AXP Hours: 491.5
e: sarah.schneider816@gmail.com p: 757.621.2170
2118 Greenbriar Circle Ames, Iowa 50014
2014- 2018: Iowa State University Bachelor of Architecture Spring 2017: Iowa State University Rome Program 2013: UNC Charlotte Bachelor of Architecture Undergraduate Research Assistant (Fall 2017- Present) Iowa State University Computational + Construction Lab Alley Poyner Macchietto (Summer 2017, WInter 2017) Student Intern Cyborg Sessions Women in Robotics Workshop (Fall 2017) Iowa State University Design 102 Peer Mentor (Spring 2016- Fall 2017) Iowa State University Production Assistant Winterset Exhibition (Summer 2016) Iowa State University Lab Assistant (Summer 2016) Iowa State University Computational + Construction Lab 3D Ceramic Printer Researcher (Summer 2016) Iowa State University Computational + Construction Lab Senior Bunk Counselor/ Specialty Staff (Summer 2013- Summer 2016) Camp Ramah in New England: Palmer, Massachusetts CSI Competition- Finalist (Fall 2017) H. Kennard Bussard Award- FInalist (Fall 2017) Heery Scholarship- $1,000 (Fall 2017) Lightfoot Scholarship- $1,000 (Summer 2017) Iowa State Cardinal Key Honor Society (Spring 2017) Febuary Member of the Month- Iowa Women in Architecture (Spring 2017) Cannon Moss Brygger Rome Study Abroad Scholarship- $2,400 (Fall 2016) BWBR Design Competition- Finalist (Spring 2016) ISU CMU Design Competition- Semi Finalist (Spring 2016) Hanson Prize Competition- Finalist (Spring 2016) Spiros Mentzelopoulos Book Award (Fall 2015) Foundation for Jewish Camps Cornerstone Fellowship (Summer 2015) Deans List- Iowa State University: 3.5 g.p.a or greater (Spring 2014- Fall 16,17) Chancellors List- UNC Charlotte: 4.0 g.p.a. (Fall 2013) IAWIA Vice President (2017- 2018) IAWIA Coordinator (2014- 2016) ISU Hillel Membership + Social Chair (2014- 2016) American Institute of Architecture Students (2013- Present) ISU Womens Ultimate Frisbee Club (2014- Present) ISU Hillel (2014- Present) Iowa Women in Architecture Student Club (Fall 2014- Present) Digital Fabrication Club (2016- Present) Adobe Creative Suite, After Effects, Arduino, AutoCad, Autodesk Revit, CNC, Ceramic 3D Printing, Form-Z, Filabot, Google SketchUp, Grasshopper, Laser Cutting, Maxwell, Microsoft Office, Processing 3, Rhinoceros, 3D Printing
SAAMM Seattle, Washington ARCH 403- Fall 2016
Cyborg Sessions Ames, Iowa ISU CCL- Fall 2017
disrupt/displace Venice, Italy ARCH 436/528c- Fall 2016
Mars Research + Training Center Badlands National Park ARCH 401- Fall 2016
Ceramic 3D Printing Ames, Iowa ARCH 433- Fall 2017
tenement 2.0 New York, New York ARCH 302- Spring 2016
Des Moines Activity Park Des Moines, Iowa ARCH 301- Fall 2015
Cobb Oven Ames, Iowa Fall 2014
Seattle Aquatic Aviation Maritime Museum ARCH 403- Fall 2017 Professor: Rob Whitehead Partners: Peter Fonkert + Zach Thielen Location: Seattle, Washington Competitions: CSI Competition + H. Kennard Bussard Award- Finalist
The Seattle Aquatic Aviation and Maritime Museum (SAAMM) is located in the historic Gas Works Park on Lake Union. The Seattle Gas Light Company gasification plant dominated the location during the early 1900s and was later closed and became a toxic waste site. In 1975, a park, designed by Richard Haag, was opened to the public creating a destination for festivals and leisure. The thin footprint on the site elevates most of the program above the ground, leaving the park level open. This and the materiality of a steel louver system relates back to the original gasification plant that occupied the site. SAAMM is comprised of a trussed structure that draws inspiration from the two adjacent highway bridges that span across Lake Union. Activating the space below with public program, SAAMM is able to harmoniously blend our program from water, land, and sky. The trussed bridge building is useful for many reasons. Creating a fifty-foot span clear of columns allows us to completely open our interior spaces. The program is back loaded to the north with private programming, allowing us to freely move the public through the southern half of our building. A formal pedestrian entrance into the park leads users down a series of designed spaces and connects to existing paths within the park. Visitors travel under the cantilevered truss and upon arrival at the entrance, are elevated into our main program space. Visitors have the choice of starting with aviation-focused galleries that lead up to the roof or maritime-focused galleries that lead to the water. While moving through the space, visitors experience a series of solids within the two-story truss. These solids house exhibitions with special environmental or lighting needs. Visitors are also spontaneously introduced to multi-story spaces that interact with other exhibits or circulation spaces. The steel trussed building is cladded with glass. The louver shading system wraps around the building to help block harsh light during the day. The louvers form a partial enclosure for our roof where our outdoor plane exhibit, cafĂŠ, and auditorium reception space are located.
