Markets March flyer email

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Aboriginal tours & workshops 9:30 till 4:30. Starting Sunday March 2 and runs 1st Sunday of every month for 2014

Black markets - Bare Island, La Perouse Visit stalls including Laddie Timbery whose family have been selling their artefacts on the Loop at La Perouse for 188 years. Laddie can burn you a boomerang or show you how to throw one. $2 entry fee onto Island for upkeep.

Shell workshop:

Enquiries: 0457 450 224 or

$120 per person for one day workshop including materials Make your own shellwork with celebrated La Perouse traditional shellworkers Marilyn Russell and Esme Timbery. Their work has won the NSW Parliament Indigenous Art Prize and more recently purchased by and exhibited at the Musuem of Contemporary Art, Sydney.

Spearhead Cultural Connections:

$120 per person for one day workshop incl materials. Father/son special $200 for 2 people Spear making is a traditional Aboriginal skill and important cultural activity linked to survival. Dean Kelly of Warada Kinship will share his knowledge and skills with workshop participants about the manufacturing and creation of this ancient tool/weapon. He will also explain where the spear came from and how it has evolved and continues to hold and set the direction for life’s journey and how its form can be used to continually set and achieve your intended goals.

Traditional Basket Weaving Workshop:

$120 per person for one day workshop including materials Join talented master weaver, Steven Russell of Jungah weavers from La Perouse but now living on the South Coast of NSW as he teaches you how to weave your own basket in the traditional style from traditional grasses. Stephen has been weaving for thirteen years as well as making Aboriginal tools, canoes, paintings and possum skin coats. Using a range of materials found locally along the east coast of NSW, he does contemporary and traditional weavings.

Catch N Cook cultural tour:

Catch N Cook kids tours

From 9.30 - 12.30 for $90 1/2 day 9.30 - 12.30 for $60 Full day 9.30 - 4pm for $90 Covers how Aboriginal culture is Includes bush-tucker tour, boomerang throwing and integrated into the natural environment fishing. Full day also includes making your own and Aboriginal history past and present. aboriginal artwork. Recommended for people over 10yrs. Recommended for people under 12yrs.

Djaadjawaan dance weave and seed bead workshop

All profits will go towards running a Back to the Bush program for Aboriginal youth at risk run by First Hand Solutions Aboriginal Corporation.

$120 per person for one day workshop including materials. Mother/daugher special $200 for 2 people Join Sharon Mason and learn how to weave the seed necklace and headdress of the Djaadjawaan dancers and learn their healing dance. To book any of the events visit the or

Aboriginal workshops and tours Sunday 1st December 2013. 10am to 4pm. All workshops are practically based but include stories and time for real conversations with Aboriginal people

Shell workshop: Maximum 12 participants at $150 per person for one day workshop, includes materials Local Aboriginal woman, Maxine Ryan, will make her iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge shellwork. Maxine comes from a long line of shell-workers, with her mother and her grandmother both making shellwork at La Perouse and whose work features at the National Gallery in Canberra and the newly launched Arnott exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art.

Spearhead Cultural Connections: Spear making is a traditional Aboriginal skill and important cultural activity linked to survival. Dean Kelly of Warada Kinship will share his knowledge and skills with workshop participants about the manufacturing and creation of this ancient tool/weapon. He will also explain where the spear came from and how it has evolved and continues to hold and set the direction for life’s journey and how its form can be used to continually set and achieve your intended goals

Fish weaving workshop: $150 per head maximum 15 people

Children’s day activities: 10am to 4pm - $90

Join storyteller and master craftswoman, Auntie Julie Freedman of Galamban to weave fish from traditional products including fish bones, grass and native nuts. Auntie Julie’s Indigenous Legends and Landscapes workshops: “share our country our culture, our way.”

Book your child into a day of activities so you can participate in a cultural workshop. Cost includes boomerang painting, fishing and cultural tour and a sausage sandwich and drink. Children under 8 must be accompanied by a paying adult.

Catch N Cook cultural tours: 10am to 2pm and 2pm to 4pm $80 an adult and $50 a child. Is a two hour cultural tour around La Perouse that covers the history of the aboriginal people of La Perouse past and present as well as boomerang throwing.

All profits will go towards running a Back to the Bush program for Aboriginal youth at risk run by First Hand Solutions Aboriginal Corporation.

The Business Case for Bare Hands Social Enterprise

Contact Sarah Martin or Peter Cooley

First Hand Solutions The rate of youth suicide in Indigenous Australia is now one of the highest in the world and an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander youth is 19 times more likely to be detained in a juvenile facility. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons comprise 2.4% of the Australian population, but makes up 22% of the Australian prisoner population.

(t/f ) 02 93454404 (m) 0408 113407 (e)

Why our start-up will succeed


Estimated Financial Return

Experience working with at risk Aboriginal youth

Enables up to 100 Aboriginal youth to participate in cultural education activities

Estimated return on investment of 6% by year 3

Director Peter Cooley has won numerous awards for youth programs

Supports the transfer of culture through the generations

Experience running and expanding Aboriginal tour business Catch N Cook. We have seen increased demand with school groups and inbound tour operators

Creating about 10 employment opportunities for the Aboriginal Community

Estimated return does not take into account potential grant funding from other sources

Teaches Aboriginal craftspeople practical business and marketing skills

Founders have former directorship experience

Promotes economic development and growth in the Aboriginal community

2 board members trained in social enterprise having attended the School of Social Entrepreneurs and 1 board member attending School of Social Impact

• •

Market research and personal experience running tours confirms there is demand for a hands on Aboriginal tourism experience No comparable competitor offering in Sydney Eastern Suburbs No comparable competitor offering in terms of service level or reliability based on our research

Will support up to 6 Aboriginal people to start up a business who in turn will employ Aboriginal people including youth

Cash flow projection CASH INFLOW

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Cultural art workshops




Beverage Sales










$134,790 $213,143


Food Sales Merchandise Sales

Our proposed services


Aboriginal cultural tours


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

a bush tucker café

Operating Costs





Total Employment Expenses




retail shop

Total Program Expenses




craft workshops

$149,676 $208,576



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