the university of st andrews brings you...
a little green GreenGuide2012.indd 1
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This little green guide is packed with all the information you need to live a greener, more ethical lifestyle whilst studying in St Andrews. HOME...3
FOREWARD: It is unfortunate that in times of austerity and economic downturn, issues such as global warming and environmental destruction can be pushed down the agenda, as people hark after the golden days of economic growth, without regard for ecological consequences. Yet I am pleased to say that in St Andrews, interest in sustainability continues to buck the trend. What is inspiring about sustainability here is the combination of the institutional and the grassroots, the individual and the collective. Facing up to its responsibilities, the University has initiated moves towards carbon neutrality, through projects like the Kenly Wind Turbines and the Guardbridge Biomass plant, and students have rallied behind with their support. Groundbreaking academic work is produced by our Sustainability Institute, while changes are made here on the ground through campaigns around transport, food and ethical investment. Often, one observes the massive problems of declining species and melting ice-caps and wonders if an individual effort can really make a difference. But when thousands and millions of people switch to local food, become a vegetarian for most of the week, or cycle to work instead of taking the car, then the cumulative impact is enormous. Movements like Transition have created change communities, which far from detracting from the bigger socio-economic issues, can only put more pressure on the politicians and the CEOs through leading by example. With the help of the handy tips in this guide, you too can be part of that change, and begin to mould your lifestyle in a manner which helps to safeguard this planet始s health for future generations." Patrick O始Hare, Association President GreenGuide2012.indd 2
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For the past six centuries, the University of St Andrews has been at the forefront of academic exploration and innovation. As we celebrate the six-hundredth anniversary of our foundation, we remain keenly aware of our institutional and individual responsibilities to engage actively with critical local, national and global issues. A twenty-four hour news culture and a profusion of online commentaries ensure that we are all aware of what is happening to our planet, and of the real and catastrophic impact that changes to our fragile environment are having both close to home, and upon some of the most vulnerable members of society across the world. The University始s Strategic Plan 驶accepts the challenge of taking an integrated approach to sustainable development始, and we are committed to an ambitious, multi-faceted programme of change. We are looking at the use of renewable energy sources, paying attention to the environmental impact of our activities, and setting targets for the reduction of energy consumption, and the attainment of carbon neutrality. I am delighted that the Interhall Energy Competition is such a resounding success, and that so many colleagues and students are taking part in initiatives such as Transition University of St Andrews, working together with members of the town community towards the achievement of localised sustainability. There remains much to be done, and we all have our part to play. By changing our attitudes towards energy consumption, and making incremental changes to our daily routines,we can significantly reduce ourpersonal environmental footprints. The following pages offer practical advice on how to implement changes in your own lifestyle. I hope that you will find them both challenging and inspirational. Louise Richardson Principal and Vice-Chancellor GreenGuide2012.indd 3
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Whether you are in Halls of Residence, University leased accommodations, privately rented property or living at home everyone can be smart about how we live and reduce the environmental footprint* of our homes. *environmental footprint = the amount of productive land appropriated on average by each person for food, water, transport, housing, waste management and other uses.
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small changes make a big difference •It sounds simple, but if youʼre cold put a jumper on before turning on the heating! •Putting window glazing (like cling film) on your windows is just as effective as double glazing, saves 100-200kg of carbon dioxide annually and only costs £10 from Mica Hardware on South Street. Get ready for a cosy winter! •If you have a programmer for your central heating system, use it- there is no point in having the heating on when no one is at home! •Turning down the thermostat by 1°C can save you 325kg in carbon dioxide emissions and around £40 a year on your heating bills. •Close your curtains at night in order to retain the heat from the day. •Turn off the heater when you open your window. •Put a lid on your saucepan to reduce the amount of heat that escapes.
If you are working in Halls of Residence your hall can be rewarded for your energy saving efforts by participating in the Interhall Energy Competition. Contact your environment representative or email for more information.
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Energy saving light bulbs have always been a bright idea. They use up to 80 per cent less electricity and last up to ten times longer than a standard bulb but produce the same amount of light.
