Look Good Tips for Plus Size Tunics for Women

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Look Good Tips for Plus Size Tunics for Women

Tunics Tunicsare areloved lovedby byfullfullfigured figuredladies ladiesbecause because they theynot notonly onlyhide hidetheir their flab flabininaasubtle subtlemanner manner but offer ultimate but offer ultimate comfort comforttoo. too. Additionally, Additionally,these these trendy trendycustom customplus plussize size tunics tunicsfor forwomen womenare are versatile enough to be versatile enough to be worn wornjust justanywhere. anywhere. Here Hereare aresome somelook look good goodtips tipstotobe be followed followedwith withthese these pretty top options: pretty top options:

The Right Size: The Right Size: Make Makesure surethat thatthe the plus plussized sizedtunics tunicsare areaa perfect fit because perfect fit because these theseare arealready already oversized oversizedand andcan can make makeyou youlook lookbulkier bulkier ififyou youwear wearan anill-fitted ill-fitted one. A smart buyer one. A smart buyer would wouldrather ratheropt optfor for custom customsizing sizingininthese. these.

Team With Right Team With Right Bottoms: Bottoms: AArelaxed relaxedfitting fittingtunic tunic should shouldbe bebalanced balanced with tight fitting with tight fitting bottoms bottomssuch suchasastights tights and andpencil pencilpants. pants. Bulkier Bulkierwomen womenshould should avoid avoidteaming teamingthem them with skirts as they can with skirts as they can give giveaalarger larger appearance. appearance.

Go Gofor forSolid Solid Neutrals: Neutrals: Wear Wearneutral neutralcolors colors asaswell wellasassmall smalland and scaled scaledprints printsso sothat that you look a size you look a size smaller. smaller.

Keep Accessories Keep Accessories totothe theMinimalist: Minimalist: Don’t Don’tlose loseyour your personality personalityby by overdoing the overdoing the accessories; accessories;rather rather keep keepthis this minimalist minimalistwhen when you youwear wearthem them with tunics. with tunics.

To have a look at the latest collection of trendy To have a look at the latest collection of trendy custom custom plus plussize sizetunics tunicsfor forwomen, women, log log inin toto lurap.com. lurap.com. Get Get fabulous fabulous deals deals on on made made toto measure measureasaswell wellasasstandard standardsizes. sizes.Shop Shopeasy easy with withCOD CODand andEMI EMIoptions options(on (onpurchase purchaseover over INR 4000 in India). INR 4000 in India).

Lurap Fashion Customer Customer Service Service Support: Support: US/Canada: US/Canada: +1-855-66-LURAP +1-855-66-LURAP (+1(+1- 855-665-8727) 855-665-8727) Corporate Corporate Office Office Address: Address: 5526 5526 Wood Wood Duck Duck Ct, Ct, Shoreview, Shoreview, MN MN ,, 55126 55126 USA USA

Website: Website: https://www.lurap.com/women/plus-size/tops/tunics https://www.lurap.com/women/plus-size/tops/tunics

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