2012 Cohort
FdA Health & Social Care
Knowledge and Skills in Health
and Social Care Practice 2 SHA
Sarah Rutherford ŠManchester Metropolitan University Email: fdaenquiries@mmu.ac.uk
Contents Introduction to the unit ..................................................................................................................................... 2 What is the unit called? ...................................................................................................................... 3 How many credits will I be awarded? .................................................................................................. 3 Who will deliver this part of the unit? ................................................................................................. 3 When does the unit start and end? ..................................................................................................... 3 Curriculum information ..................................................................................................................................... 4 What are the learning outcomes for the whole unit? ........................................................................... 4 What is the curriculum content? ......................................................................................................... 4 Assessment strategies ....................................................................................................................................... 5 How will I be assessed? ...................................................................................................................... 5 When do I need to submit the portfolio?............................................................................................. 5 How do I submit the portfolio? ........................................................................................................... 5 Assignment Brief ................................................................................................................................ 6 Confidentiality ................................................................................................................................... 6 Assignment Brief................................................................................................................................................ 7 Level 5 Indicative Grading Descriptors ................................................................................................. 8 Competency information .................................................................................................................................. 9 How many competencies are there? ................................................................................................... 9 How do I complete my competencies? ................................................................................................ 9 Placement/work hours .................................................................................................................................... 10 How many hours do I need to complete on placement/work? ........................................................... 10 Student support............................................................................................................................................... 11 What if I can’t complete the competencies, placement or portfolio in time? ...................................... 11 What if I have a personal learning plan (PLP) through the MMU learning support department? ......... 11 Is help available for students who don’t have a PLP? ......................................................................... 11 Indicative student learning resources ............................................................................................................. 12
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Introduction to the unit
What is the unit called? The unit is named “Knowledge and Skills for Health and Social Care Practice 2”
How many credits will I be awarded? On successful completion students will achieve 30 credits at level 5
Who will deliver this part of the unit? The curriculum content will be delivered by a team of academics: Sarah Rutherford (unit co-ordinator) Hetal Patel Faye Bruce Clair Tourish Guest lecturers from MMU and practice
When does the unit start and end? EPD starts on the week commencing 26 November 2013 and ends on 14th March 2014.
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Curriculum information
What are the learning outcomes for the whole unit? 1. Achieve competence for practice within your identified health and social care placement 2. Reflect and apply learning to professional development 3. Use credible evidence to support their practice
What is the curriculum content? Communication Assessment Multidisciplinary team working Change theories Reflective practice Safeguarding Using evidence-based practice Knowledge and Skills specific to your role
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Assessment strategies
How will I be assessed?
Summative Assessment: There is 1 summative assessment for this unit. This unit will be assessed by: a paper based portfolio which will assess all three learning outcomes for the unit. This will be submitted as a hard copy to the university.
When do I need to submit the portfolio?
14th March 2014
How do I submit the portfolio? Please submit your portfolio to the Student Life Office by the deadline date. Due to the size of your portfolio, it may not fit inside the blue coursework submission box so you will have to hand it directly to the Student Life Office. Please note the closing time of the Student Life Office and ensure you submit your portfolio before the office closes. Don’t forget to download and submit the front sheet for this unit, which is available on your Knowledge and Skills 2 Moodle area. Please refer to your ‘assessment guidelines’ handbook if you need additional help or information.
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Assignment Brief: Complete a portfolio which provide: a. A critical analysis of knowledge and skill acquisition both academically and in practice. b. Evidence of competence.
Portfolio guidance:
The purpose of this assessment is to enable students to demonstrate learning of the knowledge and skills required for their practice and to attain competence in identified National Occupational Standards. The expectation is that students will appraise their learning and knowledge acquisition throughout the unit via a workbook and reflective accounts. The students will evidence meeting competence in the practice environment. Work should include reference to research which has informed and changed practice.
In all of your work for this unit you are encouraged to make links between theory and practice. This means that your discussion might include reference to your work with service users or patients, their families. You must maintain the confidentiality of information about service users and patients, their families, your colleagues and, in some instances, agencies.