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appliances In our hectic lifestyles it is inevitable that at the end of the day the TV will be on, kettle boiling, radio blaring, laundry tumbling and toaster popping whilst your kids or flatmates are playing xbox with last night’s DVD whirring in the machine. Here are a few tips to consider... Dishwashers: Scrape dishes properly and fill the dishwasher up before switching it on. Try to use eco-friendly dishwasher powder or liquids, set the temperature cycle to low and clean the filter out regularly to keep it running efficiently. Washing Machines: Around 90% of the energy used to wash our clothes is used to heat the water. Many detergents are now designed to wash effectively at 40°C or even 30°C, helping you use less energy. Always fill the washer! Tumble Dryers: Drying clothes outside or on a drying rack is always the most energy efficient and cost effective option. Kettle: Do not overfill your kettle when you are making a cuppa. Only put as much water as you need in the kettle. Not overfilling the kettle can save 100kg of carbon dioxide a year!
Switch it off! The standby function on any particular device can use up to 80% of the energy that it needs to run properly, all of which is wasted, and in each home in the UK has an average of 12 appliances on standby or charging. You should switch your TV, DVD player, stereo and game consoles off every time (rather than leaving it on standby) can save up £50 per year. GreenGuide2012.indd 6
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On average, we use 150 litres of fresh water a day which has been made drinkable through an energy intensive treatment system, creating about 5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide every year, yet more than half of this goes down the drain without ever passing through our bodies.
•Turn off the tap while cleaning your teeth, shaving or washing your face. You can waste up to 9 litres a minute by letting the water pour down the sink. •Taking a short shower rather than a bath could save you up to 400 litres a week. •Only use the washing machine and the dishwasher when you can put on a full load. •Buy a reusable water bottle and avoid plastic water bottles. Buy re-usable products rather than throw-aways, as it takes water to make almost everything. •Find out the source of your drinking water, the river, lake, or aquifer that supplies your home. Once you know it, youʼll care about it.
Household Cleaning Keeping your home clean and the environment too...
Febreeze for pennies: reuse your Febreeze spray bottle. Add 1/8 cupfabric softener, 2 tablespoons bicarbonate of soda and fill to the topwith warm water!
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Many items found in your cupboard are friendly alternatives to harsh chemicals. Bicarbonate of soda, vinegar, and lemon juice are handy and cheapcleaning products! Look online for tips!
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Waste Scotland is aiming for a 70% recycling rate with only 5% going to landfill by 2025 and St Andrews in Fife are one of the leading institutions for waste recycling with a 65% recycling rate for 2010-2011. Fife Council has one of the highest recycling rates in Scotland and in 2010-2011 they recycled 47% of waste as part of their target for zero waste to landfill by 2020. In spring 2012, Fife Council is rolling out a new 4 bin system to all residences across St Andrews (with some exceptions in the centre of town) including food waste, general waste, paper and all plastics.
Want to know when your bins are to be collected? .uk/env_bins/index.cfm
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Watch the Story of Stuff for a great video on the amount of 驶stuff始 we use: movies-all/story-of-stuff/
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It is estimated that only 1% of the total materials of stuff purchased in the U.S. is still in use 6 or more months after their date of sale! Our 驶throw-away culture始 is creating mountains of waste around the world. So, the first aim of solving our waste problem is to reduce at source.
Support the Plastic Bag Free St Andrews campaign and join other students in taking plastic bags off the high street and out of our homes.
Case Study: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the world始s largest landfill; and is more than two times bigger than Texas. Of the more than 200 billion pounds of plastic the world produces each year, about 10 percent ends up in the ocean and plastic constitutes 90 percent of this trash floating in the world's oceans. So what is the problem with plastic? Plastic does not biodegrade, instead it breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces called nurdles. These nurdles get so small that many aquatic species ingest them; more than a million birds and marine animals die each year from consuming or becoming caught in plastic and other debris. Also it is a nightmare to clean up! So an important aim is to reduce consumption of plastics, such as plastic shopping bags!
