Beirut Birdscapes: On Travel Tales and Dwelling Places

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On travel tales and dwelling places: Beirut birdscapes

European Honey Buzzard (pernis apivorus)

A research and design project by Sarah Lily Yassine and Joumana Ibrahim lebanon is situated on the red sea /rift valley flyway, the second most important route for bird migration in the world, with over 1.5 million birds using this corridor yearly. in autumn, birds leave europe for africa to spend the winter season. in spring, they travel the reverse route, returning to their breeding grounds for long european summer days. some however, arrive to lebanon in the spring to breed - those are referred to as migrant breeders. winter visitors augment the resident bird population, temporarily sojourning in a variety of natural landscapes including the mountains, wetlands, and coastal or semi-arid microclimates. birds have adapted to beirut’s dense urban fabric, sheltering in the natural areas that remain but also in unusual derelict places.

PASSAGE MIGRANT Beirut River A common passage migrant over Lebanon, large flocks have been observed during the first half of September. Its spring passage peaks during the first weeks of May.

Common Whitethroat (sylvia communis) 1950m.

SUMMER BREEDER, PM - AUB A widespread migrant breeder, from late March to early August, residing in a variety of habitats including Beirut’s wooded gardens, orchards and olive groves.

White-spectacled Bulbul (pycnonotus xanthopygos)

Common Kingfisher (alcedo atthis)

RESIDENT - AUB - Horsh Beirut A breeding resident in most wooded habitats but also in gardens, orchards, ravines, river valleys and olive groves.


Blackcap (sylvia atricapilla) 1900m.

SUMMER BREEDER, PM, WV AUB - Horsh Beirut Frequent passage migrant breeder between March and mid July, at low and mid-altitudes in various habitats including the Palm Islands.

European Robin (erithacus rubecula) WINTER VISITOR, pm - AUB A scarce passage migrant from early March to April, it has been observed more frequently during winter, between late October and late February, from sea level to the Qammoua. It’s preferred habitats are woodland undergrowth, orchards, gardens and inhabited garrigue.



Western Black Redstart (phoenicurus ochruros)

Eurasian Hoopoe (upupa epops)

INTRODUCED Introduced in 1994 by the Hunting Association, it is nowadays rarely observed following a decision from the Ministry of the Environment, prohibiting the release of non-native species into the wild.

RESIDENT, sb, PM, wv - AUB A common breeding resident at the Qammouha, Fneideq and most cedar forests, the resident population is increased by migrants between late February and early May, and mid August and early November.

RESIDENT A common and widespread resident breeder in rocky and low vegetation habitats, its presence has significantly decreased in villages due to surface water poisoning to control foxes.

Superb Starling (lamprotornis superbus) EXOTIC An exotic African bird, it has been seen in a public garden near the Beirut airport. 45 % of exotic birds in Lebanon were recorded in the vicinity of the airport. They have probably escaped from the cargo section.

3000m. 2500m. 2000m. 1500m. 1000m. 500m. Sea level


RESIDENT, WV, pm - AUB - Horsh Beirut A breeding resident of the AUB campus and the Horsh Beirut, it inhabits cedars, pines and mixed groves as well as maquis, garrigues, orchards and tree ravines. During early November and early March, the resident population is increased by large number of migrants. It is appreciated for its song.


Northern Wheatear (oenanthe, oenanthe)

Yellow Wagtail (motacilla flava)

Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica)

SUMMER BREEDER, PM, wv Horsh Beirut A migrant breeder sharing habitats with the Horned Lark and the Rock Sparrow, it can be observed during its autumn migration from early August to late November.

PASSAGE MIGRANT AUB - Horsh Beirut A frequent passage migrant between early March and late May, and from late August to early November, it has been observed in different regions including the Beqaa valley and coastal areas such as the Palm Islands.

VAGRANT With only four recorded sightings, it was observed in the South in October 1967 and August 1968. Another individual was observed in woodlands north of Baabda in April 1984, and in September 2000 one Magpie was seen in poor flight over the Beirut-Tripoli highway - it had probably escaped from a cage.


Common Myna (acridotheres tristis)

Rock Dove (columba livia)

Graceful Prinia (prinia gracilis)

RESIDENT It has returned to semi-wild conditions, inhabiting the upper storeys of abandoned buildings during the Lebanese Civil war. It is the main prey of Peregrine Falcons, who winter every year at the top of an empty 25-storey tower in Beirut.

RESIDENT - AUB - Horsh Beirut A common breeding resident inhabiting gardens, orchards, and olive groves, it had not been observed in coastal area prior to the 1960’s.

Sea level

RESIDENT, WV, pm - AUB - Horsh Beirut Five colonies, presumably escapees, have been observed at Horsh Beirut, the AUB campus, Beirut Central District, the Museum area, and in Tripoli. These colonies are continuously increasing, and now count at least 110 individuals, nesting in tree cavities and behind air conditioning units on buildings facades.

Western White Stork (ciconia ciconia) 1000m.

