2013 Entry
Level 2 Programme
A one year programme of study in a variety of subjects
Allows you to gain the qualifications and skills needed to progress of inspiring to Level 3 programmes or employment and vocational training
Provides an opportunity to re-sit GCSE English and/or Mathematics if needed or to gain a Functional Skills qualification (your skills will be assessed at the start of term)
Programme includes three BTEC Level 2 courses: BTEC Business, BTEC Creative Media & BTEC IT
You may be able to combine this programme with an AS subject in which you have achieved a very high GCSE grade
Dedicated staff will help you select from the programme in accordance with your individual needs and provide support throughout the year
25 Years
1987-2012 25 Years of inspiring individuals
Correct at the time of printing
Level 2 Programme Programme Overview At Carmel we are pleased to offer a programme, developed over the last 4 years, which is designed to help you have a second chance to get the GCSEs and Level 2 qualifications which will set you off on your chosen career path. The programme allows you to mix and match – to retake certain subjects whilst starting new and exciting ones. You will be invited to an interview so that decisions about your programme of study can be made according to your GCSE results and your personal career preferences. At this meeting we will discuss your options and we will give you the opportunity to choose subjects that will bring some variety and challenge into your studies. Importantly though, some students may need to retake their English and Maths GCSEs, whilst others may be encouraged to follow a Free Standing Maths Qualification. In both cases students are encouraged to do this so that they will be equipped to move on to another course or to employment in 12 months time. In all cases students will choose a combination from the list below, however in certain instances students may also be invited to enrol for 1 of the AS subjects offered at Carmel.
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GCSE Maths or Free Standing Maths Qualification GCSE English GCSE Science BTEC Certificate in Business – Level 2 BTEC Certificate in Creative Media - Level 2
Please note the exact combination of subjects will probably differ from student to student, but generally students enrol for 5 subjects and these are negotiated and agreed at the interview. Students who start this course may wish to continue at Carmel for another 2 or 3 years but may equally decide to move on to another suitable course elsewhere and everyone is supported in their decision making. Where does the Level 2 Programme lead? Our experience is that students generally thrive at Carmel by making the most of their opportunity to attain good results. Success in examinations, combined with a good reference from the Senior Tutor normally allows students to progress to an A Level programme at Carmel. However this is not for everyone and we will be happy to see you leave for a course or job of your choice, provided that you have accessed advice and are making a well informed decision.
What support will I receive?
Meet the Tutors Pam Milligan Personal Tutor Katie Pearce Personal Tutor
Our Personal Tutor programme is clearly focused on ensuring that you make good progress in your studies and get the right Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG). The Personal Tutor is the link between the college and parents/guardians and will speak to Subject Tutors on a daily basis to check on progress, attendance, sickness, work submission and quality of work. The Personal Tutor will help you make informed decisions about your progression, either at Carmel, another FE College or in respect of apprenticeships/employment. They work closely with various external agencies and will support you through an application process and preparations for interview. Personal Tutors will also provide help to improve on: organisation/time management skills; study skills; essay writing techniques; research skills; revision techniques/exam preparation.
Enriching your studies War Correspondents Exhibition This year BTEC Creative Media students designed and put together an exhibition focusing on war correspondents past and present. On display included real life audio footage from BBC reporter Richard Dimbleby on the discovery of the Belsen concentration camp. Also to be seen was footage from the
award winning Iranian Embassy report by Kate Aide and a number of correspondent profiles. Real life artefacts from War World 2 and more recently in Afghanistan where also included as part of the exhibition. Questions were raised in relation to the importance of the job, why someone would what to take on the role and the motives behind ‘reporting from the front line’.
Rachel’s Perspective At Carmel I enjoy all of my subjects but I enjoy Media the most. I like creating film adverts, questionnaires and analysing adverts etc. I like how most media work isn’t right or wrong, it’s just your own creation. With Media I have been to the London BBC Centre to look at advertising and how TV programmes work etc. I have also been to Cineworld to see how they advertise new films coming out, how they display them, why do they display them in a certain way and how long for. What has impressed me most about Carmel is that the teachers give you a lot of constructive feedback in order to help you keep improving. After I leave Carmel I hope to get an apprenticeship doing something media related as I don’t think of it as ‘work’ because it is something that I enjoy doing!