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Reuse Donʼt forget most everything can be recycled or reused as it is in some way, either by you or by someone else. Why not swap and share unwanted items online with other students? Check out St AndRe-Use to place your advert and see whatʼs on offer in St Andrews: The many Charity shops in town gladly accept clothing and household items, from furniture to books. Here is a list of charity shops in St Andrews. • Bell Street: Barnardos, British Heart Foundation • South Street: Cancer Research UK, Oxfam, Sue Ryder Care • Logies Lane: Shelter • Greyfriars Garden: Sense Scotland, Save the Children
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As consumers in the UK we are fortunate enough to have CHOICE; making the right choices can help work towards a more sustainable and secure future for food production. Think about your food choices; think about buying seasonal, local, organic and Fairtrade.
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organic and local organic and local
Organic: Conventional farming is an energy guzzler; as 48% of the UKʼs food emissions are is from production, it has Organic: Conventional farming an energy guzzler; asbeen 48% said we are literally ʻeating fossil fuelsʼ. Organic farming of the UKʼs food emissions are from production, it has been methods synthetic inputs, suchfuelsʼ. as fertilisers forfarming plants said we use areless literally ʻeating fossil Organic and hormones forsynthetic animals,inputs, and more growing promethods use less such natural as fertilisers for plants cesses - for better for youand andmore the environment! and hormones animals, natural growing processes - better for you and the environment! Local: Modern food is well traveled; an often used statistic is that a meal travels of 1,500 milesused fromstatistic farm tois Local: Modern foodanis average well traveled; an often plate. Eatingtravels localanfood supports yourmiles local that a meal average of 1,500 fromfarmers, farm to decreases your separation your food andlocal reduces emisplate. Eating local foodfrom supports your farmers, sions from travel. St Andrews andyour Fife food have and so much to offer, decreases your separation from reduces emisso much so that an ever increasing number of people are sions from travel. St Andrews and Fife have so much to offer, signing upso to The allnumber of their of food from the so much that Fife an Diet, ever sourcing increasing people are local area. Visit to sign up! signing up to The Fife Diet, sourcing all of their food from the local area. Visit to sign up! Organic and local food options are widely available in St Andrews. Although a sustainably conscious diet in can Organic and local eating food options are widely available St cost more than a conventional diet, it has many long term Andrews. Although eating a sustainably conscious diet can benefits andthan takes into account the costmany of production. cost more a conventional diet,full it has long term benefits and takes into account the full cost of production. how to drink (environmentally) how to drink responsibly: try to apply (environmentally) these tips when responsibly: trydrinking, to apply why not try a local these tips when drinking, why brewery! not try a local brewery!
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buying in season
Y o y in n
A a ti
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grow your own You can始t get more local or more seasonal than growing your own; one of the most effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint...and your shopping bill! More people are growing their own fruit and veg in whatever space they have available: from window sills to balconies, plant pots to allotments. It始s much easier than you think!
University Community Garden
A community garden based at the University of St Andrews, open to all staff, students and members of the community! Current gardening times are Wednesdays 2 - 4pm and Sundays 2 - 4pm.
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good eating tips 1. JOIN THE VEG BOX SCHEME Collect your fresh, local, organic fruit and veg every week from the Studentsʼ Association, brought to you by OneWorld. Email
6. FREE RANGE Free range hens fare the best of all farmed chickens, so buy free range eggs. Support a local business and buy from the butcher, they are the cheapest in town!
2. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHOPS See list on page 17.
7. COOK IN BULK Itʼs hard to cook for one so cook for your flat or freeze left over portions; itʼs better value for money.
3. COOK FRESH FRUIT AND VEG from scratch Avoiding over packaged convenience food is usually healthier and cheaper. 4. WRITE A SHOPPING LIST Planning your meals, buying what you need and using left overs reduces wastage and could save up to £50 per month.
8. BUY FROM ONEWORLD COOP Bulk buy your staples like pasta and cereals with a group of friends at wholesale prices. Email OneWorld to join in with others and get cheap staples.
5. EAT LESS MEAT Eating more vegetables can be good for you, save you money, and has a lower environmental footprint. Challenge yourself; sign a pledge and join other St Andrews students who are eating less meat!
9. GROW YOUR OWN You donʼt need a garden to grow your own food. Check out the University Community Garden page 15 or grow herbs on your windowsill.
10. URBAN FORAGING Take a walk on the wild side and visit for advice on identifying and picking free, wild food. Blackberries are ripe for the picking when term starts.
