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Through the Years 12/2/10 3:46:13 PM

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Through the Years

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by Sara Thomas

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Slang an informal nonstandard vocabulary composed typically of coinages, arbitrarily changed words, and extravagant, forced, or facetious figures of speech

Years This book is meant to assist in the translation of the ever changing language used between generations.

Colors words that are still used now, with a different meaning

words that are still used now, with the same meaning

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Slanguage of the 1920’s


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Slanguage of the 1920’s

Ab-so-lute-ly affirmative All Wet describes an erroneous idea or individual He’s all wet.

Big Cheese the most important or influential person, the boss, big shot

And How “I strongly agree.”

Big Six a strong man (from auto advertising for the new and powerful six cylinder engines)

Applesauce an expletive same as horsefeathers Ah applesauce!

Bimbo • a tough guy

Attaboy • “Well done.”

Bird general term for a man or woman, sometimes meaning odd What a funny old bird.

Baby •1 sweetheart •2 denotes something of high value or respect Balled Up confused, messed up Baloney nonsense Bank’s Closed no kissing or making out Sorry, Mac, the bank’s closed.

Blind Date going out with someone you do not know Bluenose an excessively puritanical person, a prude Bootleg illegal liquor

Bearcat a hot-blooded or fiery girl

Breezer • a convertible car

Beat It “Get lost.”

Bronx Cheer a loud spluttering noise used to indicate disapproval (same as a raspberry)

Beat One’s Gums idle chatter Bee’s Knees •1 an extraordinary person, thing, idea •2 the ultimate Beef •1 a complaint •2 to complain

Bull •1 policeman or law-enforcement officer including FBI •2 nonsense •3 to chat idly •4 to exaggerate

Beeswax business It’s none of your beeswax.

Bull Session male talkfest, gossip, stories of sexual exploits

Bell Bottom a sailor

Bum’s Rush ejection by force from an establishment

Bible Belt area in the South and Midwest where Fundamentalism flourishes

Bump Off • to murder


that which is pleasing

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Slanguage of the 1920’s Butt Me to ask for a cigarette

Doll • an attractive woman

Canned drunk

Dolled Up dressed up

Caper a criminal act or robbery

Don’t Know From Nothing

Carry A Torch to have a crush on someone

Cash a kiss

don’t have any information

Don’t Take Any Wooden Nickels “Don’t do anything stupid.”

Cash Or Check? “Do you kiss now or later?”

Double-Cross to stab in the back

Cat’s Meow • something splendid or stylish, the best or greatest, wonderful

Drugstore Cowboy a guy that hangs around on a street corner trying to pick up girls

Cat’s Pajamas something splendid or stylish, the best or greatest, wonderful Chassis the female body

Cheaters • eyeglasses Check kiss me later Ciggy cigarette Clam a dollar Copacetic wonderful, fine, all right Corked drunk

Crush • an infatuation

Dough money

Dry Up •

“Get lost.”

Ducky very good Dumb Dora a stupid female Ear Full enough Edge •1 intoxication •2 a buzz I’ve got an edge.

Daddy a young woman’s boyfriend or lover, especially if he’s rich

Egg a person who lives the big life

Dame a female

Fall Guy victim of a frame

Dapper a Flapper’s dad Darb •1 an excellent person or thing •2 a person with money who can be relied on to pay the check Dead Soldier an empty beer bottle Deb a debutant


Embalmed drunk

Fire Extinguisher a chaperone Fish •1 a college freshman •2 a first timer in prison Flat Tire a dull witted, insipid, disappointing date

Dick • a private investigator

Flivver •1 a Model T •2 any old broken down car

Dogs feet

Flapper a stylish, brash, hedonistic

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Slanguage of the 1920’s young woman with short skirts & shorter hair

Fly Boy • a glamorous term for an aviator

Frame to give false evidence, set up someone Fried To The Hat drunk

Gams • a woman’s legs

Hotsy Totsy • pleasing It sex appeal Iron a motorcycle Jack money Jake okay Everything is Jake.

Jalopy • old car Jane any female

Get A Wiggle On “Get a move on.”

Java coffee

Giggle Water an intoxicating beverage (alcohol)

Jazzed drunk

Gin Mill an establishment where hard liquor is sold (a bar) Glad Rags “going out on the town” clothes Gold Digger a woman who associates with or marries a man for his wealth

Goofy • in love Hair Of The Dog a shot of alcohol Handcuff an engagement ring Hard Boiled a tough, strong guy Hayburner •1 a gas guzzling car •2 a horse one loses money on

Heebie-Jeebies the jitters High-Hat to snub Hit On All Sixes to perform 100 percent Hitting on all six cyclinders.

Jitney a car employed as a private bus Joe coffee John a toilet Joint an establishment that sells alcohol

Juice Joint • a speakeasy Keen attractive or appealing Kisser mouth Left Holding The Bag •1 to be cheated out of one’s fair share •2 to be blamed for something Level With Me be honest

Line • insincere flattery Lit drunk Live Wire a lively person Middle Aisle to marry

Hooch • bootleg liquor

Mrs. Grundy a priggish or extremely tight-laced person

Hood hoodlum

Moll • a gangster’s girl

Hoofer dancer

Neck kissing with passion

Horsefeathers an expletive same usage as applesauce

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Nifty Slanguage of the 1920’s


great • excellent

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Slanguage of the 1920’s

Now You’re On The Trolley! 12/2/10 3:46:15 PM

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Slanguage of the 1920’s

• •


“Now you’ve got it!” “Now you’re right!”

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Slanguage of the 1920’s Nobody Home some one who is dumb

Says You a reaction of disbelief

On The Lam fleeing from police

Scram to ask someone to leave

On The Level legitimate, honest

Scrooched drunk

On The Up And Up legitimate, honest

Shiv a knife

Orchid an expensive item

Sinker a doughnut

Ossified to be drunk

Speakeasy an illicit bar selling bootleg liquor

Owl • a person who is out late Owled drunk Palooka •1 a below-average or average boxer •2 a social outsider Pet same as neck, but more so Piker •1 a cheapskate •2 a coward Pill •1 a teacher •2 a person who is not liked

Spifflicated drunk

Spiffy • an elegant appearance Spoon •1 to neck •2 to talk of love Struggle Buggy •1 the backseat of a car •2 a parent’s worst nightmare Stuck On to have a crush on Swanky ritzy

Pinch to arrest

Swell •1 wonderful •2 a rich man

Pipe Down • stop talking

Take For A Ride to drive off with someone in order to bump them off

Plastered drunk Potted drunk Primed drunk Pushover a person easily convinced or seduced Putting On The Ritz doing something in high style (from the Ritz hotel in Paris) Rag-A-Muffin a dirty or disheveled individual

Razz • to make fun of Real McCoy the genuine article Ritzy elegant (from the Ritz hotel in Paris) Rubes money or dollars

Tanked drunk Tin Pan Alley the music industry in New York, located between 48th and 52nd street Tomato a female

Torpedo • a hired gunman Upchuck • to vomit when one has had too much to drink Wet Blanket 1 a solemn person •2 a killjoy What’s Eating You? “What’s wrong?” Whoopee to have a good time

You Slay Me • “That’s funny.” Zozzled drunk

Sap a fool

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Slanguage of the 1930’s


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Slanguage of the 1930’s


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Abercrombie a know-it-all

Canary a female vocalist

Abyssinia “I’ll be seeing you.”

Cats fans of swing music

All The Way chocolate cake or fudge with ice cream

Cave one’s house or apartment

All Wet no good

Check • a dollar

Babe woman •

Baby glass of milk Bean Shooter gun Beat broke

Behind The Grind behind in one’s studies

Big House • prison

Cement Mixer bad dancer

Chicago Overcoat coffin Chisel swindle, cheat, work an angle Cinder Dick railroad detective City Juice glass of water Clam-Bake wild swing Clip Joint night club or gambling joint where patrons get flimflammed Copper policeman Crumb a loser by social standards Crust to insult Curve disappointment

Bleed to extort, blackmail

Cute As A Bug’s Ear very cute

Blow Your Wig become very excited

Dangle leave in a hurry, aburptly

Brodie a mistake

Dead Hoofer bad dancer

Brunos hired gunmen and other tough guys

Dig to understand Dil-ya-ble a phone call

Bulge having the advantage Bumping Gums talk about nothing useful Butter And Egg Fly an attractive woman Butter And Egg Man the man with the bankroll, the moneyman Buzzer police badge Cabbage money Cadillac one-ounce packet of cocaine or heroin

Dizzy W Dingy silly

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Slanguage of the 1930’s

30 Dog House string bass

Hocks feet

Doggy well dressed, in a self conscious way

Honey Cooler a kiss

Dollface name for a woman when a man is pleading his case or apologizing

Hop • dance or party Hotsquat electric chair

Doss sleep

Joed tired

Egg Harbor free dance

Juicy enjoyable

Eggs In Coffee run smoothly

K Balling salvaging parts from junked rail cars to rebuild others

Face • a Caucasian

Kibosh squelch

Fem constant girl companion to a boy

Kippy neat

Five Spot $5 bill

Lunger someone with tuberculosis

Genius an extremely, unbelievably, dumb person

Make Tracks to leave in a hurry

Gin Mill place that serves liquor, sometimes illegally G-man federal agent Gobble-Pipe saxophone Grifter a con man or woman Gumming The Works to cause something to run less smoothly Gunsel •1 gunman with a hint toward being a reckless loose cannon •2 young homosexual (insult)

Meat Wagon ambulance Micky drink spiked with knock out drugs Mitt Me Kid “Congratulate me!” Murder “Wow!” Patsy innocent man framed for a criminal charge Pill disagreeable person

Pip • attractive person Pitching Woo making love

With A Dame •

very much in love with a woman, sometimes at great risk to oneself, especially if she’s someone else’s moll

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Slanguage of the 1930’s


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Platter a record

Tin Can a car

Plenty Rugged big and strong

Tin Ear domeone who does not like popular music

Pachuco young Mexican living in the US

Togged To The Bricks dressed up

Ring-A-Ding-Ding to have a good time at a party

Trip For Biscuits a task that yields nothing

Rot Gut prohibition alcohol usually made in back rooms and of low quality

Twit • a fool, idiot

Sawbuck $10 bill Scat Singer a vocalist who improvises lyrics, substituting nonsense syllables for words Scrub poor student Skin Tickler a drummer Slugburger adding day-old bread to ground beef Slip Me Five “Shake my hand.” Smooth well dressed without qualification Snipe cigarette Sourdough conterfeit money

Squat • nothing

Whacky crazy What’s Your Story, Morning Glory? “What do you mean by that?”


Wheat a person unused to city ways


You And Me Both “I agree.”

You Shred It, Wheat “You said it.”

