Jan feb 2014

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Jan/Feb 2014

The official magazine of the

Hovercraft Club of Great Britain www.hovercraft.org.uk

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Jan/Feb 2014 ut with the old and in with the new! Seasonally this time of the year is difficult to fill the splendid pages of our club magazine, so before you, you have a duel January/ February edition. However, before you delve any further into the glossy pages, an announcement! This will be both mine and Sarah’s penultimate magazine as your Editors. After some two years and 20+ editions we will be standing down our position as joint Editors after the March edition. We are both struggling to apply the necessary time and drive required to produce a ‘quality’ read for the club membership, and with that we will be departing our roles.

This publication is the clubs main stream of ‘official’ communication to its membership and to survive healthily it needs its membership to contribute. Whomever the new Editor is, he/she/they will need YOUR support to keep this publication both fresh, interesting and worthy of our fabulous club. We have received fantastic support from a whole host of contributors and trying to name them all would only offend the ones I miss, but you know who you are and we thank you for your time and effort, and ask you keep supporting the new ‘broom’ once in position. Moving along as for 2014, it looks to be another busy year, with both the racing and cruising calendars confirmed and in position. On the racing side, Cholmondley is replaced with a new venue in South Wales at Glanusk. The landowners/promoters appear to be confident that they can draw the crowds in, which will give us the opportunity and potential to draw in new members. Personally I enjoyed the Cholmondley event last year, especially with the added attraction of all the other events over the weekend. However having to witness Tony Broad aging by the second due to the organisational issues and problems, giving it a miss this year might not be a bad thing, especial for Tony!! We also have the honour and pleasure to be hosting two EHF events, the first at Hackett’s Lake in May, with a second at Towcester later in the year. However it all kicks off with a visit to the Farm in early May, some 10 weeks away…. 10 weeks bilmey!!! On the cruising front, Russ Pullen has been a busy bee and a multitude of dates have been arranged already, which I’m certain will be added to further as the year progresses, and again I’m certain as last year these will be well supported and attended. It’s would be wrong of me not to comment on the disappointing note that we couldn’t accommodate a calendar date this year for an eighth race meeting at Hops Farm. Russ and Ben Bristow should be congratulated in their efforts for locating another landowner whom is willing for us to use their property. I know this has been debated at length on Facebook (the clubs new portal for communication it appears) but not to rake up old news and discussion, I will end this subject with a ‘well done lads’, and fingers crossed they can at least arrange a Hover-in for this year followed by a full blown race meeting in 2015? Enjoy. Darren & Sarah Editors magazine@hovercraft.org.uk

Send in your articles to

magazine@hovercraft. org.uk



Contents 06 Diary It’s a date 07 Chairman’s Desk The latest update from our chairman 08 Continue of Chairman’s Desk The latest update from our chairman MHA Model of the month 10 Forty years ago Granville Spedding 12 You can race this hovercraft Daneil Turnbull 13 AGM www.hovercraft.org.uk 14 Photo Competition (January) Clive Mason 16 Photo Competition (February) Clive Mason 18 Hovercraft for sale www.hovercraft.org.uk 19 Club Contacts www.hovercraft.org.uk

After just over two years and 20+ issue of our club magazine, Light Hovercraft the position of Editor is available!! With sadness we, Sarah and Darren the joint editors of the club magazine will be standing down after the March edition of the magazine. We do this with an element of sadness but hopefully the club membership has enjoyed what we have tried to do. The software used to complete the publishing is InDesign, which can handle nearly all formats of documents and (I’ve been informed as I’m no expert....) is easy to manipulate and create the finished article. The editor email address will be redirected to your personal account, along with access to the forum page for the uploading for access. There are some exciting and bright innovations going to be adopted in the coming months with the distribution of the magazine, which will only make the process a lot simpler. So if you fancy a go, please contact us on magazine@hovercraft.org.uk or contact us using our contact details in the magazine.

