annual report July 2012– June 2013
Mission Statement Believe in Bristol’s mission is to foster the collaborative vibrant nature of both Bristols by building a community of culture, lifestyle, heritage, music, and economy. Believe in Bristol strives to strengthen the heart and soul of our Historic Downtown and facilitate its future growth by implementing the Main Street Four Point Approach focusing on Organization, Design, Promotion and Economic Restructuring.
Vision Statement Leah Ross
Believe in Bristol is the driving force behind our downtown revitalization. We partner with them on many different projects because it affords us the opportunity to do numerous projects we would not be able to do alone. Your generous support to BIB plays a vital role in their continued efforts to advocate for and promote Historic Downtown Bristol.
Bristol is one community whose heart is a vibrant downtown; where our unique cultural and historical heritage is celebrate; where a sustainable vigorous economy is enjoyed; and where the quality of life is enhanced by adundant opportunities for living, working, shopping and playing.
Downtown Bristol “A Good Place to Live” Bristol has a proud heritage going back more than 150 years of being both a fun place to visit and a “Good Place to Live”. With so much to do and enjoy, Everyone feels at home in Downtown Bristol. As a Certified Main Street Community, Downtown Bristol has more to offer every day – more activities, more shops, more homes, more offices and more life. Believe in Bristol is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization composed of dedicated citizens, business owners, government officials and other friends of Bristol who recognize the role a vital downtown plays in preserving and furthering our communities identity, spirit and economy.
A Few Words from Believe in Bristol’s President, Kathryn Ragan When you look down State Street and see the unique Bristol Sign all lit up, trees and flowers in bloom, the hustle of patrons browsing from shop to shop and those dining at local restaurants, it is easy to forget that it has taken a lot of time and energy to produce the kind of charm found in Historic Downtown Bristol. We have such a treasure right here in Northeast Tennessee /Southwest Virginia and within the past several years, Believe in Bristol is winning back the hearts of those in our community as well as visitors from all over the world by recruiting and sustaining businesses, preserving and highlighting our historical roots, hosting concerts of both small and big name bands, and much more! With such variety and one of-a-kind-venues, it is no wonder that so many people find themselves shopping, dining, playing, living and working in this energetic environment. As a new mom, I am excited about raising my children in a community that is eager to be creative and innovative as we go after those seemingly impossible projects. I am also extremely proud to be part of an organization that is not fearful of dreaming big! The double lines of our State Street certainly divide two states, but we work hard to keep “One State of Mind”. As we begin our 7th year as a National Main Street organization, it is with a great deal of gratitude to our beloved community, precious volunteers, diligent city leaders, and the city governments of both Bristol, TN and VA that we move forward. Now, more than ever, it is so important for us to continue rebuilding and believing in our wonderful downtown. As America strives forward and US citizens across the country take efforts in rebuilding our great land, it is vital that our community keep our money here and continue this great vision happening in Historic Downtown Bristol. That means you, my dear friend, are being called into action – support revitalization, support development, support community promotions, support our heritage – and asked to choose to be a BELIEVER by investing your money in Believe In Bristol. I want to challenge you to fill out the enclosed envelope and financially support our organization with however much you can give. We would also like to extend the opportunity for you to get to know downtown and our organization better by volunteering at one of our many downtown events. We ask with grateful hearts and with an eagerness to see Bristol reach beyond its potential. Talk the talk, walk the walk – become a BELIEVER in Bristol today! Warmly, Bethany Wilson President
Kathryn Ragan
We ask with grateful hearts and with an eagerness to see Bristol reach beyond its potential. Talk the talk, walk the walk – become a BELIEVER in Bristol today!
For more information on upcoming events, visit our website at www.believeinbristol.org and sign up for our weekly newsletter by going to our website and subscribe using your email address.