Stool Pigeon someone who informs to the police Suds money Take A Powder to leave Taking The Rap taking responsibility for someone else’s crime or crimes The High Hat a response in which one excludes another with irreverence and intent to offend The Kiss Off the final goodbye as in exile or death Tin small change

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Slanguage of the 1940’s



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Slanguage of the 1940’s


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Alligator swing fans or dancers

Cozy • comfortable

Ameche to telephone

Creep despicable person

B.Y.T. Bright Young Thing

Darby something good

Bag to shoot down a plane Barouche •1 car •2 jalopy Brainchild someone’s creative idea

Bunny to chat •

Dead Hoofer poor dancer Dillinger fantastic Drag a Hoof dancer Drape •1 clothes •2 suit

Cast An Eyeball to look around

Duchess girl

City Slicker dandy from the city

Eager Beaver enthusiastic helper

Corny •1 unimportant •2 passé

Fade leave

Dig •

to like

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Slanguage of the 1940’s

Fifth Avenue • high class

Old Hat • out dated

Frolic dance

Pass The Buck pass responsibility for

Frolic pad nightclub

Pennies From Heaven easy money

Fuddy-Duddy old-fashioned person

Pulleys suspenders

Gammin’ strutting, showing off

Rug Cutters • dancers

Ginned Up dressed up Gobbledygook double talk, long speech Gone With The Wind run off with money Got Your Boots On to understand what’s happening Grandstand to show off Grotty new but useless


Scene situation Smooth good, agreeable Stompers shoes Striders trousers Threads clothes Togged To The Bricks wearing best clothes

Ground Grippers shoes

Have A Ball • have a good time Hep Cats •1 swing music lovers •2 male dancers Hep Kittens •1 swing music lovers •2 female dancers Hi-de-ho “Hello.” Hincty snobby Hopper lindy hop dancer Hoof dance In Cahoots With conspiring with In The Groove very good Jump dance

Kicks • shoes Lettuce money Niftic good, sharp Off-Time Jive •1 bad manners •2 incorrect

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Slanguage of the 1950’s


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Slanguage of the 1950’s


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Slanguage of the 1950’s


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18 Karat all the way, full out The Duke is a classy guy, his heart is 18 karat.

The Bomb

Air-Check s recording of a radio or television performance

The Apple New York City

Boogie Man a critic

Axe an instrument Hey, Jack, bring your “axe” over tomorrow and we’ll jam.

Boogie Woogie an early piano blues form that was popularized in Chicago

Baby • a term of endearment Hey, baby, I got some bread, lets paint the town. Bad good That dude Wynton Marsalis does some bad ass playin’. Bag a person’s particular interest I’d like to play with your combo, dude, but your sound just ain’t my bag. Balloon Lungs a brass man with plenty of wind That cat must have balloon lungs, Stix said he held that note for three and half minutes! Barn Burner a stylish, classy woman Barrelhouse a cabaret in New Orleans where liquor is served Barrelhouse Music the type of music played in a Barrelhouse Hey, Man, I dig this barrelhouse music. It flows free.

Beat • exhausted, tired Blow a term for playing any instrument That European guy, Django Reinhardt, can really blow. Blow Your Top a phrase which expresses enthusiasm or exasperation Hey man, I know it’s tough, but don’t blow your top.

very cool

Bose Bouncing to play notes so low as to bounce a Bose speaker from its foundation I’m sorry, my bass player was just Bose bouncing.

Bread • money Break It Down •1 get hot •2 go to town Bring Down •1 to depress Hey, man, don’t bring me down with all of this crazy talk. •2 one who depresses Hey, let’s get out of here, that guy is a real bringdown.

Bug • to annoy or bewilder Burnin’ used to describe a particularly emotional or technically excellent solo Hey, man, did you hear that solo by Lee? It was burnin. Can jail Cans headphones That last take was really kickin’, put on the cans and lets record the final take. Cats folks who play jazz music I used to partake in late-night jam sessions with the cats over at Sid’s. Changes chord progression Hey, Pops, dig those changes that the Hawk is playin’. Character an interesting, out of the ordinary person

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Slanguage of the 1950’s

Chick •


a young and pretty girl 12/2/10 3:46:19 PM

Slanguage of the 1950’s


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Chill ‘Ya when an unusual “hot” passion gives you goose pimples Gee, Jody, doesn’t it chill ‘ya the way Benny plays the clarinet? Chops •1 the ability to play an instrument •2 a highly refined technique He played the hell out of that Gershwin; he’s sure got chops. •3 a brass players facial muscles My chops are still achin’ from last nights gig. Clams mistakes while playing music Clinker a bad note or one that is fluffed Combo combination of musicians that varies in size from 3 to 10 Here me talkin’ to ya Lester. Did you see that supreme combo that the Hawk put together? Cool •1 awesome That cat Miles, is cool. •2 a restrained approach to music That cat Miles Davis plays some “cool” jazz. Cornball trite, sweet, stale Man, Guy Lombardo plays some cornball music. Crazy a superlative Count Basie’s band sure lays down a crazy beat. Crib house, home, apartment or bed Hey, baby, come on up to my crib awhile and relax.

Crumb someone for whom it is impossible to show respect Cut •1 to leave or depart •2 to completely outdo another person or group in a battle of the bands Hey, man, did you see the way that two-bit band cut when Basie cut them last night. Daddy-o a hipster’s way of addressing

another guy Hey, daddy-o, what’s cookin’. Dark angry or upset Joe was in a real “dark” mood after Jaco showed up 30 minutes late for the gig.

Dig • to know Hey, dad, I been listenin’ to what you been doin’ and I dig that crazy music. Down By Law •1 to have paid dues •2 to have earned respect for your talent or ability Charlie Parker spent years on the road working a lot of dives to fine-tune his craft. He earned every bit of success and recognition he later received. He was “down by law.” Drag •1 to depress or bring down a person’s spirits •2 a person or thing which depresses Let’s get outta here, that guy is a real drag. The End superlative that is used interchangeably with “too much” or “crazy.” The way Benny blows the clarinet is the end. Finger Zinger someone who plays very fast Ignasio, the new guitarist, is a finger zinger on the guitar. Damn, that boy is incredible!

Flip • 1 to go crazy That dude is really cooking, I think he’s going to flip. •2 an eccentric person Flip Your Lid a phrase which expresses enthusiasm or exasperation

Fly • smooth or slick Fracture to inspire or move someone Freak Lip •1 a pair of kissers that wear like leather •2 one who can hit high

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Slanguage of the 1950’s Gig a paying job I’m playing a gig in the city tonight.

C’s all night and play a concert the next day Ol’ Satchmo, he had a pair of freak lips!

Gone a superlative Lester is a real gone cat.

Funky earthy or down-to-earth That George Clinton is one funky cat.

Goof fail to carry out a responsibility or wander in attention Hey, Leroy, stop goofin’ when I’m talkin’ to ya.

Gas •1 something that moves you •2 to stir up feelings The way that guy beats the skins is a real gas.

Got Your Glasses On a term describing people who are ritzy or snooty, who fail to recognize their friends, who are up-stage

Gate early term for a Jazz musician Armstrong is the original Swing Jazz player that’s why they call used to call him Gate.

Get Down


Groovy music that swings or is funky

to dance superlatively

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Slanguage of the 1950’s


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Gutbucket •1 something to store liquor in •2 the type of music associated with heavy drinking •3 lowdown or earthy music That cat Satchmo started out playing some real gutbucket in the houses down in New Orleans.

Hand Me That Skin “Shake, pal.” Head Arrangement an arrangement of a song that is not written, but remembered by the band members Man, Basie’s band uses a lot of heads, not those written arrangements. That’s why his band really cooks. Heat solo space Yo, man, I want some heat on ‘Giant Steps’! Hip a term used to describe someone who knows or understands Hipster a follower of the various genres of bop jazz in the 50’s Those hipsters that hang out at Shelly’s ManneHole are really diggin’ the West Coast sound. Horn any instrument (not necessarily a brass or reed instrument) A Hot Plate a hot recording Boys, I think we got ourselves a hot plate.

I’m Booted “I understand” •

In the Mix put it together, make it happen Put that cat in the mix, we need a drummer for our upcoming tour. In the Pocket refers to the rhythm section being really together Those guys are really in the pocket, tonight. Jack term for another person (often used in a negative manner) Hit the road, Jack.

Jake okay Even though nobody seems to like him, that guy is jake with me. Jam to improvise The band is jammin’ inside right now. Jam Session a group of jazz players improvising You might want go downstairs, Duke’s boys are having a jam session. Jazz Box a jazz guitar The Ibanez PM model was developed in conjunction with Pat Metheny to meet his demand for a true jazz box. Jitterbug •1 a jumpy, jittery energetic dance •2 one who danced this dance during the swing period Artie Shaw is a hot clarinet player. He sure has all of the jitterbugs jumpin’. Jive •1 an odd form of speech Old Satchmo can lay down some crazy jive. •2 to fool someone Don’t jive me man, I wasn’t born yesterday. •3 phoney or fake That cat is one jive dude.

JAMF Jive Ass Mother Fucker (someone not thought highly of) Joe Below a musician who plays underscale How can you expect to make a buck when Joe Below almost plays for free? Jump to swing Let’s check out that bar over there. It sounds like the joint is jumpin’.

Junk • heroin

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Slanguage of the 1950’s Kill to fracture or delight You kill me, man, the way you’re always clowning around. Lame something that doesn’t quite cut it Some of the cats that claim to be playin’ Jazz these days are layin’ down some lame music. Licks an early term for phrase or solo Louie can really lay down some hot licks. Licorice Stick clarinet Gee, Jody, doesn’t it chill ‘ya the way Benny plays that licorice stick? Lid hat Hey man, nice lid. Moldy Fig fans and players of the earlier New Orleans Jazz What do you expect, Eddie is a moldy fig and he’ll never dig the new sounds.

Muggles •

a nickname for marijuana

My Chops Is Beat when a brass man’s lips give out Too many high C’s tonight, man, my chops is beat! Noodlin’ to just play notes that have no particular meaning to a tune or solo Quit noodlin cat, let’s start working the tune.

Out Of This World • awesome

Popsicle Stick a sax player’s reed I’m playing a great popsicle stick. Rock to swing or jump Louis Jordan’s band really rocks.


Rock and Roll sex Hey, baby, you’re drivin’ me crazy, let’s rock and roll. Scat improvise lyrics as nonsense syllables I can really dig Dizzy’s new way of singing scat.

Scene • a place or atmosphere Schmaltz it to play it “long-haired.” Schmaltz anything sickeningly sweet or greasy, especially music or poetry That Lombardo guy is popular, but he sure plays a lot of schmaltz. Scratch money I need to get my car fixed, but I got no scratch. Screwin’ the Pooch really bad mistakes while playing music Roscoe must’ve had a bad day, cause he’s really screwin’ the pooch.

Send • to move or to stimulate Roscoe, you really send me.

Sharp • fashionable

Hey, Rufus, that’s one sharp looking suit you’re sportin’ there.

Out To Lunch something that doesn’t quite cut it That guy is out to lunch, I can’t stand the way he plays.

Skins Player the drummer

Pad house, home, apartment or bed Hey, Lester, c’mon up to my pad you look like you need to cool down.

Smokin’ playing your ass off I can already tell from outside that Jimmy is smokin’ tonight.

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Slanguage of the 1950’s


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Snap Your Cap a phrase which expresses enthusiasm or exasperation Hey, Buddy, calm down. Don’t snap your cap. Solid a superlative Little Jazz can blow up a storm, he’s really solid.

Split to leave •

Sugar Band lots of vibrato and glissando Supermurgitroid really cool That club was supermurgitroid! Swing to get a rocking or swaying beat Ellington’s band swings like no other. It’s elegant. Take Five to take a five minute break Torch used occasionally as a description of a song that expresses unrequited love . Wail to play a tune extremely well Wax A Disc cut a record I just waxed a disc up at Rudy Van Gelder’s studio with Jimmy Smith. Wig Out •1 to flip out •2 to think precisely I don’t know what happened, we were just sittin’ there and Louie just wigged out. Wild astonishing or amazing It’s really wild the way Lee plays the trumpet.

