The Breconian

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Introduction from Editors Nick and I are incredibly pleased and grateful to hold the positions of editors of The Breconian. Our task was to bring the termly newsletter back to life since the last newsletter, the Herald, was produced back in 2017. We hope this paper will not only keep everyone informed about CCB life but also bring together the community of pupils, parents and Old Breconians. We are delighted to be given this opportunity and hope you enjoy reading the The Breconian. The Editors Annika H and Nick H

Head’s Welcome Welcome to our new termly newsletter, The Breconian. I am hugely grateful to the editors, Nick and Annika, for all their hard work and to all those who contributed to the articles. I hope this newsletter keeps everyone in the CCB community engaged, informed and inspired. I also hope that it captures this moment in time for the school’s history so memories can be re-visited by pupils many years into the future. Enjoy!


CCB Adventure What a remarkable start to the new academic year! Students from Year 7 to 12 all participated in Adventure Days within the National Park. Our first adventure was Year 11’s exploration mission in the Black Mountains looking for remnants of a downed aircraft, closely followed by Year 10 and 12 challenging themselves by climbing in Twyn y Gwynion and Morlais. Simultaneously, Alway pupils conquered Sugar Loaf Mountain and Fan Frynach in the Beacons, and the Year 9 cohort completed the iconic circuit route of Bannau Sir Gaer in the Black Mountains. All our pupils, and staff boasted of how much they enjoyed their time in the hills. In conjunction with these activities, the Saturday Adventure program kicked off with Year 7 and 8 pupils venturing out to tackle the River Usk by canoe, kayak and SUP. Our climbers refined their skills at Llangorse, while our hillwalkers undertook various routes to perfect their hill craft and navigation skills week by week. Wednesday afternoons witnessed our mountain bikers, under the guidance of Mr. Francis and Ian Owen, navigating the

downhill sections of Dirt Farm on our custom MTB track, graciously provided by the Burgess family and crafted by our own hands. Concurrently, our climbers engaged in rigorous preparation for the House climbing competition with Mrs. Goodrich and Mrs Ashdown at Llangorse, and we anticipate the introduction of a kayak program led by our newly qualified Paddle Sport Leader, Mr. Howells. Finally, our Gold Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) candidates successfully completed their qualifying expedition in September amid ‘changeable conditions.’ A commendation to our cohort of explorers for an outstanding expedition. We witnessed some weary bodies crossing the finish line at the CCF office on Sunday afternoon, but nevertheless they had a smile on their faces as they were warmly welcomed back to school by the Head, and promptly treated to a well-deserved ice cream. A whirlwind of diverse and challenging activities for our students, marking what has now become a traditional start to the academic year! (see more pictures on page 2) 1







Year 8 pupils enjoying their walk up Fan Frynych.


Our Gold D of E pupils during their expeditionstill smiling following epic conditions!


Year 12 pupils tackling the climbs of TYG and Morlais.


Our Year 11 hill walkers paying a visit to one of the numerous aircraft crash sites on the mountain.


A busy afternoon spent working on our first ever CCB beginner’s mountain bike trail!


Pupils returning after a successful 4 day and 3night adventure on their Gold D of E expedition.


Our Alway mountaineers enjoying a programme of hill craft and navigation adventure Saturdays.



Day 4 of CCF summer camp, our cadet platoon fought the ‘enemy’ in the fields and woods.

Cadets attending a static line parachuting course. Getting to grips with parachute deployment, exit drills and canopy control.

Combined Cadet Force Over the summer holiday, a contingent of cadets spanning all year groups in the CCF participated in an enriching camp at Swynnerton, Staffs. Accompanied by Major Kerr, Lieutenant Francis and Lieutenant Goodrich, the crew delved in to a diverse array of activities, including adventures in the Peak District, rifle live firing ranges and a thrilling hostage rescue mission, proving to be an unforgettable experience for all. A select group cadets still searching for some adrenaline were joined by counterparts from Monmouth School CCF and led by Major Kerr and Lieutenant Francis for a parachuting course at Netheravon Airfield in Wiltshire. While unfavourable weather conditions thwarted their jumps on the scheduled day, Lieutenant Francis and Cadet L/Cpl Bartholomew, returned undeterred to ‘Nethers’ before the Michaelmas Term and successfully completed their jump - an indelible memory for all.

