is true for those born in Krishna Paksha directly after Full Moon. They show a gradual decline over a long period of time. If the person is born mid-way between Pournima and Amavasya the decline will end at middle age. The person then experiences a gradual rise. One born just prior to Amavasya perhaps would not do well in the early years but then experience positive changes as they progress into youth. What determines the growth of those born in Shukla Paksha and the decline of those born in Krishna Paksha? The answer lies in the person’s Prarabhada (result of karma from past lives) which needs to be worked out in this incarnation. This is indicated by the location of the Moon at birth. Other graha placements as well as the Dasha-Bhukti usually attest to the findings about the birth Tithi. Let’s look at some examples. Chart #1 Benazir Bhutto: Born 6/21/1953 at 20h. 15m. at 24 N 51, 67 E 02
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Benazir Bhutto was born on Dasami Tithi in the 3rd part of Shukla Paksha. With 5th and 9th lords conjoined in the 7th aspecting the Lagna, she was born into a rich and influential family. Her political training came from her father who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan. She took over the People’s Party after her father’s death. Her political career peaked during middle age while in her Jupiter Dasha. In 1988 she became Prime Minister. In her Saturn Dasha with Saturn in the 10th bhava and aspected by Mars and Rahu she lost power and went into exile in London and Dubai. She was killed December 27, 2007. Chart #2 Male: Born 12/2/1920 at 7h. 15m. at 21 N 9, 79 E 42
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The native of Chart #2’s birth took place in the middle of Krishna Paksha. He was born to an ordinary family and thus was unable to attend college. He began his work as a typist and with hard work retired as a private secretary. The 5th lord Jupiter and 9th lord Moon form Gajakesari Yoga in the 10th bhava. At the beginning of his Jupiter Dasha after retirement he joined a private firm which was paying him more than what he was making at his retirement. His two sons did well and looked after him and his wife. The native leads a comfortable life. Note: The native being born in the middle of Krishna Paksha prospered late in life after meager beginnings. The Jupiter Dasha came after he retired and made his life comfortable. Chart #3 Female: Born 3/31/1965 at 3h. 10m. at 27 N 10, 78 E 15
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The native of Chart #3 was born on Shukla Trayodashi in her Sun Dasha. Due to her mother’s illness her education suffered, but she was able to complete her M.A (English) B. Ed. For some unknown reason she had to leave her teaching job. She has not gotten very far in life even with all of her efforts. Krishna Paksha started shortly after birth. Due to the sequence of Dashas she struggled in life. Chart #4 Male: Born 7/12/1965 at 23h. 39m. at 27 N 10 78 E 5
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The native of Chart #4 was born on Pournima Tithi with about 15.5 years of his Jupiter Dasha left. Even though he was not interested in school he managed to graduate from High School. His parents were unhappy about this and it caused arguments. The 6th lord Sun is in the 4th. His father who was a railway station master tried to get him a job but he did not pass the test. The moon, lord of the 5th is in the 10th with Paksha Bala but in Papakatari Yoga aspected by Mars who is in a inimical rasi. The 10th lord Jupiter is in the 6th from the 10th afflicted by Rahu forming Guru Chandala Yoga. During his Moon Dasha the native took many jobs but none of them lasted very long because of his arrogance. Mars is in an inimical Rasi aspecting the Moon and the Lagna. He got married at the beginning of his Mars Dasha but his married life was unhappy. He took to heavy drinking. Saturn is retrograde in the 12th. His drinking led to serious fights with his wife who on 11/24/2002 in a fit of rage doused herself with kerosene and lit herself on fire. In his drunken state he tried to save her but suffered serious burns. The both died in the hospital in 11/26/2002. Note: The Native was born on Pournima Tithi followed by Krishna Paksha. There was as steady decline in his life. The location of the Grahas and unfavorable Dasha sequences were a factor in his unhappy life.