Rachel Kelly St Edmund Arrowsmith (Whiston) Studying: BTEC Media, BTEC Business, BTEC I.T., GCSE Maths
Andrew’s Perspective At Carmel I have enjoyed being treated as an adult, this has allowed me to take my learning into my own hands and I have made new friends with similar interests to my own. Business was a new subject for me and I have really enjoyed learning how certain businesses work. I like the opportunities for independent research and would be interested to follow a Level 3 course which will allow me to explore Business and IT further. In Business we have visited Cadbury World, Bournville and looked at how the company operates in the UK and as part of a global business. We have also visited Cineworld and conducted a question and answer session with the Manager to learn more about this national company and its local operation in St Helens. I would recommend Carmel to students who are keen to try new subjects and are willing to be challenged by tutors who want them to get the best grades possible.
BTEC Level 2 Business Exam Board EDEXCEL What does it involve? BTEC Business is an exciting vocational qualification that is portfolio (coursework) based. It equates to one GCSE which is a Level 2 qualification and is respected by colleges and employers alike. It teaches you skills such as communication, problem solving and working with others. These are all skills needed in the world of work and for Further Education courses. Our BTEC Level 2 in Business is a 15-credit Certificate and you will spend nearly 5 hours a week in the classroom learning about the challenging and exciting world of business and a further four hours a week completing your homework. The course is made up of three units covering areas such as: How does a business work? What departments or functional areas does it have? and How does it set and achieve it’s targets? We also look at the people aspect of business and how people are recruited for a job and interview
techniques. The course is challenging, fun and will equip you with essential skills, knowledge and experience within the world of business. How will I be assessed? You will be assessed by producing a portfolio of evidence that will be marked by your tutor and then externally moderated (checked) by the exam board. Your portfolio will be presented in a variety of ways for example reports or posters. There are no examinations to sit and you will get the chance to improve work that you submit for your portfolio. Where does the course lead? The course can lead to a variety of paths; the perfect route would be to study at Carmel by taking AS Levels such as AS Applied Business which is also a portfolio (coursework) based programme at Level 3. You can choose from a variety of AS Levels at Carmel such as ICT, Film Studies, Languages, Tourism and Sociology.
Andrew Steele Byrchall High Studying: BTEC Level 2 Business, BTEC Level 2 Creative Media, GCSE English, GCSE Maths
Meet the Tutors Susanne Maher Head of Level 2 BTEC Business Jennifer Taberner BTEC Business Subject Leader
What are the facilities like at Carmel? Carmel’s learning environment is outstanding, providing modern and spacious facilities. All classrooms are equipped with multi-media projectors and interactive whiteboards. You will have access to several computer suites as well as being able to access a Wi-Fi connection throughout the college. Course textbooks are complemented by our college library which stocks over 25,000 books as well as journals, newspapers and online resources. There is also a suite of computers here or you can borrow one of the laptops.
BTEC Creative Media Exam Board EDEXCEL What does it involve? The creative media sector spans a broad range of activities across television, radio, film, interactive media, games development, publishing, photo-imaging, animation, advertising and marketing. You will have the opportunity to learn about research methods and techniques that media producers use to try to make creative media products a success. You will use and develop your research skills to investigate an existing media product and gather material for the design of your own idea. You will also look at the way in which adverts are created and how they work. You will study existing adverts in a number of mediums and plan and produce an advert of your own. The course is very practical, creating mood boards and learning about the technical and practical skills necessary to translate your design ideas into reality. You’ll find that Creative Media Production is an adventure, limited only by your own imagination and flair!
and is completely assessed via coursework submission. This will include the completion of a range of written assignments, presentations, personal journals and research tasks. Overall you will complete one mandatory unit and one optional unit. Where does the course lead? You will obtain a qualification which will enable you to progress to further study, training, or employment, and allow you to make informed choices with regard to a career in the creative media sector. You will also have developed media technology skills that may be applicable in other work situations or will enable you to progress to Level 3 qualifications in Creative Media Production or other sectors, for example, Art and Design or Music Technology.
Adam’s Perspective What I like about Carmel College is the friendly vibe and the fact that you get treated like an adult. In BTEC Media I enjoy the advertisement side of the subject. I like creating work such as mood boards, posters and analysing advertisements. A beneficial trip that I went on was a BTEC Media/ Business trip was to Cineworld in St. Helens; getting to see how everything works behind the scenes was very interesting and helped me understand how films are advertised more clearly and also I am excited about the trip to London to visit the BBC. The highlight of my of my time in Carmel has got to be making new friends and learning new things in subjects I never had the option to choose before coming to Carmel. In the future I would like to study Media further and maybe pursue it as a career.
