Unleashed Brand Manual

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Brand Identity Manual

Brand Identity Manual

Brand Identity Manual

Š Unleashed 2011 4646 South Division Wayland, Michigan www.unleashed.org

Table of Contents BRAND......................................................7 IDENTITY................................................15 BUSINESS SYSTEM...........................41 APPLICATIONS.....................................51 ADVERTISEMENTS.............................75 PROCESS...............................................83

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“We strive to always create strong connections from the start. You do not find your service dog, your service dog finds you.�

!"#$% Company Profile.............................................9 Target Audience............................................10 Brand Awareness..........................................13

Unleashed Identity | 7

THE UNLEASHED COMPANY PROFILE Unleashed is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing anyone who comes to them the use of a trained service dog that meets their specific needs. Unleashed is dedicated to taking time, and changing lives. Unleashed was founded by Karen Shirk in 1998. A large part of the inspiration for the organization came from her service dog, Ben. Karen considers Ben to have been her co-founder. She dreamed of a facility where people with disabilities would rather work to raise the money for training than sit on a three-year list waiting for a free dog. As the Unleashed founder, prior social worker, and an individual with personal experience that dictated training a service dog of her own, Karen is aware of the special requirements, needs, and considerations of individuals applying for a service dog. Of the 52 million people with disabilities in the US, only 1% use service dogs. The demand for these dogs far exceeds the supply and securing one is often a frustrating process. People looking for service dogs often spend years following paper trails and sitting on waiting lists only to be denied services. Most service dog providers have multiple year waiting lists as well as restrictive eligibility criteria.

We are growing, and our current facilities are capable of accommodating and producing 60 dogs a year. We receive at least 10 applications a month and 60% of the applications we receive are for Autism Assistance Dogs. Unleashed is now located nationwide, but has a main location in Wayland, Michigan, our organization’s mission is to help enrich the lives of all people with disabilities by training and placing service dogs to provide individuals with companionship and promote independent living. At unleashed we strive to match dogs by creating a strong connection from the start. We have a 98% success rate in placements using rescue animals. We are also known to have a 90% success rate with the first dog placed in the home. One of our visions is to increase public awareness of the laws regarding service animals and the value they provide for their owners. Education programs make up a large portion of our organization. Taking service dogs out to schools, hospitals, and other various public locations to familiarize people with service dogs means a lot to us.

Training a service dog is costly. Funding of a service dog is the responsibility of the applicant. Typically fund-raising activities are used and Unleashed assists the applicant.

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TARGET AUDIENCE We serve people with disabilities, and we serve as many people as possible, within the scope of our abilities, regardless of age and severity of the disability. Unleashed trains Autism Service Dogs, Hearing Service Dogs, Mobility Service Dogs, Seizure Service Dogs, Multipurpose Service Dogs, & Veteran Service Dogs. As the founding agency of autism assistance dogs we provide the highest quality of dogs to every child that applies. We do not pick and choose who will get a dog. As long as a physician approves the dog, it’s safe to place a dog in the home, no family is turned away.

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BRAND AWARENESS Unleashed seeks to educate the public to accept the use of service dogs with in public places, as well as assist with animal rescue whenever possible. 85% of the dogs used in our service dog program are rescues, and we seek volunteers to help assist us in all areas of the day-to-day operations of the agency, as well as serving on committees which assist in marketing and fund-raising. We desire to have our volunteers in order to keep costs associated with service dog placement down. Ultimately we seek to be financially independent and have sufficient funds available for clients who are not able to participate in the fund-raising process.

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“ Allowing a person to feel like they can live again, feel nothing in the world is holding them back, that is our mission. �

&%'$()(* Unleashed Identity........................................17 Taglines........................................................18 Primary Mark...............................................20 Mark & Tagline.............................................21 Program Marks.............................................23 Secondary Mark............................................24 Tertiary Mark................................................25 Black & White...............................................26 Solid Black...................................................27 Clear Spacing...............................................28 Size Restrictions...........................................29 Unacceptable Treatments..............................30 Color Scheme...............................................32 Primary Colors..............................................34 Secondary Colors..........................................35 Unacceptable Color.......................................36 Patterns.......................................................39 Typography...................................................40

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UNLEASHED IDENTITY Release from a restraint, freedom to live life. This is the dictionary definition of Unleashed. Love and canine companionship are at our heart. “It is not because they are trained, not because they are smart, but it is because dogs see the world differently, dogs are born to care, dogs are born to love their companion for their entire life.” Our name Unleashed compliments our mission, like the definition we want to provide a feeling of freedom. Allowing a person to feel like they can live again, feel nothing is holding them back.

In our eyes each and every person who comes seeking canine companionship is no different from a person without disabilities. At the Unleashed organization we want to make a difference, not only in every person’s life who comes to us seeking help, but we want to also make a difference in each and every dog’s life we place. We can save a family from sleepless nights, worry, fear, and stress. Unleashed can returned normalcy to a home and nothing is more important to our identity than giving these gifts.