The advent of the new academic year marked the induction of 47 new Year 9 cadets into Gaza Platoon - the most significant intake in recent times. After engaging in rigorous training, they now eagerly anticipate their beret presentation parade after half-term. Simultaneously, senior cadets in Rorkes Drift Platoon have been refining the skills they acquired last year, placing a particular emphasis on perfecting their fieldcraft techniques. Following the Christmas break, the Year 9 cohort will put these skills to practice during Exercise First Dragon at Cwrt-YGollen, near Crickhowell.

Members of the RAF section recently tasted the thrill of flying in a small aircraft during their visit to 1AEF at MOD St Athan, near Barry. After comprehensive ground training, where cadets learned parachute and life jacket operations, each cadet enjoyed a 30-minute sortie. Taking control of the aircraft themselves, they experienced the G-forces of aerobatics and, pleasingly, this was handled without any untimely re-appearance of breakfast!

Notably, a significantly larger cohort of cadets have chosen to continue into Year 11 and above than previous years, embracing the challenges of junior NCO positions. As their confidence grows, we anticipate them taking on more responsibilities in delivering training to the junior cadets. Day 3 of CCF summer camp, our cadets deployed on a 26hr field exercise.






Academic news It has been a bustling start to the year, with academic life at Christ College thriving both within and beyond the classroom. We extend a warm welcome to 85 new pupils who have seamlessly integrated into our community across all age groups. Over the summer break, the Estates team transformed the school library into a versatile space tailored to the demands of 21st-century teaching and learning. This enhanced space provides the school with increased flexibility for hosting meetings, lectures and seminars, boasting adaptable furniture and a capacity to comfortably seat 80. The refurbished library has swiftly become the natural hub for all academic-related ‘super-curricular’ activities, hosting a series of highly successful events this term. Under the leadership of Tomos F, Efanna H, Hannah L, and Sophie P, the Head’s Junior and Senior Essay Societies continue to flourish. Pupils have presented high-quality papers on challenging topics, such as the ethics of being a billionaire, the morality of

the Public Order Act, and the impact of social media on the legal process. Meetings are conducted regularly, and our library serves as an ideal location for intellectually stimulating conversations and debates. Following a review of our communications with current parents, the school has embarked on a new initiative known as ‘Meet the Team.’ This term, we hosted two internal evenings for parents in the senior school, designed to reconnect and inform about key school processes and philosophies. Over 150 sets of parents attended briefings in the Neuadd, followed by informal meetings with faculties and a superb autumnal buffet prepared by our talented catering team. We look forward to establishing this event as a regular fixture in the Michaelmas Term calendar for both new and existing parents to keep our community connected. Beyond the classroom, students in all year groups have been actively engaging with their subjects through trips and activities. Year 9 had an impactful World War I

battlefields trip to Ypres and the Somme in September, reflecting on the sacrifice made by Old Breconians on the Western Front. Closer to home, English students attended a superb RSC production of ‘Macbeth’ in Stratford-Upon-Avon, enhancing their study and appreciation of this core examination text. The English Department organized a superb ‘week of enrichment’ in October, hosting engaging events for our pupils. Award-winning author Dhonielle Clayton visited Christ College, sharing insights into her range of best-selling books. As part of our inaugural ‘Stories from the Library’ series, Professor Bryn Hubbard delivered a masterclass lecture on climate change, glaciers and sea-level rise. Looking ahead to November 24th, we eagerly anticipate this year’s Lord Atkin lecture by Professor Emyr Lewis, promising to be an academic highlight of the term; we look forward to welcoming a significant number of esteemed guests. (see more pictures and captions on pages 5-6)

















Year 9 pupils visit Ypres and the Somme during their WW1 Battlefields trip.


6th form pupils with Professor Bryn Hubbard following a masterclass lecture on climate change.


Year 8 investigating coastal processes and sea defences at Caswell Bay on the Gower Peninsula.


Our GCSE Geography cohort spent three days in Somerset gathering data for their forthcoming coursework.


Award winning author Dhonielle Clayton with some of our pupils and her best-selling books.


‘Meet the Team’ initiative to inform parents about key school processes.