Members: Michael Haslam (Chair), Mary Jane Miller, Peyton Boyd, Chris Chandler, Donna Felty, Quinn Quillen, Christa McClellan, Josh Shaffer
Design Committee Design means getting Main Street into top physical shape. Capitalizing on its best assets — such as historic buildings and pedestrian-oriented streets — is just part of the story. An inviting atmosphere, created through attractive window displays, parking areas, building improvements, street furniture, signs, sidewalks, street lights, and landscaping, conveys a positive visual message about the commercial district and what it has to offer. Design activities also include instilling good maintenance practices in the commercial district, enhancing the physical appearance of the commercial district by rehabilitating historic buildings, encouraging appropriate new construction, developing sensitive design management systems, and long-term planning.
Goal: To enhance the physical appearance of the commercial district by rehabilitating historic buildings, encouraging supportive new construction, and developing sensitive design management and long-term planning to assist in creating a viable sustainable community. Achievements: We brought the Livable Communities Project to downtown Bristol, and continually promote it by presenting it to community organizations and encouraging the downtown to adhere to its principles. Received a grant from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development / Virginia Main Street Program for development of a financial Feasibility Study for the reuse of the Executive Plaza building downtown. Completed a downtown building improvement file to help property owners with restoration projects.
Members: Ben Collins (Chair), Bethany Wilson, Jack Young, Marjorie Tester, Karen Witcher, Brian Ritz, Kristi Haulsee, Andrew Trivette, Katy Stigers, Rob Hollo, David Elkins Goal: To strengthen the district’s existing economic base while finding ways to expand it to meet new opportunities and challenges from outlying development. To retain and expand existing businesses to provide a balanced commercial mix, convert unused or underutilized space into productive property, and share the competitiveness and merchandising skills of downtown business people.
Achievements: This past year we moved office and developed the Believe in Bristol IdeaSpace, a resource for downtown businesses and entrepreneurs. The opening week hosted several business workshops and seminars, and since then the space has held various meetings, presentations, and merchant meetings. It also provides design and printing resources. We organize and host quarterly merchant meetings to inform the downtown businesses about relevant issues and events that impact on them – for instance, Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion and Neighborhood Watch. This year we also hosted a presentation on good business practices with consultant Mark Willson, and set up one-on-one meetings between him and local business owners. We regularly reach out to entrepreneurs in an effort to recruit new businesses and investment downtown. We also welcome new businesses to our community and inform them of all the resources we can provide. The committee is implementing a new business competition called the Downtown Bristol Entrepreneur’s Prize. This prize is the latest effort in our mission to be proactive in business recruitment.
Economic Restructuring Committee Economic Restructuring strengthens a community's existing economic assets while expanding and diversifying its economic base. The Main Street program helps sharpen the competitiveness of existing business owners and recruits compatible new businesses and new economic uses to build a commercial district that responds to today's consumers' needs. Converting unused or underused commercial space into economically productive property also helps boost the profitability of the district.
Members: Mimi Kind (Chair), Marie Bridgeforth, Jay Phyfer, Bethany Wilson, Ben Walls, Briana Morris, Sylvia Musgrove, Michele Plescia, Diane Dempsey, Ann Gillenwater, Barbara Smith, Candy Snodgrass, Jean Burnette, Jennifer Wilson, Jud Barry, Sarah Tollie, Jerry Short, Richard Erskine, Joseph Strickland, Doris Stickley, Susan Long, Megan Pinch Goal: To use the arts to make a positive difference in our downtown’s future, boost Bristol’s creative economy and cultural tourism, and cultivate Bristol’s creativity.
Arts & Entertainment Committee Organization involves getting everyone working toward the same goal and assembling the appropriate human and financial resources to implement a Main Street revitalization program. A governing board and standing committees make up the fundamental organizational structure of the volunteer-driven program. Volunteers are coordinated and supported by a paid program director as well. This structure not only divides the workload and clearly delineates responsibilities, but also builds consensus and cooperation among the various stakeholders.
Achievements: We have had continuing success with Art D’Vine, an art hop and wine tasting around the downtown galleries. This was held four times during 2013 on a seasonal basis, and the galleries featured special guest authors, artists and artisans, unveiled new works, and offered various promotions on the night. The third annual State of the Arts Weekend was held in June 2013. Activities throughout the weekend included Art D’Vine, a free Kids’ Arts Day, an Artist Power Hour competition, an Art Swap in partnership with Arts Alliance Mountain Empire, a free movie in Cumberland Park in partnership with BVU, and much more.