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Taking Time. Changing Lives. Unleashed cares about each and every person who applies to their programs, and places primary focus on taking the time to match each person with the right assistant dog, ultimately changing their lives.

Working Small Miracles Everyday With the right match, the bond between owner and service dog can be unbreakable. The tasks a service dog can do, can be as small as opening a door, or as big as notifying a family before their child has a seizure. No matter the task, for a family a service dog can provide a sense of relief and practically provide small miracles everyday.

The World Through A Dog’s Eyes Service dogs love their person in a way that some cannot fathom. The bond shared is unbreakable when a match is truly right. A dog doesn’t judge, care, or scrutinize, through a dog’s eye, all you see is love.

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Figure 1.1

PRIMARY MARK A typographic mark is used for the primary identity. The feeling portrayed with the organic typeface gives the viewer an inviting feeling, while still providing a strong visual identity. The break seen in the “e’s” represents the bond between a person and their service dog. Giving the feeling of a person breaking away from a disability, while still being different physically, or mentally but feeling a part of the whole is visually seen in this identity. The “e’s” are almost being “unleashed” from the word, symbolizing how a person can forget about their disability with a service dog.

Figure 1.2

PRIMARY MARK & TAGLINE To Further the Unleashed Identity to those who may not be familiar with our organization in many instances our tagline is used as a description. “Taking Time. Changing Lives.” Helps to explain who we are and what we are all about. Unleashed is proud to not turn anyone away who comes seeking help.

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Service Dogs Figure 1.3

Multipurpose Dogs Figure 1.4

Autism Dogs Figure 1.5

Seizure Dogs Figure 1.6

Hearing Dogs Figure 1.7

Mobility Dogs Figure 1.8

PROGRAM MARKS These marks combine the primary mark with icons associated with each of our service dog programs. Each mark combines the symbol directly above the mark and centered.

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Figure 1.9

SECONDARY MARK Combining the primary mark with an icon which symbolizes a service dog creates the secondary mark. The secondary mark is the primary mark is accompanied by the dog symbol.

Figure 1.10

TERTIARY MARK The tertiary mark is limited in application and is only to be used if there is a long horizontal format of the identity.

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Figure 1.11

BLACK & WHITE MARK Black and white color treatment of the mark. When the mark appears in black and white a 100% Black is to be used accompanied by a 70% black for the “e’s”.

Figure 1.12

SOLID BLACK MARK A solid 100% black mark is available to use in appropriate applications. These applications may include situations when the two colors in the primary mark do not show up well on top of the application.

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Primary Mark Figure 1.13

Primary Mark & Tagline Figure 1.14

CLEAR SPACE The clear space requirements must be followed for the mark to be readable and clear. The letter x represents the height of the mark and the y represents one half of the height of the mark. There should be a clear space equal to y around all sides of the mark and at least a y distance from all page edges.

Program Mark Figure 1.15

.3” inch

.45” inch

.15” inch

.2” inch

SIZING RESTRICTIONS The sizing restrictions above are to ensure that these marks do not appear too small for readability. This typographic mark needs space for the top of the“e’s” to still appear separated from the rest of the letterform.

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taking time. changing lives.

Figure 1.16

UNACCEPTABLE TREATMENTS These are examples of how the mark should not be treated. These examples do not include all ways the mark should not be used, in general do not alter the mark in any way, aside from the color variations shown on page 34–35. No flipping, stretching, case-changing, or typeface substitutes are acceptable.

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Primary Colors


GREY: 425 U

CMYK: 00 64 100 00 RBG: 244 123 32 HEX: F97936

CMYK: 00 00 00 77 RBG: 95 96 98 HEX: 5F6062

Secondary Colors


GREEN: 382 U

BLUE: 557 U

BROWN: 7519 U

CMYK: 00 16 100 00 RBG: 255 210 00 HEX: FFD200

CMYK: 29 00 100 00 RBG: 193 216 47 HEX: BED752

CMYK: 30 00 20 15 RBG: 154 194 85 HEX: 97C2B9

CMYK: 50 60 100 48 RBG: 87 67 25 HEX: 584320

COLOR SCHEME The primary colors of the bright orange and grey compliment one another. The orange represents a healing color, which it is said be able to stimulate enthusiasm and endurance. The secondary colors add versatility within applications, while still complimenting the primary colors, and adding vibrance.

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Figure 1.17

PRIMARY COLOR The primary colors of bright orange and grey are to be used together on applications which directly mark or represent our facilities such as signage. The orange differentiating the “e’s” should never be changed. The only two color combination accepted by the Unleashed organization are the grey and orange.

Figure 1.18

SECONDARY COLOR When the mark appears in one solid color both primary colors and secondary colors are acceptable. Certain applications benefit from various colors within the scheme. When using a one color mark, users must be sure to see size restrictions to ensure the spacial difference in the “e’s” can be seen.

