Design for Entrepreneurs
Kempsville High School Instructor: Ms. Sarah Smith Room Number: 307A School Web Address: Phone Number: 757-548-5450 Email: Twitter: @MsSmithEBA
COURSE GOALS & OUTCOMES This design thinking course will focus on design challenges with the goal of generating relevant designs, sketches, illustrations, models, and prototypes that benefit the common good. Students will explore the science of various materials, processes and equipment/machinery in order to design and fabricate viable products. Design thinking approaches will be used to leverage innovative scenarios from novel perspectives to frame new interdisciplinary relationships and design strategies. Design principles and applications will frame project-based exercises and involve members of the school community and local community leaders.
MATERIALS REQUIRED Students are required to be prepared for each class with the following● Personal and/or School Issued Device o Chromebooks are to be an integral component in the classroom. ● Schoology will used as an online platform. ● Small three ring binder ● Pencil/Pen ● There is no required Textbook for this course.
EVALUATION/GRADING Each nine-week grade will be determined by accumulating total points. Students will receive points by completing projects, assessments, classwork, group work, reflection, and homework. A numerical grade will be calculated by dividing the number of points you have accumulated by the total number of points possible and converting that value to a percentage. Letter grades are then determined by the VBCPS Grade Scale. ● Projects and Assessments will be ongoing throughout the course and will be completed individually, in groups, and/or as a class. ● Classwork and Group Work will be an important part of student success in this course. Students are expected to communicate and collaborate daily in class. ● Reflection is an integral part of the learning process and students are expected to document their learning to show progress throughout the course. Students will have choice in medium of reflection. ● Homework Neither teacher in this group gives homework per se. When a
student needs to catch up due to excused absence he/she will be given the missed assignment and will mark it as homework. There is no penalty for homework unless it is never turned in.
PROJECTS Several projects will be completed over the course of the year. Students will have ample time to complete these projects in class, however may require additional time at home. While I will make every effort to supply all materials it may be required of the student to purchase small items for the project. Projects will include Prototyping, 3-D Printing, Design Challenges, Coding and Programming, Reverse Engineering, and a final design challenge project that the student will create.
MAKE-UP WORK Student has one week to turn in an assignment or complete an assessment for one day of absenteeism. Student is given full 100% credit for make-up work. Additional time to make up work may be added at the discretion of the teacher. It is the students responsibility to obtain missed assignments. All assignments will be posted on Schoology.
LATE WORK Students are expected to complete all assignments on time. Grading will begin at 80% for work turned in late. Gradient to 10% off for each day after. Limit acceptance of late work to one week. See "Zero grades".
ZEROS Zero grades will be posted after all make-up work and homework times are exhausted. Work can be turned in upon the discretion of the teacher to extend to include posting a grade at the end of the quarter. Any work not turned in will receive a zero grade.
REASSESSMENT Reassessments will be done for the following: Student has accommodations requiring reassessment. Student requires an opportunity to pass an assessment
EXTRA CREDIT Extra credit will not be a consideration for any reason. All given assignments, projects, and testing must be completed within the time frames/due dates established.
ABSENCES Bring an absence note stating the reasons for the absence to the Attendance Office, preferably when the student returns to school, but no later than three days after returning to school.
LAB SAFETY All students are expected to follow and demonstrate lab safety. Students will be required to pass a safety exam with an 80% or better in order to participate with hazardous machinery or labs.
EXTRA HELP PROCEDURES Communication is key!! Please to me to discuss any issues with make-up or late work. I available for extra help during One Lunch - First Half - Every Friday. Additional time is available after school by appointment, the student is responsible for scheduling a date and time with the teacher for any extra help sessions.
Perhaps the most important benefit of TSA membership is the inspiration and enthusiasm that students gain from receiving recognition for applying their knowledge. Demonstrating skills in a forum beyond school walls motivates students, especially when there is a large, like-minded audience of peers who support them. Other benefits include: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Enhance technological literacy and leadership skills Work on complex activities from start to finish Compete on local, state and national levels Develop skills through TSA's leadership program, LEAP Meet and work with business and industry leaders Attend organized meetings Network with students and teachers with similar interests from all over the United States Contribute time and effort to a national service project Receive national membership services, including the online TSA newsletter, School Scene Receive recognition through TSA’s honor society, scholarships and achievement programs Have a voice in a national organization that is helping to shape the future of technology education
TSA dues are $15. Extra credit can be earned by participating in TSA (co-curricular) events. Points added at the end of the nine weeks will vary depending on the activities.
DECA DECA is a club for marketing students and is a very important part of our class. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in and support club activities. Being a DECA member allows students the opportunity to compete in district, state, and national competitions. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in school and city wide social and civic activities such as DECA Day, holiday projects and socials, homecoming, fundraisers, and field trips. DECA dues are $25 and can be offset by participating in fundraisers. Extra credit can be earned by participating in DECA (co-curricular) events. Points added at the end of the nine weeks will vary depending on the activities.
STUDENT CONDUCT 1. Be respectful… ▪ To yourself ▪ To your teacher ▪ To your peers 3. Be aware & participate during class. ▪ Know what is going on in class at all times ▪ Your questions and comments are welcomed and expected. Don’t be afraid to ask questions when appropriate.
2. Be prepared. ▪ Come to class on time ▪ Come with the necessary materials ▪ Attend to personal needs before coming to class 4. Do work that you can be proud of. ▪ Be proud of your work. Make sure that each piece of work that you do is your best. ▪ Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, but be sure to learn from your mistakes. ▪ Seek help when needed. ▪ Remember you represent the academy in all you do.
By signing below, I verify that I have read and understand the information in the course expectations for the Design for Entrepreneurs Course. Document can be view via student schoology or Student Name (Printed):__________________________________ Date: ________________ Student Signature: __________________________________________________ Parent Name (Printed): ______________________________________________ Parent Signature: ___________________________________________________ Best way to contact me: _____________________________________________