Color theory

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WHY STUDY DESIGN MAJOR 2019 ::: 2021 Miami Dade College AA in Architecture

2020 ::: 2023 Florida International University Master in Architecture

Through design, I am following a path that allow me to take advantage of my strengths such as my s p a t i a l i n t e l l i g e n c e , c r e a t i v i t y, c r i t i c a l t h i n k i n g , and decision-making skills, and to later engage the community positively and have a positive impact on society by helping bring solutions to challenges faced by our society such as global warming and homelessness.




BACKGROUND Hiking in the mountains, visiting landmarks, waterfalls and the rural area where my grandparents lived were amount my favorite activities and my best memories. This is where my love for natural environment, exploration and fresh air originated.

M Y F A M I LY I currently live with my parents and my adorable dog, Kiki. I am the youngest of three, I have two brothers. My large extended family is spread out in different states in the U.S., in Canada and in Haiti.

EDUCATION M Y C I R C U M S TA N C E S After moving to Miami in 2016, I gained different e x p e r i e n c e s i n t h e w o r k f o r c e i n t h e f o o d i n d u s t r y, as a server and a barista, and in retail, as a salesperson. My years of experience in customer service taught me how to understand others and responds to their demands.

E D U C AT I O N In Haiti, I attended Sainte Rose de Lima, Catholic girl school, from 2000 to 2013. The campus is a mix of Gingerbread buildings and a few contemporary ones. In the U.s, I attended Miami Dade College before transferring to FIU.

LANGUAGES My first languages are Creole and French; Haiti w a s a F r e n c h c o l o n y. I l e a r n e d E n g l i s h w h e n I moved to the U.S.

EXPLORING AND EXPERIMENTING Yo u n g e r, I n e v e r f o c u s e d o n p r a c t i c i n g a n y s p o r t ; I tried many of my interest to find what would suits me best. With time, my interest for creative and handiwork grew and I developed a passion for assembling and crafting. My hobbies consist of seeking new adventures, crafting and sightseeing. I am an environmentalist, art and culture enthusiast. In my spare time, I like to visit museum, landmarks, art galleries and natural environments like the beach, parks and waterfronts. .



My taste in color often changes. In the Caribbean, I grew up around bold solid colors. For a time, I prefered black, silver, and gold to strip away from vivid colors. Later, I had been driven to unique fabric prints such as tribal prints and patterns to express my i n d i v i d u a l i t y. Nowadays, I have a preference for soft pastel colors, variations of blue, pink, gray and orange and earthy tones.

WHAT ELSE… After graduating, I would love to work abroad in Europe for a few years for a change of scenery and to learn more about other cultures.


COLOR + CULTURE Haiti vs Spain


FLAG This scene depecting the haitian revolution is representative of the color palette of the culture. It portrays the leader of the revolution, Jean jacques Dessalines giving a speech. He created the national flag by ripping apart the French flag, removing and discarding its white center band. His goddaughter, Catherine Flon, is seen sewing the remaining pieces together. Maintaining two of the three colors of the French flag symbolizes the history of Haiti and its ability to achieve independence. Some accounts suggest that the blue and red c o l o r s a r e m e a n t t o r e p r e s e n t t h e e t h n i c i t i e s l i v i n g i n t h e c o u n t r y.

COLORS The use of vibrant colors represent the vibrancy of Haiti, the “joie de vivre” and vitality of the Haitian people. It is a form of artistical expression, transforming every objects into a medium and creating art pieces. Per example, murals, paintings, tap-tap buses, carnival stands, houses etc.. The slum named Jalousie located in the capital was painted a rainbow of colors to create “psychedelic makeover that aims to be part art and part homage”. The goal was to transform the poor area into a neighborhood that is modest but decent, where residents are proud to be from. .


Haitian artists embrace a complex vocabulary of imagery, combining African, French, Catholic, and tribal Vodou influences as well as styles from 20th century art movements. Haitian art stuns the viewer w i t h i t s v i t a l i t y a n d h o n e s t y.

ARCHITECTURE The specific architectural style in Haiti is called the Gingerbread Style. I t g o e s b a c k o v e r 1 0 0 y e a r s o r s o , t o t h e e n d o f t h e 1 9 t h c e n t u r y, a n d buildings in this style were mainly houses of the upper class. The Gingerbread Style is characterized by steep, pointed towers and gable roofs with wooden lattice work, large columns in the front with a spacious veranda. Some buildings are made of only wood, others are stone, and some are a mixture, and also mixture of concrete and wood. The folklore and colorful house paintings are mostly embraced in the rural area, where people are less influence by foreign cultures. The architecture in the capital, that is more developed, follow contemporary standards.