PASSAGE MIGRANT - BEIRUT RIVER A common passage migrant, it flies over coastal plains during its spring passage and over the Beqaa Valley in autumn. Large flocks usually appear following periods of hot easterly winds.


RESIDENT, PM, WV, - AUB A common breeding resident, observed in garriques, maquis, and olive groves, as well as in pine and oak forests, orchards, gardens, and in the scrub and shrubs of hillsides and ravines.

RESIDENTS. R - r WINTER VISITOR. WV - wv PASSAGE MIGRANTS. PM - pm SUMMER BREEDERS. SB - sb VAGRANT. V -v FORMERLY BREAD. FB - fb EXOTIC. E - e INTRODUCED. I - i EXTINCT. e Lower case letters: species belonging to more than one category NOTE: Bird illustrations are not drawn to scale. The color code represents the category to which the bird belongs, it does not represent the bird’s true coloration.

A female eagle with rodent carcasses in her nest was observed in the early 1990s in the unfinished 40-story Burj El Murr building, which was never inhabited. When sitting in open spaces, ornithologists and bird watchers sit facing the season’s migratory path, especially in coastal areas. During the Lebanese war the coastal Hotel Normandy area gradually became an open landfill. Thousands of gulls and other bird species thrived at the brownfield site until it was decontaminated.

In Arabic ‘Asfour’ means bird and hence Asfouriyeh translates into ‘ place of the birds’. In 1890, during Ottoman times, a mental asylum was built; it was called Asfouriyeh in reference to the concentration of birds in the area. Abandoned since 1982, the asylum has become a wildlife sanctuary with birds taking over and finding refuge in its pine tress and now derelict infrastructure.

In ottoman times the Asfouri secret dialect was invented. It consisted of placing the letter ‘Z’ after each syllable. Today it is said that some barbers of old Beirut still use it.

Birds travel in two ways. Broad front migrants, usually small and medium sized, travel by active flight crossing large bodies of water. Larger “soaring” birds gain height from rising air currents and then glide down on spread wings, crossing enormous horizontal distances. They are not able to fly over large bodies of water, because thermals do not form over water, and therefore travel by substantial flocks along the Mediterranean coast.

In autumn, some young birds, instead of heading to their usual wintering grounds, take "incorrect" courses and pass through areas not on their usual migration path; they are referred to as vagrants. There are 17 globally threatened bird species that fly over Lebanon. Ammiq in the Beqaa is the largest remaining wetland in Lebanon, designated an Important Bird Area in the Middle East by Birdlife International in 1994 with at least 250 recorded bird species. Practices such as poisoning and capture; using a variety of trapping methods including glue sticks and light equipment; in addition to random and unsustainable hunting, are a major threat, especially to soaring migratory and globally threatened birds.

Officially declared a bird sanctuary on December 10th 2013, the AUB campus is a major stopover site for migrating birds. A mainland insular green ecosystem in Ras Beirut, its 73 acres overlooking the Mediterranean provides a mosaic of interlinked natural habitats for birds. At least 27 bird species have been observed within the AUB campus, about 30% of Beirut’s resident species. At least 27 bird species have been observed within the AUB campus, about 30% of Beirut’s resident species. 32 bird species have been identified at the Horsh Beirut, one of Beirut’s largest green spaces with about 330 000 square meters of pine trees, it is considered one of the rare places for bird watching in Beirut.

The upper Beirut River valley, extending over 20 kilometers, is considered a bottleneck for migratory birds with at least 33-recorded species. Once a biodiversity hub, it has been canalized in 1968 and has become an open sewer. A management plan to restore, rehabilitate and conserve the indigenous and migrating 105 birds species of the BCD was developed in 2003. It consisted of selecting appropriate vegetation for birds to shelter and installing nests to encourage breeding. The Pigeon Rock offshore arches together with the adjacent Minet Al Dalieh fisherman wharf are perhaps the last remaining natural feature in Beirut. With sandy beaches, natural caves and a high concentration of native flora, they constitute important habitats for birds also for endangered aquatic species.




passage migrants or winter visitors or both

summer breeders

public gardens & open spaces

There are

uncertain status

(originating from escapes or formerly bred but no longer recorded in Lebanon)



nature pockets

Remaining patches of urban agriculture

395 bird taxa recorded in Lebanon


cemeteries and religious green open spaces


university campuses


16.5% 2% breeding residents

PASSAGE MIGRANT, SB, WV - AUB Its breeding has been confirmed at high altitudes in Ehden and Tannourine. It has been observed during its passage and its winter stay from late August to late May over coastal areas and the Ammiq wetlands.


2.5% 3.3%


Common Chiffchaff (phylloscopus collybita)


PASSAGE MIGRANT, WV - AUB A regular passage migrant across the country from early March to mid April and even more frequent from mid September to late November, it is also a common winter visitor to the Ammiq wetland from December to late February.


BIRD CATEGORIES It is said that the etymology of the name Tahouita (an area North East of Beirut) refers to migrating birds. During the Stone Age, it is believed that Beirut was composed of two islands separated by a river delta at that exact location, where sea-crossing birds would pause to drink. Birds might have kept that memory.

