Black Book 2012
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y ve s d e lo r m e .c o m
1972-2012 Dear Resident, This year the Belgravia Residents Association is celebrating its fortieth anniversary. Every day we are making fantastic strides to improve, modernise and be a meaningful association for all those living in the area. Our membership is wonderfully mixed, some live here full time, some only part time, some have lived here all their lives and some are newly arrived. For all residents alike the issues we are involved with really make a difference to the quality of life we enjoy here, so we are delighted that we are still going strong at a time when so much talk is of downturn and social malaise. We are, as ever, extremely grateful to all our generous sponsors and participants in the Members’ Directory and those that support our annual events. We do hope you will make time to read the variety of articles, ideas, thoughts and advertisements included in this new publication. We even have some inspiring pieces from journalists and authors penned especially for us as well as an ecoquiz to test your local knowledge with prizes for the winners. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank the volunteers on the Executive Committee and the sub-committees. They are unfailing in their support and we couldn’t achieve anything without them. 2012 is a big year for us and we plan to share the celebrations and the local issues with you and your fellow residents more actively than ever before through our events, our website and even our facebook and twitter pages.
Yours sincerely, James Wright Chairman
P.S. If you have neighbours who aren’t members why not give them a leaflet and encourage them to join. We are only ever as strong as our membership.
Years In The Blink of an Eye In 1972 Lord Ezra invited a few neighbours to create a residents association and 40 years later it is now one of the most established associations in London. Most of us do not stop to think how a neighbourhood operates because we have busy lives. Most of us see government and social issues as beyond our remit. For residents in Belgravia that couldn’t be further from the truth. Here we have a group of dedicated volunteers with the experience and expertise to liaise, as well as challenge, both Grosvenor and the City of Westminster on matters we see as important to our way of life. Here we are involved with our surrounding environment more fully than most. Looking back over the past forty years we’ve found some interesting facts, which we’ve sprinkled throughout the Directory to inform and entertain. It’s surprising, for example, that there used to be an annual Beano in Belgrave Square bringing in 10,000 people to see the fashion shows and side shows. In the 50’s Gerald Street Police Station regularly won the local prize for best window box. Today many of these institutions have fallen by the wayside and we think that is worth pondering. Although Belgravia was born great and has always attracted the wealthy and the influential it is just a small patch of land in a busy part of town. Whilst we realise its property values are soaring we also know it is the atmosphere on the streets that really counts. No matter how far we travel and how sophisticated we become, feeling secure at home will always be essential to our wellbeing. Forty years on our work is as necessary as ever so we are embracing the future with gusto. We have a website, facebook page and a twitter stream, no matter how busy we are we can still keep in touch. We are more determined than ever to help those around us enjoy Belgravia as an intimate home as well as a global destination.
Belgravia Facts De Moret attempted to balloon from some tea gardens in Belgravia on 10 August 1784. He failed. In 1979 the Gerald Road Police Station held a carnival to mark the Metropolitan Police’s 150th Anniversary in Belgrave Square.
The committee Belgravia Residents Association Committee Members
James Wright
Chairman of the Executive Committee. A local resident since 1989 and a committee member since 1995, James is active in all areas of BRA committee involvement. He has spearheaded the campaign on behalf of the Chelsea Barracks scheme, which has resulted in the developers reviewing their plans to be more in keeping with the area.
Helene Oratore
Membership Secretary
Lawyer and investment banker, Helene is now a full time mother. She has been on the committee for 10 years and is secretary. Helene is responsible for organising meetings, processing minutes and co-ordinating events such as the Annual Garden Party as well as Membership and the Hanging Basket scheme.
Carl Muller Treasurer
Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Member of the Executive Committee. A former corporate finance executive, Carl also served for eight years as Warden of St. Peter’s Eaton Square. He is currently Managing Director of Friends of Music at St. Peter’s Eaton Square, producer of the Eaton Square Concerts.
Charles Oliver
Environment, Parking wardens, Service Charges
Charles Oliver has served on the committee for more than 10 years and handles parking and traffic issues. He is the liaison between the BRA and the Belgravia / Knightsbridge Committee of which he is a member. A director of his own Property Company, Charles and his family are Ebury Street Residents.
