10 minute read
by Sarah-raven
Shade Perennial Bulb Mix
A nice old-fashioned mix of bulbs to brighten up a shady, north-facing wall. The narcissus here smell incredible too. All these bulbs are chosen to keep coming back for years. a April. H.45cm 261771 60 bulbs (15 of each) £42.95
Some of the most beautiful sights of spring are carpets of bulbs: anemones, crocus, camassias, and narcissi, not in borders, but in self-seeding, self-perpetuating drifts through your grass or shaded corners.
Bulbs for Naturalising in Shade Collection
The easiest to grow bulbs for gently seeding themselves through shady spots in your garden. Includes 5 x corms of Cyclamen coum, 10 x bulbs Galanthus elwesii (Greater Snowdrop), 25 x tubers of Eranthis hyemalis (Winter Aconites), 50 x bulbs of Chionodoxa forbesii, 20 x tubers of Anemone blanda ‘Blue Shades’ and 10 x bulbs of Narcissus pseudonarcissus ‘Lobularis’ (Lent Lily Daffodil). a January-April. H.30cm 260996 120 bulbs (as above) £54.95
We only sell top size bulbs for brilliant and beautiful flowers
Early Spring Jewels Collection
This mix of bulbs greets me from early March until the end of April on my way to let out the hens. Each of these bulbs were planted in different years and have merged gradually into the most cheerful early spring carpet. Each component is reliably perennial. Includes 20 x tubers of A. ‘Blue Shades’, 10 x tubers of A. ‘Sylphide’ and ‘Mr Fokker’ and 10 x bulbs of T. ‘Apricot Emperor’ and ‘Sunny Prince’. a March-April. H.40cm 261772 60 bulbs (as above) £17.95
Delft Blue
Perennial Bulb Collection
A lovely early flowering mix of bulbs inspired by the classic blue and white patterned Delft blue china. This combination flowers long and hard, is totally perennial, and will naturalise in sun or dappled shade. Includes 25 x bulbs of Muscari latifolium and Scilla siberica, and 20 x tubers of Anemone blanda ‘Blue Shades’ and ‘White Splendour’. a March-April. H.15cm 261348 90 items (as above) £22.95
This exclusive collection contains the most beautiful, delicate crocuses in soft blues and creams. Delicate, yet easy to grow, lovely closed up as a goblet and even lovelier, fully starily open. Includes C. biflorus ‘Blue Pearl’, C. chrysanthus ‘Cream Beauty’ and C. chrysanthus ‘Snow Bunting’, each in separate bags. a February-March. H.15cm 260546 30 corms (10 of each) £10.95
75 corms (25 of each) £21.50
Use this to create a blue carpet in your borders through sun or shade. They self-seed to naturalise and are great for picking too. a March-April. H.15cm 260515 20 tubers £5.95 40 tubers £9.95
The Carien Crocus Collection in a Gift Box 261545
150 corms £45.95
The Carien Crocus Collection
Named after my Dutch garden designer friend, Carien van Boxtel, this is a truly wonderful crocus collection which kicks off a succession of naturalised bulbs in her lawn in Zaltbommel, south of Amsterdam. All the crocus here have been thriving and spreading for years; they are the prettiest, most delicate looking forms. a February-March. H.15cm 261355 150 corms (25 of each) £39.95
An unusual bicolour form. This is an old variety from the 1950s, which has stood the test of time. a February-March.
260532 25 corms £11.95
50 corms £19.95
Plant crocuses in drifts in your garden to naturalise, or pack them in a pot for colour on your doorstep. Search ‘crocus’ on the website to see videos of my favourite varieties, and discover our planting guide.
Camassias are easy to grow and reliably perennial bulbs which will naturalise in grass or borders.
