Career Path
OVERVIEW Career Path
Promotion Requirements •S ubmit at least $200
in Personal Volume (PV) every rolling three months
•Q ualify with $1,000 in PV •2 or more Personally Enrolled, Qualified and Active Consultants (PEQA)
senior consultant
reward •2 5% Commission
expectations • Book
on PV
• Sell •O pportunity to participate in Consultant incentives
•2 5% Commision on PV
• Sponsor
•S ame as Consultant
•2 % Override on your
•E ngage new Consultants
Active Sponsored Consultants
to Book, Sell & Sponsor
•2 or more Qualified, Sponsored and Active Consultants (QSC)
•S ubmit $200 PV every
•S ubmit $200 PV every rolling three months
“paid at” maintenance Requirements
rolling three months
•O pportunity to participate in Consultant Incentives
•4 + PEQA Consultants
•2 5% Commission on PV
(Roll-ups do not count)
•3 % Personal Sales Bonus •S ubmit $1,000 PV every month
•A minimum of $4,000
•P romotion occurs the month following DIQ month* if requirements are met
•2 % Generation 1
Office events and programs
Promotion Bonus**** self-development
Team Volume (PV + Generation 0 Sales)
(Roll-ups do not count)
•N o Title Compression**
Together events
•N o Sales •C elebrate new
PEQAs to re-promote
every month
•A min. of $4,000 •W ork on
Compression ***
•D o not need 4 new
and Active Consultants (QSC)
team monthly
•H ost or attend Better •N o Sales
Director once every three consecutive months
•S ubmit $1,000 PV •C ommunicate with your
•$ 1,000 one-time Director
•M ust be “Paid-at” a
•4 + Qualified, Sponsored •P articipate in Home
•4 +PEQA Consultants •N o Title Compression**
and a leader second, a role model with a strong personal business who is consistently Paid-At Title
•3 % Generation 0 Override
Team Volume (PV + Generation 0 Sales)
•A ct as a Consultant first
Consultants and help them start their business strong
•C elebrate team members for their key milestones, including partying and sharing the opportunity
Compression ***
•C elebrate promotions •C ommunicate with your Gen 0 team members monthly
•E ncourage attendance at Thirty-One events
•E ncourage participation
director (Continued)
in company programs and incentives (including StartSwell and K Groups)
•D evelop team members who want more out of their business
•P romote company incentives
•K eep it simple DIQ (Director in Qualification) Month – The first month a Consultant meets all Director Promotion Qualifications. As long as all requirements are met in the 2nd consecutive month, title will change on the 10th of the 3rd consecutive month, and pay will be retroactive to the amount earned in the 2nd month. Director re-promotes must go through DIQ.
•4 + PEQA Consultants
•2 5% Commission on PV
•S ame as Director
(Roll-ups do not count)
•5 % Personal Sales Bonus • M onthly conference/ •2 “Paid-At” Generation 0 Directors
•5 % Generation 0 Override
•$ 1,000 PV every month •3 % Generation 1 •A min. of $4,000 Team Volume and a min. of $20,000 in OV (PV + G0 + G1 + G2 sales)
senior director
•N o Title Compression**
•2 % Generation 2 Override
•$ 1,000 One-time Promotion Bonus*****
•N o Sales Compression***
Director once every 6 consecutive months
•4 + Qualified, Sponsored and Active Consultants (QSC)
•2 “Titled” Generation 0 Directors
•$ 1,000 PV every month •A min. of $4,000 Team Volume and a min. of $20,000 in OV (PV + G0 + G1 + G2 Sales)
•$ 1,000 Developing Director Bonus******
•R e-promotes and
coaching call with Directors
•M ust be “Paid-at” a Sr.