One legend states that the red and yellow colors of the flag are a tribute to the popular Spain tradition of cowboy Yemeni , in which red is chosen to represent the bloodshed by the cows while yellow represents the sand in it is a bullring. Spanish brought the colors of different cultures from many corners and amalgamated in their heritage. Traditional dress of Spain is a complicated inter-mixture of Roman, Spanish, Arab, Berber and Latin fashions.


Real growth in the fashion markets of Spain was c o m m e n c e d d u r i n g t h e s i x t e e n t h c e n t u r y. I t w a s an era when Moorish patterns in clothing like decorations of gold and silver embroidery or with pearls were become popular. Despite the international controversy over bullfighting, the corrida de toros (“running of bulls”) is still fairly popular in Spain. A staple o f S p a n i s h c u l t u r e d a t i n g b a c k t o a n t i q u i t y.

Cities in Spain possess a cultural richness that shows through diverse architectural styles. Spain has a broad history that explain the multiple influences. We can site Muslim invasions, the rise of Christian religion, the Renaissance, and other foreign influences. Spain has managed to blend its traditional structures with modernity in cities including Barcelona, Bilbao, and Granada.

Renaissance period was the ideal era for Spain, when Spanish predominance was established in many regions of the world and that lasted until the m i d d l e o f t h e 1 7 t h c e n t u r y. Spanish architecture reflects values and beliefs from earlier eras. Architecture evolves along with t h e n e e d s a n d t r e n d s o f s o c i e t y. R e l i g i o n i s a n essential element of Spanish culture. Almost every Spanish city has Catholic churches and Cathedrals.


REFERENCES ecture n-art-convergence-the-stories-of-haiti-toldin-unbridled-color/ ditional-dress-of-spain-colors-and-history-ofspanish-culture/ haiti-splashes-slum-with-psychedelic-colors2 0 1 3 ma r2 5 -s tory. html 5-eng.html


Color theory studies principles to understand the relationships between color and light. There is no color without light. The light that the human eye can see is called the visible spectrum. According to Albert Munsell, color has three dimensions which are hue, value and chroma. Hue refers to the pure color in the visible spectrum. The hues are divided into primary hues, secondary hues, created by combining two primary hues and tertiary hues, created by combining secondary and primary hues. Value is the degree of lightness and darkness of a color. Chroma refers to the saturation of a color measure by the absence of white, gray or black. Achromatic refers to the absence of a hue. Complementary colors are the ones opposite in the color wheel.


COLOR + DESIGNERS McCormick Tribune Campus Center



Rem Koolhaas is a Dutch architect, born in Netherlands on November 17, 1944. He is known for his buildings and writings that embrace the e n e r g y o f m o d e r n i t y. Rem Koolhaas trained as an architect at the Architectural Association in London, graduating in 1972. Before founding the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) in 1975 with Madelon Vriesendorp and Elia and Zoe Zenghelis, Koolhaas studied with Mathias Ungers,German architect and architectural theorist, at Cornell University between 1972 and 1975. He worked as a journalist before becoming an architect and first achieved recognition as an u r b a n t h e o r i s t w h e n h i s b o o k D e l i r i o u s N e w Yo r k : A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan was published in 1978. Koolhaas was the 2000 Pritzker Architecture Prize recipient.



No constant look from project to project; He uses the best of modern technology and materials, spoke to the needs of a particular site and client. In his commissions, Koolhaas engages directly with the true character of the modern world and never refers to past styles. Because of his f o n d n e s s f o r a s y m m e t r y, c h a l l e n g i n g s p a t i a l explorations, and unexpected uses of color, he is classified as a deconstructivist.

MCCORMICK TRIBUNE CAMPUS CENTER The various areas of the campus are arranged around diagonal pathways, resembling interior streets, that are extensions of the paths students use to cross the campus. The design also includes a concrete and stainless steel tube that encloses a 530-foot elevated train line, passing over the campus building. The center has meeting, multipurpose and dining spaces fit for different event types and sizes. It opened in September 2003.

The one-story building is an explosion of color and material. The exterior mainly made of steel and glass is bold. A mosaic of bold colors inside designates the separate functions of the rooms. The furniture is also used to add a touch of colors inside. The bright orange wall illuminates the interior and exterior; the vegetation reflect their green color inward. Koolhaas plays with light and colors to create visual effects..


CONCLUSION Rem Koolhaas’ architectural style consist of the creation of complex geometries and voluminous shapes. He seems to use colors to add a touch of playfulness to his design to contrast the roughness or seriousness of his building shapes and materials like steel and concrete. The colors lighten and brighten the spacial quality in the interior...