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Mercury’s column Gold Eggs by Amarnath Y. T. Wong shared his 25 years of long research with the world on January 1, 2004, Hong Kong. His research model has been used extensively and tested by numerous scientists around the globe and found to be accurate. Yes, his model rests on jyotish. In his research paper he writes – “I read a novel City Boundary by Qian Zhong-shu. In the preface, Mr. Qian told a story. An English woman read the English version and was keenly interested. She telephoned Qian and asked whether the chief character in the novel was Qian himself. Qian replied bluntly, "If you like the egg, eat it. Why are you bothering me with the hen?" Dear readers, if you like the gold egg, pick it up and keep it in a safe place. As to the goose... er... Since you want to know why she lays a Gold egg every 55.80 years, I am telling you the underlying cause now. People in weather forecasting business know well that there is a lunar cycle of 18.60 years. The knowledge is an indispensable tool for predicting water tides. Three times 18.60 years = 55.80 years. It so happened that in every 3rd occurrence of this 18.60-year lunar cycle, momentous events had occurred to bring into prominence Gold's role in the financial markets. The following is an explanation for the formation of the 18.60-year lunar cycle: The Earth revolves around the Sun. The plane of the Earth's orbit is called the Ecliptic. The Moon's orbit (around the Earth) is inclined 5 degrees 8 minutes to the Ecliptic. The point where the Moon crosses the Ecliptic from south to north is called the North Node, and where the Moon crosses the Ecliptic from north to south is called the South Node. The two nodes (180 degrees apart) move in clockwise direction and complete one circle of 360 degrees in 18.60 years.” In my module of jyotish, I have a course on Financial Astrology. Many queries have come to me to detail what exactly I would teach there. I politely ignore the topic. None of my students have reached that stage where I can share with them the model of financial astrology. Therefore readers and my students should be rest assured I will not disclose it here on a publicly accessible internet ezine. However, saying that, the model that Wong has given the world is indeed priceless. It is also not unknown to the seers of ancient India. The cycles of the lunar nodes impact markets and had been doing it till time immemorial. Not only markets, a huge amount of information about one’s karma can be understood by just carefully observing the nodes in a horoscope. Those who are interested in learning more about Wong’s research can find it on the Internet. I am however, more interest in the connection between the nodal cycle and wealth. We know Karma generates wealth. Budha is the karaka for wealth and Karma Bhava. However, the karmic connection of one individual during a life time can be indicated by the nodes and thus can say tons by virtue of conjunction, aspect or placement in a sign. Lincoln had Rahu conjunct Mars in Libra. He fought (Mars) for equality of rights (Libra). ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes
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Gandhi had Rahu conjunct Moon in Cancer. He chose the path of non-violence and self-sustenance (Moon) and formed the modern India (Cancer). Dr Raman had Rahu in Pisces conjunct no Graha but in trines to it were Sun and Jupiter, indicating the karma related to Jyotish and knowledge. KN Rao has Rahu in Pisces and in trines to it, Saturn and Jupiter again indicating his karma being related to knowledge and ancient sciences. The sign in which the nodes are placed itself talks volumes about the person’s karma and thus area of wealth. Warren Buffet has Rahu in Aries with Sun and Saturn in Leo and Sagittarius respectively. His karma is related to creation of an organization (Aries) which would provide a shelter to people (Sun in Leo, like a king) when they are damaged (old people, ancient, broken Saturn) – sounds like an insurance company called Geico [Government Employees Insurance Company]. Gates has Rahu in Scorpio indicates a transformative karma. Trine to it is Moon in Pisces which indicates huge public appeal to his work. Thus, by checking the nodal position one can make rough estimate of the karmic direction of a person. Now, let us come to timing of events. If we follow Wong’s model and apply it to natal horoscope, we can estimate a karmic surge during the nodal return. Thus, 18.6 years, 37.2 years and 55.8 years there can be a karmic tension period when the nodes might want to enforce the karma that one is born to fulfill. Lincoln was miraculously re-elected for a second term in 1864 (37.2 years) which gave him an opportunity to complete his karma. Gandhi’s work in South Africa took full shape in 1906 (37.2 years). In 1906, the Transvaal government promulgated a new Act compelling registration of the colony's Indian population. At a mass protest meeting held in Johannesburg on 11 September that year, Gandhi adopted his still evolving methodology of satyagraha (devotion to the truth), or non-violent protest, for the first time, calling on his fellow Indians to defy the new law and suffer the punishments for doing so, rather than resist through violent means. Also note that Cancer is the stickiest sign in the zodiac. Gandhi was the glue in the Congress which made all individuals works in harmony. In 1924 (55.8 years) after getting released from jail, Gandhi fasted to bring unity among the leaders of the Indian National congress thereby working on his karma. There are numerous such instances I can sight but I intention is not to flaunt historical facts or beat around the bush with words. My intention is to make a point that such a simple thing like analysis of the nodal point and its impact on karma often gets overlooked by even experienced astrologers. The nodes carry link to the karmic pattern of this life – such statements are often written but very rarely used in seeing a chart. This article is an attempt to break that barrier and to show the reader how such simple things can indicate very large interpretation details in a native’s chart.