PASSAGE MIGRANT, wv, sb - Beirut River A common passage migrant, it has been observed across Lebanon during its spring flyover from March to late May, but also during mid August to late October. Very few individuals were spotted during wintertime in the Beqaa area.

Bluethroat (luscinia svecica)

BIRD CATEGORIES Bird heads are said to have a soothing effect on teething babies. Some claim that cutting off the head and giving it to the baby for sucking helps relieve the pain.


Lesser Spotted Eagle (aquila pomarina)

Sardinian Warbler (sylvia melanocephala) 1600m.



RESIDENT - AUB - Horsh Beirut Formerly considered extinct, its breeding has been reconfirmed. It resides in the pine groves and the wooded gardens of the AUB campus and along the coast. It has also been observed in the northern cities of Tripoli and El Mina.


USJ parking

European Greenfinch (carduelis chloris)

Chukar Partridge (alectoris chukar) 2000m.

Sea level

RESIDENT, PM, sb, wv - AUB A common breeding resident of highland habitats, it prefers rocky slopes with sparse bushes, scattered trees, and the edges of cedar forests. During the winter, it resides at lower altitudes.


Rock Partridge (alectoris graeca)


Sea level


RESIDENT - AUB - Horsh Beirut A widespread breeding resident in residential urban areas but also around rubbish dumps.

Eurasian Collared Dove (streptopelia decaocto)

PASSAGE MIGRANT, wv A very scarce passage migrant in spring, it has been observed during early autumn, from mid September to mid November, in areas with scattered vegetation including agricultural fields and derelict, overgrown sites.

PASSAGE MIGRANT SB, wv - AUB, Horsh Beirut, Beirut River An abundant migrant breeder from late March to mid July, it is not common for it to breed during wintertime. It flies over Lebanon in abundance during mid February to mid June and early July to mid November. It has been observed in coastal areas including islands and high plateau, but it is believed to prefer areas close to sea level habitation.

RESIDENT, wv - AUB A common breeding resident, it is a rare winter visitor between early November and late January, especially in the southern coastal strip.

House Sparrow (passer domesticus)


Turkestan Shrike (lanius isabellinus phoenicuroides)

Palestine Sunbird (cinnyris osea)

RESIDENT - AUB - Horsh Beirut The resident population in Lebanon is believed to result from escapes. Several small colonies have been observed from the mid 1990s onwards, at the AUB campus and Horsh Beirut.


Barn Swallow (hirundo rustica)

PASSAGE MIGRANT Beirut River - Horsh Beirut A regular passage migrant, flocks of up to 1000 birds have been observed over coastal areas such as the Palm Island between early September and late November.


Rose-Ringed Parakeet (psittacula krameri)


VAGRANT There are two recorded observations; one was shot in Beirut on the 17th of November 1958 and one decomposed corpse was found in Bishmezzine in February 2006.

Great White Pelican (pelecanus onocrotalus)

Blue-cheeked Bee-eater (merops persicus) Sea level

PASSAGE MIGRANT, wv, s, - AUB Small numbers reside all year round on islands, estuaries, and coastal mudflats, and in the Beqaa. Numbers are augmented by migrants between early March and mid May, and between mid August and late November.



extinct The last colony of about 10 pairs was observed in 1945 close to Beirut.

Ruddy Shelduck (tadorna ferruginea)

Non-green cover


residential urban gardens

It is estimated that the Municipality of Beirut owns 4900 km2 of undeveloped residual land, which could increase Beirut’s green cover if used as public green open spaces.

G. R. Jaradi, T. Bara and M. R. Jaradi, ‘ Revised Checklist of the Birds of Lebanon 1999-2007’, Sandgrouse, vol 30, issue 1, 2008, pp. 22-69.

URBI and Francis Landscapes Ltd, ‘ Plan Vert et Paysager de la Ville de Beyrouth’, Région Île-de-France, Beirut Municipality, 2012.

G. R. Jaradi, and M. R. Jaradi, ‘ Introduced, Captive, Caged and Escapes Exotic and Native Bird Spcies in the Littoral Area of Lebanon’, Lebanese Science Journal, vol. 13, issue 2, June 2012, pp. 10-10.

G. R. Jaradi, interview with the authors, 12 January 2014. R Armanazi, interview with the authors, 10 January 2014. G. Tohmé interview with the author, 5 November 2013 J. Makhzoumi conversation with the author, 2010-2013 R. El Solh interview with the author, 10 February 2014 A merchant at Souk el Tayeb farmer’s market, 12 January 2014 Joelle Abi-Rached, 24 March 2014

Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon, ‘ Take Only Memories, Leave Nothing But Footprints’, in At the Edge of The City, edited by Fadi Shayya, Discursive Formations , Beirut, 2010, pp. 161- 166. G.R. Jaradi, ‘ Bird Restoration, Rehabilitation and Conservation in Beirut Central District, Management Plan 2003-2008’, The Lebanese Company for the Development & Reconstruction of Beirut Central District S.A.L, Solidere , 2003.

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