Site Map
Site Impact
Public + Private Spaces
Private Public Public Path
Section Model
Air Intake
Geothermal Mechanical + Ventilation System
Structural System
Ships Canal Bridge
Solar Panel Array | Green Roof
5’ Photovoltaic Panel Elevated Bracket Steel Louver Greenroof Grass Drainage Gutter VAV Box 3 1/2” Metal Decking 12” of Rigid Insulation W 18 x 50 Beam
Aurora Bridge
Bridge Context
Longitudinal Section
Cafe Garden | Roof Assembly
Glass Scupper
Wood Blocking with Stained wood veneer 3” Concrete Slab 3 1/2” Metal Decking 2’ Soil topped with Decorative Rock 12’ of Rigid Insulation VAV Box W 18 x 50 Beam 5/8” Gypsum Board Ceiling on Metal Stud
Glass Panel Scupper Steel Louver Aluminum Mullion Strip Light
Museum Entrance
Dock Exhibit
Park Pass under
Sea Plane Flyover
Cyborg Sessions
ISU Computational + Construction Lab- Fall 2017 Professors: Shelby Doyle, Leslie Forehand and Nick Senske Location: Ames, Iowa
As undergraduate research assistant for Assistant Professor of Architecture Shelby Doyle, AIA and Nick Senske, I assisted with the Cyborg Sessions workshop. The free workshop, sponsored by the ISU Inclusion Initiatives Grant and was lead by Shelby Doyle, Leslie Forehand, and Nick Senske. The workshop objective was democratize women to computer coding and its applications in design. The workshop involvement introduced me to Arduino, Processing, Robotic Arms and Turtle Robots. The workshop took place in two projects: “Playing Turtle” followed by “Dancing with Robots.” “Playing Turtle” Turtle Robots, created by Seymour Papert, at MIT were created to have children think computationally by relating themselves in space to turtle movement. The participants learned basic syntax and logics of programming to test simple codes written. “Dancing with Robots” The objective of the second project is for participants to further develop there confidence while using robots and embrace the expressive nature of painting with robots. Robotic Arms used in this phase were adapted with paint brushes. Participants “trained” the robot to develop a series of strokes in a iterative process to create the panted piece. The workshop concluded with a visit from Madeline Gannon, head of Atonaton research studio. Gannon’s research focuses on computational design to create a blend of design, robotics, and human-computer interaction.
Turtle Robot Drawing
Turtle Robot Drawing
Dancing with Robots
Practicing Painting
disrupt/displace ARCH 436/528c Venice Biennale- Fall 2016 Professors: Shelby Doyle + Leslie Forehand Location: Venice, Italy
This design was for an exhibition held in Venice, Italy at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition. The design concept responds to Alejandro Aravena’s Curatorial Statement, Reporting from the Front, that explores the impact of architecture on the environment and on the quality of life. My class selected the Bakken Pipeline for the exhibition. Construction on the Bakken Pipeline started in 2016. The pipeline stretches diagonally across 1,172 miles starting in North Dakota and ending in central Illinois. The pipe, which is approximately 2 feet in diameter, cuts through the gridded Midwestern landscape and is leaving a permanent scar. This cut is disrupting thousands of people and their livelihood. This exhibit replicated a field of corn through the use of cardboard modules. The diagonal cut through the grid was displaced and destroyed similar to what is occurring in the case of the Bakken Pipeline. At the colloquium, on the last day of the exhibition, representatives of the class presented a report on the project. The report identified the political and social issues and created a dialogue between the architects attending the colloquium and the students.