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Mars’ column The role of Karakas by Amarnath This article is influenced by the works of a great astrologer of yester years, Sri HR Shankar. In an article written on January 1982 in the Astrological Magazine, Sri HR Shankar mentions about a forgotten art of prediction. The theory simply revolves around Karakas. Sri SK Mehta, a great astrologer from New Delhi, wrote a book called “New Rules and Combinations in Hindu Astrology”. I was in my first year of engineering when I bought this book by saving from my pocket money and I don’t regret doing it. The rules in this book will appear confusing to a beginner but it will make much more sense when one matures in jyotish. The most interesting part of jyotish is that these rules work. There are two ways to look at a chart – a house lordship analysis, karaka influence on bhavas. As one matures in jyotish, he/she would discover that these rules are not exclusive of each other but rather inclusive. This however may time for some and yet others can grasp it rather quickly. As I mentioned in editorial that one needs to read of the books of yester year writers and specially the astrological magazine. Let us get to work and see these rules playing its role in charts. However, before we got there it is important to know the karakas of each house which I trust every reader of this magazine would know. However, for ready reference, here it is – Bhava
Kala Purusha Rasi Lord
1 (Tanu)
2 (Dhana)
3 (Sahaja)
4 (Sukha)
5 (Putra)
6 (Ripu)
7 (Jaya)
8 (Mrityu)
9 (Dharma)
10 (Karma)
11 (Labha)
12 (Vyaya)
Yes, I know that I did not mention the secondary karakas for some Bhavas but let us just make it simple for now, shall we?
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Every one of us knows these karakas. My question however is the same old “Why”? Why are the karakas assigned Bhavas which is not in sync with the natural Kala purusha rasi Lords? Why make Budha the karaka of the 10th Bhava? You can answer that it is based on the Tattwas – Agni – Surya, Mangal, Jala – Chandra, Shukra, Vayu – Shani, Prithvi – Budha, Akash – Guru. However, that too doesn’t make sense – Shani (Vayu Tattwa) gets Digbala in the 7th Bhava and yet he is a Karaka of the 6th, 8th and 12th- Why? The answer to this lies in the astronomy of the Grahas. The kendras are formed by Kama drishti of the Manas (please read the earlier AIAC Times to understand the formation of the Kendras) and only the inter-Earth Grahas have Purna Pada Kama Drishti. So, now we know that only Ravi, Chandra, Shukra and Budha can be the karakas of the internal Bhavas or in other words the Kendras. Lagna is Agni Tattwa, Dharma Kona – Ravi fits in here best. Karma Bhava is Prithvi Tattwa, Artha Kona – Budha fits in here best. Jaya Bhava is Vayu Tattwa, Kama Kona – Shukra fits in here best Sukha Bhava is Jala Tattwa, Moksha Kona – Chandra fits in here best. Having thus ascertained the Kendra Karakas, we now go to the other Bhavas. Brahma created us for three reasons – Ripu, Mrityu and Vyaya. The very fact that we have been created ensures that we have Karma pending from last life (Ripu bhava). This also ensures that we will die (Mrityu) and that we will be re-born (Vyaya). A graha which can surely indicate this is Shani since it keeps a strict account of our sins. Shani thus becomes the karaka of the Trik Bhavas (6-8-12). Mangal is the courage in all beings. Thus it is only right to make it the karaka of the Sahaja Bhava. Thus, the Tamas Grahas becomes the karakas of the 3-6-8-12 Bhavas. There are much more detailed philosophies involved in this which I am skipping now to get to the point. Rest of the Bhavas makes us humans feel happy and thus are given to Guru – 2,5,9,11 Bhavas. Now ascertaining the karakas, we see some rules. I don’t want to and in fact practically can’t give you all the rules. However, if you look at charts with logic and pragmatism, you could very efficiently use these dictums. Saturn denotes the reason for creation and thereby keeps the record of our sins. It is also Ayus Karaka and without the blessings of Shani it is impossible to have a long life. Now, carefully look at a Bhava for which Shani falls in the Vyaya Bhava, one of the indications of that Bhava with respect to Ayu will be lost. It can be a person or it can be the organ denoted by that Bhava. Why is it so? For the Bhava under consideration, Shani falls in the 12th House indicating the loss of the karakatwa indicated by Shani for that Bhava. ©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes