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Figure 1.19

UNACCEPTABLE COLOR TREATMENT The color treatments seen above are not to be used on the Unleashed mark. These color changes do not include all unacceptable colors. Secondary colors are not to be used together and no outlined colors are allowed.

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Figure 1.20

PATTERNS The Unleashed brand uses a single pattern in some applications. This pattern is composed of the multipurpose service dog symbol. Multipurpose service dogs can reach any applicant who applies, so using this symbol makes the most logical sense. This pattern can be used in the two primary colors only.

Unleashed Identity | 39

+!, -./01 &2 345 6789:;<=>?@AB #CD%'EF G )H IJ K $LMN "O(PQRS*T U VWXY Z[\] ^ Avant Garde Gothic Book

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV W X YZ abcdefghijklmnopqr s tuv w x y z 123456789 0 Trade Gothic Medium

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV W X YZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wxyz 1234567890 Trade Gothic Light

A B C D EFG H IJ K LM N O P Q R STU V W X YZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12 3 4 5 678 9 0 Trade Gothic Light Oblique

TYPOGRAPHY Unleashed primary typeface is Avant Garde Gothic. This typeface is only to be used for the mark itself. All other type accompanying this organization should be Trade Gothic. Various weights are used, a majority of the applications use Trade Gothic Medium. While all body copy should be Trade Gothic Light.

A B C D EFG H IJ KLM N O P Q R STU V W X YZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12 3 4 5 67 8 9 0 Trade Gothic Oblique

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv wx yz 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Trade Gothic Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv w x yz 1234567890 Trade Gothic Bold No. 2

A B C D EFG H IJ KLM N O PQ RSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12 3 4 5 678 9 0 Trade Gothic Bold Oblique

A B C D E F G H IJ K LM N O P Q R STU V W XYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 12 3 4 5 678 9 0 Trade Gothic Bold No. 2 Oblique

Unleashed Identity | 41

“Service dogs love their person in a way that most cannot fathom. The bond shared is unbreakable when a match is truly right. �

!PO)$'OO_;*O('K Business System...........................................44 Letterhead....................................................48 Envelope......................................................49 Business Cards.............................................50

Unleashed Identity | 43

Mary Sage, Our foster homes and puppy raisers do so on a voluntary basis, and we would like to thank you for volunteering. We want you to know there is no expense to your home. We provide all veterinary care, dog food, and other expenses such as monthly heartworm preventative and flea control. If the dog placed is one that needs grooming we will also provide reimbursement of the cost. All expenses must be approved in advance. Expenses can be met by obtaining the needed items and submitting them for reimbursement or the home may choose to let us know when they require the necessary services of supplies and pick them up at our training center. Unleashed seeks to educate the public to accept the use of service dogs in public places, as well as assist with animal rescue whenever possible. 85% of the dogs used in our service dog program are rescues. We also seek volunteers to assist in all areas of the day to day operations of the agency as well as serving on committees to assist in marketing and fund-raising. Here at Unleashed we desire to have volunteers in order to keep the costs associated with service dog placement down. Ultimately seeking to be financially independent and have funds available to clients who are not able to participate in the fundraising process. One of our organization’s visions is to increase public awareness of the laws regarding service animals and the value they provide their owners. Education programs create a large portion of the organization. Taking service dogs out to schools, hospitals, and various public locations to familiarize people with our service dogs organization. This experience will not only change your life, but by volunteering to be a foster home you are changing the life of someone in need.

Thank You,

!"#$%&'()#* Karen Shirk

4646 South Divison Wayland, MI 49348 | 616.877.0248 | www.unleashed.org

BUSINESS SYSTEM The Unleashed business system is simple, yet clearly communicates the brand. The use of the primary color orange ads a pop of color and calls attention to the letterhead as well as the envelope. Grey is also used within the business cards. This system as a whole is very cohesive and consistent.

4646 S. Divison Wayland, MI 49348





H .C







K TA KAREN SHIRK Program Director 4646 S. Divison Wayland, MI 49348 616.877.0248 www.unleashed.org


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1 in

3 in

2 in

2.75 in Mary Sage, Our foster homes and puppy raisers do so on a voluntary basis, and we would like to thank you for volunteering. We want you to know there is no expense to your home. We provide all veterinary care, dog food, and other expenses such as monthly heartworm preventative and flea control. If the dog placed is one that needs grooming we will also provide reimbursement of the cost. All expenses must be approved in advance. Expenses can be met by obtaining the needed items and submitting them for reimbursement or the home may choose to let us know when they require the necessary services of supplies and pick them up at our training center. Unleashed seeks to educate the public to accept the use of service dogs in public places, as well as assist with animal rescue whenever possible. 85% of the dogs used in our service dog program are rescues. We also seek volunteers to assist in all areas of the day to day operations of the agency as well as serving on committees to assist in marketing and fund-raising. Here at Unleashed we desire to have volunteers in order to keep the costs associated with service dog placement down. Ultimately seeking to be financially independent and have funds available to clients who are not able to participate in the fundraising process. One of our organization’s visions is to increase public awareness of the laws regarding service animals and the value they provide their owners. Education programs create a large portion of the organization. Taking service dogs out to schools, hospitals, and various public locations to familiarize people with our service dogs organization. This experience will not only change your life, but by volunteering to be a foster home you are changing the life of someone in need.

