AS/A2 Level 2012 Entry
1987-2012 Travel and Tourism •
Tourism is one of the most dynamic industries in25 the world; Yearsthere are over 2.5 million people employed in either a leisure or tourism of inspiring based organisation in the UK alone
You will investigate a wide range of areas including marketing, customer service and legislation
Receive tuition from some of the UK’s leading tourism teachers
Outstanding support and guidance
A wide range of resources and the latest technology
Opportunities to go on trips as well as visits from guest speakers
This course will prepare you for many avenues including higher education and employment
1987-2012 25 Years of inspiring individuals
03/09/2011 13:49
Jenny’s Perspective I enjoy the freedom and the feeling of being grown up at Carmel, as we are treated like adults and are well respected. I love studying Travel and Tourism. In one of the units we focus on two cities which are New York and Paris. This subject is very interesting as we learn new things about different places around the world. My highlight at Carmel has been making new friends, and taking my education one step further to develop my chances of a good career. After Carmel I hope to get a good job that I will love through an apprenticeship in the world of business, maybe related to customer services. We are studying customer services in Unit 2, which helps my career choice, as it involves challenging role-plays demonstrating what it is like to work in customer services. Jenny
AS/A2 Travel & Tourism Exam Board AQA What will the course involve?
Where does the course lead?
The subject covers a wide range of topics from the pressures on the tourism industry to the players in the tourism industry.
The course will prepare you for many avenues including higher education and employment. Many students continue studying the subject at university taking a Tourism Management degree, whilst others combine the subject with another, for example Tourism and a Modern Foreign Language. If university is not for you, then you may consider entering the workplace either as cabin crew, airport operations staff or within a local council as a tourism development officer.
The course can either be taken as a one year AS course or continued into the second year to achieve an A2 qualification. The course includes two thirds coursework and one third external examination. The AS year covers a wide array of modules including an investigation into how the industry is organised and the impacts the industry causes. Modules also teach customer services skills and enable you to create links with an organisation to apply your theory to a real life company. You also profile two destinations and carry out tasks such as a welcome meeting. The second year modules build upon this excellent platform to stretch your capabilities to enable you to become a true tourism professional. How will I be assessed? The examination requires short answers but demands a wide breadth and depth of knowledge as well as the ability to display skills such as analysis. You must also be fully committed to producing coursework as this accounts for two thirds of the course. Assessment on Travel & Tourism is rigorous and will demand a lot of your time.
Careers Corner The Travel and Tourism Department has introduced a dedicated careers area in which students can access a wealth of information in relation to their future career prospects. Learn about financial support, university life and importantly how you can get ahead in preparation for your application. Browse our extensive library of university prospectuses, have a look at our ‘Tips for Successful Interviews’ or experience a mock interview with one of our dedicated staff. If university is not for you we also have extensive information on taking a gap year and apprenticeship courses. The careers area is further enhanced by a virtual gateway of careers advice, guidance and useful links available through our intranet site.
Jenny Mitchell Rainhill High School Studying: Travel and Tourism, Maths, Media Studies, Dance
What support will I receive? During your time at Carmel College you will receive enormous amounts of support from a variety of different areas. Within the Tourism Department you will find staff who care about your progression at Carmel and that you both enjoy and succeed during your time with us. All of the department staff are willing to give you extra help and time to ensure you understand the subject and to provide you with support and advice. Our door is always open to students and you will find staff working with students at break and lunchtimes and after college to help them succeed.
Meet the Tutors
We pride ourselves on the success of our students and will always ‘go the extra mile’ to ensure you are proud of your success also.
Susanne Maher Head of Applied Business, Tourism and BTEC Level 2 Business/Senior Tutor
We find that many students come back to see us from university and they always say that their time at Carmel has really helped them prepare for their degree.
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Ryan’s Perspective UCLAN Visit
Trips organised by the students
This year the students started to think about their future plans early and visited the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) who are ranked as third for hospitality and tourism in the country, by the Times Educational ‘Good University Guide’. They attended a master class and had a tour of the university whilst enjoying conversations with staff and student ambassadors. The students were so impressed that many of them applied to the university and have been offered a place. Courses such as Event Management and Tourism Management have become very popular and our students do extremely well in securing places on these exciting degree programmes.