Cover pic: Darren Clarke Photo taken by: Clive Mason (Or Claire)



Diary2014 MARCH 15-16 HCGB AGM & Symposium Weekend Burton Upon Trent www.hovercraft.org.uk

JULY 19-20 National Race Meeting Claydon House www.hovercraft.org.uk

MAY 3-5 National Race Meeting Magnolls Farm www.hovercraft.org.uk


MAY 24-26 National Race Meeting Hackett’s Lake www.hovercraft.org.uk

AUGUST 23-25 National Race Meeting Gang Warily www.hovercraft.org.uk

JUNE 7-8 National Race Meeting Rother Valley www.hovercraft.org.uk

SEPTEMBER 6-7 Possible Race Meeting TBA www.hovercraft.org.uk

JUNE 14-15 Possible Hover-in TBA www.hovercraft.org.uk

SEPTEMBER 20-21 National Race Meeting Towcester www.hovercraft.org.uk

JUNE 21-22 EHF Race Meeting Prudhomat, France www.hovercraft.org.uk

OCTOBER 4-5 Possible Race Meeting TBA www.hovercraft.org.uk


JULY 5-6 Possible Race Meeting TBA www.hovercraft.org.uk Whilst every attempt is made to keep calender items up to date, some calender items may alter after print or the Editor is not made aware of changes-please check relevant UK or European websites for most up to date calenders. If you know of any changes or updates, or wish an event to be listed, then please contact the Editor at magazine@hovercraft.org.uk

LightHovercraft Published by The hovercraft Club of Great Britain Ltd www.hovercraft.org.uk Editors Darren Clarke Sarah Gill

Advertising Rates Issues 1 3 Size 1/4 pg £9 £26 1/2 pg £17 £49 Full pg £33 £95

Distribution Roger Allman Tel: 07765 303755 Contributions Last date for contributions is the of a month.



Printed by ADH printing 2 Boyne Rise Kingsworthy Winchester Hants SO23 7RE


12 £95 £184 £357

Contact the Editor for details at magazine@hovercraft.org.uk

Small adverts are free to HCGB members and run for three issues unless reqested otherwise. The opinions expressed in any item or article in this magazine are those of the contributor. They do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions or policies of the Hovercraft Club of Great Britain Ltd. The entire contents of Light Hovercraft are copyright and permission to reproduce any part must be sought from the Editor. While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, we do not accept any responsibility for any inaccuracy.

Small ads small ads are free to members and run for three issues unless requested otherwise

The Chairman’s Desk Chapter Thirty

FOR SALE OSPREY 5 For sale OSPREY 5, white hull + seating some red trim, skirt in good condition. New radiator, with 12 warranty. Peugeot petrol engine. Little use, very good condition. C omes complete with 4 wheel, Hayling Trailers purpose built braked trailer. Ready to cruise . OFFERS IN THE REGION OF £4995 ono. Kevin Juggins Mob : 07977810228 FOR SALE HIRTH 2705 R06 2 stroke engine 65 HP, Dual ignition, Pull start, complete with Hirth 3.16:1 gearbox reduction drive, Hirth exhaust, Rotax after muffler, rectifier only had 87 hours use - £550 ono Colin Gates, 01227 792461 or 07795 410160 e-mail colin@gates51.wanadoo. co.uk