Thank You,

!"#$%&'()#* Karen Shirk

4646 South Divison Wayland, MI 49348 | 616.877.0248 | www.unleashed.org

1 in

LETTERHEAD The grid in the letterhead allows the mark to sit independent with the proper clear space between the mark and body of the letter. The contact information is placed on the bottom of the letterhead allows the read to see it clearly without distracting from the content of the letter.

.5 in

.5 in

4646 S. Divison Wayland, MI 49348

ENVELOPE The inside of the envelope is converted with the brand pattern, which not only adds a personality, but serves security purposes for the content inside. The front includes the brand mark. All business system materials are preferred to be printed on Mowhaw Options Crystal White 70lb Text.

Unleashed Identity | 49

.4 in

2 in

.75 in

KAREN SHIRK Program Director 4646 S. Divison Wayland, MI 49348 616.877.0248 www.unleashed.org

1.5 in


BUSINESS CARD The business cards can be customized to for each employee. The fronts of the cards will have the same layout, but the backs of the cards can be either of the brand’s primary colors. Each employee has the option to choose the saying that will appear on the back of their business card. Printed on Mowhaw Options Crystal White 110lb Double Thick Cover.

KAREN SHIRK Program Director 4646 S. Divison Wayland, MI 49348 616.877.0248 www.unleashed.org


MARK JONES Training Director 4646 S. Divison Wayland, MI 49348 616.877.0248 www.unleashed.org


HAILEY CHASE Training Staff 4646 S. Divison Wayland, MI 49348 616.877.0248 www.unleashed.org


Unleashed Identity | 51

“A dog does not judge, care what you look like, or scrutinize your every move, through a dog’s eyes, all you see is love. ”

+MMJ)D#()L$O Dog Identifiers.............................................54 Product Lines..............................................57 Apparel.......................................................59 Stages Handout...........................................60 Program Brochure........................................64 Autism Mailer..............................................67 Autism Awareness........................................69 Postcards....................................................70 Website Design............................................72 Inside The Website.......................................75 Social Media................................................77 I-phone Application......................................78 Application Uses..........................................81

Unleashed Identity | 53

DOG IDENTIFIERS Unleashed offers service dog identifying vests and bandanas. A service dog needs to wear some sort of indicator for the public to know the dog is at work. All of the identifiers we offer include our mark, to help get our name out as well as mark the dogs.

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PRODUCTS Unleashed has a product line aimed to raise money for those who need help funding their service dog. 100% of the profits made from any product purchase goes straight to a family in need. Unleashed has donors who fund the production of their product lines in order to donate 100% their funds.

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APPAREL Aside from the product line, Unleashed offers an apparel line. These various apparel items are produced to help promote awareness about the organization as well as allow for people to support each other in their day to day lives with service dog companions.

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STAGES HANDOUT This print piece is a piece available for people interested in learning more about the stages they need to go through to receive a service dog. This is an informational piece that incorporates the very photographic and visual style of the Unleashed brand. This particular piece was intended to be placed in the facility and on the website for download.


TAKING TIME. CHANGING LIVES. www.unleashed.org

Digital Outside View







Applications for service dogs are received and reviewed.

While the Client is finishing their fundraising or their post

Our Executive Director makes a determination regarding the specific needs of each applicant, and interviews with

fundraising, Unleashed will select a service dog that can meet the disposition of the Client and deliver consistency with

the applicant occur to determine their dogs training.

the Clients needs. We choose a dog from one of our breeder programs, local shelters, or our Rover Rehab programs.

CONTRACT After the interview is complete, fundraising and contracts are reviewed with the applicant. With the contract the applicant formally becomes our Client. The Client then begins to fundraise, as a volunteer, the contracted sum for a specific trained service dog.


UNITING THE CLIENT The Client, the Service Dog, and Training Director will be united to finish and polish all contracted training services in a 10 day extensive training session. Upon completion of our training, Unleashed service dogs are required to be re-certified annually. Families with children under the age of


The Client is responsible to raise the total sum stated in the

18 who have mental health issues or adult dependent children with developmental delay can apply for our Multipurpose Assistance Dogs. However, we will certify In Home Support

contract to move to the 4th Stage. Should the Client not be able to raise the total sum contracted Unleashed will at

Dogs regardless of the applicant’s age. We believe everyone deserves the chance to have a service dog.


least offer an In-Home or Street Certified Companion Dog.