As part of their second year studies, students have to organise an event from start to finish. Previous trips have included a day at outdoor activity centre Rock and River, and ice skating in Deeside. In 2010 the U6 Tourism students organised a spectacular two day trip to London which included a visit to Madame Tussauds and an evening meal at Planet Hollywood. During the second day they took their tutors on a guided tour of London including sites such as Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament. This year’s students organised a trip to Blackpool’s Sea Life Centre.
Travel and Tourism is a subject that I enjoy very much as it is providing me with a very useful insight into what is an important and ever growing industry. We cover a huge range of topics with practical hands-on learning as well as classroom based activities. In the short period that I have been studying Travel and Tourism, I have already been invited on a number of trips including a day trip to Blackpool, a residential to Paris and, most recently, a trip organised by the upper sixth to Chill Factore. In addition to this I completed the Cabin Crew Diploma as part of my enrichment, and I would recommend this to anyone considering working as Cabin Crew after life at Carmel. After leaving Carmel, I hope to find work in the Travel and Tourism industry as a Holiday Representative working abroad.
Sea Life Centre, Blackpool
What is the Department like? The Tourism department has a wide range of resources available to students. We subscribe to a number of industry based journals to help you keep up-to-date with current issues in the industry. We also have a range of core text books that you can freely borrow to help to develop your understanding. Resources are available to students to assist in your learning and we always work with ‘live’ case studies to ensure your learning is aided by real-life and practical examples. We have 12 wireless laptops available in the department for use both in lessons and for students at break and lunchtimes. These have full internet access, allowing you to complete your own effective research and help develop your understanding.
Ryan Yates Cowley Language College Studying: Travel and Tourism, Business, Economics, ICT
The college library is also stocked with a wide range of appropriate textbooks for you to loan and use to complement your research. Students achieve their Welcome Host qualification
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Frequently Asked Questions What are the entry requirements for AS Travel & Tourism?
Visiting London
What other activities will I get involved in? The Travel and Tourism industries are ever-changing and, as a department, we have many opportunities for you to update your knowledge and understanding. We organise visits and trips during the year to relevant organisations.
You will need CC in Applied Leisure and Tourism (if studied) and grade Cs in GCSE Maths and English Language. What other A Levels complement Travel & Tourism? Again, any other A Level can be studied alongside Travel & Tourism although some may be better suited than others. Courses such as Geography, Modern Foreign Languages, ICT and Business complement the content of Travel & Tourism and can help when studying at Higher Education level. Is the course an A Level?
Students at Rock and River
Yes, an A Level in Travel & Tourism is exactly the same as any other A Level. You will gain the same amount of UCAS points (if you wish to progress to university) and it is equally recognised as all other A Levels in the world of work. The only slight difference is that you will make more links with organisations and study more ‘live’ case-studies to enhance your knowledge and understanding of the travel and tourism industry.
Raft building at “Rock and River” – an event organised by the students as part of their A2 coursework
We also invite in guest speakers from industry so you can become involved with as many tourism based organisations as possible. We are always looking to improve our links with industry and currently work closely with Park Inn, The World of Glass, St Helens College and Chester Zoo. As part of the Enrichment Programme, you can also gain additional qualifications: Cabin Crew Diploma The Cabin Crew Diploma is aimed at those students interested in entering the Aviation Industry on the service side, as a Cabin Crew Attendant. The course is recognised by some major airlines and is the first step into an exciting career that will enable you to travel all over the world. Welcome Host Plus This course is designed to enhance your skills, knowledge and experience in the Customer Service Industry. It is a qualification that is recognised all over the world and in every service based industry.
How successful are Carmel’s Travel & Tourism students? Students visit Central Park New York
More Information Detailed course specification is available from the exam board website: gceapplied/travel.html
The achievement of our students is outstanding. We boast a 100% pass rate for all our students and the achievement rates are amongst the best in the country. A*-B A*-E
2009 AS A2 40%
100% 100%
2010 AS A2 57%
2011 AS A2 50%
100% 100%
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