vega brand guidelines

Page 1

positioning & platform

Vega is a specialty vegan grocery store where expertise, consideration, and activity assemble. It is a dynamic mix of new, unique ideas and steadfast truth. It is for people who are inspired by a healthy mind, body and planet; who take pride in what goes into their body, and what comes out of the earth. Vega inspires life behind the scenes. Choosing Vega is a form of self-expression that empowers the self, without showing off or putting others down for not adapting to the vegan lifestyle. These core values build Vega’s positioning as a specialty grocery store: expertise, consideration, active, mindful, natural, and connected.

guidelines for the use of the brand

To maintain its identity and integrity, Vega must be used according to certain specifications. The policy guidelines with regard to the use of the brand are set out below.

The brand Vega is: A vehicle for promoting this specific grocery store, with its mission to provide expertise, consideration, and connectivity. The brand Vega is intended for long term use. It must be used consistently in order to protect its identity and achieve recognition. The brand Vega is not simply a design feature, to be changed for creative or other reasons. The brand should be considered in any design decisions from the beginning, and be used in a proper manner. There is flexibility in the specifications to allow it to be used in different situations. This guideline will help you consider precision and consistency, and reproduce the Vega brand with care. This guideline incorporates the design features of the brand Vega. It also includes detailed information on

color, size, and do’s and don’ts on how to use the brand This guideline is to assist you on how to correctly use the brand Vega. Approval is still required from the Vega Marketing Management Office for the use of the brand and for the final design. Please read this entire document before starting any work that displays the brand.

table of contents

primary signature................................................ 1 secondary signature......................................... 3 the symbol........................................................... 5 minimum clear space........................................ 7 basic stationery grid.......................................... 9 primary color palette....................................... 11 secondary color palette................................. 13 signature color usage..................................... 15 typography......................................................... 19 signature sizes................................................... 21 further color usage......................................... 22 secondary graphics......................................... 27 unacceptable usage.........................................33 application examples....................................... 41

primary signature

Vega Brand Signature




Vega’s visual identity is an important asset. It symbolizes the characteristics of a healthy and mindful lifestyle through its vibrant and natural logo characteristics. More than a logo, it represents the vegan lifestyle and its core values. It must always be used in its approved form, to maintain its identity and integrity.


secondary signature

Vertical Lock-Up. When the horizontal lock-up is not practical for your graphic requirements, a secondary signature can be used. The Secondary Signature is the symbol with the logotype used in a vertical lock-up, as shown on the left.

Symbol Vega Brand Signature




the symbol

The symbol may be used on its own in special circumstances. Examples include clothing and other apparel, reusable grocery bags and paper grocery bags, cooking utensils, etc. In such cases, the symbol can be reproduced as an engraving, etching, foil stamp, etc.




minimum clear space

Always maintain the minimum clear space around the Vega Brand signature to preserve its integrity. To maintain visual clarity and to provide maximum impact, the signature must never appear to be linked to or crowded by copy, photographs or graphic elements. The minimum clear space must never differ proportionally from the diagrams demonstrated on this page. The clear space for the all signatures, including the primary signature, secondary signature, and symbol alone, is 0.5V around the signature.



basic stationery grid

To the right is an example of the stationery grid in use on the corporate letterhead. All documents edited in Adobe or Microsoft programs are to keep the basic grid. Only the editable text can be edited. Never move the signature, contact information, or secondary graphic. Never adjust the margins, columns, gutters, or paper size. The grid in this letter head to the right is an example of the grid system used on all of Vega’s merchandise and products.