Randa Hanna
Architect Randa Hanna leads the planning team of the committee and is a key player in working with the Qatari Government and Westminster City Council to represent residents’ objections and working to achieve an architectural solution acceptable to the majority. Her team also reviews all the planning applications submitted in Belgravia.
Sara Oliver
Sara’s advertising and marketing background helped in revamping the website which she manages. Sara has instigated several ongoing campaigns which include the Great People series (started Nov.2010), the Photography Competition, and more recently the Historic House Tours.
Caroline Haubolt Social Secretary
A resident for eighteen years and a committee member for eleven, Caroline is Social Secretary and co-ordinates the Annual Garden Party and the AGM.
James Vallance White
London Forum & Hyde Park
A Belgravia resident for forty years, James was, until 2002 head of the Judicial Office of the House of Lords. James’s BRA responsibilities involve working with Hyde Park and London Forum.
Denis Jackson | Environment
About the Committee
A local resident and committee member for the past three years, Denis looks after issues connected to Environment, Crime and street cleanliness.
The Committee meets regularly to discuss ongoing issues and each sub-committee meets as required to discuss the issues of the day. All members volunteer their time and expertise to ensure the smooth running of the area and to liaise with both Grosvenor and City of Westminster.
Anthony Lake | Transport A former career army officer, Anthony is both a BRA committee member and also a key member of the Victoria Interchange Group and our representative on this important large scale project in Victoria. He is a former Chairman of the Conservative Party’s Knightsbridge and Belgravia Association.
Shirley Abicair | Victoria Coach Station, Hanging Baskets and Traffic Shirley is a longstanding member of the committee and has been resident since 1979. Shirley is the BRA’s liaison with the management of the Victoria Coach Station and Transport for London. She co-ordinates, and originated, the ‘Hanging Basket Scheme’ with Westminster City Council for Ebury Street.
Torben Dal | Enfranchisement Torben specialises in leasehold enfranchisement and runs Membership for the BRA. Originally from Denmark, Torben is a private investor in leasehold properties and previously resided in Singapore and Malaysia before settling in Belgravia.
Sandra Wagg | Planning Member of the Executive Committee and Planning Committee. Formerly an investment banking executive, Sandra is currently Trustee and Treasurer of a Charity involved with young people and the Chairman of the Friends of Francis Holland.
Get in touch A full list of emails are shown on the website and you can keep in touch via our pages on facebook and twitter. Website: Twitter: @belgravia_ra Facebook: belgravia-residents-association
QR Code: Simply scan the QR code shown here with a QR reader on your smartphone and you can immediately access our website.
There are five sub committees - Planning - Environment - Media/Communication - Transport - Membership/Social Each of the sub committees is chaired by a member of the executive committee. Additionally members of those given sub committees attend regular council or Police forums at the designated times of the year these meetings take place. This ensures the BRA is always represented at such gatherings and in turn feedback is communicated to the executive committee by regular email reports.
Spirit of Belgravia 2011 Adult WIinner. Yana Demi - Wings of Desire.
“We are on a mission to find some exciting and inspiring images of Belgravia, as well as hand out a few prizes and get people out and about with their cameras. Why not get involved and see if you could be one of our 2012 winners?�
Belgravia could simply be summed up with a few photographs of statues and garden squares. It is easy to find images of Belgravia from years ago or advertising images showing posed ideas of the area. But these don’t evoke the true spirit of the times we live in nor the place we call home. After the successful launch in 2011 of our first Photography Competition “Night & Day” we are now calling on residents to take part in this year’s competition entitled “Spirit of Belgravia”. Last year’s winners were talented photographers with Yana Demi winning the adult category for her evocative image entitled, Wings of Desire. Yana was inspired by a film of the same name about earthbound angels in Berlin. “Angels observe, sympathise with and console the human race. They are invisible to most but there are some intuitive beings who detect their presence”, she said. Yana took this photograph near St Peter’s Church in Eaton Square and used a series of techniques to capture an ‘otherworldly’ mood.
2011 Schools WIinner. Maximilian Ghose - Belgravia Brides
Photography Competition This year we hope to see even more entries and so we would be delighted if you would encourage any local friends or residents to take part. We are also looking for suitable prizes to be donated from the local business community.
The winner in the schools category was eight-year old Maximilian Ghose, for his photo Belgravia Brides. Maximilian, who attends Eaton Square school, said: “When my French cousins came to visit us last Easter, I was very proud to show them around Belgravia, especially Elizabeth Street with its cute shops. “I liked the decorations for the royal wedding and my cousins and my brother dressed up to mark the event”, he added.
