1 minute read
Ladies, Let's Get Loud!
Hailey Partain, GA | PR Region II Rep
With National Women’s Day coming up on August 9th, I have been doing some “fun fact” research on women. Did you know that a group of women is commonly referred to as a gaggle of women? If you look up the definition of gaggle, you might get something that says “ a disorderly or noisy group of people ” I agree that when a group of us ladies get together, we can get pretty noisy at times, but I wouldn’t necessarily portray that as a negative thing Yes, a group can often get loud due to multiple conservations going on at one time, but a group can also get loud because everyone is excited and passionate about one common goal As cattlewomen, I encourage all of you to get NOISY, get LOUD, TURN some heads, get folks ATTENTION! We want producers and consumers to know what the cattle industry is, where it came from, and where it’s going We want people to know that Florida Cattlewomen have a beef ambassador program for youth ages 8-20, which gives them the opportunity to advocate for the beef industry. We want people to know that the
Georgia Cattlewomen are hosting free educational webinars focusing on adult farmer education. We want to spread the word about all the good things cattlewomen are doing across the Region II area, and across the nation Our purpose as cattlewomen is to educate, promote, and protect the cattle industry Let’s get LOUD about it!