Shred • to practice Duke was up all night shredin’ that untouchable lick. Zoot used to describe exaggerated clothes, especially a zoot suit

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Slanguage of the 1960’s


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Slanguage of the 1960’s


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A Gas •

All Show And No Go a car that had all the pretty chrome goodies, but wouldn’t get out of its own way Ape to explode or go completely irate (used with “Go”, “Gone” or “Went”) When my parents saw my report card, they went ape.

a lot of fun

Bag • 1 to steal

Who bagged my towel? •2 “What’s your problem?” What’s your bag? Ball •1 to party •2 to have intercourse

B.A. Bare Ass

Bean Wagon a Chevy that is lowered all the way around (usually Hispanic owned)

Bad awesome

Beat Feet leave the scene in a hurry

Badass a tough guy that you really don’t want to mess with

Bench Racing when a few of guys are sitting down talking about how fast a certain person’s car is, or discussing who could beat who in a drag race

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Slanguage of the 1960’s

The Bird • the middle finger

Bummer something depressing

Birth Control Seats bucket seats

Burn Rubber to accelerate hard spinning the tires, making noise and billows of smoke come from the rear of the vehicle

Bitchin’ • awesome Blast a great time We had a blast at the Prom Blew The Doors Off easily beat the other car in a race Blitzed drunk Blown a car engine that has a blower (supercharger) installed Blue Flamer when a fart from a bare ass is ignited with a match

Bogart • to hog something Bone Yard auto wrecking, junk yard Boogie to leave without ceremony

Book • leave the area Bookin’ going real fast Boss a great or cool thing The Beach Boys new record is really boss. Bread money Brewski beer Brody Out to skid in a half circle with the brakes locked up Brody Knob a knob placed on your steering wheel allowing you to drive with one hand, leaving the other free to put around your date

Cat a guy Channeled a car body that has been lowered with respect to it’s frame, leaving the suspension as it is Cherry totally clean, pristine Chick a girl Chinese Fire Drill stop at a red light, everyone on the driver’s side runs around and gets in on the passenger’s side, everyone on the passenger’s side runs around and gets in on the driver’s side

Choice • really cool That girl with the tight sweater is really choice. Choose Off •1 to pick a fight Ralph chose-off Bertha after school and she kicked his butt. •2 a race John is going to choose-off Bob in a race for pinks Chop to cut down verbally Man, you’re so ugly, you gotta slip up on a glass to get a drink of water. (Now that was a chop.)

Buddha Head someone of Asian descent

Chopped a section cut out horizontally through the roof pillars of a car to lower the roof


Chrome Dome a bald guy

to irritate or bother

Bug Out to leave the premises Bummed Out depressed


Candyass a wimp or an uncool thing

Church Key before poptops, a can was opened with one of these Circus Wagon a car, usually lowered,

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Slanguage of the 1960’s with an outlandish paint job, but in lousy shape mechanically


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Climb It, Tarzan an act of defiance said while giving someone the bird Cool nice Cool Head nice guy Cooties something unseen that all uncool people had Cop A Feel touch a girls “parts” (usually pretending it was an accident) Copasetic very good, no problems

Crash • go to sleep Crop Duster a car with loud glasspacks Cruising driving up and down the same street looking for races, girls, guys, etc. Cut Out to leave without ceremony This party is a drag. I’m gonna cut out. Cut Outs additions to the exhaust system that would let you open the exhaust pipe in front of the muffler to let the engine breathe easier, thus adding horsepower and a whole lot of noise Daddy-O a term for a man Daddy’s Car a car that was very conservative looking

Deuce a 1932 Ford She’s my Little Deuce Coupe, you don’t know what I got. Dibs to call ownership on something (most always used with “Got”) I got dibs on that Coke bottle.

Dig? • “Do you understand?” The Digs the drags Dip Stick an idiot Ditz an idiot Don’t Flip Your Wig a phrase used to calm someone down when they were going ape or perhaps being a spaz Don’t Have A Cow a phrase used to calm someone down when they were going ape or perhaps being a spaz So I took your book by mistake, don’t have a cow about it. Don’t Sweat It “Don’t worry about it.” Drag to race another car a short distance (sometimes one block, sometimes two or three blocks) from a standing start at a stoplight when the light turned green

A Drag • someone or something that’s boring Drawing Designs usually some guy looking a girl over real good Ron was really drawing designs on Carolyn at the party last night.

Decked a term used to indicate that the trunk handle had been removed, the holes filled, sanded smooth and primed

Duck Butt a way of combing your hair in the back (instead of combing your hair straight down in the back, you would comb both sides in towards the middle and then, with the end of the comb, part it down the middle)

Decked Out • dressed up

Dude a geek or a panty waist

Dagoed to lower a car in the front

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Slanguage of the 1960’s Easy •1 another way of saying goodbye Easy, Man! •2 a girl who was a sure thing, sexually That girl Bob took out last night was easy. Fab great, fantastic, fabulous

Far Out • excellent

Fuzz • the police Gimme Some Skin to shake hands Go All The Way to have sex

Fink a tattle tale You’re such a fink. Why do you always tell mom everything I do?

Gone •1 cool, groovy, neat (said of a person) He’s a real gone cat. •2 wowed, infatuated, sold on I’m gone over him.

Five-Oh-Two drunk driving (502 was the State penal code number for the drunk driving infraction at that time)

Gnarly •1 a difficult or large wave He wiped out on a gnarly wave •2 anything big or difficult

Five Finger Discount Flake • a useless person Flake Off “Get outta here.” Flat Top a very short hair cut, usually cut extra close on top Flat Top With Fenders a flat top with long sides Flee The Scene to leave the area Flippers Dodge Lancers or Olds Fiesta Hub Caps

Flower Child • a hippie Fox an outstanding looking woman Freak Out temporary loss of control due to an unpleasant event

Funky •1 neat, cool •2 gone bad I think that milk is funky. Fuckin’ A the vulgar form of “I concur.”


Going Steady dating only one special person

anything obtained by theft

Greaser a guy that used too much grease in his hair

Groovy • nice, cool, neat Glasspacks mufflers that are packed with fiberglass to muffle the sound Gutt Waddin’ any type of cheap fast food I’m going to Skippys to get some gut waddin’. Hacked angry (sometimes used in reference to parents) My old man is really hacked at me about my grades. Hairy large, out of control Check out the hairy slicks on that Chevy. Hangin’ awesome, cool Hangin’ a B.A. a car full of guys pulls up to another car (usually full of girls) and one of the guys pulls down his

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pants, bends over, and sticks his bare ass out the window

party is going to get busted. I’m going to jam!

Hang Loose “Relax, take it easy.”

Jazzed • excited

Haulin’ Ass going real fast Since Ron put the new engine in his car, it really hauls ass!

Heavy • deep, sad, controversial Hep a person who understands the situation

I’m really jazzed about the show.

Jelly Roll a way of combing your hair (You comb it up and forward on both sides and bring it together in the middle of the forehead) Jinx, You Owe Me A Coke when two people said the same thing at the same time, one would slug the other on the shoulder and say this Jump Bad looking for a fight, acting tough I think Jim was drunk last night, he tried to jump bad with everybody! Keen-o someone or something that is cool Kibosh to quickly put a stop to Kings X to proclaim a truce or time out

Heat the cops •

Hip • very good, cool Hodad a non-surfer, usually someone who just hangs around the beach Hook steal

Hunk • a good looking guy Ivy Leaguers a type of men’s pants with no pleats, made of polished cotton, and with a buckle in the back Jacked Up to raise the front end of a car Jam to leave the area Hey John, this

Kipe • to steal Kissee a cross between kiss-ass and sissy

Kiss Up a person who would do anything to please the teacher

Knocked Up • pregnant KYBO Keep Your Bowels Open (the bathroom) Later “Goodbye.” Lay A Patch to accelerate leaving a strip or patch of rubber behind on the road

Lay It On Me • “Speak your peace.” Lay Rubber to leave some rubber on

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Slanguage of the 1960’s the street while accelerating in a vehicle Bob’s 49 Ford is pretty fast. He can get second gear rubber. Lay Some Scratch to burn rubber in a vehicle That car is so powerful it can get second gear scratch. Lead Sled a car that had extensive body fill work done with lead

Midnight Auto Supply car parts obtained through theft Mirror Warmer a piece of pastel blue or pink cashmere that was attached to elastic and was placed around the perimeter of your inside rear view mirror (your girl friends idea) Moon to drop your pants, bend over, and show your bare butt

Light’em Up to accelerate hard spinning the tires, making noise and billows of smoke come from the rear of the vehicle

Moons chrome hubcaps that were smooth and domed

Lip Flappin’ talking about things of little importance

Nifty meaning “cool” but usually said by someone who wasn’t

Loaded • intoxicated

Nosed a term used to indicate when the hood ornament had been removed and the holes filled with bondo

Loose Finger Leuzinger High School Lowered to drop a car all the way Make Out usually a kissing session in a parked car at a Drive In or other secluded place

The Man •


Meanwhile Back At The Ranch used when someone who was telling a story would ramble off to another subject (the term was used by the listener to get the storyteller back on track) Meat a jocks term for a guy


Neat nice, sharp

Old Lady a person’s mother Old Man a person’s father On The Make the period after a break up of steadies when a guy or girl was looking very hard for a new mate Outta Sight fantastic, awesome Hey Kathleen, that tie dyed top your wearing is outta sight. Pad someone’s house There wasn’t much to do so we all hung out at John’s pad, drank Cokes and listened to records. Padiddle a word “called” by someone that has just seen a car with one headlight Padunkle same as a Padiddle only it refers to a car with one taillight Pants an activity where usually two or more boys physically remove the pants from another boy so as to cause him embarrassment in a group setting Panty Waist a mama’s boy or a geek

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Slanguage of the 1960’s Paper Shaker pom pom girl Passion Pit drive-in theater Peepers glasses


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Peggers a type of men’s pants, very similar to today’s dockers, but with a cuff PG pregnant Pig cop

Pig Out • over eat Pin to look hard at someone Hey Bob, That guy over there is really pinning you. Play Chicken two cars race toward each other; the first to pull to the side is the chicken (coward) Port Holer 57 T-bird Pound to beat someone up Joe caught Jim with the hubcaps that he stole from Joe’s ‘50 Merc last night. He’ll probably pound him after school. Primo first class PV a great place to make out (Palos Verdes or Pregnant Valley) Rake to lower the front end of a car Carl’s short has a bitchin’ rake. Race For Pinks two people race and the winner gets the others car Rags clothes Rap talk Raunchy raw, rank, disgusting Real Gone Cat someone who marches to his own drummer The Fonz is a real gone cat.

Right On • “I agree.”

Righteous extremely fine, beautiful Ron met this righteous babe down at 26th St. Ripped Off to have something stolen, or to have stolen something Rule to take ownership of Sad an expression of disapproval That cat is really sad. Sano refers to someone’s car, or part of one’s car, as being pristine Ron did a sano job on his 56 Chevy

Scarf • to eat very fast I’m going to scarf this hot dog. Scheming when someone is really interested in the opposite sex Jim is really scheming on Jill Score •1 to obtain something valuable or necessary Let’s go score some pizza.•2 to go all the way with a girl Scratch money Screwed cheated out of something Screwed Up •1 made a mistake •2 messed up in the head •3 intoxicated Sectioned a section is cut out horizontally through the body of a car to give it a lower sleeker look Sex Pot a sexy or seductive woman

Shades • sunglasses Shag Ass let’s get out of here Let’s shag ass before the cops get here. Shake It, Don’t Break It! said to a girl who has an awesome wiggle in her walk Shine It On “Just forget about it.” Shine Them On to ignore their

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Slanguage of the 1960’s comments

Shotgun • a place of honor in the passenger seat of a car

Jerry’s so square, all he does is his homework, watch TV, and he doesn’t even like Elvis!

Skag an ugly girl

Stacked having large breasts Wow, that girl is really stacked!