Our Alway pupils enjoying their ‘Poetry Party’ for National Poetry Day.


Our U6th early applicants for submitting UCAS applications for university.


Parents enjoying refreshments and a chance to connect with staff during the ‘Meet the Team’ events.


The Head’s Junior and Senior Essay Societies continue to flourish.


The ‘old’ library before its recent refurbishment.


Our new multi-use space, a beautifully refurbished library for hosting meetings, lectures and seminars.


Year 9 pupils at the Vimy Ridge memorial.


Our English GCSE students attending an RSC production of ‘Macbeth’ in Stratford-Upon-Avon.


Mr Pearson with our Junior Head’s Essay Society pupils.


Always’s most successful poetry readers with their prizes on National poetry day.


Professor Emyr Lewis, Professor of Law and Head of the Department of Law and Criminology at Aberystwyth University.


Sport Rugby



The term commenced with an intense four-day Senior pre-season rugby camp. Two dedicated days were spent refining tactics, teamwork and core values at CCB. The camp culminated in a gripping match against Sedbergh School. This experience allowed our players to test their mettle against one of the UK’s top rugby schools. Our partnership with the SW7 strength and conditioning platform, led by Sam Warburton and Chris Tombs, has proven transformative. Pupils had the privilege of undergoing physical testing led by Sam and Chris, followed by an illuminating key skills rugby session, focusing on crucial aspects of the game. Our foray into the Daily Mail league brought stiff competition from some of the toughest school rugby teams. Although victories were hard-fought, our teams demonstrated resilience, often taking our opponents by surprise. Hosting the opening ceremony for the new league was a point of pride for CCB. The games have been nothing short of riveting, and mark a substantial step forward for us. The appetite for rugby among our students continues to grow, resulting in intense matches, outstanding performances, and well-deserved wins for our junior teams. The development of these groups is a source of excitement as we look to nurture players through every age category. Hosting the South Powys schools district age groups was a significant opportunity, bringing some of the brightest young talents in the region to our school. Our connections within the Welsh Rugby Union (WRU) bore fruit. In addition to hosting the Welsh Rugby Boys and Girls U18 national team camps during the October half-term, our facilities were showcased, adding a further feather to our cap. Our second team has had a fantastic term with nine fixtures showcasing their skill and determination. Highlights include wins over Balmoral College on tour from Argentina and Ysgol Garth Olwg. Looking forward, they are excited to participate in the National Schools and Colleges Development League after Christmas. We hosted a great mini-tour for Seaford College in mid-October and are eagerly anticipating traveling to the southeast later in the year to play hockey and netball. As we approach the business end of the season, there’s a chance to secure a place in the finals at the Principality Stadium through the WRU Schools and Colleges League. With two remaining Daily Mail league fixtures against Bloxham and Dean Close, anticipation is running high.



Our pupils with Sam Warburton and Chris Tombs in partnership with the SW7 strength and conditioning platform.


Pre-season training in full swing before the start of term.


Our 2nd XV rugby team after their match against Llandovery.


Cricket Under the leadership of our new Director of Cricket, Mr. Steve Bradley, our cricket program has undergone a remarkable transformation. His expertise and guidance has proven invaluable in shaping the future of our cricketing endeavours. The introduction of lunchtime indoor cricket sessions has been a resounding success. These sessions provide students with a unique opportunity to fine-tune their cricketing skills and cultivate their passion for the game in an indoor setting. Our focus on indoor net training evenings has been unwavering, with a specific aim to prepare our players for the challenges of the upcoming spring term. These sessions have played a pivotal role in honing the skills of our aspiring cricketers, ensuring they are well-equipped for the season ahead.


Our 1st XI hockey girls following their match with Crickhowell.

Basketball Guided by Mr. Steve Bradley, our senior basketball team has made commendable progress. Engaging in several fixtures, both girls and boys have dedicated themselves to regular training throughout the week. This marks a significant and positive development for the school’s basketball program, as we gear up for success in the future.


Senior boys football team following a match at Sennybridge FC.

The school’s Senior Football XI has been diligently training on a regular basis. They have actively participated in matches every Wednesday with Sennybridge FC. This consistent engagement has proven to be excellent preparation for the upcoming football term later in the school year.