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This was one of the dictums given by Late Shri SK Mehta and it works miraculously in charts. However, he didn’t make it as simple as I made it for you. He wrote it on the lines – “One of the significations of the house 2nd from Saturn will be spoilt”. You now know the “Why” behind this dictum. Why do you want to stop here? Now that you know the principle, please extend it to all the other karakas. In February 2011, Saptarishis Astrology held a wonderful International Conference at Hyderabad. They discussed a dictum which read that “The person’s dharma will fall in the Bhava second from the natal Jupiter”. They showed this working in atleast a dozen of charts. Now you know the answer to the “Why” behind this principle. Guru stands for the karaka of the 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th. Bhavas, for the Bhava where Guru in the Vyaya Bhava, one of the Bhavas Guru is the karaka of will go to the house of Loss. You can now extend this principle to any Bhavas in the chart best of the role of the karakas and make startling predictions which will shock your fellow astrologers. However, one golden rule in jyotish – NEVER accept any dictum till you know the “Why” behind it. The world doesn’t need any more “memorized” jyotishis, it needs more “thinking” jyotishis. Case 1 - Tiger Woods
Jupiter is in the 7th rasi but in the 8th bhava but dharma will fall in the bhava which is 2nd from Guru, in this case the 9th Bhava. 9th Bhava has Ketu showing a headless act which would become public by being in the 9th Bhava. The rasi of the 9th Bhava cusp (0 degrees Taurus) will show the color of the misdeed. Taurus is a Venus sign indicating Bhoga and Venus aspects the 9th Bhava with Kama Drishti. The act was sexual in nature.
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Case 2 – Bill Clinton
The 2nd Bhava from Jupiter is the 3rd Bhava with Ketu in it. The place where dharma will fall will be areas of urges, courage, valor, communication and siblings. 3rd Bhava also shows servants or subordinates. The sign is Scorpio which is a hidden sign. In the kalapursha it indicates the testicles. Ketu indicates heedlessness or a mistake. The area of fall of dharma seems to be clear and it was sex scandal. Also, note that the lord of Scorpio Mars is with a debilitated Venus on Lagna. Case 3– Mahatma Gandhi
Guru is in the 8th Bhava retrograde. The 2nd Bhava from Guru is the 9th Bhava. The fall of dharma will become public and it will be in an area denoted by Gemini. 6 Gemini is the 9th Bhava cusp. No grahas are present there and only Rahu has 12th and Mars has 8th graha drishti on this bhava. Sun from Virgo has Rasi drishti on Gemini (Mithuna). Now judging the fact that dharma can fall in the 9th Bhava of Gemini, we have to see a few factors. Guru is retrograde and thus shows an unconventional attitude towards the Bhava. Mars, Rahu drishti creates a struggle in that Bhava. Sun drishti indicates a father-like figure. The sign Mithuna (Gemini) has to do with copulation. Gandhi in his autobiography wrote that he had sex with his wife when his father was on his deathbed. Gandhi’s sexual experiments are well-known and were facts which were kept concealed (Rahu) as it could spoil his image. We should note that each and every one of us have an area of life where Dharma can fall and one should identify this area and made a conscious effort to uplift dharma in the said area.
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Saturn’s column Yogas and Viyogas by Kavali "The word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit root yuj, which means "to join" or "to yoke".