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Assignment Brief 1. Provide an analysis of the learning undertaken to acquire the knowledge and skills relevant to your work environment. 40% a. Identify the learning acquired from the unit lectures and demonstrate application to your work environment. b. Critically discuss the evidence which justify practices in your workplace. c. Support the discussion with reference to credible sources.
2. Develop a critically reflective log of practice based experience
a. Provide a critically reflective account of practice experience b. Use credible sources to rationalise your experience and/or decisions c. Synthesise learning from experiences to provide alternative outcomes or conclusions
Achieve competence to level 6 in identified National Occupational Standards
a. Align the knowledge statements within the NOS with learning activities b. Provide evidence of practice activities that demonstrate that the performance criteria have been met
4. Academic and presentation skills -
a. The portfolio is clearly presented b. The discussion is coherent and structured and based on appropriate literary evidence c. The content demonstrates a fluent use of written English and is free from spelling, grammatical and typographical errors d. Confidentiality in respect of both service users and practice environments is maintained throughout the paper e. The assignment is fully and accurately referenced according to the Harvard system
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Level 5 Indicative Grading Descriptors
All work submitted to the university will be awarded an indicative grade. This grade is not formally awarded but will provide students with an indication as to how they are achieving academically, and in which areas there is room to strengthen written work.
A piece of work that is of the highest standard that could be achieved at this level (or above). The work shows a critical understanding of relevant concepts and principles. Arguments presented are balanced and the flow of the work is rational and developmental. The work demonstrates an understanding of the limitations of the student’s knowledge in relation to the subject. Literature and research from an appropriate range of sources is incorporated and evaluated critically. Referencing is accurate. A piece of work that is of a consistently high standard for this level. The work shows a critical understanding of relevant concepts and principles. Arguments presented are balanced and the flow of the work is rational and developmental. The work is likely to demonstrate an understanding of the limitations of the student’s knowledge in relation to the subject. Literature and research from an appropriate range of sources is evaluated critically. Referencing is invariably accurate.
A piece of work that is of a high standard for this level. The work shows a critical understanding of the main concepts and principles. Arguments presented are balanced and the flow of the work is rational. The work may consider the limitations of the student’s knowledge in relation to the subject. Literature and research from an appropriate range of sources is evaluated critically. Referencing is invariably accurate. A piece of work that addresses the assessment guidelines in full. The work shows a critical understanding of the main concepts and principles though there may be some small conceptual misinterpretation. Arguments presented are generally balanced and the flow of the work is usually rational. There is evidence of analysis of reading from an appropriate range of sources. Well referenced. A piece of work that generally addresses the assessment guidelines though there may be some gaps. The work shows an understanding of the main concepts and principles though there may be some misinterpretation. Arguments presented are generally balanced and the flow of the work is usually rational. There is utilisation of reading from a reasonably appropriate range of sources. Referencing is satisfactory. A piece of work that addresses the main parts of the assessment guidelines though there are likely to be knowledge gaps. A mainly descriptive understanding of the issues may be provided. The use of the literature is reasonable though may benefit from additional / wider reading. Referencing may need review. Academic writing may be a problem.
A piece of work that achieves most, but not all, learning outcomes at threshold level and therefore does not meet the assessment guidelines. It may be disorganised to the extent that interpretation is difficult. The supporting literature is likely to be limited and further/wider reading is required. Referencing may require further work. Academic writing may be a problem.
30 – 34 FAIL
A piece of work that does not meet the learning outcomes or assessment guidelines and/or is disorganised to the extent that interpretation is difficult. The supporting literature is likely to be limited and further/wider reading is required. Referencing may require further work. Academic writing may be a problem. As per 30-39% though there are likely to be major misconceptions / errors.
As per 20-29% with the likelihood that this work is incomplete or the student has misread the assessment guidelines.
