sara haqparast | architecture undergraduate thesis portfolio | Designing of "Lost Lands" theme park

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PORTFOLIO Sara Haqparast

2020 Bachelor Thesis

Educational stages CONTACT ME

Entering the conservatory in the field of architectural drawing

Sara Haqparast

2013 October

birth : 1999/05/12 Address : iran , guilan

Working skills Architectural Design: Plan, Facade and Section Design - Phase Two Architecture - 3D Modeling Rendering - Sketching and Random - Sheet Laying - Architectural Animation Design UX/UI : User interface design and user experience - Mobile application design - Website design

Gmail address : Phone number : +98 0921-426-6125 LinkedIn page : ‫ ن‬ Instagram :

Graduated from 15 Khordad Conservatory in Rasht with a grade point average of 17./73

Miniature: Doing separate Miniature and gilding for calligraphy

2015 June

Student Projects (2018-present): Dozens of undergraduate and graduate student projects and dissertations in the fields of architecture and urban design

Entering the national college of Dr. Moin Rasht and studying for a bachelor›s degree in architecture

Islamshahr Municipality, Region One (2019): 240 hours of internship in this place in the field of urban architecture 2017 June

Admission to the national entrance exam for discontinuous bachelor›s degree in architecture with a rank of 8 countries

About me The architect is the leader of a symphony whose notes are the people I am Sarah Haghparast, 22 years old and have a bachelor›s degree in architecture For me, architecture is the thread of communication between myself and the people of the world. Behind my designs, I think and respect all the feelings, behaviors, actions and reactions of people. I enjoy the familiarity and use of new technologies in architecture and the innovative and bold ideas that grow some users towards the lofty goal of architecture. I am very interested in working in the field of gaming and designing modern amusement parks, theme parks, adventure parks and escape rooms, and a collection of creative games, and I have displayed almost all of my creative ideas in this regard in my undergraduate dissertation. I consider myself a responsible, meticulous, hardworking, and very planned person and I am always learning new things.

Painting: Oil painting on canvas Watercolor painting - Metal pen - Ink water - Acrylic painting‫ر‬

Yale Gonbad Health Tourism Village (2019): Cooperation in collecting and analyzing and final presentation of preliminary studies of complex design Yaleh Gonbad executive project is located in Cohen and is designed to treat various diseases with the help of Yaleh Gonbad spa. Pir Bazaar Villa in Rasht (2019): Design of architectural plans and executive architectural facades The executive project of Pirbazar villa was designed and implemented on a private land in the suburbs of Rasht

University projects Behfar Dental Clinic (Plan 4): Demolition and reconstruction of an old clinic in District 8 of Tehran and design of a clinic with the approach of not creating fear in the patient / with a score of 18/5

Entering Dr. Shariati University of Tehran and studying for a bachelor›s degree in architecture Defending her dissertation on “Lost Land Park theme design” with a score of 19/75 and graduating from Dr. Shariati University of Tehran with a grade point average of 18

This design: Business card banner design and ... - Page layout and design of books and magazines - Resume and portfolio design - Architectural layout

Work experiences

Admission to the national entrance exam for discontinuous associates in the field of architecture with a rank of 715 countries

Graduated from Dr. Moin College with a grade point average of 18/76

Photoshop: Editing and retouching photos professionally - types of postproduction architecture (complete mastery of Photoshop)

2021 March

500-unit residential complex (Plan 5): Designing a complex with a design challenge for two groups of retired army and municipal employees and requiring the existence of a “yard” in all units in District 4 of Tehran /with a score of 20

Iranian Calligraphy Museum (Plan 1): Design of a calligraphy museum in Rasht inspired by the calligraphy of Master Shirazi / with a score of 19/75 Children’s house (Plan 2): Design a child’s house with Respect for the surrounding architecture and non-compliance They / with a score of 18 Water Museum (Plan 3): Design an experienced water museum Completely in virtual reality and mixed reality in Yousefabad neighborhood of Tehran / with a score of 19/25

software skills Language Persian




Autodesk 3ds Max

Autodesk AutoCAD 2D

Adobe XD

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe InDesign

Microsoft Office

Personal skills and interests Creative / Teamwork / Situation Management / Hardworking / Endowment / Planner Learning / Studying / Music / Photography / Cooking / Video Games / Crafts Tomb player / harmonica player / ballad / western song / fitness / yoga

