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09.30 - 10.20

A CREATIVE RENAISSANCE This era of creative renaissance is a whole new game. The digital transformation has significantly impacted how we approach the creative process. How should we think about the latest trends in digital, mobile, the internet of things, and more? How is data shifting the impact of our creative? Join us as Jessica Walsh and Gerry Graf talk about how to maximize this new playground—at the intersection of data and creativity—where creatives achieve more impact and are more in demand than ever before. John Travis, Vice President, Brand Marketing, Adobe Jessica Walsh, Art director, Designer, Partner, Sagmeister & Walsh Gerry Graf, Founder, Chief Creative Officer, Barton F. Graf 9000

10.20 - 11.05

DESIGN IS THE FUTURE: HOW UNMISTAKABLE BRANDING CAN UNLEASH CREATIVITY The New York Times has proclaimed that we are entering a "Golden Age of Design." Designers are being invited to sit at the top table of many major corporations and advise investors. Some of the world's fastest growing companies were created by designers. This has led to a revolution in product design and a focus on consumer experience. But what does this cultural shift mean for the communication industry? What role is design playing in re-shaping the way brands engage with people and tell their stories? How will design challenge and inform the role of advertising? Mark Tutssel, Chief Creative Officer, and Tom Bernardin, CEO of Leo Burnett Worldwide present "Design Is the Future: How Unmistakable Branding Can Unleash Creativity," a unique presentation from David Turner and Bruce Duckworth of Turner Duckworth, the highly acclaimed design company that recently became part of the Leo Burnett Group. They will be joined on stage by Stephen Bayley, an author, critic, debater and curator whose best-selling books, provocative exhibitions and influential Design Museum have changed the way people think about design for over thirty years. Bruce Duckworth, CEO, Co-founder, Turner Duckworth David Turner, CEO, Co-founder, Turner Duckworth Stephen Bayley, Thought Leader Mark Tutssel, Global CCO, Leo Burnett Worldwide


11.05 - 11.15

11.15 - 12.00

SILENCING THE NOISE THROUGH SIMPLE DESIGN In the chaos of numbers, ratings, data and technology, marketers often forget consumers are just human. We like things that are simple, yet we’re bombarded by complicated, dizzying overstimulation on a daily basis. This truth is consistent across products, platforms, and advertising —simple is beautiful. And beautiful converts. Hear from design gurus Nathan Iverson from Deutsch LA and Pum Lefebure from Design Army on the importance of "less is more." Nathan Iverson, EVP, Design Director, Deutsch Pum Lefebure, Co-founder, Chief Creative Officer, Design Army

12.00 - 12.25

CODE, CULTURE + CREATIVITY Disruptive tech & programmatic has dominated the advertising conversation of late. Where does creativity fit in all that? EVERYWHERE. That’s David Shing’s take. AOL’s digital prophet believes in the power of creative storytelling now more than ever. Because what has tech disruption really done? It’s ushered us from the age of information to the age of conversation. Think Kickstarter. It booted up with a great algorithm for raising money, but it’s emerged as a powerful ideas community united around discovery. Airbnb has turned online room booking into travel movement. These are brands that spool out stories daily across paid and social media. Code disruption leads to culture disruption. Or in the case of programmatic, creative disruption. Because while the talk lately has been about how media can reach the right person at the right time in the right place millions of times a day, it all falls apart without creativity - without the stories no machine can create. Just think of all the creative opportunities that opens. David Shing is. David Shing, Digital Prophet, AOL

12.25 - 12.50

THE FINE LINE BETWEEN ART AND EXPERIENTIAL MARKETING In a presentation designed to educate Cannes’ attendees on walking the fine line between art and experiential marketing, Fake Love’s founders, Josh Horowitz and Layne Braunstein, will speak about making art for art’s sake and how to use it to engage audiences when blurring the lines between the digital and physical. As art school grads who studied electronic media and digital animation, Josh and Layne cut their teeth working on cutting-edge interactive experiences, TV commercials and broadcast promos. In their presentation, the Fake Love duo will describe first-hand the key distinctions between trying to elicit emotional responses from people in a purely artistic vein, as opposed to influencing and affecting them on behalf of a product or a service. Josh Horowitz, Co-founder, Director of Creative Development, Fake Love Layne Braunstein, Co-founder, Executive Creative Director, Fake Love

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