The effects of the Jeffersonian Grid is clear from the aerial photo on the left. The Grid divided the territory into a sequence of nested grids from townships, to sections, quarter sections , checks and individual plots of land. The diagram shows a 1 mile x 1 mile (1.6 km x 1.6 km) section of land.
a a
Top- Map of Iowa: The Bakken Pipeline crosses through 18 counties in Iowa, including Story County in blue. Left- The twisting growth pattern of corn that dominates the Iowan landscape. Middle + Right- The twisting stalk is translated into a unit crafted in three sections with multi-directional scores, which allows the piece to twist into a three dimensions.
The units were packed into carry-on suitcases and carried across the Atlantic, which aided in transportation and security of the pieces. Each of the 28 students that traveled to Venice from Iowa brought 25-50 pieces with them for a total of about 900 units for the installation in Venice.
The first step in re-assembling our installation in Venice was to unpack and construct all of our units.
The pieces were then collected into an unorganized pile signifying the organic nature of the American landscape prior to the Jeffersonian Grid.
The first part of the installation was organizing the units into a a strict grid resembling the Jeffersonian Grid seen in Iowa, USA.
The deconstruction of the landscape takes places as two members of the group removed and dismantled the pieces. The land disturbed from the landscape is not removed and as such the pieces were replaced as deconstructed flattened pieces within the confines of the void.
In order to encourage people to engage with the space and complete the disturbance within the boundaries of the grid the whole group marched over the void, further flattening the pieces, and leaving the space chaotic in its destruction Interaction with the space was almost immediate, with people engaging with the space and experiencing the spatial implications of the pipelines cutting through the landscape in a physical form.
Aggregation of the unit resembling the repetition of the visible grid of the Midwest.
Martian Research + Training Center ARCH 401- Fall 2016 Professor: Shelby Doyle Partner: Alonso Ortega Location: Badlands National Park, South Dakota
As the world evolves and the population grows, mankind looks to space for new living options. The Badlands National Park was selected for building the Martian Research + Training Center as a test site for simulating future exploration to the planet Mars. The site was chosen because of its extreme environmental setting that best simulate the conditions found on Mars. Architects working at this site will be able to investigate construction technology, material usage, building typology and human interactions on Mars. The original pods are a minimalist design and include basic human needs for food, shelter, and protection. As the colony expands the shell and pods expand to supplement the basic survival pods.
radiant heating rebar site one-way window printed concrete structural concrete
Hub Structural Detail
Hub Section Model: astronaut versus researchers area
Astronauts and researchers live within the same main hub and do not interact; instead the astronauts are being examined through one-way glass. They live in compact conditions replicating similar programmatic situations and as these astronauts become isolated the more crucial it is to take note of everything they do for the first phase of their training. For the image on the left, the layer show how the hub section takes into consideration regular construction techniques as the entire space is extruded with a 3D robot.
Rover Storage + Training
Mars 2022:Pod Exterior Approach
Mars 2022: Interior Experience
Landing on mars with a rover allows for the implementation of a double cross laminated shell that is made by manipulating the solid as a building material. After we have the shell we can have the pneumatic structures of the pods that are expandable as the colony grows. These transportable structures are brought from earth and constructed inside of the large shell. The thin material has a double layer system. The interior layer contains a low-density gas while the exterior layer is coated with a reflective layer of Mylar, which helps reduce significant heat lost via radiation. The original pods established on mars are considered to be the bare minimum to survive on mars. This includes basic human needs of food, shelter, and protection.
pneumatic section
shell section
printing process
cross lamination
Shell + Pod Section Model with Detail Overlays
tenement 2.0
ARCH 302- Spring 2016 Professor: Leslie Forehand Partner: Alonso Ortega Location: New York, New York Competition: BWBR- Finalist
The mixed-use midrise project is located on the Lower East Side of New York City. The focus of this project was to create a flexible, modular housing system that allows for different configurations of apartment units and for expansion of the housing complex. The single loaded corridor surrounds the large courtyard that supports residential living. The Andy Warhol Museum Extension is located on the site of the housing project. The revitalization of the Essex Street market on the site helps to bring back the history of traditional tenement living.