4.67 cm 2.25 cm

1.6 cm

2.25 cm

1.6 cm

1.27 cm 0.7 cm

4.0 cm

8.6 cm

28.0 cm

6.1 cm 1.3 cm

1.3 cm Piazza di S. Cosimato, 62 00153 Roma, Italia

+39 555 5005252

3.25 cm

0.9 cm

Dear Sir or Madam, Cabore, idust, as as eariae cum il idi sectate sedis aborro odi tentestiurem quas vellorrum ent litia volorpore net occuptus, a con re ratur? Quidenis dolorum unt maxim est as sitat ea di tem eos esequis sincil et videl eum faccull aborporate eos esequis imusam nectem. Nam rest verchiciet, omnihitas autaquia por sit, quiae et que pos aute volupti tempore molupis sunt quiam, si tem harchit quas mo blacept aspienihit, voles re et ate dolorpore sunt molorepudaes ipitis moloreh endicat hicaborio. Nonsectatur sequam quidunt. Nonsectatur sequam quidunt. Dae eos aliquas sitiore riaernam esed que nectur sit, quamus dunt qui nihit fugitate lam volorem vendebis nonsequ iatiation none doluptu ribustis dolorum dolum estet, nonsed ut liciae dit ut volectiis et ipis estin con eos eos explaccus es dolor ame corerov itatio maio quas re poreped qui que con ni as everuntur aut de que nistissit il is alic tem aspero berum quidebis in pa doloren diandusdam voluptatem ea is nihitae omniatiatis et quunto cus.

8.6 cm

Endent plam seribea duciat volum asped ut ento et vite pra et parchicabore net sunture ntiorat inciat ex eaturerspe re quis molorescime sum aut laut inus eatum comniatem dolo explacc atium, volupta volorro bla con rem haria vel idunt.

18.0 cm

Agnihiliquia que praeper ionectio de num seque poristi umquame nulpa siti voluptat fuga. Et harci occaerempos re si dolorio rempor acesti corest ea vendaer fercimi nctatur, alicia volupta net aut quidunt ipsam faccate. Cabore, idust, as as eariae cum il idi sectate sedis aborro odi tentestiurem quas vellorrum ent litia volorpore net occuptus, a con re ratur? Quidenis dolorum unt maxim est as sitat ea di tem eos esequis sincil et videl eum faccull aborporate eos esequis imusam nectem. Nam rest verchiciet, omnihitas autaquia por sit, quiae et que pos aute volupti tempore molupis sunt quiam, si tem harchit quas mo blacept aspienihit, voles re et ate dolorpore sunt molorepudaes ipitis moloreh endicat hicaborio. Nonsectatur sequam quidunt. Sincerely,

6.5 cm

Sarah Vance

1.27 cm

21.5 cm 11.0 cm


primary color palette





C 0

R 255

C 46

R 149

C 25

R 207

M 42

G 164

M 0

G 214

M 0

G 222

Y 100

B 0

Y 100

B 0

Y 100

B 0

K 0

# FFA400

K 0

# 95D600

K 0

# CFDE00

PANTONE® 137 C, PANTONE® 375 C, and PANTONE® 389 C comprise the primary and signature color palette. Spot color overprinting is the preferred option, and it should be used as often as possible because only these inks can reproduce the full brightness of the signature colors. Four color process printing may be used when spot color reproduction is not available. Many factors can influence accurate color reproduction: press process, paper stock, line screen and ink coverage. •

For good quality uncoated paper stock, use a line screen of 150 lpi (lines per inch).

For high quality brochures or coated art paper, in general 175 lpi or higher is the standard choice.

For newsprint and silkscreen printing, 85 lpi screen is the normal choice.

The signature can also be reproduced in RGB (Red, Green and Blue) for computer screen display.

Pantone 137 C

Pantone 375 C

Pantone 389 C

The standards for PANTONE® colors are shown in the current edition of the PANTONE® Color formula guide. The colors shown on this page and throughout these guidelines are not intended to match the PANTONE® Color Standards. PANTONE® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc. Use actual PANTONE® chips. Do not attempt to match examples in this guide.


secondary color palette

PA N T O N E 743 6 C



PANTO NE 16 45 C

C 3

R 242

C 48

R 142

C 0

R 255

M 16

G 218

M 45

G 136

M 72

G 108

Y 0

B 234

Y 22

B 163

Y 82

B 54

K 0


K 0

# 8E88A3

K 0

# FF6C36

PANTONE速 7436 C, PANTONE速 5285 C, and PANTONE速 1645 C comprise the secondary and supergraphic color palette. Spot color overprinting is the preferred option, and it should be used as often as possible because only these inks can reproduce the full brightness of the supergraphic colors. Four color process printing may be used when spot color reproduction is not available.