Giving he Hovercraft Club of Great Britain has a reputation of

being a very friendly club and welcoming in new members. For us to function we need members to give of their time and effort. We also need monetary resources to be available for promoting our club and supporting craft builds by youth groups. If the public are prepared to give the club some money to come and watch us at play then I would like the club to accept it and use some of it for building the next generation of members. It is now over 25 years since many of you had your first taste of hovercraft in the BP Challenge days. We have the opportunity to operate our own challenge financed by enhanced gate revenue from four race events over the next season. Part of the revenue can be spread amongst the events throughout the year to benefit the social aspects for the members and the remainder used for the future of our club. We have the opportunity of substantially increasing this revenue with less volunteering by members and therefore increasing the funding available for social events as well as financing initiatives to guarantee the future of our club. I am sure this will be a topic of discussion at the AGM. The AGM. Very few members have booked their places at the AGM hotel so far. We have some members that have found cheaper rooms at the hotel and booked using Late Rooms or similar. Part of the amount you pay for your room via the club booking goes to the hire of the function rooms, the cost of the band, the side discussion rooms, the AV system etc on the Saturday and the Sunday morning. The planning and budgeting for this event is always targeted to break even. As part of the contract with the hotel, the club has to guarantee a minimum number of rooms at this event. Any shortfall in the revenue for this will have to come out of your club’s funds. Members are welcome to contribute their suggestions and organisational skills to help next year’s event. With the cost of the club operation increasing by at least the rate of inflation every year, the Council will present our plan at the AGM to minimise any financial increases to members and also still enable the financial future stability of this club. I know that several of you will have strong views on what you should get out of this club so please come and present them at the AGM. If you would like to table a motion, please contact our secretary, Roger Morton, very soon to enable you to have it presented at the AGM. Those of you who would like to influence the way the club is run should really be on the Council. The Council members are democratically elected to run the club in the way that they think is best for the club. If you would like to do this please stand for election and not just moan about how badly the club is run. This is your time for positive action. Please inform Roger Morton that you would like to give your time, effort and words for the benefit of the members and you may be elected on March 15th. It is with regret that, I must inform you that our Editor team of Sarah Gill and Darren Clarke are stepping down after many, many excellent publications of the club magazine. I would like to thank them for the brilliant work that Sarah has produced (oops and Darren) and their perseverance through the many disappointments that they have suffered due to contributors failing to produce articles. We now need a new editorial team (or person) to continue their work. The magazine will still need to be produced. We have a new team for the club shop and information trailer. Nigel and Sandra Walton, from Bicester, have volunteered to take up the challenge. Nigel will also be racing in F3 next season. They have great plans to increase the revenue from nonmembers and decrease expenditure for members. Your support in this endeavour is needed. They are helping the plan to make membership of this club have many more benefits than not being a member. With all the problems that we have had regarding the complicated website and



its associated functions, we are in the process of creating a new one that is considerably more user friendly. It will also feature a shop facility so that all the items that the club shop can sell will be available there as well. Those items will also appear on Ebay at a slightly higher price to partially fund the discounts that a member can get on our own shop. The shop will also sell car park passes to all those events that we can raise revenue at so that members of the public can plan a day out at one of these sites. Ewan Black, Roger Morton and Jamie Lewenden have all worked hard on the production of a training course designed to give the participants the basics of safe hovercraft build, operation and teaching. The first course to be run for this certificate is pencilled in for April at Jake’s place and Roger will be co-ordinating the participants. This course is primarily aimed at Youth Group (Scouts, Schools etc) leaders who are members to give them the basics to safely operate a hovercraft for that group. This will then help them in the build and operation of a craft. More details will be published soon. This Council have worked hard to run this club in such a way as to maintain its character but also guarantee its stable future. I would like to thank the other members of Council for putting up with my sometimes wayward method of Chairmanship and the several thousand telephone calls that have been made between us for the benefit of this club. I have also managed to reply to 971 club related emails in the past year. After three years on Council, I am required to step down at the AGM. With all these exciting innovations, I may stand for election again. If you wish to discuss anything, my contact details are at the back of the magazine. Send in your thoughts!!! Chris

Model Hovercraf Model of the month The Model Hovercraft Association was formed in 2004, with a view to bringing some organisation to the development of model hovercraft, which previously had been well served by relatively isolated pockets of interest. The Association’s activities include lectures and films, videos and other visual material on all aspects of model hovercraft from research, through construction and operating. Visits to locations and firms/manufacturers of interest, and social events are also organised. The Association is run by a Management Committee consisting of those with experience in appropriate fields. Prior to September 19th 2004, when the MHA was formed, a group of hovercraft modellers had been meeting on a regular basis at the Hovercraft Museum at Lee on Solent, Hampshire, to discuss model hovercraft and run their models. This group, called the Model Hovercraft Group, formed after the successful International Model Hovercraft Seminar held on the 18th/19th October 2003. The group enjoyed several presentations and guest speakers covering several aspects of hovercraft,


We are seeking a club member with enterprise t the information trailer and the sale of club merc

The job entails:- Representing the Hovercraft Club - Promoting Hovercraft Club merchandise a material - Bringing the information trailer to race meeting possible - Stocking the trailer with suitable merchandise - Having a suitable towing vehicle and storage f - Dealing with enquiries from the public at race - Keeping the trailer in a clean and roadworthy c

Rewards of the job:- Continuing the excellent work of the previous - Promoting the Club - Increasing Club revenue - Full petrol expenses and insurance cover cos to HCGB events