Digital Inside View

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Digital Front View

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SERVICE DOG PLACEMENT We specialize in placements with people who are turned away by many other agencies. We have no eligibility requirements beyond a physician’s statement that the person requesting a service dog has a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. We find creative, innovative means of assisting people with severe disabilities with solutions.




WHO WE ARE We are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing anyone who comes to us the use of a service dog which meets their specific needs. We

Often times people with disabilities contact agencies that place service dogs only to be told they are “too disabled” or “not disabled enough” and are turned down. Also, parents trying to find service dogs for their children quickly discover that many agencies will not place service dogs with children. In addition, many agencies won’t place service dogs in homes where there are other pets, and state that if they want a dog they have to get rid of their current pet companions. We are different and strive to accommodate all.

are dedicated to taking time and changing lives.

Digital Inside View

PROGRAM BROCHURE This brochure uses a stair step approach to present information pertaining to the service dog programs offered at Unleashed. An overview of the program along with some statistical information can be seen. To maintain brand standards, photography became a large portion of the brochure.

FEELING ACCEPTED AGAIN Mobility Assistance Dogs increase the independence of a person who uses a wheelchair, has trouble standing, and/or with ambulating. They perform tasks such as retrieving dropped items and opening doors. These dogs are valuable assets for the person returning to the work force or school because they decrease dependence on other people. When the dog-human team is out and about in the community, a definite change in the way the general public perceives disability, is readily seen. Founder Karen Shirk says, “As a person who has a Mobility Assistance Dog partner. I have often said that Ben makes my disability invisible. Before I had Ben, no one would approach me to start up a conversation and in stores people went out of their way to avoid me. Now, with Ben at my side, it could take me an hour just to get milk, because of everyone stopping me to inquire about Ben.”

TAKING TIME. CHANGING LIVES. www.unleashed.org




Unleashed was the first agency to begin placing skilled autism service dogs and continues to be the largest organization in the United States and the only organization placing in other Countries autism assistance dogs. While smaller organizations are attempting to duplicate our services, Unleashed remains the organization that many autism groups both at the national and local levels recommend to their families. We receive hundreds of calls each year by referrals from these various groups.


Males are four times more likely to have an Autism spectrum disorder than females.

BENEFITS FOR YOUR CHILD Autism produces a variety of symptoms many of which may be mitigated through use of a Service Dog. Rhythmic (repetitive) behaviors are a hallmark symptom of Autism. Even in high functioning children, it can be nearly constant. Repetitive behavior may seem like a harmless symptom, but how can a child make friends and feel normal when he can’t stop flapping his hands in front of his face? Service dogs may be trained to physically interrupt the child from engaging in these repetitive behaviors and re-direct their attention elsewhere.




Many of the families who come to Unleashed do so asking if we can help their child who may have a disability not addressed by any of the service dog agencies they have located. We understand and cater to the unique needs of each child.

Our training falls into Seizure Assistance Dogs and Seizure Assistance Dogs with facilitated Alert Training. These dogs provide emotional support, and physical help to a person who has a seizure disorder.

While some children, for example children who have only the diagnosis of Autism, fit clearly into a specific type of service dog, (The Autism Assistance Dog), many families have children with multiple issues, or diagnoses that do not seem to be addressed directly in the typical service dog categories, for example Down’s Syndrome, Fragile X, Apraxia, ADHD, a variety of mental health diagnosis, life threatening medical illnesses such as cancer, and medically frail children to name a very few.

Dogs learn to respond to verbal and hand signals and are taught to work for toys and affection. They are trained to make physical contact and lead their teammates to the source of the sound.



For people with hearing impairment, the absence of sound can be life-threatening! A fire breaks out during the night and the fire alarms, placed to save lives, are useless to the person with a hearing impairment. Most likely they would not wake up in time to escape the flames. Now, picture the same scene above, only this time the person with a hearing impairments has a Signal/Hearing Ear Dog. The alarm sounds and the dog springs into action. Quickly the dog awakes the person.

We are growing, our current facilities are capable of accommodating and producing 60 dogs a year. We receive at least 10 applications a month and 60% of the applications received are for Autism dogs.

While children are not mature enough to participate in the intensive training process needed for the successful placement of the Seizure Response Dog (which is what the agencies that do not place with children train), the benefits of having a dog as a companion and friend are priceless. The Seizure Service Dog can provide a measure of comfort for the child, provide a distraction during unpleasant medical procedures, such as blood tests be used during a therapy session to enlist the child’s participation. In addition, children with seizures may be afraid of being alone, sleeping in their own beds, and engaging in activities because they might have a seizure. In these instances, dogs can give the children a little courage while helping them maintain their independence and lead more normal lives.


Digital Inside View


Males are four times more likely to have an Autism spectrum disorder than females.