For our Who Art You? Camp, we had two sessions, in June and July, which exposed campers to a huge variety of art, including pottery, visual arts, music, theatre, storytelling and writing, martial arts, healing arts (yoga), magic performance, and culinary arts. A scholarship was provided to one camper in 2013, and we plan to expand this next year.
The 2nd Annual Student Art Gallery began in October 2012 and went through June 2013. We invited all local schools from Bristol, Tennessee-Virginia, along with the local home school network, to submit their students’ work for display in an available storefront.
On the marketing front, we produced an advertising rack card about arts and entertainment in Downtown Bristol in November 2012. An A&E Facebook page was also created. The A&E District produced two WCYB commercials – one was a general “arts in our downtown” commercial and the other focused on State of the Arts Weekend 2013. We also help promote classes and events developed by our arts-related businesses and community partners.
The A&E District ran the Up Against the Wall Rockin’ Stroll Window Contest for Bristol Rhythm & Roots in 2013.
This past year we had a photography intern from Virginia Intermont College who created a photographic blog for us called “I Love Downtown Bristol.”
Members: Vicie Dotson (Chair), Emily Patton, Jean Burnette, Charlene Baker, Debbie Denney, Harriet Godsey, Jennifer Covington, Lisa Martin, Sarah Hutchinson, Shawna Hankins, Tera Burnette Goal: To bring people back to the community’s center by improving the district’s image and marketing its unique assets.
Promotions Committee
Achievements: We organized and promoted several downtown events this year, including Border Bash, Christmas Open House, Journey’s End; we also partnered with others on events like Party in the Park with the Budweiser Clydesdales, Pumpkin Palooza, Celebrate Bristol, Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion, Food City Family Race Night, Farmers’ Market, Music & Movies in the Park, Veteran’s Day Parade, Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, and the Christmas Parade.
Promotion sells a positive image of the commercial district and encourages consumers and investors to live, work, shop, play and invest in the Main Street district. By marketing a district's unique characteristics to residents, investors, business owners, and visitors, an effective promotional strategy forges a positive image through advertising, retail promotional activity, special events, and marketing campaigns carried out by local volunteers. These activities improve consumer and investor confidence in the district and encourage commercial activity and investment in the area.
One of our big tasks is promoting Bristol to Bristol – we do this through promotional and marketing materials, developing events and promotions in our community to bring people downtown, social media, our website and weekly e-Newsletter, and local partnerships with the media.
We have also developed some new money-making events and promotions in order to help fund the work of Believe in Bristol – such as the Sugar-Coated Pub Crawl, the Bigfoot t-shirts, and a Masquerade Progressive Loft Dinner.
Members: Kathryn Ragan (President), Marjorie Tester (Vice President), Sarah Hutchinson (Secretary), Sarah Hull (Treasurer), Bethany Wilson (Past President)
Organization/Executive Committee
Goal: To provide effective ongoing management and advocacy for the downtown Main Street program.
Organization involves getting everyone working toward the same goal and assembling the appropriate human and financial resources to implement a Main Street revitalization program. A governing board and standing committees make up the fundamental organizational structure of the volunteer-driven program. Volunteers are coordinated and supported by a paid program director as well. This structure not only divides the workload and clearly delineates responsibilities, but also builds consensus and
Achievements: We produced the 2011–12 Believe in Bristol Organizational Report, along with developing the yearly Annual Campaign drive and pursuing new sponsors. We organized two annual fundraising events: Bristol’s Downtown Showcase and From the Top Down Loft Tour, both of which bring new people to our downtown and encourage them to support our program. Believe in Bristol board and committee recruitment and volunteer development is another major task, along with organization of the annual board retreat where we assess how our year has been and what we can do in the following year to improve and develop our committees. An important part of our work is liaising with downtown merchants, community partners, and sponsors in order to keep them informed of Believe in Bristol’s work and issues related to our downtown. Representing Believe in Bristol at community events, press conferences, and city council meetings.
cooperation among the various stakeholders.