Skank an ugly girl

Steady boyfriend or girlfriend

Skanky gross, disgusting

Stoked • excited

Skirt girl Skuzz lowdown, undesirable Skuzz Bucket an ugly car Slug Bug when you see a VW beetle on the road (saying “Slug Bug” before anyone else gave you the right to hit or slug the person next to you Slut a promiscuous girl So Fine a cool or bitchin’ thing That girl in my science class is so fine. Smokem’ “Let’s see you burn rubber.” Snowing Down South a phrase said to a girl when her slip was showing Solid something that is okay or all right Sosh a person who is stuck-up, snooty, and thinks they are better than everyone else That girl wearing those fuzzy bobby-sox is a real sosh! Souped Up a car that’s had the engine modified to go fast Bob really souped up his car. It did the quarter in 14.5 seconds! Spaz used as a put down, or to describe someone who was acting retarded Sponge someone who is always borrowing money or is always broke

Square someone who is uncool


Stone a car that’s pretty slow Stoned intoxicated Stood Up when a guy or girl doesn’t show up for a date Stuck Up conceited

Stud • a good looking guy Submarine Races a place at the beach or PV, where you park facing the ocean and wait for the Submarines to start racing. Of course they won’t show up, but while you wait, you make out for hours Suicide Knob a knob placed on your steering wheel allowing you to drive with one hand, leaving the other free to put around your date Swampwater half A&W Root Beer and half Orange Drink Swapping Spit a passionate french kiss Swear to Buddha thought to be less irreverant than saying “I swear to God.” Sweat Hog a fat chick T Bucket a two seater, with lots of go Teach a teacher Thicker than a $5.00 malt someone that’s not too bright Think Fast used to tell you to get

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Slanguage of the 1960’s ready because someone is tossing you something Thongs flip flops


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Threads • clothes Three On The Tree a car with a three speed manual transmission and the shifter on the steering column Tooling to cruise or drive around without aim There was nothing to do last night, so we just went tooling around. Tough neat, cherry, great, bitchin’ Wow, she’s really a tough chic! Trollin’ cruising looking for girls Let’s go trollin’ for some chicks. Twice Pipes dual exhaust Twitchin’ the word used instead of bitchin’ when around your parents Uncorked running your car with the cut outs open Wedgie when someone pulls your underwear up from the back and it ends up in the crack all on it’s own Wet Willie a trick played when someone wets their finger and puts it in your ear

What’s Your Bag, Man? •

“What’s your problem?”

Wicked • term of admiration That Chevy that Bob has is one wicked machine. Wipe Out •1 to fall off a wave while surfing •2 to crash one’s vehicle and severely damage it.•3 a term for extreme fatigue I’m wiped out, I’m gonna crash.

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Slanguage of the 1960’s

Damn ,


this keyboard is

wiggin’ out! Wiggin’ Out • going crazy

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Wiz • to urinate Woody an erection


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Woody Wagon a wood sided station wagon used to transport surfboards and surfers to and from the beach Zits pimples

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Slanguage of the 1970’s Ace funky, awesome


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Airhead stupid person, usually a woman, usually blond (often someone pretending to be stupid in order to be considered attractive to the opposite sex) Chrissy on Three’s Company is such an airhead. Are You Decent? “Are you fully dressed?” Are You Jivin’ Yet? a term used when trying to get a person to be less serious Audi 5000 to depart quickly I am Audi 5000, before the cops get here.


super cool

Baby sexy, groovy person or someone you love Backatcha! “You too” Bad very, very good (applied most readily to songs and outfits that you liked) Bangin’ good Be Still a way of saying “calm down” or “chill out”

Be There Or Be Square!

attend or you’ll be looked down upon for being boring •

Bear • a truckers term for any mobile law officer Beat The Drag driving up and down the ‘loop’ or the designated driving area as defined by the cool kids

Bitchin’ • really cool

Blazin’ • really hot

Blood Blow Off to skip, avoid or ignore •1 someone He was such a jerk, I just blew him off. •2 or something I blew off that class. Bogart to hog something Hey man, don’t bogart that smoke. Pass it down! Bogue •1 disgusting, repulsive •2 phony, false, an imitation Bomb to be hip, cool That guy has a bomb Chevelle. Bomb Dude a term used when something is awesome or very cool Bone Jacked stealing the style of one who is dead Boo-yah excited term of joy and happiness

Boob Tube • television Boogie to dance Book to leave or move in a hurry I’ve gotta book. I’ll catch you later. Boss cool, awesome Brawl to engage in a heavy fight, often to the death Bread money, cash Break Foul to embarrass someone

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Slanguage of the 1970’s

Brick House an attractive woman •

Cats people That cat still owes me some money.

Check You Later • “See you later.”

a greeting to a friend

What’s going on, blood? Brother a good friend Buff physically well built Slyvester Stallone is buff.

Cheese Weasel an annoying, obnoxious idiot

Buggin’ Out a term used when something freaks you out

Cheeto •1 cheesy •2 not being yourself

Bummer a depressing, negative event or thing

Chill • relax

Bunk low quality stash or anything felt to be cheap or untrue Burn to make fun of or crack a joke about some one

Chick girl

Chillaxin’ resting somewhere (combination of chill and relaxin’) Choice really cool or great

Burn Out a regular user of drugs

Choke N’ Puke bus stop with a diner

Buzz Off get lost

Chump a loser

Can You Dig It?

Close The Shades “Shut up”

“Do you understand?”

Caposhi really cool, stylish and sexy That dress is so coposhi! Casanova boys who were unusually smooth operators with the girls Catch My Drift? “Do you get it?” Catch You On The Flip Side “See you later.” Catch You On The Rebound “See you later.”


Closet Disco Queen somebody who is afraid to go out to the clubs and dance but will stay at home and shake it to the disco mucic on their 8 tracks Confab to talk, have a conversation Cook, Ah Cook “You can dance!” Cool-O-Roonie something really cool Cooler prison or jail

Copacetic • all right, cool, safe Crawford Ran a physically strong male Crazy hip or cool

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Crib a person’s home or house where they lived

Do You Copy? “Do you understand what I am saying?”

Cut The Cheese farted

Doggish cold blooded or cruel

Cut! “You’ve been dissed!” (when someone cut you down, an observer might say, “Cut!”)

Doobie marijuana cigarette

Dang mighty fine

Deadhead • a grateful dead fan Decent (Deece) •1 very cool, something you are excited about The Kiss concert is going to be so Decent! •2 cute, good-looking, foxy Peter Frampton is so decent! Dig •1 to understand Can you dig it? •2 to get something I can dig it. •3 to like or approve of someone or something I really dig you.

Disco • really cool That shirt is totally disco.

Doofus an individual who is dim-witted and/or socially inept He poked himself in the eye with an icepick! What a doofus! Dope really cool Dork a dull or slow-witted person

Down With • to understand Dude •1 a man or guy •2 cool, awesome Dunny the toilet I need to do a piddle in the dunny.

Dy-no-mite! •

great, terrific, awesome

Do It to have sex

Fab short for fabulous

Do Me A Solid to ask for a favor

Fake Me Out to be deceived or tricked

Fox • a good looking dude or chick

John is such a fox. 12/2/10 3:46:26 PM

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Slanguage of the 1970’s Faloupoo someone acting spacey Famoo something that is very appealing

Far Out •


Feel Tha Funk feel the music Fillet bad to the bone That chick is so Fillet. Float to get lost, go away Fooey something that is just plain rubbish For Rizzle for real

Freak-out • an event at which the participants do psychedelic drugs and freak out Freaky-Deaky very weird Fruit something that is stupid or excessively nerdy I hate David Cassidy. He’s so fruit. Funk cool Funkadelic awesome, cool Man,that dance was funkadelic! Funky cool and unusual The Fuzz the police I was speeding the other day, and I got pulled over by the fuzz. Gearhead person interested in cars

Get Real! a terms used to tell someone to pay attention or face reality Gig job I start my new gig today. Gimme Some Skin to shake someones hand Glow Worm to be very shiny

Gobs lots of something Going Around two people that are dating each other Good Vibes positive energy Goon a nerd Gravy sweet, cool, excellent Man that club was gravy.

Groovy • cool, hip Hairy Eyeball when somebody looks at you suspiciously or disapprovingly (parents and teachers were well known for giving the hairy eyeball) Harsh Bong a phrase used when something bad happens Hey man, I wrecked my car this afternoon. Harsh Bong dude. Heavy something serious or important Polluting the planet... that’s heavy, man. Hip cool, in style I like that shirt, it is so hip! Hip To The Grove down with the music

Honkey • a derogatory term for a white man

Gee Wiz “Oh, wow!”

Hood a bad boy

Get Bent get messed up

How’s It Hangin’ “How are things going with you?”

Get Down dance


Gnarly • cool, awesome

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Hun Slanguage of the 1970’s


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Slanguage of the 1970’s



a handsome or otherwise attractive boy

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Slanguage of the 1970’s I Am Out To Lunch “I am confused.”

Killer a way of saying very cool

I Gotta Skitty “I have to hurry.”

Killer Diller something that is totally cool or righteous

I Hear That “I accept your decision.”


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I’ll Call You Out! “Let’s fight!”

Kipe to steal or take

Inky susupicious

Kosher cool, sweet

Jack Squat nothing

Let It All Hang Out! “Go for it!”

Jap something unfair, deceitful, tricky or a ripoff That was a jap question.

Let’s Blow This Taco Stand “Let’s leave.”

Jell to hang out and get stoned Jelly Brain someone who is slow from excessive drug use, particularly LSD Jiggy dance in a funky way Jing money I’m broke, man. Got any jing? Jive Turkey •1 a white guy •2 full of it, crazy •3 a detestable person Jive to talk nonsense, to be deceptive, or nonsensical Joanin’ putting someone down, to cut or rag on them I can’t hang with those turkeys; they’re always joanin’ on me. Jock very popular guy The Joint something that is way cool or out of sight Billy Rays new Corvette is the joint! Jump Your Bones to have sex Keen cool Keep On Keepin On to have a good day or hang in there Keep On Truckin’ term used to encourage a positive attitude despite what lies ahead

Kicks • shoes

Lightweight •1 something that is not hard core •2 someone who can’t handle large quantities of substance The Lowdown •1 the truth, inside info, unadulterated facts I got the lowdown. •2 dirty, mean That was a lowdown trick, man. The Man any authority figure May The Force Be With You the most popular line from the greatest movies of the 70’s: Star Wars

Mellow Out •

chill out, calm down

Mind Your Potatos “Mind your own business.” Mucho Wackoid fantastic, very good Narc •1 to squeal, snitch, rat, tell on •2 the person who does these things Naughty incredibly cool Nifty neat, interesting Nurkin’ cool, in style Off The Hook cooler than cool Operator a guy who knows how to get the ladies and cheat without getting caught Outta Sight very cool, good

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Slanguage of the 1970’s P.O.W. Piece Of Work (used to degrade someone) Check out that chick in the red dress, what a P.O.W.

Pad • house, home Pansey sissy, coward Pass The J to pass the marijuiana cigarette Peace •1 hello or goodbye (peace out) •2 relax, chill Peel Out to leave quickly or in a hurry, usually on your bike or other vehicle Peelers police Pig police Pimp stud, one who has all the ladies Plastic fake, not real Primo high quality stash, anything considered to be of excellent quality Hawaii has primo waves for surfing! Psyche Out astonished, intense experience Psyched fired up, excited, energized Psychedelic awesome

Radical (Rad) • cool, awesome, sweet

Right On

1 cool or correct 2 term used to express agreement • •

Rip Off •1 having something stolen from you •2 the idea of purchasing something and not getting your money’s worth Rock On! awesome, cool, far out

Say What? • “What are you talking about?” Scarf to eat with great appetite and gusto I scarfed down the entire bag of chips. Scooby clumsy Scoping to be working your crush on someone (they don’t necessarily know you’re doing it) Score to have sex Shag to have sex Shagadelic •1 cool •2 very hot, sexy •3 very good in bed Shaggin’ Wagon a customized van with mags, an elaborate paint job, opera windows and a bed in the back

Raggin’ to put someone down I can’t hang with those turkeys; they’re always raggin’ on me.