BENEFITS FOR YOUR CHILD Autism produces a variety of symptoms many of which may be mitigated through use of a Service Dog. Rhythmic (repetitive) behaviors are a hallmark symptom of Autism. Even in high functioning children, it can be nearly constant. Repetitive behavior may seem like a harmless symptom, but how can a child make friends and feel normal when he can’t stop flapping his hands in front of his face?

HEARING SERVICE DOGS Dogs learn to respond to verbal and hand signals and are taught to work for toys and affection. They are trained to make physical contact and lead their teammates to the source of the sound. For people with hearing impairment, the absence of sound can be life-threatening! A fire breaks out during the night and the fire alarms, placed to save lives, are useless to the person with a hearing impairment. Most likely they would not wake up in time to escape the flames. Now, picture the

Close Up Inside View

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MADDISON KELLY 1578 East Paris Road Caledonia, mi 49378



Digital Outside View

HELPOTHERS JOIN UNLEASHED In the quest to support Autism as well as bring service dog families together. As you walk side by side with your own service dog you are helping to change the future for all who struggle with autism! For everyday participant, Unleashed will donate funds toward someone in need of a service dog. Walk Now For Autism Unleashed is a fun-filled, family friendly and dog friendly event. Autism is the fastest growing developmental disorder in the United States – we need more volunteers to join our fight.



Digital Inside View

If you want to make a difference and take the first step and register today. You will not only raise funds, but you will become a part of a fun and supportive community. Every 15 minutes, another family receives the devastating news that their child has an autism spectrum disorder, so help us change that. We look forward to seeing you! For more information contact us at 616.622.7365 | karen@unleashed.org

AUTISM MAILER Mailers are sent out to let service dog families know about up coming events. Mailers allow our organization to get news out in a clear and efficient way. This particular mailer is for the Walk Now Autism Unleashed event help every spring. Event information is included to inspire people to get involved.

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!"#"$#%&"'%(&)*+ MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Come out to our support events, each event is designed to bring families together to share their stories and provide support!

APRIL 2012 S







APRIL 7TH Put on the Puzzle

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

09 10





APRIL 15TH Wretches & Jabberers “Movie Event.”







APRIL 27TH Connect With Your Neighborhood Event

29 30 01 02 03 04 05



22 23 24 25 26 27 28



PUT ON THE PUZZLE! The Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon is the recognized symbol of the autism community. Autism prevalence is now one in every 110 children in America – that’s 13 million families and growing who live with autism today. Show your support for people with autism by wearing the Autism Awareness Puzzle Ribbon, as a pin on your shirt, or a magnet on your car and educate people, a parade of service dogs will be held on April 7th, in downtown Wayland. WRETCHES & JABBERERS “MOVIE EVENT.” This film will be released through nationwide events. The film features advocates with autism, and showcases inspiration stories of families all across the nation who have service dog companions who helped to change their lives.




Many service dog chapters hold special events in their communities throughout the month of April. But if you can’t find an event that suits you just right, create your own! Check out our Unleashed calendar of events, which is an online tool that makes it easy to find out what is going on near you. So, mobilize your friends and family and help make a difference.



Digital Inside View

Digital Outside View

AUTISM AWARENESS Every April the Unleashed organization tries to become very involved in Autism Awareness Month. A general invitation is mailed out to all families in the surrounding area informing and asking them to become more involved not only with the Unleashed organization, but with the Autism community.

Unleashed Identity | 69

!"#$%&'()*& Without donations from generous people like yourself our organization would not be able to function as easily. We appreciate your support and would like to keep you up to date with what your contributions are helping us to do. Learn More at www.unleashed.org

Thank You Postcard

THANK YOU POSTCARDS Without donations from the generous people who support the Unleashed organization we wouldn’t be able to function as easily as we do. We appreciate our donors support and would like to keep them up to date with what their contributions are helping us to do as a organization, so by sending a postcards a simple way for us to express our thanks.

Steve Johnson 7476 S. State Street Wayland, MI 49348

!"!#$%&#'(%)* We are growing, our current facilities are capable of accommodating and producing 60 dogs a year. We receive at least 10 applications a month and 60% of the applications received are for Autism Service Dogs. We can only do what we do with the help of generous volunteers.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones 7476 S. State Street Wayland, MI 49348

Learn More at www.unleashed.org

Awareness Postcard

AWARENESS POSTCARDS We are growing organization and are constantly expanding. We can only do what we do with the support of people, so to give people more of a reason to support us is to create awareness about what our organization is doing. Sending out postcards allows us to reach a more diverse audience group.

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Home Page

WEBSITE The Unleashed website serves to promote awareness, provide information, and allow users to download applications. When landing on the website the user can see the main navigation on the top, a slide show, and program links. The user can even sign up to receive the monthly newsletter or use the quick link to the gallery.

Program Page

Navigation View

Infographic View

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Gallery Page

Contact Page

Products Page

INSIDE THE WEBSITE There are a few interior layouts within this website. The right side remains intact, always allowing users to sign up for the newsletter and have a quick link to the gallery. Within the site users can read more detailed informations and even see info graphics about the programs Unleashed provides.

