Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

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Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

Paleo Diet Secrets Can Eating Like A Caveman Actually Help You Lose Weight?

By Loren Cordain

By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

Contents Introduction .................................................................... 3 What is the Paleo Diet .................................................... 4 What are the Benefits of the Paleo Diet? ....................... 7 What Are the Dos and Don’ts of the Paleo Diet? ......... 11 The Paleo Diet Shopping List......................................... 15 The Paleo Diet Doesn't Have to Cost a Fortune! .......... 19 Conclusion ..................................................................... 23 Resources ...................................................................... 24

Copyright 2014 By reading this document, you assume all risks associated with using the advice given below, with a full understanding that you, solely, are responsible for anything that may occur as a result of putting this information into action in any way, and regardless of your interpretation of the advice.

By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

Introduction The Paleo diet is a way of eating that is based upon the principles of our ancestors. During this time people survived by means of hunting and gathering and thought of food only as a means of survival. Over the generations, food has stopped being simply a source of nutrition and has become a hobby, as well as a source of comfort. This had led to many health problems, diseases, and the obesity epidemic. This report will explain the details of the Paleo diet, how to follow the plan, the benefits of the plan, along with provide tips to make your experience successful.

By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

What is the Paleo Diet The Paleo diet, also referred to as the Paleolithic diet or the Caveman diet, is a very simple program that is centered on certain types of allowable foods. Foods that are allowed are those that were eaten by our ancient ancestors prior to the boom of agriculture. These items include meats, fish, eggs, vegetables, shellfish, roots, berries, fruits, nuts, mushrooms, and the like. Foods that would not be allowed are white potatoes, sugars, processed foods, dairy, beans, legumes, and grains. This diet is based on the eating habits of our ancestors who ate mostly foods that could either be hunted or gathered in their location. Once our ancestors began to wander a bit farther from home and became nomadic, various mixtures of foods were introduced, which are allowed on the Paleo diet. Certain types of oils are also allowed on this diet. These oils include those that are derived from tree nuts or By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

fruits such as avocado, olive, palm, almond, pecan, hazelnut, coconut, walnut, or macadamia. Processed or seed oils are not acceptable. Meats eaten should be wild game when possible, however grass fed meat can be substituted. It is necessary that the meat be grass fed because the omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are properly balanced. Bone marrow and organ meats are also allowed, however no processed meats should be eaten. A wide variety of food combinations can be made from the allowed list, and is encouraged. Hunters tended to kill whatever they could find for a source of meat, while foragers often reported more than three hundred different types of edible plants. Most of these plants are leafy greens, however there were also several different spices and herbs. While herbs and spices can be used on the Paleo diet, salt cannot be added. Our ancestors did not have salt, and once you remove it from your daily life you will find

By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

that you no longer enjoy the taste of it. The same can be said for sugary foods. The only drink that is authentic to the Paleo diet is water. It is recommended that people drink only when thirsty and spring water is preferred to that which may be treated with chemicals such as fluoride or chlorine. The foods that should be eaten on this diet are very dense in nutrients. Therefore, supplements with vitamins and minerals should not be needed, and they are not considered authentic to the plan. That being said, there is one exception to this rule. Vitamin D may need to be supplemented for those who are not outside on a regular basis, or those who do not eat liver regularly. For those who do not eat fish or cannot eat fish, fish oil supplements may also be needed for adequate amounts of omega 3 fatty acids. Just as water should only be consumed when thirsty, food should only be eaten when the dieter is hungry. This means there are no set meal times, and there should be no mindless snacking. Our ancestors hunted By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

and gathered food in anticipation of being hungry or in response to being hungry, not simply for the pleasure of eating.

What are the Benefits of the Paleo Diet? The Paleo diet offers a wide variety of health benefits, and is considered to be one of the best eating plans in the world. Unlike other types of diets where most people begin them with the sole goal of losing weight, this diet is a lifestyle change that actually imitates the body’s perfect gene expression, thus making it a way of eating that truly improves every type of function. Because there are so many unique benefits to the Paleo diet, it is nearly impossible to name them all. That being said below is a list of some of the most commonly experienced benefits of the diet. Weight loss without a great deal of effort;

By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

Clearer skin that is free of acne; Higher testosterone levels for men; Higher estrogen levels for women; Overall better health and well being; A noticeable amount more energy; Healthier muscle growth and greater muscle gain; Skin that is softer and more evenly toned; Better joint health with the ability to heal joint injuries quickly; More efficient digestion; A reduction in the amount of muscle aches and/or back pain experienced; Children that are generally healthier; A greater sex drive; An increase in fertility; By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

A better scent with less body odor; A higher amount of stamina; A reduction in the amount of sleep that is needed; A more regular and less painful menstrual cycle; Greater bone strength; Healthier hair with less hair loss and thicker hair growth; A more regulated sleep pattern; A reduction or elimination of cravings for foods that are sugary; Greater flexibility; Greater physical endurance; Lower levels of the stress hormone known as cortisol due to lower overall stress; More regulated hormone levels;