The journey of our senior girls’ hockey team this season has been nothing short of remarkable. With over 30 girls displaying unwavering commitment to training, their efforts have been highly commendable. The team embarked on a pre-season tour to Sedbergh, a valuable experience that enhanced their skills and fostered team cohesion. As we secure places in the U16 and U18 regional finals, there’s eager anticipation for the U14 and U12 qualifiers to unfold. Additionally, CCB had the honour of hosting Collegiate School. This event promises to become a regular feature on our Sports Calendar, fostering friendly competition and camaraderie. The selection of Tilly C to the U18 and U16 wider National Age Grade Squads is a testament to the calibre of our players, highlighting their talent and dedication. Our partnership with Welsh Hockey has led to the establishment of a crucial hub for county hockey in Powys. This development not only provides opportunities for regional and NAGS (National Age Grade Squads) but also strengthens our relationships within the Welsh hockey community. The appointment of a new Powys coordinator for Welsh Hockey marks another significant step forward in overseeing county rounds of school competitions. This coordination ensures smooth and well-organized participation in hockey events. Our second Friday Night Lights event, where we went head-to-head with Llandovery College, witnessed an impressive turnout of enthusiastic supporters. This vibrant event reflects the growing excitement and support for our hockey program. 8

community sport, bringing together players from different age groups and backgrounds.


This term, we’ve expanded training opportunities for netball players from U12 to U18 throughout the week. These training sessions run in parallel with our hockey program, ensuring a holistic approach to sporting development and providing a comprehensive platform for skill enhancement. Our early morning strength and conditioning sessions have proven highly effective. Senior pupils have wholeheartedly embraced these sessions and our junior pupils have also jumped right in, finding them both beneficial and enjoyable.

U19 Netball girls dominate the South Powys tournament.

The selection of Arwen T into the Wales Netball Regional Academy at USW stands as a significant achievement. Arwen’s unwavering commitment to training every Friday night is a testament to her dedication and prowess on the netball court. Our U16 and U19 netball teams have demonstrated remarkable prowess, advancing to the next round in the

National Competition. Their success sets the stage for more thrilling and competitive action in the upcoming rounds. In collaboration with Gwernyfed High School, we’ve successfully established a 6-team netball league that convenes at Christ College every Thursday evening. This initiative not only fosters healthy competition but also promotes

Acknowledging the challenges that injuries pose to athletes, we take pride in offering sports rehabilitation sessions. These sessions have provided crucial support to pupils who encountered injuries during the term, ensuring a comprehensive and effective recovery process. Ms. Rutter, our qualified physiotherapist, has been instrumental in providing professional care, developing personalized rehabilitation plans to support students on their journey to recovery.

Cross Country & Ski Team remarkable skill and dedication, earning well-deserved accolades: •

Huw, James, Tobi and Holly proudly wearing their medals.

Christ College Brecon pupils have actively participated in all South Powys Cross Country fixtures throughout the term, delivering outstanding performances. Senior pupils who completed all four races will receive the coveted cross-country tshirt. Notable performances include: •

Senior Girls: Efanna H, Catalina F and Sophia S.

• • •

Senior Boys: JJack O and Ben M. Junior Girls: Ceciley Me, Anna B and Seraphina C. Junior Boys: Wilfred G, Thomas O and Harry L.

Welsh Schools Skiing Championships held in Llangrannog on Sunday October 14th, showcased exceptional young skiing talent. Our four outstanding skiers, demonstrated

Huw M: Secured the coveted U16 Gold medal, showcasing exceptional prowess on the slopes. James M: Achieved a remarkable double victory, claiming not one but two U14 Gold medals, a testament to mastery in skiing. Tobi D: Stood out in the U12 category, clinching the Gold medal with a performance that impressed onlookers and judges. Holly M: Showcased skiing finesse by claiming the U14 Bronze medal.

In addition to these individual achievements, our Senior Boys Team deserve special recognition. They secured the 3rd place position in the overall rankings. The team’s standout performance has earned them a prized spot in the forthcoming British Schools Skiing Championship in Edinburgh.