Courtyard Experience
light well
sides carved
improved ventilation + sunlight
trim & turn
typical floor plan
ground floor plan
2 bedroom apartment a
1 bedroom
micro a
bedroom w/ hallway b
2 bedroom
bedroom c
3 bedroom
Street Overview
structure diagram
module connection
Street Market
market reverse garage door
section a
jack connector
clt museum wall detail section
concrete slab clt structural facade
connection detail
Museum Space
Section: Museum Space
Ceramic 3D Printing ARCH 443- Fall 2017 Professor: Shelby Doyle Partner: Ian Dillon Location: Ames, Iowa
The use of a 3D printer is critical to exploring different forms, materials and designs. This research examined ratios of aggregates in addition to the clay’s capabilities in relation to the specific Ceramic 3D Printer. Through many explorations the design became about the beauty of each piece that created an aggregation held together by the geometry of the piece. The ridges of the piece create a friction that holds them together and helps to stabilize each of the bricks against each other. Grasshopper was used as a means to apply the simplistic form of the brick to the scale of a building façade. Altering the light qualities around the needs of the building and the people within was an important consideration for this project. Each brick lets light in to a certain extent and the way in which they are aggregated then determines which parts receive more or less light. In its current state there are two sizes of bricks, one larger and one smaller, but this could easily be expanded upon as a means to create more diversity in its application. The heights of the larger bricks were also tested as a means of brining depth to the exterior or interior of the façade.
Grasshopper Experimental Aggrigation
Aggregation became a means of varying the apertures and scales of each of the print. Here circle packing was explored as a way to create a condensed and somewhat randomized collection of the individual prints.
The intial exploration of aggregations was an attempt to allow for larger areas of light filtration through the system. This proved to be difficult because the scripts were creating gaps that obviously do not work in compression.
Doubling the layers of the brick and controlling them independently was another means of exploration for aperature size. This proved more successful than previous aggregation methods explored, but would have required a thicker shell for the brick, which strayed from our original design intention.
Reverse attractors proved an easy way to imagine a more open system, but lost a sense of reality when translated to the real world because of the geometry involved with the project.
Reverse attractors applied to a circular shell was the next exploration. This method has the most potential for application at a large scale because it could be adapted for larger areas of light penetration. Controlling the inner radius size so that none of the bricks are truly solid would be the next step in refining this script.
Examining the ways in which the circles could inhabit each other as a way to increase density and have the aggregation be adaptable to the needs of the occupants and the particular building. The occupants could alter the form of the facade in whichever way best suited them.
Small Module Plan
Small Module Elevation
Large Module Plan
Large Module Elevation
Detail of final print
Proposed Aggrigation
Des Moines Activity Park ARCH 301- Fall 2015 Professor: Shelby Doyle Partner: Alex Hochstetler Location: Des Moines, Iowa Competition: Hanson Prize Competition- Finalist
The goal for this project was to create a space for community engagement by developing an extension of the existing Principal Riverwalk located in Des Moines, Iowa. The project design consists of a concrete structural core that includes a bike co-op repair area with storage, a climbing wall and vertical circulation. The exterior programmatic features include fishing, rowing pods, kayak departure, and a community gathering space. The dock, located directly on the Des Moines River holds multiple sets of rowing pods, which allows users to take direct advantage of the natural river current and tide.
winter approach
pulley system breathable mesh pull chain
accordion joint
steel frame
Rowing Pod Facade
Dock Connection
Climbing Wall Gathering Rowing Pod
Rail Bridge
Historic Rail Des Moines River
Kayak Departure
Bicycle Shop
concrete panel filament fixture concrete
steel frame pin glazing
substrate drip irrigation root barrier decking waterproofing layer insulation layer structural concrete
Panelized Concrete
Roof Section
Park Extension Bicycle Repair
Park Entrance
Water Street
Principal Riverwalk
Riverwalk Usage
1 2 3 4 5 6
bicycle repair stairwell elevator bicycle shop climbing wall rowing pod
fishing kayak departure 9 utilities 10 park extension 11 gathering 12 unisex bathroom 7 8
a 2
roof plan
ground plan
section a
Dock Activities
Rowing Pod Facade
Structural Model
Proposal Model
base foundation
stone and sand filler
glass bottle insulation
adobe seal
newspaper sand mold and exterior adobe layer
cob oven construction Fall 2015 Location: Ames, Iowa
This handmade cob oven is located in my backyard in Ames, Iowa and is made with natural materials of clay and sand (adobe), and straw (cob). It was constructed in multiple layers using traditional techniques. The pizza oven was built to provide fresh wood fired pizzas.
final adobe layer
Cooking Pizza