Promotion Plan for Brut

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Promotion Plan

C h r i sti n e B e n w a y

j a c ly n C h e r i

Sarah Duchano

Claire Farrell

Repositioning Strategy Table of Contents

03 repositioning strategy 04 target profiles 05 competitive analysis 09 consumer promotions 10 trade & sales force promotions 11 buzz marketing 12 lifestyle/experiential marketing 13 budget summary

This promotion plan will enforce the image of Brut in the minds of consumers. We will position Brut to be

the number one deodorant that confident, all-American, rugged men use. Consumers will recognize that Brut’s robust scent matches their strong personality and lifestyle. The smell of Brut has the ability to mix with the natural pheromones of males, so that they feel naturally powerful when wearing it. Brut does the job no matter what our target is doing – whether it’s hunting, working outdoors, or taking their sweetheart on a date.

Currently, Brut positions their product as the symbol of manhood. On their website, they explain how teenagers start to use Brut as they make their transition from a boy to a man. Brut aims to be the ultimate brand for the bold, American man. Due to the low prices of their products, Brut also positions with a price strategy. Old Spice, a competitor of Brut, employs a strategy that reaches a wide variety of targets. In the minds of consumers, Old Spice is a progressive, popular, and timeless brand. Men of all different ages use Old Spice. Their consumers enjoy the fun advertising that Old Spice creates, as well as the value added strategy that focuses on superior quality and features. Another important competitor of Brut is Degree. Degree implements a value added strategy when positioning their products, emphasizing the wide range of product features and benefits. Because active men are the main targets for Degree, they position their products as being effective and practical.

The image we want our consumers to have about Brut is similar to what Brut is trying to achieve currently. However, our strategy will reinforce this image, while creating a clearer definition of what that image is. For positioning mature products, it is important to sustain the existing market share, which is older, blue collar, all-American men. Our positioning strategy will include promotions that resonate with Brut’s current target, while also expanding our reach to a very similar target. This target is slightly skewed to a younger demographic; therefore, our positioning strategy will not only focus on affordable prices, but also the lifestyle associated with Brut.


Target profiles

Competitive Analysis

Primary Our secondary targets are the wives and girlfriends of our primary targets. Most likely married at a young age, they’re small-town girls who are eager to start a family.




KYLE Bobby is 26 years old and lives in Orange County, NY. He works as an Electronic Technician and makes $29,000 annually. He graduated from high school and went to a vocational school before getting his job. He loves his ATV and spends a lot of time working on his other vehicles. He uses some social media, but likes to read blogs about new trends in the motor industry. Bobby has a daughter with his high school sweetheart who loves to use Facebook. She works at the local beauty parlor as a hairdresser


Product Attributes

Kyle is a 32-year-old born and raised in Hibbing, Minnesota. He lives on the farm he grew up on and is a farmer making $35,000 annually. Kyle loves to spend his time listening to country music, going to music festivals and watching NASCAR races live and on TV. He loves to try new beers and chews tobacco. He’s been married for ten years and his wife works part time at the restaurant down the road for which they provide produce for. They have no children but enjoy hanging out with their big family that all live in the same town

Rick is 40 years old from Butler, PA. He’s an Aircraft Worker and makes a steady income of $36,000 annually. He loves to hunt and fish and doesn’t spend much time on the Internet - he doesn’t even use a smartphone. He does enjoy reading, hunting and fishing magazines. At night, he cracks open a bottle of whiskey and even experiments making his own. Rick has seven children and is married to a woman he grew up next door to, who is now a stay-at-home mother. He loves to drink beer and hang out with his pals

Quality packaging durability availability variety total/25



24 5

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis company Attributes

salesperson Attributes

knowledge/expertise customer orientation pricing authority presentation skills

Reputation Industry leadership distribution channels ordering convenience total/20 6







18 7

Competitive Analysis reasoning Brut is less known than other brands and is seen as being the lowest quality option among its competitors. However, Brut offers a wide range of products including deodorants, cologne, after shave and after shave lotion. Although they don’t lead the industry, the shape and color of the line’s packaging is very unique and differentiates it from the other brands on the shelves.

Degree Men is known for being slightly lower quality but for having a high availability in a wide range of

stores. The packaging isn’t as identifiable as its competitors, but they are an industry leader especially among athletes because of the deodorant’s long-lasting protection. However, Degree’s downfall is its lack of product variety since they only offer deodorant.

Old Spice’s products are known for their high quality and reputation, resulting in their higher prices.

With its humorous advertisements and spokesperson, the brand has succeeded in appealing to a younger demographic. Old Spice offers a wide variety of products; however, they aren’t the most durable product on the market. Their packaging is sleek, classic and identifiable. They are an industry leader and have several distribution channels ranging from supercenters, drug stores, and grocery stores.


consumer promotions The goal of our consumer promotions is to revive and reposition Brut’s current products to resonate with a slightly younger demographic, while at the same time maintaining our current market share. Brut is a utilitarian product, and therefore our consumers have a rational buying motive. However, our consumer promotion will balance rational and emotional motives. This strategy encourages consumers to make purchases based on the image we create of Brut, and not solely on the practical uses of the products.