REFERENCES https://www.iit.edulevent-services/meetingspaces/mccormick-tribune-campus-center https://www.architecture.orghearn/resources/ buildings-ofchicago/building/mccormicktribune-campuscenter/

Our perception of color is a personal emotional response. Our psychological and emotional response to color derived from our experience with that color or an object associated to that color. Color preferences is also associated with culture, religion and geographic region. Color trends change like fashion trend; those trends influence our preferences and decisions. Color combinations in spaces affect the way we perceive the size, shape and volume of interiors.





Directed by Neill Blomkamp

DESCRIPTION The events of the movie take place in Johannesburg, South Africa. Robots are introduced in the police force to help combat crimes, restore o r d e r a n d p e a c e i n t h e c i t y. T h e r o b o t s a r e d e s i g n e d a n d b u i l t b y a w e a p o n m a n u f a c t u r e r c a l l e d Te t r a v a a l . The British scientist who developed those robots, Deon Wilson, was secretly creating an artificial intelligence to make a conscious Robot while the engineer, Vincent Moore, was creating a remote-controlled Robot. Confrontations between those two parties start and gradually become an armed conflict.

SCENE 1 ANALYSIS That scene represent a moment of sadness after Chappie was left alone and attacked by a group of teenager. He ran and escaped in the mountains before being captured by a crew of scientist. Gray is the dominant color. That color means confusion, depression and lack of confidence, emotions experienced by Chappie in that scene.

SCENE 2 ANALYSIS Those scenes are from the rural environment in Johannesburg which explains the muddiness and the abundant vegetation. The environment is quite bright. Those two places are inhabited by the gang members in the movie. They are very vivacious and cheerful people. Green represent the freshness of nature.The yellow and orange popping out in the scene means cheerfulness a nd v i ta l i ty. B lu e h e re could be associated with coolness.

SCENE 3 ANALYSIS Those are images of the office of the company Te t r a v a a l . T h e c o l o r b l u e i s u s e d h e a v i l y. T h e e n v i r o n me n t is professional and quiet. Blue is associated with calm and loyalty. People are also more productive in blue rooms.The light brown wood of the desk relates to comfort.

SCENE 4 ANALYSIS Those scenes happen at the w a r e h o u s e o f t h e c o m p a n y. The yellow and orange painted metals contrast with the blue of the uniforms and white walls. The blue of the uniforms represent authority. The yellow and orange in this setting signal danger and caution of the space.The whiteness of the room is associable with the presence o f h i g h t e c h n o l o g y.

SUMMARY The leading color palette throughout the movie are the earthy tone colors. Depending on the scene or the environment, lighter or darker colors of that palette are used more intensely to communicate a dark or bright feeling. A touch of warmer color like orange, yellow or blue is often added.

COLOR + HEALTH Colors have the ability to affect positively and negatively our mental health, our mood, our stress a n d a n x i e t y. T h i s c a n b e e x p l a i n e d b y t h e f a c t t h a t the average person spends 90% of her life indoors, therefore the way our environments are designed affect our health and well-being. Because color affects our brainwaves, emotions and biological systems, chromotherapy is used to cure certain illnesses. Color blindness is a condition when color perception is altered from normal color vision.

Balance in color application is the relationship between different hues and their perceived visual weight. Balance helps bring cohesion in the finished product. The four types of balance: Va lu e co n t ra st : Co n t ra st , lig h t v s d a rk, sh o w o r emphasize difference between two objects. Hue balance: Complementary colors placed next to one another intensify the other hue and make each other appear brighter. Intensity contrast or bright vs dull: Light colors appears to advance toward the viewer and dark colors tend to recede. Size of color area: The larger the amount of color used, the lighter it appears; the smaller the amount of color used, the darker it appears.



COLOR + RETAIL Tong Yue Li Sales Center


HUE The colors used in this interior have a high contrast level which ma k e t h e m a p p e a r mo r e i n t e n s e l y. E a c h c o l o r i s n o t i c e a b l e o n i t s o w n while maintaining a unity of the space. The apparent intensity makes the space vivid and playful. The vibrant colors bring attention to specific areas of the room that is broken down into different compartment.


VALUE The contrast of value is a play of lightness and darkness obtained without the use of colored hues. It is used here with the furniture. The couches that seem a continuation of the same color wall is more noticeable with the use of darker gray couch in the middle.

Shape form and color bring attention, differentiate this private secluded seating. The main turquoise wall composing the space is decorated with a carved relief, framed withing that same wall and contrasted with a yellow background.