Join the Veg Bag Scheme! GreenGuide2012.indd 16
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Know your labels
Be responsible; know what youʼre buying and why you are buying it. DOLPFIN SAFE Means no dolphins were intentionally chased or encircled with deadly tuna nets, nor were any dolphins killed or seriously injured. MARINE STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL Environmental standard for sustainable fishing demonstrating that the product has not contributed to over fishing.
SOIL ASSOCIATION Stringent organic certification scheme. Applies to farmers, growers caterers, textile producers, health and beauty manufacturers and importers.
Know your locals Be clever; know where you can go in St Andrews to support local businesses and find great food: Farmers Market Argyle Street Car Park, normally held on the first Saturday of the month; you will find fresh vegetables, local wine and more! Veg Shop Birrell and Son, South Street, has a wide selection of fruit and veg. Go a little further to the Balgove Larder, past the Old Course Hotel. The Balgove even has a café and provides a fantastic spread of local products from tatties to jam to oats! Butchers Minick (South St.): local doesnʼt have to be more expensive, have a look at the butchers for great deals and prepared feasts! The Balgove also has a range of meats from rabbit to pheasant; why not try something different? Fishmonger Keracherʼs Ltd, South Street, and the Tailend Restaurant, Market Street, both offer a wide range of fresh, local seafood. Cheesemonger I.J. Mellis and the Guid Cheese Shop (both on South St.): donʼt forget their student discount and to get free samples; a perfect place to shop for any wine and cheese event.
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W S a a A
The choices we make when traveling Type has a impact on to huge enter texthhhh the planet, making up 25% of the average carbon footprint. The international nature of our student body means students are traveling all over the world, significantly increasing our carbon footprints. While choosing sustainable travel options is important, the key change you can make is to travel less! Why not consider holidaying locally and explore the beautiful Scottish countryside? Visit Transition:
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n . s r s ! e
walking While everyone thinks walking to Morrisons is the end of the world, St Andrews is the ideal size for traveling on foot. A great day out is a walk along the coastal path towards Crail; for a shorter walk catch a bus at Kingsbarns or for the more daring aim for supper at the Anstruther Fish Bar:
Take a bike – St Andrews has been cycle friendly since 2005 with clearly marked cycle routes on almost all main roads in and around St Andrews with plenty of places to lock up your bicycle in town. Also if youʼre a full time member of University Staff then youʼre eligible for the cycle to work scheme. Cycling is a great way to stay in shape and do your bit for the environment. Try cycling to Tentsmuir Forest for a fun day out in the local area!
Take the train, it is much better for the environment and is a more pleasant way to travel. When traveling for business, University policy allows staff to travel by first class to encourage less flying. Book early to get cheap ticket prices. If you are thinking of heading to the continent, InterRailing is the way to go!
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Stagecoach provides a quick and reliable service in and around Fife making it the cheapest way to get to Leuchars, the closest train station serving St Andrews, and the fastest way to cross the Tay for a trip to Dundee. St Andrews – Dundee Catch the 99/99A/99B, every 15 minutes. St Andrews – Leuchars Catch the 99/F1/99A 96 buses, every 15 minutes For an adventure in Fife try your luck on the Elie Chain Walk! Take the X58 or X60 to Elie High Street. For dirt cheap fares, try MegaBus between cities prices start from £1!
By using public transport from St Andrews to Edinburgh you can save 18kg of carbon by taking the train and 20kg by taking the bus, instead of jumping in your car.
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carsharing The University discourages both students and staff from bringing cars to St Andrews. Checkout GoCarShare where you can log your journey and find someone to share with! This is a low carbon option that gives you a chance to make new friends. So when you head home for the holidays, why not see if someone else is going the same way! Log your trips and view others here:
air plane 1 tonne of carbon is equivalent to a return flight from London to Southern Spain! Dirt-cheap flights are feeding our well-established love affair with international travel, so here are some ideas to help reduce your carbon footprint. Think about taking the Eurorail via the Channel Tunnel to Paris and the continent or a ferry to the Netherlands, Ireland and the Shetlands. After all it is not always about the destination, it is about the journey!
