At OBH, we turn your collection of memories into a quality archival record that celebrates your year.
85MawsonLakesBoulevard MawsonLakes,5095 Tel:0883683311 admin@endeavour.sa.edu.au www.endeavour.sa.edu.au
making memories TonyMcGranePlace, DubboNSW2830 www.dubbocoll-m.schools.nsw.gov.au
YiraraCollegeofthe FinkeRiverMission Formoreinformation, pleasecontactthe Collegeon(08)89505644or emailinfo@yirara.nt.edu.au YiraraCollegewasinitially establishedin1973asa governmentsecondary residentialcollegeforremote areaIndigenousstudents. TodayYiraraCollegeisa vibrantandbusycommunity providingawiderangeof teachingandrecreational resourcestoitsboarding students.
At OBH, school printing isn't a sideline, it's part of our DNA.
Your yearbook is a way of recording the present so that those in the future can reminisce about the past.
At Openbook Howden our expertise ensures the considerable process of compiling, designing and producing your yearbook is as stress free, simple and effective as possible. Through our partnerships with over 350 schools we have established a proven model that will provide you with a complete end-to-end solution. We recognise that no two schools are the same and whether your requirements are design, proof reading, editing, printing, or all of the above, we have the capability and solutions on hand.
We are an Australian owned and operated family business trusted by over 350 schools each year to provide their specialist print services including yearbooks, magazines, diaries, prospectuses, annual reports, newsletters, certificates, handbooks, brochures and stationery.
We employ 55 dedicated team members, and we design, print and distribute everything from our headquarters in St Marys, SA.
With over 50 years' printing and designing for schools nationwide, we truly understand your challenges, and we take pride in removing the stress from your projects. Our client services and project management teams ensure schools receive their yearbooks on time each year.
collaborated with over
for their print, design and marketing needs.
Our experience producing a yearbook with Openbook Howden was simply ‘easy’. They worked with us to enhance the artwork with unique ideas that gave the entire publication real personality. From fonts, colours and paper stock each element was selected to enhance the look and feel of the yearbook. When issues arose, as they always will, the assistance and support given to us was exceptional. For a unique and personalised yearbook service we would highly recommend the team at Openbook Howden.
Amanda Stephenson | Endeavour College - Adelaide
Loreto College have been working with OBH for the past three years to produce their annual Yearbook and have built a really strong working relationship during this time. The quality of the design and print has been outstanding, meeting our needs from not only a cost aspect, but producing a high quality product for our College community. We continue to work with OBH on other collateral and publication work due to the high attention to detail and outstanding communication and understanding of our needs from a traditional marketing perspective.
We pride ourselves on getting to know your college and creating a unique publication.
We work collaboratively with you from start to finish, providing technical support and advice.
Our yearbook options are flexible and are tailored to your requirements. Discuss with us your ideas for a completely customised design, or you could select from a diverse range of our templates if you prefer.
We provide project management to ensure your yearbooks are delivered on time. This includes developing and managing a schedule in consultation with you. Our team will communicate directly with you each step of the way ensuring on-time delivery.
Our processes are to ensure excellence in your experience. We understand that no two client’s requirements are the same and our approach will be carefully tailored to your unique needs. At OBH, nothing is too much trouble!
We have loved partnering with Open Book Howden in printing our Yearbook for the past three years. They have been very generous with their help and time and always printed an outstanding quality yearbook that our families cherished.