Emphasis is added to this embedded seating area with change of color and texture. It is framed with arches emphasizing the depth. The textured wall separates the built-in couch from the wall. The geometric shape of the colors bring those elements together. This image is a perfect blend of design feature and texture.





T h e s h o w ro o m’s lo b b y, p a in t e d d a rk t u rq u o is e h a s a particular feature. The reception desk is backed by an intricate relief with carvings of scenes from nature. This distinctive design element that stands out from the other design feature makes the reception a focal point.

REFERENCES To n g Yu e L i S a l e s C e n t e r | C o n t r a c t D e s i g n


COLOR + WORKPLACE Campari’s New York Headquarters

DESCRIPTION The two-story office is located in the upper floors in the landmarked W. R. Grace building , doubling workspace to 65,000 square feet and affording views of neighboring Bryant Park.The design puts forward the spirit and products of the company and blends corporate space and bars; there are four of them.

COLORS Th e co lo r p a lle t ca n b e d e f in e d a s c ompl e me nta ry. Th e pl a y w i th c ool and warm hues makes the spaces vivid. The achromatic colors , used for the floors, wall and ceilings, are dominant throughout the building which maintain the relationship between the different scenes. They are contrasted with more vivid colors like red and blue, used for the finishes and furnitures, creating high contrast. The variety of colors creates micro-environments. In each schemes, the colors reappear d o m i n a n t l y o r m i n i m a l l y, a n d h e l p t i e d t h e d e s i g n t o g e t h e r.

Straight lines, strips and grid patterns are predominant. In the stairwell, the LED strips light used at the edges enhance the straightness and smoothness of the lines. The straight lines achieve simple geometries and keep the design simple and clean.





An espresso, in the shape of the letter C, carved a double-height atrium through the two floors, greets visitors. The singularity of this feature makes this space a focal point in the whole which must be have been intended for this unconventional reception desk. The C shape is mirrored behind at the concierge desk with a C shape light fixture mimicking the double height atrium.




TEXTURE Rough and smooth texture sometimes blends in one room like in this lounge where the rough texture of the couches and the rug are balancing the smoothness of the walls, floors and ceiling. In certain rooms each style is u s e d d o m i n a n t l y. T h e s t a i r w e l l w a l l s a r e c o v e r e d i n p o l y e s t e r - b l e n d c r e a t i n g the smooth finish, the lobby is mixing rough walls finish and mat floors.

REFERENCES Gensler Blends Corporate Space and Cocktail B a rs a t C a m p a r i ' s N e w Yo r k H e a d q u a r te rs Interior Design



The W Miami is located in the Brickell neighborhood in Downtown Miami. It is at a 5 minute walk to Brickell Ciy Center and 15 minute to Bayfront park and Bayside marketplace. It contains 146 rooms, each with access to a p r i v a t e b a l c o n y, a s p a a n d r o o f t o p l o u n g e - p o o l a r e a a n d i s t h e s i t e o f ADDiKT restaurant. The hotel is adjacent to Icon Brickell apartment complex which it shares amenities with.


T h e i n t e r i o r i s d o m i n a t e d b y e a r t h y t o n e c o l o r s . I t l e a v e s a n i m p r e s s i o n o f l u x u r y. O p p o s i t e colors in the color wheel are used minimally to add balance. The green undertone and murals, sculptures depicting scenes of nature immerse the public in a tropical jungle environment. The style is quite old fashioned with many traditional details but very polished.


COLORS The interior is dominated by earthy tone colors. I t l e a v e s a n i m p r e s s i o n o f l u x u r y. O p p o s i t e colors in the color wheel are used minimally to add balance. The green undertone and murals, sculptures depicting scenes of nature immerse the public in a tropical jungle environment. The style is quite old fashioned with many traditional details but very polished.

PATTERN The design is enriched with a variety of pattern. Those elaborate geometrical patterns area repeated on the floors, windows and furniture like chairs back or arm.

The patterns combined with the neutral colors don’t feel overwhelming. They elevate the interior.

TEXTURE Smooth texture is the dominant type of texture from floor to ceiling, created mainly by the abundant use of marbles. The floor of certain bedroom and conference room are softened with carpet and balances the smoothness. The polished smooth textures play a big role in producing a chic and luxurious interior.

The use of intricate shapes comes from the ornamentation rather than the architecture itself. Furniture and light fixture play a functional and embellishment role that add color and life to the luxurious spaces.


REFERENCES Review: The W Miami in Brickell https :/ / the poi nts guy. c om/ re v i e w s / w -mi a mi brickell/ W Miami, Florida, USA - Hotel Review | Condé N a st Trave le r y-miami 4-Star Hotels in Miami, Florida | W Miami W Miami - Google Maps

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