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Facebook Page

Twitter Page

SOCIAL MEDIA In today’s day and age social media is a huge asset to an business, including non-profits. Using Facebook and Twitter allows Unleashed to reach more people all over. People can more easily stay updated and connected to what is going on within the Unleashed organization.

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Icon View

iPHONE APPLICATION Training Unleashed is an application that targets a larger range of audience. This application teach dog commands that match service dog commands, but the user does not have to have a service dog, this application provides vector animation, tips & tricks for training and being patient with your pet.

Home Screen

Lesson Home Screen

Training Guide Screen

iPHONE APPLICATION Inside the application you can choose your lesson by scrolling through various commands. You can also view a tip list, these tips and tricks help to provide pet owners with advice on the best ways to work with your pet. You can save your favorite tips or share them with your friends.

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Lesson Screen

Lesson Screen

iPHONE APPLICATION Inside the commands, once you have selected a specific command, a vector animation will play and demonstrate the command with the proper hand signals. During and upon finishing the animation thought bubbles appear providing written instructions to help the users as well.

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“No matter the task, for a family a service dog can provide a sense of relief and practically preform small miracles everyday. �

+%Q'"()O'K'$(O Magazine Ads..............................................85 Billboards & Sinage.....................................87 Unleashed Interiors.....................................88

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MAGAZINE ADS Unleashed wants to reach as many people as possible who are in need. To reach the target audience specific magazines are targeted. Many ads placed in these publications are thanks to our sponsors. Local first, is another philosophy of Unleashed. Reaching out to the surrounding communities is important.

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BILLBOARDS & SIGNAGE Billboards and signage can be used to promote Unleashed. These types of advertisements can be placed in areas surrounding the facility location. These signs are to promote awareness and educate the public about Unleashed facilities and the services programs offered.

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FACILITY EXTERIOR Aside from showing the primary mark to identify an Unleashed facility, the program symbols can be used. The symbols of each of the programs along with a secondary type identification, which states the name of the programs available at the particular location should be used. This use of the symbol helps people to quickly identify what Unleashed can offer.

UNLEASHED INTERIOR The Unleashed organization wants to portray the feeling of stability in not only anyone who comes seeking a service dog, but in their facility’s appearance. The use of the primary color orange should be present as well as the primary identity. These factors help to reassure what Unleashed is about.

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“An absolutely unselfish friend, one that never deserts you, one that never proves ungrateful, this friend is the one you find in your dog. �

8"LD'OO Non-Profit Inspiration...................................92 Research.....................................................93 Mood Board.................................................94 Naming Process...........................................96 Identity Creation..........................................97 Identity Iterations........................................98 Symbol Iterations.......................................100 Print Sketches............................................101 Documentation...........................................102 Website Planning........................................103 Website Sitemap.........................................104 Website Wireframes....................................105

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NON-PROFIT INSPIRATION Choosing a non-profit that was close to my heart and a local organization was important to me. When I found 4 Paws for Ability and learned not only do they rescue 80% of their dogs, but they do not require families to give up their current pets, which is rare in a service dog organization. In my process watching a PBS documentary really got me excited and inspired.

RESEARCH Positioning Statement Unleashed is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing anyone who comes to them the use of a trained service dog that meets their specific needs. Unleashed is dedicated to taking time, and changing lives. About Us Unleashed was founded by Karen Shirk in 1998. A large part of the inspiration for the organization came from her service dog, Ben. Karen considers Ben to have been her co-founder. She dreamed of a facility where people with disabilities would rather work to raise the money for training than sit on a three year list waiting for a free dog. As the Unleashed founder, prior social worker, and an individual with personal experience that dictated training a service dog of her own, Karen is aware of the special requirements, needs, and considerations of individuals applying for a service dog. Of the 52 million people with disabilities in the US, only 1% use service dogs. The demand for these dogs far exceeds the supply and securing one is often a frustrating process. Funding of an Unleashed service dog is the responsibility of the applicant. Applicants typically use fund-raising activities to gather these funds, and Unleashed assists the applicant during the process. We are growing, and our current facilities are capable of accommodating and producing 60 dogs a year. We receive at least 10 applications a month and 60% of the applications we receive are for Autism Assistance Dogs. Location & Mission Now, located nationwide, but having a nearby location in Wayland, Michigan, our organization’s mission is to enrich the lives of people with disabilities by training and placing service dogs to provide individuals with companionship and promote independent living. At unleashed we strive to match dogs by creating a strong connection from the start.