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Spending money spends CO2 as well. The average UK consumer is responsible for approximately 3 tonnes of CO2 through their purchases of household goods, clothes, home improvements,entertainment and other services. While shopping responsibly is important the key is to consume less. Look for durability in your products to breakout of our 驶throw away始 culture or buy second hand and give a product a second life! Of course we will all continue to shop so here are some tips:
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2 e k w a e
buy fair fair trade trade buy
Fair trade is a growing international Fair trade isworking a growing international movement to address trade movement working to address trade injustice to ensure that producers in injustice to ensure producers in poor countries getthat a fair deal. From poor countries get a fair deal. From what was born as student led camwhat was born as has a student ledpart cam-of paign, Fairtrade become paign, Fairtrade has become part of St Andrewsʼ wider sustainability Stcommitments, Andrewsʼ wider sustainability both the Studentsʼ commitments, both Studentsʼ Association and the the University are Association and the University are active supporters of the fair trade active supporters of the fair trade movement. The town of St Andrews movement. The town of St Andrews became an official Fairtrade town in became 2006. an official Fairtrade town in 2006.
cafes cafes
Serving Fairtrade teas, coffees, sugar, chocolates, sweets, biscuits, juices Serving and wines. Fairtrade teas, coffees, sugar, chocolates, sweets, biscuits, juices and wines. Beanscene Union Cafe & Union Cafe - North Street, The Byre The-
Beanscene UnionCafe, CafeJannettaʼs, & Union Cafe - North The Byre Theatre, Gateway Cherries, TheStreet, Coffee House, Con atre, Gateway Jannettaʼs, Cherries, The & Coffee House, Panna, Costa,Cafe, Juicylicious, Ladyhead Book Coffee Shop,Con Le Panna, Costa, Juicylicious, Ladyhead Book & Coffee Shop, Le Rendez Vous, Starbucks, Taste, The Vine Leaf Restaurant. Rendez Vous, Starbucks, Taste, The Vine Leaf Restaurant.
shops shops
From clothing to cosmetics, groceries to giftware, the shops of St Andrews From haveclothing all the Fairtrade to cosmetics, goodsgroceries you couldtowant! giftware, the shops of St Andrews have all the Fairtrade goods you could want! Union Shop, Birellʼs, The Body Shop, Burns Sweet Shop, Butler &
Union Shop, Birellʼs, The Julian Body Shop, Burns & Co., Holland & Barrett, Graves, LadySweet HeadShop, Book Butler & Coffee Co., Holland & Barrett, Julian Graves, Lady Head Book & Coffee Shop, Luvians Bottleshop, Luvians Ice Cream Parlour, Morrisons, Shop, Luvians Bottleshop, Ice Cream Oxfam, Save The Children,Luvians Starbucks, Tesco. Parlour, Morrisons, Oxfam, Save The Children, Starbucks, Tesco.
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Carol-Ann Cunningham Carol-Ann Cunningham
how to get involved
Outside Outsideof ofthe thelecture lecturetheatre theatrethe theUniversity Universityof ofSt StAndrews Andrewsboasts boastsaa highly highlyactive activeand andenthusiastic enthusiasticstudent studentand andstaff staffcommunity communitydedicated dedicated to the protection of the environment and maintenance of ethical to the protection of the environment and maintenance of ethicalstanstandards. dards. There There are are aa multitude multitude of of sustainability sustainability savvy savvy societies societies and and groups in St Andrews, which provide the perfect opportunity for you groups in St Andrews, which provide the perfect opportunity for you to todo doaalittle littlemore morefor forour ourplanet planetand andshare shareand andlearn learnfrom frompeople people who whoshare shareyour yourinterest. interest. GreenGuide2012.indd 24
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Find Findthem themon onfacebook facebookor orsend sendan anemail emailto toget getinvolved involvedor orfind find out about upcoming events! out about upcoming events! The TheSustainable SustainableDevelopment DevelopmentSociety. Society.The Thesociety societyundertakes undertakes academic, academic,social socialand andpractical practicalactivities activitiesto toimplement implementsustainability sustainability at all scales from organising an annual seminar series at all scales - from organising an annual seminar seriesfeaturing featuring keynote speakers to running a joint initiative with the University始s keynote speakers to running a joint initiative with the University始s Estates EstatesDepartment Departmentto toreduce reduceuse useof ofplastic plasticbags bagsininSt St Andrews....and everything in between! The society also Andrews....and everything in between! The society alsoacts actsas asthe the social socialhub hubfor forany anystudents studentsstudying studyingSD. OneWorld OneWorldSociety. Society.OneWorld OneWorldleads leadscampaigns