‫مراحل تحصیلی‬ ‫ارتباط با من‬

‫ورود به هنرستان در رشته‬ ‫نقشه کشی معماری‬


‫مهارت های کاری‬ ‫طراحی معماری‪ :‬طراحی پالن‪،‬نما و برش‬ ‫فازدو معماری ‪ -‬مدلینگ سه بعدی ‪ -‬رندر‬ ‫گیری ‪ -‬اسکیس و راندو‪-‬شیت بندی ‪-‬‬ ‫انیمیشن سازی معماری‬

‫سارا حق پرست‬

‫متولد ‪1377/2/22 :‬‬

‫محل سکونت ‪ :‬گیالن ‪ ،‬رشت‬

‫طراحی‪ : UX/UI‬طراحی رابط کاربری و تجربه‬ ‫کاربری ‪ -‬طراحی اپلیکیشن موبایل ‪ -‬طراحی‬ ‫وبسایت‬

‫آدرس ایمیل ‪ :‬‬

‫شماره تلفن ‪0921-426-6125 :‬‬ ‫آدرس صفحه لینکداین ‪ :‬‬ ‫آدرس اینستاگرام‪ :‬ر‪:‬‬

‫فارغ التحصیل از هنرستان‬ ‫‪ 15‬خرداد رشت با‬ ‫معدل‪17/73‬‬


‫تجربه های کاری‬

‫قبولی در کنکور سراسری‬ ‫کاردانی ناپیوسته در رشته‬ ‫معماری با رتبه ‪ 715‬کشوری‬

‫دهکده گردشگری تندرستی یله گنبد(‪:)1398‬‬ ‫همکاری در گردآوری و آنالیز و ارائه نهایی‬ ‫مطالعات اولیه ی طراحی مجموعه‬ ‫پروژه اجرایی یله گنبد در کوهین واقع شده‬ ‫و با هدف درمان امراض مختلف به کمک‬ ‫آبگرم منطقه یله گنبد طراحی شده‬

‫دانشکده‬ ‫به‬ ‫ورود‬ ‫سراسری دکتر معین‬ ‫رشت و تحصیل در مقطع‬ ‫کاردانی ناپیوسته معماری‬ ‫فارغ التحصیل از دانشکده‬ ‫دکتر معین با معدل ‪18/76‬‬


‫قبولی در کنکور سراسری‬ ‫کارشناسیناپیوستهدررشته‬ ‫معماری با رتبه ‪ 8‬کشوری‬

‫من سارا حق پرست ‪ 21‬ساله و فارغ التحصیل لیسانس معماری هستم‬ ‫معماری برای من ریسمان ارتباطی بین خودم و مردم جهان است‪.‬من از‬ ‫پشت طرح هایم به تمامی احساس ‪ ،‬رفتار ‪ ،‬کنش و واکنش های مردم‬ ‫فکر میکنم و به آنها احترام میگذارم‪.‬نتیجه ی یک معماری درست آرامش‬ ‫جسم و روان کاربر در آن است‬ ‫من از آشنایی و استفاده از تکنولوژی های جدید در معماری و از ایده های‬ ‫نوآورانه و جسور که باعث رشد بخشی از کاربران به سمت هدف متعالی‬ ‫معماری شود لذت میبرم‬ ‫عالقه مندی بسیاری در کارکردن در حوزه بازی و طراحی شهربازی های‬ ‫مدرن ‪ ،‬تم پارک ‪ ،‬ادونچر پارک و اتاق های فرار و مجموعه بازی های خالقانه‬ ‫دارم و تقریبا تمامی ایده های خالقانه خودم در این رابطه را در پایان نامه‬ ‫لیسانس خود به نمایش گذاشته ام‬ ‫من خودم را شخصی مسئولیت پذیر‪،‬جزیی نگر‪،‬سخت کوش‪ ،‬و بسیار‬ ‫برنامه ریز میدانم و همیشه درحال یادگیری چیزهای جدید هستم‬


