AS/A2 Psychology
Why choose Psychology at Carmel? If you study Psychology at Carmel you can expect to be taught by well-qualified, enthusiastic and very experienced staff. You will be challenged to realise your potential in a variety of exciting and innovative ways. Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and is primarily concerned with investigating what people do and why. The department has a history of high achievement well above national average and if you listen to the guidance offered by your tutors, you too could be a Psychologist of the future!.
AS/A2 Psychology
meet the students SARAH TOWEY St Augustine of Canterbury
Studying: Psychology, History, ICT, Philosophy, Critical Thinking Psychology introduces ideas and concepts I had never before appreciated and I find it fascinating. It is surprising how Psychology influences all aspects of everyday life and at the same time offers explanations about the more bizarre ways of life. My tutor has introduced Psychology to me in a very interesting and stimulating way. Her enthusiasm and friendliness makes attending her classes a pleasure. Carmel provides a friendly and welcoming atmosphere which has helped me settle into my studies and there are many opportunities for students. I hope to go to university when I leave and would love to study Psychology and History.
meet the tutors CAROLE WILLIAMS Head of Psychology & Head of Extended Projects
In your L6th year you will study topics such as memory and forgetting. This will have practical applications for you in terms of showing you how to organise your notes more effectively and how to make sure you don’t forget key information in your exam. You can also study topics such as obsessive compulsive disorders and phobias. In addition you can look at the reasons why people obey or not, where has Psychology come from, who has influenced it and why it continues to be a really valuable subject to study whatever your future career plans are. The subject also gives you the opportunity to develop research skills and understand “how science works”.
In your U6th year straight after your summer holidays we explore topics such as mood disorders and schizophrenia, stress and stress management, substance abuse, forensic psychology and cognitive development, which is particularly useful for any students thinking of a career in teaching. Many of our students who have progressed on to careers in medicine have found the study of abnormal behaviour invaluable. As Psychology is classified as a science, there is also a significant amount of Biology in the course and therefore you should have a strong science background.
The Psychology Team
What support will I receive? A range of support is available to you within the department. You can have one-to-one tutorials with any member of the department whenever you need them, as many as you like. There are group tutorials prior to an exam. We have AQA examiners teaching in the department who can guide and support you on any of the papers. You will experience a variety of teaching and learning styles and receive high quality resources, which are tailored to the needs of all students.
JOHN KING Psychology Tutor
KEN BUCKLEY Psychology Tutor
You will be assessed regularly against the exam criteria and offered constructive feedback identifying what you are doing well and areas where you could still improve. You will have regular meetings with your tutors to discuss your progress and action plan for continuous improvement.
HOW WILL I BE ASSESSED? In your L6th year you will have one written paper in January and a second written paper in June, both worth 50% of the AS. In U6th again you have a written paper in January and your final written paper in June. Questions on the written papers are structured and follow a similar pattern. You will be given lots of opportunities to practise your technique.
addition we organise a joint trip with the History department to Berlin. As part of the Enrichment Programme, the Psychology department now offers students two 8 week courses; one is an Introduction to Forensic Psychology. The other is a Parapsychology course which includes visits from guest lecturers such as Dr Matt Smith from Liverpool Hope University who is also a regular on TV’s “Most Haunted”.
LAURA PHILLIPS Haydock Sports College
WHERE DOES THIS COURSE LEAD? An A Level in Psychology can take you anywhere. It is one of the most transferable subjects you can study providing you with a variety of skills. Over a quarter of our students progress on to Psychology degrees with the intention of becoming psychologists. We also have students who have progressed on to careers in medicine, vet science and a range of health professions, dentistry, law, teaching, business, sport and the media to name but a few.
Studying: Psychology, Biology, English Literature, History
The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin
WHAT ELSE WILL I DO? You will benefit from guest speakers and practitioners visiting the college such as clinical psychologists who will lead workshops and lectures. We also attend specialist lectures organised by the exam board. You will also be given the opportunity to visit the Freud Museum in London and in
meet the students
Students in front of the Berlin Wall
What is the Psychology Department like? The department has over 300 students and four full time members of staff. From September 2009, Psychology students have been studying in the newly built teaching block which provides a modern and spacious, state-of-the-art learning environment. Our department’s facilities include a suite of well resourced teaching bases equipped with interactive white boards, multi-media projectors and wireless internet connection. We use these resources to maximum effect to support your learning. Students also have access to a computer suite and study areas within the new building.
Psychology is such a fascinating subject to study. The topic of ‘phobias’ was one of the most interesting because you have to try to get into the mind of a phobic. I really enjoy the lessons because they are varied and it’s not all about taking notes. Some lessons we prepare in groups and deliver to the rest of the class, and other lessons are very practical. Psychology is not an easy option and you need to be motivated but the staff are very approachable and provide support to students through group or individual tutorials if you need help. I am thinking of applying to Edge Hill or Liverpool Hope to do a Combined Psychology and English Literature degree and eventually want to go into teaching.
meet the tutors KAREN SHERIDAN Psychology Tutor
SARAH DON-DUNCAN Psychology Tutor
HOW SUCCESSFUL ARE CARMEL’S PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS? Achievement is typically well above national averages. 2010 saw a 99% pass rate at A2 level with 58% at grades A*- B.
meet the students JADE SHERIDAN Fairfield
Studying: Psychology, Maths, Biology I find Psychology a very interesting subject to study and I like applying it to everyday life and understanding the behaviour of people around me. Carmel has good facilities for students; the Silent Study Area in the Library is particularly useful around exam time. The teachers are approachable too and always available to help you. During my time at Carmel I have developed a love of Psychology, enough to want to pursue a career in it. I hope to study Psychology at Liverpool University and might even stay on for a further 3-4 years to eventually become and Clinical Psychologist.
more information For general information visit the British Psychological Society: For specific information from the exam board go to:
One of our students, Michael Case, achieved a grade A overall in Psychology and scored 300 out of 300 at AS Level!
Carmel was an amazing experience for me, and I’m sure that I wouldn’t be where I am now without the support and encouragement I was given by the tutors there. I didn’t just get my A Levels at Carmel; I really grew up there, learnt a lot about myself, made some great friends and really decided what it was I wanted to do with my life.”
Laura Knill, another grade A Psychology student, went on to read for a degree in Medicine at Leeds. Both of these students received a personal letter from the AQA exam board for achieving one of the top five marks in the country!
FORMER CARMEL STUDENT, DR SHELLY MORRIS-KING... Shelly came to Carmel from St Hilda’s High School and studied A Level Psychology as one of her four subjects. She left Carmel in 1997 to read for a Psychology degree at York University. After graduating she chose to do a Masters Degree in Health Evaluation at Liverpool John Moores University followed by a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Leeds University.
Dr Shelly Morris-King
Shelly now works as a Chartered Clinical Psychologist at a high security hospital in the North West. “I work predominantly with patients with a history of violence and aggression, and supervise a group therapy programme. I also do the odd psychology lecture at different universities and have especially enjoyed returning to Carmel recently to teach psychology students. It’s great to see how much Carmel has developed over the last 10 years. Going to
Frequently Asked Questions Do I need to have studied Psychology before I start my course at Carmel? No, we assume that our students have never studied the subject before and start with the basics.
Why do I need a grade B in Maths and English Language? For a glance at the kind of things you are likely to study:
The subject is academically rigorous and requires a high level of written, oral and numerical skills. It is not about reading people’s minds.
What can I do with an A Level in Psychology? Psychology is an excellent subject, which will provide you with many transferable skills, which will give you numerous career options.