Drama The Drama department has been a buzz of activity this term, hosting a series of events and performances. Notably, Drew’s Concert on Saturday 23rd September stood out for not only entertaining but also contributing to The Drew Barker-Wright Charity. The event showcased numbers from beloved productions such as Oliver and Matilda, placing dance at the forefront. The performers’ dedication and talent earned them the well-deserved title of “Team of the Week,” in recognition by the Head. Anticipation is building for the Michaelmas production of ‘Clue,’ a comedy meets murdermystery scheduled for Friday 8th and Saturday 9th December. With a double cast, ‘Clue’ promises to captivate family and friends alike. Behind the scenes, the crew tirelessly constructs the set to ensure a spectacular show that promises both laughter and intrigue.


Drew’s concert - dressed the part for a performance from ‘Oliver’.


On stage performing a scene from ‘Matilda’ for Drew’s concert.


Getting the set ready for our next production – ‘Clue’.




Music The advent of the new academic year in the Music department has unfolded with its characteristic hustle and bustle. Current enrolment boasts 113 pupils diligently partaking in lessons during the academic day. Lunchtime witnesses the harmonious convergence of guitar, wind, string and percussion groups, while the Chapel Choir and Alway Band grace the post 4pm slot. Despite the constraints inherent in the school’s lunch break, these musical gatherings have proven successful. Chapel Choir, after extending a warm welcome to new members, is already immersed in three weekly rehearsals in preparation for the upcoming services, most notably the Remembrance and Christmas Carol events post-half term. Meanwhile, the Alway Choir has assumed the responsibility of leading Friday morning singing sessions during Prep School services, occasionally featuring the attendance of senior musicians who generously offer their talents to captivate younger audiences. A noteworthy addition to the department’s weekly schedule is the introduction of a weekly lunchtime concert held in the Chapel every Tuesday at 1:20 pm. This provides both performers and listeners alike a serene respite lasting 15 to 20 minutes. The focal point for the initial half of the term has undoubtedly been the meticulous preparation for the House


Music Competition on the 14th of October in the Sports Hall. House leaders exhibited commendable dedication, orchestrating ensembles and vocal rehearsals, often relinquishing precious break and lunch times over many weeks. The culmination, a daunting yet exhilarating stage performance, justified the sacrifices made, regardless of the outcome. In the Solos round, adjudicated by Stephen Power, Director of Music at Brecon Cathedral, Donaldson’s emerged triumphant. The top five video submissions included standout performances by Kurumi T (1st, DON), Shan G (2nd, ALW), Taliesin E (3rd, ORC), Ella L (4th, DON), and Ben M (5th, ORC). Orchard House claimed victory in the Ensembles round, while School House triumphed in the Whole House Song category. Donaldson’s emerged as the overall winners, a testament to the exceptional standard displayed throughout the competition, particularly in the fiercely contested senior houses. The adjudication of the main event this year fell to Mr. Nick Gedge, former parent and alumnus of the Royal Academy of Music in London, saw Orchard House shining in the Ensembles round and School House claiming the laurels in the Whole


House Song category. However, Donaldson’s emerged as the overall champions. The calibre of performances exhibited across the board attested to an exceptionally high standard and the intensity of competition, particularly among the senior houses, remains high. Our gratitude is extended to Mr. Andrew Chainey from Tantrwn Ltd. for delivering an exceptional video recording of the event - a visual keepsake of the musical prowess showcased. St. Nicholas singers performed beautifully at the Brecon with Bells event on Saturday 18th November, for the ceremonial illumination of the Christmas lights in town. The Senior Chamber Ensemble is set to enchant at the Snow Ball, hosted by the Friends at Peterstone Court. Finally, the Neuadd and Chapel will resonate with the melodies of various school ensembles and solo performances at the Advent Concert on Friday 1st December.


Dewinton house performing their chosen song at House Music.


St Nicholas house pupils singing Christmas carols in Brecon town for the ‘Brecon with Bells’ event.


A great sound from the strings in action at a lunchtime practice.


Performance of an ensemble from our House Music Competition.