campaignson onhuman humanrights, rights, poverty and the environment as part of People and Planet poverty and the environment as part of People and Planet(the (the largest largestUK UKstudent studentcampaigning campaigningnetwork). network).This Thissociety societyalso alsoorganorganises isesspeaker speakerevents, events,marches, marches,Fairtrade Fairtradecafe cafenights, nights,gigs, gigs,parties, parties, workshops workshopsand andconferences. Greenpeace. Greenpeace.Greenpeace Greenpeaceexists existsbecause becausethis thisfragile fragileearth earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. Itneeds needs action. action.IfIfyou youlike likeaagood goodprotest protestand andaagood goodcause causejoin joinGreenGreenpeace. peace. Vegan Veganand andVeg VegSoc. Soc.Do Doyou youlove loveto toeat eatand andcook cookveggie veggie&&vegan vegan food? The join this society for veggie feasts, potlucks, parties, food? The join this society for veggie feasts, potlucks, parties,trips trips and andmore. more.Everyone Everyonewelcome welcome- -no nopolitics politics- -just justFOOD. FOOD. Wild WildSoc. Soc.Interested Interestedininwildlife wildlifeand andconservation? conservation?This Thissociety society holds events such as presentations from conservation groups, holds events such as presentations from conservation groups, documentary documentaryscreenings, screenings,moth mothtrapping, trapping,bat battracking, tracking,helping helpingwith with conservation work in the area and more. conservation work in the area and more. GreenGuide2012.indd 25
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groups St Andrews Sustainability Institute (SASI) focuses on research, teaching, knowledge transfer, and making the University a more sustainable place. Check out their website to read some of their research of look for upcoming events! For queries email:, or for more information: The Environment Team at Estates manages issues affecting
the University that relate to Sustainable Development, including carbon emissions, biodiversity, waste reduction, transportation and resource use. For questions or concerns email: and for up to date information on practical sustainnability action at the University and ways to get involved, add us on facebook!
Carbon Conversations is a unique and inspiring series of 6 group discussions, cited as one of the top solutions to climate change. The sessions involve group activities, knowledgebuilding, idea-sharing and reflections, where participants will have the opportunity to explore climate change both practically and emotionally. GreenGuide2012.indd 26
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Transition University of St Andrews is part of a global
movement to respond to the threats of climate change and resource depletion. Transition works on practical projects that helps communities become more self-sufficient, minimizes environmental impacts, and strengthens community ties. To get involved email: or explore the many projects more on their website:
St AndRe-Use is your angel to the devil that tells you to
throw out all that STUFF at the end of the year. Instead, swap, share and recycle through this easy to use, convenient, St Andrews-based scheme:
University Community Garden. The garden is open to all staff, students and the local community. Find out about weekly gardening sessions by emailing: The Fairtrade Steering Group promotes the use of fairtrade products across campus and works on fairtrade initiatives. To get involved email: For more information go to: Visit for all the latest information and contacts for St Andrews Societies and volunteering opportunities. Even if you don始t wish to become a member, watch out for the many University wide events held by these groups throughout the year and for GREEN WEEK 2012, they may just inspire you! GreenGuide2012.indd 27
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The production of this guide could not have been possible without the help of Rachel Kinloch and Aiden Bowman. We would also like to thank the 2010-2011 Sustainability Intern, and E&E Officer for their previous efforts. Last, but definitely not least, many thanks goes to all the work from the Environment Team, Grounds and support staff, Transition University of St Andrews, societies, and active students and staff who make all the initiatives in this guide possible! Written and produced by Sustainability Intern, Lucy Arndt (, and Environment and Ethics Officer, Katherine EllsworthKrebs (, on behalf of the University of St Andrews and Students始 Association, 2012.
The University of St Andrews Students始 Association is a Scottish Registered Charity, number SC019883. 2012 Green Guide Printed on 100% Recycled Paper 2012 Green Guide Printed with zero waste processes on 100% recycled paper using waterless printing in a factory powered by renewable energy.
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