Shine It On to disregard, ignore or blow off as insignificant

Real cool, hip, with it

Shotgun laying claim to the passenger seat

Raunchy • gross

Reamed get the crap beaten out of you


Righteous groovy or real cool

Shuck to fool someone or make a fool out of someone Silver Bullet male virgin

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Slanguage of the 1970’s Sit On It a term of breezy dismissal

Stomp to dance all night

The Skinny the lowdown, the information

Stone Fox the ultimate cute guy

Slammin’ like cool, or awesome


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Slick sneaky Slide to give Smack nerd, sissy, momma’s boy Smell Ya “See you later.” Smoke marijuana Got any smoke? Smokey used in C.B language to define a cop Hey, there is a smokey on our tail. Smooch-Ya-Too “Love you too, sweetie.”

Stone Groove something so cool, it can’t just go away (it’s etched in stone) Stoned high on dope Swingin’ having a good time

T.C.B. • Take Care of Business Take A Chill Pill calm down, cool out Talking Jive making no sense when speaking Tattered beat really bad

Ten-Four Good Buddy •

“I got your message.”

Solid •1 cool •2 a gracious, friendly, or obliging act, a favor

Tender really cool

Sound As A Pound very good

Tubular awesome, cool

Spiffy something that looks or sounds good

That’s Wacked screwed up, weird, something wrong

Split to leave

Threads • clothes


1 a cigarette •2 someone who is uncool •

Stash your personal supply of contraband Static nonsense Man, quit talking all that static. Stellar cool, awesome

Tight cool To The Bone totally, completely, to the max He is scopin’ on her to the bone. To The Max extreme Toads parents Toke take a hit off a joint Token Up the act of smoking weed Tough cool or impressive That’s a tough car! Trippy •1 cool •2 used when someone is drinking or smoking, or listeng to acid rock That music is so trippy.

Stoked excited, happy

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Slanguage of the 1970’s

Trippin’ •

a term used to describe a deemed insane action or comment by others

Wango cool, sweet Wanker a penis What A Fry! something so freaky, wild or weird that it fried your brain thinking about it (often exclaimed when high)

What’s Happening? •

The teachers want us to read all 10 chapters of this book by class tomorrow. They’re tripping if they think we can read this much tonight. Truck to leave, move, or go. Tube It to leave a place and go smoke some weed


“What is going on?”

What’s Shakin’? “How’s it going?” What’s The Buzz? “What’s going on?” What’s Your 20? a phrase used to ask someone where they are What It Is a greeting usually meaning,”Hey, what’s up?” Wicked very cool Wired high Wizard cool, awesome Word a term used to express agreement Yagalistic boring This party is Yagalistic, let’s roll. Yank My Chain to mislead someone, to waste someone’s time, to be dishonest You’re Harshing My Mellow! to be annoying Stop it man! You’re harshing my mellow!

Tubular cool, awesome Turkey a jerk or idiot Twitchin’ awesome, cool (a slightly more polite form of bitchin’) Unreal strange, unique in a weird way Veg Out to relax

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Slanguage of the 1980’s


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Slanguage of the 1980’s 411 information

Blar a fat person

Ace the best, awesome, terrific

Bogart the opposite of sharing

Airhead a stupid or unaware person, moron, dim-wit

Boho a Bohemian or artist

Amped • totally pumped or psyched about something


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Bohunk • an even dumber, larger kind of jock

B.F.F. Best Friends Forever

Bombdigity a term referring to something good That outfit is bombdigity!

Bag to talk down on a person

Bomb something favorable

Bag Your Face! “Whatever! Shut up!”

Book to leave a place in a hurry or abruptly We had to book on over to the south side and book on back in record time.

Ash People kids who wore all black

Bangin’ cool, spectacular Barf Me Out an exclamation used to describe something you do not particularly like

Bootleg generic, not the real thing

Bean a marijuana cigarette Denis and I shared a bean on the Texada Ferry.

Cold Stone’s ice cream is bootleg, it’s nothing compared to Thrifty’s ice cream.

Betty •1 a girl •2 a bitch She’s such a betty, I hate her.

Boss excellent, superior That is totally boss.

Bimbette •1 a slut •2 used to describe a girl who is stupid

Bounce to get out of here, leave Let’s bounce, it’s getting late.

Bitchin’ something very cool That Cyndi Lauper record is bitch’n!

Boy Toy a cute guy used as a toy for older woman

Bite Me

“Go away.”

You’re such a geek! Like, bite me, dude! 12/2/10 3:46:32 PM

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Slanguage of the 1980’s Brand New a term used to describe a cool, classic and a generally all-round unarguably great person

Clydesdale big, all-American boy (a word of praise)

Brill British slang for great or wonderful, brilliant

Cool Out • to calm down

Bud a term for a marijuana cigarette Buggin’ a term used to describe when someone is acting out or doing something stupid, losing one’s mind Bulk very good Bunk •1 not cool (used in place of bullshit) •2 totally boring, not fun That’s so not fair. It’s bunk!

Cold a very sexy woman

Cornchip any slightly avant-garde fashions or hair or music I love your fluorescent socks, they look awesome with your Gloria Vanderbilts, but aren’t you worried they kinda make you look like a cornchip? Couch Potato someone who sits in front of the TV on their couch or sofa

Buppie black urban professional

Crucial • radical, cool

Burn used to apply dramatic emphasis to the fact that someone was proven wrong on an issue that had been hotly debated and contested

Crunchy jealous

Burn Out a derogatory term for a druggie

D.I.N.K. Dual Income No Kids (a married couple)

Butters term used when something is nice (usually in reference to an item of clothing, sneakers)

Dag Spanky! “Wow!”

Butt Ugly • unattractive Can You Relate? “Do you get it?” or “Do you understand?” Chicken money Chill (Take a Chill Pill) to cool off when someone gets angry

Choice • extremely cool Chonger a fatly rolled marijuana cigarette Chonies underwear Clutch cool (can be used as a single word expression or in conjunction)


Crunk something that is cool or hip This party is gunna be crunk.

Damn Skippy! a term meaning strong affirmation or agreement Dancin’ With Mr. Brownstone to use herion Dank really good That weed’s dank.

Deadly • wickedly cool Deep Shit • expression meaning you are in trouble Dexter smart, kinda preppy, but not overly nerdy Dickweed a dumb person, loser Dick Year a very long time I havn’t seen you in a dick year.

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Slanguage of the 1980’s Diesel cool, awsome, radical That grill is Diesel. Dip to eavesdrop on another’s conversation and interject inappropriately Dis to publically humiliate someone


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Ditz a less harsh way of describing a person who is not very smart Doobie marijuana cigarette, joint Down in agreement. I am down with going to Burger Chef tonight. Dyno a response to something one is looking forward to (short for dynamite) The new REO Speedwagon album is going to be so dyno! Eat My Shorts phrase used as a comeback if someone was to put you down in anyway Exo Skeleton excellent Eye Jammy a black eye Face when someone has been insulted or maybe proven wrong Fatty a thick marijuana cigarette that is usally rolled poorly resulting in the center being much larger than the outsides Dude, check out this Fatty I rolled!

Fine cute or a hottie

He is so fine.

Flamer an openly flamboyant gay man Flange something amazing Flash cool, awesome That outfit is so flash. For Cear seriously or really

Freak a hottie who likes to have fun Freakin’ grinding someone on the dance floor Roxanne and I were freakin’ on the dance floor. Freddy a beer I totally need a freddy. Fresh One to get hit or punched Do you want a fresh one? Frickin’ extremely Fugly a combination of the words fucking and ugly Gal Pal •1 a guy’s girlfriend or a girl’s girlfriend •2 a woman who is not openly gay Gamer avid video game player Get Bent “Leave me alone.”

Get Real commonly used when someone was doing or saying something nowhere near believable, or simply acting uncool •

Glam an object or a person who is glamorous Dude, that shirt is totally glam! Grill •1 teeth Yo check out his grill... he’s got all gold teeth! •2 smile What’s so funny? Why you got that big grill? •3 to bombard with questions Yo Ma, I just got home, what’s with the 20 questions? Stop grilling me. Grindage food Let’s go back to my place for some grindage.

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Slanguage of the 1980’s Hacker computer genius

Icy cool, awesome That shirt is icy.

Hairdog someone who sports a ‘mullet’ or a really big permed ‘mall’ hair doo

Illin’ describes someone who is stupid, does stupid, uncool, dorky, or sometimes disgusting things

Happen’en very cool, up-to-date, in style Hardcore extreme Harsh •1 cold How was that Trig test? Oh, harsh, man! Dr. Barnes is tough! •2 someone who is really hot Did you see that new babe in Physics? Yeah, she’s way harsh, man!

Head Banger • fan of heavy metal music Herb •1 a person seen as a quite uncool, a nerd •2 to steal from a person seen as easy prey Hessians group of kids that like heavy metal music

Hip very cool, in style •

Hood Homefry a close friend

the dope smoker in high-school

Hoser loser, jerk Hotbox to smoke in an enclosed space Lets hotbox the van, dude. Hotdogger surfer House to display extreme enthusiasm, excitement, anger or distress Did you hear? Sara and Jane were fighting in the bathroom and Sara went totally house on her!

I’m Sure something stupid, disbelief That wierdo tried picking up on me. Like oh my god, I am so sure! In the Mix cool


The Jam something very awesome Jams •1 to leave, usually abruptly We’re running late. Let’s jam now. •2 a collection of songs, music cassettes or albums Are you brining your jams to the party? Jet to leave Dude, this party sucks so I’m gonna jet. Joanie a boring, not-so-hip girl

Jock a person who plays sports Juiced to act crazy or stupid due to alcohol (juice) consumption Kick Ass awesome, excellent Dude, that Ozzy concert kicked-ass! Kicker a hick, cowboy Kick Rocks “Go Away.” Kicks pair of shoes Kirk Out to really freak out, get super angry or crazy about something My dad caught me sneaking out last night and totally kirked out on me. Koozbane refers to punkers, New Wavers, or anyone else “not normal” Oh, man, check out the mohawk on that koozbane over there! Legit legitimate Mad a superlative That party last night was mad cool.

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Lam Slanguage of the 1980’s


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Slanguage of the 1980’s



something or someone who is not cool

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Slanguage of the 1980’s Mall-Maggot kids who hang out at the mall because they can’t dream up anything better to do Man, Woodfield is crawling with mall-magots. Mall Chick girl who spends most of her time at the mall


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•2 to brown nose •3 to take something that rightfully belongs to someone else I was up for a promotion, but Stan norvilled me out of it! Ooglay extremely ugly

Mash to make out

Outrageous wonderful, excellent

Mass term that makes anything more than it was That was a mass cool Scorpions concert last weekend!

Pac-Man a person with a voracious appetite, one that will eat everything in sight

Mental used to describe someone or something stupid or screwed up

Pencil You In to tentatively set an appointment with someone I’ll pencil you in, just in case something comes up.

Molded a person who does something or a situation that is embarrassingly wrong or stupid. Mondo cool, nice, neat Most Triumphant exclamation meaning excellent or above average I was there when Steve Vai ripped into his most triumphant guitar solo! Motor used when leaving a social situation in a hurry Look at the time, I gotta motor. Mung not that great, not to your liking Narbo a term for someone when they do something stupid

Narc tattle tale, sell out •

Poofer girl who would wear her hair as high as possible Posse a group/gang of friends Primo excellent, first-class Proper anything that was in style at the time Those Vans are really proper.