Old Breconian Update You will be aware of the increase in costs of most things these days. This includes the production of written material like the OB news magazine, ‘the Quad’. While postage has become more expensive than ever, the Christ College Community Hub allows us to communicate online in a way that can be easily accessed by parents, current pupils and Old Breconians. Over the last 12 months we have reported on an array of stories that highlight OB events and OB achievements. One of particular interest to the OB family has been the series ‘A Day in the Life . . .’, featuring the career experience of a range of OBs, from teaching internship on Vancouver Island in Canada to working for Aston Martin. It’s always a busy year for the activities of the OBA, from arranging sporting events and reunions to conducting personal tours and gathering engaging stories. We arrange as many events as time and resources allow and these are reported accordingly on the Hub. As well as the annual OB Day for ‘veterans’ in May and the usual round of OB sporting events, this year we have hosted reunions in school for the Classes 1999 and 2013 and, still catching up with the inevitable delays caused by COVID-19, the Class of 2010.



Earlier this year, for the first time we also held our industry specific seminar in London, dealing this year with the green agenda in the property markets. We plan another one with other industries in 2024. You’ll find up-to-date information about this and other forthcoming events on the Community Hub: 3

Huw Richards OBA Liaison

Some forthcoming OB Events 26 January 2024 11 May 2024 18 May 2024 18 May 2024

Founders Day Lunch – Cardiff Class of 2014 Reunion Seniors OB Day Class of 2011 Reunion


More than Ten Years On: 1999 Reunion. May 2023


Ben Masters (ORC, 12-19). Teaching Intern at Shawnigan Lake School, Vancouver Island, CA


Kelly Taverner (DEW, 08-15). Marketing Manager for Aston Martin


Ten Years On. The Class of 2013 in 2023


Steff Raw-Rees (ORC, 03-08), Kevin Noble (DHB, 79-84) and Alfred Smith (ORC, 11-13). Battling it out for the OBGS South East Cup May 2023.







CCB Foundation In the ever-evolving narrative of Christ College Brecon, the CCB Foundation stands as a beacon of enduring commitment to our community’s future. Through the efforts of the development office, this foundation is not merely a repository of funds but testament to our collective vision of fostering long-term sustainability for the school and - ensuring that every pupil can fulfil their potential.


In closing, we extend an invitation to mark your calendars for two upcoming Development events:

Since its inception in 2001, the CCB Foundation has grown organically, fuelled by the benevolence of numerous donors. These philanthropic gestures enable Christ College to extend its support to a diverse number of pupils who might otherwise have been precluded from the opportunities that the school has to offer.

Giving Day - Friday, 17th May 2024: A day for the entire Christ College community - pupils, parents, and OBs - to unite in raising funds for the CCB Foundation.

In the past five years, we have been profoundly touched by the generous contributions of Mr. Kelvin Bryon, the family of the late Dr. Peter Powell, and several Old Breconians. Their support has translated into 100% awards for exemplary individuals like Faye F, Pranjil P and Dan B - each carving their unique path of achievement. This year alone, the Foundation has facilitated 11 Academic Scholarships, 2 Drama Scholarships, and 7 Sports Scholarships. Our heartfelt congratulations to Harley Townsend, this year’s recipient of the Kelvin Bryon Award, who embarked on his Christ College journey in September 2023.

CCB Mountain Challenge Sunday, 19th May 2024 The third edition of this exhilarating challenge is open to pupils, parents, OBs, and the general public. With three routes catering to varying levels of adventure, it promises an unforgettable experience.

The generosity of Old Breconians, parents, and supporters has also breathed life into the ‘Chapel and Heritage Fund.’ Contributions to this fund have recently financed the restoration of a portrait of our benefactor, Colonel J J Jones, and the refurbishment of the Phillips Gates. A much-needed adjustable organ bench now graces our Chapel, a testament to the impact of collective giving. Noteworthy contributions extend beyond the confines of the Foundation. Old Breconian, Phil Skinner, has been a stalwart supporter of sport at Christ College, generously sponsoring the 1st XV shirts since the 2019/20 season. This year, his sponsorship extended to the inaugural 1st Girls VII shirts. Similarly, David Rew, another Old Breconian, illuminated the Library with lighting and a presentation screen, creating a flexible and dynamic learning space. As we express our gratitude to these benefactors, we acknowledge that there is more to be done. The CCB Foundation, through the development office, invites you to be part of this transformative journey. Your support can further enhance the educational experience of our pupils, ensuring they have access to the best staff and facilities. To explore how you can contribute, visit the CCB Community Hub at

Your support, in any form, is an investment in the future of Christ College and the potential of every pupil within its embrace.