point-of-purchase displays Our first consumer promotion is a point-of-purchase display in retail locations such as Walmart and CVS. We chose these retailers due to their national reach and their popularity among the lower income demographic. In addition, Walmart is a “one stop shop” retailer for many families, where they can buy anything from home goods, to groceries, and even toiletries. The point-of-purchase “silent salesmen” displays will be placed in high-traffic locations, such as the ends of aisles as well as the checkout lines. The displays will be static, with signage and an appealing display of the product line. The end cap displays’ positions at the end of aisles will create visibility for our product. It will also tie in our BrutWorld image by including items that define a Brut man. Overall, the display will look bold and manly. Point-of-purchase displays will also be placed at the checkout lines to promote impulse purchases. There will be bins of small, travel-sized Brut deodorants right as you enter the checkout line with their low prices clearly displayed, prompting customers to add it to their carts. After using the product, consumers will come back to purchase a full-size product. Travel-sized toiletries are convenient to travel with and appeal to campers as well.

coupons Coupons will be another crucial promotion in our plan. Our target has a lower income and is not very technologically savvy. Therefore, we will implement on-shelf coupons to entice consumers with an immediate price reduction. Having a coupon directly on the shelf will break through the clutter of the huge selection of brands that often overwhelm consumers. Because the coupon can be redeemed immediately, it will make the decision easier for our customer to make.


trade & sales force promotions free merchandise The shelf of male deodorant and cologne is already cluttered with dozens of different brands and product types that generally leave consumers confused. With the immense variety of choices, consumers are unsure of what to purchase. Brands such as Old Spice and AXE dominate the shelves and stand out with their unique colors and classic packaging. Brut currently sits on the bottom shelf of the aisle, out of sight for the average consumer. Therefore, we have chosen to utilize a slotting allowance, or a fee charged by the retailer to the manufacturer for retail space for our trade promotion. To give Brut more visibility and showcase its entire line of products, we will pay slotting fees at multiple stores where our target market shops, primarily CVS.

slotting fees We will also provide free merchandise displays in 3,000 Walmarts and 2,000 CVSs across the country. One of the most common reseller concerns is the risk of failure and losing money. In lieu of other discounts, we will provide these stores free merchandise for resale in a display in the form of a Christmas tree, to be placed in stores during the holiday seaon. Our retailers will be eager to help us promote these displays because they will be no cost to them. Therefore, they will receive 100% of the profit from these sales. The displays will be very simple to assemble and disassemble. Through this, we hope to influence retailers to promote Brut’s line of products, increase retailer purchases, strengthen relationships with our current distributors, and with high visibility in stores, we hope to defend market share from our competitors. This promotion will also appeal to our secondary audience of women. We hope women will see the display and purchase Brut as a gift or stocking stuffer for their significant other.

employee bonuses In order to motivate our sales force, we will use a bonus strategy. The sales force is an integral part of Brut’s success, and therefore we want to reward our team members for their performance. Providing rewards via bonuses will allow us to establish individual goals for each team member based on their regions. After a sales team member reaches their quota for sales, we will give them a predetermined bonus. Some regions have a larger customer base than others, and therefore individual quotes will be assigned to individual members. Because our bonuses are given out strictly based on performance, we reduce the risk of an unprofitable promotion. Bonuses will be budgeted in the order of $1,000 for reaching quota, $2,500 for reaching 20% above quota, and $5,000 for reaching 50% above quota.


lifestyle/experiential marketing brutworld pop-up tent One of our primary strategies in promoting Brut is through a combination of both lifestyle and experiential marketing. At events including NASCAR and Motocross races, country concerts, and festivals like Taste of Country, Brut will set up a custom-made BrutWorld tent before the events and in-between music sets. Men and women go to these particular venues for excitement, relaxation and to socialize with people they can connect with. A major advantage of this strategy is that it is marketing in disguise – it thrives on consumer interaction and engagement, where members of our target market can enjoy the brand rather than be bombarded with email promotions and advertisements. After parking the Brut truck in an area of high traffic, ambassadors will help set up the ultimate “man cave” called BrutWorld. Designed with the all-American, country-loving, down-and-dirty outdoorsman in mind, men will enter a world that ultimately personifies the Brut brand. Brut Girls will serve American beer behind a large wooden bar; men can drink on rustic leather couches or sip their drink while playing a game of darts. A flatscreen TV will air the event live so men don’t miss out on the action, and camouflage and mounted deer heads will adorn the sturdy, structured tent walls. Men can also enjoy complimentary samples of travel-sized deodorant as a way for newcomers to try Brut risk-free.


buzz marketing brand ambassadors

budget summary consumer promotions $155,000

lifestyle/experiential $217,000

endcap displays: $100,000

truck: $80,000

$25 per display to design and manufacture 4,000 total displays (2,000 in CVS, 2,000 in Walmart)

checkout line bins: $50,000 Creation of travel-sized product Includes package design and building mold

$18,000 for Brut Girls paid at $30/hour $4,000 hotel costs

trade promotions $350,000 seasonal christmas display: $250,000

sales force promotions $27,000

Design and printing costs

$25 per display to design and manufacture 2,000 total Walmart displays $200,0000 of free merchandise to be stocked in trees


brand ambassadors: $22,000 brutworld tent: $5,000 furnishings in tent: $15,000 event fees: $70,000 free travel-sized samples: $25,000

coupons: $5,000

BrutWorld will be run almost entirely by Brut brand ambassadors who we’ll hire and base in different regions of the country. They will travel around in a branded Brut truck and represent the brand at multiple events that hone into common hobbies and interests of our target market. These ambassadors will make an estimated $30 an hour for their advocacy to the Brut brand, constantly promoting the brand to friends, co-workers, and family members.

Purchase and branding of Brut truck

slotting fees: $100,000 Only in CVS stores

employee bonuses

based on tier accomplishments

Grand Total: $749,000 13

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