‫موزه خوشنویسی ایران (طرح ‪ :)1‬طراحی‬ ‫موزه ی خوشنویسی در رشت با الهام از‬ ‫نقاشی خط های استاد شیرازی ‪ /‬با نمره‬ ‫ی ‪19/75‬‬ ‫خانه کودک (طرح ‪ :)2‬طراحی خانه کودک با‬ ‫احترام به معماری اطراف و عدم تبعیت از‬ ‫آن ها ‪ /‬با نمره ‪18‬‬ ‫موزه آب (طرح ‪ : )3‬طراحی موزه آب با تجربه‬ ‫کامال در واقعیت مجازی و میکس ریلتی در‬ ‫محله یوسف آباد تهران ‪ /‬با نمره ‪19/25‬‬

‫درباره من‬ ‫معمار رهبر سمفونی است که نت های آن مردمان هستند‬

‫ویالی پیربازار رشت(‪ :)1398‬طراحی پالن‬ ‫های معماری و نماهای معماری اجرایی‬ ‫پروژه اجرایی ویالی پیربازار در زمینی‬ ‫شخصی در حومه شهر رشت طراحی و اجرا شد‬

‫پروژه های دانشگاهی‬

‫ورود به دانشکده سراسری‬ ‫دکتر شریعتی تهران و‬ ‫تحصیلدرمقطعکارشناسی‬ ‫ناپیوسته معماری‬ ‫دفاع از پایان نامه خود با‬ ‫موضوع “طراحی تم پارک‬ ‫سرزمینهایگمشده”بانمره‬ ‫‪ 19/75‬و فارغ تحصیل شدن‬ ‫از دانشگاه سراسری دکتر‬ ‫شریعتیتهرانبامعدل‪18‬‬

‫تذهیب‪ :‬انجام تذهیب مجزا و تذهیب برای‬ ‫خوشنویسی‬

‫زبان‬ ‫انگلیسی‬


‫فتوشاپ‪:‬ادیت و روتوش عکس به صورت‬ ‫حرفه ای ‪ -‬انواع پست پروداکشن معماری‬ ‫(تسلط کامل به فتوشاپ)ت‬ ‫این دیزاین‪ :‬طراحی بنر کارت ویزیت و‪...‬‬ ‫ صفحه آرایی و طراحی کتاب و مجله ‪-‬‬‫طراحی رزومه و پورتفولیو ‪ -‬شیت بندی‬ ‫معماری‬ ‫نقاشی‪ :‬نقاشی رنگ روغن روی بوم ‪-‬‬ ‫نقاشی آبرنگ ‪ -‬قلم فلزی ‪ -‬آب مرکب‬ ‫‪ -‬نقاشی اکریلیک‬

‫پروژه های دانشجویی(‪-1396‬حال)‪:‬انجام‬ ‫ده ها پروژهای دانشجویی و پایان نامه‬ ‫در مقاطع لیسانس و ارشد در رشته‬ ‫های معماری و طراحی شهری‬ ‫شهرداری اسالمشهر منطقه یک‬ ‫(‪ 240 :)1398‬ساعت کارآموزی در این‬ ‫محل در بخش معماری شهرسازی‬

‫کلینیک دندانپزشکی بهفر (طرح ‪: )4‬‬ ‫تخریب و بازسازی کلینیک قدیمی در‬ ‫منطقه ‪ 8‬تهران و طراحی کلینیک با‬ ‫رویکرد عدم ایجاد ترس در بیمار ‪ /‬با نمره‬ ‫‪18/5‬‬ ‫مجتمع مسکونی ‪ 500‬واحدی(طرح‬ ‫‪:)5‬طراحی مجتمع با چالش طراحی‬ ‫برای دو گروه کارمندان بازنشسته ارتش‬ ‫و شهرداری و الزام وجود “حیاط” در‬ ‫تمامی واحد ها در منطقه ‪ 4‬تهران ‪/‬‬ ‫بانمره ‪20‬‬