A wonderful start to a bulb succession or lasagne (see website), with a carpet of dazzling and cheery ‘Orange Monarch’ from early March. a February-March. H.15cm
261777 25 corms £9.95
50 corms £16.95
My top favourite crocus, with buds like a Rembrandt tulip. a February-March. H.15cm
260542 25 corms £8.95
50 corms £15.50
A statuesque, late springflowering bulb with spires of creamy white which lasts for ages. Gently self-seeds. a April-May. H.90cm
260768 5 bulbs £7.95 20 bulbs £27.50
Large, bold, star shaped flowers that range from sky blue to cobalt. A magnet for bees and, along with alliums, great for filling the May garden colour gap. a May-June. H.60cm
20 bulbs £5.50
40 bulbs £8.50
80 bulbs £14.95
We only sell top size bulbs for big and beautiful flowers
Snowdrop Collection for Naturalising
Introduce snowdrops this year, and in three years’ time, you’ll have carpets aplenty to cheer up your garden from January to March. Includes G. nivalis (Common Snowdrop), G. ‘Flore Pleno’ (Double Snowdrop) and G. elwesii (Greater Snowdrop). Thrives in sun or dappled shade. a January-February. H.15cm
260326 30 bulbs (10 of each) £27.95
60 bulbs (20 of each) £39.95
Despatched from early August
Dappled shade
Spring Shade Mix
Planted in a pot on our shady doorstep, and in dappled shady grass, we loved this pretty miniature bulb duo last spring. Totally perennial too, gradually naturalising into a Delft china carpet of spring flowers.
a March-April. H.15cm
261717 60 bulbs (30 of each) £17.50
120 bulbs (60 of each) £31.50
Excellent in borders or grass
(Plum & White mix)
This snake’s head fritillary looks brilliant at the front of a border or naturalised in grass. Exquisite and beautiful, yet easy to grow. a April-May. H.15cm
260036 40 bulbs £11.95
80 bulbs £20.95 a January-February. H.15cm
The straight-up, wild species snowdrop with silvery-green leaves and neat slim flowers.
261065 50 bulbs £25.95
100 bulbs £49.95
These magenta spires stud the olive groves in the Mediterranean. Known as ‘Whistling Jack’ in Cornwall and the Scilly Isles where it is also naturalised. a May-July.
260038 20 corms £6.95
40 corms £10.95
Most varieties on this page will benefit from planting as soon as they arrive.
Hyacinthoides a April-May. H.30cm
This is the true British native bluebell. Plant under any collection of trees and shrubs and it will look like they’ve been there forever.
260739 25 bulbs £23.95
50 bulbs £44.95
100 bulbs £69.95
The Botticelli Perennial Bulb Collection
Like the flower-studded sward in Botticelli’s Primavera painting, this petite and gentle-coloured mix of bulbs can be planted in grass, borders or a large container, to flower next spring and for many springs to come. Includes 25 x bulbs each of Muscari latifolium, Tulip turkestanica and Tulip ‘Persian Pearl’, 15 x bulbs of Narcissus ‘Sailboat’ and 10 x bulbs of Narcissus ‘Lemon Drops’. a March-May. H.45cm 261344 100 bulbs (as above) £49.95
Muscari Collection
I’ve loved grape hyacinths ever since I was a girl when we went looking for them in the Dolomites with my dad. These are among the most special, brand-new cultivars. a March-April. H.15cm 261506 60 bulbs (20 of each) £29.95
Tulip and Narcissus Naturalising Collection
A great pair to last a lifetime in an orchard or on a lawn. Here down the drive at Perch Hill, where they have grown in numbers every year. a March-April. H.45cm 261494 40 bulbs (20 of each) £32.95
We only sell top size bulbs for brilliant and beautiful flowers
Almost a spitting image of our wild narcissus, but quicker to bulk up and form fabulous spring carpets. a February-March. H.30cm
260133 20 bulbs £16.95 40 bulbs £29.95
80 bulbs £49.95 120 bulbs £74.50
These narcissi are the most perennial bulbs we grow, with clumps getting bigger and better each year, making them brilliant value over 10 or even 50 years.