Pantone 1645 C

Pantone 7436 C

Pantone 5285 C


signature color usage

two color signature The signature in two color is to be used for materials intended for promotion or sale with the option of only two spot colors and black. Whenever possible, spot color overprinting is the preferred option and should be used as often as possible because only spot color inks can reproduce the full brightness of the signature colors. Four color process printing may be used when spot color reproduction is not available, and should be used (if possible) in order to maintain the full color integrity of the signature.


one color signature The signature in one color is to be used for materials intended for promotion or sale with the option of only one spot color and black. Whenever possible, spot color overprinting is the preferred option and should be used as often as possible because only spot color inks can reproduce the full brightness of the signature colors. Four color process printing may be used when spot color reproduction is not available, and should be used (if possible) in order to maintain the full color integrity of the signature.


grayscale signature The signature in grayscale is to be used for corporate, internal documents only. The purpose of the grayscale signature is for employees to print materials and documents designed in color for internal use, in order to save money. The signature in grayscale is represented below, and is the full color signature in grayscale format. In no circumstances should the grayscale signature be used for materials intended for promotion or sale. For black and white materials for promotion or sale, the black signature or the white signature must be used.


black signature The signature in 100% black is to be used for materials intended for promotion or sale that are printed in black and white or grayscale. Usage for this signature on different tints and shades of gray is further explained on page 22. The signature in reverse is to be used for materials intended for promotion or sale that are printed in black and white, grayscale, or full color. Usage for this signature on different tints and shades of gray and color is further explained on page 23.



Typography helps us establish cohesiveness across all of our communications. The typeface selected for Vega is the Museo typeface family. When used consistently, it can make our communications identifiable as Vega even before they’re read. Sticking with the Museo typeface family exclusively lends the same look and feel across all Vega materials and applications. Only use the eight approved weights and styles shown here (100, 100 italic, 300, 300 italic, Rounded 100, Rounded 300, Rounded 500, and Rounded 700).

Museo 100 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%^&*!?/:;.”{ }[ ]( )

Vega has a few general guidelines for the use of type: • Align type flushed left and ragged right • The appropriate tracking for type is zero Similar typefaces or other weights of the Museo typeface family cannot be substituted on any printed communication material, and cannot be distorted by expanding, condensing or modifying the letterforms in any way.


Museo 100 italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%^&*!?/:;.”{ }[ ]( )

Museo 300

Museo Rounded 100

Museo Rounded 500

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%^&*!?/:;.”{ }[ ]( )

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%^&*!?/:;.”{ }[ ]( )

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%^&*!?/:;.”{ }[ ]( )

Museo 300 italic

Museo Rounded 300 Museo Rounded 700

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%^&*!?/:;.”{ }[ ]( )

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%^&*!?/:;.”{ }[ ]( )

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890@#$%^&*!?/:;.”{ }[ ]( )


signature sizes

To protect the integrity, legibility and impact of the Vega signature, it must never be reproduced in sizes smaller than those shown on this page. For print applications of the primary signature, do not use the horizontal signature smaller than 20mm in width. For usage of the vertical signature, do not use a width smaller than 11mm. For the symbol only, do not use a width smaller than 11mm. Further reduction will impair its legibility.

20 mm


11 mm

11 mm

further color usage

To demonstrate the most effective signature color usage, we have created the diagrams shown on the left.

20% black

For a black or gray background that is lighter than a 50% tint of black, the full color signature should not be used. If the design calls for a background tint of black less than 50%, 0% black should be used. If for some reason this is not possible, the black signature should be used.

30% black

40% black

For a black or gray background that is darker than a 50% tint of black, reverse white should be used for the logotype if black and white or grayscale print is necessary.

50% black

For background colors, it is recommended to use the fullcolor signature. The black and white signature is also acceptable. However, please use the black and white signature when the background harmonizes with the full-color signature, as demonstrated on the next pages.

60% black

70% black

80% black

90% black

full color signature

black and white signature 22

For the primary color palette, never place the signature on the pure color.

Low Intensities

For background colors, it is recommended to use the fullcolor signature. No other background colors should be used besides the specified primary and secondary color palettes. However, the preferred background color for all materials is white. If white cannot be used, the preferred background for all materials is the pure primary color palette. If the pure primary color palette cannot be used, the preferred background for all materials is the pure secondary color palette. If for whatever reason these cannot be used, the tints of the primary and secondary color palette are the preferred option. Only under certain circumstances should the low intensities of the specified color palettes be used.