Jodi King | Communication and Marketing Co-ordinator
Stewart House
ThecentenaryyearofScotchhasbeen anaction-packedyearforStewartHouse. Ithasbeenapleasuretowatchthe membersofStewartHousegrow–weas housecaptainsareextremelyproud. Westartedtheyearwithasplashat SwimmingCarnival.Itwasgreattosee thelevelofenthusiasmandcommitment thatwasdemonstratedthroughoutthe House.Ouryear7’sstoodoutespecially, transitioningwellintothedaunting50m pool.Unfortunately,oureffortswerenot reflectedintheresults.However,itwas greattoseesomanyyoungerstudents selflesslystep-upwhenneeded. FollowingthiswehadAthleticsday,an eventwhichembodiedthespiritwithin Stewarthouse,showcasingourbest athletesonthefield.TheYear12’s dressedupasfirefighters,readyto extinguishtheflamesthatourathletesleft onthefield.Itwasanextraordinaryday andallowednewfriendshipstodevelop acrossyearlevels.Overall,themiddle schoolfinishedinsecondplacebyavery smallmargin,averyexcitingindicationfor thefutureoftheHouse. Thisyear’scrosscountrywasgreat funwithmanymembersoftheHouse breakingoutoftheircomfortzonesand gettingdownanddirtyrunningthrough thecreek.StewartHouseshowedtohave manycompetitiveathletes,withseveral memberslandingonthepodium. AclearhighlightoftheStewartHouse calendarwasTheBigSing.AsaHouse webrainstormeddifferentideasfor songsandstorylines.Intheendthe Year12’sdecidedtoperformtwoElton Johnsongs;CrocodileRockandI’mStill Standing.MuchoftheHousedressedup inbrightcolourstocreatearainbowas abackdropfortheYear12’swhowere headtotoein80’soutfits.Thevolume andenergythatStewartHousebrought onthedaymadeusextremelyproud. IthasbeenanhonourtobetheHouse CaptainsofStewartfor2019,andwe aresoproudofallthatourHousehas achieved.Thecontinuoussupportthat fellowStewartmembershavegivenus issecondtonone.Throughoutallevents
wehadsomeofthehighestlevelsof participation,whichmadeourjobthat mucheasier.Weimpressedtowitness thelargevarietyoftalentthatwehavein StewartHousewhichwasapparentinthe Houseevents.OnbehalfofStewartHouse,wewould liketosayamassivethankyouforthe incrediblestaff,mentorsandsupervisors thatenablethehousetofunctionas smoothlyasitdoes.Thesupportwe getallowsustoexcel.Additionally,we wouldliketothankthemiddleschool housecaptains,ZoeNunnandKyan Eagleton,fortheirunwaveringsupport throughouttheyear.Wewouldalsoliketo congratulatetheStewartHouseCaptains for2020,MargotBricknellandWill Jackson.Wewishyouallthebestofluck anditisreassuringtoknowthatStewart willrestinyourcapablehandsin2020. OnbehalfoftheYear12cohortwewould liketothankMrGavinKilpatrick,our HeadofHouse.MrKisanextraordinary personwhoisverypassionateaboutthe House.Heworkstirelesslytoensurethat eachmemberofStewartHousecan bethebestversionofthemselves.
WithoutMrK’ssupportandenthusiasm overthelastdecade,StewartHouse wouldnotbewhereitistoday.MrK’s legacywillliveoninthehouseand continuetobringoutthebestinstudents. Hewillalwayshaveaplaceinourhearts andwillbemissedgreatly. Onthatnote,wewouldalsoliketo welcomeandcongratulateMrMatthew Disher,takingoverasStewartHeadof Housein2020.MrDisher,youhavebig shoestofillbutweareconfidentthatwith theHouse’sbacking,Stewartwillachieve amazingfeatsinthefuture. Stewarthouseisanextraordinary community.Acommunitywehavehad theprivilegeofbeingapartofsincewe arrivedintheMiddleSchool.Wecannot begintodescribethelevelofappreciation wefeelforalltheencouragementand lovethatthishousehasgivenusoverthe pastsixyears.WewishStewartthebest ofluckgoingforward,andweareeager tohearofyoursuccessesinthefuture. LucyKittelandJeremyStahl StewartHouseCaptains2019
Theboardisgratefulforthegenerosity providedbythehillscommunity...”