Restoration of the Phillips Gates leading to the Chapel.


XV shirts sponsored by Ron Skinner & Sons for 2019 .


New lighting transforms the still traditional Mezzanine.


Restoration of the J J Jones portrait.





Prep School Congratulations to those appointed to House Captains, Sports Captains, House Council and Eco Council positions - a true testament to their commitment and the trust we have in them. On Friday October 6th, our community converged for the annual Children in Need Ramble and book sale. Helped by the everenthusiastic presence of our four-legged companions, we managed to raise over £300 for Children in Need. Dhionelle Clayton, the creative force behind The Marvellers and The Memory Thieves, shared her insights on October 11th. Following suit, Catherine Barr, renowned for her children’s books such as The Tigers’ Tale and Red Alert, visited on November 29th. Such visits enrich pupils’ literary appreciation and kindle the flame of curiosity.

With 12 fixtures engaging schools like Hereford Cathedral, St John’s Chepstow, and Moor Park. The level of play exhibited was excellent, yet it is the exceptional conduct and sportsmanship of our pupils that stood out. St Nicholas House made a fantastic contribution to the whole school House Music Competition, demonstrating remarkable bravery in both the Ensemble competition and House Song, as acknowledged by the discerning judge, Mr. Gedge. Heartfelt thanks go to Mr. Ling for his dedicated efforts in preparing the pupils. Our first half term culminated in a heartwarming Harvest Festival, a collective effort involving Alway and St Nicks. All food and monetary donations generously contributed by our community found their way to the Brecon Food Bank, embodying the spirit of giving that defines our school.

St Nicks continued spreading joy on November 18th, participating in Brecon with Bells, filling the air with festive melodies as the town’s Christmas lights sparkled to life. The Friends Association orchestrated a visit from Santa, adding magic to the season, followed by the eagerly awaited annual Christmas disco. Year 6 pupils sang carols at local Care Homes on December 4th, creating moments of joy for both the young performers and the appreciative residents. On December 12th, the cultural extravaganza continued with a trip to Cardiff’s New Theatre to witness the enchanting ‘Jac and the Beanstalk’ pantomime - a delightful experience for all. (see more pictures and captions on page 15)







St Nicks pupils with their new House Flag.


Our pupils singing Christmas Carols at the ‘Brecon with Bells’ event.


Donations ready to go to Brecon Food Bank.


Fun and games in the school playground.


Our U9 team playing rugby against Lucton school.


Our U9 girls playing hockey against Hereford Cathedral School.


Our U9 rugby team taking part in the U9’s rugby festival at Hereford Cathedral School.


Our prep school pupils playing rugby against Moor Park in a busy afternoon of fixtures.


Our hockey girls after a match against Lucton School.




Dates for your diary 3 February 2024 Rugby: 1st XV v Llandovery College (H) 3 February 2024 House Drill Competition 11 February 2024 CCB Rugby Sevens 23 February 2024 Christ College Musician of the Year Competition 14 March 2024 House Art Competition 16 March 2024 Open Morning 16 March 2024 Spring Concert

Who are the Heads of School? Each of the Heads of School introduce you, the reader, to one another: She is Efanna Hawking, known for her big heart and even bigger talents. She studies Art, Chemistry, Psychology and Biology, after dropping Maths in the Lower 6th, where she was studying 5 A-levels! This attitude of perseverance and academic stamina is not down to chance as she is also an impressive Fell and cross-country runner, and hopes to study architecture at

university. She wears many hats (and colourful blazers) as she holds the roles of Head of Choir and Co-Chair of our essay society. She is committed to both these roles with exceptional passion and zest, setting incredibly high standards. He is Mark Gorodkin and there is no one more deserving and no one else I would rather share this privilege (and workload) with. He is focused and enthusiastic, throwing himself into everything with

100% effort, but never before careful consideration. He is diplomatic and supportive and he works hard to keep everyone happy. He is incredibly levelheaded and it takes a lot for him to get stressed. Mark is a language genius, having achieved an A* in both Russian and Italian last year, and is currently studying French and Spanish as well as History. He is a great cricketer (as you would expect from the cricket captain), and is hoping to study law in Oxford. 16

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