To demonstrate the most effective signature color usage, we have created the diagrams shown on the right.

Pantone 137 C


Pantone 375 C

Pantone 389 C

Pay special attention to the tints and shades of each primary and secondary color in the specified color palettes. In the diagrams shown on these pages, the tints and shades are in increments of 10%.

Low Intensities


For the primary and secondary color palette, the readability of the signature should not clash with the background color. These diagrams show the proper usage of placing the signature on the proper tint or shade of the pure color in order to maintain readability.

Pantone 7436 C

Pantone 5285 C

Pantone 1645 C


For the primary color palette, on Pantone 137 C and Pantone 375 C, the reverse signature is the preferred signature on the pure color and the low intensities of these colors. For tints of these hues, the black signature should be used.

Low Intensities

On Pantone 389 C, the black signature is the preferred signature on the pure color and the tints of these colors. For low intensities of these hues, the reverse signature should be used.


For background colors, it is recommended to use the black or reverse signature when the full color signature cannot be used. No other background colors should be used besides the specified primary and secondary color palettes. However, the preferred background color for all materials is white.

Pantone 137 C


Pantone 375 C

Pantone 389 C

For the secondary color palette, on Pantone 5285 C and Pantone 1645 C, the reverse signature is the preferred signature on the pure color and the low intensities of these colors. For tints of these hues, the black signature should be used.

Low Intensities


On Pantone 7436 C, the black signature is the preferred signature on the pure color and the tints of these colors. For low intensities of these hues, the reverse signature should be used.

Pantone 7436 C

Pantone 5285 C

Pantone 1645 C


secondary graphics

The most important secondary graphic is the pattern. This pattern is versatile, and can be manipulated by designers to communicate the visual message even further. An example would be the use of the pattern on packaging for various vegetable chips. Berries and other fruits, lettuce, and nuts might not communicate the package’s message clearly, so the pattern can be remade with potatoes, yams, beets, carrots, turnips, and other produce that relates to the product. No cropping is the preferred method of use for the pattern. However, cropping may occur on one, two, three, or all sides of merchandise and products if the design allows. Only the primary and secondary colors may be used on the pattern.



secondary graphics

Vega’s visual identity is also supported by secondary graphics, supplementary to the signature, that further enhances the look and feel of the brand. One form of these secondary graphics, entitled “noms,� is a full illustration that represents a food or food item, such as a smoothie, sandwich, or salad. These illustrations are not to be cropped in any way, shape, or form.



secondary graphics

Another important element of the secondary graphics is the use of typography. In cases like the example on the right, the graphic is intended to be used as a whole, but can be cropped on two sides maximum if necessary. The type can never be cropped in any circumstance. The “juices,” radiating from the “e” and the “!” cannot be cropped in any circumstance.


correct use: cropped on one side

correct use: cropped on two sides

incorrect use: type is cropped

incorrect use: cropped on three sides

incorrect use: cropped on all sides


unacceptable usage

Never flip the symbol.

Never use the symbol in other than its intended position.

Never use only part of the symbol.


Never use only the logotype.

Never rearrange (whole or in part) the primary signature.

Never rearrange (whole or in part) the secondary signature.


Never rearrange the colors of the symbol.

Never change the color of the logotype.

Never reposition and resize the elements of the signature.


Never reproduce the signature smaller than the stated minimum size

Never flip (whole or in part) the primary signature.

Never flip (whole or in part) the secondary signature.


Never typeset or recreate the signature in another typeface.

Never outline the signature.

Never add a drop shadow to the signature.


Never place the signaure (full color or otherwise) on a color not specified in the acceptable color usage.

Never place the signature “in a box.�

Never create an outline around the signaure.


Never place the signature at an angle.

Never reproduce the signature on textures or complex backgrounds.

Never reproduce the signature on a photographic background.


Never stretch the signature in any way.

Never mix the black and white and color signature.

Never crop the signature.


application examples

lunch menu


breakfast menu



application examples

reusable totes




Piazza di S. Cosimato, 62 00153 Roma, Italia | +39 555 5005252 | |

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