Anyone happy for their store or location to be used as an inspirational backdrop should contact us. Belgravia Garage has kindly agreed to take part and to offer their site as a location for photography by prior arrangement. The competition is open to all residents and their families and to any member of staff from local businesses and organisations as well as children from local schools. The entries will be judged by a panel including Stefan Lubo, who so generously gave his time and expertise for the 2011 Competition. Photographs will be displayed on the Belgravia Residents Association website and a selection will be published in the Belgravia magazine. Entries will be accepted from 1st March to Midnight 31st May 2012 and prize winners will be announced in July 2012. Full details will be on our website.
James Wright celebrates with the winners of 2011 Photography Competition, Yana Demi (left) and Alexandra Ghose, Maximilian’s Mother (right).
distinguished photography
Edmondo di Robilant at his Dover Street gallery
capturing the extraordinary Lubo brings timeless quality to every photographic commission from country estates in Scotland to Dukes in London, from corporate boardrooms to family sitting rooms. To view his gallery visit contact Stefan Lubomirski de Vaux tel 020 7385 0773 mobile 07770 946479 email
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on The Wild Side Help us discover more about our feathered residents. We currently have very little knowledge of the birds that nest here or those that drop by on their way through to warmer climes. If you know something about birds then why not get involved? Simon Barnes, author, journalist and writer for the RSPB, considers the wonder of birdsong in Belgravia which adds a richness to our way of life.
Belgravian birds from Simon Barnes
In town for the day. Hurrying from one appointment to the next. Hoping to fit everything in before my train back to the country. And then, like a fanfare on a baroque trumpet, positively demanding my attention, strong and marvellously sweet, a voice rose up in song. It was a blackbird, brave, astonishingly early in the year. Singing by the light of the street-lamps. I love those wonderful, rare moments when the wild world makes its presence felt in the heart of London. It was never a nightingale that sang in Berkeley Square though; nightingales don’t do town: I bet it was a song thrush, great urban singers, loud, insistent, forthright and full of repetitions and improvisations. Birdsong matters more in a town because of its scarcity value. London’s leafy spaces need cherishing because without them there is no song. And birdsong has a meaning for everyone, not just for birders: the University of Surrey is currently investigating links between birdsong and human well-being. That early blackbird mellowed my hurrying mind and improved my day. Most of us hear birdsong as pleasant background music. But it’s even better as foreground music. Learning birdsong makes these moments of well-being more frequent, more vivid and infinitely more rewarding.
b Ecoquiz 1. How many garden squares are in Belgravia? 2. Can you name them? 3. How many bags of seeds are used to sow the grass in the largest squares? 4. What was Belgrave Square used for during World War II? 5. How many bulbs are planted each year in the squares?
What is Conservation? Is it protecting our architectural heritage? Or making recycling easier? Is it reducing noise and pollution? Or teaching the next generation how to plant flowers and grow their own vegetables? In truth conservation is whatever we want it to be. We live in a beautiful spot in London challenged by modern living and changing times. Conservation is something we can all contribute towards and enjoy more fully. This year we are hoping to encourage residents to take part in a variety of local activities. What are they? You tell us. To help you along there is a list of suggestions on our website together with a tree walk designed by the Grosvenor gardening team and don’t forget during Open Garden Weekend during June 2012 the private gardens open their gates to everyone. Why not take a stroll?
We have three signed copies of Simon Barnes’ book Birdwatching With Your Eyes Closed for the first three residents to get the correct answers to our Belgravia ecoquiz which you will see throughout the Directory. Email your answers to Sara Oliver at
Birdwatching With Your Eyes Closed by Simon Barnes is now in bookshops Published by Short Books. Simon writes for The Saturday Times and for the RSPB.
Get in touch
Email: and tell us how you would like to get involved.
b Ecoquiz 6. Why were many of the trees saved from being felled during the war? 7. Can you name three of the bulbs planted in the squares? The Grosvenor Gardening Team pictured in 1972
The Grosvenor Landscape Gardening Team in Eaton Square pictured in 2012
8. Which trees are being planted in Ebury Street and what is unusual about them?
Situated in a charming mews moments from Motcomb Street, the Judith Blacklock Flower School is a haven of calm. Our accredited courses in classic flower arranging and cutting-edge floristry are renowned worldwide. Whether you are a budding enthusiast who wants to fill the home with fabulous vases of flowers, or you are seeking a new and rewarding career, we would be delighted to welcome you to the school.