How will I be assessed? The 15-credit BTEC Level 2 Certificate offers a specialist qualification that focuses on particular aspects of employment within the media industry. It is broadly equivalent to one GCSE
Delivering Learning with a Buzz and a Sparkle Learning will be facilitated by your tutor in a variety of ways ensuring each and every lesson is engaging and productive. Examples of learning activities which will be used include: • • • • • • •
Tutor input during timetabled classes using exciting and interesting resources. Practical workshops using industry standard software. Lectures from guest speakers. Visits, projects, student presentations, group discussion. Open/flexible learning opportunities. Individual action planning. Supported self study.
Adam Lever Haydock Sports College Studying: AS Sociology, BTEC Media, BTEC Business, Functional Skills Maths
Meet the Tutors Kath Hopkins Head of Creative Media Laura Fowler BTEC Creative Media Subject Leader
Beth’s Perspective I enjoy many things at Carmel College. I mostly like that you get free study periods through the day to catch up with work. I also like it because there are many different types of subjects that I can choose from to suit me. I enjoy the subjects that I am doing now because it gives me a second chance to get higher grades. I also feel confident in the lessons because people are working at my level. The enrichment classes that I have taken part in have opened my eyes to what I can do at Carmel. The library facilities at Carmel are very impressive and it shows that they really do care about the students’ education. I hope to carry on with my education at a university of my choice and keep going to reach my goal.
GCSE’s GCSE Maths (AQA) You will follow a modular course where you will sit 3 separate smaller exams during the course of the year. This means you don’t have as much to revise for each exam and revision can be broken down into smaller sections. Re-sits for modules can taken at any of the 3 exam periods throughout the year. Unit 1: Statistics and Number Topics within this module include: collecting data, interpreting it and representing it, ranges and averages, finding percentages, fractions and decimals, ratio and proportion, probability. Unit 2: Number and Algebra Topics within this module include: factors, powers, basic rules of algebra, solving equations, Using formulas, number sequences, drawing graphs. Unit 3: Geometry and Algebra Topics within this module include: angle rules, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, perimeter, area, volume, reflection, rotation and translation of shapes, 3D shapes, graphs, similar shapes.
GCSE English (AQA) What will I study?
Beth Walker Byrchall High School Studying: GCSE Maths, GSCE English Language, GCSE Science, AS ICT
Your studies will be divided into the three main areas of assessment: reading, writing and speaking & listening. You will study a range of text types and also examine areas such as ‘Talk In Real Life’. Your tutors will use a wide range of resources and teaching approaches to help you to learn there’s something for everyone! How will I be assessed?
Meet the Tutors Paul Morrison Head of GCSE Maths Mark McGrath Head of GCSE English Daryl Doyle GCSE Science Jim Ashbrook GCSE Science
Your assessment is split between what is called a ‘controlled assessment’, which will be produced and assessed in class time, and two external examination papers. Where does this qualification lead? This may well lead to further study such as A Level and will certainly increase your chances of securing
employment. Many employers insist on a grade C in English Language. Hopefully, by the end of the course you will have found a new sense of understanding, ability and confidence within English Language.
GCSE Science (AQA) What will I study? This is a single award GCSE covering the basic elements of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Biology: Units include - How do human bodies respond to changes inside them and to their environment?; What can we do to keep our bodies healthy?; How do we use/abuse medical and recreational drugs? Chemistry: Units include - How do we get fuels from crude oil?; What are the changes in the Earth and its atmosphere?; Why have some species of plants and animals died out?; How do humans affect the environment? Physics: Units include - How is heat (thermal energy) transferred?; What is meant by the efficient use of energy?; How should we generate the electricity we need?; What do we know about the universe and how it continues to change? How will I be assessed? GCSE Science is examined on a modular basis by a series of six, 30 minute objective tests which can be taken in November, March and June. There is also a coursework element known as the individual skills assessment. Where does this qualification lead? This qualification provides a pass at grade C in a Science GCSE that is a requirement in a large number of courses of further study or in employment. At Carmel, it will provide one of the entry qualifications for the National BTEC in Applied Science.
