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Crystal Star Boise Co-op 2015

Why Crystal Star? •

Product Line Effec3veness

–  Unique & proprietary formulas

•  Products and formulas can’t be found anywhere else

–  Long standing reputa@on for product line effec@veness

Informa3on Resources

–  Healthy Healing book or flyers –  Crystal Star Catalogs –  Quarterly Print NewsleHer –  Online training:

Supplier Reliability

–  Predictability –  Same day shipments –  Focused and consistent internal execu@on

Brand Equity

–  Nearly four decades of established recogni@on

Corporate Ini3a3ves –  –  –  –

Non-­‐GMO Verifica3on Gluten-­‐Free Cer3fica3on New Products We use only cGMP manufacturers; extensive tes3ng is performed on all of our herbs

Label Upgrade •  Increased visibility –  Stand apart on the shelf –  Vibrant & intense colors

•  Easier to read! •  Categorized by product family

–  Separated by color, GMO-­‐Free & Gluten-­‐Free s@ckers on applicable products

Top Boise Co-­‐op Products 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.

Adrenal Energy Bwl Tone Fibro Defense Hemr-­‐Defense gel Muscle Relaxer Fat & Sugar Detox Thin A_er 40 Thyroid Meta Max

Other SKU’s to consider: Parasite Purge

Adrenal Energy •  Non-­‐GMO verified. Adrenal Energy is a long range, non deple@ng energizer. Whole herbs in Adrenal Energy™ can help you rebuild from a run down system.* •  Supports recovery from: –  Chronic Stress –  Burnout or Anxiety –  Chronic Fa@gue/Exhaus@on Most people feel improvements in less than one week.

BWL-­‐Tone •  Non-­‐GMO Verified. •  For men and women seeking gentle support for colon-­‐bowel system. Best product on the shelf! •  Wild Yam, chamomile and peppermint quickly reduce gas. •  Marshmallow and slippery elm help soothe diges@on, while apple pec@n offers soluble fiber that’s gentle enough for people with sensi3ve colons

Fibro Defense Supports breast and uterine balance and health. Can be use long-­‐term for hormone balance. •  The seaweed blend releases fluid conges@on and bloa@ng, and supports proper thyroid ac@vity. •  Pau d’arco and maitake mushroom help normalize growths, cleanse and give the immune system a natural boost. •  Liver cleansing herbs like yellow dock and dandelion help balance healthy hormone metabolism.

Hemr-­‐Defense gel •  Topical herbal formula that provides relief to

swollen, sore 3ssues. Supports 3ssue by 3ghtening and toning.

•  Horse chestnut, witch hazel and cranesbill help shrink swollen @ssues. •  Calendula and marshmallow in the formula have soothing ac@vity for irritated membranes. •  Use with Hemr-­‐Defense caps to strengthen the vascular system so flare ups are reduced.

Muscle Relaxer •  Non-­‐GMO Verified. •  Formulated for people with overworked muscles, women with menstrual cramps, or spasmodic, cramping pain. •  Fast ac'ng for fast relief! •  Herbs like kava kava and Jamaican dogwood relax muscles. •  Muscle Relaxer is the most potent whole herb muscle relaxing product available.

Fat & Sugar Detox For the best results with any weight loss program, start with a quick DETOX first.

•  Detox for fast weight loss. Boost metabolism of fats & sugars and reduces food cravings. •  Garcinia cambogia and mustard seed boost fat burning. •  Supplies chromium to balance low blood sugar swings. •  A specific for weight problems caused by too much fat and sugar in the diet.

Thin A`er 40 •  A_er a quick detox, address your specific weight issue. Problem 1. Weight Gain A_er 40 •  If you’re 40, already changed your diet, and can’t shed unwanted pounds, Thin A_er 40 is for you. •  Herbs like biger orange, green tea and garcinia cambogia have been chosen specifically to address fat burning, appe3te and sugar control. •  St. John’s wort and chickweed work to keep appe@te in check and stress balanced. •  An advanced 8-­‐formula combina3on that you can rely upon for “a_er 40” weight control.*

Thyroid Meta Max •  A_er a quick detox, address your specific weight issue. Problem 2. Sluggish Thyroid •  A combina'on with natural iodine and other minerals to strengthen the thyroid gland. Boosts low metabolism for weight loss. •  Sea veggies offer a high content of iodine and potassium which reac@vate the thyroid. •  Green and white tea fight free radical damage and increase thermogenesis (fat burning).

Parasite Purge –  Non GMO verified, Parasite Purge helps cleanse and release a variety of parasi@c organisms. –  Did you know? A study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control reveals that one in every six people selected at random had one or more parasites. •  How Can Parasite Purge Enhance Your Health? –  Neem leaf in Parasite Purge inhibits parasites. –  Black walnut hulls release toxins. –  BuHernut bark cleanses the colon, a prime breeding ground for parasites. –  Fennel seed relieves bloat and diges@ve discomfort. For best results, take 4 caps daily on an empty stomach in the morning for one week.

Healthy Healing Ini@a@ves •  Customer Service Excellence & Execu3on •  End User Interac3on & Informa3on Source –  Web site Content & depth –  Informa@onal eNewsleHers –  Print NewsleHers

•  New Products

–  Weight & Detox –  Skin Care

•  Healthy Healing 15th Edi3on •  NEW Labels •  Cer3fica3ons

–  Non-­‐GMO –  Gluten-­‐Free

•  Store Support –  –  –  –

Demos Training Promo@ons Reliability

Thank You •  Thank you for you 3me and support! It’s appreciated more

than you know. •  There are a lot of great things happening with Healthy Healing. •  Please relay any sugges@ons or feedback to Tony or Sarah– we’ll do our very best to address the ques3on. •  Good Luck, and remember we’re

always available to help!!

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