If you think you might be able to help or would the role please send an email to secretary@hov



ft Association full size and model. They also constructed a water feature for use during racing days at the Museum as well as a round the pole demonstrator so that children could have a go. The group felt that as the interest was growing in model hovercraft around the country that a more formal organistion was required and hence the Model Hovercraft Association was created. If you are fascinated by model hovercraft, or hovercraft in general, and you want to join an association of like minded people, you've come to the right place. With an increasing interest in radio controlled and other model hovercraft, the Model Hovercraft Association was set up to carry the development of this interest forward. If you are interested in any aspect of model hovercraft, whether it be research, design, building, or operating, then the Model Hovercraft Association is for you. This is true if you


to take over the running of chandise.

are an already established expert,or are just starting out. Following an Inaugural general meeting held on the 19th September 2004 at the Hovercraft Museum, Lee-on-Solent, the Model Hovercraft Association was formed. The principle aims and objectives of the MHA include:•The encouragement of interest in the building and operation of model hovercraft. •Research, education and discussion

on the design, operating and trading aspects of model hovercraft and the understanding of the technical principles involved. •To hold meetings to further the objectives above and to present papers, films, videos etc, and to exchange information. •Regular distribution of a Newsletter. •Establishment of a database and library for books, photographic materials and papers on the history and development of model hovercraft.

Model of the month (Jan)

Model of the month (Feb)

Model Name: Sedam N300

Model Name: Griffin 600

Model Scale: 1/20

Model Scale: N/A

Model Size: 1175mm

Model Size: 600mmx300mm

Number of motors: 6, 4 for lift two for thrust

Number of motors:1

Power source: 6 cell Nimh Skirt Type: Joupe type Materials: thin ply on balsa frames

Power source: 11.1 Lipo,7.4 lipo Skirt Type: Bag Materials: Depron

Interesting feature: has working joupe skirt

Interesting feature: Very lightweight model so long runtimes can be achieved and its foam so can’t sink

Build time: 1 year to design and build

Build time: 1-4 days Available as a kit modelhovercraft.co.uk



and distributing publicity

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FORTY YEARS AGO – GRANVILLE SPEDDING A happy New Year to all hovercraft historians and those who enjoy a bit of nostalgia when looking back at our illustrious beginnings.

Graham sitting in his Scarab 1

But before that I hope you enjoyed the Monster Moves programme that saw the Griffon Hoverwork transported from Southampton to Montreal for use by the Canadian Coastguards – what a magnificent machine with Robert Trussler at the controls.

Sad to see that little sailing boat flattened during its first sea trials! A bit of history in the making. But back to business A DRIVER’S VIEWPOINT. An article by Alan Bliault describing participation in some of the ’73 events mentioned in passing that attendance at some of the 1974 events would rather depend on “petrol supplies permitting”. With OPEC limiting the oil production prices rose dramatically and later motorists were issued with a booklet of tokens limiting them to four gallons per week. Fortunately they were never needed, and I still have them tucked away in my archive. For a while hovercraft races did suffer with less craft being available for a while, particularly if attending a meeting which was a long drive away. MOLESWORTH TALKS Graham Nutt was asked if he thought his scarab designed craft would be used for cruising more than racing. His answer was the one that lots of us pondered over for many years “Yes, if we can find the areas to cruise on!” Graham sitting in his Scarab 1 (or Scarab Noir as it was listed amongst the craft registered for the 1974 season) before a race sometime in 1974. He reported that the design of the Scarab had proved fairly successful in 1973, and that he was going to experiment with different skirts during the coming season. His opinion of the bag skirt so far was that the pressure was too high, and it did suffer from wear problems particularly at the front of the



petrol supplies permitting

four piece skirt; it had done 150 miles before being completely worn out. In his later article, (February 1974) Alan went on to describe a drive he had in two Scarab ‘craft. Being used to driving his own “Chinook” ‘craft he found the square fronted, bag skirted ‘craft a very different kettle of fish to control. He described “Chinook” as having low thrust, but being more agile with a loop and segment skirt and plenty of air.

