Christ College Newsletter for parents 10.20

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Brecon bulletin

Dear Parents, With half term looming I thought I would write to you with details of the terrific progress that we have made in the 2nd curriculum this term. The restrictions imposed on us by Covid19 have made life difficult in many areas, but with good risk assessments in place we have seized the opportunities that remain open to us and are delivering a remarkably varied and meaningful programme of activities in the key areas of sport, drama, art, photography and music. I do hope that this gives you a flavour of the wonderful work that is going on behind the scenes here at CCB. We do appreciate that with the difficulty of having parents on site at present there is the danger that a lot of this creativity goes unseen. It is our hope that through Twitter, Facebook and newsletters we can to some extent convey the positive steps that pupils and staff are making to ensure the fullest possible education for our pupils.

Simon Hill Deputy Head (Pastoral)



Christ College Brecon, Brecon, Powys LD3 8AF  01874 615440  

Some of the pictures used in this publication were taken pre-Covid 19 restrictions.

SPORT The first half of the Michaelmas term has seen a sports programme like never before at Christ College. The unique circumstances that we currently find ourselves in created the ideal opportunity for a meaningful inter-house competition to take place across a whole host of sports and activities, including rugby, hockey, football, rounders and team capture the flag. This weekly competition has breathed new life into the traditional house rivalries and at the time of writing the scores could not be closer. In the senior competition, Orchard lead St Davids and School House by just 40 points and Donaldson’s leads de Winton and St Davids House by just 10 and 55 points respectively. In the junior competition Usk House lead both Taf and Wye by just 10 points.

ART In many ways the art department has appeared as busy as ever this term, with the wellbeing benefits of this creative time being so important to our pupils. Designated separate studio time has been created for each of yrs 11, L6th and U6th, in keeping with government guidelines. The provision of separate Upper Sixth and Lower Sixth studios has allowed full accessibility to the art department to be maintained for our senior pupils. As and when guidelines allow the junior school art club will reconvene. An artist of the week (for both art and photography) will be awarded during this term and next as pupils begin to develop their portfolios. Twitter is abuzz with the pupils’ latest prints and pictures. The range of techniques on display and the depth of talent is terrific to see.

After half term we will move to a more traditional programme of sports with a more focused approach on hockey and rugby, albeit within the Government guidelines. The prospect of fixtures against opposing schools is still very unlikely and has meant thinking of a more creative way for our students to get their competitive fix. Each year group from Alway to year 11 will be placed into teams who will play against each other in a 5 week match series in rugby for boys and hockey for girls. Although not quite the same as fixtures against opposing schools it is hoped that the series of matches will ignite that competitive spirit. For those not directly involved in these sports alternative Wednesday afternoon activities will be provided, including badminton, sessions in the fitness suite and academic clubs.

DRAMA Later this term we will be presenting the senior school’s recording of a Medley of Musicals. This will be recorded during the third week of November and then streamed in the week of 7th December. The pupils are really excited about recording their own album and music video. The audio and visuals will be professionally engineered by C.O.B.R.A Music Studios. Further details will follow.

PHOTOGRAPHY The photography department is flourishing. Mr Peter Griffiths has harnessed a growing level of interest in this area and pupil numbers at the skills sessions are rapidly increasing. Sessions are run throughout the week for those studying the course and the plan is to open up these sessions to enthusiasts from all year groups when we are able to do so.

I am delighted to report that our Ballet and Contemporary dance classes for beginners have re-started this term. These classes are proving to be very popular. They are an effective way of keeping pupils active whilst offering a unique medium for creative expression. The high demand for places has generated the need to offer more places and to increase our dance space. We are unable to mix contact groups, therefore our current programme offers a session for Alway every Wednesday at 12:45pm, ballet for St Nicholas House at 3pm and Contemporary dance for Year 9 pupils every Thursday at 4pm. When we are allowed to expand our contact groups then senior pupils will also have a dedicated dance session. Please contact if you would like to put their name down for when a session becomes available for your son/daughter. The lessons run for 50 minutes at ÂŁ6 a week. Pupils are now working with their LAMDA teacher towards an exam of their choice. Currently Mr Gwynn Davies will be leading Year 8 through to Upper Sixth lessons, prioritising pupils that were due to sit their examination in the summer. The most popular courses are Public Speaking and Interviews, Acting and Devising Drama. Speaking Verse and Prose, Musical Theatre and Reading in Public are also available. Mrs Sarah Bawler will continue to lead St Nicholas House and will maintain her lessons with her previous year 7 students. The process of preparing for and succeeding in a LAMDA examination helps learners, whatever their ages or aspirations, to develop a broad range of skills that will serve them throughout life. If you are interested in your son/daughter applying for LAMDA lessons please email

OUTDOOR EDUCATION crossings, rope based challenges, blindfold sheep herding and communicating non verbally, all to achieve a team goal. The enthusiasm and willingness to succeed has been wonderful to see and in the restricted environment in which we find ourselves, provides a perfect Through a programme of team foundation for further adventure building, communication and initiative once allowed. We have also activities delivered in year groups, we completed an expedition have managed to provide a challenging respite to the academic week. Groups have wrestled with the challenges of a toxic river

With so much of our pupil’s time currently being spent indoors, the provision of a session of Outdoor Activity during the academic week has never been so important.

MUSIC In the Music Department at this time of year Mr Ling, Mr Cooper and our singing teachers would normally be assisting houses in their preparations for the annual singing and instrumental competitions, so this year does feel rather different to say the least. Furthermore, the Chapel Choir would be well into regular rehearsals and we would have held our first concert of the year in the Neuadd for Music Award Holders. Most importantly, we are really missing our Monday morning Congers (congregational practice). We cannot wait to get this part of the weekly routine back.

All of that aside, it is good to see pupils returning to one-to-one instrumental teaching, which is operating according to strict guidelines. For the singers, this means heading to the Chapel for their lessons, where sufficient space and ventilation can be guaranteed – they do make a wonderful sound in there! After school, we are offering weekly ensemble experience for individual year groups, notably Year 12 Woodwind, Year 11 Cellos, Year 9 Percussion and St Nicholas Violins. Earlier this month, we auditioned new Year 7 and 8 pupils in Alway House, with the idea of Mr Cooper starting an ‘Alway Chapel Choir’; the hope is that we can get them warmed up with some top line singing, in advance of the older singers returning to join them at

practice day with our Duke of Edinburgh Gold participants. Testing weather conditions provided the backdrop for a day of navigation in the local hills, with a practice camp set up and meal preparation for the pupils. There were plenty of lessons taken away from the day, in preparation for their expedition proper, next Spring.

some stage in the future, when choral singing is deemed to be safe again. There may also one day be the possibility of the occasional Alway House gathering in the Chapel, at which the choristers could sing. The concept of musical performance has not been forgotten and we are working towards a virtual concert in November for mini ensembles and soloists, which will be recorded and streamed for all to enjoy. We also hope to record small-scale performances in the Chapel at other points in the coming months, and again, these will be streamed for the enjoyment of the whole Christ College Community.

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