Staff: Christina Blevins, Executive Director, and Rene’ Rodgers, Associate Director Staff specific duties include but are not limited to the following: Administers the goals and objectives established through the Main Street Committees, and serving as liaison to all four of the Main Street Volunteer Committees – Organization, Promotion, Business Improvement, and Design. Coordinates activities of BIB’s Main Street Program and assist Committees in implementing their work plans. Works closely with the downtown merchants, business owners, property owners, city officials, the Bristol Chamber of Commerce and others to implement BIB’s goals and work plans and the Main Street Four Point Approach in downtown Bristol. Manages administrative aspects of Main Street Program, including purchasing, record keeping, budget preparation, accounting, preparing reports and supervising consultants and volunteers as needed. Develops, in conjunction with BIB’s Board of Directors, economic development strategies that are based on historic preservation and utilize the community’s human and economic resources, and also a coordinated and mutually beneficial plan of action for the continued improvement of the downtown. Works with all persons and groups directly or indirectly involved in the downtown area and assisting BIB’s Board of Directors and Committees in developing annual action plans based on the Main Street FourPoint Approach. Encourages membership in the BIB organization and marketing benefits of membership to downtown interests; preparation and publication of a newsletter to keep members up to date of the BIB and Main Street activities. Serves as a liaison to downtown and other city/ county-wide economic development organizations. Responsible for representing the interests of the Main Street program publicly; developing and conducting ongoing public awareness campaigns and education programs to enhance public appreciation of the downtown’s assets. Assists individual tenants and property owners with business and property improvement projects through personal assistance or through obtaining and supervising professional consultants. Identifies and responds to downtown revitalization needs and concerns. Marketing and event management of downtown festivities and attractions. Works closely with BIB and local realtors to develop a marketing plan for both businesses and available properties.
Stays informed on current issues in the revitalization of traditional central business districts and conveying pertinent information to members of BIB. Assembles information/data and recommending programs, projects and activities to the Board, Committees, task forces, city staff and others to meet the requirements of the 10 Main Street Certification criteria. Encourages a cooperative climate between business owners, property owners, government agencies on both sides of the state line, nonprofit organizations and others participating in the revitalization process. Represents the Main Street organization at the local, state and national levels. Participates in economic development meetings, seminars, educational opportunities within the community and region to increase public awareness of our program and increase the professional contacts and knowledge associated with the economic and cultural activities of our community and region. Locates resources from all levels to help with revitalization effort, including preparing and making formal and informal presentations to public, private and civic organizations.
Thank You to our many investors and sponsors who supported the work of Believe in Bristol in the past fiscal year. Downtown Supporters
Leadership Circle
Downtown Friend
Alpha Natural Resources Bristol Herald Courier King University