Rasinamudayo lagnam twadashedevo janmenam | Grahayoga-viyogabhyam phalam chintyam shubhashubham || "From the condition of the Ascendant and the planets joining and departing (yoga and viyoga) from each other are deduced the native's good and bad effects." BPHS Ch. 3 Sloka 6 GC Sharma, Editor Why do we see yogas in the chart and yet see no fructification of them? This is one of the most puzzling aspects of chart interpretation. The concept of yogas and vi-yogas as predictive tools comes from both Parasara, as mentioned above, ad from Surya Siddhanta Ch. 8. The principle is very simple. Are grahas separating from each other or are they coming together? If grahas are going to meet, or a faster graha will overtake a slower graha, their yoga will occur. The question becomes when, and what area of life will be affected. We will leave the 'when' as later on. The complexity of timing will be dealt with in another issue. If grahas are separating in the rasi chart, the native will not see the fructification of that yoga. Yogas are the joining of the grahas, as per the meaning of the word given above; the word for separating aspects is 'vi-yoga.' There are 4 ways that yogas and vi-yogas occur. First note briefly the speed of grahas in the sky. Speed refers to the time it takes a graha to make a full rotation of 12 signs in the Zodiac. From slowest to fastest in order, are Saturn, Rahu/Ketu, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Moon. If a fast graha, such as Mercury, is at 10 Aries, and a slower graha, such as Jupiter, is at 13 Aries, yoga will occur in the chart, and almost immediately. For one thing, they are within 5 degrees of each other, causing an association. For another, Mercury is faster than Jupiter, and will cross Jupiter in a short time. The yoga would also occur if Jupiter was at a higher longitude in the sign, such as 20 Aries, because Mercury will pass Jupiter eventually. If the grahas are reversed, with Jupiter at 10 and Mercury at a higher longitude, no yoga is formed. Jupiter will never catch up with Mercury in the sky. This is a vi-yoga. In the same scenario, if Jupiter or Mercury is the graha in higher longitude, the yoga will again occur. The grahas are heading towards each other. Finally, if the graha in lower longitude is retrograde and the graha in higher longitude is not, a vi-yoga occurs; in other words, no Jupiter/Mercury yoga will occur. The grahas are separating from each other.
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This makes prediction much more clear. Examples in the charts of Lincoln and Hitler demonstrate the concepts. Chart 1: Abraham Lincoln
Per Lincoln's rasi chart, Sun and Mercury are in house 1 but do not operate as yoga. Mercury is way ahead of Sun, at 19 Aquarius, and Sun will never catch up. The two grahas are in different nakshatras. In the Bhava Chalit chart, Mercury moves to the 2nd house with Jupiter. Aquarius represents philosophical intelligence and social ideas. Sun operates almost exactly on the Sankranti Lagna Point. Lincoln was clearly a man of the people, very humble; he expressed a reliance on the Divine and we love him for it. If the grahas had worked in unison, his wise words would have been ginned with humor. He does get Venus/Jupiter yoga in 2nd house for the same reason-the faster graha, Venus, is way ahead of the slower graha, Jupiter. And they do not operate in the same house in Bhava Chalit, as we shall see. The yoga that Lincoln does get per the rasi is the Mars and Rahu association in the 9th house. This will come later in life, as Rahu is a slow moving graha. Lagna Point and Sun emit warlike, 10th house Mars energy per Vara Chakra principles. Mars yoga fructifying brings his ultimate destiny to pass. Mars governs the Lagna Lord; also this yoga unites Lagna's coruler with the 10th house coruler Ketu, in the 3rd house. Lincoln's dharma was war and social revolution. In the Bhava Chalit chart Venus moves into the 3rd bhava with Ketu. They are literally at opposite ends of the house but they do move together inexorably. Aquarius's yogakaraka, exalted at that, along with Ketu, protector of 10th house Saturn, associate and oppose the Mars/Rahu yoga occurring in Bhava Chalit. To put things as simply as possible, that Lincoln would be known is a given with Lagna Lord in house 10. Lincoln's reputation in history is made by his courage to do what was morally right to keep the country together and his martyrdom occurred in the process.