Ralph • to throw up Raw something that’s cool Oh, snap, those Cross Colors are raw! Richie a word used to describe people of the upperclass

He told the teacher, he’s a narc.

Righteous awesome, cool

Nice Head an insult relating to someone’s physical appearence (often made from a speeding car so the person recieving the insult was unable to react)

Roach stub of marijuana cigarette after it is smoked down

No Can Do “I can’t do it.” or “It can’t be done.”

Scamming •1 making out | •2 picking up chicks

Noob a new person to a game, a loser

Scoshe a little bit of something

Norvilled •1 to one up somebody

Scrapin’ out on the prowl, usually on a

Road Pizza road kill Roller police officer

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Slanguage of the 1980’s Friday or Saturday night Krista and I were out scrapin’ last night and we didn’t find anything good. Scratch something said when someone messes up Scumbag an undesirable person Shibby cool Dude that was so shibby! Shiz Nits a term used to describe something good Dude, that movie was the shiz nits.

not with what is going on Spangler a friend Hey there Spangler!

Spazzing • overly excited

Spiffy • cool, awesome Sportin’ •1 to wear an article of clothing That guy is sportin’ the new Air Jordans! •2 to wear your hair a certain way That guy is sportin’ a new skitch.

Shred a virtuoso performance in hard rock music, skateboarding, or surfing Eddie Van Halen shredded that solo.

Sprung totally in love, infatuated Dude, she’s like so sprung on me it isn’t funny.

Shut Up! an exclamation used when something was not believable

Stella a person who is preppy, usually a disco, stereotypical, egocentric

Sick cool That new skatepark is sick!

Step Off “Back up off me.” or “Don’t get in my face.”

Skater someone who acts like they’re working hard, but they are hardly working Dude, you’re such a skater! Skeezer a girl who is always all over popular guys Skitch a new haircut, usually short and hidden under a hat Dude, why is Barney wearing a hat? Because his mom made him get a skitch! Slamdance punk teens throwing themselves while dancing, trying to harm either themselves or others for enjoyment Snuff to punch someone So (Year) a phrase used to describe something hopelessly passe’ or out of style That hairstyle is so ‘87. Solids a type of handshake involving the hitting of fists Space Cadet one who is disoriented,


Squirt totally awesome, sweet, cool

Stud a very good looking guy, not nerdy or geeky at all Swirly the practice of dunking a (geeky) person’s head in the toilet and flushing Dude, I totally gave that geek a swirly! Tagging hard hitting, powerful, cool That dude is tagging. Take a Red! “Stop right there!” Tard idiot (abbreviation of retard) I wrecked into a parked car the other day. You’re such a tard. Thongs flip flops Tight really cool Tinkerbilly British slang for wannabe Tits expression of approval To The Curb expression used when something is disapproved of Did you

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Slanguage of the 1980’s see what she is wearing? That outfit is to the curb. Trendie someone who mindlessly follows fashion


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Trippin’ • acting in an unbelievable manner (often someone who is on acid) Trunkicular cool, sweet

Veg • term used to describe chilling out or taking it easy Wail awesome, cool Your new outfit wails.

Wannabe •

a person who would like to be like someone else (usually a pop star or a person in the public eye)

Warped weird, disturbing That movie was just warped.

Wastoid a waste of space, a loser Waver someone who was into the whole New Wave/Goth scene



Bout •

an expression popularized from the 80’s TV show ‘Different Strokes’

What’s Crackalackin’? greeting meaning “What’s goin’ on?” Where’s the Beef! expression used to show one is being ripped off or shorted Yo, my Fribble is only half full, dude, where’s the beef? Wigging a term used to describe someone that is freaking out That dude is wiggin’. Yar awesome, cool Yello a very 80’s way of saying hello You Know It “I agree.” ‘Za & Brew college slang for pizza and beer Zeek a major geek Steve Urkel is such a zeek!

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Slanguage of the 1990’s


Aiight “Alright.” or “Okay.”

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Slanguage of the 1990’s All That that which has everyone’s attention (usually said to people who pretend to be such)

Beards a term used when you don’t believe someone (usually accompanied by scratching the chin)

All That And A Bag Of Chips phrase used to describe when something is the very best and then some

Beeotch phonetic variant of bitch usually used as a term of endearment toward someone you’re too macho to address more politely

As If! exclamation meaning “Yeah, right!”


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Atari a term used among electronic musicians and some ravers to describe horrid DJs That DJ is such an Atari.

Bills money Bitch someone over whom you have pretty much complete control Blazed the state of being high off weed

Bama term used to call someone a redneck Dude that guy was a bama.

Blood friend, homeboy

Bangin’ a term used to describe someone who “has it going on”

The Bomb a term used to describe something very awesome

Beans money Let me borrow 2 beans for the soda.

Bones money I need 7 bones for the movie.

Bling-Bling •

nice jewelry

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Slanguage of the 1990’s Bonus “Oh for god’s sake” (sarcasm generally used in the UK) Boo Ya! a phrase of exlaimation after you’ve done something fly Bounce to leave Let’s bounce. Brutal bad That movie was brutal, dog. Bugg’n freaking out Man you’s buggin the otha night dawg. Bunk crazy, messed-up Buzz Hype awesome, amazing, not boring Buzz Kill boring Cha-Ching costly Cheddar money, cash Chica chick, girl Hey what’s up chica? Chick-Flick any movie that has none of the following: graphic violence, full frontal female nudity, a high-speed chase, or sight gags Chill Out “Calm down.” or “Take it easy.” Chillin’ doing O.K., fine Chinny a term used when you don’t believe someone (usually accompanied by scratching the chin) Coin money Crib house, apartment, dorm, dwelling Crunk hyped up, excited Cuttin’ Glass when someone’s nipples are hard fromt the cold, it is assumed that their nipples are so hard they could cut glass Damn Skippy “That’s right.”

something is Those are some dank nugs!

Dawg •

a friend, acquaintance

What up Dawg!


Dead Presidents money (reference to pictures of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin on paper or coined currency) Dip to leave See you guys later, we have to dip.

Dope •

fly, cool

Yo, those shoes are dope, girl! Down to be in agreement with something I’m down with that. Dubs •1 reversed spelling of the word buds (weed) •2 20 inch rims on a car Dude •1 a male or female •2 used at the beginning of any exclamation or a question Dude! Look at that hot guy! Eat My Shorts! “Screw you!” or “Go to hell!” Evita Like snobby

Dank describes how awesome

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Slanguage of the 1990’s F-Bomb euphemism for fuck

Hella really She was hella pissed!

FYI For Your Information FYI: I don’t care.

Hey Fats “Hey, what’s up buddy?”

Fart-Knocker an idiot Fine he/she looks real good That guy is fine.


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Hit to have sex Let me hit it from behind. Home Skillet a friend Homeslice (Homey) buddy

Flawsen a term for kissing ass to someone

Hooch a slut

Fly • cool, good, fun

Hottie someone, man or woman, who is very attractive Natalie Portman is such a hottie!

That dance was so fly! Freak Out to go crazy, get really mad He freaked out when I told him. Freakin’ a slightly nicer term for fucking He’s a freakin idiot! Fresh original, cool, nice Fugly a combination of the words fucking and ugly Gank to steal I ganked these shoes from the mall. Get A Room! what you say to two or more people whose public displays of affection seem too inappropriate or risque Gettin Jiggy •1 dancing •2 putting the move on a member of the opposite sex Ghetto unflattering, cheap Giddy Up! a remark which might be said whilst eyeing up an attractive person Going Postal going crazy Good To Go all set, in order, ready to go Grindage food Heady Nuggets very good weed

How’s It Hangin’? an informal greeting I Got The Pasties “My mouth is dry.”

Ice I’m Gone “Bye.”

jewelry with diamonds in it

It’s Cashed a phrase meaning “It’s gone.” or “It’s done.”

It’s All Good a phrase meaning it’s ok I’m sorry I couldn’t hook you up! Oh, don’t worry, it’s all good! It’s Go Time! an exclamation meaning “It’s time to fight.” Jack to steal something My car got jacked. Jack Up to beat the crap out of someone I’m gonna jack you up. Larey a phrase used when someone has committed a foux pas He stole my

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Slanguage of the 1990’s wallet, that guy is so larey. Lay Off a phrase meaning to stop whatever it is you’re doing You want to lay off the potty mouth! Let Me Bang “Let us have sex.” Let’s Bone Out “Let’s go.” Let’s Roll “Let’s leave.” Like an insert in sentences when no other word is available Lunchn’ messing around, acting crazy Lurker one who enters electronic chat rooms without making a contribution Mad very, a lot That dessert was mad good. Man, I’m Slammin’ “I’m doing good.” Man, That Is Clean “That is righteous.” M’kay yes, okay, alright Mofo mother fucker Morph to change into something else Murk to act crazy, wild out My Bad “My mistake!”

Old School old-fashioned, of the old style Oogly very ugly Open Up A Can Of Whoop-Ass exclamation meaning to kick one’s butt, you’re in trouble now Peace Out “Bye.” Phat! cool, awesome, hip

Piggy a term used to describe a cop or police man

Pimpin’ •

cool, tight, really good

Playa someone who is cheating on their significant other Po Po term used for police Props kudos, credit I hate Dallas, but you gotta give Aikman his props.

Not! used as a function word to stand for the negative of a preceding group of words ‘Episode I, the Phantom Menace’ was great... NOT.

Psyche not, just kidding Yeah, I did all my homework. Psyche!

Nice! really cool, amazing Nice Dude!

Punked to be proven wrong, dissed, to be capped on That fool got punked on!

O.G. Original Gangsta OMG Oh My God Off The Heasy unbelieveable or different Oh My God! •1 a sign of disgust Oh my god, why is she wearing that? •2 a sign of excitement Oh my god, guess what?!


Pigeon a girl that most guys hate, golddigger

Punani a women’s private parts

Quit Icing My Grill phrase used when someone gets in your face and speaks to make you look bad Rolling feeling the effects of MDMA (E, X, Ecstacy) Damn, you are rolling your brains out! Salty angry I’m getting hella salty.

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Slanguage of the 1990’s Score! an expression used when you got something you wanted or you did really good at something Score! Jeff said he’d go to the prom with me. Scrub a guy who thinks he’s fine, still lives with his mom and is always broke


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Shady •1 being unfair or wrong •2 when someone who acts cool with you, but really isn’t The Shit the best, greatest Shiznit another way of saying “shit” Shnikies a substitute for “shit” Oh shnikies! Shooter a person who shows off

Sweet cool That car is sweet. TMI Too Much Info Talk To The Hand another way of saying “I don’t want to hear what you are saying.” Throw Down to fight Throwed messed up, high, drunk We went to that party and got throwed! Tight •1 great, the best •2 a word describing a girl or guy who prefers not to do sexual activities To Hate to disapprove of someone or something To Shoot Out to get out of somewhere This pub’s crap, let’s shoot out!

Slammin’ Snaps to give someone snaps is like to give someone props I had to give Dee snaps for her corageous fashion efforts.

Tough Nut a tough guy He thinks he’s a Tough nut. Trifflin’ pathetic

Straight “That’s true.”

Trippin’ going off, overly critical of something or someone Mom, quit trippin’ over my tattoo.

Straight Edge a phrase that describes a person who doesn’t do drugs or drink

Tweak •1 a drug (usually Crystal Meth) •2 to use drugs

Stylin’ cool hair or clothes

Wacked a word used to described somebody out of their mind That bitch is wacked!

Step Off “Get out of my face.”