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Designs on Belgravia Planning The combined building work undertaken by residents, developers and local government is extensive in Belgravia. Architect Randa Hanna heads up the Planning group and liaises with all interested parties including the City of Westminster and Grosvenor. Randa and her team are always on hand to discuss planning applications with resident Members and to help ensure a smooth process. Belgravia is in a unique situation in that Grosvenor must give their consent before construction can occur whether or not planning permission has already been granted by Westminster City Council. Grosvenor considers whether the building is listed, if it is part of a terrace, whether there is a good professional team behind the build, the views of the residents and whether due diligence has been shown in the preparation of the planning application. The views of the residents are becoming increasingly important. In Chester Row after the collapse of the roadway causing months of distress and disruption to the residents, Grosvenor has refused to grant their consent for some basement developments. Dr Thompson, who heads the initiative calling for planning reforms for subterranean basements, is
lobbying Westminster to give more resources to support and implement future changes concerning basement developments. There are two major developments to keep track of in Belgravia; Chelsea Barracks due to commence work in March / April this year and which will take 2 – 2 ½ years to complete. Johnson House, now known as Ebury Square which has recently submitted a revised planning application. Information on these can be checked on the website which is updated frequently. A full list of current planning applications in the area can be found on the City of Westminster website and also accessed via our own site.
Belgravia Facts Dickens wrote of ‘the aristocratic pavements of Belgrave Square and the barbarism of Chelsea’ in Nicholas Nickleby Much of the soil for Belgravia originally came from Tower Bridge Ebury Farm stood where Belgravia is today. The military parked their vehicles in Belgrave Square during WWI
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Streets of History Melanie Backe-Hansen – House Historian
Belgravia has long been praised as one of the greatest architectural and cultural highlights of London. It is full of gems, from Belgrave Square, Wilton Crescent and Eaton Square, to the village-like communities of Motcomb and Elizabeth Streets.
This prized architecture and heritage, combined with pride of place, is at the heart of the history of Belgravia. The history attached to our streets and houses is becoming a valued element in how we view our homes. But what makes a house historic? Belgravia has innumerable historic homes and while introducing you to some of the highlights of this cherished part of London, I will also introduce you to some of the ways you can delve into the history of your own home.
a long list of illustrious former residents, including military heroes from the Crimea, Boer and world wars; and three former Prime Ministers, including Neville Chamberlain.
Historic streets of Belgravia
Historic house?
The history of Belgravia is renowned for its prestige, architecture and also its builder – Thomas Cubitt. Nicknamed ‘Cubittopolis’, it is often the architecture and the designs of the squares, terraces, along with the cream stuccoed terraced houses that spring to mind when thinking of Belgravia. But, it is also the many famous former residents. Ever since it was completed in the 1830s, Belgravia has been the home of influential and high-profile residents including nobility, politicians, writers, musicians, and the occasional infamous character. The development of the Grosvenor family lands in ‘Five Fields’ (today’s Belgravia) was agreed between Lord Grosvenor and Thomas Cubitt in March 1825. Belgrave Square was laid out first and is at the heart of the area - and where the name ‘Belgravia’ originated. However, the terraces of Belgrave Square were actually designed by George Basevi, and Cubitt, although overseeing the work, was only responsible for the central gardens, sewers and roads. Along with the outstanding architecture of Belgrave Square, it was the residents that contributed greatly to raising its profile. Since its completion, the square has been a highly sought-after address, with highranking politicians, military and aristocracy moving in. There is a long list of prominent former residents, including Queen Victoria’s mother, the Duchess of Kent; and former Prime Ministers, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman and Charles Grey. Eaton Square was laid out around the King’s Road and was built over a period of time, from 1826 to the 1850s, by a number of different builders (explaining the variations in the architectural style throughout the square). Eaton Square has also been home to
Many famous names have lived across Belgravia, including writers and poets such as Shelley, Swinburne, Tennyson, and Mary Wollstonecraft. Mozart lived in Ebury Street when a child and Chopin gave his first London recital in Eaton Place. Belgravia has also had its fair share of notorious characters, including the spy Guy Burgess in Chester Square; and Lord Lucan, infamously missing since his implication in the murder of the family nanny in Lower Belgrave Street. Across Belgravia there are many architectural highlights and historic characters galore; every corner revealing a story of the past.
