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Crystal Star Ann’s Health Foods Training 2015

Founded by Linda Page, Ph.D, Tradi5onal Naturopath Dr. Linda Page was compelled to research alterna5ve avenues of healing a@er being sequestered in a hospital with a life-­‐ threatening illness. With only a liDle knowledge of herbs, she read voraciously. She began to formulate the many compounds, which would eventually save her life. As she healed, she completed degrees in Naturopathy and Nutri5on from Clayton College of Natural Health. A master classical herbalist, she founded Crystal Star in 1978 and today has formulated well over 250 whole herb combina@ons. Today, her best-­‐selling book, Healthy Healing, is used as a textbook at many educa@onal ins@tu@ons teaching natural health courses.

Whole Herbs for the Whole Person Why choose Crystal Star® whole herb formulas? Choose the power of whole herbs! Most whole herbs, as edible plants, are as safe to take as foods. Only the whole herb can give the whole benefit! You can rely on Crystal Star® whole herb combina@ons for safety and effec@veness. The value is in the formula, not simply one or two chemicals within it, no maDer how potent they are. Low probability of side effects with whole herbs. S5ll, If you are taking prescrip5on medica5ons, we suggest you consult with your physician before star5ng a self-­‐help program. All formulas are formulated by Dr. Linda Page. A leader in the natural foods industry, Dr. Page has been formula5ng herbal combina5ons since the early 80’s. At one 5me, her formulas were sold in bulk in the bins of the natural foods stores in California. Even then, they were sought a@er for their rapid ac5vity and safety factor.

Commitment to Quality At Healthy Healing, our commitment to quality is unwavering. To insure we use the highest quality ingredients, we take the following ac5ons: To verify authen5city, each botanical ingredient is given an iden@fy test upon arrival. The iden5fy tes5ng and micro analysis are conducted both internally, and by outside 3rd par5es. The ingredients listed on our label are in our products, at the specific formula amounts. Our labs are GMP 3rd party cer@fied, and NSF registered. COA (Cer5ficate of Analysis) accompanies every herb in our formulas. When wild herbs are in danger of becoming ex5nct, we move to cul5vated herbs. When there's possible GMO contamina5on, we move to cer5fied organic herbs. As a company we will con@nue to align ourselves with industry ini@a@ves, quality companies, and quality individuals. Keep an eye out for our 100% Ingredient Verifica@on. We're proud of our products, the legacy, the ingredients, our integrity, and the Crystal Star brand. The Crystal Star product line is, and always has been, legi@mate.

The Crystal Star Difference •  Product Line Effec@veness

–  Unique & proprietary formulas

•  Products and formulas can’t be found anywhere else

–  Long standing reputa5on for product line effec5veness

•  Informa@on Resources

–  Healthy Healing book or flyers –  Crystal Star Catalogs –  Quarterly Print NewsleDer –  Online training:

•  Supplier Reliability

–  Predictability –  Same day shipments –  Focused and consistent internal execu5on

•  Brand Equity

–  Nearly four decades of established recogni5on

•  Corporate Ini@a@ves

–  Non-­‐GMO Verifica@on –  Gluten-­‐Free Cer@fica@on –  New Products –  cGMP manufacturers/extensive tes@ng is performed on all of our herbs

Label Upgrade •  Increased visibility –  Stand apart on the shelf –  Vibrant & intense colors

•  Easier to read! •  Categorized by product family

–  Separated by color, GMO-­‐Free & Gluten-­‐Free s5ckers on applicable products

Top Crystal Star SKU’s at Ann’s 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9.  10.  11.  12.  13.  14.  15.  16.  17.  18.  19.  20.  21.  22.

Adrenal Energy Immune Support (form. An@ Bio) Beau@ful Hair & Nails Bladder Comfort Bladder Control Bwl Tone Candida Balance Cellulite Tone Depress-­‐ex Dr. Enzyme Est Aid Female Harmony Fibro Defense GERD Defense Heartsease HEMR Defense Herp Defense Liver Renew Male Performance Muscle Relaxer Men’s Healthy Libido Ocean Minerals

23.  24.  25.  26.  27.  28.  29.  30.  31.