IjoinedtheCornerstoneCollege BoardinFebruary2018having previouslybeenanOldScholar (2002)andIamdelightedtoserve thecommunityinthismanner. Firstly,Iwouldliketothankthe previousChair,AnthonyKlatt.His organisation,clarityofvisionand stableleadershipservedtheCollege anditsBoardwell.Ithankhimforhis 7yearsofserviceandonbehalfofthe Board,wewishhimGod’sblessingfor theyearstocome. Although2020hasbeenachallenging yearforalotofpeople,the bushfiresandCOVID-19showedthe strength,depthofunderstanding andcommunityfocusofoursenior leadership.Cleardirectionfocused ouractivitiesonthesupportofthose inneedandthecontinuationof educationalservices. Wehavealsoreflectedcarefullyon budgetingtoensurewecontinue todeliverexceptionalcare,ministry, infrastructureandeducational outcomessustainablyintothe future.Wehavefinalisedthemaster planningfortheCollege’scampus andthisreflectsonfeedbackfrom parents/caregivers,teachersand avarietyoftechnicalexperts.This masterplanprovidesacleargoalfor theinfrastructureatCornerstone, somethingweasaBoardare activelypursuing. Simultaneously,itiswithgreat pleasurethatIcanannouncethat Cornerstoneistakingcustodianship ofapproximately12hectaresofland atAstonHillsinMountBarker.This landisproposedforthebetterment ofeducationandextendingGod’s kingdom.Thissteprecognisesthe leadingroleourinstitutionplaysin theAdelaideHills.Italsohonoursthe historyofthefamilieswhofaithfully plantedthisChristianinstitutionon itscurrentgrounds.Ourcurrent cohortsoweadebtofgratitudeto thosewhosupportedtheCollege throughfinancialandin-kind support.TheBoardisgratefulfor thegenerosityprovidedbythehills communityandwelooktostrengthen thesesupportmechanisms.
Movingforward,theBoardcontinues toreflectnotonlyonourstrategic plansbutourstructuresandfunctions toensureweserveandempowerthe leadershipteamandstafftoindustry bestpractice.Insummary,theBoardrecognises ourhistoryandlooksboldlyintothe future.Whatanexcitingtimetobea partofthisproudcommunity!
Everyonewillagreeit timeschallengingyearandattheredidnotseemto
Everyonewillagreeit hasbeenanextremely challengingyearyandat timestheredidnotseemto beanylightattheend ofthetunnel.
Mostadultscanremembertheyearthatmanfirstlanded onthemoon,ortheyearthatMelbourneheldthe Olympics.In20yearstime,ifanyoneeverasks,“What yearwastheworldravagedbyCOVID-19?”theyear2020 willcometomindinstantly. Ithasbeenatrulyincredibleyearandwhatpersonal benefitsindividualswilltakefromtheyearwilllargely comedowntoattitude.Everyonewillagreeithasbeenan extremelychallengingyearandattimestheredidnotseem tobeanylightattheendofthetunnel.Manyindividuals, andmanycommunities,havenotonlysurvivedbut flourishedbyhavingapositive,solutionbasedapproachto meetingthechallengesastheyhaveoccurred. HILLShasbeennodifferent.Despitenumerousobstacles, andalackofaclearpathway,ineverchangingtimes,I believewehavethrivedasacommunity.Staffhavelearnt manynewskillsandlookedatdifferentwaysofengaging studentsinlearningandensuringtheirwellbeinghasbeen cateredfor.Weareallnowmuchbetterversedontheuse oftechnologyandhavehadtobecreativeaboutparent communication.Studentshaverespondedinawonderfullypositiveworkedproductivelywitheducators,asthey curriculumwaspresented.Manyofyouhave surrounding thrive.ThegraceourparentbodyhasshownourSchool boththroughthepandemicandwiththeSecondary relocationhastrulybroughtouttheverybest.Iwould liketothankallparentsforthetrustyouhaveputin theSchool,andlooktostrengthenthispartnershipin hopefullyamorecommunityfocusedatmosphere nextyear.Wehavehadsomestaffmoveonattheendof2020, andIwouldparticularlyliketoacknowledgelongserving staffinJeffHarrison,JennySilver,JohnAdams,Andrew andLorindaWishartandSueGillespiewhohaveserved ourSchoolwithdistinction.Wealsohaveotherstaffwho finishedcontractsoraremovingtootherroles.Ithank thesestaffforthecontributiontoourSchoolandwish themallthebestintheirnextprofessionalpursuit. Soasweclose2020,itisworthreflectingonthepromise ofourLord,whoremindsusthatlifewillbefullof struggles;however,Hewillprovideuswiththestrength togetthroughthesestruggles.Muchstrengthhasbeen requiredin2020andwiththecorrectattitude,the resultantgrowtheachofuscanhaveasindividualsand collectivelyasacommunitywillbeextraordinary.
your yearbook, your choice...