N. ‘Actaea’ POETICUS
This beautiful and delicate narcissus flowers one month earlier than the classic Pheasant’s Eye narcissi. Highly scented and excellent in a border or grass. a March-April. H.45cm
260120 15 bulbs £17.50
30 bulbs £29.95
N. obvallaris (Tenby Daffodil) SPECIES
In meadows, this acts as a bridge between the February crocus and snowdrops, and the main show of wildflowers in grass. a March-April. H.30cm 261448 15 bulbs £9.95 30 bulbs £16.50
Narcissus for Naturalising Collection
Every year we plant more bulbs in our grass and these are my top five narcissi for succession, delicate scale, and scent. a March-May. H.45cm 261146 50 bulbs (10 of each) £39.95
Highly Scented Narcissus Collection
The very best, highly scented and long-flowering narcissi with long vase life. Plant these to flower one after another through spring: early flowering ‘Avalanche’; pretty and fragrant ‘Geranium’; perfect, ivory-coloured, multi-headed ‘Silver Chimes’ and classic Pheasant’s Eye type ‘Actaea’. a February-April. H.45cm
260462 20 bulbs (5 of each) £21.50
40 bulbs (10 of each) £36.95
Highly Scented Narcissus
Collection in a
20 bulbs £27.50
Our very best tried and tested narcissi. Remember to plant lots of these to fill your garden with beautiful, scented, early spring cheer to last for many decades.
First to flower
One of the earliest varieties to flower in the garden here at Perch Hill. A good performer in the brightest and cheeriest yellow. a January-February.
261644 10 bulbs £9.95
20 bulbs £17.50
This delicate beauty is happy in a pot, window box, growing at the front of a border, or naturalised in grass. It’s pale yellow cup fades to cream. a March-April. H.30cm
261794 15 bulbs £11.95
30 bulbs £21.95
60 bulbs £39.95
Bedside Table Collection
Soft, romantic, scented, and pretty - the loveliest selection from our narcissus as cut flowers trial. Arranged here in our Pumpkin Vase with amelanchier (see website) just as they are planted in our Dutch Yard. a March-April. H.45cm 261720 50 bulbs (10 of each) £44.95
Very early to flower Super early
Like ’Tête-à-Tête’ (see page 37) but in the most perfect ivory. Ideal for pots, containers, and the front of a bed. Very early to flower – superb! a February-April. H.30cm
260882 15 bulbs £9.50
30 bulbs £15.95
A classic daffodil or narcissus, invaluable because it brings spring early, reliably flowering in a sheltered spot from early February, beating most others by a month. a February-March. H.30cm
261147 15 bulbs £10.95
30 bulbs £18.95
Pheasant’s Eye Narcissus Collection
If I had to choose one group of narcissi, it would have to be the incredibly perfumed, delicate-looking Pheasant’s Eye and here are my favourite three, flowering one after another in neat succession from March until May.
a March-May. H.45cm
261647 30 bulbs (10 of each) £34.95
60 bulbs (20 of each) £64.95
Exceptional cut flower
I almost always choose petite and delicate narcissi but I loved the spring meringue look of these more classic sized daffs. a March-April. H.45cm
261783 15 bulbs £16.95
30 bulbs £31.50
A wonderful, multi-headed narcissus, with delicious scent and flowers that last for ages in the garden and the vase. a March-April. H.30cm
260634 15 bulbs £10.95
30 bulbs £19.95 a March-April. H.15cm
Brilliant for pots and in the garden, this dwarf variety has a wondrous scent, and is incredibly pretty too.
260128 15 bulbs £6.95
30 bulbs £9.95
Highly scented and late-flowering, this is a reliable classic, excellent in a border or grass. a April-May. H.45cm
260126 20 bulbs £13.95
40 bulbs £22.50
I have this incredibly elegant, highly scented narcissus planted between my overwintering dahlias to give me buckets of long-lasting narcissi to cut for spring. Also good in grass. a April. H.30cm 260127 10 bulbs £11.50
20 bulbs £19.95
Dutch Yard Narcissus Collection
We have cracked narcissus for picking and narcissus for grass, so last year, we did a big trial of daffs (of the more delicate kinds) for pots. These were the winning beauty queens, many fragrant, some strong colours, some soft, some tall, some short. Essential for looking good in pots. a April-May. H.45cm 261719 40 bulbs (5 of each) £59.95 80 bulbs (10 of each) £99.95