The history of our houses is increasingly becoming a valued aspect in how we view our homes, whether an ancestral home that has been in the family for generations; a restoration project; or a recent purchase. Knowing the history of your house can give insight into its architectural heritage, but it can also offer an invaluable perspective on your home by looking into the stories of past residents, as well as changes that have taken place over the centuries. But what actually makes a house historic? In my work as a house historian I research the history of houses across the country; from county cottages in Devon, manor houses in Lincolnshire and town houses in London. In all cases they are historical, partly due to their age, but also because of the stories they tell. A house may not actually be very old, but was perhaps the location for an historical event or was the home of an historical personality. It is the stories of life within the house as much as its construction or architecture that can make a house historic.
Being a house detective Researching the history of houses is much like being a detective. Piecing together information gained from various historic documents and sources to build a picture of the story of the house. The first step is to head to the local archives, which in the case of Belgravia is the Westminster City Archives, where you will find the majority of the sources for researching the history of a house. There are a number of sources to consult, but here is a brief introduction on how to get started. Firstly, start from the more recent history and work backwards. Things can often change - most notably house numbers and street names - and working back from information known now will unveil the changes
as they occur. If you are fortunate to hold the deeds to your house these can offer a great amount of information, but it is actually unusual for people to still have access to original deeds.
If you would like further information on commissioning Melanie to research the history of your home, visit Email:
A number of occupational records will reveal details of former residents, including electoral registers, directories (similar to a phone book but listing addresses), and census returns from 1841 to 1911. Other sources include parish rate books, maps, and wills, as well as, newspapers, old sales particulars and even drainage plans, which can give a wealth of information regarding former layouts and changes made in the past. The Grosvenor Estate also has an excellent archive, but permission to view any documents needs to be granted by the Grosvenor Estate (details are held in Westminster City Archives). Of course, you can also commission a house historian to delve into the archives for you.
Melanie Backe-Hansen is the author of House Histories: The Secrets Behind Your Front Door (The History Press, ÂŁ16.99).
It is possible to uncover a wealth of information regarding the history of your house, whether it is fascinating stories of past occupants, architectural highlights or even a famous resident and their life in the house. No matter the size or age of your home you may be surprised at what you can discover by delving into the secrets behind your front door.
Historic House Tours This year we will be holding a series of Historic House Tours with the Historic House Association for our Members. We will be visiting homes in London and further afield. For more information check the website.
Philanthropist Sought: Ghostsigns Ghostsigns are the typically fading remains of advertising once painted by hand directly onto the brickwork of buildings. A sponsor is required to support a book documenting London’s best examples. Serious enquiries to or via
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little Night Music
Amadeus Wolfgang Mozart was a local lad in the eighteenth century, so it’s hardly surprising we still attract musicians to this part of town. Classical musicians travel to Eaton Square to perform concerts in the intimate setting of St Peter’s Church and soulful jazz types head over to the club, Boisdales, to perform for jazz lovers. Eaton Square Concerts, established eleven years ago, bring in world-renowned talent and nurture new emerging performers every season. The quiet grace emanating from St Peter’s makes everyone feel instantly at ease. Boisdale, a thriving restaurant and jazz venue started in 1988 on a shoestring. Ranald Macdonald, its owner, began playing jazz behind the restaurant bar because he liked the music and it grew from there. Now you can drop by most nights and discover a jazz player you haven’t heard before. The Scottish food, whisky, cigars and rich setting create a clubby feel that attracts jazz lovers and locals alike. Sometimes it’s easy to overlook what’s right on the doorstep so we’d like to highlight these two gems and remind you to try something new. Both offer very different moods and both deliver a memorable local night out.
Belgravia Facts Mozart composed his first symphony at home in Ebury Street Lady Bracknell said 149 Belgrave Square was on the unfashionable side. What did she know.
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Belgravia Garage Belgravia Garage lies in the heart of Belgravia. The garage has a distinguished history in the automotive industry, and for over 80 years has served the residents for all their motoring requirements. Located on a historic cobbled mews, the garage offers the latest in diagnostic work and vehicle servicing. Belgravia Garage, 1 Eaton Mews West (off Elizabeth Street) Belgravia, London SW1W 9ET | | 020 7235 990
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ith unique originality and flair, we are designers and creators of our own brand and style of engraved stationery.