Robin and Margaret Feierabend Harry and Barbara Oakley Paul and Aulikki Brandt, Inari Wines Steve and Paula Paul Clyde and Susan Long Dr. and Mrs. Richard Penny Jean Burnette and Richard Foil, The Boxwood John and Karen Vann Mr. and Mrs. Charles Earhart Patsy and Ben Frizzell, Jr., Frizzell Foundation Randall and Carla Perkins, Blackbird Bakery The Robinette Company Tom and Carolyn Hanlon Andrew and Ali Trivette Anita Morrell, Realty Executives Barbara Oakley Dave and Michelle Manning, O’Mainnin’s Pub Jim and Mary Geiger Mimi Kind, One of a Kind Gallery Patty Canonico and Barbara / Miller, Pretty Girl Station United Southeast Federal Credit Union
The Partnership Club ($2,000-$2,999)
First Tennessee Foundation Wells Fargo MedExpress Urgent Care
Downtown Advocate ($1,000-$1,999)
Bank of Tennessee Bill and Brenda Johnston First Bank of Virginia Greg Fahn, Robert Hollo, Rita Kiscaden and Rob Sims, Edward Jones Karen Hester, Cranberry Lane Rush and Lea Powers, Burke, Powers & Hardy Strongwell Tom and Barbara Smith, Merrill – Lynch
Downtown Promoter ($500-$999)
Birthplace of Country Music Child Study Club Citizens Bank Hugh Testerman, BlakleyMitchell Joe Kerr, Kerr-Boswell Mary Landrum Mike Spiegler, Spiegler Blevins & Co. Sarah Hull, Serendipity
Downtown Fans ($199 & Below)
Gwen Orman, Gwen’s Herb Shop Ron and Anna Morgan Jon Wygal
Bethany Wilson, blowfish Memorial Donations emporium Anne Corley Brian and Anne Rife Bill & Harriett Hartley Cindy Ferguson Bristol Ballet Dan and Nell Bieger Emily Everett David Warren Eric & Christina Blevins Dr. and Mrs. Austin Carr Gary Aday Dr. and Mrs. Bob Mueller Harry & Barbara Oakley Dr. and Mrs. Fred Slaughter Jean Burnette Dr. and Mrs. James Lapis Mike & Thelma Blair Dr. and Mrs. Nelson Gwaltney Rene’ Rodgers Dr. Joseph Crum Robin & Margaret Feierabend Eric and Christina Blevins The Child Study Club Ernie and Linda Sprouse Wilma Gill Kathryn and Ralph Ragan Jerry Allen Wolfe Joseph B. Bailey Mary Beth and Charlie Joe Visit believeinbristol.org/ Rainero support.php to see how Michael and Bethany Wilson you can help support Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Pomrenke Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blair Neal and Lucyann Jewell Paul & Donna Malone René Rodgers Tim and Vicie Dotson Tom and Beth Rogers Wilma Gill Annika Morgan Thomas Christopher Kennedy Emily Everett Isabelle and Richard Ladd Larry and Linda O’Bryant Peggy Rogers Ralph and Terri Davis Jeffrey and Jennifer McQueary Bob and Carol Bannish
Goods or Services Support Bristol Herald Courier City of Bristol, TN City of Bristol, VA Coca-Cola Bottling Company Consolidated Tennessee Main Street Program Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development Virginia Main Street Program WCYB
Downtown Showcase Donors / Restaurants 620 State Restaurant
Allen Pullen Annaleis Dagget Balanced Yoga (Landy Mathes) Benjamin Walls Gallery Blackbird Bakery blowfish emporium Borderline Billiards Briana Morris Journey’s End Bridgeforth Design Studio Ladies of the Evening, Emmanuel Bristol Ballet Episcopal Church Bristol Historical Association Paramount Center for the Arts Bristol Public Library Ross and Sam Mikesell, Bristol Grind Bristol Rhythm & Roots Reunion House Bristol VA Parks & Recreation Department Southeast Culinary and Hospitality College Burger Bar The choirs of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Cheri Heath Fullen First Presbyterian Church, Cheryl Bass Redeemer Lutheran Church, State Street Chuck S. Thompson United Methodist Church, Central PresbyCityMac terian Church CJ & Company Donations or Help with IdeaSpace Cranberry Lane Design by Nature Becky Nave Don Carrier Belfor Eatz on Moore Street Birthplace of Country Music Ed Lockett Bristol Chamber of Commerce Elements Home and Holiday Décor Bristol Herald Courier Foundation Event Facility Budget Office Furniture Goodman Jewelers Chris Allen, Appalachian Movers Green With Envy Con and Nancy Sauls Head to Toe David Shumaker Inari Wines Duct Doctor Jason Schneider Eric Blevins Jennifer Wilson Gla-Mar Galleries Joyce Samuels Greene’s Trim Shop Kathryn and Ralph Ragan Jeremy Gass Kathy Winters Mary Jane Miller Kil’n Time Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Flaccavento King University Planters & DesignersS. P. Rutherford KP Duty Transfer & Storage Lisa Jones Sandy Ratliff Machiavelli’s Sharon Elliott Mad Hatter Salon Sherwin-Williams Company Manna Bagel Steve & Sherry Willinger Maria Kayser The Blue Stocking Club Marjorie Tester The Virginian Golf Club Mary Jane Miller Wells Fargo Memory Lane Café Whicker Glass Molly Walling Mountain Empire Comics One of a Kind Gallery