The excellent value, miniature, easyto-grow, live-forever narcissus, which wins bulb of the year again and again. Fantastic in pots. a March-April. H.15cm 260456 30 bulbs £10.95
60 bulbs £17.95
Planted in a large pot, these look just like Swan Lake ballerinas on the Covent Garden stage. Early to flower, they are the prettiest heralder of spring. a March-April. H.15cm
261722 10 bulbs £7.95
20 bulbs £12.95
perennial BULB DRIFTS
Soft and Graceful Drift Mix
The perfect perennial mixture of flower shapes, heights, and soft variation in tone. Featuring fritillaries, camassias, narcissi, with species and hybrid tulips in ivory, white, and cream. Includes 25 x bulbs N. ‘Sailboat’, 20 x bulbs T. turkestanica, 15 x bulbs of T. ‘White Valley’ syn ‘Exotic Emperor’, T. ‘Mieke Telkamp’, 3 x Camassia ‘Sacajawea’ (v) and 2 x Fritillaria raddeana bulbs. a March-May. H.90cm
261517 80 bulbs (1m2) £74.95
Tulip and Camassia Drift Mix
A bulb combination by my Dutch garden designer friend, Carien Van Boxtel. A sea of apricot and cream, with a splash of mulberry, a very perennial collection which is refined and sophisticated, and flowers for two months through. Includes 25 x bulbs of T. ‘Apricot Foxx’, T. ‘Concerto’, T. ‘Ronaldo’ and 5 x Camassia ‘Sacajawea’ (v) bulbs. a April-May. H.90cm
261515 80 bulbs (1m2) £49.95
Hugely popular in the Netherlands, we have been experimenting with these perennial bulb mixes, for permanent carpets in the garden. Here are the varieties we love the most.
Anemone coronaria
‘Jerusalem Blue’
This excelled in our window box trial. The flowers just keep on coming and are 50% bigger and taller than the standard purple-blue florist’s anemone, ‘Mr Fokker’. a March – when autumn planted. H.30cm
261157 20 tubers £19.95
Fritillaria imperialis
‘Early Sensation’ a March-April. H.60cm
Can you imagine anything more glamorous to start off the spring than this very early flowering frit with its chartreuse-green bells?
261654 3 bulbs £26.95
Fritillaria imperialis
‘Orange Beauty’ a March-April. H.90cm
A super-reliable and perennial, brick red, giant, imperial fritillary. Once the flowers are over, I love the punk hairdo leaves above the seedheads.
261074 3 bulbs £14.95
6 bulbs £28.95
Fritillaria persica
‘Green Dreams’ a March-April. H.90cm
A pagoda fritillary from the Middle East, I saw groves of this in the grassy hills of northern Jordan in Spring. We’ve now trialled for enough years to know it flowers reliably unlike many in the persica group.
261774 3 bulbs £19.95
Incredible perfume
‘White’ (Multiflora)
Almost a garden in itself, this hyacinth pumps out flower stems, three or four from each bulb, with the individual bells well-spaced and generous. Hugely longflowering. a March-April.
H.30cm 261500
5 bulbs £12.95
15 bulbs £32.95
The Jewel Hyacinth Collection
The blue hyacinths tend to have the most scent and the purple the most glamour, so mix them up together for a lovely pot or vase. Includes Hyacinthus orientalis ‘Anastasia’, ‘Peter Stuyvesant’ and ‘Woodstock’.
a March-April. H.30cm
261509 15 bulbs (5 of each) £34.95
Everlasting Lilies Collection
It’s the silhouette and overall delicate elegance of both these lilies that I adore. Both have been coming up in the garden here now for well over a decade, and we’ve had ‘Black Beauty’ in the same pot (with zero TLC against a northfacing wall) for a similar length of time. They just get on with it and reappear with grace every summer.a July-August. H.1.2m
261787 6 bulbs (3 of each) £15.95
Iris ‘Purple Hill’ (Reticulata)
Perfect for pots and with a good scent. Grow in a container by your doorstep for early spring cheer. a February-March.
261441 20 bulbs £6.50
40 bulbs £9.95
Iris Reticulata Mix
I love this mix of blues and purples that came up by accident in this pot of miniature iris we think were muddled up by a squirrel. Plant Forget-me-not seedlings to come next. a Feburary-March. H.15cm
261780 75 bulbs (25 of each) £19.95
Best-selling Peony Collection
These are the peonies that everyone loves to have in their garden and are our bestsellers year after year. a May-June. H.90cm 200072 6 bare roots (2 of each) £39.95
Despatched from late October
We only sell top size bulbs for big and beautiful flowers