Mr Angry and Mrs Calm Mia and the Mind Creatures
How to use this book Mia is a brave little girl. When Mr Angry comes out of the Mindlands to get her chocolate cake, she fights him off with the help of Mrs Calm. Teach your child how it feels to be angry, help them label the emotion, and develop their own strategies to calm down. STORY TIME Read the picture book together – and look out for the cat on most pages! Ask your little one some of the questions listed at the back of the book. There’s some background about characters and places on the next page. IN DAILY LIFE When your little one becomes overwhelmed by anger in everyday life, point out that Mr Angry is touching them, and encourage your child to fend him off. Praise your little one for successfully fending off Mr Angry and give them a hug, then ask how they felt, and how they could fend him off better next time.
Setting the scene Your little one will have questions about the characters and places. Here is the back story so you can answer their curiosity. Mind Creatures Each creature stands for an emotion or feeling. They have superpowers that link to how the emotion feels physically. Your little one needs to fend off the bad mind creatures and let in the good ones. By separating the child from the emotion, the child can develop a more objective relationship with their feelings, learn to identify and label them, and develop tactics for staying in control.
The Mindlands This is where the mind creatures come from. Just like real emotions, mind creatures don’t stick around for long unless you feed them. If your little one can hold out without acting out, then the feeling fades. The mind creatures will then plink back to the Mindlands where they no longer have power over your child. This is also the land of dreams where emotions are processed.
Mr Angry Our villain, Mr Angry, is red with fiery hair and a necklace of chilis. When he touches your little one, they get hot, scrunched up, and screamy. He is mildly scary to motivate your child to fight him and give them a sense of accomplishment when they beat him.
Mrs Calm Our ally, Mrs Calm, is cool and breezy. She is light blue with purple swirls and golden floating hair. When she blows on your little one, your little one cools down and Mr Angry’s fires go out. But your little one has to let her in by opening her hands, counting to 10 and taking 5 deep breaths. 3
Mr Angry was cross. He was fuming.
Mr Angry didn’t like it when he didn’t get his way.
Mr Angry is a mind creature from the Mindlands. 6
He is weak in our world without a person to control.
Mr Angry wanted to get into Mia. 8
Mia had stuff Mr Angry liked.
Like chocolate cake.
But Mama took it away. 10
Mr Angry wanted that chocolate cake. He would use Mia to get it. 11
Mr Angry reached out his pointy finger, and touched Mia on the arm.
First, he made her skin hot and red.
Then he made her scrunch up her hands and face.
Then he hid a scream inside her tummy.
Then he made it bigger and
bigger and bigger.
Until it exploded out of her.
“Mama will give us the
chocolate cake now,” thought Mr Angry.
But Mama called for Mrs Calm. 18
Mrs Calm is a mind creature, just like Mr Angry.
She can put out Mr Angry’s fire. 20
“Mrs Calm is really annoying,” thought Mr Angry. 21
“Open your hands
and let Mrs Calm in,� said Mama. 22
“Count to ten,” said Mama.
“Take three deep
breaths,” said Mama.
Mrs Calm blew cool air on Mia’s face.
Mia breathed in Mrs Calm with big breaths.
Plink! Mr Angry was pushed away.
Back into the Mindlands. 27
Then Mia’s inside voice spoke.
“Tell me why you are angry,” said Mama.
“Now that you are calm, I can help you.” “Here is your cake on a plate.”
Questions 1. Who is your favourite character? Why? 2. Have you ever felt like Mia when Mr Angry was around? 3. Did you like it when Mr Angry was around you? 4. Would you like to make friends with Mrs Calm? 5. Do you think Mrs Calm can help you? 6. What will you do when Mr Angry is around you next time?
Mia is a brave little girl. When Mr Angry comes out of the Mindlands to get her chocolate cake, she fights him off with the help of Mrs Calm. Teach your child how it feels to be angry, help them label the emotion, and develop their own strategies to calm down.
Others in the series About the author.
Mrs Snatchy & Mr Happy
Lorem ipsum and all that jazz. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. She’s a person who wrote a book. Gobledegook and
Mr Fear & Mrs Brave
Mrs Bored & Mr Fun