‫مهارت های نرم افزاری‬

‫‪Autodesk AutoCAD 2D‬‬

‫‪Microsoft Office‬‬

‫‪Autodesk 3ds Max‬‬

‫‪Adobe InDesign‬‬


‫‪Adobe Photoshop‬‬


‫‪Adobe XD‬‬

‫مهارت ها و عالقه مندی های شخصی‬

‫خالق ‪ /‬کارگروهی ‪ /‬مدیریت شرایط ‪ /‬سخت کوش ‪ /‬وقف پذیر ‪ /‬برنامه ریز‬ ‫یادگیری ‪ /‬مطالعه ‪ /‬موسیقی ‪ /‬عکاسی ‪ /‬آشپزی ‪ /‬بازی های ویدیویی ‪ /‬کاردستی‬ ‫نوازنده تمبک ‪ /‬نوازنده هارمونیکا ‪ /‬تصنیف خوانی ‪ /‬آواز غربی ‪ /‬فیتنس ‪ /‬یوگا‬


“Lost Lands” theme park Quds Rasht Park Renovation project Supervisor: Dr. Iraj Moeini Abstract

The project started with the aim of revitalizing Rasht’s amusement park by identifying the strengths and opportunities and weaknes matrix and setting the desired actions and goals. And finished with “gameplay” design solutions for designing a coherent game accor technology tools such as virtual reality and augmented reality and mobile software, interactive pages and more.

20 20

sses and threats of the park on the swot chart, analyzing the data in the swot rding to user needs and creating a new and innovative environment with new

Introduction Rasht Amusement Park was closed after 27 years. The only youth amusement park in Rasht was dilapidated. When the park closed, a street full of ice cream parlors and restaurants became idle. This park has been a place of entertainment for children and youth of Rasht and its suburbs for 27 years For four years the park was severely damaged without any protection under the worst weather conditions. About 80 percent of the park’s play equipment was partially damaged. Now that the resuscitation project has been completed, it does not attract an audience other than children under the age of 7 due to not paying attention to the needs of the day. This situation dissatisfied the people and the municipality announced during the meetings that we in Rasht need a theme park suitable for our fellow citizens.


Play equipment

SITE Analyse


Climate, Access Status quo


Where the Park Side walk

Located Mohtasham Park of Rasht:


Rasht City Park is the oldest park in Rasht, which is also called Mohtasham Garden and has two mechanized parts and a garden. The area of the park is 144,000 square meters. Quds Park, Rasht: This amusement park was set up on a 2-hectare land in the best location next to the large Quds Park in Rasht in 1986 with the support of the Rasht Municipality.


Plant growth on play equipment Lack of cleaning of play equipment


avoiding repair the damages Wind, rain and storm

Moisture causes severe corrosion of the metal of play equipment

Damage Analysis

Biological factors

and Park Renovation

Human Factors

Due to severe damage to the park under the worst weather conditions, 80% of the play equipment was removed. The turning point of this project was the restoration of all the trees in the park, all of which were effective in designing the park after identifying 70 trees. Among the playground equipment, the waterfall slide, the Saba ship, the spaceship, as well as the 5D cinema and the park restaurant were preserved. Later, in this design, the carousel was added to it as a beautiful symbol of the amusement park.