He found the little Scarab a hard drive, described as being a bit like being on a rubber cushion, but that the response to the thrust he found “instantaneous”. However the big Scarab was different again – with the bigger bag being “floppier” with more drag at the stern, which meant the craft was not quite as agile as its smaller sister craft. Alan reckoned that the larger craft would be best for cruising, having a softer ride and a very fast straight line.

CRAFT RATINGS The Club was still deciding how best to rate the various hovercraft for racing. Four classes were suggested, worked out on a power to weight ratio. The suggested formula was RATING = 10x (Lift bhp + thrust engine bhp) or (Total bhp used, integrated) --------------------------------------------------------------------------Craft dry weight + 160lbs. The following are just examples: Class 1 above 9 Daffydol 9.57 and Cyclone III 9.57 Class 2 over 6.00 to 9.00 Scarab Noir 7.5 and Caliban 5 6.67 Snoopy 6.25 and Vulcan 3 6.05 Class 3 over 3.00 to 6.00 Skima 2s 5.86 and Maranda 5.28 Dair-E-Goes 4.71 and Blowfly 3.22

Class 4 under 3.00 Aggro 2.8 and Buzzard 2.22 I haven’t spotted whether this suggested rating was adopted – probably more later. MISCELLANY The latest edition of Jane’s Surface Skimmers 1973 – 1974 listed a number of new developments by British and overseas light hovercraft firms – 7 were listed in the Magazine as being connected in some was with the Club, not least Pindair Ltd’s 20ft long version of the Skima, able to carry a payload of up to 4,000lbs. AirHover in Essex was using Wankel engines. Light Hovercraft Company had received orders for 54 “Cyclone” craft. Marine Flight Developments were calling their new ‘craft “Sunrider”, at first called the “Osprey”) a two seater model using

JLO engines costing at the time around £620. If I am not mistaken our archivist has one to use for a time.

FINALLY Unconfirmed reports of some Christmas presents received by members included one that Geoff Harding (our late former President was sent a jigsaw puzzle made up of 816 pieces of a five bladed MultiWing fan. Hope yours were as good!



YOU CAN RACE THIS HOVERCRAFT This could be you! Learn to drive, compete, and gain that crucial experience of racing before you purchase your own machine. A craft is available that has been specifically built for new members to have a go at racing. It is a simple single engined craft suitable for new Novices and Juniors, and is available at most race meetings. The skill and insight you gain will be valuable in deciding what type of craft you may wish to build or buy in future. This craft can be brought to all race meetings and comes with a race kit of spares and consumables to see you through a race weekend. You will need to provide: • helmet • buoyancy aid/life jacket • overalls and gloves • petrol • race entry fee • boundless enthusiasm! Hot food and drink are often available on site. Warm waterproof clothing is recommended suitable for the British weather. At least one change of clothes is recommended, you may well get wet. A donation towards the upkeep of the craft is recommended at £50 for a 2 day race meeting. Club Membership and provisional Novice racing Licence will be required. Get membership at www.hovercraft.org.uk, you will need to register, and then add a paid subscription. Buy your Novice racing licence from the Racing Services area in the club shop, which can also be accessed from www. hovercraft.org.uk Any queries contact memberservices@hovercraft.org.uk You will also need to pass a manoeuvrability test before racing. If you would like a go or to find out more, contact Daniel Turnbull Tel 01332 700658 or email danielturnbull@btinternet.com




March 15th-16th 2014 The 2014 AGM weekend is 15 - 16 March at the Hilton at St George’s Park, Newborough Road, Needwood, Burton Upon Trent DE13 9PD. Plans are progressing well. Carla Thomas and Del Smart are co-organising the event and would appreciate any offers of help, support or alcohol! The Hilton at St Georges Park is a modern hotel (built approximately 2 years ago) and includes a spa, health club and indoor swimming pool. It is a big leap upward in standard from the Hilton Northampton and includes a huge fully equipped ballroom where the evening dinner and award ceremony will be held. The ballroom has a private bar and enough space for a stage, dance floor and dining tables. During the daytime HCGB will have a large private function room with a separate large breakout area for tea and coffee plus access to the library for any other committee meetings that might be required before and after the AGM. Talks and presentations are still being planned but should include talks from Char Font and Tony Broad, a tech talk from Jamie Lewendon and presentation from One Industries regarding helmet fit and function and body armour use. The evening presentation meal starts at 7pm and includes a 3 course meal and prize presentation followed by music provided by Co-Jones. If anyone has any other ideas for talks or presentations please contact either Carla Thomas or Del Smart. All bookings need to be done on the HCGB shop.