Parasite Purge Relax Stone Defense Thin Aler 40 Thyroid Meta Max Toxin Detox Tummy Control Vari Vein Women’s Best Friend

Adrenal Energy •  Non-­‐GMO verified. Adrenal Energy is a long range, non deple5ng energizer. Whole herbs in Adrenal Energy™ can help you rebuild from a run down system.* •  Supports recovery from: –  Chronic Stress –  Burnout or Anxiety –  Chronic Fa5gue/Exhaus5on Most people feel improvements in less than one week.

Immune Support (form. An5-­‐Bio) •  Our premier First-­‐aid responder. •  Echinacea species s@mulate immune defenses. •  Provides an arsenal of natural immune boosters and lympha5c support to help keep you healthy, naturally. •  Natural benefits for people with mild cold/ flus. •  Yarrow induces a cleansing sweat to help bring down a fever.

Beau5ful Hair & Nails Non-­‐GMO verified. Grow longer, stronger, healthier hair & nails. Olen a no@ceable difference in 3 weeks. •  Seaweeds and whole herbs like nemles and alfalfa are ideal to help beau@fy hair and nails because they are concentrated sources of nutri@on that strengthen the hair and nails. •  Herbs like cayenne and ginger in the formula have potent circula5on boos5ng proper5es that help deliver those vital nutrients to hair and nails.

Bladder Comfort •  Build your urinary tract defenses. Cleansing herbs support urinary health, kidneys and bladder. Feel beDer fast. •  Cleanse the bladder. Cranberry extract, uva ursi, cleavers and juniper help cleanse toxins. •  Soothe. Goldenseal and Jamaican dogwood in the blend soothe discomfort.

Bladder Control •  Non-­‐GMO Verified. •  Fast Relief! Supports urinary 5ssue and healthy bladder control. Helps maintain normal elas5city of 5ssue. •  The only product on the market designed to support healthy bladder control, and the natural elas@city and muscle tone in the urethra and bladder.

BWL-­‐Tone •  Non-­‐GMO Verified. For men and women seeking gentle support for colon/bowel system. Best product on the shelf ! •  Wild Yam, chamomile and peppermint help reduce gas. •  Marshmallow and slippery elm help soothe the colon bowel system, while apple pec5n offers soluble fiber that’s gentle enough for people with sensi@ve colons

Candida Balance •  Non GMO verified •  Normalizes yeast overgrowth, and restores immune strength •  Reduces symptoms like mental fog and indiges@on •  An5fungal herbs like olive leaf extract, pau d’ arco and black walnut hulls normalize yeast overgrowth. •  Mood enhancers like rhodiola and rosemary provide an immediate sense of well being, and help reduce brain fog. •  Peppermint and thyme fight stubborn bloa5ng and gas related to candida overgrowth. Makes you feel bemer, not worse within the first few days of taking it!

Cellulite Tone •  Address your specific weight issue. Problem. Cellulite •  Lose the cellulite. Keep the muscle and tone. Shape, define, smooth your body. •  Seaweed extract supports connec5ve 5ssue and elas5city for your best shape and tone. Good for athletes, body builders, and men and women with cellulite. •  It works at the deepest body levels, boos5ng liver detoxifica5on, for long las5ng results.

Depress-­‐ex Caps •  Helps relieve mild to moderate despondency without causing nervousness or insomnia. Calming effect. •  Features St. John’s wort, an herb with proven success in reducing mild to moderate depression. •  Kava kava in the formula targets symptoms of mood swings, nervous tension, irritability and depression “blahs.” •  Rosemary is included in the formula to sharpen mental focus, support memory, and heighten energy. •  Note: We only use whole kava kava in our formula to help reduce risk of side effects or interac;ons that could occur with altered or for;fied products.

Dr. Enzyme •  A potent blend of proteoly@c enzymes to reduce inflamma@on and purify the bloodstream. •  Protease helps soothe discomfort from inflamma5on. •  Cat’s claw, green tea and shiitake mushroom strengthen immune defenses. •  Protease helps offers heart/circula5on support ac5vity. Most enzyme products on the market today are simple diges5ve aids. Dr. Enzyme™ is a therapeu5c enzyme to be taken on an empty stomach for maximum benefits. Protease acts metabolically, cleansing the bloodstream to support ongoing health.

Est Aid •  Non GMO Verified. Use at the onset of menopause for relief of acute menopause and perimenopause symptoms. •  Hot flash rescue. Premier estrogen-­‐ progesterone balance. •  Eases mood swings and bloat. Helps normalize interperiod or excess bleeding. •  Helpful to women weaning themselves off HRT to a natural menopause. Follow up with Easy Change caps (see next slide) aler worst symptoms have passed for longterm balance.