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Tom Tom’s cigars. Founded in 1997 Tomtom Cigars has become one of London’s leading cigar merchants. Our shop is at 63 Elizabeth Street, London, SW1 | 020 7730 1790
Tom Tom’s coffee house. Tomtom coffee house is more than just another coffee bar. Our aim is to provide the finest cup of coffee in London, made freshly from our own beans and the best equipment on the market and by our team of expert Baristas. Tomtom Coffee House, 114 Ebury Street, Belgravia, London SW1W 9QD | 020 7730 1771
The Thomas Cubitt Much loved, and much frequented by local residents and businesses, this neighbourhood pub is renowned as one of the best in London. Offering friendly service, delicious freshly prepared gastro grub on the ground floor with a more formal and elegant dining experience set on the first floor. Open for lunch, dinner and an all day Sunday roast. 44 Elizabeth Street, SW1W 9PA | 020 7034 5424 |
The Pantechnicon The Pantechnicon’s sumptuous surroundings and elegant interior pay enormous attention to detail in every respect. They offer simple well executed menus with fresh dishes and an excellent grill section. This established bar and restaurant offers lunch, dinner, weekend breakfast and an all day Sunday roast. 10 Motcomb Street, SW1X 8LA | 020 7034 5425 |
The Orange The Orange is a public house and hotel offering a rustic European cuisine including amazing wood-fired oven pizzas and guest ales. Open for breakfast, lunch, dinner and an all day Sunday roast, or why not stay and experience a night in one of the stunning boutique hotel bedrooms. 37 Pimlico Road, SW1 8NE | 020 7034 5426 |
The Grazing Goat The Grazing Goat is a public house and hotel located on New Quebec Street. The menu boasts good quality, British food made from fresh and sustainable produce and has 8 beautiful country house hotel rooms with marble en-suites, free Wi-Fi and room service. Open for breakfast lunch, dinner and an all day Sunday roast. 6 New Quebec Street, SW1X 8LA | 020 7034 5427 |
Diary of Engagements NEW! Historic House Tours - Please see our website The BADA Antiques & Fine Art Fair 2012 - 21st until 27th March 2012 Complimentary tickets for Members and a private tour on Thursday 22nd March Spirit of Belgravia Photographic Competition – 1st March until 31st May Eaton Square Concerts - Thursday 19 April 2012 at 7.30pm VOCES8 Programme ‘From Gibbons to Gershwin’ sponsored by Grosvenor Chelsea Flower Show 22 – 26 May 2012 · Royal Hospital, Chelsea, London Queen’s Diamond Jubilee - 2 until 5 June 2012 Annual Summer Garden Party - Monday June 11 2012 - (Venue to be confirmed) Summer Carnival in Elizabeth Street - Wednesday June 13th 2012 London Olympics will run from the 27 July until 12 August in the main stadium in east London and other venues across the country. Check the website for a list of venues and events near Belgravia Annual General Meeting - Tuesday November 13th 2012 The Society of Chemical Industry, 15 Belgrave square, SW1 8PS Belgravia Christmas Sunday in December We couldn’t run our events without the generous support of our sponsors. Many thanks to the following organisations for their kind support in 2011 and we welcome offers for our 2012 programme of activities.
Waitrose | Chestertons | Duke of Wellington | Krystals | Jeroboams | Peggy Porschen Market Quarter | Eaton Square Concerts | Hyde Park and Belgravia Property
Acknowledgements Sara Oliver, who runs Communications for Belgravia Residents Association, was supported by Sarah Farrugia & Company and her partners including Andy Paterson-Jones of New England, Stefan Lubo - of Distinguished Photography, John Gavin of TrueOutput and Simon Assirati of Solutions in Ink. For further information regarding the Directory please contact: Sarah Farrugia & Company | | 0207 808 0128. We would also like to thank every advertiser for their involvement and their support of the Belgravia Residents Association, without whom we would not have been able to produce this Directory. Addtionally we would like to thank Grosvenor who are so generous to the BRA and our work and who continue to offer us strong partnership on a daily basis. With thanks to Simon Barnes for his special contribution on Belgravia birds, Lucy Johnson for her article on interiors and Melanie Backe-Hansen for her piece on Streets of History. With thanks to the Westminster Archive and their staff for their assistance and also to Grosvenor for their help in accessing archive materials.
