11 January 2015
The Monthly News Breaking those chains of non-creativity‌ Sarah E Broome Photography in brief.
Welcome to the first of my 12 newsletters! I intend to produce one a month over the year to keep you all up-to-date with any news and progress with on-going projects. So, without further a do, what have I got planned for 2015? For quite a while I have been feeling stagnant with my work, until today when a lightbulb moment occurred brought about by one simple comment on one of my posts on Facebook. A friend had simply mentioned that she keeps a notebook to jot down possible titles for her work. Photography can be a powerful medium, telling stories through images. So far my work has just been about capturing scenes, moments in time etc, I have never created a body of work which collectively tells a story. Time to change! I have now armed myself with a notebook and pen which will go with me everywhere, even to my day job. Some words and titles have already been written. These will form the basis for new projects on which for me to focus, to really think about what I’m capturing. I may even get my old film cameras out
11 January 2015
too! I’m feeling very excited to be moving forward at last creatively speaking.
Other News I have also been considering some other projects to develop, primarily with regards to the presentation of printed images. Being a regular purchaser of The Black & White magazine, I have been following a current series by a photographer called Tim Clinch, very inspiring to the point that I will endeavour to “have a go”! I cannot divulge too much right now in case it doesn't work out the way I see it in my mind. If it’s successful I may start to make enquiries with art galleries! I wish you all good wealth and health in all that you do. Until next time….
Join me on my path to creativity.