Female Harmony •  Non-­‐GMO Verified. Helps PMS symptoms. Reestablishes hormone harmony. Also helpful to energize a@er menopause. •  Liver tonics like burdock support normal metabolism. •  Relaxing herbs like oatstraw and chamomile calm mood swings and irritability. •  The only whole herb product of its kind, Female Harmony addresses hormone balancing needs for women through their PMS years all the way through the change of life.

GERD Defense •  Tones and supports healthy stomach and esophagus walls. A stomach tonic that eases heartburn and reflux symptoms. Especially helpful aler heavy meals, and for an overeater’s weight control program. •  Stomach tonics like meadowsweet, gen@an and goldenseal in the formula help relieve acid indiges@on. •  Mucilagenous herbs in the formula like marshmallow and slippery elm soothe stomach and colon/bowel system.

Fibro Defense Supports breast and uterine balance and health. Can be use long-­‐term for hormone balance. •  The seaweed blend releases fluid conges5on and bloa5ng, and supports proper thyroid ac5vity. •  Pau d’arco and maitake mushroom help normalize growths, cleanse and give the immune system a natural boost. •  Liver cleansing herbs like yellow dock and dandelion help balance healthy hormone metabolism.

Heartsease Caps •  Non-­‐GMO verified. Supports normal blood pressure, circula@on, and strengthening arterial and nervous systems. •  Features heart tonics like hawthorn and jiaogulan. •  Nervines in the formula like passionflowers, blue violet and linden flowers help calm stress. •  Ginkgo biloba, ginger and red sage improve circulatory system func5on and enhance blood flow.

Hemr-­‐Defense •  Non-­‐GMO Verified. An@-­‐inflammatory and soothing herbs help tone and soothe rectal @ssue. Can also be used topically. Simply mix the contents of an opened capsule with cocoa buDer and apply to affected area. Or, use Hemr-­‐eze topical gel for added support. •  Slippery elm in the formula soothes irritated membranes. •  Vitamin C herbs like amla berry, rose hips, and hawthorn in the formula strengthen the vascular system.

Herp Defense •  Formerly Herpex. Take at the first sign

of imbalance. •  A defensive blend of whole herbs. Helps to balance the body’s pH. •  Guards against flare-­‐ups by neutralizing toxins and cleansing the blood. •  Use with topical Herpex gel.

Liver Renew Since the Standard American Diet (SAD) is high in calories, fats , sugars, and alcohol, almost everyone has some degree of liver stress. A liver cleanse with a whole herb formula5on once or twice a year is highly recommended. •  This advanced formula includes milk thistle. Milk thistle seed offers powerful an@oxidant ac@vity, and has a proven safety record. •  Bupleurum, dandelion and red sage are liver tonics that support toxic release. The medical mushrooms, maitake and reishi, are included for powerful immune support. •  Gentle enough for everyone to use. Powerful enough to aid in regaining health.

Male Performance •  Long term sexual energy and performance enhancer. A potent blend of herbs that nourish the en@re male system. •  Horny goat weed and maca support male sexual performance. •  Circulatory enhancers like ginkgo biloba, ginger and niacin support blood flow. •  Endurance herbs like Chinese red ginseng and American ginseng restore energy.

Muscle Relaxer •  Non-­‐GMO Verified. •  Formulated for people with overworked muscles, women with menstrual cramps, or spasmodic, cramping pain. •  Fast ac@ng for fast relief! •  Herbs like kava kava and Jamaican dogwood relax muscles. •  Muscle Relaxer is the most potent whole herb muscle relaxing product available.

Men’s Healthy Libido •  Short term sexual energy and libido support. Sexual energy support for men, at any age.

•  This formula features wild green oats, known in the herbal world as an aphrodisiac. •  All three ginseng-­‐like species in the formula nourish and tone the male reproduc5ve system.

Ocean Minerals •  Iodine, potassium and silica from the sea for thyroid health, and skin, hair and nails. •  Many minerals are no longer sufficiently present in our fruits and vegetables; they are leached from the soil by chemicals and pes5cide sprays used in commercial farming. •  Ounce for ounce, sea vegetables are higher in essen@al minerals than any other food group. •  Because seaweeds are foods, your body easily uses them to help deliver nutrients to your en5re system.