Regeneration Complete destruction of worn-out play equipment and some buildings


(The main approach)

Maintaining the function of the park and revitalizing and renovating the body of the park due to the wear and tear that occurred during the last four years

sun and rain have caused surface cracks on play equipment

Improvement Maintaining game equipment and repairing their damage

SWOT matris

SWOT Analyse and Discription

OW Encourage useful walking and physical activity and use factors other than the device to play Remove worn-out play equipment



Closure of the park in the rainy season

Design with new tools to create a new experience in people General zoning of the site for hierarchical design


OS Preserve trees Preserving some old tools to keep people belonging

TS Design closed and open spaces together Combining old park facilities with new technology

Main Goals 1 different experiences for the younger generation Create an exciting environment with new and

Scattering of green space in the whole neighborhood and Mellat Street



Renovation of the park to preserve the belonging of the previous generation

3 Economic upgrade of the park area All park games are with the device


Main Actions • Create stories for the park to walk the path. • Use digital tools for imagination • Use of gamification in park architecture

There is a private parking lot near the park

• Embedding two entry and exit routes on the site for

ease of movement

• ...


What is...

First Sketches 06

Basic definitions

Game? Game An activity that is done with desire and with the aim of entertainment and fun. The game has four components: voluntary attendance, rules, feedback system, goal

Design Prosess Gamification? Gamification means using game structures in phenomena that are non-game in nature. The reason for this is that games have attractions that we do not find in the non-game world.

Immersive Gme? This feeling is equal to the feeling of drowning in gamification, which means getting lost and drowning in an activity.

Interactive Game? In this type of activity, the game comes out of a state of stagnation and the audience is forced to physical activity. Therefore, the problem of immobility in the use of electronic games has been solved.

1 .

Specify the design area of trees and play equipment


The basic design of the building


Geometric design of building plan


Final plan design


And The Story Begin... Park scenario This park has two permanent structures and a temporary structure. Its structural and stable part covers the park. The temporary part is a park that has 5 main lands: Theme of the Lost Lands Park. The park has a hierarchical scenario. The 5 lands are: the land of light and darkness (symbol of hope), the land of time (symbol of the value of time), the land of color (symbol of happiness and human solidarity), the house of music (symbol of the common language of human beings), the final land (symbol of decisions Life). Each of these lands has its own theme and slogans and is designed to indirectly teach a concept forgotten by the human mind. This park is full of riddles, architecture and new and different experiences, and in general, this new style of parks has not been repeated in the country, and it has a handful of examples in the world. After playing in each land, players bring a baggage of it and finally use it in the final land to solve the most important mystery puzzle of the park.


Land of light & darkness




House of Music


Land of Time

The final land

Play equipment

Land of color

last lobby


House of Music


Land of Time


Land of color‫ر‬ The final land



land of light and darkness


The park application is sent to the players in the onboarding section.‫نزثاز‬

check this link



9 Diagrid holes: open space for the player to rest

10 Land of Time Concrete Labyrinth: With the slogan “The best way to escape problems is to solve them” and “Do not despair of deadlocks”



Land of color With the slogan “Happiness is the right of all of us” The cycle of life and death: Birth






The cycle of life and death: Death

13 Van Gogh towers and corridors of light


The final land


With the slogan “Maybe we are a symphony in nature together”

With the slogan “What decision will you make for the future?”


House of Music




8 The riddle of the moon: with the slogan “Face the world”









Mirror Labyrinth: With the slogan “Face yourself”

6 5



Light Hall: with the slogan “lights show the way”

5 Past and Future Researcher Room: A place to notice changes in a past and future researcher’s room





land of light and darkness and ticketing


Enter the land of light and darkness: With the slogan “Trust the lights”

TV arch: A place to hear bad news from around the world

S tructural systems Diagrid Structure Diagrid structural system is a framework consisting of diagonal members made of intersections of different materials The roof load is transferred by the concrete belt to the surrounding walls that have diagonal columns. Most of the load on the roof is transferred to the ground by diagrid holes.


air conditioning system In order to cool and heat the building, the “floor cooling and heating” system is used, in which the liquid inside the transfer pipes is water.

The windows open and ventilate

Valves at the bottom of the diagrid cavity ventilate

Skylights provide air conditioning

Maquette of Park

All design, presentation and architectural works done by Sara Haghparast Copyright 2020 sara haqparast©

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