Target Audience Unleashed trains Autism Service Dogs, Hearing Service Dogs, Mobility Service Dogs, Seizure Service Dogs, and Multipurpose Service Dogs. We were the first agency to begin placing Autism Service Dogs and continue to be the largest organization in the US. As long as the child’s physician approves the dog and it is safe to place a dog in the home, no family is turned away. Brand Awareness Unleashed seeks to educate the public to accept the use of service dogs in public places, as well as assist with animal rescue whenever possible. 85% of the dogs used in our service dog program are rescues. We also seek volunteers to assist in all areas of the day-to-day operations of the agency as well as serving on committees to assist in marketing and fund-raising. Here at Unleashed we desire to have volunteers in order to keep the costs associated with service dog placement lower. One of our visions is to increase public awareness of the laws regarding service dogs and the value they provide their owners. Taking service dogs to schools, hospitals, and various public locations to familiarize people with service dogs means a lot to this organization. Competition & Differentiation Some of the unique competitive advantages Unleashed has includes: a faster turnaround time for training and receiving of a service dog, all challenges are welcomed, we are willing to tackle difficult placements. Flexible training and nationwide locations, as well as friendly faces, we don’t require recipients to give up their pets to receive a service dog as many agencies do. In reality our organizations are not exactly competing, but working with each other to make this a world a bit easy and more welcoming for all people.

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MOOD BOARDS Thinking service dogs, natural colors come to my mind. I drew my inspiration from textures and even from dogs themselves. Looking at and photographing lots and lots of dogs gave me inspiration for this identity. Nothing got me going more than actual getting out talking to people and taking a lot of my own imagery.

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1. Paws in Action


Busy Paws

Heavenly Hounds

2. Our Paws

Dogs for You

Paw Profile

Perfect Paws

3. Dogs for Mankind

Pause 4 Paws


Dogs for Cause

4. Saving Canines

Dog Paws

Working Paws

Daring Dogs

5. People & Paws

Wounds and Wags

Darling Dogs

Perfect Paw Cause

6. Healing Paws

Dogs & Paws

Dog Ability

K9 Ability

6. Rescue

Four Paws

Healing Paws

Caring Canines

7. Unleashed

Helping Paws

Delightful Dogs


8. Project Paws

Patient Paws

For Ability

K9’s who Care

9. The Canine Cause

Gentle Paws

Helping Hounds

Guiding Paws

10. K9

People & Paws

Dear Dog


11. H.O.P.E.

Paw Awe

Paws Cause

Man’s Best Friend

NAMING PROCESS Naming, is always an interesting process. When I first began complying a list of possibilities, a lot of my names used words like “paws, dogs, or caring.” The more I thought about what this organization was all about, the more I wanted to get away from words like these and use a more intriguing name like Unleashed.

IDENTITY CREATION Sketching, I did lots of sketches to start, the whole process of creating an identity is very important. I did my research and sketched the things that I related with the name and organization. I tried to move away from the obvious types of marks that most likely would be associated with a service dog industry, I found clever typography worked best.

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u nleashed



leashed P$J'#OG'%

IDENTITY ITERATIONS Moving to the computer with my sketches you can see I chose to pursue identities that were more typographic. As I worked though iterations after iterations I was liking the all caps Unleashed with the “e’s” separated.

unleashed LEASHED

IDENTITY ITERATIONS Working with is identity I realized the all caps was to harsh and a lowercase version communicated a softy feeling which better represented the organization. The “e’s” are being “unleashed” from the word, and this breaking away represents the way a service dog allows a person to break away or be “unleashed” from their disabilities.

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SYMBOLS ITERATIONS Creating a system of icons to represent the different programs was something I wanted to create. When creating these symbols I wanted to use icons that people would immediately associate with the disease program they represent. Viewer understanding was a very important factor.

PRINT PIECES When starting to think print, I knew this non-profit had many levels within their actual organization. These print pieces need to present information appropriately. The use of the mark and the primary color orange incorporated into bars and info graphics.

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DOCUMENTING PIECES Throughout the process of this system, much documentation of everything was important. I took photos of various dogs, people, and the different pieces of the identity are including with in the manual. Iterations of each piece was a large portion of the process.

WEBSITE PLANNING Searching through the 4 Paws for Ability’s existing website showed me they had a lot of content, but it was not organized in a very good fashion. Going through and deciding what was most important and what could be grouped together was the first order of business when working on the website.

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Mission & Goals







Dogs in Action

Foster Care Pup Raiser

Be a Sponsor



Paws for Vets

Tail Wags


Service Programs



5 Step Plan




WEBSITE PLANNING Creating a site map allowed me to visual organize and condense the content that need to appear on the website. I found there to be five main sections that would later become the primary navigation. Looking deeper both information and interactive features were grouped within these categories.

Rover Rehab

WEBSITE PLANNING After wire-framing, the visuals were born. I sketched to see what types of visuals would be clear for the user. Always keeping the user in mind is important to me when I am thinking visually. Creating a slideshow to portray the photographic qualities of the brand was on top of my list.

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Brand Identity Manual Design: Sarah Todd hi@sarahtodddesign.com 989.506.1513

Brand Identity Manual

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