Sup short for “Wassup.” Sup, B? short for “What’s up my bitch?”

Wangsta a fake gangsta

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Slanguage of the 1990’s Well very He’s well rich. Wellin’ lying I went to the sore last night and got some new shoes. You wellin’ because you was over Mike’s house last night. What Up Dog? “What have you been up to?” What up, G? greeting short for “What’s up, gangsta?”


Wicked a lot, very That movie was wicked good. Wig out (Wigg’n) to freak out He’s totally wigg’n out! Word a phrase meaning you understand

a phrase used to describe a person who has it going on

Yo “Hello.” Yoink! to steal or take from someone, to skillfully acquire You Straight? “Are you okay?” You Be Trippin’ Fool “You’re wrong.” or “You made a mistake.” Your Mom a come back, usually used when you can’t think of anything to say back That was the dumbest thing I ever heard. Yeah, your mom!

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Slanguage of the 2000’s


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Slanguage of the 2000’s


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Slanguage of the 2000’s Abousta about to happen or it will inevitably happen Bitch, you abousta be donkey punched if you keep runnin’ yo mouth. Absofrickinlutely •1 a reinforced expression of “absolutely” That chick is absofrickinlutely amazing that I want to jump her bones. •2 expression of unquestionable doubt You sure that is the man in the photograph? Absofrickinlutely!


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Act A Fool •

to act like a total idiot

It’s not a good idea to act a fool around your boss. Action sexual activity Hey, you get any action last night? Aight “All right,” but in a hip and ghetto way Ain’t Got No “Don’t have any.” You know I ain’t got no money. Air Biscuit a fart or guff that is so potent as to have a tangible quality I hate to tell you this, but I’ve just launched an air biscuit. Air Head one who is below average intelligence Air Quote the dual flexing of the index and middle finger of both hands, to signify the presence of quotes Using air quotes in this example is, like, so ‘post-modern’.

Airplane Mode when someone cuts themselves off from the world by not logging on to Facebook or checking their cell phones (usually occurs after a breakup or a rough work week)

Airport Vultures passengers waiting to board a plane who stalk around near and clog up the boarding gate before a flight, regardless of where their seat is or when boarding actually is The flight attendant became so irritated with the airport vultures that the flight was abruptly cancelled. Alarm Shock the feeling you get when you wake up on your day off work, on the weekend, or a public holiday as early as you would for work Argh, I had alarm shock this morning and couldn’t’ get back to sleep! Alcoholiday a protracted happy party in which large quantities of alcohol are consumed I’m taking an alcoholiday Alkie one who abuses alcohol, spends lots of time planning when and where to get the next drink, denies drinking, drinks alone, needs a drink to face a stressful situation or an uplifting moment All Good a term used when everything is sanguine (generally a reassurance, rather than an independant statement) All In to be totally committed to something If we’re gonna do it, let’s do it. I’m all in. All Nighter remaining awake and actively engaged in some activity during nocturnal hours Amped fired up, awaiting big thrill, stoked, ready to roll I was amped for the upcoming X-Games. And How an expression of agreement that can be used in place of indeed. And Then I Found Five Dollars… a

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Slanguage of the 2000’s phrase used at the end of a story that had really no point to be told to someone (used at the end of boring stories to make them seem more interesting and worthwhile) Yesterday I went to the fridge and took out a yogurt but put it back and got an apple instead... and then I found 5 dollars.

afternoon to early evening) at which drinking a beer becomes necessary

Attention Whore label given to any person who craves attention to such an extent that they will do anything to receive it (negative or positive)

Bimbo a girl who is stupid, wears lots of make up and is obsessed with boys and clothes, generally blonde Oh no! I broke a nail! This is awful! You’re such a bimbo.

Awkward Turtle the animal mascot of the awkward moment (when you’re in an awkward moment, place your hands on top of each other, and spin your thumbs forward- thus creating the creature know as awkward turtle) Oh my god, so I was talking to Becky about STDs and I forgot she had syphillis... it was mad awkward turtle.


Bad Ass Mother Fucker

Badonkadonk an ‘ebonic’ expression for an extremely curvaceous female behind Her badonkadonk made a brotha pop mad wheelies. Baked extremely high on weed, high, stoned Dude, last night I got so baked, what happened to that girl I was with? Baller a thug that has made it to the big time, any thug that is living large Ballertastic baller and fantastic Beer Thirty time of day (usually late

Hey, looks like its beer thirty, better grab me a cold one. BFD Big Fucking Deal Jim: I can’t make a move on her she’s engaged. Micheal: BFD, engaged ain’t married.


Booty Call a late night summons - often made via telephone - to arrange clandestine sexual liaisons on an ad hoc basis The student’s mother was ignorant of her son’s booty calls. Boss incredibly awesome, miraculous, great Dude, did you see that chick? She’s fuckin’ Boss! Bro obnoxious partying males who are often seen at college parties, when they aren’t making an ass of themselves they usually just stand around holding a red plastic cup waiting for something exciting to happen so they can scream something that demonstrates how much they enjoy partying (often wear a rugby shirt and a baseball cap) I couldn’t go to sleep last night because some bros at the party next door kept screaming, “Whoooooo!!! YEAAHHHHH! Whooooooo!” Bromance a close relationship between two bros to such a point where they start to seem like a couple Orlando: So Sean, what’s up with your bromance? Sean: Fuck you dude, we’re just really close.

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Slanguage of the 2000’s Buffer Race the race between the playback line and the buffer bar on an internet video Damn, I can’t hear a freakin’ thing this guy is saying. It keeps skipping because of the damn buffer race. The buffer bar is losing.


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Butter Face a girl who has an absolutely gorgeous body, but leaves much to be desired in the facial region. (everything about her was great, but her face) Eloise was a real butterface Cankles the area in affected female legs where the calf meets the foot in an abrupt, nontapering terminus (combination of calf and ankle) If I didn’t have cankles, I might be able to wear those Prada loafers with my capri pants. Chick Flick a film that indulges in the hopes and dreams of women and/or girls and has a happy, fuzzy, ridiculously unrealistic ending Child Supervision when an older person, especially a parent, needs a tech-savvy kid to help him/her with computers or other electronic devices Cracker •1 one whom cracks illegally into another’s computer or network •2 a racist term used against Caucasians/Whites Creeper a person who does weird things, like stares at you while you sleep, or looks at you for hours through a window (usually a close friend or relative) Cock Block one who prevents another from scoring sexually Trudy and Dan frequently had time alone but her cockblocking roommate ruined any chances they had to have sex.

Cougar an older woman who frequents clubs in order to score with a much younger man

Crunk •

highly intoxicated

(combination of crazy and drunk)

Let’s go get crunk tonight. CTFD Calm The Fuck Down (used when someone grossly over reacts to a trivial situation) Dank an expression requently used by stoners and hippies for something of high quality Dawg •1 my close acquaintance of an African-American ethnic background •2 word to be used in place of a name, or other personal noun or pronoun to be used in place of a name •3 another meaningless piece of that hideous massacre of the English language they call ebonics Dejabrew much like deja vu dejabrew is when you start to remember things you did last night while drinking an excessive amount of beer Designated Driver the induvidual whom transports intoxicated people to and from the bar safetly, and is responsible for them Designated Drunk responsible partiers choose a Designated Driver to drive during a night of debauchery, the Designated Drunk is chosen by the Driver and assumes responsibility for all drink offers given to the Driver (the Designated Drunk will take all offers of drinking place of the Driver)

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Slanguage of the 2000’s Deck •1 to punch someone very hard •2 hipster term for cool Designated Texter one who makes sure that when a friend is drunk only sensible text messages are sent Destinesia when you get to where you were intending to go, you forget why you were going there in the first place (often occurs during working hours, and is the cause of much frustration) Dick Flick the testosterone-driven opposite of a “chick flick”, generally contains lots of car chases, explosions, and boobs Dime •1 $10 worth of marijuana •2 anything perfect, usually the looks of a girl Dip Out to leave a party or someone’s house without them knowing, sneaking out, or just plain leaving Dipshit a despised person, a moron, an ineffectual person, one with a habit of being wrong, loudly and often Double Rainbow a term expressing something of pure, unrivaled awesome (used commonly when awesome or spectacular are simply insufficient)

Douchebag an individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intellegence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic he appears Your boss is a real douchebag! Down •1 to be with it or in the know how, knowledgeable about something, or to give respect/recognition to something •2 to be keen for something •3 to be friends with

someone or to spend time with them (Gettin Down means to fuck them) •4 to have something ‘Down Pat’ or well perfected | 5 to be in agreeance with someone or something Driver’s Arm refers to the left arm being tanner (or redder) than the right arm because it’s been hanging out the window Driving Finger your middle finger (usually refers to the one on the left hand so it can be displayed out the driver’s side window to comment on another driver’s behavior)


Dro hyDROponically grown marijuana (pot grown indoors in hydroponic chambers, which regulate light, humidity, and temperature) Drop A Dime to snitch on someone


Down To Fuck

Duckface a term used to describe the face made if you push your lips together in a combination of a pout and a pucker, giving the impression you have larger cheekbones and bigger lips Dude •1 a name for anyone (stereotypically used by male surfters/skaters but now accepted by any race, sex, religion, and wealth) •2 something that’s just so awesomely cool, amazingly kick ass •3 a way to start a conversation •4 replacing “um” or “like” in any sentence

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Slanguage of the 2000’s Easy a term used to describe a woman who has the sexual morals of a man I picked up an easy chick named Krystal in a bar last night. Echo Effect when a slogan or jingle get’s into everyday talk Eejit Irish slang for idiot


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Eight Ball a quantity of cocaine or crystal that weighs an eighth of an ounce, hence an “eight ball”, which is equivalent to 3.5 grams Eighth a 1/8 ounce portion of a drug, generally marijuana Emo a group of white, mostly middle-class well-off kids who find imperfections in there life and create a ridiculous, depressing melodrama around each one

Epic •

being unusually large, powerful or wonderful

Epic Fail a mistake of such monumental proportions that it requires its own term in order to sucessfully point out the unfathomable shortcomings of an individual or group Fauxhawk a full head of hair combed into the middle to fabricate the look of a mohawk Fetch a word used to describe something cool and trendy (general usage by females, teeny-boppers)

Fine good looking or hot Juan is a fine looking man. Flake an unreliable person, someone who agrees to do something, but never follows through Flamer extremely flamboyant homosexual


Fuck My Life

I have five exams this week... FML. Fo’ Shizzle “For sure.” Fo’ Shizzle My Nizzle a bastardization of “fo’ sheezy mah neezy” which is a bastardization of “for sure mah nigga” which is a bastdardization of “I concur with you whole heartedly my African american brother” Fo’ Sho an urban version of “For sure” Food Baby when a person, typically a thin one, indulges in a large amount of food which makes their stomach stick out from the fullness as if they’re pregnant Footsie the act of flirting in which one secretly touches the feet or legs of another with one’s own, as under a table Frat a derogatory name for a Fraternity Frenemy someone who is both friend and enemy, a relationship that is both mutually beneficial or dependent while being competitive, fraught with risk and mistrust

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Slanguage of the 2000’s Fresh a word commonly used when something or someone is good Friends With Benefits two friends who have a sexual realtionship without being emotionally involved Friend Zone what you attain after you fail to impress a woman you’re attracted to FTW For The Win Fuck Buddy all the benefits of being in a relationship minus the bullshit like not doing enough for Valentine’s Day or her birthday, not spending 3 months salary on a stupid ring, and not spending enough quality time with her Fucktard a contraction of “fucking retard” Fugly Describes someone who is so far beyond ugly, they are fuckin’ ugly Gangsta one who willfully promotes and participates in destructive and self-serving culture in an effort to project a particular image of ‘toughness’ or to make oneself intimidating Gangster one who participates in organized crime, typically the Mafia Gank to steal or take something that does not belong to you I didn’t have money so I ganked it. Gay Buffer when you sit down somewhere (usually in a movie theater) and purposely leave an extra seat between you and a person of the same sex so as not to appear gay Gaydar the ability/gift of being able to detect homosexuality in other people Ghetto Booty a woman with an

extremely large sized glutious maximus Did you see Anna? Damn that girl has a ghetto booty! Gimp •1 a derrogatory term for someone that is disabled or has a medicial problem that results in physical impairment •2 an insult implying that someone is incompetent, stupid •3 an insult used to imply that the person is uncool or can’t/won’t do what everyone else is doing Girl Crush the admiraton one girl has for another because of their hair, body, make-up, car, clothes, career, talents, etc (completely non-sexual)


Gleek building up saliva in the salivary glands using some stimulus, like sour food or yawning, and then pressing the tongue upon the glands, causing the saliva to shoot out, usually at an impressive distance Google •1 to search for a term or terms using the Google search engine •2 a highly-used search engine that is considered the most effective on the internet by many •3 the number 1, followed by 100 zeros Grill an oral insert which can tend to cause cold fronts when deep breaths are taken in through the mouth, as well as creating a disco ball type apperance of the orafice Grind •1 when a drug dealer is running around town buying/selling drugs Hey, I cant go right now, im on the grind •2 a vulgar dance where people rub their body parts against each other, usually to rap or techno Yo, check out that hoe over there putting her ass all up in that guys crotch...they are grinding.