By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

The ability to heal tooth decay; More regular and more frequent bowel movements; Better control or remission of conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Irritable Bowel Disease, Celiac Disease, high blood pressure, Ulcerative Colitis, type two diabetes, and atherosclerosis; Fewer or no more allergies to triggers in the environment; The ability to finally obtain those coveted six back abs. This list is just a sampling of the benefits that have been reported after starting the Paleo diet. Since every person is different, you may find that your experience is different from others, and you may find that you experience a completely new set of benefits. What cannot be disputed is there are most definitely a wide range of positive changes that will be felt once the diet has begun. With time you will find you are in the best shape of your life, and you will wonder how you ever lived before. The amount of energy, the stamina, the By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

improvement in overall body function, and the efficiency in which your body is now operating will make a world of difference in your life. The Paleo diet is quite simple to begin, only requires minor lifestyle changes that will not disrupt your daily routine, yet the benefits are undeniable. Try it for yourself to find out how much better you can feel.

What Are the Dos and Don’ts of the Paleo Diet? As with any other type of diet, the Paleo diet does have guidelines that should be followed in order for it to be truly effective. To make these guidelines as simple as follow, they are classified as “rules”. Here are the fifteen most followed rules: 1. The Paleo diet should contain moderate amounts of animal protein, low amounts of carbohydrates, and it should be high in fat.

By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

Portion control and counting calories is not needed or recommended. 2. Saturated fats such as coconut oil can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Duck fat, beef tallow, and lard can also be eaten, but only if they come from grass fed animals. Olive, macadamia, and avocado oil are also good to use as fats. 3. Animal protein can be eaten in healthy portion sizes. These include organ meats, wild game, red meat, eggs, pork, poultry, and fish. Cooking with the bones in place makes the meat more tender, juicy, and tasty, and can also make great tasting stock. 4. Eat plenty of vegetables either raw or cooked with some type of fat. A starch such as a sweet potato can provide non-toxic carbohydrates that provide clean energy. 5. Fruits and nuts should be eaten in low to moderate amounts. Low sugar fruits such as berries, and nuts that contain omega 3 fatty By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

acids are best. Eliminate fruits and nuts completely if you are trying to lose weight. 6. Choose meat that is grass fed from local farms in your area. If you choose lean cuts of meat, add fats when cooking. 7. Do not eat legumes, or grains. This means eliminating oats, corn, rice, soy, barley, beans, rye, peanuts, and wheat. 8. Do not use any vegetable, partially or fully hydrogenated oils such as canola oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, margarine, corn oil, sunflower oil, or safflower oil. 9. Do not eat sugary foods such as processed foods, prepackaged foods, fruit juices, soft drinks, or sugar. 10. Do not eat dairy products, except for regular butter if you cannot do without. 11. Eat only when you are hungry, and do not worry if you find you are skipping meals. There is no need to eat three defined meals each day.

By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

12. Try to reduce or eliminate as much stress in your life as you possibly can, and sleep when you feel the need to do so. Try going to bed when it becomes dark, and wakeup when it is light, without using an alarm clock. 13. Keep exercise to a normal level, with short and intense routines just two to three times each week. If you feel tired, do not work out. Think of exercise sessions as short sprints that are intense right off the bat, without the need for in depth cardio. 14. Instead of commercial supplements or multivitamins, take just a vitamin D supplement and probiotics. Iodine may also need to be supplemented, however this can be done naturally through foods such as seaweed. 15. Take some time to enjoy life! Get outside, play some games, travel, discover nature, and just relax.

By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

The Paleo Diet Shopping List It is not uncommon for the act of eating to become a habit in today’s society. When you are bored you turn to food, when you are lonely you turn to food, when you are depressed or anxious you turn to food. This causes eating to have nothing to do with hunger, but simply a means to fill a space. While some people think the Paleo diet is quite restrictive and does not allow for a large enough assortment of food to keep people interested, the opposite is actually true. When you change the way you think about eating, eat solely for the purpose of quashing hunger, and experiment with different food combinations, the experience can be more than satisfying. As with any diet, it is important to stay away from the same foods day after day. While chicken, beef, or pork are quite good, and good for you, if you never vary from this routine, you will lose interest and give up on the By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

diet. For this reason, below is a list of some of the most popular foods that can be eaten on the Paleo diet. These foods are easily found in most food markets in most areas, and they provide plenty of room for variation. Meats: Grass fed beef, lamb, sheep, goat, veal, pork, rabbit, boar, and horse. Poultry: Chicken, duck, quail, goose, and turkey. Game Meats: Elk, deer, rabbit, duck, wild turkey, bear, reindeer, moose, pheasant, and woodcock. Fish and Shellfish: Cod, tuna, mackerel, haddock, tilapia, herring, salmon, walleye, trout, anchovy, bass, grouper, sole, halibut, turbot, mussels, shrimp, crab, oysters, lobster, scallops, and clams. Eggs: Chicken eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, and duck eggs. Fats: Fatty fishes such as sardines, salmon, and mackerel; lard; duck fat; avocado oil; olive oil; tallow; By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