Whether you choose a fully customised, bespoke publication or an option from our template library, your yearbook will be one to be proud of.
What if your school has a yearbook coordinator or committee that puts together your school’s yearbook artwork?
Great! We offer a print only service where you supply your artwork and we can print it for you.
We are always happy to provide technical advice for supplying files or creative feedback on your designs.
Where budgets demand a more economical approach, OBH has introduced a library of design templates for you to choose from (see page 12 & 13), reducing the creative time for design.
When choosing a template theme you will work closely with one of our in-house creative designers and we will place school’s content and images into the selected design. This means that whilst you’ve used a template as a base, your yearbook will be unique and full of your school’s personality and achievements.
Our Creative Design team will work with you to create your fully customised, bespoke publication.
Meeting collaboratively with you, we document and unpack your creative brief so we can develop conceptual designs. We will build a production schedule and manage the project timeline whilst maintaining regular communication throughout. Refining the concepts and then developing the design and layout, we ensure the final yearbook is beautifully printed to your specifications, and delivered on time.
Discuss with us the best option for your school today.
Working with you to commemorate the events of the year gone by.
Our in-house team of creative designers work with you to produce inspiring and creative yearbooks.
Our creative team becomes an extension of your school or college. Working with you to understand your unique brand and values, we develop a design brief, concepts, and finished art that will reflect and celebrate your year.
Our specialist yearbook designers draw on years of experience when providing guidance and design direction to make your publication truly unique. Whether you need creative inspiration or printing expertise, our team can offer suggestions to make your yearbook stand out. Perhaps your pages could benefit from a distinctive image treatment or contouring, or would special cover finishes, paper stock or embellishments give the yearbook that extra pizazz you’re after? These are all things to consider, and choosing the customised option gives you the flexibility to make your yearbook extraordinary.
Our art department use the latest technology and Adobe Creative Suite to bring you a bespoke product which can be treasured and archived for many years to come. They work closely with our print team to ensure your yearbook is the epitome of print quality and finish.
An asset management system along with an easy to use file uploading process makes the job of supplying your files easy and convenient (refer to page 15).
In 2022 OBH spent more than 1,400 design hours on yearbooks
Since meeting OBH, we have completed projects like a prospectus, presentation folder, yearbooks and biannual magazines, to name a few. We have been thrilled with OBH’s prompt and thorough communication style – they have been very attentive, professional and passionate about each project and have consistently gone above and beyond to ensure we are happy with the quality of work and service. We are grateful for the team at OBH and look forward to more years of collaboration.
Stephanie Drummond | Communications and Marketing Specialist
managing & supplying files...
Remove the stress from collating your content.
Often the task of collating images and text for yearbooks can be a daunting and complicated one. Our team can take the stress out of this process by providing a system for organising and supplying your files.
Our checklist with six easy to follow steps make the project much more manageable.
Below is an example of the electronic filing system used.
Step 1 Collect all of the articles and photos required to be included in your yearbook.
Step 2 Make a list of the order in which you would like the articles to appear. We recommend using Microsoft Excel to create and manage this list. We will supply a sample spreadsheet.
Step 3 Create an electronic folder for each page of the yearbook, eg: Page 01, Page 02, etc.
Step 4 Within each folder place;
• Article text in a Word document
• Captions in a separate Word document (if required)
• Photos you want to include with the article
Step 5 Rename the photo files within each folder.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure that no two photos are named the same across any of your folders. This can occur when naming photos for separate articles that relate to the same subject. This prevents the duplication of photos.
Step 6 Please proof read and edit each article BEFORE sending it to us. This step is important as it reduces the time spent on alterations after the yearbook has been designed.
the right colour makes all the difference...
Ensuring your photos are the best quality they can be.
Photographs make a yearbook, however with a range of sources and cameras, including phones, the quality and consistency can vary significantly.
