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Environment Toward a sustainable agriculture ENV1 : I MEASURE MY IMPACTS ON ENVIRONMENT


The floriculture production is mainly under poly houses in India. This way of producing is beneficial for a huge quantity of flowers as it can be controlled. But it demands important energy consumption and water consumption. Moreover, the use of chemicals can reduce the quality of soil. Not only f o r p r e s e r v i n g t h e


environment but also in order to reduce useless costs, it is important to reduce the impacts on environment of e n e r g y , w a t e r a n d chemicals. Moreover, Indian government want to develop the sector of clean t e c h n o l o g y . It’s a new opportunity to be more respectful for environment, save costs, and become more attractive.


This first best practice is a diagnostic of the actual situation. That means setting up right tools to measure the consumption of the three types of consumption in order to adopt the appropriate and pertinent acting plan. Diverse tools can be adopted to realize this best practice. An easy and recognized one to measure its impacts on environment is the global footprint. Both consumption of chemicals and energy are taken into account and allow the companies to have knowledge of theirs greenhouse gases is terms of CO2. To measure the water consumption, the Water Footprint is a tool originally developed by Arjen Hoekstra et al.

BENEFITS Measuring impacts on environment through recognized tools as the global footprint and water footprint will be beneficial for the producers because it will show the main post of consumption. As a result, an appropriate and pertinent action plans of reduction. The tools we recommend are internationally recognize and reliable. They will help the decision-makers recognize the impact of ecological overshoot on their own policies, investments and projects, and demonstrate that it is both in their interest and within their power to turn the tide. It’s just after measuring it that we can make a strategy to become more responsible. Indeed, it supposes to have the appropriate tools to measure it.


You know the consumer posts of energy / water / soil in our company.


You have tools for measuring your consumption of energy / water / chemicals. (Global Footprint, Water Footprint‌)

STEPS 3. You know the consumption of energy / water / chemicals of your competitors so you can compare yours.

REFERENCES The ISO 14001 is about environmental management and refers the life cycle analysis as a condition to be certified. The ISO 14040 and 14044 are the references for measuring the impacts.

EXAMPLES Global Footprint Network, water footprint :


After measuring impacts on environment, the company must be able to set up actions to reduce the consumption of energy, water, and use of chemicals. The company must have objectives of reduction and an action plan to reach them. Some example of actions in the area of water consumption is reducing the frequency of irrigation or the outputs of water. In the case of energy, it could be not to overheat the polyhouse and turn out the lights when it’s not necessary. As the production is protected, the sun could be sufficient to assure a good light and a good heat. As for the use of chemicals, it could be using other type of entrants as bio-fertilizers, more respectful of the environment.

BENEFITS Reducing its consumption of energy, water and chemicals will be beneficial for the company as it will reduce its costs. Moreover, it will improve its image and could have an improvement of the demand. It will be also beneficial for the producer and the cultivator for its health and for the environment as it will be more respected.


You have precise objective of reduction.


You set up a strategy to reduce your consumption.


You reached your objective of reduction.

REFERENCES As for the measure of the impacts, the reduction is also referenced in the ISO 14001 norm.

EXAMPLES Tissue Innovant (TI) is a Canadian company producing tissues with chairs or curtains of hospitals for the market of the furnishing. This SME (SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISE) of 200 employees evolves in the very competitive industry of the textile. It’s the biggest manufacturer in Canada and takes place in the fourth rank in North America, ISO-certified 9000 and ISO 14001, TI, by its environmental practices, reduced of 80 % its greenhouse gas emissions, of 24 % its use of energy, 74 % its water consumption; the company recycles 99,9 % of its fabrics(tissues), some plastic and some paper, while increasing its use of renewable energy until a 91 % level.


This best practice provides new ways of managing the production in a more eco-friendly way. In the sector of agriculture, there are plenty of investment to be more efficient and at the same time more respectful of the environment. Innovation is not only a good way to adopt a positive impact on environment, but also to be more efficient. Clean technologies or renewable energy are products and services that reduce the risk of harming the environment, minimise pollution, minimise the amount of materials used and correct environmental damage.

BENEFITS Innovation in this area demand high investment and adaptation to learn how to manage it. But it’s not comparable with the benefits that it can provide. The clean technologies let companies using renewable materials and energy sources, limit the energy use, reduce the use of natural resources, reduce or eliminate waste, and then reduce costs in a long-term perspective. By investing in clean technologies, the producers broadcast a new image, more positive and at the same time can be more efficient.

STEPS 1. You set up a process of competitive intelligence in clean technologies. 2. You invest in clean technologies to be more efficient. 3. You do R&D in the environmental area.

REFERENCES The sustainable agriculture network (SAN) is working to improve farm standards to make them more respectful through environment. Every few years, the SAN does a complete overhaul of the standard for farms that want to promote their products as Rainforest Alliance Certified™. Their principles for a sustainable agriculture are

EXAMPLE Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister Sri Naveen Patnaik has felicitated farmer Soumendra Behera for his innovative endeavour in floriculture in a special function “State Level Agricultural Fair” organized by Agriculture Department. Horticulture cluster 2020 project in Netherlands: a new concept has been developed to tackle the issue of energy : the greenhouse as an energy source.

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