FSMQ Free Standing Maths Qualification Level 1 Foundation FSMQs
Using Data
There are two Foundation FSMQs which motivate and encourage students who have lost confidence in their ability to do maths. Each Foundation FSMQ is graded A – E (set at the level of demand of GCSE grades C – G).
This FSMQ:
Money Management It has been demonstrated that students who study mathematics within the context of money and finance are more motivated at this level. While working within the context of money, this FSMQ helps you to become competent in: •
the use of basic formulae and algebraic representation in spreadsheets
the use of statistical diagrams.
provides you with a strong basis of numerical mathematical skills
focuses on the organisation of data and its presentation using statistical diagrams and Cartesian graphs
It appeals to those involved with courses in the areas of science, technology, business, leisure and tourism, geography, social sciences, and health and social care. Where does the programme lead? FSMQs are becoming recognised by employers as proof of the problemsolving and communication skills needed to perform effectively in the workplace.
James’ Perspective When I came to Carmel I managed to get used to it quicker than I imagined thanks to the support of the staff and the other students. Last year I studied Foundation Learning and I have now progressed onto the Level 2 Programme. I find all my subjects extremely helpful and informative and I know everything I study is worthwhile. I have been very pleased with the level of understanding and support that has been offered to me by staff who know exactly how to help me. Whilst at Carmel I’ve discovered I have a talent for entertainment. When I leave I hope to build on this talent and get a job as an entertainer.
It appeals to those involved with courses of a vocational nature where calculating costs is an important element, eg those based in the areas of business or finance.
James Doyle Newton-Le-Willows High School Studying: BTEC Level 2 Business and Creative Media, Functional Skills Maths and English
Meet the Tutors Nichola Mercer Maths Tutor
Victoria’s Perspective I did not achieve excellent GCSE results after finishing secondary school. Carmel offered me a re-sit year which could be followed by A Level courses. This meant Carmel gave me a second chance to truly make something of myself and allow me to achieve goals I would never have even dreamed about. Due to this, Carmel has given me an excellent environment to grow and mature over the last three years and the teachers have been behind me every step of the way.
Victoria Nichols Tower College Studying: A Levels in ICT, Psychology and Applied Science
Contact Us Admissions Department Carmel College Prescot Road St Helens Merseyside WA10 3AG Tel: 01744 452214 or 01744 452212 Email: admissions@carmel.ac.uk www.carmel.ac.uk
What other activities will I get involved in? All students on the Level 2 Programme will have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of Enrichment opportunities throughout the year. This may involve doing a weekly enrichment activity which is completely different from your studies or something that complements your chosen subjects, such as IT related activities like ‘Animation in Flash’ or ‘Build your own Website.’ You may also like to take advantage of the trips and visits that take place during the year. BTEC Business Enrichment BTEC L2 Business provides a wealth of enriching activities and the students this year have enjoyed a trip to Cineworld. They had a brilliant talk from the staff at the cinema and then following a behind the scene tour they settled down to watch a film. The class also enjoyed the talk from our very own Nick Burnham , Vice Principal of the Carmel College, who talked to the group about the different departments within Carmel. Jen, our excellent BTEC L2 Business Tutor, has also arranged for the local Chamber of Commerce to come and interview all the students to help them understand the actual skills needed when recruiting and selecting new staff. Students have also had the
opportunity to visit Cadbury World where they took part in an interactive session, had a tour and ate lots of chocolate! Creative Media Enrichment The BTEC Creative Media Production course offers a wealth of enrichment activities and we are proud of our external industry links. In December students were visited by ‘Young Media Person of the Year’ Mark Worth, from the media and communications agency PHD North. As a media professional, Mark has extensive industry knowledge and a wealth of hands-on experience dealing with some of the biggest brands around. Students greatly benefitted from an interactive, in-depth and thought provoking workshop on the current media landscape in the UK. Other visitors to the class have included Carl Day, from the St. Helens Star. In March students had a VIP tour of the BBC Centre in London which included the BBC news room and a studio preparing for Sport Relief where students saw Sam and Mark (from Dancing on Ice) rehearsing. A highlight of the trip was the taking part and delivery of the news and the Weakest Link and the opportunity to have photos taken in the famous Match of the Day studios and set.