J a n u a r y





Photo Competition


Winner chosen by: Julie Tuck, Hairdresser 1st Place: Beatrice Badelt 2nd: Dan Sweetman 3rd: Claire Mason With no information about any of the pictures or who took which one, Julie Tuck selected first, second and third Other entries were from... Louise Beale (01), Lee Willars (02) & Sacha Rouchier (03)






F e b r u a r y 16

Photo Competition


Winner chosen by: Caz and Debbie, workers at Spar in Market Harborough 1st Place: Claire Mason 2nd: Rebecca Taylor 3rd: Lee Willars With no information about any of the pictures or who took which one, Caz and Debbie selected first, second and third Other entries were from... Rob Sweetman (01)







Hovercraft for sale F3 Meteor Racing Craft Fully recondition hovercraft currently being carried out, available in any colour that the customer would like, integrated hull fitted with standard TZR 250 engine. Brand new set of skirts fitted. This can be built to any spec wanted. Price depends on spec wanted. From £1700 upwards Call Ricky Goosey: 07875335702 For Sale – Mr Bump Lee Willars built, modified Eagle Racing Hovercraft Elegantly finished as Mr Bump Built and raced in 2012, finishing 3rd Overall in F50 Hull, Engine Frame, Steering, Splitter Plate, Fuel Tank and Skirt only (No Engine) Two careful owners, c/w HCGB Log book and very minor ‘war wounds. Engine frame to suit Rotax 503 c/w Gearbox. Stick an Engine in and your ready to race!! Collection only - £1,500.00

F3 BBV Competitive craft Shaft with front fan Turnbull design hull Blue craft TZR250 fully working engine. Located near York, North Yorkshire. Cost: £2,200 (ono) Call Fran on: 07760 417485

Contact Clive Mason Mob – 0772 9783989 Email – clivemason33@yahoo.com

local branches most of the local branches meet regularly, normally in a pub, to sit around and chat hovercraft or organise an upcoming meeting or event. feel free to contact them and they will be more than happy to welcome you along to the meetings.


North West Gordon Taylor Gordontaylor61@hotmail.com Bolton 1st Tuesday of month 8.00pm


South West Wayne Hill waynehill@bpipoly.com Bridgewater 2nd Sunday of month 12.00pm


Southern Kevin Foster kevin@mhdocs.co.uk Romsey 3rd Tuesday of month 8.00pm




Midland Daniel Turnbull secretary.midlands@hovercraft.org.uk Barrow-on-Soar 2nd Monday of month 8.00pm


BRANCH South Downs Twig CHAIRMAN Susan Ives CONTACT kidscontrol@hotmail.co.uk MTG AREA Haywards Heath TIME 1st Thursday @ 7.30pm

Chilterns Makyla Greaves mgreaves@redcross.org.uk 07973 523370 Aylesbury 1st Tuesday of month 8.15pm


South East Russ Pullen russ@flyingfishhovercraft.co.uk Canterbury, Kent 7.45pm

Club Contacts Hovercraft Club President Tony Drake Information Officer and Publications Rev Granville Spedding 26 Milverton Close Lostock Bolton Lancs, BL6 4RR Tel: 01204 841 248 info@hovercraft.org.uk Chairman Public Relations Chris Daly (Council) 33 Hawthorne Crescent Burbage Hinckley Leicestershire LE10 2JP Tel: 01455 614 724 07952 643 778 chairman@hovercraft.org.uk Secretary Roger Morton (Council) 67 Albert Streeet St Albans AL1 1RT Tel: 01727 757310 07795 199009 secretary@hovercraft.org.uk EHF & WHF Rep Conrad Beale Tel: 01295 771 087 internationalrep@hovercraft.org.uk prefer contacts by email please HCGB Membership Carla Thomas (Council) 40 Grebe Road Bicester Oxon OX26 6EL. Tel: 01869 369944 07808 614770 carla.thomas@btinternet.com do it online at www.hovercraft.org.uk