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The ‘great’ Collections, have historically focused on a particular period or genre, and museums have also traditionally displayed likewith-like or a range of pieces from a specific period together. In the latter half of the 21st century the cognoscenti began to display antique furniture alongside modern art.
Kettles Yard in Cambridge is a classic example of this. Formerly the home of Jim Ede who acquired a remarkable collection of paintings & sculpture by artists such as Ben and Winifred Nicholson, Alfred Wallis, Christopher Wood, Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth. Jim carefully placed these artworks alongside his antique furniture and everyday objects that he collected. Juxtaposition creates a dynamic interaction through contrast in texture, form, composition, motifs, colour etc, essentially injecting new beliefs and modernism into convention and tradition. Modern art conveys an interpretation of historical, classical and cultural beliefs and motifs true to its era often presented in a raw, sharp, bold context. This contrasts with the tradition, depth and softness that antique furniture creates through form, patina, historical context, motifs, provenance etc.
old &New 1. Paintings by Graham Sutherland, John Piper, John Tunnard, Paul Nash, Duncan Grant displayed alongside 17thc French reclining armchair, 17thc Italian Pietre Paesina cabinet 17th inlaid Spanish vargueno, 17th Flemish drawleaf table & 17thc Marot sidechairs (Lto R) in a traditional setting
2. Joe Tilson Collage Double Triptych, 16th century Venetian cassone displayed in a contemporary setting
The juxtaposition of the two periods acts as an artistic device, creating individual expression. The choice of the elements is critical and for the juxtaposition to have integrity and work as an expression there has to be an underlying connection between them. Selection needs to be carefully considered, as does placing so that the combination is balanced, understandable, appropriate, expressive and inviting. I focus on Modern British artists who were well versed in antiquity and classical tradition which fed their imaginations but did not dictate their expressions which evolved from their personal experiences. This gives the dialogue between the art and the antique integrity as the inspiration for the art has evolved from same ideals as the furniture but with a modern interpretation. These artists were also inspired by landscape, and the natural world and their timelessness quality ideals that also inform furniture design. Early furniture has a direct and unfussy form that sits well ideologically with the motivations of the Modern British painters. For artists like Winifred Nicholson art was about celebrating daily life and being incorporated into daily life to enhance its quality. The same can be said for fine craftsmanship in furniture, and early furniture in particular because these pieces are individual 3. Henry Moore Seated Nude, Ben Nicholson Umber, displayed in a traditional setting alongside a 17thc Spanish cabinet, 17th c Italian walnut table,17th c gilded pricket stick
and made by usually just one or two hands (unlike later C18/C19 pieces where many hands could be involved and the beginnings of the production line approach was developed) Strictly modern and contemporary interiors can be stark and cold, and conversely period interiors an expression of the past which is incompatible with modern day living. Combining elements of both satisfies their weaknesses and plays to their strengths creating individual expression. Interestingly, the Getty Museum held a pioneering exhibition at the end of last year juxtaposing works by Picasso, de Chirico, LĂŠgernand Picabia with ancient objects in the Getty Villa focusing on how the artists embraced and transformed antiquity.
Lucy Johnson will be exhibiting at the BADA Antiques & Fine Art Fair in Duke of York Square in 21st-27th March. We are again offering Members complimentary tickets for the BADA Fair in Duke of York Square in March. At the BADA Fair we have organised a private tour for 20 Members on 22nd March and also have 5 places for the House & Garden Style Report held on 22nd March at 11am. For more information visit the website.
4. Paintings by Sir William Gillies, Graham Sutherland, Keith Vaughan, Sir Terry Frost, Sandra Blow displayed in a contemporary setting alongside sculpture by Laurence Edwards & 17thc Marot chairs, 17th Spanish Table, 17thc Spanish cabinet, 17th Century Spanish table (L to R) | Mobile +44 (0)7974 149912 Email Showrooms, open by appointment, in burford & chelsea
How Smart Is Your Home?
