Did you know that by just clicking on www.thehungersite.com
Through the Chaplaincy, you can get involved with all sorts of activities which make a difference to the college and the world.
Mass in the Chaplaincy
every time you visit the site, you donate a cup of food to the starving? Tonnes of food has been donated by sponsors, and many lives saved. It takes a moment of your time, to give a starving child a life-time!
Small Change Brings Big Change And You Can Be Part Of That Change!
Still on helping the developing world, the college has strong links with CAFOD, the Catholic Overseas Aid Agency. You’ll be invited to take part in their Harvest Fast Day in October. We choose to support CAFOD because they help people to help themselves, and spend little on administration. Visit www.cafod.org.uk to find out more about Fairtrade, Living Simply, HIV and AIDS treatment, climate change and globalisation. You might find ideas for Business, Geography, or Health & Social Care too!
Fairtrade cake sale
Justice and Peace Group Are you passionate about making a difference to your world? Interested in learning more about Fairtrade, the plight of the homeless? Do you want to raise awareness about Prisoners of Conscience? Or simply raise money for your favourite charity? Last year the Justice & Peace group raised more than ÂŁ6000 for charities at home and abroad. New members are always welcome in the Chaplaincy on Monday lunchtimes. Why not drop in and see if you have time, talents or insights to offer. You will certainly gain new friends and enjoy helping others. Enrichment
As well as the Justice and Peace group, Chaplaincy offers an Introduction to Counselling Skills as an Enrichment activity. You can also apply to be a college Ambassador in the Easter Term. See Rosie if you want to know more.
Many Carmel students take part in the Lourdes Youth Pilgrimage. They work hard, play hard and pray hard, making it possible for elderly and disabled pilgrims to enjoy their time in Lourdes to the full.
Children in Need
Each year students spend the summer in Kenya, Rwanda, Ghana and Sri Lanka, helping to build schools and work with street children as part of the Lasallian Developing World Project. Watch out for information on how you could be involved. Nearer home, students help out with a variety of volunteering projects volunteeringmerseyside.org.uk and www.do-it.org.uk have lots to offer.
Fairtrade Tea Tasting
J&P Group raise money for CAFOD
Lasallian Developing World Project
Comic Relief
For more information, call into our brand new Chaplaincy, off the Student Forum, or visit Chaplaincy on Carmel Connect.