Spatial justice poster Sarah Bissett Scott

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Faculty of Science & Technology

Built Environment Professional Doctorate Cambridge & Chelmsford

2. Method

This study follows three decades of the researcher’s experience as a regeneration practitioner in southeastern England and London. ‘Digitality’ is a component of the measures proposed to account for ‘spatial justice’, a contested concept whose lack of agreed metrics are compounded by a lack of longitudinal research into realworld outcomes in the UK arena. Reality – Practice – Planning – Politics – Theory

1. Purpose

Title: Seeking an evaluative framework for ‘spatial justice’ outcomes in regeneration Name: Sarah Bissett Scott Email: Supervisors: Dr Dellé Odeleye and Dr Ian Frame


INDICATORS Start-up/vision




The research spotlights assumed values and underlying philosophy for the purpose of aiding the identification of principles and basic institutions of governance. Key measures for an evaluative framework: -housing affordability -air quality

4. Conclusion

3. Findings

at key points

Step One


Step Two


Step Three


Step Four


Step Five


The case study of North Kensington (1976 to 2012) takes a real-world phenomenological approach through critical realism, and uses mixed methods to test if social equity in spatial terms has values that can be measured. The analysis of the concept of spatial justice aims to uncover if there are prospects for increasing the democratization of space through the application of new digital technologies, or by assessing the implications of a more digitized society.


Current practice does not have an agreed strategic assessment tool that pinpoints values for improving spatial justice outcomes. Such values are important to identify and so include when planning for a more digitized future.


Further research is needed to test if a ‘spatial justice coefficient’ can be distilled from measurable indicators in order to aid policy–makers before and during a program.


The evaluative framework has the possibility of transferring to other strategic areas for spatially assessing social justice outcomes.

-predicted longevity -educational achievement -access to employment, and -voter participation. Deep values remain the same. The research shows repeating ambitions for local control and engagement, desire for unobtrusive and ‘good’ design, a clean environment and social continuity.

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