INNOWACJA – trendy, nowe modele biznesowe, startupy 17.09

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INNOWACJA – trendy, nowe modele biznesowe, statupy 17.09

09.30 - 10.15

TOOLKIT FOR TRANSFORMATION Let’s not waste time with the sweeping clichés. The last ten years has challenged everything our industry thought it knew about marketing. But how prepared are we for what comes next? While we talk of the ever increasing pace of change, it’s clear that what matters is not so much what we know about the future, but how we adapt to it. This seminar will combine Razorfish Global’s expertise in creative business transformation with Contagious’ unique perspective on the intersection of marketing, consumer culture and technology to share everything you can’t afford not to know about the future of our industry. It will draw on candid interviews with senior stakeholders – from blue-chip CMOs to agency chiefs and entrepreneurs – to not only shed light on what keeps our industry leaders up at night, but also what gets them out of bed in the morning. At Cannes 2015 this rich blend of qualitative data, insight and experience will be distilled into a concise set of learnings in three key areas: CONSUMERS, CREATIVITY & ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE. Will Sansom, Director, Content & Strategy, Contagious Communications Ray Velez, Chief Technology Officer, Razorfish Global

10.15 - 10.55

CHUCK PORTER'S PHILOSOPHIES ON CREATIVITY, INNOVATION AND WHY DOMINO'S WORKS Chuck Porter is often referred to as a visionary, maverick, and innovator. A 2015 inductee into The Advertising Hall of Fame, he has built a global agency with CP+B and played a significant role in MDC Partners growth. All based on his belief in the power of creativity and innovation. One of the agency’s most visible success stories is their long-term partnership with Domino’s. The spirit of innovation has pushed Domino’s and CP+B to consistently surprise the world, staying ahead of the industry as they create superior products, revolutionise the online ordering and delivery process and find unique ways to resonate with consumers and culture. During their relationship, Domino’s has gone on to dominate the industry, becoming a true technology powerhouse with over $2 billion in online sales, seen their stock price go from $3.86 to over $103 a share and set an industry record for five straight years of same-store sales gains. Join CP+B and Domino’s as they share their vision for innovation and the technology behind Domino’s success. Chuck Porter, Partner, Chairman, CP+B Karen Kaiser, VP, Advertising, Domino's Ivan Perez-Armandariz, Chief Digital Officer, CP+B

10.55 - 11.05

11.05 - 11.50

PRZERWA START-UP: HOW AGENCIES CAN BUILD COMPANIES FOR THE CONNECTED AGE For years Silicon Valley has been disrupting Madison Avenue, using technology to connect directly with brands and consumers to deliver utility, to inform, and to entertain. Agencies have been left to wonder: what is our purpose? As tech startups grow into mature platforms, they’re confronting their own identity crisis: how to evolve into brands with staying power. Silicon Valley needs the skills and services Madison Avenue has honed turning companies into household names. And some agencies are building on their expertise in brand communications to pioneer a third way that transcends the Valley vs. Avenue mentality. In 2013, R/GA and Techstars launched the first-ever agency-led accelerator program focused on the Internet of Things. Now in its second year, the R/GA Accelerator combines R/GA's business consulting, technology, and brand-building capabilities with Techstars’ mentor-driven approach to nurturing promising start-ups. Join R/GA CEO Bob Greenberg and the R/GA Accelerator team for a look at how this agency-led startup accelerator is harnessing disruptions in content, data, and IoT and reimagining what Madison Avenue and Silicon Valley can do for consumers. Bob Greenberg, Global Chairman, CEO, R/GA Stephen Plumlee, Global COO, Managing Director, R/GA Ventures Richard Ting, EVP, Global Chief Experience Officer, R/GA Nick Coronges, Chief Technology Officer, R/GA Barry Wacksman, Chief Growth Officer, R/GA

11.50 - 12.25

CTO EXPOSED - WHAT IT TAKES TO CREATE REMARKABLE PRODUCTS With innovation at the core of AKQA and Nike, Ben and Chris will share valuable lessons and insights into how Nike and AKQA create truly remarkable products and services. Ideas are easy, but to create, to deliver, and to excel takes so much more. You will learn what it takes to think differently. What it takes to get the right team. What it takes to stare into the face of failure and laugh. What it takes to only see the opportunities rather than the constraints. What it takes to stay nimble and stay ahead of the competition through seeing technology as the magic to the brands of tomorrow. Ben Jones, Chief Technology Officer, AKQA The Future Ben

12.25 - 12.35


12.35 - 13.00

INNOVATION WITHOUT LIMITS - DOES INNOVATION TRAVEL WELL? Winners of the Cannes Innovation Gold Lion 2014, for “Fiat Live Store”, Isobar Brazil takes to the Lions Innovation Stage to share the experience of moving a global auto giant “from hardware to software”, effectively changing how we buy cars, forever. But why did this idea originate in Brazil? What role did cultural insight and borderless thinking play in successful innovation in the auto industry and beyond? How do ideas that are driven by technology and innovation travel successfully across geographies and cultures, into fast-paced, emerging markets like India and China and beyond? Abel Reis, leader of Isobar Latin America/Chief Executive Officer of Dentsu Aegis Brazil and Fred Saldanha, Chief Creative Officer of Isobar, The Americas, speak from experience. In this Lions Innovation session, they’ll unpack the pivotal creative, technological and logistical challenges to be considered when creating innovation without limits and advise on the factors that allow innovation to travel successfully across borders, infrastructures and cultures. Abel Reis, CEO, Isobar LatAm and Dentsu Aegis Brazil Fred Saldanha, Chief Creative Officer, Isobar, the Americas

13.00 - 13.30

HOW TO GO FROM INNOVATING TO MAKING OTHERS MORE INNOVATIVE Innovation has been very kind to us creative people. We have some magic our clients come back to us for again and again. We consistently strive to hire amazing people and do the greatest, most innovative work of our lives. And we build our businesses on the idea that this is valuable and repeatable. For now. But what if the future of innovation is not built on our unfair advantage of having cutting edge ideas and technologies? What if the future is about developing your clients into becoming the innovative people, organisations, and cultures that can deliver beautiful experiences? We need to design this new relationship. The best brands align their organisation’s purpose, culture, and capability with what they deliver in the world. How are we setting our clients up to deliver in this new reality? This interactive session will look at how we are helping our clients “live their brand” If brand is who you are, not what you say, how might we help our clients be this truth? Clark Scheffy, Managing Director, IDEO

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