lamb fat; veal fat; coconut milk; nut butters; butter; nut oils; coconut flesh; and avocado. Green Leafy Vegetables: Spinach, chicory, swiss chard, lettuce, kale, radicchio, seaweeds, arugula, collard greens, beet tops, watercress, endive, dandelion, bok choy, mustard greens, rapini, and turnip greens. Vegetables: Peppers, leeks, asparagus, celery, cauliflower, tomatoes, onions, cucumber, artichokes, avocados, broccoli, cabbage, kohlrabi, eggplant, green onions, okra, and Brussels sprouts. Squash: Zucchini, yellow squash, acorn squash, butternut squash, buttercup squash, spaghetti squash, and pumpkin. Root Vegetables: Radishes, parsnips, carrots, turnips, sweet potatoes, yams, Jerusalem artichokes, beets, rutabaga, and cassava. Fruits: Apples, pineapple, berries (blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries), oranges, bananas, grapefruit, figs, mango, kiwi, coconut, lychee, By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

pears, dates, peaches, apricots, nectarines, watermelon, cherries, plums, papaya, cantaloupe, lemons, limes, persimmon, pomegranates, grapes, passion fruit, tangerine, and honeydew melons. Mushrooms: Crimini, button mushrooms, shiitake, porcini, portabella, oyster mushrooms, morel, and chanterelle. Seeds and Nuts: Sunflower seeds, almonds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, pecans, hazelnuts, chestnuts, pine nuts, macadamia nuts, and cashews. Herbs: Parsley, oregano, mint, rosemary, basil, thyme, chives, bay leaves, coriander, lavender, tarragon, sage, chives, and dill. Spices and Natural Flavorings: Chilies, garlic, black pepper, paprika, fennel seeds, hot peppers, ginger, onions, mustard seeds, cumin, cinnamon, vanilla, cayenne pepper, star anise, and cloves.

By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

The Paleo Diet Doesn't Have to Cost a Fortune! Many people who want to begin a new diet worry a great deal about the cost. Of course you want to eat healthier and be healthier, but you also do not want to break the bank. The Paleo diet does not have to cost a fortune to be followed correctly. Here are some tips to help you enjoy the benefits of the Paleo diet while sticking to your budget. Stock Up: Buy your food items in bulk, especially when they are on sale. Meat can be purchased in large family packs, divided, and easily frozen. Vegetables can also be frozen, and items like olive oil keep for a long period of time when stored properly. Choose Meat on the Bone: Not only are these cuts much cheaper than boneless varieties, they also provide a great deal more flavor, and tend to have a bit more fat.

By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

Buy Organ Meats: Organ meats such as liver, heart, and kidneys are very inexpensive and provide an astonishing amount of nutrition. This is one staple that should be found in every Paleo dieter’s kitchen. Purchase Canned or Whole Fish: Try to always avoid buying farmed fish. Instead, purchase canned fish such as canned wild salmon, sardines, or tuna. These items go on sale quite often, so stock up when you see a good deal. Another helpful tip is to buy whole fish from your local fish market. When you purchase a whole fish it is generally less expensive because you are not paying someone else to fillet, debone, and skin it. Doing this yourself may take a bit of practice, but once you get the hang of it, you will find it is a very cost effective way to stock the freezer. Shop Local Farmer’s Markets: It is always a good idea to buy fresh, local produce from your area. Not only is this food healthier for you, it is generally cheaper because it does not have to be trucked a great distance to reach its destination. By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

Purchase Frozen Vegetables and Fruits: Frozen produce is always handy to have on hand, and it is on sale a great deal. Since frozen vegetables and fruits are usually rapid frozen right after they are picked, you know the food will be nutritious because it is ripe. Grow Your Own Produce: Keeping a small garden is easy to do, costs very little, and can yield a bumper crop of nutrition. You will also gain the benefit of getting outside, communing with nature, knowing exactly where your food comes from and how it was handled, and getting some exercise. Make Dressings Yourself: This is quite easy to do, and you can save a ton of money by not buying bottled dressings. You will also be able to control exactly what goes into them for optimal health. All you need is some good oil, such as olive oil, lemon juice or vinegar, and your favorite herbs and spices. Fishing and Hunting: Two activities that have been done for centuries are still some of the best ways to stock a freezer. When you catch or kill your own food By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

you know for sure where it came from, how it was processed, and that it was organic. You will also benefit from spending time outside and getting a good deal of exercise to bring home dinner.

By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know

Conclusion This concludes our Paleo diet report. By now you should have a clear image of exactly how this plan works, how it is derived, and how you can become a healthier person by following it. While every diet takes some time to get used to, with time you will find this diet is not difficult to adapt to or stick with. The transformation you will experience will be like no other, and you will wonder why you did not try this plan long ago.

By Loren Cordain


Paleo Diet Secrets – What You Need To Know


Paleo Cookbooks

By Loren Cordain


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