Pleasant Hill Farms Pointer Brand / LC King Pretty Girl Station René Rodgers Revolution Curbside Recycling Sam Bass Serendipity Shanghai Chinese Restaurant Shindigs Catering Shoozies Sidetrack Tobacco Sisters American Grill Southeast Culinary & Hospitality College Stateline Bar & Grille Studio 6 Apparel The Jewel Box The Paramount Center for the Arts The Purple Loon The Virginian Golf Club Theatre Bristol This Child of Mine Tim White Top Hat Magic Virginia Hiss Virginia Intermont College Williams Investments & Properties Wilma Gill Wm. King Clothiers YWCA
FY 2013 Budget Summary Income
Grants (Federal, State, Cities, Other) Individual, Corporate, Merchant Investments
Program Events
Matt Bolas
Expenses 52%
25% Promotions Committee 13%
Design Committee
4% Organization Committee 3%
Economic Restructuring Committee
Historic Downtown Bristol has grown tremendously over the last several years and a key component in that growth has been the support of Believe in Bristol, which works tirelessly promoting one of our region’s most treasured assets. Downtown Bristol is something we are all extremely proud of and like the entire community, we appreciate Believe in Bristol’s unwavering commitment.
“ Vicie Dotson
What a great blessing we have with Historic Downtown Bristol! When I first became involved with BIB, I learned very quickly the potential of Downtown. With lots of hard work, both cities support, great staff and the community coming together, I would put our Downtown up against any other Downtown in the country! I financially and physically support BIB because of the vast opportunities and high quality events that are offered to everyone—those who live in Bristol and to our visitors. I encourage everyone to support BIB to sustain the present and to look forward to an even better future.
Downtown is Local Economic Development Downtown provides a local alternative to national chains.
Downtown provides a return on investment to taxpayers through tax revenues.
Downtown Supports Small Business Downtown is a good incubator for new small business – the success of tomorrow!
Downtown is a major employment center.
Downtown is Important for Local Quality of Life Downtown is the HEART of the community for government, culture, and churches.
Downtown is an important gathering place for all residents.
The health of downtown impacts surrounding residential neighborhoods.
2012-2013 Board of Directors President Kathryn Ragan, Wellmont
Ben Collins, LC King Manufacturing
Quinn Craughwell, Quinn Craughwell Vice President Landscape Architects Marjorie Tester, First Tennessee Bank Tabitha Crowder, City of Bristol VA Secretary Vicie Dotson, Bristol VA School Board Sarah Hutchinson, Bristol Convention Kevin Dye, City of Bristol VA & Visitors Bureau Treasurer Sarah Hull, Serendipity Past President Bethany Wilson, Williams Investment Properties Charlene Baker, Birthplace of Country Music Jean Burnette, The Boxwood Chris Chandler, Chandler Landscape Design
Chad Keen, City of Bristol TN Terry Napier, City of Bristol TN Emily Patton, Edward Jones Investments Brian Ritz, Bristol Virginia Utilities Bill Sorah, City of Bristol, TN Katy Stigers, Virginia Intermont College
Donna Felty, King University Wilma Gill, Bristol Historical Association
Andrew Trivette, City of Bristol VA
Shawna Hankins, Team Vision & The Foundation Event Facility Ed Harlow, City of Bristol VA Michael Haslam, Peyton Boyd Architects Kristi Haulsee, City of Bristol TN David Hite, Virginia Intermont College
Karen Witcher, Bristol Chamber of Commerce & Bristol Business Resource Center Executive Director Christina Blevins Associate Director RenĂŠ Rodgers
Designed by: Sarah Hutchinson
www.believeinbristol.org (276) 644-2700 Bristol, VA 24201 36 Moore Street
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