Sustainability Officer 2011/2012: Final Report Lucy Arndt
Sustainability Officer 2011/2012: Final Report Lucy Arndt Summary and Reflection I have been in post as the Sustainability Intern at the University of St Andrews for 12 months, and am wrapping up my position at the end of June, 2012. This post has been generously funded by Santander’s Universities Global Division. Over the last year I have been heavily involved in a wide range of projects that have given me experience in practical sustainability on the E NVIRONMENT T EAM P HOTO ground. I have gained particular skills and experience in designing and delivering training; communications for a wide range of audiences from social media to printed resources to reports; and organising events. Due to the number of projects I have initiated and been involved in, this position was upgraded from ‘Intern’ to ‘Officer’ in the spring of 2012. This opportunity of working within the Environment Team at an institution that is world renowned for its action on sustainability has been an invaluable experience and taught me so much. I know it has set me in great stead for launching a career in the field of environmental behaviour change.
Sustainability Officer 2011/2012: Final Report | 6/25/2012
Long term, the next step for me is move to London and find a job in the sustainability field. However, over the summer I am going to continue to work for University long distance to finish up work related to the Environmental Facilitators (see below). While I am excited to take the next step, leaving St Andrews is bitter sweet.
The purpose of this report is to outline some of the main projects that I have been working on during the last six months as the Sustainability Officer at the University of St Andrews Estates Department (see 6 month progress report at: I am very grateful for the help given by Santander in developing this opportunity and for everyone I have worked with at the University who have taught me so much.
Environmental Facilitator Network The biggest project I have been involved in since the start of 2012 is the Environmental Facilitator Network. This began as a project with the Carbon Trust to design an environmental awareness campaign, and has evolved into a full initiative involving a comprehensive training programme. The aim is to recruit staff to be Environmental Facilitators (EFs) to encourage environmentally friendly behaviour at work. The programme is centred on harnessing enthusiasm around environmental issues at work, to encourage everyone to be a player in the University’s goal for becoming carbon neutral by 2016. I have been highly involved in the development of the EF Network from design to implementation in a collaborative effort between the Environment Team and CAPOD (the University’s training department). Nearly 50 staff members are now involved in the programme, which has exceeded our target of 40 Facilitators in the first run. E NVIRONMENTAL F ACILITATORS
Passport to Environmental Excellence The Passport to Environmental Excellence is the training and development element that has been created for the Environmental Facilitator Network. It is designed to equip staff with the skills and knowledge to engage colleagues and to encourage environmental behaviours in each school/unit to reduce the University’s overall carbon footprint. The programme is made up of 18 hours of training (must be completed over 18 months) that have been specifically designed (see courses for the Passport below). I have been integrally involved in the design, development and delivery of each of the courses in the programme and personally lead the session ‘About Carbon Conversations’.
Social Media I have been using social media to communicate the message of the Environment Team as well as disseminate information about what the University is already doing for sustainability. Membership for the Environment Team Facebook page, Twitter account and mailing list have all greatly increased since starting in my position in July, 2011.
Facebook ( Membership increased 491%, with 641 active monthly users Twitter ( Membership increased 263% Environment Team Mailing List: 165 emails Blog ( 691 views
Environment Team Communications: Press Releases, Newsletters and Printed Materials I have been arranging and writing press releases for various new initiatives and projects that the Environment Team is undertaking, which are featured several times a month in University news, as well as in local and regional news. P HOTO SHOOT
Sustainability Officer 2011/2012: Final Report | 6/25/2012
Communications and Awareness
I have been developing a number of printed resources for a variety of audiences to communicate environmental messages and to raise awareness about sustainable actions around the University. This has included a monthly newsletter and, most notably, ‘A Little Green Guide’ which I co-produced with the elected student Environment and Ethics Officer at the Students’ Association. This work has been invaluable for me to develop effective communication for a wide range of audiences.
These resources can be found online at:
Sustainability Officer 2011/2012: Final Report | 6/25/2012
I managed our most significant outreach project this yearthe design and delivery of the illustrations for the University of St Andrews’ newly purchased 100% electric vehicle, dubbed the Wee Green Machine. The illustrations were designed through a green art competition with a P6 class at a local primary school. At an unveiling ceremony, the Wee Green Machine with the winning designs on the sides was revealed to the pupils to great excitement. With this project I coordinated the competition, supervised the design work and organised the unveiling event and accompanying press coverage. W EE GREEN MACHINE PRESS COVERAGE
Read the full story on our blog:
Green Week I was on the Green Week working group and organised several events, including a Second Hand Bike Sale, Eco- Driving Competition for staff, and ‘Cycletricity’ where sports clubs competed to see who could produce the most amount of electricity through cycling to power the Wee Green Machine. Nearly 1500 people were estimated attending events during the week.
To see full publicity and photos from the event see the Facebook page:
Hall Training Each year the Environment Team delivers training to all of the Halls of Residence staff. This year I redesigned this training to include more interaction, discussion and facilitation techniques. In particular, I have added an exercise titled the ‘Tale of Two Teas’ which is used in Permaculture workshops. I have since been helping to deliver this training across campus. So far, including my work on the Passport to Environmental Excellence, I have helped to deliver training to over 150 staff members. This has helped me develop excellent presentation skills.
I have been assisting the Environment Officer with the planning and roll out of a new resources redistribution online software at the University. WARPit provides a way for staff members to advertise underused or reusable resources to other staff members and donate items. This software helps the University save resources by avoiding redundant purchasing as well as preventing valuable resources from ending up as landfill unnecessarily. My role has been to help design how the system will work at St Andrews, write website and user guide contents, and assist with training staff.
Handover to the 2012/2013 Sustainability Officer When my position comes to an end, Sarah Duley will take over the post of the Sustainability Officer at Estates at the start of July 2012. Sarah is also a recent Sustainable Development graduate from the University of St Andrews and is in a prime position to continue the work I have been doing. I am certain of Sarah’s ability to take forward the work of the Sustainability Officer with confidence and enthusiasm, and I wish her all the best. Over the past year as Sustainability Officer at the University of St Andrews, not only have I had the opportunity to be involved in many different types of projects that have taught me a wide skill set and helped me to develop my professional capacities, but I have had the pleasure of working with a wonderful group of people. I would like to especially thank Barbara Aitken, David Stutchfield, and Roddy Yarr for being supportive mentors, and friends, throughout this year. Thank you also to Cat Wilson and Erwin Lai from CAPOD. It has been a privilege.
Sustainability Officer 2011/2012: Final Report | 6/25/2012