•N o Title Compression**
permanent roll ups count
•N o Sales •D o not need 4 new
Compression ***
PEQAs to re-promote
•R e-promotes and permanent roll ups count
•4 + PEQA Consultants
•2 5% Commission on PV
•S ame as Senior Director
(Roll-ups do not count)
•7 % Personal Sales Bonus • C onduct future leader •4 “Paid-At” Generation 0 Directors
•7 % Generation 0
•M ust be “Paid-at” a Executive Director once every 9 consecutive months
•4 + Qualified, Sponsored
and Active Consultants (QSC)
•$ 1,000 PV every month •3 % Generation 1 •A min. of $4,000 Team Volume and a min. of $40,000 in OV (PV + G0 + G1 + G2 sales)
executive director
•N o Title Compression**
•4 “Titled” Generation 0 Directors
•2 % Generation 2 Override
•$ 1,000 PV every month
•$ 3,000 One-time
•A min. of $4,000 Team
Promotion Bonus*****
Volume and a min. of $40,000 in OV (PV + G0 + G1 + G2 Sales)
•N o Sales Compression***
•U p to $3,000 Developing Director Bonus******
•R e-promotes and
•N o Title Compression**
permanent roll ups count
•N o Sales
•D o not need 4 new
Compression ***
PEQAs to re-promote
•R e-promotes and permanent roll ups count
•4 + PEQA Consultants
•2 5% Commission on PV
(Roll-ups do not count)
•S ame as Executive Director
•9 % Personal Sales Bonus •8 “Paid-At” Generation 0 Directors
•H ost a leadership •9 % Generation 0 Override
•$ 1,000 PV every month •3 % Generation 1 •A min. of $4,000 Team Volume and a min. of $80,000 in OV (PV + G0 + G1 + G2 sales)
senior executive director
•N o Title Compression**
permanent roll ups count
•D o not need 4 new PEQAs to re-promote
•4 + Qualified, Sponsored and Active Consultants (QSC)
•B egin to travel to Better Together meetings
•8 “Titled” Generation 0
•2 % Generation 2 Override
•$ 5,000 One-time
•N o Sales
•R e-promotes and
a Senior Executive Director once every 12 consecutive months
Promotion Bonus***** Compression***
retreat with your Senior Executive Director lineage
•M ust be “Paid-at”
•U p to $10,000 Developing Director Bonus******
•$ 1,000 PV every month •A min. of $4,000 Team Volume and a min. of $80,000 in OV (PV + G0 + G1 + G2 Sales)
•N o Title Compression** •N o Sales Compression ***
•R e-promotes and permanent roll ups count
•4 + PEQA Consultants
•2 5% Commission on PV
(Roll-ups do not count)
•S ame as Senior Executive Director
•9 % Personal Sales Bonus •1 6 “Paid-At” Generation 0 Directors
•H ost a leadership retreat •9 % Generation 0 Override
•$ 1,000 PV every month
or support/attend leadership retreats with your Senior Executive Directors
•M ust be “Paid-at” a National Executive Director once every 12 consecutive months
•4 + Qualified, Sponsored and Active Consultants (QSC)
•4 % Generation 1 •A min. of $4,000 Team
national executive director
Override Volume and a min. of $200,000 in OV (PV + G0 •2 % Generation 2 + G1 + G2 sales) Override
•N o Title Compression**
•$ 7,500 One-time Promotion Bonus*****
•N o Sales Compression***
•R e-promotes and
•U p to $10,000 Developing Director Bonus******
permanent roll ups count
•D o not need 4 new PEQAs to re-promote
•1 6 “Titled” Generation 0 Directors
•$ 1,000 PV every month •A min. of $4,000 Team Volume and a min. of $200,000 in OV (PV + G0 + G1 + G2 Sales)
•N o Title Compression** •N o Sales Compression ***
•R e-promotes and permanent roll ups **Title Compression is when a Leader does not meet her “Paid-At” Title for a particular month and her structure rolls up to her upline Leader for that particular month only. ***Sales Compression is when a Leader does not meet her “Paid-At” Title for a particular month and her sales volume rolls up to her upline Leader for that particular month only. ****A one-time Director Promotion Bonus is earned when all Director qualifications are met for the first three consecutive months following the DIQ month. (Re-promotes are not eligible for this Director Promotion Bonus) *****A one-time Promotion Bonus is earned when a Leader meets her promotion title (month 1 promotion month) and maintains her maintenance requirements for two more consecutive months. (Re-promotes are not eligible for the Promotion Bonus). ******Developing Director Bonuses are paid when you promote new Directors and above (they meet their requirements) and you meet the “Paid-At” Maintenance requirements of your current title during the first three months for the upper-level Director. The Developing Director Bonus will not compress up to the next upline Leader if the maintenance requirements are not being met by the first upline Leader. PEQA = Personally Enrolled, Qualified and Active Consultant QSC = Qualified Sponsored and Active Consultant PV = Personal Volume Team Volume (TV) = PV + G0 sales Organization Volume (OV) = PV + G0 + G1 + G2 sales Generation 0 = GO All Consultants under a Director, down to and including the next Director Generation 1 = G1 All Consultants and Directors who are under a GO Director, down to and including the next Director Generation 2 = G2 All Consultants and Directors who are under a G1 Director, down to and including the next Director Paid-At Title - This is the title you maintained during the prior month. You must continue to maintain your “Paid-At” requirements in order to be paid at your title.