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Chart 2: Adolph Hitler
The grahas in Sagittarius and Aries were the making of Adolph Hitler. The 3 Sagittarian grahas sit in such a way that he did indeed get Jupiter/Moon yoga, Jupiter/Ketu yoga, and later in life, Ketu/Moon yoga. All of the grahas have emitted Venusian energy, per Vara Chakra principles. This balances out the Lagna emitting Mars energy and left him with an 'iron fist in a velvet glove' persona. In Bhava Chalit, Ketu moves alone to the 4th house. These grahas are not favorable to Libra Lagna or Saturday birth and to me indicate grandiosity, over expectation, and thoughtlessness of the consequences to his homeland and the world at large. He had unmistakable gifts in oratory and persuasion. Once he rose to public prominence, he obtained full power and maintained it for a turbulent 15 years or so. The 7th house grahas give a hint into the manner in which this was done. Grahas represent living beings in the chart. The 7th house represents the partner. Consider putting faces to the grahas. Hitler's subordinates are almost as infamous as he is. The Sun is Hitler himself. People around him granted him their adulation by the power of the 3rd house grahas. Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister, is a clear example of the Mercury. All quotes and reference material on him given here is taken from Wikipedia. Goebbels in younger years obtained a PhD, made many attempts to get fiction published, worked as a bank clerk and as 'a caller on the stock market.' His allegiance to Hitler was total, unwavering, and permanent. Hitler was definitely the Sun to him. He said, "...I love you because you are both great and simple at the same time." And, "He who forsakes the Fuhrer withers away." When Goebbels was in power, he became the voice and face of the government. Known for influential speaking, his speaking style was "cool, sarcastic, and often humorous." Hitler and Goebbels become a living Sun/Mercury yoga operating in the very public 7th house in rasi and Bhava Chalit. Together they provided a persuasive and incendiary martial imagery. Goebbels was responsible for the chilling pageantry that we see in black and white film footage.
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Mars and Venus operate as yoga in Hitler's 7th house. Whether it is actually yoga might be considered debatable; it is also known as planetary war. Nevertheless the fact remains that Hitler exhibited both Venus and Mars traits in his personality, behavior, and body. So for our purposes this constitutes yoga. Superimpose the face of Ernst Rohm over Venus Rx. In their young days, Hitler and Rohm were close friends. Rohm was openly gay and openly critical, complaining that Hitler and the Nazis did not do more to revolutionize the country. Heinrich Himmler fits Mars to a tee. He was purely martial from early childhood. Himmler was at one time Rohm's subordinate. He and others convinced Hitler that Rohm, leader of the Brown shirts, was in essence not a team player and more to the point, a direct threat to Hitler's leadership. Rohm was assassinated. This incident is the center point of The Night of the Long Knives and was instrumental in Hitler finally consolidating all martial power. Himmler won the war between he and Ernst Rohm and this is symbolized by the planetary war in the chart. Also note, Mars/Venus operates in Bhava Chalit in the 8th house. Heinrich Himmler is known in history as one of the people most directly responsible for the 'Final Solution'-the mass murder of Jewish people, and many from other groups considered subhuman by the Nazi regime. It can be seen that the yogas operating in Hitler's 7th house were symbolic of relationships with effective partners who were strong enough to make his mission their own and carry it forward. Chart 3: Johnny Carson
The reasons for Johnny Carson's success are unmistakable in the Lagna. The rasi is Venusian, governed by Air, and so is pleasure seeking. The parade of grahas here is eye popping as well. Sun is very humble and Saturn is exalted; he was popular with the public, to say the least. And Mercury near the Lagna Point gives humor. So what yogas are given? Surprisingly, no Sun/Mercury yoga fructifies. Eventually he got Sun/Saturn yoga; bringing rulers of houses 4, 5, and 11 together meant that he made gains with families and home. And he also had Mercury/Saturn yoga fructify. Due to the grahas' rulership of houses 4, 5, 9, and 12, this indicates his need for solitude to pursue his dharma. Seclusion was a big factor in his life. There is no doubt that going on live television night after night for 30 years would be very draining.