In the future it may even save your life. The term ‘smart home’ has come to mean many things; from the right address to tasteful decorative furnishing to multi-functioning rooms but to Chris Mieszkian it means a home that not only enjoys the latest entertainment and technology available today but also the emerging trends of the future. “There are many reasons a person decides to invest in home technology, be it the enjoyment of music wherever and whenever or entertainment for the family in the latest 3D or surround sound on offer or just to ensure their home is future proofed so that it achieves the very highest resale prices when the time comes to move on. As technology gathers pace and our reliance on it increases we will see more and more areas of innovation; remote healthcare being an emerging example. If you are considering investing in your home, make technology a central part of that investment decision. Here are a few of the key things to remember when investing in smart technology: • Easy and reliable control of your Home Technology is paramount, whether you are controlling Audio/Visual, Lighting, Heating or the whole house. • Use a CEDIA (Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association) accredited Technology Company to design and install your Home Technology • Lighting control systems which, apart from creating the perfect ambience with preset lighting scenes, are hugely more energy efficient than conventional lighting switch dimmers, especially in larger homes.
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Battersea, Belgravia, Chelsea, Chiswick, Fulham, Holland Park, Kensington (2), Primrose Hill, Richmond, South Kensington, Wandsworth, Wimbledon. Chelmsford, Cobham, Esher, Lymington, Oxford, Weybridge and associated offices.
on the Road
The BRA is always on hand to discuss resident Member concerns regarding traffic and parking. We liaise directly with City of Westminster on all issues including parking restrictions, pollution and noise. We work with Victoria Coach Station to ensure there is minimum effect on local residents from coaches entering and exiting the area. We keep information updated via the website. There were six main areas of concern highlighted by Anthony Lake at the AGM in November.
Strategic traffic.
Eccleston Bridge.
Upgrade of Victoria Station & the Underground.
Grosvenor have initiated and managed the South Westminster Traffic Management Study. The residents association endorses the traffic flow study within Belgravia as it is likely to be within our interest.
The diversion here has been successful. There will be a continued increase in the amount of traffic for the next three years but the 30,000 extra vehicles seem to have been effectively rerouted.
The Olympics.
The games will severely limit Londoners’ movements both before and during the events. The marathon and cycle routes will be closed to the public. It is not possible to do anything about this disruption but it is important that people understand the full impact on those living and working within London so that they can better prepare for this inconvenience. We will be keeping information up to date on the website.
Westminster City Council have implemented changes to parking on yellow lines. The residents association does not believe these changes will have an adverse impact on Belgravia
The north and south traffic flows have different problems. There is considerable disruption around Victoria Station, between the Terminus and Victoria Street due to the work being undertaken to improve pedestrian access to the station.
This problem affects the southern parts of Belgravia. The number of coaches is increasing by 3% each year. There is no current solution. The situation is being monitored by the Mayor of London, Grosvenor and Westminster. Recently the Ebury Street Coach Station curfew has been breached but after discussions with them this has been reinstated and the barrier is locked when not in use.
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Membership As a Member of The Belgravia Residents Association we trust you are already more than aware of all the benefits we offer you, but just in case you have forgotten, take a look at the list below and make sure you call on us during the year. The Belgravia Residents Association, founded in 1972, promotes the conservation and enhancement of our unique urban environment. We are at the forefront of daily life, always on hand to support residents when they need help. We work closely with Westminster City Council, Grosvenor and the Metropolitan Police to improve the overall high standards of our community as well as help and advise individuals with their particular concerns. We offer both private and Corporate Membership which gives you access to the knowledge and contacts we have developed over 40 years as well as a range of events such as the Annual Garden Party. Our Committee comprises a whole range of experts and professionals who give their time to local matters. Join online at Please recommend joining us to your friends and neighbours and they can enjoy the benefits of membership all year round too.
Benefits Stay informed with the
- Quarterly Newsletter - Annual Members’ Handbook
Get Professional guidance on - planning applications - building developments
Gain access to advice on - traffic issues, - residents parking - general roadworks - street cleansing, - waste collection - recycling - environment - conservation
Find information on - local policing, - crime prevention - noise pollution - licensing issues
Special offers
- Receive Member offers from local retailers and businesses
Enjoy invitations to
- Member Events - Annual Garden Party - Annual Photography Competition - Historical Archive & Discussions - Volunteering projects
Apply for membership today Apply online:,uk Follow us Twitter - @belgravia_ra Facebook - belgravia-residents-association
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