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Napoleon’s Astrocartography By Christine Kaspers, Netherlands


his is an astrological technique, developed by Jim Lewis in the last century. What is this technique all about? It all has to do with angles and the planets in a horoscope. Say we look at the Sun. Where on earth would you have the Sun on the Ascendant, on the Descendant, on the Mc , on the Ic? Since Mc and Ic have to do with south and north, those lines are vertical projected on earth. Ascendant and Descendant have to do with east and west and are projected like that on earth. Since the earth is not flat, those lines become a kind of waves around the globe.

Horoscope Napoleon Bonaparte1


The author is aware that 2 other birthtimes are circulating for Napoleon, but the author prefers this one in the article. The other two times in circulation are 09.05 LMT and 09.50 LMT and Astro data bank gives 15 August 1769 at 11:30 (= 11:30 AM ) Place Ajaccio, Corsica, 41n46, 8e48 Timezone LMT m8e48 (is local mean time).

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So if you look at the last picture, you see a great part of Europe computed for the horoscope from Napoleon – born in Ajaccio, Corsica, France, 15th of august 1769 at 09.05 LMT. His Ascendant is 08.03 degr. Libra. Closest to Ajaccio is his Venus/Mc line and you always have to look to the closest line. That line has the greatest influence for good or for bad. As you notice there is no line like a wave in Europe, which means that none of his planets would 2 95

have been on the Ascendant or Descendant in Europe. Only far away in previous Rushia he has Uranus on the Descendant and Jupiter on the Ascendant.

It is possible that 2 astrocartografical lines meet each other, cross each other. These are important points, cities or areas on the world and are called parans. It is the start of a line, that because of the rotation of the earth forms a horizontal line around the earth, a paran. Of course a paran always has to do with 2 planets on an angle and so also is a very important line. Just combine the meaning of the 2 planets. The lines from the benefic planets Venus and Jupiter are more auspicious than the lines of malefics. But you also have to look in the specific chart to see whether they maybe rule or are sitting in difficult houses like the 8th or 12th house. Also you can take just the meaning of the planet – like Venus for love, comfort, friendship or the Sun for succes or developping your identity etc. I also look in the chart whether the planet is strong or weak, in an angle or a difficult house. Let’s first have a look at Europe for Napoleon. We’ve seen already that his Venus/Mc line is closest to Ajaccio and Paris and Venus is his 1st and 8th lord. Since we all know who he was and what he did in his life, I will only mention the meaning of the lines within that context. Napoleon went to Paris to follow military education and also studied old French and Latin texts. In his horoscope Venus is on the Mc and the astrocartografical Venus/Mc line is the closest to Paris. Besides the Venus/Mars paran is the closest to Paris. So we get a combination of 1st house, 8th house, Mc and Mars. Napoleon himself is 1st house, 8th house and Mars the military part and Mc his vocation. Within a few years he married (Mars lord of the 7th) and got a high rank in the army. Do you see the Mc also working? 3 96

He started his 1st attack (Mars and 8th house)) to Italy as Commander in Chief (Mc and 1st house) from Paris. Whereto? To Italy. Note that his Pluto line goes over Italy. Now we have to relocate for the further story. What’s that? Relocation? Well, some astrologers keep looking at astrocartography from the birthplace and others relocate. If an action is made from another place than the birthplace you can relocate the chart to that new place and see how the lines are doing. Some say you work and live out of the lines connected to your birthplace forever, others think you adopt the energy of a new home or city or whatever you are living at a special time. Just by intuition and no more than that I think one has to relocate. Suppose you are born in Germany and move to New Zealand. That’s another world and you have got to absorp the whole of New Zealand to feel home. At least: that’s my opinion. So: I relocate for important actions. Let us look again to the chart for Napoleon. Seen from Paris.

In July 1798 he landed with his troops in Alexandria and shortly after that conquerred Egypt. From Paris his Moon/Ic line runs over Egypt and the Moon is lord of his 10th house. His Moon is weak in his chart. So: why did he conquer Egypt? Time to look at transits. In astrocartography you can also look to what the lines are doing in transit; it is not static but dynamic, just like a horoscope. The weak Moon as his 10th lord in his chart indicates he can expect trouble to have succes by his action. But what happened in transit? See the chart below. 4 97

In July 1798 the Mercury/Mc and Sun/Mc were running over Egypt in transit. His Mercury is quite strong in his 10th house and ruling the 9th. So – the Commander went to this foreign country and succeeded. His Sun is in Leo – there is the Commander again, sitting in the 11th and ruling the 11th. So he managed to command his army (kind of a team) in the same direction and had succes. It is not the intention of this article to describe all the important events in the life of Napoleon. If you understand the essence, you can start playing around with horoscopes and astrocartography. It is really fun! Also it can make you aware of influences in your life from a different point of view!

Christine started with western astrology in 1992; she followed the 4 years education with Karen Hamaker in the Netherlands with success. In 1998 she started to study classical astrology out of frustration, because she was not satisfied by western astrology, especially the relation with her parents. But - that also did not give her the answers. So in 2000 she started to study Vedic astrology and within a year she had the right answers. This motivated her a lot to go on with Vedic astrology and by now she is more and more using Vedic astrology for readings etc. Website: www.christinekaspers.nl

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