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09.30 - 10.00

PROTEIN BRIEFING: DISRUPTION IN AGE Protein helps brands understand and connect with influential audiences. Protein specialise in documenting and researching emerging trends and innovations, visualised through their daily Feed, monthly Forums, quarterly Journal, annual Audience Survey and cultural insight platform, To tie-in with the focus of Protein's upcoming Journal, their presentation at Cannes Lions explores how attitudes to age are being disrupted. We no longer expect our children to seamlessly go from school to university to a stable first job. While over-60s are now as likely to be start-up entrepreneurs as they are to just retire. Today experiences are valued over security, taking risks over playing it safe, and can-do attitudes over aged-based stereotypes. People are defined by their values, beliefs and aspirations – not by their age. Protein explores how teen spirit is driving collaboration, creativity and entrepreneurialism, how, for Millennials, the concept of adulthood has shifted and also the redefining of older generations, – the new ways they travel, work, shop and live and how brands and campaigns must approach them. William Rowe, Founder, CEO, Protein James Anderson, Founder, Thinkspace & Space Lounges Dominique Afacan & Helen Cathcart, Co-founders, Bolder

10.00 - 10.40

WHERE ISIS AND SETH ROGEN MEET: STANDING UP FOR FREE EXPRESSION WHILE COMBATING THE WORST AMONG US The Internet has made it possible for billions of people to find information, communicate, and express themselves in ways that were unimaginable just a decade ago. But, like most major advancements in the world, there can be a downside: the technologies we use to learn something new or chat with loved ones are being used for bad, not just good. From tracking terrorist recruitment videos on YouTube to showing The Interview, Google is on the front lines of promoting creative expression and fighting abuse. Join David Drummond and Victoria Grand to hear how Google strikes that balance and how we can wield our most creative impulses for good in a world of ISIS and Charlie Hebdo. Dave Drummond, SVP Corporate Development, Chief Legal Officer, Google Victoria Grand, Director of Policy Strategy, Google

10.40 - 11.15

POWER OF #NOW: CONNECTING PEOPLE IN A TRANSPARENT WORLD The world is more connected than ever before – and more transparent. We know infinitely more about our celebrities, institutions, brands, politicians and even each other. In this world, individual moments can spark global movements and meaningful change. Brands can be more authentic and tell bigger stories. How do realtime platforms shape the power of #NOW, and what does this “new normal” portend for the future of connection? Twitter VP of Data Strategy Chris Moody will delve into the power of #NOW and the vast possibilities for human expression today. He will use Twitter data and his access to unique stories to show how global movements ignite and how brands can harness this power to engage audiences and connect authentically with customers. That's the power and the opportunity of #NOW. Chris Moody, Vice President of Data Strategy, Twitter

11.15 - 11.30

11.30 - 12.10

PRZERWA MARKETING FOR PEOPLE People are changing. Growth in responsible consumption, the influence of millennials and the power of being constantly connected are transforming how people connect with brands. Consumer demand led growth in this world requires marketers to think about creativity in a different way; curating brilliant ideas, content and people for brilliant conversations. We must connect purchase to purpose, to give a brand experience that is more than surface deep. At our best, as an industry, we do this with incredible results. But we do not do it consistently, nor at scale. We will only realise this opportunity if we acknowledge and overcome the barriers that stop us from being at our best more of the time. Achieving this can power brand-led sustainable growth in a world where consumers are increasingly seeking brands that are not only the best IN the world, but FOR the world. Join Keith Weed, CMO of Unilever to explore how our industry can transform to market for people in everything we do – being at our brilliant best all the time. Keith Weed, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, Unilever

12.10 - 12.50

WHY BRAVERY, BELIEF AND BEING UNDERESTIMATED WILL FUEL YOUR BRAND (AND YOUR CAREER) The changing landscape, fickle consumers, challenging macros, media inflation, budget constraints, productivity initiatives and more… there are plenty of places to hide behind when it comes to why the brand you’re working on might not be achieving what you want it to. Still, every challenge (controllable or not) is simply an opportunity to rethink, reconsider and create new and better outcomes. To fuel innovation and new ideas for your brand or company. In this master class we discuss important personal traits, experiences and approaches for anyone who leads a brand or creates brand work. And, how to reach the brand results and impact you want, while achieving the career outcomes you desire. Wendy Clark, President, Sparkling Brands & Strategic Marketing, Coca-Cola North America

12.50 - 13.30

THIRST FOR CREATIVITY You would expect that social networking is the core of current digital landscape, in fact with more than 90% of conversations happening offline, and many of them around a beer, social networking has been the homeland of HEINEKEN since 1864. Join the 2015 Creative Marketer of the Year in a tour behind the green curtain to hear about their path to legendary creativity and its role in unlocking social networking all around the globe with its portfolio of more than 250 brands in beer and cider. HEINEKEN will take the audience through some of the most meaningful experiences and creative work that have shaped the Company and elevated creative output and brand experience. In this journey, the HEINEKEN team will recognise that it takes three to legendary creativity: creative partners, company culture and most importantly, strong creative leadership. You will be exposed to the HEINEKEN’S Creative Principles, the work that delivered a fundamental step change within the company and many anecdotes behind the scenes on how HEINEKEN’s creative leadership has fostered social networking since 1864. Gianluca Di Tondo, Senior Brand Director Global Brand, Heineken Soren Hagh, Executive Director Global Marketing, Heineken

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