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Slanguage of the 2000’s GTFO Get The Fuck Out. •1 used to express indignation, usually towards stupidity, incompetence, or both •2 can be used in response to something that is unwelcome Guidette a female guido; characteristic for having an absurdely long Italian name, breast implants, and tight clothing


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Guido an adolescent or young-adult American male of Italian ancestry or descent; esp. one of lower-middleclass socioeconomic background or status and thought of as being dim-witted, excessively aggressive, and prejudiced against perceived outsiders, particularly homosexuals and members of other races Hater a person that simply cannot be happy for another person’s success, they make a point of exposing a flaw in that person Susan: You know, Kevin from accounting is doing very well. He just bought a house in a very nice part of town. Jane (hater): If he is doing so well why does he drive that ‘89 Taurus? Haterade a bevarage comsumed by haters to refuel their hating capabilities Hawt internet slang for something really hot Hella an intensifier, with a grammatical function and usage similar to “very” or “really” That party was hella awesome. Hipster one who possesses tastes, social attitudes, and opinions deemed cool by the cool, walks among the masses in daily life but is not a part of them and shuns or reduces to kitsch

anything held dear by the mainstream Ho a woman who uses her body, or gives the impression that her mark can be intimate with her, for material gain or to boost her own ego Holla •1 a word used to acknowledge the presence of a fellow companion Is that mah boy ova there? HOLLAAAAA! •2 for a man to express interest in a particularly impressive female specimen Watch out, I’m bout to holla at this fine bitch. •3 to contact via telephone Boy, it was absolutely magnificent to see you again. Holla at me this evening, we can have tea and crumpets. Holla Back Girl a girl that will allow guys to do whatever they want with her and will just wait for them to ‘holla back’ at them Homie shortened version of homeboy, homeboy being your close friend Homophobe one with an irrational fear of homosexuality and homosexuals Hood a ganster slang word derrived from neighborhood, usually talking about the ghetto or where all the gangsters and thugs live

Hook Up to do anything from make-out to have sex, with someone you are not in a relationship with Hustler people who are forced to use their brains to make it in this world, they know how to get money and is skilled at doing it to IDK I Don’t Know

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Slanguage of the 2000’s IKR I Know, Right? ILY I Love You IMDB •1 short for Internet Movie DataBase, a comprehensive movie website •2 to search said database Inbox Rot to neither accept, nor decline a friend request from someone on Facebook or Myspace (used in situations when you don’t want to accept someone’s friend request, but you also don’t want to be rude by declining them) Ish term often used to replace “shit.” (derived from the process of editing the vocals of rap-songs by revershing the curse words so said song could be played on radio or television) Izzle a suffix, often used by gangsters, used to cut off a word when one’s brain cannot process words with greater than three syllables “Whack” is an onomatizzle. Jacked •1 stolen in a violent fashion (commonly refers to robbery, theft, misuse, seizure, possession) •2 well muscled, iron-bound, pumped Janky inferior quality; held in low social regard, old and delapidated We tried to pick up on these girls waiting for the bus, but I was driving my sister’s janky 1989 geo metro so we just got clowned instead.

copy the likeness of and/or follow intently •3 talking about another with no care to anyone that hears it and with no intention of stopping Jorts jean shorts (worn mostly by children and douchebags) Kewl internet slang and spelling for the word “cool” Key kilogram, usually refering to narcotics Kicks •1 new shoes that are ill •2 something for fun or amusement Kodak Moment an event for which you or someone wished someone nearby had a camera to take a picture Kthxbye disrespectful form of quick politeness and salutation after one has served a purpose to another I just uploaded that paper you asked me to write. It took me about four days, I hope you’ll like it. kthxbye. Kush a high grade strand of marijuana L33t meaning “Elite”, which on the internet is spelled “31337”. This was then shortened to “1337” or “l33t” and pronounced “Leet”.


JK Just Kidding

•1 a modern synonym for words such as “cool,” “ill,” “tight,” or “dope” used to describe a noun that is of a particularly excellent quality •2 authentic, legitimate

Jockin’ •1 the act of obsessing over another with intense affection •2 to

Liger a lion and a tiger mixed, it’s bred for its skills in magic

Jewfro a curly mop of hair with lots of volume, sported by many a Jewish brother


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Slanguage of the 2000’s LMAO Laughing My Ass Off LMFAO Laughing My Fucking Ass Off


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LOL Laughing Out Loud. used as a brief acronym to denote great amusement in chat conversations. Now, it is overused to the point where nobody laughs out loud when they say it. In fact, they probably don’t even give a shit about what you just wrote. More accurately, the acronym “lol” should be redefined as “Lack of laughter.” Depending on the chatter, its definition may vary. The list of its meanings includes, but is not limited to: •1 I have nothing worthwhile to contribute to this conversation •2 I’m too lazy to read what you just wrote so I’m typing something useless in hopes that you’ll think I’m still paying attention. •3 Your statement lacks even the vaguest trace of humor but I’ll pretend I’m amused. LOL Theory the theory that the internet phrase lol, meaning “laugh out loud”, can be placed at any part in any sentence and make said sentence lose all credibilty and seriousness

Mofo •1 abbreviation for motherfucker •2 one who is hard-core Moobs his is what happens when fat gathers in a male’s chest area, and gives him the appearance of having breasts (combination of man and boobs) Mos Def short for most definitely Muffin Top when a woman wears a pair of tight jeans that makes her flab spill out over the waistband, just like the top of a muffin sits over the edge of the paper case

Nah Mean? “Know what I mean?” •

Nappy unkempt or messy (often refers to hair) Nigga term for homie, friend, buddy, etc., used primarily by AfricanAmericans No Big short for no big deal Nookie a term for any kind of sexual activity

Lurker a person who is just there, nobody really knows why, other than they show up and don’t say a word

Not Even expression of disagreement

Mangina derisive term for a man’s feminine side - especially when he’s picky, touchy or emotional about something seemingly minor

Oh, Snap interjection conveying unpleasant surprise

Manther an older man who preys on younger women (the male version of a cougar) Meh indifference, to be used when one simply does not care What do you want for dinner? Meh. MILF Mother I’d Like To Fuck

Off The Heezy cool, hip, trendy

Old School anything that is from an earlier era and looked upon with high regard or respect OMG Oh My God On The Fly a phrase meaning as quick as possible On The Low to keep something a secret On The Real expression of agreement

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Slanguage of the 2000’s Own •1 to kick someone’s ass •2 to make a fool out of someone

Party Foul an action that goes against the feel of the party or bar atmosphere Going to a costume party without a costumewhat a party foul. PDA Public Display of Affection Piece a gun, knife, or weapon Pimp to make something look more flashy or showy, usually applied to cars and homes Po’ short for poor Pop A Cap to discharge a firearm, usually a handgun Pregame to drink before going to a party Preggers (Preggo) pregnant Props short for “proper recognition.” I had to give him props for sleeping with that smoking hot girl. Psych interjection meaning “False!” or “Just kidding!” Psyched to be excited about something Rack breasts Rank horribly disgusting

ROFL Rolling On the Floor Laughing Roll Up •1 to have sex •2 to arrive •3 to smoke weed Scandalous bad, raunchy, out of control Score to succeed in seducing someone sexually Serve to make a fool of someone Oh, shit, he served them suckas in that rap battle. Shit, Dawg interjection meaning “Oh my goodness!”


Shit Hit The Fan expression used to convey that something disastrous has occurred

Shitballs •

expletive conveying great frustration or fright

Shorty (Shawty) a younger friend, sibling or offspring Shotgun the passenger seat in a car Shred to ride with speed, style and skill Sick interesting, cool, new Sketchy disgusting or very strange

Raunchy sexually exciting or explicit

Skills proficiency in a field of sports or everyday life

‘Rents parents

SOB Son Of a Bitch

Rep to represent

SoCo Southern Comfort liquor

Ridic short for “ridiculous” but means extraordinary or remarkable

Solid interjection of approval, confirmation, or congratulations

Ridonkulous completely absurd and laughable

Sprung very attracted to a person, with an obsession often mistaken

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Slanguage of the 2000’s for love Step Off “Back up!” (used as threat) Stoked really happy or excited


• okay with how things are going


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Stunna a person who drives around in nice cars, on dubz, showing off their ice and bling

Trippy • crazy, weird True That interjection of agreement Uber when used before a word, it magnifies the word Up In My Kool-Aid someone’s personal business (used in the deepest parts of the hood) V-Card virginity (all virgins have a “V-card” until they “cash it in” for sex) Veg Out to be a couch potato

Sup contraction of “What’s up?”

Weak Sauce weak, insignificant

Swank extremely cool, kick ass

Whack not cool, sorry, sad, pathetic

Talk Shit to say something untruthful, un called-for, or due, often with the intent of instigating a strong reaction

What The Shit?

Tanked intoxicated with alcohol Tat short for tattoo Thang thing That’s Hot interjection of approval The Bomb really cool The Shit the best (without “the,” it has the opposite meaning) Tight •1 close (when referring to a friend) •2 cool, stylin’ (when referring to an object) TMI Too Much Information

Told to put in one’s place Tool •1 someone who tries too hard •2 someone who can’t think for themselves Trip to act whack, to overreact, or to loose your cool

alternative to “What the hell?”

Whatevs a noncommittal, nonchalant answer to practically any question, usually accompanied by a shrug of the shoulders What’s Good? another way of saying “How are you?” or “What’s happening?” Whipped completely controlled by a significant other, but usually refers to a guy being completely controlled by his woman Wig Out to throw a huge fit Word interjection of agreement WTF What The Fuck? Yo’momma the answer to any question, when the correct answer isn’t known You Dig? short for “Can you dig it?” meaning “Can you understand?”

Trip Out to lose your mind on drugs

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Slanguage of the 2000’s


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Through the Years This book was designed by Sara Thomas for Deborah Shmerler’s Typography 400 course at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville where Sara is pursuing a BFA in Graphic Design. It was completed on December 7th, 2010. The typefaces used include ITC Century Light designed by Tony Stan for International Typeface Corp. and Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed designed by Max Miedinger for Linotype.

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