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Carson also had fructification of Moon/Jupiter yoga in 3rd house. It gives the energy of two currents that were indicated in his life. First, it indicates what he was known for - talk, through rulers of the 3rd and 10th associating. It also is an indicator of physical weakness. Moon represents the body and Jupiter is not good for Libra Lagna. It rules the 6th house. These grahas together in the 3rd give weakness to the lungs. Carson died of emphysema. Chart 4: Farrah Fawcett
Farrah Fawcett, along with Johnny Carson, is one of the icons of our time. Her decline in health and consequent death were well publicized. With the numerous conjunctions in the rasi, there is only one yoga but it is a strong one. This is the Jupiter/Ketu yoga in house 6. Here the ruler of house 6 operates in unison with the ruler of houses 7 and 10. Partners become enemies. There are numerous examples of this in Farrah's life. She had a protracted legal battle with Charlie's Angels producer Aaron Spelling when she decided to leave the show. There was a romantic relationship with producer James Orr, whom she had worked with on The Burning Bed. The relationship ended in violence. Another producer cancelled a Broadway show she was to have performed in, and closed a show that she was backing financially. Most of these incidents were publicized (10th house). Since Jupiter is Sankranti and her 10th house lord, Farrah's public image was weak. She was perceived as pure fluff, and her enemies were strong, as shown by Mars and Ketu in the rasi. No yogas occur in the 8th house. But Farrah was a Sunday birth and so got the full effects of Sun, Moon, Jupiter, and Mars karmas. Mars is a very bad graha for Gemini Lagna. And note that the Lagna Lord Mercury is located in the 8th house. This is not promising for longevity. Both 6th house grahas are very strong, and Jupiter is also in the 6th house. This chart is strong for difficulties. There is much more that we could point out but we will keep strictly to the yogas operating in the chart. There are a various number of yogas operating in each of the 4 example charts. In Adolph Hitler's case the yogas were instrumental to his rise. In Lincoln's case the yogas indicated karmic destiny due to their placement on the Rahu-Ketu axis. With the involvement of so many marakas, they also involve his reputation in history. Johnny Carson's yogas indicated underlying success based on the qualities given in the Lagna, and also could have been a reason for the seclusion he pursued that stood in stark contrast to his public persona. In Farrah Fawcett's case, she had extremely strong malefics in yoga, and other strong malefics that she was the unfortunate beneficiary of, due to her Vara lord. Each yoga is different, each outcome is different, and each life is unique.
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Rahu’s column Rakshashi Vidya by Amarnath I have always believed that true treasure of jyotish knowledge is hidden in the rich regional jytoish literature of India. This age and time seems to be the perfect time for all jyotish enthusiasts to join hand to uncover the rich knowledge hidden in regional jyotish literature. In such a search I often visit libraries and in one of such numerous visits an apparently dust covered book grabbed my attention. A book called “Kosthi Dekha Sikhun” (Learn to read your own chart) in Bengali by Sri Vishwanath Chowdhury caught my attention and I borrowed it from the library. The details of the book is given below –
Books titled “Learn to read your own chart” or titles even vaguely similar to these are the last books of Earth in jyotish that I am drawn to, be it written in any language. However, what grabbed my attention in this book was the little note below its title. The translation of it in English would read – “Ashtakvarga Results, Everyday fate results, Results based on Tibetan Tantrik astrology and results based on the
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astrology of the Arabian Fakirs”. To see if I could find something interesting, I brought the book home. I will like to share one particular method from the book which I found exceedingly interesting. The author in the third chapter mentions about something called Rakshashi Vidya. He claims that he has visited many a Bhaivaris (Tantriks) in many a samsans (funeral grounds) and have learnt this method from them. I am trying to provide this method that the author has written in Bengali in this article.
The alphabets are classified into groups of eight. In Rakshashi Vidya, these eight groups are allocated special significance. Now, one needs to note that the Sanskrit and the Bengali alphabets are alsmot identical, thus we can say thatAlphabet Range
Aries, Scorpio
Taurus, Libra
Gemini, Virgo
Sagittarius, Pisces
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Capricorn, Aquarius
The author then explains how to use this scheme in Prasna Tantra. The querent (person seeking astrological service) is asked to name a fruit by the jyotish. The first letter of the fruit is to be taken into consideration and then the above mentioned table is used to determine which rasi(s) are applicable to the Prasna. The author then goes on to provide a predictive list – Event
Profit – Loss Question
Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra or Taurus signs denotes success. Rest of the signs denotes loss.