Gill Crane (Council) 17 Cartbridge Cotgrave Nottinghamshire NG12 3PF Tel: 07891 113596 wildcatgill1338@hotmail.com Deborah Hunt (Council) 19 Glynswood Camberley Surrey GU15 1HU Tel: 07917 303063 deborah@huntmail.co.uk Ros Atkins (Council) 47 Philip Road Ipswich IP2 8BQ Tel: 07811 481103 ros@suitcasetv.com Treasurer Paula Broad 15 Sagar Street Eccleston Lancashire PR7 5TA Tel: 01257 452 883 treasurer@hovercraft.org.uk

Vice Chairman Insurance Officer Competitions Committee Chairman Kevin Foster (council) 5 Purley Way Plaitford Romsey Hants SO51 6ER Tel: 01794 322 471 insurance@hovercraft.org.uk Recreation Activity Coordinator Russ Pullen Tel: russ@flyingfishhovercraft.co.uk

Club Archivist Gordon Taylor 29 Mytton View Clitheroe Lancashire BB7 2QE Tel: 01200 426 689 gordantaylor61@hotmail.com Youth Development Keith Lovell youthofficer@hovercraft.org.uk Competitions Secretary Tracey Taylor 53 Shepherds Croft Stroud Gloucestershire GL5 1US Tel: 01453 757 226 Technical Advice Jonathan Spedding 17 Winchilsea Avenue Newark Nottinghamshire NG24 4AD Tel: 01636 672 082, 07802 714 102 jon.spedding@ntlworld.com Safety Officer Carl Smith Ellis Close Barrow-on-soar Leicestershire LE12 8PT Tel: 01509 412 993

Racing Licences Racing Log Books Diary Secretary Louise Beale louise@hovercraft.org.uk diary@hovercraft.org.uk do it online at www.hovercraft.org.uk All the above available from the online shop at www.hovercraft.org.uk Racing Scrutineering Secretary Jim Lyne (Council) 45 Starboid Road Bishops Itchington Southam CV47 2TQ Tel: 01928 612 878 jimlyne@hotmail.com Transport Officer Michael Lambert Granary House Lamberts Lane Ossington Newark Notts NG23 6JB Tel: 01636 821 302 07788 725 923 mike@ossichaff.com Web Master Chris Barr webadmin@hovercraft.org.uk

Magazine Editors Darren Clarke Tel: 07990502207 magazine@hovercraft.org.uk Sarah Gill 187 Homesdale Road Bromley London BR1 2QL Tel: 07974 466 357 magazine@hovercraft.org.uk

Club Publications (Mail Order Only) HOVERCRAFT CONSTRUCTOR’S GUIDE (£12.95 -- now £10.00) Still a useful tool in learning of the hovercraft principles and what is needed before starting to build a hovercraft

FLYING WITHOUT WINGS (DVD) (£15.00 -- now £10.00) A 25 minute DVD which demonstrates how hovercraft are used. Includes footage from sites we no longer used and now more of a historical archive. Produced in 1995.

Available on CD-R and also containing the following:Construction Regulations for Racing Hovercraft Construction Regulations for Cruising/Recreation Hovercraft Guidelines for safe operation of Cruising Hovercraft New Racing Driver Guidelines.

Most of the club information booklets are now available for members as downloads on the club website Including:-

GUIDE TO MODEL HOVERCRAFT (£6.00) Specifically produced for youngsters to make their own models using bits and pieces found around the home -- including elastic bands, card and plastic cups, etc.

Constructions Regulations for Racing Hovercraft Construction Regulations for Cruising/Recreation Hovercraft National Hovercraft Racing Competitions Regulations (revised each year) New Racing Driver Guidelines Guidelines for the Safe Operation of Cruising Hovercraft



Racing & Cruising hovercraft 1 to 4 seats Hovercraft plans & kits 2 & 4 Stroke engines supplied Rotax engine servicing and repairs Black skirt material ÂŁ6.50 including vat Largest range of components available Engineering service for one off parts

Formula 1 National Champion 2002

K & M PRODUCTS 5 Church Street, CarIton-Le-Moorland, Lincoln LN5 9HR For Further information please send 5 First Class stamps for our comprehensive catalogue



Tel or Fax: Ken Rigley (01522) 789842 Tel Workshop (01636) 611223 Tel Mobile 07976 776945

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