Parasite Purge •  Non GMO verified, Parasite Purge helps cleanse and release a variety of parasi5c organisms. •  Did you know? A study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control reveals that one in every six people selected at random had one or more parasites. •  How Can Parasite Purge Enhance Your Health? –  Neem leaf in Parasite Purge inhibits parasites. –  Black walnut hulls release toxins. –  BuDernut bark cleanses the colon, a prime breeding ground for parasites. –  Fennel seed relieves bloat and diges5ve discomfort. For best results, take 4 caps daily on an empty stomach in the morning for one week.

Relax caps •  Non-­‐GMO Verified. A whole herb formula for reducing anxiety or chronic stress •  Who is Relax caps for? -­‐ People under a great deal of stress -­‐ Animal companions under stress While drug therapy can provide good short-­‐term results in anxiety reduc5on, it has serious drawbacks over 5me like addic5on and over seda5on. Herbs like lady slipper and ashwagandha in Relax caps tone, relax and have a strengthening effect on the nervous system.

Stone Defense •  Non-­‐GMO Verified. Stone Defense (formerly Stone-­‐Ex) provides both pain relief and stone dissolving ac@vi@es. •  Preven5ve help for those prone to stones. •  Herbs in the formula like chamomile and marshmallow relieve pain. •  Hydrangea and stone root help dissolve sediment. Diure5c herbs in the formula facilitate relief. Consult with health prac<<oner to see if your stones can be passed naturally.

Thin A@er 40 •  Non-­‐GMO Verified. Problem. Weight Gain Aler 40 •  If you’re 40, already changed your diet, and can’t shed unwanted pounds, Thin Aler 40 is for you. •  Herbs like bimer orange, green tea and garcinia cambogia have been chosen specifically to address fat burning, appe@te and sugar control. •  St. John’s wort and chickweed work to keep appe5te in check and stress balanced. •  An advanced 8-­‐formula combina@on that you can rely upon for “aler 40” weight control.*

Thyroid Meta Max •  Address your specific weight issue. Problem. Sluggish Thyroid •  A combina<on with natural iodine and other minerals to strengthen the thyroid gland. Boosts low metabolism for weight loss. •  Sea veggies offer a high content of iodine and potassium which reac5vate the thyroid. •  Green and white tea fight free radical damage and increase thermogenesis (fat burning).

Toxin Detox NON-­‐GMO Verified. An every day detox aid! A formula to help rid toxic build-­‐up caused by air, water and food pollutants. Good to take if you have fillings in your teeth. SEAWEED to help eliminate metals SEA BUCKTHORN BERRY to neutralize toxins AMLA BERRY for helpful nutrients APPLE PECTIN for soluble fiber Direc@ons: Take 2 caps, twice daily for 2 months. Then, 1 cap daily as needed for maintenance.

Tummy Control •  Non-­‐GMO Verified. Problem. Excess Belly Fat •  Stress-­‐relieving, estrogen-­‐balancing ac@vity for tummy bulge control. •  Nervine herbs like Rhodiola rosea calm stress reac@ons that contribute to weight gain around the waist and stomach. •  St. John’s wort and chickweed reduce appe5te and fight stress-­‐related food binges. •  A detoxifying blend of white tea and uva ursi has been added to help flaDen your belly.

Vari Vein caps •  A combina@on designed to help reduce the swelling of veins throughout the body. •  Ginger and ginkgo biloba boost circula5on, and reduce pain and heaviness. •  Astringent herbs like Witch Hazel, Chinese Wolrerry and Butcher’s Broom 5ghten and tone •  An5oxidant flavonoids in herbs like bilberry and grape seed extract support connec5ve 5ssue health.

Woman's Best Friend •  Strengthens, cleanses and normalizes the ovarian-­‐uterine area. Helpful for women experiencing prolonged painful menstrual periods. •  Woman’s Best Friend has been called life changing. •  Herbs like Jamaican dogwood, cramp bark, goldenseal ease discomfort. •  Long-­‐term support from red raspberry, squaw vine helps normalize cycle.