Meticulous attention to reproduction of images and colour correction is a vital process which ensures the highest resolution of images for print, consistency of corporate colours, and natural skin tones.
Before Colour Correction
When printed directly from a supplied photograph, uniforms generally require a level of colour correction to accurately represent the uniform’s true colour.
After Colour Correction
In the above example, red is removed from the uniforms to prevent them from printing purple.
Before Colour Correction
Yearbook photos come from a variety of cameras and as a result vary in quality and colour.
After Colour Correction
Often colour correction is required to improve skin tone and to remove red eye.
Basketballer Callum Iseppi (Yr 10) was awarded MVP for the Open SAAS (Sports Association for Adelaide Schools) competition, the first time the award has been presented.
Heading back outside, Darcy McRostie (Yr 10) and Joshua Sims (Yr 11) have been selected in the Under 17 State Cricket team that is competing in the National Championships being held in Mackay, Queensland, as this publication goes to press.
Mitchell Natt (Yr 11) was part of a cycling team that placed third in the U/19 team pursuit at the 2019 U/19 Elite Track Championships.
Several other Pembroke cyclists took part in The SA Schools Cycling Championships 2019 and all performed admirably. Mirella Willis (Yr 9) excelled at the event and finished the day in first place in the A Grade Girls division. Another commendable effort was that of Markus Chandler (Yr 10) who finished fourth in the A Grade Boys division.
Competing as a Junior in an Open competition, Ella Manning (Yr 7) recently won the Racing Victoria Mildura
Before After
Hero images that pop off the page: After
an immersive and tactile experience...
Creative design together with innovative finishes delivers the most outstanding results.
Whether your community needs 100 or 2000 yearbooks our strength is creating the right solution for your school with a range of paper options and binding choices, including;
• Coated stock (gloss or satin)
• Uncoated stock (matt or textured)
• Recycled stock
• Digital (short and long runs, personalised)
• Offset (large run)
Size and Orientation
Standard A4 – Portrait or landscape
• Unique sizes available
A considered approach to the design and printing of your yearbook from the beginning can make a significant difference to the result at the end. For example, you might have a special anniversary edition where the choice of gold or silver foil might be appropriate. Or, your cover artwork may be enhanced with features such as spot gloss UV varnish or embossing. In some instances the choice of paper stock and the thickness of it will also set your design apart.
Request a sample of what we’ve done for other schools, and design features which work really well. Our strength is creating the right solution for your school with a range of paper, printing, binding and embellishment options. These include;
• Metallic ink
• Metallic foil
Die cut shapes
• Spot gloss UV varnish
• Embossing
• Debossing
Scuff resistant matt laminate
You won’t receive cookie cutter printing options, because we understand that everyone’s needs are unique.
Whether your school requires 32 or 3,200 copies of your yearbook, we have the solution that fits you right. Having recently invested in our new Océ VarioPrint i-300 we can now produce incredible value across shorter print runs, while also having our renowned offset capability as required for larger print runs.
Offering a complete, end-to-end service including creative design, stylish templates if required, file supply management, project and production management schedules, colour correction, and great advice on paper stocks and full binding solutions - we are your trusted print partner.
Here at Openbook Howden, we are all about making it easy for you and doing it right.
It is as simple as picking up the phone or sending us an email. Allow us to understand your needs and we will tailor a solution that is perfect for you.
Don’t let the yearbook process tie you in knots. Let us make it easy for you.
For further information
Contact David Lock on 08 8124 0000 or davidl@openbookhowden.com.au openbookhowden.com.au
At Openbook Howden, school design and print isn’t a sideline, it is part of our
Through genuine and friendly consultation, we will link your vision with creative ideas, photography, copy writing and unique print specifications to showcase your school in a profound way.
Our skilled team will assist you with:
• Yearbooks
• Diaries
• Graphic design
• Logos & Branding refresh
• Prospectuses
• Brochures
• Magazines
• Newsletters
For further information
Contact David Lock on 08 8124 0000 or davidl@openbookhowden.com.au openbookhowden.com.au working
• History books
• Letterheads
• Business cards
• Certificates
• Variable data
• Colour correction
• E-publications
From start to finish for all of your print requirements.