Success at work, for a task type Question
Leo, Cancer, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra or Taurus denotes very fast positive results. Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn or Aquarius denotes delayed results. Rest of the signs denotes failure.
Success in court cases type Question
Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra or Taurus signs denotes success. Rest of the signs denotes loss.
Bonus, Gain, Expectation type Question
Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Gemini, Virgo denotes success, rest of the signs denote negative results.
The author ends the chapter thus sharing the knowledge he learned from Tantrik’s called the Rakshashi Vidya.
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Ketu’s column Lokas IV by Amarnath In the last few issues of the Times, we have dealt with the subject of Lokas and how we can find where the soul has come from and where the soul will go to. The only issue with this branch of study of jyotish is that it deals primarily with theory that cannot be tested in real life. The primary reason for this is that both the death date of the previous life and the birth date of the next life are not available in most cases. However, when it comes to finding test cases in jyotish, there is a one-stop answer. The answer lies in publications from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (Vani Publications) and KN Rao (and his research materials). I have heard from a very close friend of mine that Shri KN Rao has a library of filed case studies of people cataloged, which the research students of BVB has access to. The first thing I did when I wanted to find such cases was to go through a list of works of BVB and Rao. I had heard once that Shri Rao had dealt with case studies of re-incarnation in one of his books but I did not know which one. It took me no time to figure that out, thanks to the age of internet book sellers. In the book, Karma and Rebirth in Hindu Astrology, KN Rao gives details of charts of reincarnated souls who remembered their past lives. Thanks to him and BVB that today we can test theories of lokas with the help of case studies given by them. Case 1: Shanti Devi Death chart of her previous incarnation (Lugdi)
Birth Chart Shanti Devi
Please note that Shri KN Rao in his book has given Aquarius rising for the Punya Chakra. I tried a lot of things (changing Ayanamsa, taking LMT) but did not get Aquarius rising for the Death chart of Lugdi. It is clear from the Punya chakra that the Loka, Lugdi will go to will be Swarga with Venus in Libra in the 12th house. It is also clear from the birth chart of Shanti Devi that in her birth chart the Sun is stronger than the Moon and the Sun is in Cancer drekkana, the Lord of which Moon indicates Swarga Loka. So, the soul of Lugdi went to Swarga loka and reincarnated again as Shanti Devi.
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Case II: Ram Pratap Singh (RPS) Death chart of her previous incarnation (RPS)
Birth Chart RPS
Please note that Shri KN Rao in his book has given Moon in Virgo for the Punya Chakra as he has given the date 2 February 1983 although in the book he wrote the date of death as 6 February 1983. It is clear from the Punya chakra that the Loka, RPS (after death) will go to will be Higher planes (Satya). However, something to note is that the lord of the 12th house is Venus who is with Mars (Bhu) in Aquarius (air sign). RPS’s father could speak to RPS’s soul after RPS’s death and even got the information of his rebirth as his own grandson from RPS’s soul. In the next re-incarnation, RPS had Moon in Cancer drekkana showing that soul came from Swarga Loka. One thing to note is that in the Punya Chakra, Jupiter is with Moon in the 8th house. More examples will be covered in subsequent issues of the Times. Interested readers are requested to read KN Rao’s book on this subject.
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Something about us For this issue, articles are contributed by Ishana, Kavali, Surasa and Amarnath AIAC Times Volume VII is a free Volume. We will really appreciate your feedback. Please email us at You are most welcome to join our group - You can follow us on twitter - You can follow our updates on scribd - You can follow us on tribe - You can keep yourself posted on our activities our blog - If you are in Chicago and would like to meet us on our free events, you are most welcome to join our Chicago Meetup group - If you are interested in our classes (online or contact), you can get the details from our website:
See you next Full Moon!
AIAC Team Ancient Indian Astrology Classes Chicago, IL March 19, 2011 04:00 hrs CST Full Moon [Sun in Pisces, Moon in Virgo]
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