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Competency information
How many competencies are there? There are 2 mandatory and 2 elective competencies to meet. The mandatory competencies are: GEN13: Synthesis new knowledge into the development of your own practice SCDHSC0035: Promote the safeguarding of individuals You will choose 2 competencies from a selection on Moodle You MUST complete the competencies before the deadline date. It is your responsibility to ensure that you complete the competencies.
How do I complete my competencies? There are 2 main sections to each competency: ‘Knowledge and Understanding’ and ‘Performance Criteria’ Knowledge and Understanding – to be completed at university
The Knowledge and Understanding statements will be met by attendance at lectures, completing assessments, learning in your workplace setting and reading. You will need to align the activity to the Knowledge statement. Your personal tutor/WBEF will sign your knowledge and understanding competencies statement during your personal tutor/WBEF meetings. Performance Criteria – to be completed on placement
Each competency identifies a list of Performance Criteria that must be met. Your placement/work activities should align with the various performance criteria in order to meet that competency. You and your mentor will sign your performance criteria competencies. It is recommended that you meet with your mentor, early on, to develop and action plan of how you will meet the performance criteria. Please refer to your Competency Document for further information.
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Placement/work hours
How many hours do I need to complete on placement/work?
You are required to complete a total of 160 hours on placement/work. You have been allocated a period of 10 weeks, starting on the 25th November 2013, to complete these hours and this works out as approximately 16 hours per week for 10 weeks. You can work more or fewer hours per week if you wish. If you work fewer than 16 hours during one week you must ensure that you make up these hours. It is YOUR responsibility to negotiate your hours of work with your mentor. You MUST complete the 160 hours before the deadline date. It is your responsibility to ensure that you complete these hours. Please note: You cannot pass this module without completing the 160 hours of placement/work, even if you have completed all your competencies.
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Student support Who will help me identify relevant competencies? Your mentor and/or manager will assist you in identifying relevant competencies for your role. You are also allocated a WBEF who will:
Meet with you early in the unit to help assess your learning needs to meet the knowledge statements of the competencies.
Meet with you on a regular basis to support your learning needs if required.
Liaise with your mentor to ensure you are receiving adequate opportunities in practice.
What if I can’t complete the competencies, placement or portfolio in time? Normal MMU regulations apply for late or non-submissions. Please refer to your ‘assessment guidelines’ handbook for details regarding the MMU Exceptional Factors procedure
What if I have a personal learning plan (PLP) through the MMU learning support department? Please see Hetal Patel ASAP as you may be entitled to an extended, revised submission date
Is help available for students who don’t have a PLP? YES – Kate Haley has been appointed as the Student Support Office (SSO) for the Elizabeth Gaskell campus. She is based in room T09. Please contact her for additional academic support if required. One to one appointments are available by contacting Kate directly on……
0161 247 2535
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Indicative student learning resources
1. Barnard, A. (2010) Key themes in health and social care: a companion to learning. Abingdon: Routledge. 2. Moss, B. (2008). Communication skills for health and social care. London: Sage 3. Naidoo, J. and J. Wills (2008) Health studies: an introduction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 4. Clouston, T. and Westcott, L. (2005) Working in health and social care: an introduction for allied health professionals. New York: Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone. 5. Hargie, O. (2006) The handbook of communication skills. London: Routledge. 6. Heath, H. and Watson, R. (2005) Older people: assessment for health & social care. London, Age Concern. 7. Johns, C. (2004) Becoming a reflective practitioner. Oxford: Blackwell. 8. Lloyd, M. (2010) A practical guide to care planning in health and social care. Maidenhead: Open University Press. 9. Kemshall, H. and Wilkinson, B. (2011) Good practice in assessing risk: current knowledge, issues and approaches. Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 10. Melnyk, B. M. and E. Fineout-Overholt (2005) Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: a guide to best practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkin 11. Payne, M. (2008) Social care practice in context. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 12. Taylor, J. (2003) Study skills in health care. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. 13. Wallace, C. and Davies, M. (2009) Sharing assessment in health and social care: a practical handbook for interprofessional working. London: Sage. .
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