Beau5ful Skin Tea •  Whole herbs in Beautiful Skin Tea are great for skin—to cleanse, hydrate, restore, alkalize, and balance. •  Beautiful Skin Tea can even be used topically with good results. Use lukewarm as an antiredness wash, or apply topically at the first sign of a breakout. Simply soak cotton balls in tea and apply to trouble areas. •  •  •

WHITE TEA to tone the skin ROSEMARY to cleanse the skin SARSAPARILLA for clear skin

Bloat Release Tea A flushing tea that promotes bemer elimina@on

and calorie burning, and reduces bloa@ng.

•  Lazy diges5on and abdominal bloa5ng can block the success of a weight loss program and leave you feeling sluggish. Bloat Release tea reduces fluid reten5on and heightens energy levels so you feel beDer and lose excess weight. •  Yerba Mate normalizes elimina@on, reduces bloa5ng and acts as an effec5ve long range energizer. •  Fennel s@mulates proper diges@on and releases trapped gas and fluids that cause abdominal bloa5ng.

Concep5ons tea Herbal allies for healthy concep5on and pregnancy. Normalizes, tones and elas5cizes the female reproduc5ve system •  Sea veggies and whole herbs in the blend are loaded with vitamins and minerals to shore up nutrient supply. •  Royal jelly is a libido enhancer for women. •  Red raspberry is a nutri5ve, astringent herb that helps prepare the uterus for healthy concep5on. Also includes:

•  DAMIANA as a fer5lity aid •  SCULLCAP for stress relief •  LICORICE for hormone support

Liver Cleanse Flushing Tea •  A liver cleanse with a whole herb formula once or twice a year is highly recommended. •  This advanced formula features milk thistle seed extract, found in clinical studies to help support liver health safely, even in used long term. •  Dandelion supports healthy liver ac5vity, and is widely used with good results by herbalists all over the U.S. Also includes: •  YELLOW DOCK liver cleanse •  PAU D’ARCO blood support

Stress Arrest Tea Herbal nervines help to calm your mind. Supports nerves to help fight fa5gue. Boosts adrenal ac5vity and health. •  ROSEMARY for mental focus •  CHAMOMILE for stress relief •  KAVA KAVA as a relaxer

Hemr-­‐Defense gel •  Topical herbal formula that provides relief to

swollen, sore @ssues. Supports @ssue by @ghtening and toning.

•  Horse chestnut, witch hazel and cranesbill help shrink swollen 5ssues. •  Calendula and marshmallow in the formula have soothing ac5vity for irritated membranes. •  Use with Hemr-­‐Defense caps to strengthen the vascular system so flare ups are reduced.

D-­‐Congest Spray •  Quick lung cleanse. Loosens mucous. Breathe easier. •  Fast ac5ng, respiratory blend •  Elderberry, osha and green tea help free up breathing passages quickly. •  Mucilagenous herbs like slippery elm and marshmallow soothe dry, stratchy throat and irritable cough symptoms. •  Warming circulatory s5mulants in the formula like ginger, white pine and bayberry reduce body chills. •  It’s safe enough for the whole family. Just add spray to warm water for kids.

Ear Defense extract •  A long term maintenance and preven@on blend for inner ear problems. Helpful when taken during high risk seasons. •  Used topically, garlic helps to fight imbalance in the inner ear. Taken internally, it builds immune defenses for ear protec5on. •  Herbs like goldenseal and elecampane help reduce discomfort. Direc5ons: Place 10 drops onto a small piece of coDon and place in ear. Remove a@er 2 hours. Also take 10 drops under the tongue twice daily as needed.

Scar Reducer Gel •  Reduces the appearance of scar 5ssue and beau5fies skin texture. Tamanu in the formula is wonderful for reducing even old scars. Rich in sea veggies and tremella mushroom that encourage natural collagen produc5on. Direc@ons: Apply to the skin for protec5on and repair.

Healthy Healing Ini5a5ves •  Customer Service Excellence & Execu@on •  End User Interac@on & Informa@on Source –  Web site Content & depth –  Informa5onal eNewsleDers –  Print NewsleDers

•  Healthy Healing 15th Edi@on •  NEW Labels –  Phasing in

•  Cer@fica@ons

–  Non-­‐GMO –  Gluten-­‐Free

•  Store Support –  –  –  –

Demos Training Promo5ons Reliability

Thank You •  Thank you for you @me and support! It’s appreciated more than you know. •  There are a lot of great things happening with Healthy Healing. •  Please relay any sugges5ons or feedback to Tony or Sarah– we’ll do our very best to address the ques;on. •  Good Luck, and remember we’re always available to help!

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